
uchi (1)inside/within/ (2)while/ (3)among/amongst/between/(pn,adj-no) (4)we (referring to one's in-group, i.e. company, etc.)/our/ (5)my spouse/(n) (6)(arch) imperial palace grounds/ (7)(arch) emperor/( adj, jlpt4, leda1
inside, within, between, among, house, home
Readings: nai, dai, uchi, ito, tada, c...
Main radical: 冂 (13) Strokes: 4 picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)

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愛好する aikousuru milovatleda1
真心 magokoro upřímnostemo, leda1
変わる kawaru změnit (se), být změněngodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans, vtrans
一休み hitoyasumi krátký odpočinekleda1
お国自慢 okunijiman národní hrdostleda1
朝立ち asadachi ranní erekcehito
不毛の fumouno pustý, vyprahlýleda1
女心 onnagokoro ženská psychikaemo, leda1
用心 youjin péče, opatrnostleda1
歩き回る arukimawaru obcházetgodan, leda1, verb
お日様 ohisama sluníčko (dětská řeč)mix
祝日 shukujitsu státní svátek, den volnamix
日常 nichijou každodenní, obyčejný, obvyklýmix
本心 honshin vědomí, skutečný záměrleda1
女々しい memeshii zženštilý, změkčilýmix
手術 shujutsu operacebyouki, jlpt3, leda1
目付き metsuki pohledleda1
女房 nyoubou manželka (má paní)kazoku
長男 chounan nejstarší synkazoku
様子 yousu podmínky, situace, stav věcímix
下水 gesui kanál, kanalizaceleda1
地下 chika podzemí, podzemní částjlpt3, leda1
下級 kakyuu nízký stupeň, nižší stupeňleda1
選手 senshu sportovec, hráč, reprezentantleda1, sport
上下 jouge nahoře a doleleda1
川上 kawakami horní tok řekyleda1, shizen
上人 shounin buddhistický svatýkami, leda1
上歯 uwaba horní zubyhito, leda1
地上 chijou zemský povrch, nad zemíleda1, shizen
上級 joukyuu pokročilý stupeňleda1
ku městská část (v adresách)leda1
上等 joutou prvotřídníleda1
目の当たり manoatari na vlastní oči, tváří v tvářleda1
日本中 nihonjuu po (celém) Japonskuleda1, ryokou
真中 mannaka uprostřed, prostředekleda1
日中 nicchuu den, během dneleda1, toki
中央 chuuou středleda1
中身のない nakaminonai bezobsažnýadj, leda1
右側 migigawa pravá stranaleda1
右手 migite pravá rukahito, leda1
右回り migimawari otáčející se dopravaleda1
右岸 ugan pravý břehleda1, shizen
右折 usetsu odbočení dopravaleda1
左側 hidarigawa levá stranaleda1
左向き hidarimuki obrácený (směřující) dolevaleda1
左折 sasetsu odbočení dolevaleda1
右左 migihidari vpravo a vlevoleda1
左右 sayuu nalevo i napravoleda1
月日 tsukihi čas, měsíce a dnyleda1, toki
月夜 tsukiyo měsíčná nocleda1
月見 tsukimi obdivování měsíceleda1
月光 gekkou měsíční zářeleda1
花火 hanabi ohňostrojleda1
消火 shouka uhašení ohněleda1
心細い kokorobosoi bezmocný, nešťastnýemo, leda1
火屋 hoya stínidlo lampyleda1
国土 kokudo státní územíleda1
土地 tochi pozemek, země, půdaleda1, shizen
金物 kanamono kovkagaku, leda1
金づち kanaduchi kladivoleda1
金色 kin'iro zlatá barvairo, leda1
金貨 kinka zlatá minceleda1
窓口 madoguchi okénko, přepážkaleda1
口調 kuchou tón promluvyleda1
入り口 iriguchi vchod, vjezdleda1
心配 shinpai starostleda1
火口 higuchi hořákleda1
火口 kakou kráterleda1, shizen
目蓋 mabuta oční víčkohito, leda1
目的 mokuteki cíl, záměr, úmysljlpt3, jlpt3, leda1
目次 mokuji obsah (knihy)leda1
面目 menboku prestižleda1
耳元 mimimoto za uchem, u uchahito, leda1
耳たぶ mimitabu ušní lalůčekhito, leda1
初耳 hatsumimi novinka, nová zprávaleda1
耳鼻科 jibika ušní a nosní odděleníbyouki, leda1
中耳炎 chuujien zánět středního uchabyouki, leda1
下手 shimote spodní část, dolní částleda1
手足 teashi ruce a nohyhito, leda1
急ぎ足 isogiashi rychlá chůzeleda1
上手 uwate lepší, schopnější jedinecleda1
上手 kamite horní část, horní tokleda1
左手 hidarite levá rukahito, leda1
手摺り tesuri zábradlíleda1
手綱 taduna opratěleda1
握手 akushu podání rukyjlpt3, leda1
土足の dosokuno obutýfuku, leda1
遠足 ensoku výletleda1, ryokou
町中 machinaka centrální část městaleda1
町角 machikado nárožíleda1
町長 chouchou starosta (města)leda1, shigoto
町民 choumin obyvatelé městaleda1
町立の chouritsuno městský, patřící městuleda1
城下町 joukamachi podhradíleda1
お寺周り oteramawari okolí chrámukami, leda1
山寺 yamadera horský chrámkami, leda1
寺院 jiin buddhistický chrám, klášterkami, leda1
古寺 koji starý chrám, starodávný chrámkami, leda1
東大寺 toudaiji chrám Tódaidži (v Naře)leda1, namae
清水寺 kiyomizudera chrám Kijomizu (v Kjótu)leda1, namae
小指 koyubi malíčekhito, leda1
大男 oootoko velký muž, obrhito, leda1
大声で oogoede hlasitě, nahlasleda1
大成功 daiseikou velký úspěchleda1
大将 taishou vůdce, generálleda1, sensou
丸太 maruta kláda, kmenleda1
太古 taiko starověk, pravěkleda1, toki
犬小屋 inugoya psí boudaleda1
警察犬 keisatsuken policejní pesdoubutsu, leda1
今時 imadoki dnešní doba, současnost, touto dobouleda1, toki
今風 imafuu dnešní styl, současný stylleda1
今後 kongo poté, následně, nadáleleda1
今日 konnichi dnešní den, v dnešní doběleda1, toki
aza část vesniceleda1
文字 moji písmo, písmenoleda1
名字 myouji příjmeníleda1
習字 shuuji rukopis, psaní, kaligrafieleda1
文集 bunshuu sborník, antologieleda1
文通 buntsuu korespondenceleda1
文通する buntsuusuru dopisovat sileda1, suru, verb
文句 monku stížnost, reptáníjlpt3, leda1
恋文 koibumi milostný dopisai, leda1
題名 daimei název, tituljlpt3, leda1
有名(な) yuumei(na) známý, slavnýadj, leda1
名物 meibutsu známý produkt, místní specialitaleda1
名作 meisaku mistrovská práce, vrcholné díloleda1
絹糸 kinuito hedvábná nitleda1
糸車 itoguruma kolovrátekleda1
釣り糸 tsuriito rybářský vlasecleda1
製糸工場 seishikoujou továrna na hedvábné nitěleda1
貝殻 kaigara lasturadoubutsu, leda1
帆立貝 hotategai hřebenatkadoubutsu, leda1
貝柱 kaibashira maso ze škebleleda1, ryouri
貝塚 kaiduka mušlová hromadaleda1
早目に hayameni brzyleda1, toki
早口 hayakuchi rychlá řečleda1
早口言葉 hayakuchikotoba jazykolamleda1
早朝 souchou časné ránoleda1, toki
早速 sassoku ihned, okamžitěleda1, toki
赤信号 akashingou červená na semaforuleda1
赤飯 sekihan sekihan (vařená rýže s červenými fazolemi)leda1
真っ赤 makka sytě červený, karmínovýiro, leda1
赤銅色 shakudouiro bronzová barvairo, leda1
赤十字 sekijuuji Červený křížleda1
白熊 shirokuma lední medvěddoubutsu, leda1
白波 shiranami zpěněné vlny, bílé vlnyleda1
白鳥 hakuchou labuťdoubutsu, leda1
白衣 hakui bílé roucho, bílý plášťfuku, leda1
白夜 byakuya bílé (polární) nocileda1, shizen
青い月 aoitsuki bledý měsícleda1, shizen
青空 aozora modrá oblohaleda1, shizen
青虫 aomushi zelená housenkadoubutsu, leda1
青白い aojiroi modrobílý, zelenobílý, bledýiro, leda1
青葉 aoba svěží zelené listíleda1, shizen
青年 seinen mladík, chlapechito, leda1
青春 seishun mládí, mladostleda1
緑青 rokushou patina, měděnkakagaku, leda1
正に masani přesně, právěleda1
正座 seiza sezení na patách, seizaleda1
正面 shoumen průčelíleda1
円形 enkei kruh, kololeda1, math
円形の enkeino kruhovýadj, leda1
半円 han'en půlkruhleda1, math
千円札 sen'ensatsu tisícijenová bankovkaleda1
大枚 taimai velký finanční obnosleda1
一生 isshou celý životjlpt3, leda1
一回 ikkai jednouleda1
二学期 nigakki druhý semestrgakkou, leda1, toki
三角 sankaku trojúhelníkleda1, math
四角 shikaku čtverecleda1, math
七色の nanairono sedmibarevnýadj, iro, leda1
七五三 shichigosan Šičigosan (svátek tří-, pěti- a sedmiletých dětí)leda1, namae
七夕 tanabata svátek Tanabataleda1, namae
九九 kuku násobilkaleda1, math
匹敵する hittekisuru vyrovnat se (něčemu, někomu)leda1, verb
百足 mukade stonožkadoubutsu, leda1
百舌 mozu ťuhýkdoubutsu, leda1
千羽鶴 senbaduru Tisíc jeřábů (název lit. díla)leda1, namae
千代紙 chiyogami čijogami, ozdobný japonský papírleda1
万事 banji všechnoleda1
万病 manbyou všechny nemocibyouki, leda1
台地 daichi náhorní plošina, rovinaleda1, shizen
舞台 butai pódiumjlpt3, leda1
踏み台 fumidai schůdky, štafleleda1
台本 daihon scénářleda1
土台 dodai základ, základnaleda1
台数学 daisuugaku algebraleda1, math
冊子 sasshi brožuraleda1
別冊 bessatsu zvláštní číslo, zvláštní vydáníleda1
分冊 bunsatsu jeden svazek (z více svazků), jeden díl leda1
半ば nakaba polovina, středleda1
後半 kouhan druhá polovinajlpt3, leda1
折半 seppan rozdělení na polovinyleda1
上半期 kamihanki první pololetíleda1
下半期 shimohanki druhé pololetíleda1, toki
下半身 kahanshin dolní polovinaleda1
身分 mibun společenské postavení, statusleda1
ういいい~ uiii~ uiii~mix
親分 oyabun nadřízený, vůdceleda1
水分 suibun vláha, tekutina, vlhkost, šťávaleda1
塩分 enbun obsah solikagaku, leda1
食事時 shokujidoki v době jídlaleda1, ryouri, toki
ji hodinaleda1, toki
toki čas, obdobíleda1, toki
時刻 jikoku přesný čas, okamžikleda1, toki
同時 douji současně, ve stejnou dobujlpt3, leda1, toki
当時 touji v té době, ona doba, tenkrátleda1
時報 jihou časové znameníleda1
短刀 tantou krátký meč (do 30cm), dýkaleda1, sensou
彫刻刀 choukokutou rytecké dlátoleda1
彫刻 choukoku sochamix
名刀 meitou slavný meč, výtečný mečleda1, sensou
幾何学 kikagaku geometrieleda1, math
新年 shinnen nový rokleda1, toki
年下の toshishitano mladšíleda1
年上の toshiueno staršíleda1
子午前 shigozen poledníkleda1
発見 hakken objevjlpt3, leda1
後方の kouhouno zadníleda1
後ろ姿 ushirosugata postava zezadu, pohled zezaduleda1
食後 shokugo po jídleleda1, ryouri
後片付け atokataduke úklid (po večírku apod.)leda1
後金 atokin doplatek, zůstatekleda1
後書き atogaki doslovleda1
前向きの maemukino směřující dopředu, pozitivníleda1
前進 zenshin pokrokleda1
食前 shokuzen před jídlemleda1, ryouri
お前 omae tyleda1
前金 maekin zálohaleda1
前書き maegaki předmluvaleda1
前方 zenpou vpředuleda1
休日 kyuujitsu volno, volný denleda1, toki
長生き nagaiki dlouhý životleda1
生卵 namatamago syrové vejceleda1, ryouri
生真面目 kimajime velice vážnýleda1
生命 seimei život, existenceleda1
木立 kodachi les, háj, skupinka stromůleda1, shizen
立場 tachiba stanovisko, hledisko, situaceleda1
起立する kiritsusuru postavit se, zvednout seleda1, suru, verb
建立する konryuusuru vystavět, založit (chrám...)kami, leda1, suru, verb
国立の kokuritsuno státníleda1
見本 mihon vzorekleda1
出場 shutsujou vystoupení, účinkování, účastjlpt3, leda1
出納 suitou příjmy a výdajeleda1
立ち入る tachiiru vstupovat, vměšovat segodan, leda1, verb, vintrans
記入 kinyuu zápis, záznamleda1
記入する kinyuusuru zapsat (se), zaznamenatleda1, suru, verb
収入 shuunyuu příjmyleda1, shigoto
出会い deai setkáníleda1
運動会 undoukai sportovní mítink, sportovní akademieleda1, sport
大会 taikai turnaj, sjezd, velká schůze, valné shromážděníleda1
会釈 eshaku úklona (pozdrav), vstřícné gestoleda1
休まる yasumaru odpočinout sileda1, verb, vintrans
休める yasumeru moci si odpočinout, nechat odpočinout, uklidnitichidan, leda1, verb, vtrans
行い okonai čin, chováníleda1
行く手 yukute vlastní cesta (volná, s překážkami)leda1
行進 koushin pochod, průvodleda1
行動 koudou chování, jednáníleda1
行事 gyouji událost, obyčej, akceleda1
実行 jikkou praxe, provedeníjlpt3, leda1
実行する jikkousuru vykonat, provéstleda1, suru, verb
行列 gyouretsu průvod, procesí, řadaleda1
行数 gyousuu počet řad, řádkůleda1
一行目 ichigyoume první řada, první řádkaleda1
風車 fuusha větrný mlýnleda1
来たる kitaru příští, nadcházejícíleda1
来たす kitasu zapříčinit, přivodit (újmu)godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
来客 raikyaku host, návštěva, společnostleda1
来場 raijou přítomnost (někde)leda1
行き来 ikiki odchod a příchod, udržování kontaktůleda1
本来 honrai původní, originálníleda1
未来 mirai budoucnost, budoucí časleda1, toki
以来 irai od (určité doby)leda1, toki
発言 hatsugen výrok, prohlášení, projevleda1
独り言 hitorigoto monolog, samomluvaleda1
伝言 dengon vzkaz, sděleníjlpt3, leda1
学ぶ manabu učit segakkou, godan, leda1, verb
学習 gakushuu studium, učení segakkou, leda1
学級 gakkyuu třída, ročníkgakkou, leda1
歯車 haguruma ozubené kololeda1
休校 kyuukou školní volnogakkou, leda1
校門 koumon školní brána, vchod do školygakkou, leda1
校歌 kouka školní hymnagakkou, leda1
校長先生 kouchousensei ředitel školyleda1, shigoto
転校する tenkousuru přejít do jiné školy, změnit školugakkou, leda1, suru, verb
saki hrot, špička, budoucnostleda1
先(の) saki(no) přední, dřívější, nedávnýleda1
先(に) saki(ni) předem, napředleda1
店先 misesaki přední část obchodu, prostor u pokladnyleda1
晴天の霹靂 seitennohekireki blesk z čistého nebeleda1
足音 ashioto kroky, zvuk krokůleda1
音色 neiro barva tónuleda1, ongaku
ten nebe, oblohaleda1, shizen
湯気 yuge párakagaku, leda1
天国 tengoku rájkami, leda1
本気(の) honki(no) vážně míněnýleda1
moto původ, zdroj, počátekleda1
元旦 gantan Nový rokleda1
天ぷら tenpura tenpuraleda1, namae, ryouri
根元 nemoto základ, kořenyleda1
火の元 hinomoto ohnisko požáruleda1
元通り motodoori tak, jak to bylo původněleda1
空ける akeru vyprázdnit (láhev)ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
夜空 yozora noční oblohaleda1, shizen
大空 oozora nebesakami, leda1
空っぽ karappo prázdnýleda1
空き缶 akikan prázdná plechovkaleda1
空振り karaburi šlápnutí vedle, šlápnutí do prázdnaleda1
使い古す tsukaifurusu opotřebovat (nošením)godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
古本屋 furuhon'ya antikvariátleda1
古新聞 furushinbun staré novinyleda1
古雑誌 furuzasshi staré časopisyleda1
中古車 chuukosha ojeté auto, auto z druhé rukyleda1
古手 furute veteránleda1
広まる hiromaru šířit se, rozšířit segodan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
広める hiromeru šířit (něco), rozšiřovat (něco)ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
広がる hirogaru šířit se, rozprostírat segodan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
広げる hirogeru rozprostřít (látku), roztáhnout (křídla, ruce), rozšířit (území)ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
広大(な) koudai(na) rozlehlý, nekonečnýadj, leda1
広告 koukoku inzerát, vývěska, oznámeníjlpt3, leda1
工作 kousaku výstavba, stavební práceleda1
工作する kousakusuru stavět, budovatleda1, suru, verb
工事 kouji stavba, přestavba, údržba (silnic), výstavba, stavební práceleda1
国王 kokuou král, monarchaleda1
女王 joou královnaleda1
シャボン玉 shabondama mýdlová bublinaleda1
水玉 mizutama kapka vodyleda1
水玉模様 mizutamamoyou puntíky (vzor na látce)jlpt3, leda1
玉乗り tamanori chůze po míčileda1
お年玉 otoshidama novoroční dárek, novoroční koledaleda1
思い出 omoide vzpomínkajlpt3, leda1
思い遣り omoiyari soucit, ohleduplnost, empatieemo, leda1
思い遣る omoiyaru mít soucit, vcítit segodan, leda1, verb
思わず omowazu bezděčně, neúmyslnějlpt3, leda1
思い付く omoitsuku vzpomenout si, dostat nápadgodan, leda1, verb
考え kangae myšlenka, názor, úvaha, nápadjlpt3, leda1
考え方 kangaekata způsob myšleníleda1
考案 kouan plán, metodaleda1
参考書 sankousho příručkaleda1
思考 shikou myšlení, uvažováníleda1
思考する shikousuru vážit, promýšlet, zvažovatleda1, suru, verb
魚屋 sakanaya prodejna rybleda1, mise
小魚 kozakana malá ryba, potěrdoubutsu, leda1
熱帯魚 nettaigyo tropická rybadoubutsu, leda1
魚市場 uoichiba rybí trhleda1
黒豆 kuromame černé sójové bobyleda1, ryouri, shokubutsu
小豆 azuki azuki (druh fazolí)leda1, ryouri, shokubutsu
豆腐 toufu tófu, sójový tvarohleda1, ryouri
納豆 nattou nattó, fermentované sójové bobyleda1, ryouri
豆電球 mamedenkyuu lampička, žárovičkadenki, leda1
豆本 mamehon knížečka, sešitekleda1
書店 shoten knihkupectvíleda1, mise
商店街 shoutengai nákupní centrum, ulice s mnoha obchodyleda1
売店 baiten stánek, kioskleda1
夜店 yomise večerka, obchod, kde se prodává (i) v nocileda1
店仕舞い misejimai uzavření obchoduleda1
koto věc, záležitostleda1
事柄 kotogara záležitostleda1
事業 jigyou projekt, podnikleda1
事実 jijitsu skutečnostleda1
事件 jiken událost, případ, incidentjlpt3, leda1
弓形 yumigata obloukleda1
弓なり yuminari ohyb, obloukleda1
洋弓 youkyuu západní lukostřelbaleda1, sport
子弟 shitei děti, potomcikazoku, leda1
弟子 deshi žák, učedníkgakkou, leda1
門弟 montei stoupenec, následovníkleda1
義弟 gitei švagrkazoku, leda1
父兄 fukei rodičekazoku, leda1
父兄会 fukeikai rodičovské sdruženígakkou, leda1
兄嫁 aniyome manželka staršího bratrakazoku, leda1
兄弟子 anideshi starší učedník, stoupenecleda1
母親 hahaoya matkakazoku, leda1
母国 bokoku vlastleda1
母校 bokou alma matergakkou, leda1
母体 botai matčino těloleda1
母の日 hahanohi Den matekleda1, namae
母子 boshi matka a dítěhito, leda1
父母 fubo rodiče, tatínek a maminkakazoku, leda1
父母 chichihaha rodiče, tatínek a maminkakazoku, leda1
神父 shinpu kněz, otec, paterkami, leda1
父の日 chichinohi Den otcůleda1, namae
妹分 imoutobun schovankaleda1
姉妹 shimai sestry (starší a mladší)kazoku, leda1
ichi tržištěleda1
市街地 shigaichi městská oblast, obvodleda1
市役所 shiyakusho městský úřad, radniceleda1
市場 shijou trh (zahraniční), odbytištěleda1
市場 ichiba trh, tržiště, tržnice (místo)leda1
朝市 asaichi ranní trhleda1
姉上 aneue starší sestrakazoku, leda1
姉夫婦 anefuufu starší sestra s manželemkazoku, leda1
代わる kawaru nahradit (někoho)godan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
代表 daihyou reprezentant, zástupcejlpt3, leda1
代理 dairi prostředník, zmocněnecleda1
代金 daikin cena, účet, platba, poplatekleda1
食事代 shokujidai výdaje za jídloleda1, ryouri
近代 kindai moderní dobaleda1, toki
年代 nendai období, generace, věkleda1, toki
食う kuu jíst, žrát (nespisovné, mužská japonština)godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
食らう kurau jíst, žrát (nespisovné, mužská japonština)godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
夕食 yuushoku večeřeleda1, ryouri
食品 shokuhin potravinyleda1, ryouri
食いしん坊 kuishinbou nenasyta, žroutleda1
日食 nisshoku zatmění Slunceleda1, shizen
月食 gesshoku zatmění Měsíceleda1, shizen
hotoke buddhakami, leda1
大仏 daibutsu Velký Buddhakami, leda1, namae
仏教 bukkyou buddhismuskami, leda1
仏像 butsuzou buddhistická socha, socha buddhykami, leda1
成仏 joubutsu dosažení buddhovství, skonkami, leda1
yo světleda1
世の中 yononaka svět, život, běh světaleda1
世間 seken svět, společenost, svět lidíleda1
出世 shusse životní úspěch, postupleda1
世紀 seiki stoletíjlpt3, leda1, toki
近世 kinsei moderní doba, novověkleda1, toki
雪国 yukiguni Sněhová země (název románu)leda1, namae
国家 kokka země, stát, národleda1
王国 oukoku královstvíleda1
国民 kokumin národ (lidé)leda1
国道 kokudou státní silniceleda1
南国 nangoku jižní zeměleda1, ryokou
国文学 kokubungaku národní literaturaleda1
区切る kugiru rozdělovat, rozčleňovatgodan, leda1, verb, vtrans
区画 kukaku dělení, rozděleníleda1
区間 kukan část, intervalleda1
区分 kubun rozdělení, kategorie, třídaleda1
地区 chiku městská čtvrť, oblastleda1
区長 kuchou starosta městské částileda1
外の hokano jiný, ostatníleda1
外す hazusu vyjmout, sundat, uvolnitgodan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
外れる hazureru odchýlit se, rozepnout se, vysmeknout seichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
場外 jougai vně, mimo (dané místo)leda1
外見 gaiken vnější vzhledleda1
海外 kaigai zámoří, cizinaleda1, ryokou
外出する gaishutsusuru vyjít si, jít venleda1, suru, verb
町外れ machihazure předměstí, periferieleda1
例外 reigai výjimkajlpt3, leda1
自ら mazukara sám za sebe, osobněleda1
自身 jishin sám (osobně)leda1
自信 jishin sebedůvěra, sebejistotajlpt3, leda1
自立 jiritsu nezávislostleda1
自習 jishuu samostudiumleda1
区役所 kuyakusho radnice (pro městskou část)leda1
hira rovinaleda1
平ら taira rovinaleda1
平ら(な) taira(na) rovný, plochýadj, leda1
平野 heiya rovina, nížina, planinaleda1
水平 suihei horizontleda1
平泳ぎ hiraoyogi prsa (plavecký styl)leda1, sport
平気 heiki klid, tichojlpt3, leda1
公平 kouhei nezaujatostleda1
平等 byoudou rovnostleda1
平日 heijitsu pracovní denjlpt3, leda1, shigoto, toki
平年 heinen normální rok (nepřestupný)leda1, toki
平安 heian mír, pokoj, období Heianleda1, namae
平安京 heiankyou Heiankjó (starý název Kjóta)leda1, namae
夕日 yuuhi noci a dnyleda1, toki
夕べ yuube večerleda1, toki
夕刊 yuukan večerníkleda1
夕ご飯 yuugohan večeřeleda1, ryouri
朝夕 asayuu rána a večeryleda1, toki
夕立 yuudachi (náhlý) večerní déšť, přeháňkaleda1
夕暮れ yuugure soumrakleda1, shizen
夕焼け yuuyake západ slunceleda1, shizen
数多く kazuooku ve velkém množstvíleda1
多数 tasuu velké množství, většinaleda1
多数決 tasuuketsu rozhodnutí většinyleda1
多少 tashou víceméně, trochu, velikost, rozměrleda1
多分 tabun nejspíš, zřejmě, snad, pravděpodobněleda1
近道 chikamichi kratší cesta, zkratkajlpt3, leda1
親近感 shinkinkan pocit blízkosti, důvěrnostileda1
taka výše (ceny apod.)leda1
高まる takamaru zvyšovat se, růstgodan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
高める takameru zvýšitichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
高音 kouon vysoký tónleda1
高台 takadai vyvýšeninaleda1
高速 kousoku vysoká rychlostleda1
高速道路 kousokudouro dálniceleda1, ryokou
最高の saikouno prvotřídní, nejvyššíleda1
高級 koukyuu vysoký stupeň, pokročilý, prvotřídníleda1
生産高 seisandaka výše produkce, výkon, výnosleda1
安らか(な) yasuraka(na) pokojný, poklidnýadj, leda1
安易(な) an'i(na) bezstarostný, snadný, smířlivýemo, leda1
安直(な) anchoku(na) levný, snadnýleda1
安売り yasuuri výhodná nabídka, výhodný prodejleda1
安値 yasune nízká cenaleda1
安価 anka nízká cenaleda1
明かり akari světlo, lampaleda1
明るむ akarumu vyjasnit se (o počasí)leda1
明らむ akaramu blednout (o obloze)leda1
明らかな akirakana jasný, zřejmý, zřetelnýleda1
明ける akeru skončit (období dešťů), začít (nový rok), svítatichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
明く aku být otevřený, zeti prázdnotougodan, leda1, verb, vintrans
明くる akuru náledující (starší výraz)leda1
明くる日 akuruhi následující denleda1, toki
明かす akasu prozradit, odhalitgodan, leda1, verb, vtrans
月明かり tsukuakari měsíční svitleda1
発明 hatsumei vynálezjlpt3, leda1
明白(な) meihaku(na) jasný, zřejmýadj, leda1
明日 asu zítraleda1, toki
明日 myounichi zítraleda1, toki
夜明け yoake rozbřesk, svítání, úsvitleda1
秋晴れ akibare slunečný podzimleda1, shizen
合わす awasu spojovat se, slučovat segodan, leda1, verb, vtrans
合わせる awaseru sloučit, spojit, dát dohromadyichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
合計 goukei celková sumaleda1
集合 shuugou srazleda1
合唱 gasshou sbor (pěvecký)leda1, ongaku
話し合う hanashiau diskutovatgodan, leda1, verb, vtrans
一合 ichigou dutá míra používaná při měření vody či rýželeda1
始業 shigyou zahájení, začátekleda1
始発 shihatsu první ranní spojleda1, ryokou, shigoto
開始 kaishi otevření, zahájeníleda1
年始 nenshi začátek rokuleda1, toki
創始する soushisuru založit, ustanovitleda1
全く mattaku úplně, zcelajlpt3, leda1
全員 zen'in všichni členové, všichni zaměstnancileda1, shigoto
全国 zenkoku celá zeměleda1
全身 zenshin celé tělohito, leda1
秋祭り akimatsuri podzimní svátekleda1
全力 zenryoku všechna síla, všechna energieleda1
完全(な) kanzen(na) dokonalý, perfektníadj, leda1
春夏秋冬 shunkashuutou jaro, léto, podzim, zima, čtyři roční období, celý rokleda1, tenki
正門 seimon hlavní vchod, hlavní bránaleda1
開門 kaimon otevření vchoduleda1
門限 mongen uzavření vchodu, čas, do kdy lze vstoupit do objektu (ubytovna)leda1
名門 meimon význačná rodina, vznešený rodleda1
一門 ichimon rod, rodinaleda1
入門 nyuumon úvod (do studia)gakkou, leda1
門下生 monkasei žák, student, učedník (něčí)leda1
秋分 shuubun podzimní rovnodennostleda1, toki
門番 monban vrátnýleda1
kan sufix pro dobu trváníleda1
広間 hiroma halaleda1, uchi
客間 kyakuma přijímací pokoj, salonleda1, uchi
人間 ningen člověk, lidská bytosthito, leda1
春風 harukaze jarní vítrleda1, shizen, tenki
春先 harusaki začátek jaraleda1, toki
早春 soushun předjaříleda1, toki
春分 shunbun jarní rovnodenostleda1, toki
新春 shinshun nový rokleda1
夏ばて natsubate letní únava, malátnost (z horka)leda1
夏祭り natsumatsuri letní svátek, letní festivalleda1
初夏 shoka časné létoleda1, toki
真夏 manatsu vrchol létaleda1
秋風 akikaze podzimní vítrleda1, shizen
冬休み fuyuyasumi zimní prázdninyleda1
冬山 fuyuyama zimní horyleda1, shizen
真冬 mafuyu období kolem zimního slunovratu, pravá zimaleda1, toki
冬空 fuyuzora zimní oblohaleda1, shizen, tenki
冬眠 toumin zimní spánekleda1
~才 sai numerativ pro věkcounter, leda1
三才 sansai tříletýleda1
少数 shousuu málo, malý početleda1
少量 shouryou trochu, malé množstvíleda1
少な目 sukuname méně, trochu pod (úrovní)leda1
~歩 ho numerativ pro krokycounter, leda1
一歩 ippo jeden krokleda1
一人歩き hitoriaruki chůze bez pomoci, nezávislostleda1
幼少(の) youshou(no) dětský, nezletilýleda1
進歩 shinpo pokrokjlpt3, leda1
歩む ayumu jít, chodit, šlapatgodan, leda1, verb, vintrans
歩道 hodou chodníkleda1
歩行 hokou chůzeleda1
伝聞 denbun pověst, fámaleda1
立ち聞きする tachigikisuru naslouchat, vyslechnoutleda1
聞き取り kikitori náslech, poslechleda1
聞き分ける kikiwakeru rozlišit poslechemichidan, leda1, verb, vtrans
人聞き hitogiki reputace, odezvaleda1
作品 sakuhin dílo, produktjlpt3, leda1
作り方 tsukurikata způsob výroby, zpracování, zhotoveníleda1
手作り tedukuri ruční práce, ručně zhotovený výrobekleda1
動作 dousa akce, jednání, chováníleda1
作法 sahou etiketa, mravyleda1
話し声 hanashigoe hlas (hovořící)leda1
立ち話 tachibanashi povídání si ve stojeleda1
昔話 mukashibanashi starý příběh, pověstleda1
童話 douwa pohádkaleda1
通行止め tsuukoudome uzavřená cesta, dopravní uzavírkaleda1, ryokou
立ち止まる tachidomaru zastavit se (náhle)godan, leda1, verb
口止めする kuchidomesuru umlčetleda1, suru, verb
静止 seishi zklidnění, spočinutíleda1
中止 chuushi přerušení, zastaveníleda1
週間 shuukan týdenleda1, toki
週休二日 shuukyuufutsuka dva volné dny v týdnuleda1
朝礼 chourei ranní shromáždění (ve firmě)leda1
朝顔 asagao svlačecleda1
朝日 asahi ranní slunceleda1, shizen
王朝 ouchou dynastie (královská)leda1
道端 michibata okraj cestyleda1
道草 michikusa tráva u cestyleda1
道路 douro silnicejlpt3, leda1, ryokou
道徳 doutoku morálkaleda1
茶道 sadou čajový obřadleda1
報道 houdou zprávy, zpravodajstvíleda1
人道 jindou lidskostleda1
武士道 bushidou bušidó, japonský kodex válečníkaleda1, sensou
剣道 kendou kendóleda1, sensou, sport
強化 kyouka posílení, zesíleníleda1
毎度 maido pokaždé, vždyleda1
公の ooyakeno veřejný, úředníleda1
脱走 dassou útěkleda1
公開 koukai otevřený veřejnosti, veřejně přístupnýleda1
逃走 tousou útěk, únikleda1
公立の kouritsuno veřejný, obecníleda1
公正 kousei spravedlnost, poctivostleda1
公共の koukyouno veřejnýleda1
公会堂 koukaidou městská halaleda1
yashiro šintoistická svatyněkami, leda1
出走 shussou start, začátek závoduleda1, sport
悪化 akka zhoršeníleda1
清書 seisho čistopisleda1
書き取り kakitori diktát (ve škole)gakkou, leda1
走り書き hashirigaki poznámka (rychle napsaná)leda1
競走 kyousou závodleda1
森閑 shinkan ticho, mlčeníleda1
書道 shodou kaligrafieleda1
書籍 shoseki knihy, publikaceleda1
書式 shoshiki předepsaná formaleda1
書記 shoki úředník, sekretářleda1, shigoto
当たる ataru narazit, vrazitjlpt3, leda1
当てる ateru narazit (něčím)ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
当選 tousen vítězství ve volbáchleda1
手当て teate ošetření (lékařské)byouki, leda1
走り回る hashirimawaru obíhatgodan, leda1, verb, vintrans
見当 kentou směrleda1
消化 shouka trávení, zažíváníleda1
当然 touzen přirozenostleda1
滑走路 kassouro runway, startovací dráhaleda1
白米 hakumai bílá rýželeda1, ryouri, shokubutsu
米作 beisaku pěstování rýželeda1
米作り komedukuri produkce rýželeda1
新米 shinmai nová rýže, nováčekleda1
米俵 komedawara pytel na rýžileda1
米粒 kometsubu rýžové zrnkoleda1
米国 beikoku Amerika, USAleda1
雑木林 zoukibayashi houštinaleda1
走り幅跳び hashirihabatobi skok do dálkyleda1, sport
林立する rinritsusuru podobat se lesu (antény, domy)leda1
森林 shinrin les (rozsáhlejší)leda1, shizen
走者 sousha běžecleda1, sport
化ける bakeru změnit se, přeměnit seleda1
化かす bakasu začarovat, očarovat, proměnitgodan, leda1, verb, vtrans
お化け obake strašidlokami, leda1
化石 kaseki zkamenělina, fosílieleda1
変化 henka změnajlpt3, leda1
浄化 jouka očištěníleda1
朗読 roudoku předčítání, recitaceleda1
むしゃむしゃ食べる mushamushataberu křoupavě jístryouri
公開留学生 koukairyuugakusei výměnný zahraniční studentgakkou
台所線 daidokorosen kuchyňská linkauchi
hou způsobleda1
kata člověk, osoba (zdvořilý výraz)jlpt5, leda1
方角 hougaku směr, orientaceleda1
方言 hougen dialekt, nářečíbunpou, leda1
方法 houhou metoda, způsobjlpt3, leda1
方眼紙 houganshi grafický papír, milimetrový papírleda1
話し方 hanashikata způsob mluveníleda1
朝方 asagata k ránuleda1
味方 mikata spojenec, příznivecleda1
北方 hoppou sever, severní směrleda1
東北地方 touhokuchihou oblast Tóhokuleda1, namae
北海道 hokkaidou Hokkaidóleda1, namae
東西南北 touzainanboku sever, jih, východ a západ, čtyři světové stranyleda1
北風 kitakaze severní vítrleda1
敗北 haiboku prohra, porážkaleda1
関東地方 kantouchihou oblast Kantóleda1, namae
東方 touhou východ, směrem na východleda1
東西 touzai východ a západ, Východ a Západleda1
東風 higashikaze východní vítrleda1
真東 mahigashi přímo, přesně na východleda1
東洋 touyou Východ, Orientjlpt3, leda1
若しくは moshikuha nebomix
若手 wakate začátečník, elévmix
若輩 jakuhai nezkušený mladík, zelenáčmix
若干 jakkan pár, několikmix
bai dřevěný roubíkmix
座薬 zayaku čípekbyouki
座談会 zadankai besedagakkou
座席 zaseki sedadlo, místomix
席次 sekiji zasedací pořádekmix
偽物 nisemono napodobenina, padělekmix
偽善 gizen pokrytectvímix
偽善者 gizensha pokrytecmix
偽る itsuwaru napodobovat, falšovatverb, vintrans
晩酌 banshaku večerní sklenka (vína)mix
万歳 banzai „Ať žije…!“mix
加法 kahou sčítánímath
加える kuwaeru přidat, připojit, rozšířitmix
加わる kuwawaru přidat se, připojit se, zúčastnit severb
体操 taisou gymnastikasport
貞操 teisou čistota (mravní, pohlavní), cudnostmix
雪合戦 yukigassen koulovačkamix
銀河 ginga galaxie, Mléčná dráhamix
私立 shiritsu soukromýmix
童貞 doutei panicai, baka
縞馬の群れ shimaumanomure stádo zeberdoubutsu
壷の魔神 tsubonomajin džin z láhvebaka
生活習慣病 seikatsushuukanbyou civilizační chorobabyouki
肉眼で見える nikugandemieru být vidět pouhým okemleda1
課外の kagaino mimoškolníleda1
日課表 nikkahyou rozvrh hodinleda1
引用する in'yousuru pítleda1, suru, verb
二羽 niwa dva (ptáci)leda1
十羽 juppa deset (ptáků)leda1
~頭 tou numerativ pro velká zvířatacounter, leda1
三頭 santou tři (zvířata)leda1
好みの食べ物 konominotabemono oblíbené jídloleda1
切羽詰る seppatsumaru být zahnán do úzkýchleda1
番する bansuru hlídat, mít hlídkuleda1
独楽回し komamawashi káča (hračka)leda1
新たに aratani nověleda1
新田 nitta Nittaleda1, namae
夜行バス yakoubasu noční autobusleda1
十羽 juuwa deset ptákůdoubutsu
電気のもの denki no mono elektrická věcdenki
思う人 omou hito člověk, na kterého myslímmix
再インストール sai insuto-ru přeinstalovatmix
飲み直す nominaosu dál chlastatryouri
きれいさ kireisa krásamix
平和な時代 heiwa na jidai období míru, mírové obdobímix
山の奥 yama no oku hluboko v horáchshizen
混浴風呂 kon'yokuburo smíšený onsen (pro obě pohlaví)mix
宿題をする shukudai wo suru psát (dělat) domácí úkolgakkou
お金の無駄 okane no muda mrhání penězimix
ニャニャ nyanya mňau, mňau (mňoukání)onoma
ニャンニャン nyannyan mňau, mňau (mňoukání)onoma
コケコッコ kokekokko kokodák (kdákání)onoma
ポツポツ potsupotsu kap, kap, kapání vodyonoma
バンバン banban bang, zvuk střelbyonoma
ドカン dokan buch, výbuchonoma
ワイワイ waiwai zvuk hrajících si dětíonoma
ありえない arienai nemožnémix
まんこ manko vagínahito
三倍のコーヒー sanbai no ko-hi- trojnásobná káva (objem)ryouri
レンタル料 rentaru ryou nájemné, poplatek za výpůjčkujlpt3
洋服代 youfukudai cena evropského oblečeníjlpt3
やはり yahari podle očekávání, jak se čekalo, navzdory, přeci jen, také, jak jsem si mysleljlpt3
役に立てる yakunitateru být užitečnýichidan, jlpt3, verb
無理な murina přehnaný, nerozumnýjlpt3
ぶつける butsukeru hodit něco proti nečemu, rozbítjlpt3
ぶつかる butsukaru uděřit, srazit sejlpt3
不注意な fuchuuina nedbalý, nepozornýjlpt3
不自由な fujiyuuna nepohodlný, neschopný, handicapovanýjlpt3
バレイ barei baletjlpt3
バラエティ baraeteィ rozmanitostjlpt3
バス料金 basuryoukin jízdné autobusemjlpt3, ryokou
バス代 basu dai jízdné v autobusejlpt3, ryokou
不自由な生活 fujiyuu na seikatsu život v chudobě (nepohodlí)mix
眩しい太陽 mabushii taiyou zářivé sluncemix
一年後 ichinengo za rok, po jednom rocetoki
チェコ技術大学 cheko gijutsu daigaku České Vysoké Učení Technickénamae
ペコペコ pekopeko kručení v břišeonoma
いらいら iraira nervózní, podrážděnýjlpt3, onoma
一時後 ichijigo za hodinutoki
どの人 dono hito který člověkmix
どんな人 donna hito jaký člověkmix
有名になる yuumei ni naru proslavit se, stát se slavnýmmix
全部で zenbu de dohromady, celkem, všechnomix
きれいにする kireinisuru uklidit, porovnatsuru, verb
輪唱曲 rinshou kyoku kánonongaku
微積分学 bisekibungaku matematická analýzamath
日焼けする hiyakesuru spálit se od sluníčka, opálit sebyouki
kabi plíseňjlpt3
零す kobosu rozlít (něco)jlpt3, verb, vintrans
就職試験 shuushoku shiken přijímací pohovormix
残業時間 zangyoujikan doba práce přes časjlpt3, shigoto
学生活 gakuseikatsu život na výšcegakkou
学歴をつける。 gakureki wotsukeru. Dát vzdělání.mix
帰宅時間 kitakujikan čas příchodu domůtoki
電子式宅上計算機 denshi shikitaku joukeisanki kalkulačkadenki
彦星 hikoboshi hvězda Altairnamae
しゅしゅぽぽ shushupopo zvuk vlakuonoma
ずっこんばっこん zukkonbakkon zvuk při sexuonoma
誕生日会 tanjoubikai narozeninová párty, narozeninová oslavamix
趣味がいい shumi ga ii vkusnýmix
趣味が悪い shumi ga warui špatný vkus, ne dle mého vkusumix
子供のころの思い出 kodomo no koro no omoide vzpomínka na dětstvímix
分からない wakaranai nevímmix
おしゃべりな人 oshaberi na hito ukecaný člověkmix
迷惑な人 meiwaku na hito otravný člověkmix
迷惑がかかる meiwaku ga kakaru způsobovat problémymix
答え合わせ kotae awase kontrola odpovědí (v testu)mix
相手選手 aitesenshu protihráčsport
適当に tekitou ni vhodně, odpovídající formoujlpt3
特別な tokubetsu na výjimečný, zvláštníjlpt3
完全な kanzen na úplný, kompletníjlpt3
可能な kanouna možný, proveditelný, schůdnýjlpt3
大変に taihen ni hodně, příšernějlpt3
かなり kanari výrazně, značnějlpt3
果物の皮 kudamono no kawa slupka ovocemix
熱中 necchuu nadšení, horlivost, zápaljlpt3, suru, verb
じっと jitto soustředěně, trpělivě, nehybnějlpt3
それぞれ sorezore každého vlastníjlpt3
どうしても doushitemo za každou cenu, prostě (+zápor)jlpt3
まるで marude vůbec, stejně jakojlpt3
そこで sokode a takéjlpt3
そのうえ sonoue a navíc, nadto jlpt3
野菜の皮 yasai no kawa slupka zeleninymix
動物の皮 doubutsu no kawa zvířecí kůžemix
ペットボトル pettobotoru pet láhevmix
事件の犯人 jiken no hannin viník případumix
ご馳走様 gochisousama pohoštění, říká se po jídlemix
コップの底 koppu no soko dno hrnkumix
緩やかな坂 yuruyaka na saka mírný svah, mírný kopecmix
タバコの灰 tabako no hai cigaretový popelmix
名刺交換 meishikoukan výměna vizitekmix
最高気温 saikoukion nejlepší teplota vzduchumix
開店以来 kaiten irai od otevření obchodu (od založení)suru
自動ドア jidou doa automatické dveředenki
全自動洗濯機 zenjidousentakuki plně automatická pračkadenki
明るい性格 akarui seikaku veselá povahamix
プラスチック製品 purasuchikku seihin plastové výrobkymix
食品の値上がり shokuhin no neagari růst cen potravinmix
生の魚 nama no sakana syrová rybamix
ふと futo náhodoumix
建設する kensetsu suru vybudovat, založitmix
完成する kanseisuru dokončitmix
設置する secchi suru založitmix
横着な ouchaku na nestoudnýmix
指向する shikousuru ukazovat namix
平静な heisei na klidný, pokojnýmix
両替する ryougae suru směnit penízemix
老友 rou tomo důvěrný přítelmix
東大卒 toudai sotsu absolvovat Tokijsou univerzitumix
議論する giron suru debatovatmix
岡村富夫 okamura tomio Okamura Tomionamae
非科学的な hikagakuteki na nevědeckýmix
及第する kyuudai suru prolézt zkouškou, udělat zkouškumix
近日中 kinjitsuchuu v dohledné době, zanedlouhomix
上昇する joushou suru stoupat, vystoupatmix
千兆 senchou triliónmix
一京 ichikyou deset trilionůmix
百京 hyakukyou kvadrilionmix
一垓 ichigai sto kvadrilionů (10^20)mix
脱皮する dappi suru svlévknout se z kůže, uniknout, vysvléci semix
無視する mushisu ru ignorovatmix
保守的な hoshuteki na konzervativnímix
昇進する shoushin suru povýšitmix
転勤する tenkin suru přejít na jinou pracovní pozicimix
不断な fudan na stálý, konstatnímix
予想額 yosou gaku předpokládaná cena, hodnotamix
放置する houchi suru nechat být, zanechatmix
思いで omoide vzpomínkamix
調印する chouinsuru podepsat, spečetitmix
州立 shuuritsu státnímix
郵送する yuusousuru posílat poštoumix
帰省する kiseisuru jít domůmix
反省する hanseisuru zpytování svědomí, reflexemix
~省 ~shou Ministerstvo ~mix
~庁 ~chou úřad, agentura ~mix
厚手の atsudeno těžký, silný, tlustýmix
温厚な onkouna laskavýmix
濃厚な noukouna koncentrovaný, silný, soustředěný, zabranýmix
薄弱な hakujakuna slabýmix
薄情な hakujouna bezcitný, chladnýmix
軽薄な keihakuna lehkovážný, povrchnímix
薄幸な hakkouna nešťastný, smolnýmix
硬直する kouchokusuru zpevnit, ztuhnout, zkamenětmix
強硬な kyoukouna pevný, tvrdý, tvrdohlavý, drastický, neústupčivý, neúprosnýadj
硬化する koukasuru tuhnout, zpevnitmix
軟らかな yawarakana měkký, neformálníadj
軟弱な nanjakuna slabý, chabý, mdlýmix
軟化する nankasuru změkčitmix
柔軟な juunanna flexibilní, pružnýmix
浅薄な senpakuna povrchní, chatrnýmix
浅草 asakusa Asakusamix
貧弱な hinjakuna chudý, slabýadj
頭痛薬 zutsuuyaku léky na bolest hlavymix
gou shromáždit semix
一回り小さい hitomawarichiisai o číslo menší, menčí velikostadj
非言語 hi gengo neverbálnímix
相互補完的 sougohokanteki doplňkovýmix
御機嫌伺い gokigen'ukagai zdvořilostní návštěvamix
完了体 kanryoutai dokonavý vidmix
お茶を淹れる ochawoireru Uvařit čajmix
描き方 kakikata jak nakreslit, způsob kreslenímix
た形 takei přípona "-ta"mix
萌えキャラ moekyara roztomilá moe postava z animemix
明仁 akihito Císař Akihitomix
鈴木 suzuki Suzukinamae
岡崎 okazaki Okazakinamae
伊藤 itou Itónamae
読書感想文 dokushokansoubun čtenářský deníkmix
無添加 mutenka bez přísadmix
ハイチュウ haichuu haičú (karamelky)namae
先天性心疾患 sentensei shinshikkan vrozená srdeční vadabyouki
将棋 shogi ŠógiShogi
特別部隊 tokubetsu butai speciální sílymix
アサルトライフル asarutoraifuru útočná puškamix
マリファナ marifuァna marihuanamix
ハシシ hashishi hašišmix
レーザー re-za- lasermix
パイプ paipu trubkamix
コンクリート konkuri-to betonmix
レンジャー renja- rangermix
カラシニコフ karashinikofu kalašnikovmix
侍兜 samurai kabuto samurajská přilbamix
チョッキ chokki vestamix
リボルバー riboruba- revolvermix
ゲリラ gerira partyzánmix
ベトナム betonamu Vietnammix
女性兵士 josei heishi vojákyněmix
アクション akushon akcemix
ガソリンタンク gasorintanku nádrž na benzínmix
モーターバイク mo-ta-baiku motocyklmix
トラップ torappu pastmix
プーリー pu-ri- kladkamix
ウォッカ uォkka vodkamix
モトクロス motokurosu motokrosmix
コントロールルーム kontoro-ruru-mu kontrolní místnostmix
ロープ ro-pu lano,provazmix
テンプレート tenpure-to šablonamix
シリーズ shiri-zu řada,sériemix
ハイパー haipa- hypermix
パーキング pa-kingu parkovištěmix
モノレール monore-ru jednokolejnicová visutá dráhamix
ライン rain linkamix
メロディー merodeィ- melodie,znělkamix
パフォーマンス pafuォ-mansu představenímix
バルコニー barukoni- balkonmix
モダン modan modernímix
レトロ retoro retromix
フォーク fuォ-ku vidličkamix
スペシャルフォース supesharufuォ-su speciální sílymix
オリオン orion Orionmix
システム shisutemu systémmix
ダイオード daio-do diodamix
カモフラージュ kamofura-ju kamuflážmix
プレセント puresento dárekmix
イヤリング iyaringu náušnicemix
クレーター kure-ta- krátermix
クレーン kure-n jeřáb (stroj)mix
コネクタ konekuta konektormix
コンセント konsento elektrická zástrčkamix
射撃練習場 shagekirenshuuba střelnicemix
トレーナー tore-na- mikinamix
カンガルー kangaru- klokanmix
ココナッツ kokonattsu kokosmix
ニンニク ninniku česnekmix
落下傘 českymix
kou paragraf, odsekmix
調剤 českymix
honoo -itis (indicating an inflammatory disease); flame, blaze; flame, blazemix
あ段 adan 'a' rowbunpou
回転寿司 kaitenzushi "conveyor belt" sushi bar, sushi-go-round, sushi train, kaiten-zushiryouri
括弧 kakko ( )math
小括弧 shoukakko ( )math
一体 ittai (1)...the heck (e.g. "what the heck?"), ...in the world (e.g. "why in the world?"), ...on earth (e.g. "who on earth?"), (n) (2)one object, one body, unity, (3)one form, one style, (4)one Buddhist jlpt3
アナウンス anaunsu (1)(abbr) announcement, (vs) (2)to announce jlpt3
援交 enkou (1)(abbr) dating with compensation (payments, financial support, etc.), (2)schoolgirl prostitution mix
外来 gairai (1)(abbr) external origin, imported, (2)outpatient mix
原発 genpatsu (1)(abbr) nuclear power plant, nuclear power generation, (adj-no,n,vs) (2)primary (e.g. primary immunodeficiency syndrome) denki
ワーホリ wa-hori (1)(abbr) working holiday, (2)person on a working holiday mix
非ず arazu (1)(arch) it is not so, (2)no, never mind mix
ryou (1)(arch) office, official, (2)chief, head; (3)hostel, dormitory, (4)(arch) bureau (government department beneath a ministry under the ritsuryo system) mix
印す shirusu (1)(arch) to leave (a mark, trace, etc.), to print, to stamp, (2)to show a sign (i.e. an omen) godan, verb, vtrans
排す haisu (1)(arch) to push aside, to overcome (e.g. difficulties), to reject, (2)to align, to put in order, (3)to push open godan, verb, vtrans
賜う tamau (1)(arch) to receive, (2)to grant, to bestow, to award, (3)(male) semi-polite or endearing auxiliary verb indicating reception by the speaker (suffixed to the -masu stem of another verb) godan, verb
おっぱい oppai (1)(chn) breasts, boobies, tits, (2)(chn) breast milk mix
関係ない kankeinai (1)(col) have nothing to do with (something)/have no connection with (something)/ mix
ama (1)(col) nun, (2)(derog) bitch; (abbr) bhikkhuni (fully ordained Buddhist nun) kami
モニター monita- (1)(comp) (computer) monitor, (n,vs) (2)consumer who comments on products, television programs, etc. (programmes), (3)(comp) program or utility that monitors a program or activity mix
交流 kouryuu (1)(cultural) exchange, interchange, interaction, (inter-) mingling, (social, etc.) networking, intercourse, (2)alternating current, AC suru
san (1)(giving) birth, childbirth, delivery, confinement, (n,n-suf) (2)native of, product of, (3)assets, property, fortune mix
お願い onegai (1)(hon) request, wish, (int) (2)(abbr) please suru
召す mesu (1)(hon) to call, to invite, to send for, to summon, (2)to eat, to drink, (3)to put on, to wear, (4)to ride, (5)to catch (a cold), to take (a bath), to tickle (one's fancy), to put on (years), to godan, verb, vtrans
承る uketamawaru (1)(hum) to hear, to be told, to know, (2)to receive (order), to undertake, to comply, to take (a reservation, etc.) godan, verb, vtrans
頂く itadaku (1)(hum) to receive, to get, to accept, to take, to buy, (2)(hum) (pol) to eat, to drink, (3)to be crowned with, to wear (on one's head), to have (on top), (4)to have (as one's leader), to live un godan, verb, vtrans
マウス mausu (1)(lab) mouse, (2)(comp) mouse, (3)mouth denki, jlpt3
熟語 jukugo (1)(ling) kanji compound, (2)idiom, idiomatic phrase mix
代名詞 daimeishi (1)(ling) pronoun, (2)synonym, classic example, pattern, byword, representative bunpou
tama (1)(math) sphere, (suf,ctr) (2)counter for balls (in baseball); (3)ball, sphere, globe, orb, (4)bead (of sweat, dew, etc.), drop, droplet, (5)ball (in sports), (6)pile (of noodles, etc.), (7)bu mix
疎通 sotsuu (1)(mutual) understanding, communication, (2)removal of blockage (esp. medical), drainage suru
角形 kakukei (1)(N)-cornered polygon, incl. triangle, (2)Japanese rectangular envelope (opening on the short dimension; numbered 0-8, A3, A4, each with different sizes); mix
別に betsuni (1)(not) particularly, nothing, (2)separately, apart jlpt3
mi (1)(obsc) pit (of a fruit), stone, (2)core, (3)tongue (piece of wood used to connect two boards), (4)clitoris; (5)truth, reality; (6)truth, reality, (7)sincerity, honesty, fidelity, (8)content mix
凝乎と jitto (1)(on-mim) (uk) motionlessly, (2)(uk) fixedly (e.g. of staring), (3)(uk) patiently, (4)(uk) firmly (e.g. hold), restrained mix
ぎりぎり girigiri (1)(on-mim) at the last moment, just barely, (2)grinding sound jlpt3, onoma
ワンワン wanwan (1)(on-mim) bow-wow (barking sound)/arf arf/woof/bark/ (2)(on-mim) waah-waah (crying sound)/ (3)(on-mim) clamouring/clamoring/echoing/(n) (4)(chn) a bow-wow (i.e. a dog)/doggy onoma
おちんちん ochinchin (1)(on-mim) chink/jingle/tinkle/whistle (kettle)/(n,vs) (2)begging (animal)/(n) (3)(chn) penis hito
ちんちん chinchin (1)(on-mim) chink/jingle/tinkle/whistle (kettle)/(n,vs) (2)begging (animal)/(n) (3)(chn) penis hito
すっきり sukkiri (1)(on-mim) clearly, refreshed, (2)shapely, neatly, refinedly, (3)cleanly, without trouble, (4)clearly, plainly, distinctly, (5)completely, thoroughly, (6)not at all (with negative sentence), no suru
ゆったり yuttari (1)(on-mim) comfortable, easy, calm, (2)loose, spacious suru
ぶらぶら burabura (1)(on-mim) dangling heavily, swaying to and fro, swinging, (adv,adv-to,vs) (2)(on-mim) strolling, rambling, roaming, wandering, (3)(on-mim) idly, lazily, leisurely, aimlessly, (4)(on-mim) persist onoma, suru
ぺこぺこ pekopeko (1)(on-mim) fawning, being obsequious, cringing, (2)being very hungry, (3)giving in, being dented onoma, suru
ぺらぺら perapera (1)(on-mim) fluent/fluency/ (2)flipping (pages)/ (3)thin or weak (paper, cloth)/(P) adj, suru
べらべら berabera (1)(on-mim) non-stop talking/speaking indiscreetly/chattering/ (2)thin/flimsy adj, onoma, suru
パチパチ pachipachi (1)(on-mim) pleasant clapping sound/ (2)sound of something hot bursting open (i.e. popcorn)/ (3)incessant blinking/(P) onoma
べたべた betabeta (1)(on-mim) sticky, (2)all over, (3)clinging (e.g. of a person), following around, (adj-na) (4)cliched, hackneyed onoma, suru
ごろごろ gorogoro (1)(on-mim) thunder, purring, grumbling (e.g. stomach), (2)something large and heavy starting to roll, (3)scattered about, (4)idleness, idle about, (5)having a foreign substance in (e.g. one's ey onoma, suru
ぼろぼろ boroboro (1)(on-mim) worn-out, torn, crumbling, tattered, (2)tears or grain of rice falling fuku, jlpt3, onoma, suru
ぼろぼろな boroborona (1)(on-mim) worn-out, torn, crumbling, tattered, (2)tears or grain of rice falling adj, jlpt3, onoma, suru
イメージ ime-ji (1)(one's) image, (2)(comp) (computer) image, (3)artist's impression jlpt3, suru, verb
行方 yukue (1)(one's) whereabouts, (2)course, direction mix
実力 jitsuryoku (1)(real) ability, true strength, merit, efficiency, competency, (2)arms, force jlpt3, mix
自閉症 jiheishou (1)(sens) autism, (adj-no) (2)autistic mix
移民 imin (1)(sens) emigration, immigration, (2)emigrant, immigrant mix
やばい yabai (1)(sl) dangerous, risky, (2)(sl) awful, terrible, crap, (3)(sl) terrific, amazing, cool adj
ナプキン napukin (1)(table) napkin, serviette, (2)sanitary napkin mix
koro (1)(uk) (approximate) time, around, about, toward, (2)suitable time (or condition), (3)time of year, season mix
zaru (1)(uk) (col) sieve, strainer made from bamboo and used in the preparation and presentation of Japanese cuisine, zaru, bamboo draining basket, (2)person who can drink copiously without getting drunk mix
目茶苦茶 mechakucha (1)(uk) absurd, unreasonable, nonsensical, preposterous, incoherent, (2)extreme, senseless, reckless, wanton, (3)disorder, confusion, mess, wreck mix
滅茶苦茶 mechakucha (1)(uk) absurd, unreasonable, nonsensical, preposterous, incoherent, (2)extreme, senseless, reckless, wanton, (3)disorder, confusion, mess, wreck mix
訛り namari (1)(uk) accent (of one's speech), (2)dialect, provincialism, patois, (3)corrupted form (e.g. of word), mispronunciation bunpou
お菜 osai (1)(uk) accompaniment for rice dishes, side dish ryouri
リンゴ ringo (1)(uk) apple, (2)apple tree (Malus pumila) ryouri
是非 zehi (1)(uk) certainly, without fail, (2)right and wrong, pros and cons jlpt3
橄欖 kanran (1)(uk) Chinese white olive (Canarium album), (2)olive (Olea europea)
wani (1)(uk) crocodile, alligator, crocodilian, (2)(arch) shark doubutsu
出汁 dashi (1)(uk) dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp) mix
出し dashi (1)(uk) dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp), (2)pretext, excuse, pretense (pretence), dupe, front man ryouri
終に tsuini (1)(uk) finally, at last, (2)(with neg) in the end jlpt3, mix
可笑しい okashii (1)(uk) funny, amusing, comical, laughable, ridiculous, (2)(uk) strange, odd, funny, peculiar, weird, unusual, eccentric, (3)(uk) improper, unsuitable, unbecoming, (4)(uk) suspicious adj, jlpt3
お呪い omajinai (1)(uk) good luck charm, (exp) (2)uttered when using magic, abracadabra, presto mix
勿体無い mottainai (1)(uk) impious/profane/sacrilegious/ (2)too good/more than one deserves/unworthy of/ (3)wasteful jlpt3
いい加減 iikagen (1)(uk) irresponsible, perfunctory, careless, (2)lukewarm, half-baked, halfhearted, vague, (3)reasonable, moderate (usu. in suggestions or orders), (adv) (4)considerably, quite, rather, pretty mix
摘み tsumami (1)(uk) knob, handle, button, (2)(comp) (file) handle, (3)snack (to have with a drink), side dish, (suf) (4)a pinch (e.g. of salt), (n,n-suf) (5)picking, harvesting mix
暫く shibaraku (1)(uk) little while, short while, moment, instant, (2)a while, quite a time, (int) (3)it's been a long time jlpt3, toki
喧しい yakamashii (1)(uk) noisy, boisterous; (2)(uk) noisy, boisterous, (3)strict, faultfinding, carping, fussy adj
煩い urusai (1)(uk) noisy, loud, (2)fussy, (3)annoying, troublesome, tiresome, importunate, (4)bossy; worry, agony, vexation adj
辺り atari (1)(uk) on the bank of, by the side of (e.g. a river, pond), (2)(in the) neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, nearby jlpt3
tada (1)(uk) ordinary, common, usual, (2)free of charge, (3)unaffected, as is, safe, (adv) (4)only, merely, just, simply, (5)but, however, nevertheless mix
お洒落 oshare (1)(uk) smartly dressed, stylish, fashion-conscious, (n) (2)someone smartly dressed, (vs) (3)to dress up, to be fashionable mix
凄い sugoi (1)(uk) terrible, dreadful, (2)amazing (e.g. of strength), great (e.g. of skills), wonderful, terrific, (3)to a great extent, vast (in numbers) jlpt3
出来る dekiru (1)(uk) to be able (in a position) to do, to be up to the task, (2)to be ready, to be completed, (3)to be made, to be built, (4)to be good at, to be permitted (to do), (5)to become intimate, to t ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
痩せる yaseru (1)(uk) to become thin, to lose weight, to reduce (one's) weight, to slim, (2)to be barren, to be infertile, to be sterile ichidan, verb, vintrans
成る naru (1)(uk) to become, to get, to grow, to be, to reach, to attain, (2)to result in, to prove to be, (3)to consist of, to be composed of, (4)to succeed, to be complete, (5)to change into, to be excha godan, verb, vintrans
填まる hamaru (1)(uk) to fit, to get into, to go into, (2)(uk) to be fit for (a job, etc.), to be suited for, to satisfy (conditions), (3)(uk) to fall into, to plunge into, to get stuck, to get caught, (4)(uk) godan, verb, vintrans
舐める nameru (1)(uk) to lick, (2)to taste, (3)to experience (esp. a hardship), (4)to make fun of, to make light of, to put down, to treat with contempt ichidan, verb, vtrans
溺れる oboreru (1)(uk) to nearly drown, to sink below the surface (of water), (2)to indulge in, to lose one's head over something ichidan, verb, vintrans
開ける hadakeru (1)(uk) to open, to bare, to expose, (2)to stretch ichidan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
貰う morau (1)(uk) to receive, to take, to accept, (2)to get somebody to do something (follows a verb in "te" form) godan, verb, vtrans
掻く kaku (1)(uk) to scratch, (2)to perspire, (3)to shovel, to paddle godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
不味い mazui (1)(uk) unappetising, unappetizing, unpleasant (taste, appearance, situation), (2)unskillful, unskilful, bungling, clumsy, (3)ugly, homely, plain, unattractive, (4)awkward, untimely, inopportune, adj
何れ izure (1)(uk) where, which, who, (2)anyway, anyhow, at any rate, sooner or later, eventually, at some future date or time; (adv,pn,adj-no) (3)(uk) where, which, who, (4)anyway, anyhow, at any rate, soon mix
両手 ryoute (1)(with) both hands, (2)approvingly mix
百万 hyakuman (1)1,000,000, one million, million, (2)many mix
shaku; seki (1)18 ml (one-tenth of a go), (2)0.033 meters square (one-hundredth of a tsubo), (3)dip, ladle; (4)18 ml (one-tenth of a go), (5)0.033 meters square (one-hundredth of a tsubo), (6)dip, ladle mix
引きこもり hikikomori (1)a shut-in, a stay-at-home, people who withdraw from society (e.g. retire to the country), (2)social withdrawal, shunning other people mix
引き籠り hikikomori (1)a shut-in, a stay-at-home, people who withdraw from society (e.g. retire to the country), (2)social withdrawal, shunning other people
留守 rusu (1)absence/being away from home/ (2)house-sitting/house-sitter/ (3)being left unattended to (of one's studies, etc.)/neglecting/(P) jlpt4, leda1, suru
絶対 zettai (1)absolutely, unconditionally, (adj-no) (2)absolute, unconditional, unmistakable, (n) (3)absoluteness jlpt3
講座 kouza (1)academic teaching unit, lectureship, professorial chair, (2)course (e.g. of lectures) mix
酸性 sansei (1)acidity, (adj-no) (2)acidic mix
買収 baishuu (1)acquisition (esp. corporate), buy-out, takeover, purchase, (2)corruption, bribery suru
活躍 katsuyaku (1)activity (esp. energetic), great efforts, conspicuous service, (vs) (2)to flourish, to participate actively, to play an active role jlpt3
加減 kagen (1)addition and subtraction, (2)allowance for, (3)degree, extent, measure, (4)condition, state of health, (5)seasoning, flavor, flavour, moderation, adjustment, (6)influence (of the weather), (7 mix
成人 seijin (1)adult, (vs) (2)to grow up, to mature, (3)to come of age jlpt3
弱冠 jakkan (1)aged 20, (2)youthfulness mix
目指し mezashi (1)aim, goal, purpose, (2)look, eyes, expression of eyes mix
錬金術 renkinjutsu (1)alchemy, (2)making big money (implied, by dubious means) kagaku
万能 bannou (1)all-purpose, utility, (2)almighty, omnipotent; (3)all-purpose, utility, (4)almighty, omnipotent mix
一杯 ippai (1)amount necessary to fill a container (e.g. a cupful, spoonful, etc.), a drink (i.e. an alcoholic beverage), (2)full, (3)one squid, octopus, crab, etc., one boat, (adv,adj-no,adj-na) (4)(uk) ful jlpt3
解析 kaiseki (1)analysis, analytical study, (2)parsing, parse suru
動画 douga (1)animation, motion picture, moving image, video, (2)in-betweening (in anime) suru
yaku (1)approximately/about/(n) (2)promise/ (3)shortening/reduction/simplification/ (4)(ling) contraction (in phonetics)/(P) mix
ron (1)argument, discussion, dispute, controversy, discourse, debate, (2)theory, doctrine, (3)essay, treatise, comment mix
抱え kakae (1)armful, (2)employee mix
果たして hatashite (1)as was expected, just as one thought, sure enough, as a result, (2)really? (in questions), ever? mix
上り nobori (1)ascent, climbing, ascending (path), climb, (2)up-train (e.g. going to Tokyo), (n,adj-no) (3)northward (towards Tokyo) jlpt3
刺客 shikaku (1)assassin, (vs) (2)to assassinate; (3)assassin, (vs) (4)to assassinate mix
雑穀 zakkoku (1)assorted grains, cereals, (2)millet mix
自動 jidou (1)automatic, self-motion, (2)(ling) (abbr) intransitive verb jlpt3, mix
紅葉 momiji (1)autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour), (2)leaves turning red, red leaves; (3)autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour), (n) (4)(Japanese) maple (Acer jap suru
紅葉 kouyou (1)autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour), (2)leaves turning red, red leaves; (3)autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour), (n) (4)(Japanese) maple (Acer jap suru
子守 komori (1)babysitter/nursemaid/ (2)babysitting/(P) leda1, suru
背後 haigo (1)back, rear, (2)background, behind the scenes mix
危うく ayauku (1)barely, narrowly, (2)almost, nearly mix
相当 soutou (1)befitting, becoming, worthy of, proportionate, in keeping with, suitable, (2)considerable, substantial, (vs) (3)to be worthy of, to be proportionate to, (4)to correspond to (in meaning, functio suru
終始 shuushi (1)beginning and end/from beginning to end/doing a thing from beginning to end/(adv) (2)consistently/the whole time/(P) leda1, suru
初春 shoshun (1)beginning of spring, (2)first month of the lunar calendar, New Year; (3)beginning of spring, (4)first month of the lunar calendar, New Year toki
屈折 kussetsu (1)bending, indentation, (2)refraction, (3)inflection, (4)warping (e.g. of opinion, reasoning, etc.), distortion suru
改善 kaizen (1)betterment, improvement, (2)(uk) kaizen (Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement) suru
二股 futamata (1)bifurcation, (2)parting of the ways, (3)(col) two-timing mix
白黒 shirokuro (1)black and white, monochrome, (exp,vs) (2)good and evil, right and wrong, guilt and innocence iro
魔術 majutsu (1)black magic, sorcery, (2)magic tricks, juggling mix
黒星 kuroboshi (1)black spot/black dot/bull's-eye/ (2)failure mark (sumo)/(P) leda1
封鎖 fuusa (1)blockade, (2)freezing (funds) suru
打撃 dageki (1)blow, shock, strike, damage, (2)batting (baseball) mix
ita (1)board, plank, (2)sheet (of metal), plate (of glass), pane, slab, (3)(abbr) cutting board, chopping board, (4)(abbr) stage (i.e. at a theatre) mix
身体 shintai (1)body/ (2)health/(P) adj, leda1
kizuna (1)bonds, fetters, encumbrance, (2)tether; (3)bonds, fetters, encumbrance, (4)tether mix
海底 kaitei (1)bottom of the ocean, (adj-f) (2)undersea, submarine mix
行き iki (1)bound for ..., (n) (2)going (to) jlpt3
取組 torikumi (1)bout (in sports, etc.)/match/ (2)effort/initiative/dealing with/grappling with/wrestling with leda1
hachi (1)bowl, pot, basin, (2)flowerpot, (3)crown, brainpan mix
utsuwa (1)bowl, vessel, container, (2)ability, capacity, calibre, caliber godan, ichidan, verb, vtrans
歯止め hadome (1)brake, skid, pawl, (2)restraint, curtailment, self-imposed limit, check suru
ブランド burando (1)brand, (adj-no) (2)bland jlpt3
呼吸 kokyuu (1)breath, respiration, (2)knack, trick, secret (of doing something) suru
iki (1)breath/breathing/ (2)tone/mood/(P); (n) (3)breath/breathing/ (4)tone/mood; (n) (5)(hum) son hito
擬宝珠 giboshi (1)bridge railing-post knob, (2)(uk) stone-leek flowe mix
仏滅 butsumetsu (1)Buddha's death, (2)very unlucky day (according to old almanacs) mix
坊主 bouzu (1)Buddhist priest, bonze, (2)close cropped hair, crew cut, person with a shorn head, (3)boy (used both endearingly and disparagingly) mix
呼び出し yobidashi (1)call, summons, (n) (2)sumo usher who calls the names of wrestlers, sweeps the ring, etc., (3)(abbr) telephone number at which a person without a telephone can be reached, (4)(arch) box-shaped a suru
落ち着き ochitsuki (1)calmness, composure, presence of mind, (2)stability, steadiness emo
候補 kouho (1)candidate, contender, prospect, pick, choice, list, (2)candidacy, candidature, nomination seiji
留守番 rusuban (1)care-taking/house-sitting/house-watching/ (2)caretaker/house-sitter/(P) leda1, suru
貨物 kabutsu (1)cargo, freight, (2)money or assets; (3)cargo, freight, (4)money or assets mise
貨物 kamotsu (1)cargo, freight, (2)money or assets; (3)cargo, freight, (4)money or assets mix
shou (1)chapter, section, (2)medal mix
特色 tokushoku (1)characteristic, feature, idiosyncrasy, personal colour, (2)spot color (in printing) mix
sakura (1)cherry tree, cherry blossom, (2)decoy, fake buyer, shill, (3)hired applauder, (4)(col) horse meat shokubutsu
回り mawari (1)circumference, perimeter, edge, (2)surroundings, locality, neighborhood, (3)rotation, circulation jlpt3
都合 tsugou (1)circumstances/condition/convenience/(vs) (2)to arrange/to manage/(P) jlpt4, leda1
文明 bunmei (1)civilization, civilisation, culture, (2)Bummei era (1469.4.28-1487.7.20) mix
閉門 heimon (1)closing of a gate, (2)(Edo-period) house confinement suru
末期 makki (1)closing years (period, days), last stage, end stage, end-of-life (care, decision making, etc.), (adj-f) (2)terminal (e.g. cancer, disease, etc.), final mix
生地 kiji (1)cloth, material, texture, (2)one's true character, (3)unglazed pottery, (4)uncooked dough, batter; birthplace mix
生地 seichi (1)cloth, material, texture, (2)one's true character, (3)unglazed pottery, (4)uncooked dough, batter; birthplace mix
手がかり tegakari (1)clue, key, trail, scent, track, contact, (2)handhold, on hand mix
一致 icchi (1)coincidence, agreement, union, match, (2)conformity, consistency, (3)cooperation suru
寒気 kanki (1)cold, coldness, cold air; (2)chill, the shivers, shivering fit, (3)cold, coldness, cold air mix
成立 seiritsu (1)coming into existence, arrangements, establishment, conclusion, completion, (vs) (2)to come into existence, to be true, to hold (i.e. hold true) mix
共通 kyoutsuu (1)commonness, community, (n-suf) (2)-wide jlpt3, suru
相手 aite (1)companion, partner, company, (2)other party, addressee, (3)opponent (sports, etc.) jlpt3
完成 kansei (1)complete, completion, (2)perfection, accomplishment jlpt3, suru
完了 kanryou (1)completion, conclusion, (n) (2)(ling) perfect (tense, form, aspect) suru
顔色 kaoiro; ganshoku (1)complexion, one's colour, one's color, (2)countenance, expression, one's face; (3)complexion, one's colour, one's color, (4)countenance, expression, one's face mix
要素 youso (1)component, factor, item (e.g. in list), (2)(comp) element (e.g. in array), member (e.g. data structure) mix
悟り satori (1)comprehension, understanding, (2)(Buddh) enlightenment, satori mix
濃度 noudo (1)concentration, thickness, density, (2)cardinality adj
告白 kokuhaku (1)confession, acknowledgement, acknowledgment, (2)profession of love, (3)confession of sins (e.g. the confessional) ai
意識 ishiki (1)consciousness, (2)awareness, sense, (3)(Buddh) mano-vijnana (mental consciousness, cognizer of sensory information) suru
コンタクト kontakuto (1)contact, (2)(abbr) contact lens jlpt3, suru
自炊 jisui (1)cooking for oneself, (2)scanning a book or manga to create an ebook suru
協調 kyouchou (1)cooperation, conciliation, harmony, (2)firm (market) tone suru
国字 kokuji (1)country's official writing system, native script, (2)kana, (3)kanji that originated in Japan (as opposed to China) bunpou
クロス kurosu (1)cross, (2)gross, (3)cloth mix
横断 oudan (1)crossing, (adj-f) (2)transverse suru
交差 kousa (1)crossing, intersection, (2)(genetic) crossing over suru
王冠 oukan (1)crown, diadem, (2)bottle cap mix
rei (1)custom, practice, habit, usual, (2)instance, example, case, illustration, usage, (3)precedent; (4)custom, practice, habit, usual, (5)said, aforementioned, (6)instance, example, case, illustra mix
大根 daikon (1)daikon radish (Raphanus sativus), (2)ham actor mix
akatsuki (1)dawn, daybreak, (2)event (i.e. shizen
死亡 shibou (1)death, mortality, (vs) (2)to die, to pass away jlpt3
他界 takai (1)death/the next world/(vs) (2)to pass away/to die leda1
不備 fubi (1)defect, deficiency, imperfection, inadequacy, (n) (2)Yours in haste mix
欠陥 kekkan (1)defect, fault, deficiency, deformity, (2)shortage, gap mix
赤字 akaji (1)deficit, (being in or going into) the red, (2)red text, red letters, (3)corrections (by a teacher or proofreader) written in red mix
歯磨き hamigaki (1)dental brushing, brushing one's teeth, (2)dentifrice, toothpaste, tooth powder suru
次第 shidai (1)dependent upon, (2)as soon as, immediately (upon), (n) (3)circumstances, (4)order, precedence, program, programme, agenda mix
破壊 hakai (1)destruction, disruption, (2)(comp) (application) crash suru
詳しい kuwashii (1)detailed, full, accurate, (2)knowing very well, well-acquainted, well-informed jlpt3
展開 tenkai (1)development, evolution, unfolding, (2)expansion, deployment, building up suru
発展 hatten (1)development, growth, advancement, unfurling, (2)expansion, extension, enlargement, (3)playing around, having an active sex life suru
軽油 keiyu (1)diesel oil, gas oil, (2)light oil mix
次元 jigen (1)dimension, (2)perspective, point of reference, level (of something) math
方面 houmen (1)direction, district, area, (2)field (e.g. of study) ryokou
方向 houkou (1)direction/orientation/bearing/way/ (2)course (e.g. of action)/(P) leda1, math
放流 houryuu (1)discharge (e.g. of water from a dam), (2)liberation, stocking (e.g. a river with fish) suru
不自由 fujiyuu (1)discomfort, inconvenience, (2)poverty, want, destitution, (3)disability, impairment (physical, mental, etc.) jlpt3
解剖 kaibou (1)dissection, autopsy, (2)analysis suru
koori (1)district, county, (2)district (of 2-20 50-home neighbourhoods or townships, in the ritsuryo period); (3)district (of 2-20 50-home neighbourhoods or townships, in the ritsuryo period) mix
博士 hakase (1)doctorate/PhD/Dr gakkou
tobira (1)door, gate, opening, (2)title page mix
二重 nijuu; futae (1)double, two-fold, two layers, duplex, (pref) (2)diplo-, dipl; (3)double, two-fold, two layers, duplex, (pref) (4)diplo-, dipl mix
ダウン daun (1)down (feathers), (2)down (opposite of up), becoming lower, (3)down (e.g. with a cold) and unable to continue (work), (4)(comp) not running (e.g. of servers), (5)(comp) (abbr) download, downstr jlpt3
ryou (1)dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon), (2)naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology); (3)dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon), (4)naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology), (3 mix
水切り mizukiri (1)drainer, strainer, colander, (2)cutwater, forefoot, flashing, throating, (3)(playing) ducks and drakes, stone skipping, skipping rocks, (4)snipping the stem of a cut flower without raising it o suru
応接室 ousetsushitsu (1)drawing room, parlour, parlor, (2)reception office mix
運転士 untenshi (1)driver, train driver, train engineer, motorman, taxi driver, (2)mate, (ship's) officer mix
責任 sekinin (1)duty, responsibility (incl. supervision of staff), (2)liability, onus jlpt3
焼き物 yakimono (1)earthenware, pottery, porcelain, china, (2)flame-broiled food (esp. fish), (3)tempered blade mix
元老 genrou (1)elder statesman, doyen, old-timer, authority, (2)Genro (member of a pre-WWII body that informally advised the emperor) mix
電気屋 denkiya (1)electric appliance store, (2)(obs) electrician mise
電線 densen (1)electric line, electric cable, power cable, (2)telephone line, telegraph wire uchi
短絡 tanraku (1)electric short-circuit, (2)drawing a hasty inference between two events, jumping to a quick conclusion, dealing with matters quickly and carelessly suru
電波 denpa (1)electro-magnetic wave, radio wave, (n,adj-na) (2)(sl) nonsense mix
気品 kihin (1)elegance/refinement/grace/dignity/ (2)aroma leda1
非常 hijou (1)emergency, (adj-na,adj-no) (2)extraordinary, unusual jlpt3
情緒 joucho (1)emotion, feeling, (2)spirit; (3)emotion, feeling, (4)spirit mix
使役 shieki (1)employing, using, setting to work, enslavement, (n) (2)(ling) causative (verb, etc.) suru
登場 toujou (1)entry (on stage)/appearance (on screen)/ (2)entrance/introduction (into a market)/(P) suru
過失 kashitsu (1)error, blunder, accident, (2)fault, defect mix
設定 settei (1)establishment, creation, (2)(comp) options or preference settings (in computer software), configuration, assignment, setup suru
設置 secchi (1)establishment, institution, (2)installation (of a machine or equipment) suru
確立 kakuritsu (1)establishment, settlement, (vs) (2)to establish, to settle suru
永久 eikyuu (1)eternity, perpetuity, immortality, (2)Eikyuu era (1113.7.13-1118.4.3); (3)eternity, perpetuity, immortality; (4)eternity, perpetuity, immortality toki
月並 tsukinami (1)every month, (2)trite, common mix
発掘 hakkutsu (1)excavation, exhumation, (2)discovery (e.g. new talent) suru
言い訳 iiwake (1)excuse, (2)explanation suru
有無 umu (1)existence or nonexistence, presence or absence, (2)consent or refusal, yes or no, (3)(comp) flag indicator, presence or absence marker; (n) (4)existence or nonexistence, presence or absence, (2 mix
生存 seizon (1)existence, being, survival, (vs) (2)to exist, to live, to survive mix
玄人 kurouto (1)expert (professional) in a given trade or profession, (2)woman in the nightlife business, demimondaine mix
宅配便 takuhaibin (1)express home delivery service, (2)express home delivery parcel (box, etc.) mix
表現 hyougen (1)expression, presentation, (2)(math) representation, notation suru
延長 enchou (1)extension, elongation, prolongation, lengthening, (n) (2)Enchou era (923.4.11-931.4.26) suru
manako (1)eye, eyeball, (2)eyesight, sight, vision, (3)look, stare, glance, (4)experience, (5)viewpoint, (6)stitch, texture, weave, (suf) (7)ordinal number suffix, (8)somewhat, -ish; (9)eye, eyeball mix
目玉 medama (1)eyeball, (2)(abbr) special feature, centerpiece, showpiece, drawcard, (3)special program, loss leader hito, leda1
素顔 sugao (1)face with no make-up, unpainted face, (2)honesty, frankness mix
名所 nadokoro; meisho (1)famous place, (2)name of a part (of an instrument, etc.), (3)name and address; (4)famous place mix
牧場 bokujou (1)farm (livestock), ranch (US), station (Aus, NZ), (2)pasture land, meadow, grazing land mix
魅了 miryou (1)fascination, (vs) (2)to charm, to fascinate, to mesmerize ai
en (1)fate, destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together), (2)relationship (e.g. between two people), bond, link, connection, (3)family ties, affinity; (4)fate, destiny (esp. as mix
fuchi (1)fate, destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together), (2)relationship (e.g. between two people), bond, link, connection, (3)family ties, affinity; (4)fate, destiny (esp. as mix
歯切れ hagire (1)feel when biting, (2)manner of enunciation mix
心地 kokochi (1)feeling, sensation, mood, (suf) (2)sensation of doing (usu. after -masu stem of verb); padding, lining, foundation mix
i (1)feelings, thoughts, (2)meaning mix
虚構 kyokou (1)fiction, fabrication, concoction, (adj-no) (2)fictitious, fictional, imaginary mix
takigi (1)firewood, kindling, fuel, (2)piece(s) of firewood; (3)firewood, kindling, fuel, (4)piece(s) of firewood mix
tei (1)firm adherence to one's principles, (2)chastity (of a woman) mix
初体験 shotaiken (1)first experience (of any activity), (2)first sexual experience; (3)first experience (of any activity), (4)first sexual experience mix
一流の ichiryuu no (1)first-class, top grade, foremost, top-notch, leading, (2)characteristic, peculiar, unique, (n) (3)school (e.g. of a performance art), (4)one flag, one banner, one streamer mix
一流 ichiryuu (1)first-class, top grade, foremost, top-notch, leading, (2)characteristic, peculiar, unique, (n) (3)school (e.g. of a performance art), (4)one flag, one banner, one streamer mix
開花 kaika (1)flowers budding, blooming, flowering, (2)showing results, becoming popular, blooming suru
蛍光灯 keikoutou (1)fluorescent lamp, fluorescent light, (2)person who is slow to react, someone slow on the uptake mix
水泡 suihou (1)foam, bubble, (2)nothing; (3)foam, bubble, (4)nothing mix
足跡 ashiato; sokuseki (1)footprints, (2)(comp) record of page visitors (e.g. in social networking sites); (3)footprints, (4)(comp) record of page visitors (e.g. in social networking sites) mix
勢い ikioi (1)force, vigor, vigour, energy, spirit, life, (2)influence, authority, power, might, (3)impetus, momentum, course (of events), (n-adv) (4)naturally, necessarily mix
外貨 gaika (1)foreign currency, foreign money, foreign exchange, (2)foreign goods, imported goods mix
形式 keishiki (1)form (as opposed to substance), formality, (2)method, system, style, (3)format, mode, appearance, form (something takes), (4)math expression math
必死 hisshi (1)frantic/desperate/ (2)inevitable death/ (3)brinkmate (inevitable checkmate) (shogi)/(P) adj, leda1
生鮭 namajake (1)fresh salmon, unsalted salmon, (2)raw salmon mix
前後 zengo (1)front and rear, front and back, before and behind, (2)before and after, (3)order, context, (4)consequences, (n,vs) (5)inversion, reversion, getting out of order, (6)co-occurring, (n-suf,n) (7 mix
毛皮 kegawa (1)fur, skin, pelt, (2)kanji mix
遺伝子 idenshi (1)gene, (adj-f,adj-no) (2)genetic mix
巨人 kyojin (1)giant, great man, (2)(abbr) Tokyo Giants (baseball team) mix
内祝い uchiiwai (1)gifts for close relatives or friends/ (2)private or family celebration leda1
白露 shiratsuyu (1)glistening dew; tenki
うま味 umami (1)good flavor (flavour), good taste, deliciousness, (2)umami (fifth category of taste, corresponding to the flavour of glutamates), (3)skill, (4)profit mix
果報 kahou (1)good fortune, luck, happiness, (2)(Buddh) vipaka (retribution) mix
sachi (1)good luck, fortune, happiness, (2)harvest, yield mix
次第に shidaini (1)gradually (progress into a state), (2)in sequence, in order, in turn mix
大福 daifuku (1)great fortune, good luck, (2)(abbr) rice cake stuffed with bean jam mix
偉い erai (1)great, excellent, admirable, remarkable, distinguished, important, celebrated, famous, eminent, (2)(uk) awful, terrible adj
豪い erai (1)great, excellent, admirable, remarkable, distinguished, important, celebrated, famous, eminent, (2)(uk) awful, terrible adj
道しるべ michishirube (1)guidepost, signpost, guide, (2)(col) tiger beetle (esp. the Japanese tiger beetle, Cicindela japonica) mix
kuse (1)habit (often a bad habit, i.e. vice), (2)peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, mannerism, (3)crease, wrinkle, curl, kink jlpt3
半人前 hanninmae (1)half share, (2)half a man mix
gara (1)handle, grip, (2)stalk (of a mushroom, leaf, etc.); (3)(arch) trunk, stem, stalk, (4)shaft (of an arrow), (5)handle; pattern, design; hilt (of a sword), haft (of a dagger), handgrip mix
硬い katai (1)hard, solid, tough, (2)stiff, tight, wooden, unpolished (e.g. writing), (3)strong, firm (not viscous or easily moved), (4)safe, steady, honest, steadfast, (5)obstinate, stubborn, (6)bookish, adj, jlpt3
kashira (1)head/ (2)top/ (3)hair (on one's head)/ (4)top structural component of a kanji/(P) leda1
首席 shuseki (1)head/chief/ (2)top student/head of the class/ (3)top seat/first desk (in orchestra)/(P) adj, leda1
聞き手 kikite (1)hearer, listener, audience, (2)interviewer, questioner mix
ro (1)hearth, fireplace, (2)furnace, kiln mix
天神 tenjin (1)heavenly god/heavenly gods/ (2)spirit of Sugawara no Michizane/ (3)Tenmangu shrine (dedicated to Michizane's spirit)/ (4)(col) pit of a dried plum/dried plum/ (5)(abbr) tenjin hairstyle/ (6)prosti leda1
手伝い tetsudai (1)helper, assistant, (2)help jlpt3
大麻 taima (1)hemp, cannabis, (2)Shinto paper offerings mix
子分 kobun (1)henchman, follower, (2)(arch) adopted child mix
高熱 kounetsu (1)high fever, (2)pyro- mix
玉露 gyokuro (1)high-quality green tea, (2)(orig. meaning) jewel-like dewdrop mix
ana (1)hole, (2)deficit, shortage, missing person (in a team, meeting, etc.), (3)vacancy, opening, (4)flaw, (5)profitable place (or item, etc.) not well known by others, (6)upset victory (with a lar jlpt3
ana (1)hole, (2)deficit, shortage, missing person (in a team, meeting, etc.), (3)vacancy, opening, (4)flaw, (5)profitable place (or item, etc.) not well known by others, (6)upset victory (with a lar mix
正直 shoujiki (1)honesty, integrity, frankness, (adv) (2)honestly, frankly mix
横に yokoni (1)horizontally, flat, (2)across, crossways, crosswise, sideways, abreast mix
乗馬 jouba (1)horse riding/(n) (2)riding horse/saddle horse/(P) leda1, sport, suru
亭主 teishu (1)household head, master, host (e.g. of a tea gathering), innkeeper, owner (e.g. of an hotel), (2)husband mix
家事 kaji (1)housework, domestic chores, (2)family affairs, household matters mix
氷水 koorimizu (1)ice water/ (2)shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup) leda1
氷柱 hyouchuu (1)icicle/ (2)ice pillar leda1
観念 kannen (1)idea, notion, conception, (2)sense (e.g. of duty), (3)resignation, preparedness, acceptance, (4)(Buddh) observation and contemplation suru
nise (1)imitation, fake, phony, counterfeit, forged, bogus, sham, (pref) (2)pseudo- jlpt3
不死 fushi (1)immortality, eternal life, (2)undeath, undead mix
内裏 dairi (1)imperial palace, (2)(abbr) festival dolls representing the emperor and the empress mix
上達 joutatsu (1)improvement, advance, progress, (2)communication of opinions of the general populace to those of high rank suru
併せて awasete (1)in all, in total, collectively, (exp,conj) (2)in addition, besides, at the same time mix
アップ appu (1)increasing (eng: up), (n,vs) (2)(abbr) uploading, (n) (3)(abbr) close-up, (n,vs) (4)(abbr) finishing shooting (of a film, etc.), (n) (5)up (i.e. of a woman's hair), (6)being up (i.e. leading jlpt3, suru
墨汁 bokujuu (1)India ink, China ink, (2)ink (of a cuttlefish, etc.) mix
必至 hisshi (1)inevitable/necessary/foregone/(n) (2)brinkmate (inevitable checkmate) (shogi)/(P) adj, leda1
反映 han'ei (1)influence, (vs) (2)to apply, to implement, (n) (3)reflection suru
影響 eikyou (1)influence, effect, (vs) (2)to influence, to affect, to have an influence on, to impact, to have an effect on jlpt3
有力 yuuryoku (1)influential, prominent, (2)strong, likely, plausible, potent mix
案内 annai (1)information/guidance/leading/(vs) (2)to guide/to show (around)/to conduct/(P) leda1
食材 shokuzai (1)ingredient, (2)foodstuff ryouri
内股 uchimata (1)inner thigh, (n,vs) (2)(walking) pigeon-toed, one's toes turned inward, (3)uchimata (judo), throwing an opponent by putting one's leg between their legs; (4)inner thigh mix
革新的 kakushinteki (1)innovative, (2)liberal, reformist mix
足りない tarinai (1)insufficient/not enough/lacking/ (2)dim-witted/slow/one brick short of a full load adj
きつい kitsui (1)intense, severe, hard, (2)determined, forceful, formidable, (3)strong, (4)tight, close adj
故意 koi (1)intention, purpose, bad faith, (2)mens rea (guilty mind) mix
対応 taiou (1)interaction, correspondence, coping with, dealing with, support, (2)(comp) software support, ability of a computer system to run specific software suru
内科 naika (1)internal medicine, i.e. treatment by medical procedures rather than surgical procedures, (2)department of internal medicine (hospital, etc.) byouki
発行 hakkou (1)issue (publications), publishing, (2)raising an event (software) suru
焼餅 yakimochi (1)jealousy, (2)roasted rice cake mix
つい tsui (1)just (now), (2)quite (near), (3)unintentionally, unconsciously, by mistake, against one's better judgement (judgment) jlpt3
河童 kappa (1)kappa (mythical water-dwelling creatures) kami
殺生 sesshou (1)killing, destruction of life, (adj-na) (2)barbarous, callous, brutal, cruel suru
shu (1)kind, variety, (2)(biological) species, (3)(abbr) (logical) species mix
狂言 kyougen (1)kyogen (farce played during a noh cycle), play, drama, (2)make-believe, ruse, trick mix
ラベル raberu (1)label (i.e. sticker)/ (2)label (i.e. record label)/(P) jlpt3
非常識 hijoushiki (1)lack of common sense, thoughtlessness, senselessness, irrationality, absurdity, (adj-na) (2)thoughtless, senseless, unreasonable, absurd, preposterous, aberrant mix
urushi (1)lacquer, varnish, japan, (2)(uk) lacquer tree (Toxicodendron vernicifluum); seven (used in legal documents); seven (used in legal documents) mix
灯り akari (1)lamp, light denki
レーン re-n (1)lane, (2)rain, (3)(abbr) reinforcement mix
笑い warai (1)laugh/laughter/ (2)smile/ (3)sneer/(P) jlpt3
リーダー ri-da- (1)leader/ (2)reader/(P) jlpt3
最先端 saisentan (1)leading edge, forefront, (2)ultra-fine mix
飛躍 hiyaku (1)leaping, activity, (2)leapfrog (over a problem), making a leap (e.g. in logic), (3)making great strides, making rapid progress, (4)emerging, (5)becoming active, playing an active part suru
聞き覚え kikioboe (1)learning by ear, (2)memory of having heard something before gakkou
最低 saitei (1)least, lowest, worst, (2)nasty, disgusting, horrible, yuck! jlpt3
ara (1)leftovers (after filleting a fish), (2)rice chaff, (3)flaw (esp. of a person), (pref) (4)rough, roughly, (5)crude, raw, natural, wild; (uk) almost, roughly, approximately mix
融通 yuuzuu (1)lending (money), finance, (2)adaptability, versatility, flexibility, accommodation; (3)lending (money), finance, (4)adaptability, versatility, flexibility, accommodation suru
ka (1)lesson/ (2)section (in an organization)/division/department/(ctr) (3)counter for lessons and chapters (of a book)/(P) leda1
水準 suijun (1)level, standard, (2)water level mix
レベル reberu (1)level/ (2)rebel/ (3)revel/(P) jlpt3
生死 seishi (1)life and death/(P) leda1
淡白 tanpaku (1)light (color, colour, taste), simple, plain, (2)frank, candid, ingenuous, indifferent mix
灯台 toudai (1)lighthouse, (2)old-fashioned interior light fixture comprising a wooden pole with an oil-filled dish and a wick atop it mix
限り kagiri (1)limit, limits, bounds, (2)degree, extent, scope, (3)as far as possible, as much as possible, to the best of one's ability, (4)unless (after neg. verb), (5)the end, the last mix
獅子 shishi (1)lion, (2)left-hand guardian dog at a Shinto shrine mix
酒屋 sakaya (1)liquor store/wine shop/bottle shop/ (2)sake dealer/liquor-store owner/brewer/(P) leda1, mise
kimo (1)liver, innards, (2)courage, spirit, pluck, guts mix
リビング ribingu (1)living/lifestyle/ (2)(abbr) living room/(P) jlpt3
jou (1)lock, padlock, (n,n-suf,ctr) (2)tablet, lozenge, pill mix
ロッカー rokka- (1)locker/ (2)rocker/(P) mix
論理 ronri (1)logic, (adj-no) (2)logical mix
長蛇 chouda (1)long snake, (2)long line (of people, etc.) mix
贅沢 zeitaku (1)luxury, extravagance, (vs) (2)to live in luxury mix
磁石 jishaku (1)magnet/ (2)compass/(P) adj, leda1
風俗 fuuzoku (1)manners, customs, (2)sex service, sex industry
労働 roudou (1)manual labor, manual labour, toil, work, (2)(abbr) Labour Party shigoto, suru
shirushi (1)mark, (2)symbol, (3)evidence jlpt3, mix
shirushi (1)mark, (2)symbol, (3)evidence; mix
shirushi (1)mark, (2)symbol, (3)evidence; mix
shirushi (1)mark, (2)symbol, (3)evidence; mix
目当て meate (1)mark, guide, landmark, (2)purpose, aim, goal, intention, end, (3)sight (on a firearm) mix
対偶 taiguu (1)married couple, (2)(math) contraposition suru
マスコミュニケーション masukomyunike-shon (1)mass communication, the media, (2)mass collaboration, e.g. Wikipedia jlpt3
koku (1)measure of volume (approx. 180.39 liters, 6.37 cub. ft.)/ (2)measure of a Japanese-style boat's loading capacity (approx. 278.26 liters)/(P) leda1
升目 masume (1)measure, (2)square (e.g. of graph paper or Japanese manuscript paper), (3)box (e.g. on a form) mix
肉食 nikushoku (1)meat eating/eating of meat/meat diet/(adj-f) (2)carnivorous/(P) leda1, suru
会合 kaigou (1)meeting, assembly, (2)(chem) association, (3)(astronomical) conjunction suru
kai (1)meeting, assembly, party, (2)association, club jlpt3
記憶 kioku (1)memory, recollection, remembrance, (2)storage suru
省く habuku (1)ministry, department, (2)province (of China), (n-pref) (3)saving, conserving godan, verb, vtrans
ミス misu (1)mistake, error, failure, (n) (2)Miss, (3)myth jlpt3, suru
kata (1)model, type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.), (2)type, style, pattern, (3)mold (mould), template, model, (4)kata (standard form of a movement, posture, etc. in martial arts, sport, etc.), (5)for jlpt3
為替 kawase (1)money order, draft, (2)exchange (e.g. foreign) mix
金貸し kanekashi (1)moneylending, (n) (2)moneylender suru
nezumi (1)mouse, rat, (2)dark gray, dark grey, slate (color, colour); (3)mouse, rat, (4)dark gray, dark grey, slate (color, colour) doubutsu
一口 hitokuchi (1)mouthful, bite, sip, draft, draught, (2)one word mix
転々 tenten (1)moving from place to place, being passed around repeatedly, (2)rolling about suru
suji (1)muscle, (2)source (of business information), (3)reason, logic; (4)muscle, (5)string, sinew, line, stripe, (6)plot, plan, (7)source (of business information), (8)reason, logic mix
音符 onpu (1)musical note, note symbol, (2)phonetic symbol (inc. the kanji and kana-doubling symbols, vowel-lengthening symbol, etc.), (3)part of a kanji for which the role is primarily to represent the pron ongaku
肉眼 nikugan (1)naked eye/ (2)(Buddh) the physical eye/(P) leda1
風物 fuubutsu (1)natural features, scenery, (2)things particular to a certain region or season, characteristic scenery and customs, scenes and manners mix
当たり前 atarimae (1)natural, reasonable, obvious, (2)usual, common, ordinary jlpt3
天然 tennen (1)nature, spontaneity, (2)(abbr) natural airhead mix
必要(な) hitsuyou(na) (1)necessary/needed/essential/indispensable/(n) (2)necessity/need/requirement/(P) adj, leda1
hari (1)needle, pin, (2)hook, (3)stinger, thorn, (4)hand (e.g. clock, etc.), pointer, (5)staple (for a stapler), (6)needlework, sewing, (7)malice, (ctr,n-suf) (8)counter for stitches mix
否定 hitei (1)negation, denial, repudiation, (2)(comp) NOT operation suru
付近 fukin (1)neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, environs, (2)(obsc) approaching mix
su (1)nest, rookery, breeding place, hive, (2)den, (3)haunt, (4)(spider's) web doubutsu
中性 chuusei (1)neutrality (incl. chemical, electrical, etc.), indifference, (2)sexlessness, androgyny, androgyne, neuter, (3)(ling) neuter gender mix
新人 shinjin (1)new face/newcomer/ (2)modern humans (from Cro-Magnon man onwards)/(P) adj, leda1
新規 shinki (1)new, fresh, (2)new customer, (3)new rules or regulations mix
新た arata (1)new, fresh, novel, (adv) (2)newly, freshly, re- mix
消息 shousoku; shousoko (1)news (from somebody), letter, contact, (2)(somebody's) whereabouts, (somebody's) movements; (n) (3)news (from somebody), letter, contact, (4)(somebody's) whereabouts, (somebody's) movements mix
便り tayori (1)news, tidings, information, correspondence, letter; (2)news from ... mix
情報 jouhou (1)news/gossip/(military) intelligence/ (2)information (data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.)/(P) jlpt3, mix
次期 jiki (1)next term/next period/ (2)next version/next release/(P) adj, leda1
tsugi (1)next/following/subsequent/ (2)stage/station/(P) adj, jlpt5, leda1
禁煙 kin'en (1)No Smoking!, Smoking Prohibited!, (n,vs) (2)abstaining from smoking, quitting smoking jlpt3
全然 zenzen (1)not at all (with neg. verb), (2)wholly, entirely, completely mix
手帳 techou (1)notebook, memo pad, (2)(abbr) certificate, (3)(abbr) identification card mix
ban (1)number (in a series), (2)(one's) turn, (3)watch, guard, lookout, (4)bout, match (sumo) jlpt3
gou (1)number/edition/make/model/issue/part of that group/ (2)sobriquet/pen-name/(P) leda1, math
数値 suuchi (1)numerical value, numerics, (2)reading (on a meter, etc.) mix
obi (1)obi (kimono sash), (2)paper wrapper on books, CDs, etc.; band (e.g. conduction, valence), belt (e.g. Van-Allen, asteroid, etc.) fuku
三線 sanshin (1)Okinawan traditional three-stringed instrument; precursor to the shamisen; (2)shamisen mix
年寄り toshiyori (1)old people/the aged/ (2)sumo coaches/(P) hito
老舗 shinise (1)old shop, shop of long standing, (adj-no) (2)well-established, first of the kind, veteran; (3)old shop, shop of long standing, (adj-no) (4)well-established, first of the kind, veteran mise
手抜き tenuki (1)omitting crucial steps, cutting corners, skimping, (2)intentional negligence suru
他方 tahou (1)one (esp. of two)/the other/one way/the other way/one direction/the other direction/one side/the other side/one party/the other party/(conj) (2)on the other hand/(P) adj, leda1
一部 ichibu (1)one part, one portion, one section, some, (2)one copy (e.g. of a document) mix
一回り hitomawari (1)one turn, one round, (2)(a) size, (vs) (3)to go around, to make a circuit, to take a turn mix
一両 ichiryou (1)one vehicle, (2)one ryou (an old coin) mix
rin (1)one-hundredth, 0.3 mm (one-hundredth of a sun), 0.1 percent (one-hundredth of a wari), 0.0375 grams (one-hundredth of a monme), (2)old monetary unit (0.001 yen) mix
肉筆 nikuhitsu (1)one's own handwriting, autograph, (2)as written with a brush mix
自他 jita (1)oneself and others/ (2)transitive and intransitive/(P) leda1
向こう mukou (1)opposite side/other side/opposite direction/ (2)over there/that way/far away/beyond/ (3)the other party/the other person/ (4)future (starting now)/(P) jlpt3, leda1
錯覚 sakkaku (1)optical illusion, hallucination, (2)misapprehension, delusion suru
軌道 kidou (1)orbit, trajectory, (2)railroad track mix
命令 meirei (1)order, command, decree, directive, (2)(comp) (software) instruction, statement suru
組織 soshiki (1)organization/organisation/ (2)structure/construction/ (3)tissue/ (4)system/(P) leda1, suru
日の丸 hinomaru (1)outline of the sun (esp. represented as a red circle)/ (2)(abbr) the Japanese flag/(P) leda1
パック pakku (1)pack, (2)puck suru
段落 danraku (1)paragraph, (2)end, stopping place, conclusion mix
辞世 jisei (1)passing away, death, (2)death poem (poem written during one's final moments) mix
特許 tokkyo (1)patent, special permission, licence (license), concession, franchise, charter, (adj-f) (2)proprietary mix
模様 moyou (1)pattern, figure, design, (2)state, condition, (3)conjecture of the current situation, the way it seems, (4)model, pattern, example, (5)(after a noun) indicates that that noun seems likely (e.g mix
浸透 shintou (1)permeation, penetration, soaking, (2)osmosis suru
私用 shiyou (1)personal use, (2)private business suru
生理 seiri (1)physiology, (2)menstruation, one's period, menses hito
体位 taii (1)physique, physical standard, (n) (2)posture, sexual position ai
koma (1)piece (in shogi, chess, etc.), (2)(arch) horse, foal, (3)bridge (of a violin, etc.) mix
makura (1)pillow, bolster, (2)introduction (e.g. to a rakugo story), lead-in all, uchi
さいの目 sainome (1)pip (spot on a die), (2)small cube (esp. of food), die, dice mix
哀れ aware (1)pity, sorrow, grief, misery, compassion, pathos, (adj-na) (2)pitiable, pitiful, pathetic, miserable, (int) (3)alack, alas mix
情け nasake (1)pity, sympathy, compassion, (2)affection mix
kurai (1)place, rank, (2)decimal place, (3)counter for ghosts; (4)throne, crown, (nobleman's) seat, (5)government position, court rank, (6)social standing, rank, class, echelon, rung, (n) (7)grade (o counter
充分 juubun (1)plenty, enough, sufficient, satisfactory, adequate, (adv) (2)perfectly, thoroughly, fully, in full mix
中毒 chuudoku (1)poisoning, (n-suf) (2)addiction byouki, suru
交番 kouban (1)police box/(n,adj-f) (2)alternation/alternating (e.g. current)/(P) jlpt5, leda1, suru
細々 hosoboso (1)poor (living), (2)barely continuing, just scraping along, (adj-f) (3)very narrow mix
郵便配達 yuubinhaitatsu (1)postal delivery, mail delivery, (2)(abbr) postman, mailman mix
パウチ pauchi (1)pouch mix
活用 katsuyou (1)practical use, application, (2)(ling) conjugation, declension, inflection suru
実際 jissai (1)practicality, practical, (2)reality, actuality, actual conditions, (3)(Buddh) bhutakoti (limit of reality) mix
敬遠 keien (1)pretending to respect someone while in fact staying distant from him, (2)keeping at a distance, (3)kicking upstairs, giving a batter an "intentional walk" suru
atai (1)price, cost, (2)value, worth, merit, (3)(comp) variable (computer programming, programing), (4)(math) value, count, number, (vs) (5)to have value, to have merit mix
hime (1)princess, young lady of noble birth, (n-suf,n) (2)girl, (pref) (3)small & lovely mix
利益 rieki; riyaku (1)profit, gains, (2)benefit, advantage, interest (of the public, etc.); (3)profit, gains, (4)benefit, advantage, interest (of the public, etc.), (5)grace (of God, Buddha, etc.) (esp. as attained suru
禁断 kindan (1)prohibition, interdiction, (adj-no) (2)forbidden, prohibited suru
校正 kousei (1)proofreading, correction of press, (2)calibration suru
守り mamori (1)protection/defense/defence/ (2)providence/ (3)(abbr) amulet/charm/talisman/(P) leda1
風呂屋 furoya (1)public bathhouse, (2)(sens) bathhouse proprietor mix
掲載 keisai (1)publication (e.g. article in paper), appearance, insertion, (vs) (2)to insert (e.g. an article), to run (e.g. in a newspaper) mix
hitomi (1)pupil (of eye), (2)eye hito
追求 tsuikyuu (1)pursuing (goal), pursuit, seeking, search, (vs) (2)to pursue (e.g. goal), to seek mix
tanuki (1)raccoon dog, tanuki (Nyctereutes procyonoides), (2)craftiness, sly person, someone who makes evil plans without ever breaking their poker face doubutsu
踏み切り fumikiri (1)railway crossing/railroad crossing/train crossing/level crossing/ (2)starting line/scratch/ (3)determination/ (4)stepping over the edge of the ring (in sumo) leda1
点滴 tenteki (1)raindrops, falling drop of water, (2)intravenous drip byouki
梅雨 tsuyu (1)rainy season, (2)rain during the rainy season; jlpt3, tenki
wari (1)rate/ratio/proportion/percentage/ (2)profit/ (3)assignment/ (4)10%/unit of ten percent/ (5)sumo match/schedule of sumo matches/(n-suf) (6)diluted with (of drinks)/mixed with/(P) jlpt3
記録 kiroku (1)record, minutes, document, (2)a record (e.g. in sports), results, score, (vs) (3)to record, to document, (4)to set a record (e.g. in sports), to show a result, to reach a value jlpt3
常連 jouren (1)regular customer, regular patron, frequenter, (2)constant companion mix
移動 idou (1)removal/migration/movement/ (2)mobile (e.g. communications)/(P) mix
手入れ teire (1)repairs, maintenance, tending, trimming, grooming, (2)crackdown, (police) raid suru
依頼 irai (1)request, commission, dispatch, despatch, (2)dependence, trust suru
相似 souji (1)resemblance, likeness, similitude, (2)(mathematical) similarity, (3)(biological) analogy suru
予備軍 yobigun (1)reserves (esp. troops), reserve army, (2)potential members of some group (e.g. the elderly), people at risk (e.g. of a medical condition), wannabees mix
残留 zanryuu (1)residual, residue, (2)stay behind, stay back suru
退社 taisha (1)resignation, leaving office, (2)leaving work (e.g. at the end of the day) suru
抵抗 teikou (1)resistance, opposition, (2)reluctance, repulsion, repugnance, (3)(physics) resistance, drag, friction, (4)(abbr) electrical resistance, (n) (5)(abbr) resistor suru
戻り modori (1)return/reaction/recovery/ (2)(comp) return (from a procedure)/(P) jlpt3
復活 fukkatsu (1)revival (e.g. musical), come-back, (2)restoration, rebirth, resurrection suru
nazo (1)riddle, puzzle, enigma, mystery, (adj-no) (2)enigmatic, mysterious mix
右翼 uyoku (1)right-wing, (n) (2)right field (e.g. in sport), right flank, right wing mix
teki (1)rival, opponent, adversary, (2)foe, enemy; (3)opponent, rival, adversary, (4)menace, danger, threat, enemy mix
進路 shinro (1)route, course, (2)career, university choices, course (of future life)
決まり kimari (1)rule, regulation, (2)settlement, conclusion, end, agreement, arrangement, (3)habit, custom, habitual way, (4)countenance in front of another person, face, (5)(arch) love relationship between a jlpt3
ラッシュ rasshu (1)rush/ (2)(abbr) rush hour/ (3)(abbr) rush print/ (4)(abbr) lighter aboard ship/LASH/(P) jlpt3
声明 seimei (1)sabdavidya (ancient Indian linguistic and grammatical studies), (2)(Buddh) chanting of Buddhist hymns (usu. in Sanskrit or Chinese); declaration, statement, proclamation suru
sakaki (1)sakaki (species of evergreen sacred to Shinto, Cleyera japonica), (2)evergreen (esp. one planted or used at a shrine) shokubutsu
徳利 tokkuri (1)sake bottle, tall and slender bottle with a narrow mouth made from ceramic, metal or glass that can be used for sake, shoyu or rice vinegar, (2)turtleneck (sweater), (3)someone who cannot swim mix
工夫 kufuu (1)scheme, device, scheming, devising, figuring out, coming up with, solving ingeniously, (2)dedication to spiritual improvement (esp. through Zen meditation); (sens) labourer, laborer, blue-collar suru
上映 jouei (1)screening (a movie), showing, (vs) (2)to screen a movie mix
han (1)seal, stamp, monogram signature, (2)judgment, judgement, (n,n-suf) (3)size (of paper or books) jlpt3
衣替え koromogae (1)seasonal change of clothing, changing (one's) dress for the season, (2)renovation, facelift, changing appearance suru
内緒 naisho (1)secrecy, confidentiality, privacy, secret, (2)one's circumstances (esp. fiscal) mix
ku (1)section (i.e. of text), sentence, passage, paragraph, (2)(ling) phrase, (3)verse (of 5 or 7 mora in Japanese poetry; of 4, 5, or 7 characters in Chinese poetry), (4)haiku, first 17 morae of a r mix
我侭 wagamama (1)selfishness/egoism/self-indulgence/wilfulness/willfulness/ (2)disobedience/ (3)whim jlpt3
一連 ichiren (1)series, chain, sequence, (n) (2)two reams (i.e. 1000 sheets of paper), (3)verse, stanza mix
kumi (1)set (of items)/ (2)group (of people)/class (of students)/company (esp. construction)/family (i.e. mafia)/team/ (3)typesetting/composition/(P) leda1
セット setto (1)set, (2)set meal jlpt3, suru
陰影 in'ei (1)shadow, gloom, (2)shading, hatch, hatching emo
kage (1)shadow, silhouette, (2)reflection, image, (3)presence, sign, (4)light (stars, moon) mix
尺八 shakuhachi (1)shakuhachi, end-blown fippleless bamboo flute, (2)(X) (vulg) blow job, oral sex (penis in mouth), fellatio ongaku
格好 kakkou (1)shape, form, posture, appearance, manner, (2)suitability, moderateness (in price) jlpt4
fune (1)ship, boat, watercraft, vessel, steamship, (2)tank, tub, vat, trough, (n-suf,ctr) (3)counter for boat-shaped containers (e.g. of sashimi) mix
waki (1)side, aside, (2)armpit, (3)back-burner mix
暖簾 noren (1)sign curtain hung at shop entrance/ (2)reputation (of a store)/goodwill/(P) mix
chou (1)sign, omen, indication, portent, (num) (2)10^12, 1,000,000,000,000, trillion (American), (obs) billion (British) mix
大小 daishou (1)sizes (various), large and small, (2)daisho (matched pair of long and short swords), (3)large and small drums, (4)long months and short months mix
上手く umaku (1)skilfully, skillfully, well, aptly, cleverly, (2)successfully, smoothly, (3)deliciously mix
旨い umai (1)skillful, clever, expert, wise, successful, (2)delicious, appetizing, appetising, (3)fortunate, splendid, promising mix
美味い umai (1)skillful, clever, expert, wise, successful, (2)delicious, appetizing, appetising, (3)fortunate, splendid, promising adj, jlpt3
上手い umai (1)skillful, clever, expert, wise, successful, (2)delicious, appetizing, appetising, (3)fortunate, splendid, promising adj
hada; hadae (1)skin, (2)body (in the context of intimate bodily contact), (3)surface, grain (e.g. of wood), texture, (4)disposition, temperament, character, type; (5)skin, (6)body (in the context of intimat mix
縄跳び nawatobi (1)skipping rope, jump rope, (2)skipping, rope-jumping sport
sode (1)sleeve, (2)wing (of a stage) mix
小虫 komushi (1)small insect, midge, (2)vermicule doubutsu
細かい komakai (1)small/ (2)fine/minute/ (3)minor/trivial/ (4)sensitive/attentive/(P) adj, jlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
hebi (1)snake, (2)serpent, large snake; (3)snake, (4)serpent, large snake; (5)snake, (6)serpent, large snake; (n) (7)snake, (8)serpent, large snake doubutsu
wana (1)snare, trap (for catching wild game, etc.), (2)trap (i.e. ruse, subterfuge, etc.) mix
柔い yawai (1)soft; (2)soft, (3)weak adj
立体 rittai (1)solid body/three-dimensional object/ (2)(abbr) multi-storey car park/(P) adj, leda1
uta (1)song mix
羽音 haoto (1)sound of flapping wings (of a bird)/ (2)buzz/hum (of an insect) leda1
発泡酒 happoushu (1)sparkling wine, (2)low-malt beer mix
口語 kougo (1)spoken language, (2)literary style based on (modern) spoken language bunpou
萌え moe (1)sprouting, budding, (2)(m-sl) crush (anime, manga term), fascination, infatuation baka
駅伝 ekiden (1)stagecoach, post horse, (2)(abbr) long-distance relay race mix
時効 jikou (1)statute of limitations, lapse of rights after a period of time, prescription (including acquisitive and extinctive prescription), (2)ageing, aging mix
忍び shinobi (1)stealth, (2)(abbr) travelling incognito (traveling), (3)(abbr) ninjutsu, (4)(abbr) ninja, (5)sneak theft, sneak thief, (6)tolerance mix
蒸気 jouki (1)steam, vapour, vapor, (2)(abbr) steamship, steamboat, steamer mix
執事 shitsuji (1)steward, butler, (2)court official, (3)deacon (Anglican, Lutheran, etc.) mix
臭い kusai (1)stinking, smelly, (2)suspicious, fishy, (3)clumsy jlpt3
i (1)stomach, (2)Chinese "stomach" constellation (one of the 28 mansions) hito
2階 2kai (1)storey/story/floor/(n) (2)stairs/(n,n-suf) (3)stage (in chronostratigraphy)/(ctr) (4)counter for storeys and floors of a building/(P); stairs; (n) stairs mix
真っ直ぐ massugu (1)straight (ahead), direct, upright, erect, (2)straightforward, honest, frank mix
himo (1)string, cord, (2)man who is financially dependent on a woman (such as a gigolo or, in the case of a prostitute, a pimp), pimp mix
スタイル sutairu (1)style, (2)(female) figure jlpt3
shiro (1)substitution, (2)material, (3)price, (4)margin (e.g. for stapling, etc.), area required for something, (5)(arch) shiro (unit of land area equal to one-fiftieth of a tan; ~19.83 m.sq.); (6)cha mix
yo (1)substitution, (2)material, (3)price, (4)margin (e.g. for stapling, etc.), area required for something, (5)(arch) shiro (unit of land area equal to one-fiftieth of a tan; ~19.83 m.sq.); (6)cha mix
置換 chikan (1)substitution, replacement, (2)permutation suru
適当 tekitou (1)suitable, proper, appropriate, adequate, fit, (2)noncommittal, vague, equivocal, unserious, irresponsible adj, jlpt3, jlpt4
適当な tekitou na (1)suitable, proper, appropriate, adequate, fit, (2)noncommittal, vague, equivocal, unserious, irresponsible jlpt3
日焼け hiyake (1)sunburn, (2)suntan byouki
暮れ kure (1)sunset, sundown, nightfall, dusk, (2)end, close, (3)year-end, end of the year jlpt3
上位 joui (1)superior (rank not class), (2)(comp) higher order (e.g. byte), (3)(comp) host computer (of connected device) mix
監督 kantoku (1)supervision, control, superintendence, direction, (n) (2)director, superintendent, supervisor, coach, foreman, manager, overseer, controller, boss suru
外伝 gaiden (1)supplementary biography, (2)anecdote, side story, spin-off mix
周囲 shuui (1)surroundings, environs, (2)circumference mix
怪しい ayashii (1)suspicious/dubious/doubtful/dodgy/suspicious (referring to a potential amorous relation)/dangerous (e.g. financial situation)/ominous (e.g. weather)/strange/shady/fishy/ (2)charming/bewitching/mys adj
ase (1)sweat/perspiration hito
ayu (1)sweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis); (2)sweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) doubutsu
俊足 shunsoku (1)swift horse, fleet steed, fast runner, (2)talented person, brilliant person mix
急に kyuuni (1)swiftly, rapidly, (2)suddenly, abruptly, immediately jlpt3, mix
遊泳 yuuei (1)swimming, bathing, (2)conduct of life suru
代替わり daigawari (1)taking over (e.g. store or family's headship), (2)subrogation, substitution of one person for another (usu. a creditor) mix
渋い shibui (1)tasteful (clothing), cool, an aura of refined masculinity, (2)astringent, sullen, bitter (taste), raspy (voice), (3)grim, quiet, (4)sober, stingy adj
namida (1)tear, tears, lachrymal secretion, (2)sympathy; (3)tear, tears, lachrymal secretion, (4)sympathy mix
通話 tsuuwa (1)telephone call, talking, calling, (ctr) (2)counter for telephone calls suru
恐ろしい osoroshii (1)terrible, dreadful, terrifying, frightening, frightened, (2)surprising, startling, tremendous, amazing adj
解凍 kaitou (1)thaw, defrosting, (2)(comp) decompression (e.g. of a file), unpacking, extracting suru
受身 ukemi (1)the defensive, (2)passive attitude, passivity, passiveness, (3)(ling) the passive, passive voice, (4)(MA) ukemi (the art of falling safely) mix
年頭 nentou (1)the oldest person/ (2)beginning of the year/(P) leda1
過去 kako (1)the past, bygone days, the previous, (2)a past (i.e. a personal history one would prefer remained secret), one's past, (3)(ling) past (tense), preterit, preterite, (4)(Buddh) previous life toki
醍醐味 daigomi (1)the real pleasure (of something), the real thrill, the true charm, (2)flavour of ghee, delicious taste, (3)(Buddh) Buddha's gracious teachings mix
momo (1)thigh, (adj-no) (2)femoral hito
細い hosoi (1)thin/slender/fine/ (2)(sl) unlucky (billiards slang)/(P) adj, jlpt5, leda1
shina (1)thing, article, goods, (2)dignity, class, quality, (n) (3)(uk) flirtatiousness, coquetry mix
ibara (1)thorny shrub, (2)wild rose, briar, (3)thorn, (4)(architectural) cusp mix
投入 tounyuu (1)throwing (e.g. something into somewhere), (2)investment, putting in (personnel, etc.), (3)release of a product, (4)making (an electrical circuit) suru
投下 touka (1)throwing down, dropping, airdrop, (2)investment suru
時期 jiki (1)time, season, period, (adv) (2)(col) soon, shortly toki
略す ryakusu (1)to abbreviate, to omit, (2)to take, to capture godan, verb, vtrans
果たす hatasu (1)to accomplish, to achieve, to carry out, to fulfill, to fulfil, to realize, to execute, to perform, to do, (suf,v5s) (2)to do ... completely, to do ... entirely godan, verb, vtrans
採る toru (1)to adopt (measure, proposal), (2)to pick (e.g. fruit), to catch (e.g. insects), to take (e.g. a sample), (3)to assume (attitude), (4)to take on (i.e. hire), to engage godan, verb, vtrans
干す hosu (1)to air, to dry, to desiccate, (2)to drain (off), (3)to drink up, (4)to deprive of a role, job, etc. (usu. in the passive) godan, verb, vtrans
現れる arawareru (1)to appear, to come in sight, to become visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to materialise, (2)to be expressed (e.g. emotions), to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
表われる arawareru (1)to appear, to come in sight, to become visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to materialise, (2)to be expressed (e.g. emotions), to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
迫る semaru (1)to approach, to draw near, to be imminent, (v5r,vt) (2)to press (someone for something), to urge, to compel godan, verb, vintrans
近づく chikaduku (1)to approach, to draw near, to get close, (2)to get acquainted with, to get closer to, to get to know godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
到る itaru (1)to arrive at (e.g. a decision), to reach (a stage), to attain, (2)to lead to (a place), to get to, (3)(arch) to come, to arrive, to result in godan, verb, vintrans
問う tou (1)to ask/to question/to inquire/ (2)to charge (i.e. with a crime)/to accuse/ (3)to care (about)/ (4)without regard to (with negative verb)/(P) godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
付き合う tsukiau (1)to associate with, to keep company with, to go out with, to go steady with, to get on with, (2)to go along with, to follow someone's lead, to accompany someone, to compromise godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
拝む ogamu (1)to assume the posture of praying, to press the palms and fingers of both hands together, to do reverence (e.g. before a statue of the Buddha), to pay one's respects, (2)to beg, to make a supplica godan, verb, vtrans
付ける tsukeru (1)to attach, to join, to add, to append, to affix, to stick, to glue, to fasten, to sew on, to apply (ointment), (2)to furnish (a house with), (3)to wear, to put on, (4)to keep a diary, to make a ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
襲う osou (1)to attack, to assail, to make an assault, to strike, to hunt down, (2)to succeed (someone in a post, role, etc.), (3)to make a sudden visit godan, verb, vtrans
避ける sakeru (1)to avoid (situation), (v1) (2)to ward off, to avert; (3)to avoid (physical contact with), (v1) (4)to ward off, to avert ichidan, verb, vtrans
避ける yokeru (1)to avoid (situation), (v1) (2)to ward off, to avert; (3)to avoid (physical contact with), (v1) (4)to ward off, to avert ichidan, verb, vtrans
覚ます samasu (1)to awaken, (2)to disabuse, (3)to sober up godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
関わる kakawaru (1)to be affected, to be influenced, (2)to be concerned with, to have to do with, (3)to stick to (opinions) godan, verb, vintrans
詰まる tsumaru (1)to be blocked, to be packed, (2)to hit the ball near the handle of the bat (baseball) godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
捕まる tsukamaru (1)to be caught, to be arrested, (2)(uk) to hold on to, to grasp, (3)(uk) to find (e.g. proof), to get (e.g. a taxi), (4)(uk) to be detained by godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
欠ける kakeru (1)to be chipped/to be damaged/to be broken/ (2)to be lacking/to be missing/ (3)to be insufficient/to be short/to be deficient/to be negligent toward/ (4)(of the moon) to wane/to go into eclipse/(P) ichidan, verb, vintrans
混む komu (1)to be crowded, to be packed, (2)to be complex godan, verb, vintrans
効く kiku (1)to be effective, to show effect, (2)to do its work, to carry out its function well, (3)to be possible to use godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
利く kiku (1)to be effective, to show effect, (2)to do its work, to carry out its function well, (3)to be possible to use godan, verb, vintrans
惜しむ oshimu (1)to be frugal, to be sparing, (2)to value, to hold dear, (3)to regret (e.g. a loss), to feel sorry (for), (4)to be unwilling, to be reluctant godan, verb, vtrans
満つ mitsu (1)to be full, (2)to wax (e.g. moon), (3)to rise (e.g. tide), (4)to mature, to expire godan, verb, vintrans
満ちる michiru (1)to be full, (2)to wax (e.g. moon), (3)to rise (e.g. tide), (4)to mature, to expire ichidan, verb, vintrans
備わる sonawaru (1)to be furnished with, to be endowed with, (2)to be among, to be one of, to be possessed of godan, verb, vintrans
怠ける namakeru (1)to be idle, to slacken, (v1,vt) (2)to neglect (e.g. one's work) ichidan, verb, vintrans
流行る hayaru (1)to be popular, to come into fashion, (2)to be prevalent, to spread widely (e.g. disease), to be endemic, (3)to flourish, to thrive godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
片付く kataduku (1)to be put in order, to be put to rights, (2)to be disposed of, to be solved, (3)to be finished, (4)to be married (off) godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
解ける tokeru (1)to be solved, (2)to loosen, to come untied, (3)to be removed (e.g. restrictions), to be cleared (e.g. misunderstandings), to be broken (e.g. spells, curses), (4)to melt ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
足りる tariru (1)to be sufficient/to be enough/ (2)to be worth doing/to be worthy/ (3)to be sufficient/to answer/to do/(P) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
係る kakawaru (1)to be the work of, to be the result of, to be done by, (2)to concern, to affect, to involve, to relate to; (3)to be affected, to be influenced, (4)to be concerned with, to have to do with, (5) godan, verb, vintrans
傷付く kizutsuku (1)to be wounded, to get injured, (2)to get hurt feelings, (3)to chip, to scratch, to damage godan, verb
耐える taeru (1)to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with, (v1,vi) (2)to support, to withstand, to resist, to brave, (3)to be fit for, to be equal to ichidan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
堪える taeru (1)to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with; (2)to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with; (3)to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with, (v1,vi) (4)to support, to withstand, to resist, t ichidan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
揃う sorou (1)to become complete, to be all present, to be a full set, to have everything at one's disposal, (2)to be equal, to be uniform, (3)to gather, to assemble godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
慌てる awateru (1)to become confused (disconcerted, disorganized, disorganised), to be flustered, to panic, (2)to be in a hurry, to rush ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
冷める sameru (1)to become cool (e.g. from a high temperature to room temperature), to come down (fever), (2)to cool down (interest), to abate, to subside, to dampen ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
甘える amaeru (1)to behave like a spoiled child, to behave like a spoilt child, to fawn on, (2)to depend and presume upon another's benevolence ichidan, verb, vintrans
振る舞う furumau (1)to behave, to conduct oneself, (2)to entertain, to treat someone (to a drink), to make tea for someone (tea ceremony) godan, verb, vtrans
曲がる magaru (1)to bend, to curve, to warp, to wind, to twist, (2)to turn, (3)to be awry, to be askew, to be crooked godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
噛む kamu (1)to bite, to chew, to gnaw, (2)to fumble or falter with one's words godan, verb, vtrans
吹き飛ばす fukitobasu (1)to blow away, to blow off, to blow up, (2)to dispel, to drive away, (3)to talk big godan, verb, vtrans
沸き上がる wakiagaru (1)to boil up, to come to the boil, to seethe, (2)to arise, to break out, (3)to get excited, to be in uproar godan, verb, vintrans
分かれる wakareru (1)to branch/to fork/to diverge/ (2)to separate/to split/to divide/ (3)to disperse/to scatter/(P) ichidan, jlpt3, vintrans
成す nasu (1)to build up, to establish, (2)to form, to become (a state), (3)to accomplish, to achieve, to succeed in, (4)to change into, (5)to do, to perform, (aux-v) (6)(arch) to intend to, to attempt, t godan, verb, vtrans
埋める umeru (1)to bury (e.g. in the ground), (2)to fill up (e.g. audience fills a hall), to fill (a seat, a vacant position), (3)to plug gaps, to stop a gap, (4)to make amends, to cover up for something, (5) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
挑む idomu (1)to challenge, to throw down the gauntlet, to contend for, to tackle, (2)to pressure someone for sex, to woo, to make love to godan, verb, vintrans
改める aratameru (1)to change, to alter, to revise, to replace, (2)to reform, to correct, to mend, to improve, (3)to examine, to check, to inspect, (4)to do properly, to do formally ichidan, verb, vtrans
移す utsusu (1)to change, to swap, to substitute, to transfer, (2)to change the object of one's interest or focus, (3)to spend or take time, (4)to infect, (5)to permeate something with the smell or colour of godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
追う ou (1)to chase, to run after, to pursue, (2)to follow (i.e. a set order, a trend), (3)to drive out, to oust, to expel, (4)to drive (i.e. a herd), (5)(in passive voice) to be pressed (for time, etc.) godan, verb, vtrans
乗り越える norikoeru (1)to climb over, to get over, to ride across, (2)to surmount, to overcome, (3)to surpass, to overtake ichidan, verb, vintrans
揃える soroeru (1)to collect, to gather, to get together, to complete (a collection), (2)to arrange, to put in order, to prepare, to get ready, (3)to make uniform, to make even, to match ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
纏める matomeru (1)to collect, to put (it all) together, to integrate, to consolidate, to unify, (2)to summarize, to aggregate, (3)to bring to a conclusion, to finalize, to settle, to put in order, (4)to establis ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
接する sessuru (1)to come in contact with, to touch, to connect (with), (2)to attend (to), (3)to receive (visitors) suru
寄せる yoseru (1)to come near/to let someone approach/ (2)to collect/to gather/to receive/ (3)to add/ (4)to put aside/(P) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
取れる toreru (1)to come off/to be removed/ (2)(of pain, a fever, etc.) to disappear/ (3)to be caught/to be harvested/ (4)to be interpreted (as)/to be taken as/ (5)(of balance, etc.) to be attained/ (6)to be obtai ichidan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
抜ける nukeru (1)to come out, to fall out, to be omitted, to be missing, to escape, (2)(comp) to exit (a program loop) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
犯す okasu (1)to commit (e.g. crime), to perpetrate, (2)to transgress, to contravene, (3)to violate, to ravish, to rape, to deflower godan, verb, vtrans
競う kisou (1)to compete with, (2)to emulate godan, verb, vintrans
競る seru (1)to compete, (2)to bid, (3)to sell at auction godan, verb, vtrans
争う arasou (1)to compete, to contest, to contend, (2)to quarrel, to argue, to dispute, to be at variance, to oppose, (3)(usu. in negative form) to deny (e.g. evidence) godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
成り立つ naritatsu (1)to consist of, (2)to be practical (logical, feasible, viable), to be concluded, to hold true godan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
含む fukumu (1)to contain, to comprise, to have, to hold, to include, to embrace, (2)to hold in the mouth, (3)to bear in mind, to understand, to harbor (grudge, etc.), to harbour, (4)to express (emotion, etc. godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
冷やす hiyasu (1)to cool (from room temperature), to chill, to refrigerate, (2)to calm down, to cool off, to regain one's composure, to relax, (3)to be frightened (at), to be scared (of) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
生み出す umidasu (1)to create, to bring forth, to produce, (2)to invent, to think up and bring into being, (3)to give birth to, to bear godan, verb, vtrans
組む kumu (1)to cross (legs or arms)/to link (arms)/ (2)to put together/to construct/to assemble/to produce (e.g. TV program)/ (3)to braid/to plait/ (4)to grapple/to wrestle/ (5)to unite/to link up/to form an godan, leda1, verb
超える koeru (1)to cross over, to cross, to pass through, to pass over (out of), (2)to exceed ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
越える koeru (1)to cross over, to cross, to pass through, to pass over (out of), (2)to exceed ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
超える koeru (1)to cross over, to cross, to pass through, to pass over (out of), (2)to exceed ichidan, verb, vintrans
亘る wataru (1)to cross over, to go across, (2)to extend, to cover, to range, to span godan, verb, vintrans
交わる majiwaru (1)to cross, to intersect, to join, to meet, (2)to associate with, to mingle with, to consort with, (3)to have a sexual relationship, to copulate godan, verb, vintrans
押し出す oshidasu (1)to crowd out, to push out, to squeeze out, (2)to start together, to set out en masse, (3)to highlight, to draw attention to godan, verb, vtrans
治す naosu (1)to cure, to heal, (2)to fix, to correct, to repair, (aux-v) (3)to do over again (after -masu base of verb), (4)to replace, to put back as it was, (5)to convert (into a different state), to tra godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
切る kiru (1)to cut (usu. to cut through)/ (2)to sever (connections, ties)/ (3)to turn off (i.e. the light)/ (4)to terminate (i.e. a conversation)/to hang up (the phone)/to disconnect/ (5)to punch (a ticket)/t godan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
割く saku (1)to cut up, to cleave, to cut open (esp. the abdomen), (2)to spare (time, money, etc.), to use part of something, (3)(arch) to have a tattoo in the corner of one's eye godan, verb, vtrans
切れる kireru (1)to cut well/to be sharp/ (2)to break (off)/to snap/to wear out/ (3)to be injured/ (4)to burst/to collapse/ (5)to be disconnected/to be out of/to expire/to sever (connections) with/ (6)to be shrewd ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
舞う mau (1)to dance (orig. a whirling dance), (2)to flutter about, to revolve godan, verb, vintrans
納める osameru (1)to dedicate, to make an offering, to pay (fees), (2)to supply, (3)to store, (4)to finish, to bring to a close, (5)to restore (something to its place), (6)to achieve (e.g. a result) ichidan, verb, vtrans
打ち消す uchikesu (1)to deny/to contradict/ (2)to negate (esp. a sound)/to drown out/(P) godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
発つ tatsu (1)to depart (on a plane, train, etc.) godan, verb, vintrans
下る kudaru (1)to descend, to go down, to come down, (2)to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.), (3)to pass (of time), (4)to surrender, to capitulate, (5)(often in neg. form) to be less than, to be i godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
願う negau (1)to desire, to wish, to hope, (2)to beg, to request, to implore, to pray, (aux-v) (3)to have something done for oneself godan, verb, vtrans
絶える taeru (1)to die out, to peter out, to become extinct, (2)to cease, to be stopped, to be discontinued, to be cut off ichidan, verb, vintrans
見つける mitsukeru (1)to discover, to find (e.g. an error in a book), to come across, to detect, to spot, (2)to locate, to find (e.g. something missing), to find fault, (3)to be used to seeing, to be familiar with ichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
流す nagasu (1)to drain, to pour, to spill, to shed (blood, tears), (2)to wash away, (3)to distribute (e.g. electricity over wires, music over a PA system, etc.), to circulate, to broadcast, to beam, (4)to cr godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
画く kaku (1)to draw, to paint, to sketch, (2)to depict, to describe; (3)to draw, to paint, to sketch godan, verb, vtrans
御す gyosu (1)to drive (e.g. horse, carriage), (2)to control, to manage godan, verb, vtrans
喫する kissuru (1)to eat, to drink, to smoke, to take, (2)to suffer (e.g. defeat), to receive a blow suru, vtrans
抱く idaku (1)to embrace, to hold in the arms (e.g. a baby), to hug, (2)to harbour (e.g. grudge) (harbor), to bear (e.g. a grudge), to entertain (e.g. suspicion); (v5k,vt) (3)to embrace, to hold in the arms ( godan, verb, vtrans
雇う yatou (1)to employ, (2)to hire, to charter godan, verb, vtrans
絡む karamu (1)to entangle, to entwine, (2)to pick a quarrel, to find fault, (3)to be involved with, to be influenced by, to develop a connection with godan, verb, vintrans
任せる makaseru (1)to entrust (e.g. a task) to another, to leave to, (2)to passively leave to someone else's facilities, (3)to leave to take its natural course, (4)to continue (something) in a natural fashion (wi ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
属する zokusuru (1)to entrust, (2)to send (a message, etc.); to belong to, to come under, to be affiliated with, to be subject to suru, vintrans, vtrans
尽くす tsukusu (1)to exhaust, to run out, (2)to devote, to serve (a person), to befriend, (aux-v) (3)to do to exhaustion godan, verb
抜く nuku (1)to extract, to omit, to surpass, to overtake, to draw out, to unplug, (suf) (2)to do something to the end, (n) (3)(sl) (vulg) to ejaculate (gen. with ref. to masturbation) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
向く muku (1)to face/ (2)to turn toward/ (3)to be suited to/to be fit for/(P) godan, jlpt3, leda1, verb
散る chiru (1)to fall (e.g. blossoms, leaves), (2)to scatter, to be dispersed, (3)to disappear, to dissolve, to break up, (4)to spread, to run, to blur, (5)to die a noble death godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
済ます sumasu (1)to finish, to get it over with, to conclude, (2)to settle, to pay back, (3)to get along (without something), to make do with (without) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
終える oeru (1)to finish/ (2)to graduate/(P) ichidan, leda1, verb, vtrans
放つ hanatsu (1)to fire (e.g. an arrow), to hit (e.g. baseball), to break wind, (2)to free, to release, (3)to give off (e.g. a scent), to emit (e.g. light) godan, verb, vtrans
浮く uku (1)to float, (2)to become merry, to be cheerful, (3)to become loose, to become unsteady, (4)(col) to feel out of it, to be cut off (e.g. from those around you), to feel out of place, (5)to be fri godan, verb, vintrans
浮かべる ukaberu (1)to float, (2)to express, to look (sad, glad), (3)to think, to imagine, to remember ichidan, verb, vtrans
飛ばす tobasu (1)to fly, to fire, to hurl, to launch, (2)to skip over, to omit, to drop (e.g. stitch), (3)to run or drive fast, to gallop, (4)to spread a rumour (rumor), to tell a story, (5)to remove, to get r godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
畳む tatamu (1)to fold (clothes), (2)to close (a shop), (3)to vacate godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
備える sonaeru (1)to furnish, to provide for, to equip, to install, (2)to have ready, to prepare for, (3)to possess, to have, to be endowed with, to be armed with ichidan, verb, vtrans
得る eru (1)to get, to acquire, to obtain, to procure, to earn, to win, to gain, to secure, to attain, (suf,v1,vt) (2)(after the -masu stem of a verb) to be able to ..., can ... ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
与える ataeru (1)to give (esp. to someone of lower status), to bestow, to grant, to confer, to present, to award, (2)to provide, to afford, to offer, to supply, (3)to assign, (4)to cause, (5)(comp) to pass (a ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
滑る suberu (1)to glide, to slide (e.g. on skis), to slip, (2)to fail (an examination), to bomb (when telling a joke), (3)to drop, to go down, to come down, to fall (e.g. in status) godan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
巡る meguru (1)to go around, (2)to return, (3)to surround, (4)to concern (usu. of disputes) godan, verb, vintrans
赴く omomuku (1)to go in the direction of, to proceed toward, to proceed according to, to repair to, (2)to become, to face (facts, circumstances, etc.), to abide by, to agree to, to consent to, to obey godan, verb, vintrans
貫く tsuranuku (1)to go through, to pierce, to penetrate, (2)to persist, to stick to godan, verb, vtrans
治める osameru (1)to govern, to manage, (2)to subdue ichidan, verb, vtrans
叶える kanaeru (1)to grant (request, wish), to answer (prayer), (2)to fulfill (conditions), to meet (requirements) ichidan, verb, vtrans
適える kanaeru (1)to grant (request, wish)/to answer (prayer)/ (2)to fulfill (conditions)/to meet (requirements) ichidan, verb
伸ばす nobasu (1)to grow long (beard, hair, etc.), (2)to lengthen, to extend, to stretch, (3)to reach out, to hold out, (4)to straighten, to smooth out, (5)to spread evenly (dough, cream, etc.), (6)to dilute, godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
延ばす nobasu (1)to grow long (beard, hair, etc.), (2)to lengthen, to extend, to stretch, (3)to reach out, to hold out, (4)to straighten, to smooth out, (5)to spread evenly (dough, cream, etc.), (6)to dilute, godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
生える haeru (1)to grow, to spring up, (2)to cut (teeth) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
打つ utsu (1)to hit (something inanimate)/to strike/to beat (on something)/ godan, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vtrans
手にする tenisuru (1)to hold (in one's hand), to take (into one's hand), (2)to own, to obtain suru
抱える kakaeru (1)to hold or carry under or in the arms, (2)to have (esp. problems, debts, etc.), (3)to employ, to engage, to hire ichidan, verb, vtrans
挟む hasamu (1)to insert, (2)to interrupt, to slip in a word, (3)to harbor (e.g. doubts), to harbour, to entertain (e.g. a theory); to interpose, to hold between, to insert godan, verb, vtrans
誘う sasou (1)to invite, to ask, to call (for), (2)to tempt, to lure, to induce godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
接ぐ tsugu (1)to join, (2)to piece together, (3)to set (bones), (4)to graft (trees); to join (cloth, wood, etc.) godan, verb, vtrans
飛び出す tobidasu (1)to jump out, to rush out, to fly out, (2)to appear (suddenly), (3)to protrude, to project, (4)to butt in godan, verb, vintrans
宿す yadosu (1)to keep (guest), (2)to conceive, (3)to carry (virus), (4)to entrust godan, verb, vtrans
練る neru (1)to knead, to work over, (2)to polish up (e.g. a plan), (3)to drill, to train godan, verb, vtrans
編む amu (1)to knit, to plait, to braid, (2)to compile (anthology, dictionary, etc.), to edit godan, verb, vtrans
暮らす kurasu (1)to live, to get along, (2)to spend (time) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
宿る yadoru (1)to lodge, to dwell, (2)to be pregnant godan, verb, vintrans
預かる azukaru (1)to look after, to take care of, to keep, to hold on to, to keep in custody, (2)to take charge of, to be entrusted with, to receive on deposit, (3)to reserve (judgment), to leave undecided godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
見直す minaosu (1)to look again, (2)to get a better opinion of godan, verb
省みる kaerimiru (1)to look back (e.g. over shoulder or at the past), to turn around, to review, (2)to reflect, to reconsider, (3)to consider (usu. used in negative), to concern oneself about ichidan, verb, vtrans
顧みる kaerimiru (1)to look back (e.g. over shoulder or at the past), to turn around, to review, (2)to reflect, to reconsider, (3)to consider (usu. used in negative), to concern oneself about ichidan, verb, vtrans
仰ぐ aogu (1)to look up (at), (2)to look up (to), to respect, to revere, (3)to ask for, to seek, (4)to turn to someone, to depend on, (5)to drink, to take godan, verb, vtrans
見上げる miageru (1)to look up at, to raise one's eyes, (2)to look up to, to admire, to respect ichidan, verb, vtrans
迷う mayou (1)to lose one's way, (2)to waver, to hesitate, to be of two minds over, to be puzzled, to be perplexed, (3)to give into temptation, to lose control of oneself, (4)to turn in one's grave godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
亡くす nakusu (1)to lose something, (2)to get rid of, (3)to lose someone (wife, child, etc.) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
生かす ikasu (1)to make (the best) use of, to leverage (skills, attributes, experience, etc.), to capitalise on (experience, etc), (2)to let live, to keep alive, (3)to revive, to resuscitate godan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
誤る ayamaru (1)to make a mistake, to err, (2)to mislead, to misguide godan, verb, vintrans
間に合わせる maniawaseru (1)to make do, to manage (with something), to make shift, (2)to (make) get done on time ichidan, jlpt3, verb
創る tsukuru (1)to make, to produce, to manufacture, to build, to construct, (2)to prepare (food), to brew (alcohol), (3)to raise, to grow, to cultivate, to train, (4)to till, (5)to draw up (a document), to m godan, verb, vtrans
測る hakaru (1)to measure, to weigh, to survey, to time (sound, gauge, estimate), (2)to conjecture, to infer, to surmise godan, verb, vtrans
計る hakaru (1)to measure, to weigh, to survey, to time (sound, gauge, estimate), (2)to conjecture, to infer, to surmise godan, verb, vtrans
刻む kizamu (1)to mince, to cut fine, to chop up, to hash, (2)to carve, to engrave, to chisel, to notch, (3)to tick away (time), to record the passing moments, (4)to etch (into one's mind), to remember distin godan, verb, vtrans
構う kamau (1)to mind, to care about, to be concerned about, (2)to care for, to look after, (3)to prepare for, (4)to interfere with, to meddle in, (5)to tease godan, verb
交える majieru (1)to mix, to combine, (2)to exchange (words, fire, etc.), (3)to cross (e.g. swords), to join together ichidan, verb, vtrans
動かす ugokasu (1)to move, to shift, to operate, to set in motion, to mobilize, to mobilise, (2)to inspire, to rouse, to move (e.g. feeling), to influence, (3)to deny, to change godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
気が付く kigatsuku (1)to notice, to become aware, to perceive, to realize, to realise, (2)to recover consciousness, to come to oneself godan, verb
過ごす sugosu (1)to pass (time), to spend, (2)to overdo (esp. of one's alcohol consumption), to drink (alcohol), (3)(arch) to take care of, to support, (suf,v5s) (4)to overdo, to do too much, (5)to ... without godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
貼り付ける haritsukeru (1)to paste, to stick, to affix, (2)to station, to post ichidan, verb, vtrans
覗く nozoku (1)to peek (though a keyhole, gap, etc.), (2)to look down into (a ravine, etc.), (3)to peek into (a shop, bookstore, etc.), (4)to sneak a look at, to take a quick look at, (5)to peep (through a t godan, verb, vtrans
許す yurusu (1)to permit/to allow/to approve/ (2)to exempt (from fine)/to excuse (from)/to pardon/to forgive/to release/to let off/ (3)to confide in/ (4)to give up/to yield/(P) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
積もる tsumoru (1)to pile up, to accumulate, (2)to estimate godan, jlpt3, verb
押さえる osaeru (1)to pin something down, to hold something down, to hold something back, to stop, to restrain, to curb, (2)to seize, to grasp, to arrest, (3)to gain control of something, to govern, to keep down ( ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
据える sueru (1)to place (in position), to fix, to set (e.g. table), to lay (foundation), (2)to install, to seat (someone), (3)to settle (upon something), to fix (e.g. one's gaze), (4)to apply (moxa) ichidan, verb, vtrans
乗せる noseru (1)to place on (something), (2)to give (someone) a ride, to give a lift, to pick up, to help on board, (3)to load (luggage), to carry, to take on board, (4)to send out (on the airwaves, etc.), (5) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
載せる noseru (1)to place on (something), (2)to give (someone) a ride, to give a lift, to pick up, to help on board, (3)to load (luggage), to carry, to take on board, (4)to send out (on the airwaves, etc.), (5) ichidan, verb, vtrans
図る hakaru (1)to plot/to attempt/to plan/to devise/to design/ (2)to take in/to deceive/ (3)to aim for/to have something in mind/ (4)to refer A to B/(P) godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
指す sasu (1)to point, (2)to nominate, to select someone, to specify some person, (3)to identify, to indicate, to point out godan, verb, vtrans
汚す yogosu (1)to pollute/to contaminate/to soil/to make dirty/to stain/ (2)to disgrace/to dishonour/to dishonor/to defile/(P) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
注ぐ sosogu (1)to pour (into), to fill, (2)to sprinkle on from above, to shed (e.g. tears), (3)to concentrate one's spirit or strength on, (v5g,vi) (4)to fall onto (of rain, snow); (uk) (usu. written as kana godan, verb, vtrans
提出 teishutsu (1)to present, to submit (e.g. a report or a thesis), to hand in, to file, to turn in, (n) (2)presentation, submission, filing suru
刷る suru (1)to print, (2)to color or pattern fabric using a wooden mold godan, verb, vtrans
守る mamoru (1)to protect/to guard/to defend/ (2)to keep (i.e. a promise)/to abide (by the rules)/to observe/to obey/to follow/(P) godan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
引っ張る hipparu (1)to pull, to draw, to pull tight, (2)to string (lines), to run (cable), to stretch, (3)to pull towards oneself (e.g. someone's sleeve), (4)to drag, to haul, to tow, (5)to lead (e.g. one's follo godan, verb, vtrans
整える totonoeru (1)to put in order, to arrange, to adjust, (2)to get ready, to prepare, (3)to raise money ichidan, verb, vtrans
履く haku (1)to put on (or wear) lower-body clothing (i.e. pants, skirt, etc.), to put on (or wear) footwear, (2)to affix a sword to one's hip, (3)to affix a bowstring to a bow godan, verb, vtrans
手を挙げる tewoageru (1)to raise one's hand or hands, (2)to surrender, (3)to raise a hand to someone (as a threat to strike), (4)to improve ichidan, verb
訴える uttaeru (1)to raise, to bring to (someone's attention), (2)to appeal to, to call for, (3)to complain, (4)to sue (a person), to take someone to court, (5)to resort to (e.g. arms, violence) ichidan, verb, vtrans
揚げる ageru (1)to raise, to elevate, (2)to do up (one's hair), (3)to fly (a kite, etc.), to launch (fireworks, etc.), to surface (a submarine, etc.), (4)to land (a boat), (5)to deep-fry, (6)to show someone ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
及ぶ oyobu (1)to reach, to amount to, to befall, to happen to, to extend, (2)to be up to the task, to come up to, (3)to compare with, to be a match (for), (4)to commit (a crime), (5)to require (to do) (usu. godan, verb, vintrans
届く todoku (1)to reach, to arrive, to get through, to get at, (2)to be attentive, to pay attention, (3)to be delivered, to carry (e.g. sound) godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
受け取る uketoru (1)to receive, to get, to accept, (2)to take, to interpret, to understand godan, verb, vtrans
唱える tonaeru (1)to recite, to chant, (2)to cry, to yell, to shout, (3)to advocate, to advance, to preach, to insist ichidan, verb, vtrans
断る kotowaru (1)to refuse, to reject, to dismiss, to turn down, to decline, (2)to inform, to give notice, to tell in advance, (3)to ask leave, to excuse oneself (from) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
反発 hanpatsu (1)to repel/to oppose/to revolt/to react sharply (against)/(n) (2)opposition/rebellion/resistance/backlash/ (3)rally/recovery (e.g. in stock prices)/rebound/(vs) (4)to rally/to recover/to rebound/( leda1, suru
代える kaeru (1)to replace, (2)to exchange, to interchange, (3)to substitute ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
替える kaeru (1)to replace, (2)to exchange, to interchange, (3)to substitute ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
換える kaeru (1)to replace, (2)to exchange, to interchange, (3)to substitute ichidan, verb, vtrans
辞任 jinin (1)to resign, (n) (2)resignation suru
響く hibiku (1)to resound, to be heard far away, (2)to reverberate, to shake, to vibrate, (3)to come (home), to remain (with someone), (4)to have an effect, to make an impression godan, verb, vintrans
限る kagiru (1)to restrict, to limit, to confine, (v5r,vi) (2)to be restricted to, to be limited to, to be confined to godan, verb, vtrans
返る kaeru (1)to return, to come back, to go back, (2)to turn over, (suf,v5r) (3)(after the -masu stem of a verb) (to become) extremely, (to become) completely godan, verb, vintrans
現す arawasu (1)to reveal, to show, to display, (2)to express, (3)to represent, to signify, to stand for, (4)to make widely known godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
表す arawasu (1)to reveal, to show, to display, (2)to express, (3)to represent, to signify, to stand for, (4)to make widely known godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
濯ぐ susugu (1)to rinse, to wash out, (2)to have one's revenge, to wipe out a disgrace; (3)to rinse, to wash out, (4)to have one's revenge, to wipe out a disgrace; (5)to rinse, to wash out, (6)to have one's godan, verb, vtrans
濯ぐ sosogu (1)to rinse, to wash out, (2)to have one's revenge, to wipe out a disgrace; (3)to rinse, to wash out, (4)to have one's revenge, to wipe out a disgrace; (5)to rinse, to wash out, (6)to have one's godan, verb, vtrans
濯ぐ yusugu (1)to rinse, to wash out, (2)to have one's revenge, to wipe out a disgrace; (3)to rinse, to wash out, (4)to have one's revenge, to wipe out a disgrace; (5)to rinse, to wash out, (6)to have one's godan, verb, vtrans
上る noboru (1)to rise, to go up, to come up, to ascend, to be raised, (2)to enter (esp. from outdoors), to come in, to go in, (3)to enter (a school), to advance to the next grade, (4)to get out (of water), t godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
上がる agaru (1)to rise/to go up/to come up/to ascend/to be raised/ (2)to enter (esp. from outdoors)/to come in/to go in/ (3)to enter (a school)/to advance to the next grade/ (4)to get out (of water)/to come asho godan, verb, vintrans
漕ぐ kogu (1)to row, to scull, to paddle, (2)to pedal (e.g. bicycle), (3)to swing (on a swing), (4)to operate a hand pump, (5)to push through (deep snow, the jungle, etc.) godan, verb, vtrans
満たす mitasu (1)to satisfy, to fulfill, to appease, (2)to fill (e.g. a cup), to pack, (3)to reach (a certain number) godan, verb, vtrans
散らす chirasu (1)to scatter, to cause a shower of, (2)to disperse, to distribute, to spread, (3)to resolve (a symptom, condition, etc.), to relieve, to get rid of, to cure, (4)to distract, to divert, (suf,v5s) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
見送る miokuru (1)to see off (e.g. to the station, an airport, etc.), to escort (e.g. home), to farewell, (2)to see out, to send off, (3)to let pass, to wait and see, to continue (e.g. in legal contexts), (4)to godan, verb, vtrans
捉える toraeru (1)to seize, to capture, to arrest, (2)to grasp, to perceive, to treat (as) ichidan, verb, vtrans
売れる ureru (1)to sell (well), (2)to be well known, to be popular, to be famous ichidan, verb, vintrans
商う akinau (1)to sell, (2)to handle, to trade in godan, verb, vtrans
縫う nuu (1)to sew, to stitch, (2)to weave one's way (e.g. through a crowd) godan, verb, vtrans
研ぐ togu (1)to sharpen, to hone, to whet, to grind, (2)to wash (rice), (3)to scour, to polish, to burnish godan, verb, vtrans
削る kezuru (1)to shave (wood or leather), to sharpen, to plane, to whittle, to pare, to scrape off, (2)to shave off (e.g. a budget, expenses, a salary, etc.), to curtail, to cut down, (3)to cross out, to redu godan, verb, vtrans
撃つ utsu (1)to shoot (at), (2)to attack, to defeat, to destroy, to avenge godan, verb
射つ utsu (1)to shoot (at), (2)to attack, to defeat, to destroy, to avenge godan, verb
討つ utsu (1)to shoot (at), (2)to attack, to defeat, to destroy, to avenge godan, verb
唄う utau (1)to sing, (2)to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.), to compose a poem, to recite a poem godan, verb, vtrans
解く toku (1)to solve, to answer, (2)to untie, (3)to comb, to untangle (hair) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
綴る tsuduru (1)to spell, (2)to compose, to frame, to write, (3)to bind together (e.g. the pages of a book), to sew up, to stitch together, to patch godan, verb, vtrans
立ち上がる tachiagaru (1)to stand up, to get up, (2)to rise, (3)to recover, (4)to take action, to start, (5)to make the initial charge (in sumo), (6)(comp) to start up, to boot up godan, verb, vintrans
退く shirizoku (1)to step back, to move back, (2)to leave (the presence of a superior), to withdraw, to retreat, to concede, (3)to resign, to retire, to quit; (4)to step aside, to move (i.e. out of the way), to godan, verb, vintrans
踏み込む fumikomu (1)to step into (e.g. someone else's territory), to break into, to raid, (2)to come to grips with, to get to the core of godan, verb
張る haru (1)to stick, to paste, to affix, to link (e.g. in WWW forums), (2)to stretch, to spread, to strain, to tighten, (3)to form (e.g. ice on a pond), (4)to fill, to swell, (5)to stick out, to put, to godan, jlpt3, verb
貼る haru (1)to stick, to paste, to affix, to link (e.g. in WWW forums), (2)to stretch, to spread, to strain, to tighten, (3)to form (e.g. ice on a pond), (4)to fill, to swell, (5)to stick out, to put, to godan, verb
叩く tataku (1)to strike, to clap, to knock, to dust, to beat, (2)to play drums, (3)to abuse, to flame (e.g. on the Internet), to insult godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
詰める tsumeru (1)to stuff into, to jam, to cram, to pack, to fill, to plug, to stop up, (v1,vt,vi) (2)to shorten, to move closer together, (v1,vt) (3)to reduce (spending), to conserve, (v1,vt,vi) (4)to focus in ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
替わる kawaru (1)to succeed, to relieve, to replace, (2)to take the place of, to substitute for, to take over for, to represent, (3)to be exchanged, to change (places with), to switch godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans, vtrans
換わる kawaru (1)to succeed, to relieve, to replace, (2)to take the place of, to substitute for, to take over for, to represent, (3)to be exchanged, to change (places with), to switch godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
支える sasaeru (1)to support, to prop, to sustain, to underlay, to hold up, (2)to hold at bay, to stem, to check; to be blocked, to choke, to be obstructed, to feel a pressure on one's chest; to be blocked, to cho ichidan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
盛り上がる moriagaru (1)to swell, to rise, to bulge, to be piled up, (2)to rouse, to get excited godan, verb, vintrans
降ろす orosu (1)to take down (e.g. flag), to launch (e.g. boat), to drop, to lower (e.g. ladder), to let (a person) off, to unload, to discharge, (2)to drop off (a passenger from a vehicle), to let (a person) of godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
下ろす orosu (1)to take down (e.g. flag), to launch (e.g. boat), to drop, to lower (e.g. ladder), to let (a person) off, to unload, to discharge, (2)to drop off (a passenger from a vehicle), to let (a person) of godan, verb, vtrans
取り上げる toriageru (1)to take up, to pick up, (2)to accept, to adopt, to listen to, (3)to disqualify, to confiscate, to deprive, (4)to adopt (child) ichidan, verb, vtrans
掛かる kakaru (1)to take, (v5r) (2)to hang, (3)to come into view, to arrive, (4)to come under (a contract, a tax), (5)to start (engines, motors), (6)to attend, to deal with, to handle, (v5r,aux-v) (7)to have godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
取る toru (1)to take/to pick up/to harvest/to earn/to choose/ (2)to steal/ (3)to eat/to have (a meal)/ (4)to remove (one's glasses, etc.)/ (5)to compete (in sumo, cards, etc.)/to play/(P) godan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
談ずる danzuru (1)to talk, to discuss, to debate, (2)to negotiate vtrans
倒す taosu (1)to throw down, to bring down, to blow down, to fell, to knock down, (2)to kill, to defeat, to beat, (3)to overthrow, to trip up, to ruin, (4)to leave unpaid, to cheat godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
結ぶ musubu (1)to tie/to bind/to link/ (2)to bear (fruit)/ (3)to close (e.g. deal)/to confirm/to conclude/ (4)to close tightly/to purse (e.g. lips)/ (5)to unite (with)/to ally/to join hands/(P) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
触れる fureru (1)to touch, to feel, (2)to experience, to come in contact with, to be emotionally moved (by), to perceive, (3)to touch on a subject, to allude to, (4)to be in conflict (with), to violate (law, co ichidan, verb, vintrans
譲る yuzuru (1)to turn over/to assign/to hand over/to transmit/to convey/to sell/to dispose of/ (2)to yield/to surrender/to concede/(P) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
回る mawaru (1)to turn/to revolve/ (2)to visit several places/ (3)to function well/ (4)to pass a certain time/(P) godan, verb, vintrans
回す mawasu (1)to turn/to rotate/to gyrate/ (2)to circulate/to send around/ (3)to surround/ (4)to put something to a new use (e.g. leftovers)/(suf,v5s) (5)(after the -masu stem of a verb) ... around (i.e. to ch godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
使う tsukau (1)to use (a thing, method, etc.)/to make use of/to put to use/ (2)to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.)/to employ/to handle/to manage/to manipulate/ (3)to use (time, money, etc.)/to spend/to consu godan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
介する kaisuru (1)to use as an intermediary, to mediate, to assist, (2)to worry, to mind, to care suru, vtrans
費える tsuieru (1)to use up (one's savings), (2)to be wasted (time, effort, etc), (3)to fall apart, to become useless, (4)(arch) to be wiped out (in battle), (5)(arch) to fall apart (one's body or health) ichidan, verb, vintrans
覚める sameru (1)to wake, to wake up, (2)to become sober, to sober up, to regain consciousness (e.g. after anaesthesia), (3)to come to one's senses, to be disillusioned ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
醒める sameru (1)to wake, to wake up, (2)to become sober, to sober up, to regain consciousness (e.g. after anaesthesia), (3)to come to one's senses, to be disillusioned ichidan, verb, vintrans
求める motomeru (1)to want/to wish for/ (2)to request/to demand/ (3)to seek/to search for/to pursue (pleasure)/to hunt (a job)/ (4)(pol) to purchase/to buy/(P) ichidan, verb, vtrans
振る furu (1)to wave, to shake, to swing, (2)to sprinkle, to throw (dice), (3)to cast (actor), to allocate (work), (4)to turn down (somebody), to reject, to jilt, to dump, (5)to abandon, to give up, to rui godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
被る koumuru (1)to wear (on head, usu. one's own), to put on (over head, usu. one's own), to crown (oneself), (2)to pour or dash water, dust, etc. (on oneself), (3)to bear (e.g. someone's debts, faults, etc.), godan, verb, vtrans
被る kaburu (1)to wear (on head, usu. one's own), to put on (over head, usu. one's own), to crown (oneself), (2)to pour or dash water, dust, etc. (on oneself), (3)to bear (e.g. someone's debts, faults, etc.), godan, verb, vtrans
帯びる obiru (1)to wear (sword, decoration, etc.), to carry, (2)to be entrusted (e.g. with a mission), to take on, (3)to have a trace of, to be tinged with ichidan, verb, vtrans
振り回す furimawasu (1)to wield, to brandish, to flourish, to wave (about), to swing, (2)to display (one's knowledge), to show off, (3)to abuse (one's power), (4)to manipulate someone godan, verb, vtrans
務める tsutomeru (1)to work (for), to be employed (at), to serve (in), (2)to serve (as), to act (as), to fill (the position of), to play the role (of), (3)to conduct a religious service ichidan, verb, vtrans
傷つける kizutsukeru (1)to wound, to injure, (2)to hurt someone's feelings (pride, etc.), (3)to damage, to chip, to scratch ichidan, verb, vtrans
乾杯 kanpai (1)toast, drink (in celebration or in honor of something), (2)drinking one's glass dry, (int) (3)cheers suru
トップ toppu (1)top, (2)top position, (3)senior management, senior bureaucrat jlpt3
真っ暗 makkura (1)total darkness, pitch dark, (2)bleak future, poor prospects mix
ato (1)trace, tracks, mark, sign, (2)remains, ruins, (3)scar mix
超越 chouetsu (1)transcendence, transcendency, (adj-f) (2)transcendental, (vs) (3)to transcend, to rise above mix
変態 hentai (1)transformation/metamorphosis/ (2)abnormality/pervert/(P) adj, suru
hori (1)trench, dugout, (underground) shelter, (2)moat, fosse; moat, canal mix
方向性 houkousei (1)trend, course of action, direction, (2)(comp) directionality, directivity, orientation, (adj-no) (3)(comp) directional, vectorial mix
得意 tokui (1)triumph, prosperity, (2)pride, (3)one's strong point, one's forte, one's specialty, (4)frequent customer (client, etc.) mix
makoto (1)truth, reality, (2)sincerity, honesty, integrity, fidelity, (3)(arch) that's right (used when recalling forgotten information, suddenly changing the subject, etc.) mix
調子 choushi (1)tune, tone, key, pitch, time, rhythm, (2)vein, mood, way, manner, style, knack, (3)condition, state of health, (4)impetus, spur of the moment, strain, (5)trend jlpt3
bai (1)twice, double, (suf) (2)times, -fold jlpt3
無意識 muishiki (1)unconsciousness, (2)the unconscious mix
統轄 toukatsu (1)unification, bringing together, generalization, (2)control, supervision suru
単位 tan'i (1)unit, denomination, (2)credit (in school) mix
採用 saiyou (1)use, adoption, acceptance, (2)appointment, employment, engagement suru
あい昧 aimai (1)vague, ambiguous, unclear, (2)(math) (comp) fuzzy mix
評価 hyouka (1)valuation, estimation, assessment, evaluation, (vs) (2)to value, to assess, to estimate value, (3)to appreciate, to value highly, to acknowledge the value (of something) mix
種類 shurui (1)variety, kind, type, category, (ctr) (2)counter for different sorts of things jlpt3, mix
色々 iroiro (1)various, (2)(arch) various colors (colours) mix
幼い osanai (1)very young, (2)childish, immature adj
sato (1)village/hamlet/ (2)countryside/country/ (3)home (of one's parents, etc.)/hometown/ (4)one's origins/one's upbringing/one's past leda1
実際に jissaini (1)virtually, practically, in practice, in practise, (2)currently, presently mix
ウイルス uirusu (1)virus (lat:, ger:), (adj-no) (2)viral jlpt3
可視化 kashika (1)visualization (data, results, etc.), visualisation, (2)making something visible (that was previously unseen) suru
歩み ayumi (1)walking, (2)progress, advance mix
tsuwamono (1)war, battle, campaign, fight, (2)(arch) troops, forces; (3)soldier, warrior, (4)strong man, exceptional person, man of courage; (5)(common) soldier, rank and file, (6)army, troops, (7)warfar mix
ikusa (1)war, battle, campaign, fight, (2)(arch) troops, forces; (3)war, battle, (4)match, competition mix
書き方 kakikata (1)way of writing, manner of writing, (2)penmanship (esp. used in old textbooks), calligraphy, (3)format (e.g. of a report), (4)stroke order of a character mix
仕様 shiyou (1)way/method/means/resource/remedy/ (2)(technical) specification/(P) leda1
厚生 kousei (1)welfare, public welfare, social welfare, (2)(abbr) (former) Ministry of Health and Welfare mix
居所 idoko; idokoro; kyosho (1)whereabouts, address; (2)whereabouts, address; (3)whereabouts, address, (4)place of temporary residence mix
白星 shiroboshi (1)white circle/white star/ (2)victory mark (sumo)/(P) leda1
yome (1)wife, bride, (2)(one's) daughter-in-law kazoku
野生 yasei (1)wild, growing wild, (pn) (2)(arch) (male) I suru
風車 kazaguruma (1)windmill/pinwheel/ (2)leather flower/Clematis patens leda1
tsubasa (1)wing; (2)wing, (3)Chinese mix
知恵 chie (1)wisdom, wit, sagacity, sense, intelligence, (2)(Buddh) prajna (insight leading to enlightenment) mix
望み nozomi (1)wish, desire, hope, (2)prospect, expectation, (one's) hopes mix
抜き nuki (1)without, not including, dispensed with, (2)(beating) in succession mix
織姫 orihime (1)woman textile worker, (2)Vega (constellation) mix
木馬 mokuba (1)wooden horse/rocking horse/ (2)vaulting horse/horse used in gymnastics/ (3)the horse (ancient torture device that one was forced to straddle with rocks hanging from the feet) leda1
働き hataraki (1)work, labor, labour, (2)achievement, performance, ability, talent, (3)salary, income, earnings, (4)action, activity, workings, function, operation, movement, motion, (5)(ling) conjugation, inf jlpt3
kizu (1)wound, injury, cut, gash, bruise, scratch, scrape, scar, (2)chip, crack, scratch, nick, (3)flaw, defect, weakness, weak point, (4)stain (on one's reputation), disgrace, dishonor, dishonour, (5) byouki
大和 yamato (1)Yamato/ancient province corresponding to modern-day Nara Prefecture/ (2)(ancient) Japan/(adj-f) (3)Japanese/(P) namae
然り shikari (1)yes, yea, aye, affirmative, (vr,vi) (2)(arch) to be so mix
瑞々しい mizumizushii (1)young (and lustrous), fresh, juicy, (2)lively, vivacious, animated, vibrant adj
帯域 taiiki (1)zone, band, belt, (2)(abbr) bandwidth mix
一服 ippuku (a) dose, (a) puff, (a) smoke, lull, short restsuru
患者 kanja (a) patientbyouki
ちゃり chari (abbr) (col) bicyclemix
リストラ risutora (abbr) (corporate) restructuring, downsizingshigoto
航空便 koukuubin (abbr) air mailmix
アマ ama (abbr) amateurjlpt3
原爆 genbaku (abbr) atomic bomb, A-bomball, sensou
日銀 nichigin (abbr) Bank of Japan, BOJ, BoJmix
電卓 dentaku (abbr) calculator (electronic)denki
コネ kone (abbr) connection, pullmix
コンビニ konbini (abbr) convenience storejlpt3
図工 zukou (abbr) drawing and manual artsleda1
一気 ikki (abbr) drink! (said repeatedly as a party cheer)mix
メアド meado (abbr) email addressmix
ファクス fuァkusu (abbr) fax, facsimiledenki, jlpt3
卒論 sotsuron (abbr) graduation thesis, bachelor's degree thesismix
入管 nyuukan (abbr) Immigration Bureauryokou
ジーパン ji-pan (abbr) jeans (wasei: jeans pants)/dungarees/(P)fuku
マスコミ masukomi (abbr) mass communication, the mediajlpt3
マイク maiku (abbr) mike, mic, microphonedenki, jlpt3
文部省 monbushou (abbr) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technologymix
国会 kokkai (abbr) National Diet, parliament, congressseiji
リモコン rimokon (abbr) remote controlmix
学食 gakushoku (abbr) school cafeteriagakkou
セクハラ sekuhara (abbr) sexual harassmentmix
特撮 tokusatsu (abbr) special effects, SFXmix
割り勘 warikan (abbr) splitting the cost, Dutch treatmix
有休 yuukyuu (abbr) vacation, (paid) holidaymix
万博 banpaku (abbr) world fair, international expositionmix
流石 sasuga (1)(uk) as one would expect, (2)still, all the same, (3)even... (e.g. "even a genius...") mix
素敵 suteki (adj-na) lovely, dreamy, beautiful, great, fantastic, superb, cool, capitalmix
止す yosu (after the -masu stem of a verb) to stop in the midst of, to leave undone; to cease, to abolish, to resign, to give upgodan, verb, vtrans
気泡 kihou (air) bubble (esp. in a liquid)mix
依存症 izonshou (alcohol, drug) dependence, morbid dependence (on alcohol)mix
i; imashi; unu; shi; sha (1)(arch) that, (2)you, (3)oneself, themself; (arch) (vulg) you mix
汝自らを知れ nanjimizukarawoshire (arch) Know thyselfmix
汝の敵を愛せよ nanjinotekiwoaiseyo (as commanded by Jesus) love your enemiesmix
汝の隣人を愛せよ nanjinorinjinwoaiseyo (as commanded by Jesus) love your neighbour (neighbor)mix
窓際 madogiwa (at the) windowmix
録音 rokuon (audio) recordingsuru
残高 zandaka (bank) balance, remaindermix
貯金 chokin (bank) savingsjlpt3, suru
延長戦 enchousen (baseball) extra inningsmix
善悪不二 zen'akufuji (Buddh) Good and evil are but two faces of the same coinmix
到底 toutei (cannot) possibly, no matter howmix
ちんこ chinko (col) (vulg) penishito
小悪魔 koakuma (col) rogue, devil, impmix
往復 oufuku (col) round trip, coming and going, return ticketryokou
うんこ unko (col) shit, faeces, fecessuru
うんち unchi (col) shit, faeces, fecessuru
金玉 kintama (col) testiclesmix
小便 shouben (col) urine, piss, peemix
添付ファイル tenpufuァiru (comp) attached file, attachmentmix
ハードディスク ha-dodeィsuku (comp) hard-diskjlpt3
国際通話 kokusaitsuuwa (comp) international callmix
最新版 saishinban (comp) latest versionmix
メモリー memori- (comp) memory/(P)jlpt3
エムエス emuesu (comp) MSmix
オンライン onrain (comp) on-linemix
海賊版ソフトウェア kaizokuhansofutouェa (comp) piracy, pirated softwaremix
プロフェショナル purofuェshonaru (comp) professionaljlpt3
帰納的関数 kinoutekikansuu (comp) recursive functionmath
関係演算子 kankeienzanshi (comp) relational operatormath
再起動 saikidou (comp) restart/rebootsuru
状態変数 joutaihensuu (comp) state spacemix
定年退職 teinentaishoku (compulsory) retirement (e.g. on reaching the age of 60)shigoto
倒産 tousan (corporate) bankruptcy, insolvency, commercial failure, failed businessjlpt3, mix
格子 koushi (crystal) lattice, grid patternkagaku, math
百貨店 hyakkaten (department) store, (department) storesmise
微積分 bisekibun (differential and integral) calculusmath
電車 densha (electric) trainjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
不合格 fugoukaku (examination) failure, rejection, disqualificationmix
仕様が無い shouganai; shiyouganai (exp,adj-i) it can't be helped, it is inevitable, nothing can be done; (uk) it can't be helped, it is inevitable, nothing can be doneadj
お巡りさん omawarisan (fam) policemanmix, shigoto
芸術 geijutsu (fine) art, the artsjlpt3
指輪物語 yubiwamonogatari (finger) ring/(P)namae
~階 ~kai (first, second, etc.) floor, story, gradejlpt5
~回 ~kai (first, second, etc.) time, roundjlpt5
稲光 inabikari (flash of) lightningmix
左手の法則 hidaritenohousoku (Fleming's) left-hand rulemix
右手の法則 migitenohousoku (Fleming's) right-hand rulemix
花瓶 kabin (flower) vasejlpt5, leda1, uchi
握り寿司 nigirizushi (food) hand-rolled sushi, sushi ballryouri
手巻き寿司 temakizushi (food) sushi wrapped in norimix
領収書 ryoushuusho (formal) receiptmix
金山 kinzan (gold) mine; (gold) minemix
手榴弾 shuryuudan; teryuudan (hand)grenade; (hand)grenademix
大臣 daijin (hon) (arch) nobleman's residence; cabinet ministermix
ご恩 goon (hon) (received) favor, kindness or blessing (favour)mix
姫君 himegimi (hon) daughter of a person of high rank (i.e. a king, noble, aristocrat, etc.)mix
陛下 heika (hon) your Majesty, his (or her) Majestymix
お母さん okaasan (honorable) motherjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
お兄さん oniisan (honorable) older brotherjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
お姉さん oneesan (honorable) older sisterjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
奥さん okusan (honorable) wifejlpt5, kazoku
看護師 kangoshi (hospital) nurse, registered nurse, RNmix
拝借 haishaku (hum) (pol) borrowingsuru
拝読 haidoku (hum) (pol) readingsuru
拝聴 haichou (hum) listening respectfullysuru
存じる zonjiru (hum) to think, feel, consider, know, etc.ichidan, verb
ani (humble) older brotherjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
致す itasu (humble) to dojlpt4
いただく itadaku (humble) to receivejlpt4
共働き tomobataraki (husband and wife) both working, dual incomemix
想像がつく souzougatsuku (id) one can imaginemix
木に縁って魚を求む kiniyotteuowomotomu (id) to be unable to accomplish something because one has chosen the wrong method, to ask for the impossible, to look for fish by climbing a tree (Mencius)baka
所蔵 shozou (in one's) possessionsuru
忙中 bouchuu (in the midst of) busynessmix
弓道 kyuudou (Japanese) archeryleda1, sensou, sport
興味本位 kyoumihon'i (just) out of curiosity, (just) in order to satisfy one's curiosity, aimed chiefly at amusing, sensational (e.g. magazine)mix
肉類 nikurui (kinds of) meatleda1, ryouri
煮物 nimono (ksb:) food cooked by boiling or stewingmix
ラット ratto (laboratory or pet) ratmix
え段 edan (ling) 'e' rowbunpou
い段 idan (ling) 'i' rowbunpou
お段 odan (ling) 'o' rowbunpou
う段 udan (ling) 'u' rowbunpou
副詞 fukushi (ling) adverbbunpou
反対語 hantaigo (ling) antonymbunpou
外来語 gairaigo (ling) borrowed word, foreign origin wordbunpou
子音 shiin (ling) consonantbunpou
文脈 bunmyaku (ling) contextbunpou
格変化 kakuhenka (ling) declension, change of casebunpou, suru
辞書形 jishokei (ling) dictionary formbunpou
直接目的語 chokusetsumokutekigo (ling) direct objectbunpou
一人称 ichininshou (ling) first personbunpou
未来形 miraikei (ling) future tensebunpou
尊敬語 sonkeigo (ling) honorific languagebunpou
謙譲語 kenjougo (ling) humble language (e.g. itadaku)bunpou
慣用語 kan'yougo (ling) idiombunpou
命令形 meireikei (ling) imperative form, commandbunpou
不定詞 futeishi (ling) infinitivebunpou
感動詞 kandoushi (ling) interjectionbunpou
言語学者 gengogakusha (ling) linguistbunpou
語意 goi (ling) meaning of a wordbunpou
修飾語 shuushokugo (ling) modifiermix
形態論 keitairon (ling) morphologymix
打ち消し uchikeshi (ling) negation, denial, negativebunpou
名詞 meishi (ling) nounbunpou
客語 kakugo (ling) objectbunpou
受動態 judoutai (ling) passive voicemix
過去形 kakokei (ling) past tensebunpou
人称代名詞 ninshoudaimeishi (ling) personal pronounbunpou
音素 onso (ling) phonemebunpou
音韻学 on'ingaku (ling) phonetics, phonologybunpou
句動詞 kudoushi (ling) phrasal verbbunpou
可能形 kanoukei (ling) potential formbunpou
接頭語 settougo (ling) prefixmix
散文 sanbun (ling) prosemix
句読点 kutouten (ling) punctuation mark, punctuation marksbunpou
類義語 ruigigo (ling) quasi-synonym (word that has a similar meaning to another, but is not interchangeable)mix
疑問符 gimonfu (ling) question markbunpou
引用句 in'youku (ling) quotationbunpou
状態動詞 joutaidoushi (ling) stative verb, state verb, non-progressive verbbunpou
形容詞幹 keiyoushikan (ling) stem (word)bunpou
語幹 gokan (ling) stem, root of a wordbunpou
主語 shugo (ling) subjectmix
仮定法 kateihou (ling) subjunctive moodmix
音節 onsetsu (ling) syllablebunpou
畳語 jougo (ling) syllable repetition (indicating plurals)bunpou
他称 tashou (ling) third personbunpou
語彙 goi (ling) vocabulary, lexicon, lexis, terminologymix
母音 boin (ling) vowelbunpou
合気道 aikidou (MA) aikidomix
血振り chiburi (MA) maneuver to shake, flick, or wipe blood off of a swordsport
僕等 bokura (male) wemix
品質 hinshitsu (material) qualitymix
不等式 futoushiki (math) (expression of) inequalitymath
応用数学 ouyousuugaku (math) applied mathematicsmath
円関数 enkansuu (math) circular function, trigonometric functionmath
係数 keisuu (math) coefficient, factor, proportional constantmix
定義域 teigiiki (math) domainmath
奇関数 kikansuu (math) odd function, function whose graph has symmetry about the originmath
上限 jougen (math) upper limit, maximummath
造影剤 zoueizai (medical) contrast mediabyouki
品行 hinkou (moral) conduct/behaviour/behavior/deportmentleda1
合い方 aikata (musical) accompanimentongaku
楽章 gakushou (musical) movement
tsubu (1)grain, bead, drop, (ctr) (2)counter for small round objects including grains, seeds, pills, drops; (3)grain, bead, drop, (ctr) (4)counter for small round objects including grains, see mix
kaku (n,n-suf) picture, drawing, painting, sketch; stroke (of a kanji, etc.); picture, drawing, painting, sketchcounter
延命 enmei (n,vs,adj-no) keeping alive longer, prolonging life, life extension, life-support; keeping alive longer, prolonging life, life extension, life-supportsuru
真婿 manko (1)(uk) (X) (col) vagina, (2)screw ai, baka
引越 hikkoshi (n,vs) moving (dwelling, office, etc.), changing residencejlpt3, uchi
ご存知 gozonji (1)(hon) knowing, (2)(an) acquaintance mix
〜夫人 fujin (1)(hon) wife, Mrs, madam; (2)(hon) wife, Mrs, madam, (3)(arch) wife of a nobleman (aristocrat, etc.), (4)(arch) consort of the emperor; (n) (5)(arch) consort of the emperor mix
お使 otsukai (1)(pol) errand, mission, going as envoy, (2)(pol) messenger, bearer, errand boy, errand girl, (3)(pol) (hon) familiar spirit mix
nuno (1)cloth; (n) (2)cloth; (3)cloth; (4)cloth, (5)bujian (spade-shaped bronze coin of ancient China) fuku
ryuu (1)dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon)/ (2)naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology); (n) (3)dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon)/ (4)naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mytholog kami
tagui (1)kind, sort, type, (2)equal, match, peer; kind, sort, class, family, genus mix
趣き omomuki (1)meaning, tenor, gist, (2)effect, influence, (3)appearance, aspect, (4)taste, (5)grace, charm, refinement mix
so (1)parent, parents, (2)dealer (in cards), (3)founder, (4)(pet) owner; ancestor, forefather, progenitor mix
相撲 sumou (1)sumo wrestling, (2)(abbr) sumo wrestler, rikishi; (3)sumo wrestling, (4)(abbr) sumo wrestler, rikishi mix
higuma (n) (uk) brown bear (Ursus arctos); (n) (uk) brown bear (Ursus arctos); (n) (uk) brown bear (Ursus arctos); (uk) brown bear (Ursus arctos)mix
kiji (n) (uk) green pheasant (Phasianus versicolor), Japanese pheasant; (n) (uk) green pheasant (Phasianus versicolor), Japanese pheasant; (uk) green pheasant (Phasianus versicolor), Japanese pheasantdoubutsu
hinoki (n) (uk) hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa)/Japanese cypress; (uk) hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa)/Japanese cypressshizen
hinoki (n) (uk) hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa)/Japanese cypress; (uk) hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa)/Japanese cypressshizen
蝦蟇 gama (n) (uk) toad (esp. the Japanese toad, Bufo japonicus); (uk) toad (esp. the Japanese toad, Bufo japonicus); (uk) toad (esp. the Japanese toad, Bufo japonicus)doubutsu
煙草 tabako (n) (uk) tobacco (por: tabaco), cigarettes
雰囲気 fun'iki (n) atmosphere (e.g. musical), mood, ambience, ambiance; atmosphere (e.g. musical), mood, ambience, ambiancemix
緑の日 midorinohi (n) Greenery Day (national holiday; May 4)namae, toki
海苔 nori (n) nori (edible seaweed, esp. species Porphyra tenera and others of genus Porphyra, usu. dried and pressed into sheets), laverryouri
新聞配達 shinbunhaitatsu (newspaper) carrier, newspaper (delivery) boy (girl), newmix
大して taishite (not so) much, (not) verymix
必ずしも kanarazushimo (not) always, (not) necessarily, (not) all, (not) entirelymix
一向 ikkou (not) at all; (uk) nothing but, earnest, intent, determined, set on (something); (uk) nothing but, earnest, intent, determined, set on (something)mix
juu (num) 10, tenjlpt5
man (num) 10,000, ten thousand, (adv) myriads, alljlpt5
hyaku (num) 100, hundredjlpt5
oku (num) 100,000,000, hundred millionjlpt4
go (num) fivejlpt5
shi (num) fourjlpt5, mix
shichi (num) sevenjlpt5
roku (num) sixjlpt5
san (num) threejlpt5, mix
ni (num) twojlpt5
所為 sei (obsc) act, deed, one's doing; (uk) cause, reason, faultmix
平衡移動の法則 heikouidounohousoku (obsc) law of equilibrium (Le Chatelier's principle)mix
屈折の法則 kussetsunohousoku (obsc) law of refractionmix
半魚人 hangyojin (obsc) merman, half man-half fishmix
吾れ are; ware (1)I, me; (pn,adj-no) (2)I, me, (3)oneself, (4)(arch) you mix
通路側の席 tsuurogawa no seki (on the) aisle, aisle seatryokou
そっくり sokkuri (on-mim) all, altogether, entirely, just like, the spitting image ofjlpt3
そっくりな sokkurina (on-mim) all, altogether, entirely, just like, the spitting image ofjlpt3
きちっと kichitto (on-mim) exactly, perfectlyonoma
ぴったり pittari (on-mim) exactly/neatly/sharp/(P)adj, jlpt3
ほっと hotto (on-mim) feeling relieved, (sigh of) reliefjlpt3, onoma, suru
ぴかぴか pikapika (on-mim) glitter/sparkle/(P)onoma
きらきら kirakira (on-mim) glitter/sparkle/glisten/twinkle/(P)suru
ぎょろぎょろ gyorogyoro (on-mim) goggling, rolling (one's eyes)onoma, suru
ザーザー za-za- (on-mim) heavy rainfall/(P)onoma
くるくる kurukuru (on-mim) like a small spinning object, winding up a long string, etc.onoma, suru
むかむかする mukamukasuru (on-mim) nausea, queasy, surge of angersuru
ひらり hirari (on-mim) nimbly, lightlymix
ぎゅうぎゅう gyuugyuu (on-mim) packing in tightly, creaking leather, door, etc.onoma
きちんと kichinto (on-mim) precisely, accurately, neatlyjlpt3, suru
さっさと sassato (on-mim) quicklymix
ひっそり hissori (on-mim) quiet, still, silent, desertedsuru
ケロケロ kerokero (on-mim) ribbit (frog sound)onoma
ばらばら barabara (on-mim) scattered, disperse, loose, disconnected, in pieces, in drops, rustlingjlpt3, onoma, suru
そっと sotto (on-mim) softly, gently, quietly, secretlyjlpt3, suru
ぐっすり gussuri (on-mim) sound asleep, fast asleepjlpt3, onoma
ぺたぺた petapeta (on-mim) sound of a flat surface repeatedly making contact with somethingonoma
どきどき dokidoki (on-mim) throb, beat (fast)suru
とぼとぼ tobotobo (on-mim) totteringly, trudginglyonoma
チクチク chikuchiku (on-mim) type of prickling pain, prick, pricklesuru
ふらふら furafura (on-mim) unsteady on one's feet, stagger, reel, totter, dizzyonoma, suru
びっしょり bisshori (on-mim) wet through/drenched/(P)onoma
実家 jikka (one's parents') homemix
弁当 bentou (packed) lunchryouri
印画紙 ingashi (photographic) printing papersuru
酔い心地 yoigokochi (pleasantly) intoxicatedmix
ware (1)I, me; (pn,adj-no) (2)I, me; (3)(Buddh) obstinacy, (4)atman, the self, the ego; (5)I, me, (6)oneself, (7)(arch) you, (pref) (8)(arch) prefix indicating familiarity or contempt; mix
お辞儀 ojigi (pol) bow, bowingjlpt3
お釣り otsuri (pol) change (i.e. money), balanceryokou
清聴 seichou (polite reference to another's) attention, kind attention, courteous attentionsuru
お父さん otousan (polite) fatherjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
御主人 goshujin (polite) your husband, her husbandjlpt5
政権 seiken (political) administration, political powermix
想像力 souzouryoku (power of) imaginationmix
集中力 shuuchuuryoku (powers of) concentration, ability to concentratemix
御~ go~ (prefix, polite)jlpt4
説明書 setsumeisho (printed) instructionsmix
受け手 ukete (referring to a person) receiver, receiving side, viewer, listenermix
信仰 shinkou (religious) faith, belief, creedsuru
祭礼 sairei (religious) festivalmix
おいでになる oideninaru (respectful) to begodan, jlpt4, verb
お会計 okaikei (restaurant) billmix
冬季 touki (season of) wintermix
盲目 moumoku (sens) blindnessmix
お凸 odeko (sens) brow, foreheadmix
調理師 chourishi (sens) chef, cookmix
生き様 ikizama (sens) form of existence, way of lifemix
文盲 monmou (sens) illiteracymix
不治の fuji no (sens) incurability; (sens) incurabilitybyouki
戦役 sen'eki (sens) military campaign, battle, warmix
今上 kinjou (sens) the reigning emperorseiji
婦人 fujin (sens) woman, lady, adult femalemix
貴様 kisama (sens) youmix
被虐性愛 higyakuseiai (sexual) masochismai
観光旅行 kankouryokou (sightseeing) tourryokou
お毛々 okeke (sl) (vulg) pubic hairmix
自宅飲み jitakunomi (sl) drinking at home (as opposed to going out)mix
我慢汁 gamanjiru (sl) pre-ejaculate, pre-ejaculatory fluid, Cowper's fluid, slang: pre-cum, dog water, speed dropai, baka
小鳥 kotori (small) birddoubutsu, jlpt4, leda1
小槌 koduchi (small) mallet, gavelmix
地位 chii (social) position, statusmix
肉球 nikukyuu (sole of the) paw, padmix
早め hayame (something) earlymix
狛犬 komainu (stone) guardian lion-dogs at Shinto shrinekami
地唄 jiuta (style of) folk songmix
筆記 hikki (taking) notes, copyingsuru
満面 manmen (the) whole facemix
老け役 fukeyaku (theatrical) role of old personmix
猫に小判 nekonikoban (to cast) pearls before swine, really big waste of resourcesmix
料亭 ryoutei (traditional Japanese) restaurantmix
和様 wayou (traditional) Japanese stylemix
車掌 shashou (train) conductorryokou, shigoto
有難う arigatou (uk) (abbr) Thank youmix
彼奴 aitsu (uk) (col) he, she, that guy; (uk) (col) he, she, that guy; (uk) (col) he, she, that guymix
宜しい yoroshii (uk) (hon) good, OK, all right, fine, very well, will do, may, canadj
メンマ menma (uk) (sens) bamboo shoots boiled, sliced, fermented, dried or preserved in salt, then soaked in hot water and sea saltryouri
deko (uk) (sens) brow, foreheadmix
凡そ oyoso (uk) about, roughly, as a rule, approximately; (uk) about, roughly, as a rule, approximatelymix
ooyoso; han; bon (uk) about, roughly, as a rule, approximately; mediocrity; mediocritymix
mata (uk) again, and, also, still (doing something)mix
hobo (uk) almost, roughly, approximatelymix
既に sudeni (uk) already, too late; (uk) already, too latemix
矢張り yahari (uk) also, as I thought, still, in spite of, absolutely, of coursejlpt3
誰でも daredemo (uk) anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, whoevermix
何処までも dokomademo (uk) anywhere, through thick and thin, to the utmost, persistently, stubbornly, in all respects, thoroughlymix
出来るだけ dekirudake (uk) as much as one can, as much as possible, if at all possiblemix
取り敢えず toriaezu (uk) at once, first of all, for the time being, for nowmix
kago (uk) basket (shopping, etc.), hamper, cagemix
houki (uk) broomuchi
猫鮫 nekozame (uk) bullhead shark (esp. the Japanese bullhead shark, Heterodontus japonicus)mix
因みに chinamini (uk) by the way, in this connection, incidentally, in passingmix
蝋燭 rousoku (uk) candlemix
絨毯 juutan (uk) carpet, rug, runnermix
切っ掛け kikkake (uk) chance, start, cue, excuse, motive, impetus, occasionmix
箪笥 tansu (uk) chest of drawers/bureau/cabinet/tansu/dresser/(P)uchi
可也 kanari (uk) considerably, fairly, quitejlpt3
とうもろこし toumorokoshi (uk) corn (US), maize (UK)mix
従姉 itoko (uk) cousin (female); (uk) cousin (female)mix
従妹 itoko (uk) cousin (female); (uk) cousin (female)mix
従弟 itoko (uk) cousin (male); (uk) cousin (male)mix
酷い hidoi (uk) cruel, awful, severe, very bad, serious, terrible, heavy, violent; cruel, atrocious, merciless, inhuman, brutaljlpt3
お襁褓 omutsu (uk) diaper, nappymix
直に jikani (uk) directly, in person, headlong; immediately, readily, directlymix
エノキタケ enokitake (uk) enoki mushroom (long, thin and white), Flammulina velutipes, winter mushroomryouri, shokubutsu
kasasagi (uk) European magpie (Pica pica)doubutsu
茅蜩 higurashi (uk) evening cicada (Tanna japonensis)mix
戴きます itadakimasu (uk) expression of gratitude before mealsmix
睫毛 matsuge (uk) eyelasheshito, jlpt3
matsuge (uk) eyelasheshito, jlpt3
hayabusa (uk) falcon (esp. the peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus)/(P)doubutsu
何時までも itsumademo (uk) forever, for good, eternally, as long as one likes, indefinitely, no matter whatmix
清々しい sugasugashii (uk) fresh, refreshingadj
更に sarani (uk) furthermore, again, after all, more and more, moreover, even moremix
nao (uk) furthermore, still, yet, more, still more, in addition, greater, furthermix
苛々 iraira (uk) getting nervous, irritationjlpt3, suru
山羊 yagi (uk) goatdoubutsu
左様なら sayounara (uk) good-byekaiwa
下らない kudaranai (uk) good-for-nothing, stupid, trivial, worthlessadj
針鼠 harinezumi (uk) hedgehog (any mammal of family Erinaceidae)doubutsu
harinezumi (uk) hedgehog (any mammal of family Erinaceidae)doubutsu
吃逆 shakkuri (uk) hiccough, hiccupbyouki, suru
お持て成し omotenashi (uk) hospitality, entertainment, servicemix
如何 ika; ikaga; ikan; dou (1)how, in what way, (n) (2)circumstances; (uk) how, in what way, how about mix
この様に konoyouni (uk) in this manner, in this way, like thismix
益々 masumasu (uk) increasingly, more and more, decreasingly, less and lessjlpt3
印度 indo (uk) India, Hindustanmix
直ぐに suguni (uk) instantly, immediatelyjlpt3
嘘吐き usotsuki (uk) liar (sometimes said with not much seriousness), fibbermix
従兄 itoko (uk) male cousin; (uk) male cousinmix
ミイラ miira (uk) mummy (por: mirra)mix
勿論 mochiron (uk) of course, certainly, naturallyjlpt3
度々 tabitabi (uk) often, repeatedly, frequentlymix
若しかすると moshikasuruto (uk) perhaps/maybe/by some chance/(P)jlpt3
若しかしたら moshikashitara (uk) perhaps/maybe/perchance/by some chance/by any chance/(P)jlpt3
若しかして moshikashite (uk) perhaps/possiblyjlpt3
kotowaza (uk) proverb, maximmix
丸で marude (uk) quite, entirely, completely, at all, as if, as though, so to speak, just likejlpt3
丹頂 tanchou (uk) red-crowned crane, Japanese crane (Grus japonensis)mix
お握り onigiri (uk) rice ball (often triangular, sometimes with a filling and wrapped in nori)ryouri
gomi (1)(Buddh) defilement, impurity, affliction, (2)object (perceived with the mind or the senses), (3)one billionth; dust, dirt mix
迎合 geigou (uk) secondary or supporting actor in a noh or kyogen play; ingratiation, going along with somebody's views, adjusting oneself (to something, to somebody), flatterysuru
纏め matome (uk) settlement, conclusion, summarymix
sune (uk) shin, shank, lower leg; (n) (uk) shin, shank, lower leghito
黍魚子 kibinago (uk) silver-stripe round herring (Spratelloides gracilis)mix
如何言う douiu (uk) somehow, how, in what way, why, what kind ofmix
何処か dokoka (uk) somewhere, anywhere, in some respectsmix
蜘蛛 kumo (uk) spiderdoubutsu
炬燵 kotatsu (uk) table with heater, (orig) charcoal brazier in a floor wellmix
有難うございます arigatougozaimasu (uk) thank youmix
即ち sunawachi (uk) that is, namely, i.e.mix
fumoto (uk) the foot, the bottom, the base (of a mountain)mix
斯うして koushite (uk) thus, in this waymix
妬む sonemu; sonemu; netamu (uk) to be jealous of, to envy, to begrudge; to be jealous, to be envious; (uk) to be jealous of, to envy, to begrudgegodan, verb, vtrans
繋がる tsunagaru (uk) to be tied together, to be connected to, to be related togodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
齎す motarasu (uk) to bring, to take, to bring aboutgodan, verb
踞る uzukumaru (uk) to crouch, to squat, to cowergodan, verb, vintrans
摘む tsumu (uk) to pinch, to hold, to pick up; to pluck, to pick, to trimgodan, verb, vtrans
企む takuramu (uk) to scheme, to plan, to play a trick, to invent, to conspire, to frame upgodan, verb, vtrans
嘲る azakeru (uk) to scoff, to laugh at, to make fun of, to ridicule, to jeer atgodan, verb, vtrans
罹る kakaru (uk) to suffer fromgodan, verb
しゃべる shaberu (uk) to talk, to chat, to chattergodan, verb, vintrans
喋る shaberu (uk) to talk, to chat, to chattergodan, verb, vintrans
苛める ijimeru (uk) to tease, to torment, to persecute, to chastiseichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
繋ぐ tsunagu (uk) to tie, to fasten, to connect, to transfer (phone call)godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
認める mitomeru (1)to recognize, to recognise, to appreciate, (2)to observe, to notice, (3)to admit, to approve ichidan, verb, vtrans
玩具 omocha; gangu (uk) toy; (uk) toymix
厭やらしい iyarashii (uk) unpleasant, disgusting, repulsive, detestable, disagreeable, indecent, lewd, dirty, lasciviousadj
嫌らしい iyarashii (uk) unpleasant, disgusting, repulsive, detestable, disagreeable, indecent, lewd, dirty, lasciviousadj
もう直ぐ mousugu (uk) very soonjlpt3
僕達 bokutachi (uk) wemix
何故 naze; naniyue (uk) why, how; (uk) why, howmix
如何して doushite (uk) why?, for what reason, how, in what way, for what purpose, what formix
御神籤 omikuji (uk) written oraclekami
且つ katsu (uk) yet, moreover, andmix
学位 gakui (university) degreemix
近付く chikazuku; chikaduku (1)to approach, to draw near, to get close, (2)to get acquainted with, to get closer to, to get to know; (3)to approach, to draw near, to get close, (4)to get acquainted with, to get clos godan, verb, vintrans
茹る udaru (1)to boil, to seethe, (2)to be oppressed by heat mix
頑張る ganbaru (1)to persevere, to persist, to keep at it, to hang on, to hold out, to do one's best, (2)to insist that, to stick to (one's opinion), (3)to remain in a place, to stick to one's post, to r mix
失くす nakusu (1)to lose something, (2)to get rid of godan
我慢強い gamanduyoi (very) patient, perseveringjlpt3
録画 rokuga (video) recordingjlpt3, suru
騎乗位 kijoui (vulg) sexual position where the man lies flat on his back and the woman sits on top, cowgirl positionai
竹馬 takeuma (walk on) stilts/bamboo horseleda1
毛筆 mouhitsu (writing, painting) brushmix
連合軍 rengougun (WWII) the Allies, allied forcesmix
お蔭 okage (your) backing, assistance, thanks or owing tomix
お陰 okage (your) backing, assistance, thanks or owing tomix
鉤括弧 kagikakko [ ]math
大括弧 daikakko [ ]math
鉤括弧エー引くビー鉤括弧閉じる kagikakkoe-hikubi-kagikakkotojiru [ A - B ]math
中括弧 chuukakko { }math
中括弧エー割るビー中括弧閉じる chuukakkoe-warubi-chuukakkotojiru { A ÷ B }math
(~て)しまう (~te)shimau ~ has been completed or finished, regretjlpt4
以下 ika ~ or less than,not more thanjlpt4, leda1
~ちゃん ~chan ~chanjlpt4
~人 ~nin ~person, counter for peoplecounter, jlpt5
~目 ~me ~st, ~nd, ~rdjlpt4
0.1 reiten'ichi 0.1math
一分 ippun 1 minutetoki
sen 1,000, thousandjlpt5
十億 juuoku 1,000,000,000, billion (American), (obs) milliard (British)mix
一兆 icchou 1,000,000,000,000, one trillion, one billion (obs. British)mix
1.5 ittengo 1.5math
十分 juppun 10 minutestoki
too 10, tenjlpt5
10.9 juttenkyuu 10.9math
100円玉 hyakuendama 100 yen coinmix
100.2 hyakutenni 100.2math
十四 juuyon 14math
十七 juunana 17math
1次導関数 ichijidoukansuu 1st derivativemath
2と3分の2 nitosanbunnoni 2 2/3 (two and two thirds)math
二分 nifun 2 minutestoki
一里 ichiri 2.44 milesleda1
2.7 ni-tennana 2.7math
二十歳 hatachi 20 years old, 20th yearjlpt5, toki
2次導関数 nijidoukansuu 2nd derivativemath
三分 sanpun 3 minutestoki
四分 yonpun 4 minutestoki
四時 yoji 4 o'clocktoki
四十 yonjuu 40math
五分 gofun 5 minutestoki
100分の5 hyakubunnogo 5/100math
六分 roppun 6 minutestoki
nana 7jlpt5
七分 nanafun 7 minutestoki
七時 shichiji 7 o'clocktoki
八分 happun 8 minutestoki
8.6 hattenroku 8.6math
九分 kyuufun 9 minutestoki
九時 kuji 9 o'clocktoki
9.3 kyuutensan 9.3math
直角 chokkaku 90°math
エー括弧ビー足すシー括弧閉じる e-kakkobi-tasushi-kakkotojiru A ( B + C )math
ビー分のエー bi-bunnoe- A / Bmath
B分のA bbunnoa A / B (fraction)math
エー割るビー e-warubi- A ÷ Bmath
愛妻弁当 aisaibentou a Bento (lunch box) prepared by one's loving wifeai
あっと言う間 attoiuma a blink of timejlpt3
箱の中の猫 hakononakanoneko a cat in a boxbaka
風邪 kaze a coldbyouki, jlpt5
評伝 hyouden a critical biographymix
エー3重 e-3juu A cubedmath
踊り odori a dancejlpt3, jlpt4
飲み物 nomimono a drinkjlpt5, leda1, ryouri
コップ koppu a glassjlpt5, ryouri
砲手 houshu a gunnermix
uso a liejlpt4
沢山 takusan a lot, manymix
巫女 miko a maiden in the service of a shrinekami
国立銀行 kokuritsuginkou a national bankmix
国立公園 kokuritsukouen a national parkmix
一足 issoku a pair of shoesfuku, leda1
然る shikaru a particulargodan, jlpt4, verb
金持ち kanemochi a rich personjlpt4
一人暮らし hitorigurashi a single life, a solitary life, living alonemix
一回り大きい hitomawari ookii a size biggermix
浅手 asade a slight woundmix
匂い nioi a smelljlpt4, ryouri
喫煙車 kitsuensha a smoking carryokou
喫煙室 kitsuenshitsu a smoking roommix
aida a spacejlpt4, leda1, toki
エー2重 e-2juu A squaredmath
談話 danwa a talk, conversationsuru
忘れ物 wasuremono a thing left behindjlpt4
突き tsuki a thrust, a pass, a lunge, a stabmix
術中 jucchuu a trickmix
エー引くビー e-hikubi- A-Bmath
エー引くビー引くシー e-hikubi-hikushi- A-B-Cmath
エー足す1エコールビー e-tasu1eko-rubi- A+1=Bmath
エー足す1はビー e-tasu1habi- A+1=Bmath
エー足すビー e-tasubi- A+Bmath
エー足すビー足すシー e-tasubi-tasushi- A+B+Cmath
エー掛けるビー e-kakerubi- A×Bmath
算盤 soroban abacusmix
恥ずかしがっている hazukashigatteiru abashedadj, emo
略語 ryakugo abbreviation, acronymmix
腹部 fukubu abdomenhito
脱腸 dacchou abdominal herniamix
能力 nouryoku abilitymix
才能 sainou ability, talentleda1
強壮 kyousou able-bodied, robust, sturdy, strongmix
変体 hentai abnormalityadj
廃止 haishi abolition, repealsuru
温泉について onsen ni tsuite About hot springsonsen
中頃 nakagoro about the middlemix
~について ~nitsuite about, as tojlpt4
ばかり bakari about, onlyjlpt4
~くらい ~kurai about, some, rank, gradejlpt5
~ぐらい ~gurai about, some, rank, gradejlpt5
上述 joujutsu above-mentioned, foregoing, forgoingmix
ue above, on top of, up, upper part, surfacejlpt5
抄訳 shouyaku abridged translationsuru
唐突 toutotsu abrupt, suddenmix
突然 totsuzen abrupt, sudden, unexpected, all at oncejlpt3, mix
欠勤 kekkin absence (from work)shigoto
休学 kyuugaku absence from schoolgakkou
病欠 byouketsu absence on account of illnessbyouki, shigoto
欠席 kesseki absence, non-attendancejlpt3, suru
絶対服従 zettaifukujuu absolute obedience, complete submissionmix
絶対値 zettaichi absolute valuemath
絶対値エー zettaichie- absolute value of Amath
絶対に zettaini absolutely, unconditionallyjlpt3, mix
吸収 kyuushuu absorbtionmix
不参加 fusanka abstention, nonparticipationmix
豊富 houfu abundance, wealth, plenty, bountymix
豊か yutaka abundant, wealthy, plentiful, rich, affluentjlpt3
豊かな yutakana abundant/wealthy/plentiful/rich/affluent/(P)adj, jlpt3
悪口 waruguchi abuse, insult, slander, evil speaking, bad mouth; abuse, insult, slander, evil speaking, bad mouth; abuse, insult, slander, evil speaking, bad mouthsuru
学歴 gakureki academic backgroundjlpt3
机上の空論 kijounokuuron academic gossip, empty theorymix
アクセサリー akusesari- accessoryfuku, jlpt4
事故 jiko accidentjlpt3, jlpt4
~によると ~niyoruto according tojlpt4
会計 kaikei account, finance, accountant, treasurer, paymaster, reckoning, billmix
会計士 kaikeishi accountantshigoto
経理部 keiribu accounting departmentshigoto
正確な seikaku na accurate, punctual, exact, authentic, veraciousjlpt3
告訴 kokuso accusation, complaint, charge, legal actionsuru
達成 tassei achievementsuru
業績 gyouseki achievement, performance, results, work, contributionmix
功績 kouseki achievements, merit, meritorious service, meritorious deedmix
了承 ryoushou acknowledgement, acknowledgment, understanding (e.g. "please be understanding of the mess during our renovation"), noting, acceptancesuru
にきび nikibi acnehito
団栗 donguri acornmix
知り合い shiriai acquaitancejlpt3, mix
後天性免疫不全症候群 koutenseimen'ekifuzenshoukougun acquired immune deficiency syndrome, AIDSbyouki
獲得 kakutoku acquisition, possessionsuru
取得 shutoku acquisition; (n) worth, redeeming feature, merit, gain, profitsuru
行為 koui act, deed, conductmix
活動 katsudou action, activitymix
活火山 kakkazan active volcanoshizen
せっきょくてきな sekkyokutekina active, positiveadj, jlpt3
役者 yakusha actor, actressmix
俳優 haiyuu actor, actress, player, performerjlpt3
女優 joyuu actressshigoto
乱暴な ranbou na actressmix
現地 genchi actual place, localmix
適応 tekiou adaptation, accommodation, conformitysuru
順応 junnou adaptation, sympathysuru
臨機応変 rinkiouhen adapting oneself to the requirements of the moment, playing it by ear, ad hocmix
足す tasu addjlpt3, jlpt4, math
足し算 tashizan additionmath
加え算 kuwaezan additionmath
添加物 tenkabutsu addition, additive, appendix; addition, additive, appendixmix
添加 tenka addition, annexingsuru
追加 tsuika addition, supplement, append (e.g. to a file), appendixsuru
住所 juusho addressjlpt4, leda1
宛先 atesaki address, destinationmix
固執 koshitsu adherence (negative nuance), persistence, insistence, stubbornness; adherence (negative nuance), persistence, insistence, stubbornnesssuru
行政 gyousei administrationseiji
都道府県 todoufuken administrative divisions of Japan: Tokyo-to, Hokkai-do, Osaka-fu, Kyoto-fu and remaining prefectures/(P)mix
提督 teitoku admiral, commodoremix
感心 kanshin admiration, Well done!jlpt3, suru
入場 nyuujou admissionryokou
娘婿 musumemuko adopted son-in-lawmix
大人 otona adultjlpt5, leda1
進撃 shingeki advance, chargesuru
進行 shinkou advance, progresssuru
進出 shinshutsu advance, step forwardsuru
先進国 senshinkoku advanced (developed) country, advanced nationsmix
高齢 kourei advanced (old) agejlpt3
有利 yuuri advantageous, better, profitable, lucrativemix
アドバイス adobaisu advicejlpt3, suru
助言 jogen advice, suggestion; advice, suggestionsuru
忠告 chuukoku advice, warningsuru
注意する chuuisuru advise, pay attentionjlpt4, suru, verb
相談相手 soudan'aite adviser, someone to consult with, someone to turn to about one's concerns, confidantmix
飛行機 hikouki aeroplanejlpt5, ryokou
確認 kakunin affirmation, confirmation, validationjlpt3, suru
押印 ouin affixing one's sealsuru
裕福 yuufuku affluence, prosperitymix
前述 zenjutsu aforementioned, above-mentionedsuru
アフリカ afurika Africajlpt4, namae
アフリカ象 afurikazou african elephantdoubutsu
久しぶり hisashiburi after a long time, long time (no see)jlpt4, toki
所詮 shosen after allmix
結局 kekkyoku after all, eventually, in the endmix
死後 shigo after death/(P)leda1
放課後 houkago after schoolmix
課外授業 kagaijugyou after-class activitiesgakkou
残像 zanzou afterimage, imprintmix
午後 gogo afternoon, P.M.jlpt5, leda1, toki
ato afterwards, since then, in the futurejlpt5, toki
もう一度 mouichido againjlpt5
また mata again, andjlpt3, jlpt5
再び futatabi again, once more, a second timemix
年齢層 nenreisou age range, age-group, age bracketmix
時代 jidai age, period, generationjlpt4, leda1, toki
年歯 toshiha age, years (old)mix
年齢 nenrei age/years/(P)toki
老化 rouka ageing, aging, senile deteriorationsuru
仲介 chuukai agency/intermediation/(P)leda1, suru
侵略 shinryaku aggression, invasion, raidsuru
高齢化社会 koureikashakai aging society, ageing societymix
周章 shuushou agitation, frustrationsuru
~前 ~mae ago, beforejlpt5, toki
以前 izen ago, since, before, previoustoki
苦悩 kunou agony, anguishemo
農薬 nouyaku agricultural chemical (i.e. pesticide, herbicide, fungicide, etc.), agrochemical, agrichemical
農村 nouson agricultural community/farm village/rural/(P)leda1
農協 noukyou agricultural cooperativemix
農産物 nousanbutsu agricultural producemix
農業 nougyou agricultureshigoto
a Ahjlpt4
ああ aa Ah!, Oh!, Alas!jlpt5
愛知県 aichiken Aichi prefecture (Chuubu area)namae
応援 ouen aid, assistance, help, reinforcement, rooting, barracking, support, cheeringjlpt3, suru
補佐 hosa aid, help, assistance, assistant, counselor, counsellor, adviser, advisorsuru
冷房装置 ku-ra- air conditionerdenki, uchi
冷房 reibou air conditioningjlpt4, uchi
エアコン eakon air-conditioner, air-conditioningdenki
冷房装置 reibousouchi air-conditioning, air-cooling apparatusdenki
航空機 koukuuki aircraft, aeroplane, airplanemix
飛行場 hikoujou airfield, airportjlpt4, ryokou
航空券 koukuuken airline ticket, plane ticket, air ticketmix
空港 kuukou airportjlpt4, leda1, ryokou
飛行船 hikousen airship, blimpmix
空域 kuuiki airspacemix
秋葉原 akihabara Akihabaranamae
秋田県 akitaken Akita prefecture (Touhoku area)namae
警鐘 keishou alarm bell, fire bellmix
目覚まし時計 mezamashidokei alarm clock; alarm clockmix
アホウドリ ahoudori albatrossdoubutsu
アルコール aruko-ru alcoholjlpt4, ryouri
お酒 osake alcohol, rice winejlpt5, ryouri
酒類 shurui alcoholic drinks, liquorall, baka
アル中 aruchuu alcoholismbyouki
ハンノキ hannoki aldershokubutsu
待機 taiki alert, standby, await an opportunity, wait for ordersshigoto, suru
代数 daisuu algebramath
アルゴリズム arugorizumu algorithmmath
アルカリ性 arukarisei alkalinity, alkalinemix
全部 zenbu allleda1
終日 shuujitsu all day/for a whole day/(P)leda1
総勢 souzei all members, whole armymix
終夜 shuuya all nightleda1
徹夜 tetsuya all night, all-night vigil, sleepless nightjlpt3, suru
終生 shuusei all one's life/lifelongleda1
大丈夫 daijoubu all right, O.K., no problemjlpt5
尚更 naosara all the more, still lessmix
通年 tsuunen all year, year roundtoki
食べ放題 tabehoudai all-you-can-eat, smorgasbordmix
みんな minna all, everyone, everybody, everythingjlpt5
mina all, everythingjlpt4
すっかり sukkari all, quite, completelyjlpt3, jlpt4
一切 issai all/everything/without exception/the whole/entirely/absolutely/(P)leda1
ほとんど hotondo almost, hardlyjlpt3, jlpt4
蘆薈 rokai aloeshokubutsu
もう mou already, soon, more, againjlpt5
交代 koutai alternation, change, relief, relay, shift, substitution (sports, etc.)suru
高積雲 kousekiun altocumulustenki
羊雲 hitsujigumo altocumulus cloudleda1
高層雲 kousouun altostratustenki
軽銀 keigin aluminium, aluminumkagaku
アルミニューム aruminyu-mu aluminumkagaku
アルミホイル arumihoiru aluminum foilryouri
いつも itsumo alwaysjlpt5, toki
常に tsuneni always, constantlymix
必ず kanarazu always/without exception/necessarily/certainly/without fail/positively/invariably/(P)jlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
天岩戸 amanoiwato Ama no Iwato, cave of the sun goddesskami
天照大神 amaterasuoomikami Amaterasu oomikami, goddess of the sunkami
天照大御神 amaterasuoomikami Amaterasu oomikami, goddess of the sunkami
天照 amaterasu Amaterasu, goddess of the sunkami
アマチュア amachua amateurjlpt3
天津甕星 amatsumikaboshi Amatsu Mikaboshi, kami of all evil and starskami
素晴らしい subarashii amazingadj
大使 taishi ambassador/(P)adj, leda1
琥珀 kohaku ambermix
琥珀色 kohakuiro amber (colour, color)mix
野心 yashin ambition, aspiration, designs, treacherymix
救急車 kyuukyuusha ambulancebyouki, ryokou
天児屋根命 amenokoyane Ame no Koyane, aide to the first Emperor of Japankami
天児屋命 amenokoyane Ame no Koyane, aide to the first Emperor of Japankami
天沼矛 amenonuhoko Ame no Nuhoko, heavenly jewelled spearkami
天宇受売命 amenouzume Ame no Uzume, goddess of dawn and revelrykami
天鈿女命 amenouzume Ame no Uzume, goddess of dawn and revelrykami
修正 shuusei amendment, correction, revision, modification, alteration, retouching, update, fixsuru
アメリカ amerika Americajlpt4, namae
アメリカンフットボール amerikanfuttobo-ru American footballsport
あいだ aida amongjlpt4
金額 kingaku amount of moneymix
食塩相当量 shokuensoutouryou amount of saltmix
糖分 toubun amount of sugar, sugar contentmix
売り上げ uriage amount sold, sales, proceeds, takingsmix
両生類 ryouseirui amphibia, amphibiandoubutsu
遊園地 yuuenchi amusement parkmix
教頭 kyoutou an assistant principalgakkou
対称軸 taishoujiku an axis of symmetrymath
麻酔 masui anaesthesia, anesthesiamix
臀ひれ shirihire anal findoubutsu
分析 bunseki analysissuru
解析系 kaisekikei analytic groupmath
停泊 teihaku anchorage, mooringssuru
古文 kobun ancient writing, classical literature; ancient writing, classical literaturegakkou
補助的 hojoteki ancillary, auxiliarymix
等々 toutou and so on, at last, finally, after alljlpt3
~など ~nado and the like, etc., or the likejlpt5
それから sorekara and then, after thatjlpt5
そうして soushite and, like thatjlpt5
すると suruto and, thenjlpt4
それで sorede and, thenjlpt3, jlpt4
アネモネ anemone anemoneshokubutsu
動脈瘤 doumyakuryuu aneurysm, aneurismmix
天使 tenshi angelkami, leda1
天使的な tenshitekina angelicadj
アンジェリカ anjerika angelicashokubutsu
怒り ikari anger, hatred, rage, wrathjlpt3
角度 kakudo anglemath
目指してる mezashi teru anglicky
kandži riboruba- anglicky
書き慣れたペン kakinaretapen anglicky
寒いの離れています samuinohanareteimasu anglicky
犯人は国外へ逃げた hanninhakokugaienigeta anglicky
壮大な soudaina anglicky
章末 shoumatsu anglicky
欠くことのできない kakukotonodekinai anglicky
怒った okotta angryadj, emo
動物 doubutsu animaldoubutsu, jlpt5
動物性 doubutsusei animal nature, animalitymix
アニメーター anime-ta- animatorshigoto
アニスの実 anisunomi aniseedryouri, shokubutsu
足首 ashikubi anklehito, leda1
アナウンサー anaunsa- announcerjlpt4, shigoto
立候補 rikkouho announcing candidacyseiji, suru
年中行事 nenjuugyouji annual functions or eventsmix
年俸 nenpou annual salarymix
年金 nenkin annuity, pensionmix
再会 saikai another meeting, meeting again, reunionmix
他人 tanin another person/unrelated person/outsider/stranger/(P)leda1
他県 taken another prefecturemix
改めて aratamete another time, again, over again, once again, anewmix
別世界 bessekai another worldmix
答案用紙 touan'youshi answer sheet/blank answer paper/examination paper/test paperleda1
留守番電話 rusubandenwa answering machine, answer phonemix
ari antdoubutsu
南極大陸 nankyokutairiku Antarcticamix
蟻食い arikui anteaterdoubutsu
レイヨー reiyo- antelopedoubutsu
yaku anthershokubutsu
人類学 jinruigaku anthropologygakkou
抗生剤 kouseizai antibioticbyouki
抗生物質 kouseibusshitsu antibiotic, antibioticsbyouki
反感 hankan antipathy/revolt/animosity/(P)leda1
古代 kodai antiquitytoki
鉄敷き kanashiki anvilmix
不安 fuan anxietyjlpt3, mix
焦り aseri anxiousemo
何度でも nandodemo any number of timesmix
少しも sukoshimo anything of, not one bit (with negative sentence)jlpt3
青森 aomori Aomori (city and prefecture)namae
青森県 aomoriken Aomori prefecture (Touhoku area)namae
大動脈 daidoumyaku aortahito
アパート apa-to apartment, apartment building, apartjlpt5, uchi
類人猿 ruijin'en apedoubutsu
偽作 gisaku apocryphal work, forgery, spurious articlesuru
お詫び owabi apologyjlpt3
申し訳 moushiwake apology/excuse/(P)mix
詫び wabi apology/excuse/(P)jlpt3
風情 fuzei appearance, air, taste, elegance, entertainment, hospitalitymix
外観 gaikan appearance, exterior, facademix
虫垂 chuusui appendixhito
付録 furoku appendix, supplement, annexmix
食慾 shokuyoku appetite (for food)mix
林檎 ringo appleryouri, shokubutsu
電機 denki appliancesdenki
希望者 kibousha applicant, candidate, person interested in doing something, person wanting to do something, interested partymix
申し込み moushikomi applicationmix
応用 ouyou application, put to practical usesuru
申請 shinsei application, request, petitionjlpt3, suru
申し込む moushikomu apply forgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
適用 tekiyou applying (e.g. a technology), adoptionsuru
定刻 teikoku appointed time, timetable, schedulemix
容認 younin approvalsuru
賛成 sansei approval, agreement, support, favour, favorjlpt3, suru
賛同 sandou approval, endorsementsuru
近似値 kinjichi approximate, approximationmix
エプロン epuron apronfuku
水族館 suizokukan aquariummix
クモ綱 kumokou arachniddoubutsu
勝手に katteni arbitrarily, of its own accord, involuntarily, wilfully, willfully, as one pleasesmix
仲裁 chuusai arbitration/intercession/mediation/(P)leda1, sensou, suru
考古学 koukogaku archaeology, archeologymix
大司教 daishikyou archbishop (Catholic)mix
考古学者 koukogakusha archeologist, archaeologistshigoto
列島 rettou archipelago, chain of islandsleda1, shizen
建築家 kenchikuka architectshigoto
書庫 shoko archive (file), library, book storagemix
面積 menseki areamix
海域 kaiiki area of oceanmix
領域 ryouiki area, domain, territory, field, range, region, regimemix
議論 giron argument, discussion, dispute, controversysuru
詠唱 eishou ariaongaku, suru
アリア aria aria (ita:)ongaku
算術平均 sanjutsuheikin arithmetic meanmath
ude armhito, jlpt4
アルマジロ arumajiro armadillodoubutsu
yoroi armor, armourmix
装甲車 soukousha armoured vehicle, armored vehiclemix
脇の下 wakinoshita armpithito
兵器 heiki arms, weapons, ordnancesensou
陸軍 rikugun armysensou
軍隊 guntai army, troopsmix
香り kaori aroma, fragrance, scent, smellmix
香りのよい kaorinoyoi aromaticadj
配置 haichi arrangement (of resources), deployment, stationing, posting, dispositionsuru
協定 kyoutei arrangement, pact, agreementsuru
逮捕 taiho arrest, apprehension, capturemix
到着 touchaku arrivalsuru
来日 rainichi arrival in Japan, coming to Japan, visit to Japanmix
ya arrowleda1, sensou
矢印 yajirushi arrow (mark or symbol)/directional marker or indicator/(P)leda1
放火 houka arson, set fire tosuru
芸文 geibun art and literaturemix
画商 gashou art dealershigoto
美術展 bijutsuten art exhibition/(P)adj, suru
美術館 bijutsukan art galleryjlpt3, jlpt4
美術愛好家 bijutsuaikouka art lover, lover of artmix
調理法 chourihou art of cooking, cookery, cuisinemix
美術 bijutsu art, fine artsjlpt3
jutsu art, means, technique; (uk) way, method, meansmix
動脈硬化 doumyakukouka arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteriesbyouki
動脈 doumyaku arteryhito
品物 shinamono article, goodsjlpt4, leda1
記事 kiji article/news story/report/account/(P)jlpt3, leda1
出土品 shutsudohin artifactsmix
義眼 gigan artificial eyemix
人工 jinkou artificial, manmade, human work, human skill, artificialitymix
人為的 jin'iteki artificial, unnaturalmix
芸術家 geijutsuka artistshigoto
学芸 gakugei arts and sciences, liberal artsmix
幼い頃 osanaikoro as a child, when one was a childmix
実は jitsuha as a matter of fact, by the way, to tell you the truth, to be honest, franklyjlpt3
前のように mae nouni as beforemix
相変わらず aikawarazu as ever, as usual, the samejlpt3
やはり yahari as expected, also, likewise, still, just the samejlpt4
やっぱり yappari as expected, also, likewise, still, just the samemix
新品同様 shinpindouyou as good as newmix
やはり/やっぱり yahari/yappari as I thought,absolutelyjlpt4
五分五分 gobugobu as likely as not, 50-50, even match, tiemix
できるだけ dekirudake as much as possiblejlpt4
なるべく narubeku as much as possiblejlpt3, jlpt4
一生懸命 isshoukenmei as well as one can, as hard as one canjlpt4
好きなように sukinayouni as you want, as you willmix
上り坂 noborizaka ascent, upgrademix
秦皮 toneriko ashshokubutsu
hai ash, ashesjlpt3
葦原中国 ashiharanonakatsukuni Ashihara no Nakatsukuni, world between heaven and hellkami
灰皿 haizara ashtrayjlpt5, uchi
アジア ajia Asiajlpt4, namae
尋ねる tazuneru askjlpt3, jlpt4
葉蘭 hachin aspidistrashokubutsu
抱負 houfu aspiration, ambition, pretensionmix
野心的な yashinteki na aspiration, ambition, pretensionmix
希求 kikyuu aspiring to, seek, demand, ask forsuru
加害者 kagaisha assailant, perpetrator, wrong-doer, aggressormix
暗殺者 ansatsusha assassinsensou
暗殺 ansatsu assassinationsensou
積極的 sekkyokuteki assertive, positive, active, proactivemix
援助 enjo assistance, aid, supportsuru
助成 josei assisting, assistance, fostering, aidingsuru
連想 rensou association (of ideas), being reminded (of something), suggestionsuru
協会 kyoukai association, society, organization, organisationmix
組合 kumiai association/union/(P)leda1
仮定 katei assumptionmath
野菊 nogiku astershokubutsu
仰天 gyouten astonishmentemo
驚天動地 kyoutendouchi astounding, startling, world-shaking, amazing, earth-shatteringmix
星占い hoshiuranai astrology/horoscope/(P)leda1
天文時計 tenbutokei astronomical clockmix
天文学 tenmongaku astronomymix
飛鳥時代 asukajidai Asuka period (550-710 CE)mix
随時 zuiji at any time, as occasion callsmix
今にも imanimo at any time/soon/(P)toki
まず mazu at firstjlpt4
とうとう toutou at lastjlpt4
やっと yatto at lastjlpt3, jlpt4
少なくとも sukunakutomo at leastjlpt3
直ちに tadachini at once, immediately, directly, in person, automaticallymix
すぐに suguni at once, instantlyjlpt5
足元 ashimoto at one's feet, underfootmix
精々 seizei at the most, at best, to the utmost, as much (far) as possiblemix
意のままに inomamani at willmix
仕事中 shigotochuu at work, in the midst of work, workingmix
無神論 mushinron atheismkami
大西洋 taiseiyou Atlantic Oceanmix
大気 taiki atmospheretenki
気圧 kiatsu atmospheric pressuremix
気温 kion atmospheric temperaturetenki
原子 genshi atommix
原子力 genshiryoku atomic powermix
攻撃 kougeki attack, strike, offensive, criticism, censuresensou
出席 shusseki attendjlpt3, jlpt4
登校 toukou attendance (at school), going to schoolsuru
お供 otomo attendant, companionsuru
減衰 gensui attenuation, damping, decaysuru
屋根裏 yaneura atticuchi
屋根裏部屋 yaneurabeya attic, garret, loftmix
態度 taido attitude, manner, behaviourjlpt3
姿勢 shisei attitude, posture, stance, approach, carriage (of the body)mix
誘致 yuuchi attraction, lure, invitationsuru
茄子 nasu aubergineryouri, shokubutsu
聞こえる kikoeru audible, can hearichidan, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vintrans
聴衆 choushuu audienceongaku
観客 kankyaku audience, spectator, spectatorsmix
伯母 oba aunt (older than one's parent),jlpt5, kazoku
叔母 oba aunt (younger than one's parent)jlpt5, kazoku
著者 chosha author (usu. of a particular book, etc.), writermix
作者 sakusha author, authoressjlpt3, leda1, shigoto
権威 ken'i authority, power, influencemix
自伝 jiden autobiographymix
自動的な jidouteki na automaticadj
自動小銃 jidoushoujuu automatic rifle, weaponmix
自動車 jidousha automobilejlpt5, leda1, ryokou
秋分の日 shuubunnohi autumn equinox holiday (Sep 23 or 24), fall equinox holiday, autumnal equinoxtoki
紅葉狩 momijigari autumn leaves viewingshizen
aki autumn, falljlpt5, leda1, toki
欲張り yokubari avarice, covetousness, greedmix
復讐者 fukushuusha avengermix
平均 heikin averagejlpt3, math
例年 reinen average (normal, ordinary) year, every year, annuallymix
授与 juyo award, confermentsuru
授賞 jushou awarding a prizesuru
大変 taihen awful, dreadful, terrible, very, seriousadj, jlpt5
jiku axismath
ツツジ tsutsuji azaleashokubutsu
安土桃山時代 aduchimomoyamajidai Azuchi-Momoyama period (approx. 1558-1600 CE)namae
ヒヒ hihi baboondoubutsu
赤ちゃん akachan babyhito, jlpt4
赤ん坊 akanbou babyhito, jlpt4
男の赤ん坊 otokonoakanbou baby boyhito
女の赤ん坊 on'anoakanbou baby girlhito
細菌 saikin bacillus, bacterium, germbyouki, leda1
背中 senaka backhito, jlpt4
手の甲 tenokou back of the handmix
背景 haikei background, scenery, setting, circumstancemix
背泳 haiei backstrokesport
フタコブラクダ futakoburakuda bactrian camel (two humps)doubutsu
いやな iyana badadj
口臭 koushuu bad breath, halitosisbyouki
気持ち悪い kimochiwarui bad feeling, feeling bad, disagreeable, unpleasant, revolting, gross, disgustingmix
悪者 warumono bad fellow, rascal, ruffian, scoundrelmix
悪影響 akueikyou bad influence, negative influencemix
残念 zannen bad luck, regret, disappointmentjlpt4
凶聞 kyoubun bad newsmix
悪天 akuten bad weathertenki
悪い warui bad, inferioradj, jlpt5
穴熊 anaguma badgerdoubutsu
バドミントン badominton badmintonsport
不良 furyou badness, inferiority, delinquency, failure, defect, blemishmix
kaban bagfuku
かばん kaban bag, basketfuku, gakkou, jlpt5
荷物 nimotsu baggage, luggagejlpt5
焼く yaku bake, grilljlpt3, jlpt4, ryouri
パン屋 panya bakerymise
幕府 bakufu bakufu, shogunateseiji
バランス baransu balancejlpt3
黒字 kuroji balance (figure) in the black
均衡予算 kinkouyosan balanced budgetmix
ベランダ beranda balcony, verandahjlpt3, uchi
tama ballleda1
ボールペン bo-rupen ball-point penjlpt5
小唄 kouta balladmix
譚詩曲 tanshikyoku ballademix
風船 fuusen balloon (esp. small, toy variety)/(P)leda1
気球 kikyuu balloon, blimpmix
take bambooleda1, shizen
竹薮 takeyabu bamboo groveleda1, shizen
竹やぶ takeyabu bamboo grovemix
竹竿 takezao bamboo poleleda1
竹林 chikurin bamboo thicketleda1, shizen
竹細工 takezaiku bamboo workleda1
kin ban (e.g. on smoking), prohibitionmix
バナナ banana bananaryouri, shokubutsu
山賊 sanzoku bandit, brigandmix
帯域幅 taiikihaba bandwidthdenki
銀行 ginkou Bankjlpt5
貯金通帳 chokintsuuchou bank book, passbookmix
銀行預金 ginkouyokin bank depositmix
銀行員 ginkouin bank employeeshigoto
銀行融資 ginkouyuushi bank loanmix
kishi bank, coast, shoremix
堤防 teibou bank, weirsuru
銀行家 ginkouka bankershigoto
破産 hasan bankruptcy, insolvencysuru
大広間 oohiroma banquet or reception hallmix
居酒屋 izakaya bar, pub, tavernmise
とこや tokoya barberjlpt4, shigoto
理容室 riyoushitsu barber's shopmise
理髪店 rihatsuten barbershopmise
床屋 tokoya barbershop, barbermise
バーゲン ba-gen bargainjlpt3
バーゲンセール ba-gense-ru bargain salejlpt3
鳴く naku bark, purr, chirp, make sound (animal)doubutsu, jlpt5
大麦 oomugi barley (Hordeum vulgare)mix
麦茶 mugicha barley tearyouri
亀の手 kamenote barnacledoubutsu
連打 renda barrage/(P)leda1, suru
バリア baria barriermix
seki barrier, gate; (hon) (abbr) honorific added to names of makuuchi and juryo division sumo wrestlersmix
野球 yakyuu baseballsport
内気(な) uchiki(na) bashfulness/shyness/reserve/timidity/(P)adj, leda1
バスケットボール basukettobo-ru basketballsport
風呂 furo bathjlpt3, jlpt5, uchi
お風呂 ofuro bathjlpt5, uchi
浴場 yokujou bath (tub, bath-house)/(P)mix
銭湯 sentou bath-house/public bath/(P)mix
あびる abiru bathe, take a shower, bask in the sunjlpt5
入浴 nyuuyoku bathe/bathing/(P)suru
風呂場 furoba bathroomjlpt3, uchi
浴室 yokushitsu bathroom, bathuchi
浴槽 yokusou bathtub/(P)mix
打者 dasha batter (baseball)/(P)leda1
電池 denchi batterydenki, leda1
打球 dakyuu batting/batted ball/(P)leda1
合戦 kassen battleleda1, sensou
戦い tatakai battle, fight, struggle, conflictsensou
羽子板 hagoita battledore (early form of badminton racket)leda1, sport
銃剣 juuken bayonetmix
ございます gozaimasu bejlpt4, verb
できる dekiru be able to, be ready, be good at, to occurichidan, jlpt5, verb
熱中する necchuu suru be addicted to (a hobby)jlpt3
飽きる akiru be boredemo, ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
壊れる kowareru be brokenichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
焼ける yakeru be burnedichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
込む komu be crowdedgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
決まる kimaru be decidedgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
喜ぶ yorokobu be delightedgodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
割り切れる warikireru be divisibleichidan, math, verb
~やすい ~yasui be easy to dojlpt4
たりる tariru be enoughichidan, jlpt4, verb
見つかる mitsukaru be foundgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
おる oru be here (polite)godan, jlpt4, verb
間に合う maniau be in timegodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb
つく tsuku be lit, catch firegodan, jlpt4, verb
無くなる nakunaru be lostgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
直る naoru be repairedgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
零れる koboreru be spilled, shed tearsichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
晴れる hareru be sunny, clear away, stop rainingichidan, jlpt5, tenki, verb, vintrans
困る komaru be troubled, be worried, be botheredgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
分かる wakaru be understoodgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
hama beachshizen
海辺 umibe beach, seashore; beach, seashoreryokou
くちばし kuchibashi beakdoubutsu
味噌 miso bean pastejlpt3, jlpt4, ryouri
萌し moyashi bean sprouts ryouri
mame beans, peasleda1, ryouri, shokubutsu
kuma beardoubutsu
熊狩り kumagari bear huntingmix
熊の胆 kumanoi bear's gall (used as medicine for the stomach)byouki
矢面 yaomote bearing the full brunt of somethingmix
鼓動 kodou beat, palpitation, pulsation, throbbingsuru
美容師 biyoushi beauticianjlpt3, shigoto
美しい utsukushii beautifuladj, jlpt4
美尻 bishiri beautiful buttocksai
美少女 bishoujo beautiful girlhito
美人 bijin beautiful person (woman)/(P)hito
美しさ utsukushisa beautymix
美容院 biyouin beauty parlour, beauty parlor, hairdressing salonmise
ビーバー bi-ba- beaverdoubutsu
招き猫 manekineko beckoning cat/figure of a cat with one paw raised (usu. white porcelain)mix
寝室 shinshitsu bed roomuchi
おねしょ onesho bed-wettingbyouki
寝床 nedoko bed, berth, crib, cot, kipmix
hachi beedoubutsu
ブナ buna beechshokubutsu
牛肉 gyuuniku beefadj, jlpt5, leda1, ryouri
ビール bi-ru beerryouri
ビール腹 bi-rubara beer bellybaka
甲虫 kouchuu beetledoubutsu
甲虫 kabutomushi beetleleda1
ビーツ bi-tsu beetrootryouri, shokubutsu
神前 shinzen before god/before an altarleda1
いつの間にか itsunomanika before one knows, before one becomes aware of, unnoticed, unawaresjlpt3
目前 mokuzen before one's very eyes, under one's nose, imminence, close at handmix
mae before, in front, previously, portionjlpt5
前もって maemotte beforehandjlpt3, mix
始め hajime beginningjlpt3, mix
初め hajime beginningmix
緒戦 shosen beginning of hostilities, beginning of competition; beginning of hostilities, beginning of competitionsensou
草創期 sousouki beginning, outsetmix
ベゴニア begonia begoniashokubutsu
ushiro behindjlpt5
後ろ ushiro behindjlpt5, leda1
感動 kandou being deeply moved emotionally, excitement, passion, deep emotion, impressionjlpt3, mix
当番 touban being on duty/(P)adj, leda1
ベル beru belljlpt4
suzu bellmix
kane bell (often a large hanging bell), chimemix
呼び鈴 yobirin bell (used for summoning or signalling), buzzermix
鈴虫 suzumushi bell cricket (Homoeogryllus japonicus)doubutsu, leda1
hara bellyhito, jlpt3
恋人 koibito beloved personai
愛妻 aisai beloved wifeai
氷点下 hyoutenka below freezing/(P)leda1
ベルト beruto beltfuku, jlpt3
ベンチ benchi benchjlpt3
猫背 nekoze bent back, hunchback, stoopmix
弁天 benten Benten, goddess of artkami
弁才天 benzaiten Benzaiten, goddess of artkami
弁財天 benzaiten Benzaiten, goddess of artkami
遺贈 izou bequest, legacysuru
遺族 izoku bereaved familymix
緑柱石 ryokuchuuseki berylkagaku
yoko beside, sidejlpt3, jlpt5
それに soreni besides, moreoverjlpt4
賞味期限 shoumikigen best if eaten by this datemix
世界一 sekaiichi best in the worldmix
見頃 migoro best time to seemix
一番 ichiban best, firstjlpt5, leda1
随一 zuiichi best, greatest, firstmix
絶好の zekkouno best/ideal/perfect/(P)adj, leda1
裏切り uragiri betrayalsensou
背信 haishin betrayal, infidelitysuru
賭け事 kakegoto betting, gamblingmix
飲料 inryou beverage, drink; one's (portion of a) drinkmix
困惑 konwaku bewilderment, disturbancesuru
人知を超えた jinchiwokoeta beyond human understandingmix
愛書家 aishoka bibliophilemix
自転車 jitensha bicyclejlpt5, leda1, ryokou
自転車屋 jitenshaya bicycle shop, bicycle dealermise
大売出し oouridashi big bargain salemix
大当たり ooatari big hit, big prize, bumper crop, striking it rich, right on the mark, bonanzamix
大ヒット daihitto big hit, popular item (e.g. movie, music)ongaku
大賞 taishou big prize, first prizemix
大木 taiboku big treeleda1, shizen
大きな ookina big, largeadj, jlpt4
大きい ookii big, large, greatadj, jlpt5
バイク baiku bike, motorcyclejlpt3
請求書 seikyuusho bill, job invoicemix
お札 osatsu bill, note (currency)mix
双眼鏡 sougankyou binoculars, field glassesmix
二項方程式 nikouhouteishiki binomial equationmath
伝記 denki biography, life storymix
生物 seibutsu biology, living thingsgakkou
kaba birchshokubutsu
tori bird, fowl, poultrydoubutsu, jlpt5, leda1
鳥類 chourui birds/(P)leda1
降誕 koutan birth (regal), nativitysuru
生年月日 seinengappi birth datejlpt3, mix
神生み kamiumi birth of the kamikami
郷里 kyouri birth-place/home town/(P)leda1
誕生 tanjou birth, creation, formationjlpt3
生誕 seitan birth, nativitysuru
誕生日 tanjoubi birthdayjlpt5, leda1
故郷 furusato birthplacejlpt3, mix
出身地 shusshinchi birthplace, native placemix
毘沙門天 bishamonten Bishamonten, god of fortunate warriorskami, sensou
角行 kakugyou; kakkou BishopShogi
バイソン baison bisondoubutsu
雌犬 meinu bitch, female dogdoubutsu
牝犬 meinu bitch, female dogdoubutsu
kanji kajiru bite
苦い nigai bitterjlpt4, ryouri
苦汁 kujuu bitter liquid, bitter experience; bittern, concentrated solution of salts (esp. magnesium chloride) left over after the crystallization of seawater or brinemix
苦笑 kushou bitter smile, wry smile, strained laugh, sarcastic laughsuru
苦味 nigami bitterness, bitter tastemix
琵琶 biwa biwa (Japanese lute)mix
怪奇 kaiki bizarre, strange, wonderful, weird, outrageousmix
黒い kuroi blackadj, iro
黒熊 kurokuma black beardoubutsu
クロスグリ kurosuguri black currantryouri, shokubutsu
黒幕 kuromaku black curtain, wire puller, political fixermix
黒御影 kuromikage black granitekagaku
百合鴎 yurikamome black headed gull (hooded gull)doubutsu
先手 sente black player (shogi)Shogi
黒酒 kuroki black rice winekami
黒海 kokkai Black Seamix
紅茶 koucha black tearyouri
ブラックベリー burakkuberi- blackberryryouri, shokubutsu
黒苺 kuroichigo blackberrymix
クロウタドリ kuroutadori blackbirddoubutsu
黒板 kokuban blackboardgakkou
恐喝 kyoukatsu blackmail;  extortion;  threat (to extort money)mix
膀胱 boukou bladderhito
非難 hinan blame, attack, criticismsuru
漂泊する hyouhaku suru blanching, bleachingsuru
味気ない ajikenai blandadj
白紙 hakushi blank paper, white papermix
余白 yohaku blank space, marginmix
毛布 moufu blanket/(P)leda1
ブレザー bureza- blazerfuku
漂白剤 hyouhakuzai bleaching agent, bleachmix
出血 shukketsu bleeding/haemorrhage/hemorrhage/(P)byouki, leda1, suru
染み shimi blemishhito
ミキサー mikisa- blenderdenki, ryouri
祝福 shukufuku blessingsuru
恵み megumi blessing, gracemix
ブラインド buraindo blindjlpt3
盲人 moujin blind personmix
盲点 mouten blind spotmix
金髪 kinpatsu blond hairhito
chi bloodhito, jlpt4, leda1
血液銀行 ketsuekiginkou blood bankmix
献血 kenketsu blood donationbyouki
敗血症 haiketsushou blood poisoningmix
血圧 ketsuatsu blood pressure/(P)leda1
肉親 nikushin blood relationship/blood relative/(P)leda1
血糖 kettou blood sugarbyouki
血糖値 kettouchi blood sugar levelmix
血液検査 ketsuekikensa blood testmix
輸血 yuketsu blood transfusionsuru
血液型 ketsuekigata blood typehito
血管 kekkan blood vesselhito
血液 ketsueki blood/(P)hito, jlpt3
流血 ryuuketsu bloodshed/(P)adj, leda1
血眼 chimanako bloodshot eyes, in a frenzy; bloodshot eyes, in a frenzymix
ブラウス burausu blousefuku, jlpt3
打撲 daboku blow, hit (on the body), beatingsuru
シロナガスクジラ shironagasukujira blue whaledoubutsu
白長須鯨 shironagasukujira blue whaledoubutsu
青い aoi blue, pale, green, unripe, inexperiencedadj, iro, jlpt5
イトシャジン itoshajin bluebellshokubutsu
ブルーベリー buru-beri- blueberryryouri, shokubutsu
アオバエ aobae bluebottledoubutsu
inoshishi boardoubutsu
寄宿舎 kishukusha boarding house, school dormitorymix
賄い makanai boarding, board, meals, catering, cookmix
御船祭 ofunematsuri Boat Festivalkami
小舟 kobune boat, small craftmix
karada bodyhito, jlpt5, leda1
体重 taijuu body weight (usu. one's own)/(P)hito, jlpt3, leda1
用心棒 youjinbou bodyguardmix
茹で卵 yudetamago boiled eggryouri
hone bonehito
骨折 kossetsu bone fracturebyouki
盆栽 bonsai bonsaimix
蔵書 zousho book collection, librarysuru
hon book, mainjlpt5
図書 tosho books/(P)leda1
本棚 hondana bookshelvesjlpt3, jlpt5, uchi
本屋 hon'ya bookstoreleda1, mise
本の虫 honnomushi bookwormleda1
ブーツ bu-tsu bootsfuku
ルリジサ rurijisa borageshokubutsu
越境 ekkyou border transgressionsuru
sakai border, boundary, mental statemix
退屈な taikutsuna boringadj, jlpt3
借り kari borrowing, debt, loanjlpt3
mune bosomhito, jlpt3
組長 kumichou boss (yakuza)/(P)baka
植物園 shokubutsuen botanical gardenmix
植物性 shokubutsusei botanical, vegetable, vegetal, vegetativemix
両方 ryouhou bothjlpt4
面倒くさい mendoukusai bother(some) to do, tiresome; bother(some) to do, tiresomeadj
bin bottlemix
瓶詰め bindume bottling, bottledmix
shiri bottomhito
soko bottom, solejlpt3
大きな丸石 ookinamaruishi bouldershizen
境界 kyoukai boundarymix
境界条件 kyoukaijouken boundary conditionmath
条件境界 jouken kyoukai boundary conditionsmath
境界値問題 kyoukaichimondai boundary value problemmath
有界 yuukai boundedmath
ブーケ bu-ke bouquet (fre:)/(P)mix
yumi bowleda1, sensou
弓矢 yumiya bow and arrow; bow and arrowleda1, sensou
hako boxjlpt5
駅弁 ekiben box lunch sold at train stationsryokou
ボクシング bokushingu boxingsport
男の子 otokonoko boyhito, jlpt5
少年 shounen boy (young)hito, leda1
彼氏 kareshi boyfriend/(P)ai
男子校 danshikou boys' schoolgakkou, leda1
点字 tenji Braillemix
nou brainhito
脳外科医 nougekai brain surgeonshigoto
洗脳 sennou brainwashingsuru
ブレーキ bure-ki brakejlpt3
支店 shiten branch officeshigoto
出先機関 desakikikan branch officeshigoto
eda branch, twigjlpt4, shokubutsu
焼き印 yakiin brand (burnt-in mark of identification), branding ironmix
勇敢な yuukanna braveadj, emo
健気 kenage brave, gallant, courage, manly, heroic, praiseworthy, industrious, pure, lovablemix
たくましい takumashii brawnyadj
ブラジルナッツ burajirunattsu brazil nutryouri, shokubutsu
パン pan breadjlpt5, ryouri
打開 dakai break in the deadlockleda1, suru
休憩室 kyuukeishitsu break room, lounge (e.g. in an onsen), resting roommix
切れ目 kireme break/pause/gap/end/rift/interruption/cut/section/notch/incision/end (of a task)/(P)leda1
故障 koshou breakdownjlpt3, jlpt4
朝御飯 asagohan breakfastjlpt5, ryouri
朝ご飯 asagohan breakfastjlpt5, ryouri
朝食 choushoku breakfastleda1, ryouri
ブリーム buri-mu breamdoubutsu
乳房 chibusa breasthito
気息 kisoku breathing, breathmix
飼育 shiiku breeding, raising, rearingsuru
そよ風 soyokaze breezeleda1, tenki
軟風 nanpuu breezemix
簡潔 kanketsu brevity, conciseness, simplicitymix
賄賂 wairo bribe, sweetener, douceurmix
新婦 shinpu bridemix
花嫁 hanayome bride/(P)adj, leda1
花婿 hanamuko bridegroom/(P)leda1
hashi bridgejlpt5
鼻柱 hanabashira bridgehito
艦橋 kankyou bridge (e.g. on a warship)mix
橋台 kyoudai bridge abutmentmix
橋渡し hashiwatashi bridge building, mediation, go-between, intermediary, (through the) good offices (of someone)suru
ブリーフ buri-fu briefsfuku
明るい akarui brightadj, leda1
賢い kashikoi brightadj, emo
明い akarui bright, light, cheerful, sunnyadj, emo, jlpt5
手弁当 tebentou bringing one's own lunch, without paymix
持参 jisan bringing, taking, carryingsuru
英国人 eikokujin Briton, Englishman, (the) Englishmix
脆い moroi brittle, fragile, tender-heartedadj
放送 housou broadcastingjlpt4
放送局 housoukyoku broadcasting officemix
ブロッコリー burokkori- broccoliryouri, shokubutsu
パンフレット panfuretto brochure, pamphletjlpt3
青銅 seidou bronzemix
銅メダル doumedaru bronze medalmix
銅像 douzou bronze statuemix
小川 ogawa brookleda1, shizen
だし汁 dashijiru broth, stock, sauceryouri
兄弟姉妹 kyoudaishimai brothers and sisters, siblingsmix
島育ち shimasodachi brought up on an islandleda1
褐色 kasshoku brownmix
ブラウズ burauzu browse, browsingjlpt3
打ち身 uchimi bruisebyouki
残忍な zanninna brutaladj
awa bubble, foam, froth, head on beer; bubble, foam, froth, head on beermix
oke bucket/(P)mix
花祭り hanamatsuri Buddha's birthday festival (April 8th)namae, toki
秘仏 hibutsu Buddhist image normally withheld from public viewmix
お坊さん obousan Buddhist priest/monk/(P)kami
予算削減 yosansakugen budget cutsuru
水牛 suigyuu buffalodoubutsu
建物 tatemono buildingjlpt5, uchi
宅地 takuchi building lot, residential landmix
ビル biru building or billjlpt4
球根 kyuukon bulbshokubutsu
雄牛 oushi bulldoubutsu
ブルテリア buruteria bull terrierdoubutsu
ブルドッグ burudoggu bulldogdoubutsu
新幹線 shinkansen Bullet Trainleda1, ryokou
告知板 kokuchiban bulletin boardmix
彙報 ihou bulletin, collection of reportsmix
防弾チョッキ boudanchokki bulletproof vestmix
ウソ uso bullfinchdoubutsu
久マンバチ kumanbachi bumblebeedoubutsu
たんこぶ tankobu bump, lump, protuberance, swellingbyouki
花束 hanataba bunch of flowers/bouquet/(P)leda1
浮力 furyoku buoyancy, floating powermix
負担 futan burden, charge, responsibilitysuru
官僚 kanryou bureaucrat, bureaucracymix
副葬品 fukusouhin burial accessoriesmix
火傷 yakedo burnbyouki
燃えるごみ moe rugomi burnable trashmix
全焼 zenshou burned down, entirely destroyedsuru
燃焼 nenshou burning, combustionsuru
バス停 basutei bus stopmix
停留所 teiryuujo bus stop, tram stop, stop, stationmix
バス basu bus, bath, bassjlpt3, jlpt5, ryokou
名刺 meishi business cardjlpt3, shigoto
営業日 eigyoubi business dayshigoto
営業時間 eigyoujikan business hoursmise
打ち合わせ uchiawase business meeting, previous arrangement, appointment, preparatory meetingshigoto, suru
商談 shoudan business negotiationsshigoto
不景気 fukeiki business recession, hard times, depression, gloom, sullenness, cheerlessnessmix
背広 sebiro business suitfuku, jlpt5
you business, errandjlpt4
事務 jimu business, office workmix
用件 youken business, thing to be done, something that should be perfomed, information that should be conveyedmix
営業 eigyou business, trade, sales, operationsshigoto
ビジネスマン bijinesuman businessmanshigoto
賑やか nigiyaka bustling, busyadj, jlpt5
使用中 shiyouchuu busy, in the middle (of)mix
忙しい isogashii busy, irritatedadj, jlpt5
でも demo but, howeverjlpt5
けれども keredomo but, however, although, neverthelessjlpt4
但し tadashi but, however, provided thatmix
ブタン butan butanejlpt3, kagaku
肉屋 nikuya butcher/(P)leda1, mise
バター bata- butterjlpt5, ryouri
蝶々 chouchou butterflydoubutsu
ボタン botan buttonfuku, jlpt5
耳鳴り miminari buzzing in the ears, tinnitusbyouki
流行語 ryuukougo buzzword, vogue word, popular phrase, word (phrase) in fashion or on everybody's lipsmix
ぜひ zehi by some means, without failjlpt3, jlpt4
窓辺 madobe by the windowmix
キャベツ kyabetsu cabbageryouri, shokubutsu
サボテン saboten cactusshokubutsu
甘味所 kanmidokoro cafe featuring Japanese-style sweets; cafe featuring Japanese-style sweetsryouri
食堂 shokudou cafeteria, dining roomjlpt5, mise, uchi
ケーキ ke-ki cakeryouri
災厄 saiyaku calamity, disaster, accidentmix
災害 saigai calamity, disaster, misfortuneshizen, tenki
カルシウム karushiumu calcium (Ca)kagaku
カレンダー karenda- calendarjlpt5
ふくらはぎ fukurahagi calfhito
像の子 zounoko calfdoubutsu
子牛 koushi calfdoubutsu
訪問 houmon call/visitleda1, suru
お見舞い omimai calling on someone who is ill,enquirybyouki, jlpt4
招集 shoushuu calling or convening (a meeting, assembly, congress)suru
招請 shousei calling together, invitationsuru
冷静 reisei calmadj, mix
穏やか odayaka calm, gentle, quietmix
熱量 netsuryou calorific value, quantity of heat, caloriemix
ラクダ rakuda cameldoubutsu
駱駝 rakuda camelmix
カメラ kamera camerajlpt5
カモミール kamomi-ru camomileshokubutsu
kan can, tinjlpt3
加奈陀 kanada Canadanamae
カナダ kanada Canadanamae
運河 unga canal, waterwaymix
解消 kaishou cancellation, liquidation, resolution, reduction (e.g. of stress)suru
取り消し torikeshi cancellation, withdrawal, abolition, revocation, cancel, CANmix
候補者 kouhosha candidate, applicantmix
ame candyjlpt5, ryouri
菓子 kashi candy, pastryleda1, ryouri
缶ビール kanbi-ru canned beer, can of beermix
体積 taiseki capacity, volumemix
misaki capeshizen
miyako capital citymix
首都 shuto capital city/metropolis/(P)adj, leda1
資本主義 shihonshugi capitalismmix
降伏 koufuku capitulationsensou
kuruma car, vehicle, wheeljlpt5, leda1, ryokou
ラクダの群れ rakudanomure caravan of camelsdoubutsu
炭水化物 tansuikabutsu carbohydratekagaku
炭素 tanso carbonkagaku
二酸化炭素 nisankatanso carbon dioxidekagaku
炭素繊維 tansosen'i carbon fiber, carbon fibrekagaku
一酸化炭素 issankatanso carbon monoxidekagaku
カーボン紙 ka-bonshi carbon paper; carbon papermix
カード ka-do cardjlpt3, mix
保護 hogo care, protection, shelter, safeguard, guardianship, favor, favour, patronage; care, protection, shelter, safeguard, guardianship, favor, favour, patronagejlpt3, suru
のんびり nonbiri carefree, at leisurejlpt3, suru
注意深い chuuibukai carefuladj
入念 nyuunen careful, elaborate, scrupulousmix
うっかり ukkari carelessly, thoughtlessly, inadvertentlyjlpt3, suru
不注意 fuchuui carelessness, inattention, thoughtlessnessjlpt3
カーネーション ka-ne-shon carnationshokubutsu
食肉動物 shokunikudoubutsu carnivoredoubutsu
koi carpdoubutsu
大工 daiku carpenterleda1, shigoto
軍用鳩 gun'youbato carrier pigeonsensou
人参 ninjin carrotsryouri, shokubutsu
漫画 manga cartoonjlpt4
場合 baai case, occasionjlpt4
カセット kasetto cassettedenki, ongaku
鋳鉄 chuutetsu cast ironmix
鋳鉄管 chuutetsukan cast-iron pipemix
タメ語 tamego casual languagebunpou
側聞 sokubun casually hearing, hearing casuallysuru
偶々 tamatama casually, unexpectedly, accidentally, by chancemix
死者 shisha casualty/deceased/(P)leda1
neko catdoubutsu
猫耳 nekomimi cat earsbaka, doubutsu
捕まえる tsukamaeru catchjlpt3, jlpt4
毛虫 kemushi caterpillar(with hair)doubutsu
芋虫 imomushi caterpillar(without hair)doubutsu
namazu catfishdoubutsu
猫娘 nekomusume catgirl, character who looks, acts, etc. like a catmix
尾ひれ ohire caudal findoubutsu
カリフラワー karifurawa- cauliflowerryouri, shokubutsu
因果 inga cause and effect, karma, fatemix
誘発 yuuhatsu cause, induce, lead up tosuru
原因 gen'in cause/origin/sourcejlpt3, jlpt4, leda1, suru, verb
洞穴 horaana caveshizen
洞窟 doukutsu cavernshizen
ヒマラヤスギ himarayasugi cedarshokubutsu
天井 tenjou ceilinguchi
お祝い oiwai celebrationjlpt4
セロリ serori celeryryouri
細胞 saibou cell (biology); cell (biology)mix
セロテープ serote-pu cellophane tape (Sellotape)mix
墓地 hakachi; bochi cemetery, graveyard; cemetery, graveyardmix
中心 chuushin center, corejlpt3, leda1
中枢 chuusuu centre, center, pivot, mainstay, nucleus, backbone, central figure, pillar, key manmix
遠心力 enshinryoku centrifugal forcemix
卒中 socchuu cerebral stroke, apoplexymix
礼服 reifuku ceremonial dressall, kami
灯篭流し tourou nagashi Ceremony in which Paper Lanterns are floated down a River (August 15/16)mix
儀式 gishiki ceremony, rite, ritual, servicekami
式典 shikiten ceremony, ritesmix
確実 kakujitsu certainty, reliability, soundnessmix
鯨目,クジラ目 kujirame Cetaceadoubutsu
ズアオアトリ zuaoatori chaffinchdoubutsu
悔しさ kuyashisa chagrin, bitterness, frustration, vexation, mortification, regretmix
kusari chain, chainsmix
椅子 isu chairjlpt5, uchi
いす isu chairuchi
司会 shikai chairmanship, leading a meeting, presenter, hostsuru
チョーク cho-ku chalkgakkou
挑戦 chousen challenge, defiancejlpt3, suru
誰何 suika challenging (an unknown person), asking a person's identitysuru
シャンパン shanpan champagneryouri
選手権 senshuken championship, title (of champion)sport
偶然 guuzen chance, coincidencemix
おつり otsuri change from purchase, balancejlpt4
着替え kigae change of clothesfuku
変説 hensetsu change of opinionsuru
気分転換 kibuntenkan change of pace, change of moodmix
転校 tenkou change schoolssuru
変更 henkou change, modification, alteration, revision, amendmentjlpt3, suru
両替 ryougae change, money exchangesuru
移籍 iseki changing household registry, transfer (e.g. of one's name in the register)suru
チャッネル chatneru channelmix
軍僧 gunsou chaplainsensou
ji characterjlpt4, leda1
性格 seikaku character, personality, disposition, naturejlpt3
人物 jinbutsu character/personality/person/man/personage/talented man/(P)mix
sumi charcoalmix
木炭 mokutan charcoalmix
~代 ~dai charge, feejlpt4
保管 hokan charge/custody/safekeeping/deposit/storage/(P)suru
課徴金 kachoukin charges (i.e. fees)/(P)leda1
仏心 hotokegokoro charityleda1
カレル橋 karerubashi Charles Bridge (Prague)namae
お守り omamori charmkami
魅力 miryoku charm, fascination, glamour, glamor, attraction, appealmix
憲章 kenshou charterseiji
安っぽい yasuppoi cheap (quality)adj
駄菓子 dagashi cheap sweetsmix
安い yasui cheap, peaceful, quiet, thoughtlessadj, jlpt5, leda1
浮気者 uwakimono cheater, unfaithful person, adulterermix
チェック chekku checkmix
hoo cheekhito, jlpt3
チーズ chi-zu cheeseryouri
チーター chi-ta- cheetahdoubutsu
コック kokku chefshigoto
原素 genso chemical elementkagaku
元素 genso chemical elementmix
化学方程式 kagakuhouteishiki chemical equationkagaku, math
薬剤師 yakuzaishi chemistshigoto
化学 kagaku chemistrygakkou, kagaku, leda1
チェリー cheri- cherryryouri
桜桃 sakuranbou cherryryouri, shokubutsu
桜色 sakurairo cherry blossom (colour, color)mix
花見 hanami cherry blossom viewingjlpt4
観桜 kan'ou cherry blossom viewingmix
チャービル cha-biru chervilshokubutsu
チェス chesu chesssport
たんす tansu chest of drawersuchi
栗の木 kurinoki chestnutshokubutsu
kuri chestnutsshokubutsu
千葉県 chibaken Chiba prefecture (Kantou area)namae
niwatori chickendoubutsu
とり肉 toriniku chicken meatjlpt5, ryouri
鶏肉 toriniku chicken meatmix
署長 shochou chief of police stationshigoto
重臣 juushin chief vassal, senior statesmanmix
主な omona chief, main, principal, importantmix
ko childhito, jlpt4
お子さん okosan child (polite)jlpt4
子供 kodomo child, childrenhito, jlpt5, kazoku, leda1
独り子 hitorigo child, only childmix
育児 ikuji childcare, nursing, upbringingsuru
幼友達 osanatomodachi childhood friendleda1
幼なじみ osananajimi childhood friend, friend from infancy, old playmate
童歌 warabeuta children's (folk) songongaku
子供の日 kodomonohi Children's Day (national holiday; May 5th)namae, toki
寒気 samuke chillbyouki
チャイム chaimu chimejlpt3
チンパンジー chinpanji- chimpanzeedoubutsu
中国 chuugoku chinanamae
漢字 kanji Chinese charactersbunpou, jlpt5, leda1
nira Chinese chive, garlic chive (Allium tuberosum)shokubutsu
中華料理 chuukaryouri chinese dishryouri
中国人 chuugokujin chinese personmix
音読み on'yomi chinese reading of the characterleda1
中華料理店 chuukaryouriten chinese restaurantmise, ryouri
フライドポテト furaidopoteto chipsryouri
フレンチフライ furenchifurai chipsryouri
伝票 denpyou chit, sales slip, vouchermix
塩素 enso chlorine (Cl)kagaku
葉緑素 youryokuso chlorophylmix
葉緑体 youryokutai chloroplastmix
チョコレート chokore-to chocolateryouri
hashi chopsticksjlpt3, jlpt5, ryouri
西暦 seireki Christian Era, CE, anno domini, ADmix
キリスト教 kirisutokyou Christianitykami
キリスト教徒 kirisutokyouto Christiansmix
クリスマスツリー kurisumasutsuri- christmas treemix
kiku chrysanthemumshokubutsu
教会 kyoukai churchjlpt4, kami
教会堂 kyoukaidou church, chapelsuru
semi cicada, locustdoubutsu
たばこ tabako cigarettejlpt5
en circlemath
maru circlemix
回覧 kairan circulationsuru
血行 kekkou circulation (of the blood)leda1
円周 enshuu circumferencemix
事情 jijou circumstances, consideration, conditions, situation, reasonsmix
絹積雲 kensekiun cirrocumulustenki
巻積雲 kensekiun cirrocumulustenki
巻層雲 kensouun cirrostratustenki
絹層雲 kensouun cirrostratustenki
絹雲 ken'un cirrustenki
市町村 shichouson cities, towns and villages, municipalitiesmix
市民 shimin citizenjlpt4, leda1
住民 juumin citizens/inhabitants/residents/population/(P)leda1
かんきつ類 kankitsurui citrusshokubutsu
shi cityjlpt4
都会 tokai city/(P)adj, leda1
私服 shifuku civilian clothes, plain clothesfuku
愛想 aiso civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, graces; civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, gracesmix
援用 en'you claim, quotation, invocationsuru
主張 shuchou claim, request, insistence, assertion, advocacy, emphasis, contention, opinion, tenetsuru
ハマグリ hamaguri clamdoubutsu
氏族 shizoku clan, familymix
拍手 hakushu clapping hands, applausejlpt3, suru
明瞭 meiryou clarity, clearnessmix
クラス kurasu classjlpt5
身分制度 mibunseido class systemmix
階層 kaisou class, level, stratum, layer, hierarchymix
階級 kaikyuu class, rank, grademix
体術 taijutsu classical form of martial artmix
クラシック音楽 kurashikkuongaku classical musicongaku
種類別 shuruibetsu classificationmix
分類 bunrui classification, categorization, sortingsuru
同級生 doukyuusei classmategakkou
クラスメート kurasume-to classmatejlpt3
教室 kyoushitsu classroomgakkou, jlpt5
粘土 nendo claykagaku, leda1, shizen
きれい好きな kireizukina clean (person)adj
清潔な seiketsuna clean (room)adj, jlpt3
掃除 souji cleaningmix
クリーニング屋 kuri-ningu ya cleaning shopmise
明らかな akirakana clearadj
清流 seiryuu clear streammix
晴れ hare clear weathertenki
はっきり hakkiri clearlyjlpt3, jlpt4
牧師 bokushi clergyshigoto
隷書 reisho clerical script (ancient, highly angular style of kanji)mix
事務員 jimuin clerkshigoto
頭がいい atamagaii cleveradj
利口な rikouna cleveradj
断崖 dangai cliffshizen
gake cliffmix
気候 kikou climatetenki
登頂 touchou climbing to the summitsuru
派閥 habatsu clique, factionmix
置き時計 okidokei clock to be placed on tables, bookshelves, etc. (as opposed to a watch)mix
親友 shin'yuu close friend/bosom (old, intimate) friend/buddy/crony/chum/(P)leda1
仲が良い nakagayoi close, intimate, on good terms; close, intimate, on good termsmix
仲がいい nakagaii close/intimate/on good termsleda1
閉曲線 heikyokusen closed curvemath
閉集合 heishuugou closed setmath
押し入れ oshiire closetjlpt4, uchi
押入れ oshiire closetuchi
閉店 heiten closing shopsuru
締め切り shimekiri closing, cut-off, end, deadline, Closed, No Entrancejlpt3
閉会 heikai closure (of a ceremony, event, meeting, etc.)suru
血の塊 chinokatamari clot of bloodbyouki
布地 nunoji cloth, fabric; cloth, fabricmix
fuku clothesfuku, jlpt5
産着 ubugi clothes for a newborn baby, baby clothesmix
洗濯物 sentakumono clothes to be washed, the washingmix
衣装 ishou clothing, costume, outfit, garment, dressmix
kumo cloudjlpt4, tenki
砂塵 sajin cloud of sand (dust, etc.)mix
曇り kumori cloudy weatherjlpt5, tenki
丁子 chouji clovemix
~会 ~kai clubjlpt4
部活 bukatsu club activitiesmix
クラブ活動 kurabukatsudou club activitygakkou
刺胞動物 shihoudoubutsu cnidariadoubutsu
juku coaching school, cramming school, jukugakkou
御者 gyosha coachman, driver, cabman, postilionmix
石炭 sekitan coalkagaku
粗略 soryaku coarse, crude, roughmix
沖合 okiai coast, offing, offshoremix
海岸線 kaigansen coastlineshizen
コート ko-to coatfuku
上着 uwagi coat, tunic, jacket, outer garmentfuku, jlpt5, leda1
コッカースパニエル kokka-supanieru cocker spanieldoubutsu
ゴキブリ gokiburi cockroachdoubutsu
ココア kokoa cocoaryouri
暗号 angou code/password/cipher/(P)adj, leda1
共存 kyouzon coexistence; coexistencesuru
コーヒー ko-hi- coffeejlpt5, ryouri
喫茶店 kissaten coffee loungejlpt5, mise
hitsugi coffin, casketmix
硬貨 kouka coinmix
同時に doujini coincident with, while, simultaneouslyjlpt3
小銭 kozeni coins, small changejlpt3
コーラ ko-ra colaryouri
ざる zaru colanderryouri
お冷 ohiya cold (drinking) water, cold boiled riceryouri
寒い samui cold (e.g. weather)jlpt5, tenki
冷たい tsumetai cold (to the touch), chilly, icy, freezing, coldheartedadj, emo, jlpt5
寒流 kanryuu cold currentmix
冷血な reiketsuna cold heartedadj, emo
連中 renjuu; renchuu colleagues, company, a lot, those guys (slightly impolite); colleagues, company, a lot, those guys (slightly impolite)mix
取材 shuzai collecting data (e.g. for a newspaper article)/covering an event/(P)leda1, suru
採集 saishuu collecting, gatheringsuru
句集 kushuu collection of haiku poemsmix
回収する kaishuusuru collection/recovery/withdrawal/retrieval/(P)leda1, suru, verb
衝突 shoutotsu collision, conflictjlpt3, suru
俗語 zokugo colloquialism, colloquial languagebunpou
大腸 daichou colonhito
iro coloriro, jlpt5
色鉛筆 iroenpitsu color pencilgakkou
無色 mushoku colourless, colorless, achromaticiro
組み合わせ kumiawase combinationmix
合併 gappei combination, union, amalgamation, consolidation, merger, coalition, fusion, annexation, affiliation, incorporation; (n,vs) combination, union, amalgamation, consolidation, merger, coalition, fusion, asuru
お笑い芸人 owaraigeinin comedian (esp. of traditional Japanese comedy)mix
喜劇 kigeki comedy, funny showmix
居心地 igokochi comfortmix
住み心地 sumigokochi comfort (in living place)/(P)leda1
慰め nagusame comfort, consolation, diversionmix
raku comfort, easemix
楽な rakuna comfort/ease/(P)adj, jlpt3
漫画家 mangaka comic artistshigoto
発効 hakkou coming into effectsuru
成人式 seijinshiki coming-of-age ceremonynamae
成年式 seinenshiki coming-of-age ceremonynamae
読点 touten comma (ling) bunpou, leda1
司令 shirei command, control, commandersuru
総帥 sousui commander, leadermix
隊長 taichou commanding officersensou
記念 kinen commemoration, memorysuru
商業 shougyou commerce, trade, businessshigoto
委員 iin committee membermix
委員会 iinkai committee, commission, board, panel, committee meetingmix
商品 shouhin commodity/article of commerce/goods/stock/merchandise/(P)jlpt3, leda1
共通分母 kyoutsuubunbo common denominatormath
公約数 kouyakusuu common factorsmath
周知 shuuchi common knowledge, (something) well-knownsuru
洗熊 araiguma common raccoon (Procyon lotor)doubutsu
常識 joushiki common sense, good sense, common knowledge, general knowledge, common practice, accepted practice, social etiquettemix
共通語 kyoutsuugo common term, common language, lingua franca, standard languagebunpou
連邦 renpou commonwealth, federation of states, confederation, unionmix
コミュニケーション komyunike-shon communicationjlpt3
共産主義 kyousanshugi communism, collectivismseiji
定期券 teikiken commuter's passryokou
通勤 tsuukin commutingjlpt3, shigoto
通院 tsuuin commuting to hospitalmix
有限会社 yuugenkaisha company limitedshigoto
会社 kaisha company, corporationjlpt5, leda1, shigoto
交際 kousai company, friendship, association, society, acquaintancesuru
仲間 nakama company/fellow/colleague/associate/comrade/mate/group/circle of friends/partner/(P)adj, leda1
比較的 hikakuteki comparative, relativemix
比較 hikaku comparisonsuru
コンパス konpasu compassryokou
羅針盤 rashinban compassmix
両立 ryouritsu compatibility, coexistence, standing togethersuru
切実(な) setsujitsu(na) compelling/serious/severe/acute/earnest/pressing/urgent/(P)adj, leda1
競争 kyousou competejlpt3, jlpt4, sport
勦討 soutou complete annihilationsuru
軍備撤廃 gunbiteppai complete disarmamentsensou
全図 zenzu complete map, whole viewmix
丸見え marumie completely visibleleda1
血色 kesshoku complexionleda1
複雑 fukuzatsu complicatedadj, jlpt4
お世辞 oseji complimentmix
作曲家 sakkyokuka composershigoto
複合 fukugou composite, combined, complexsuru
組成 sosei composition, constitutionsuru
編成 hensei composition, formation, organization, organisation, compilationsuru
作文 sakubun composition, writingjlpt5, leda1
了解 ryoukai comprehension, consent, understanding, roger (on the radio)suru
網羅 moura comprising, including, covering, encompassing, comprehendingsuru
義務教育 gimukyouiku compulsory educationmix
計算 keizan computationjlpt3, math
コンピューター konpyu-ta- computerjlpt4
コンピュータ konpyu-ta computerdenki
電子計算機 denshikeisanki computerdenki
うぬぼれ unubore conceitedadj, emo
妊娠 ninshin conception, pregnancysuru
関心 kanshin concern, interestmix
コンサート konsa-to concertjlpt4
協奏曲 kyousoukyoku concertoongaku
譲歩 jouho concession, conciliation, compromisesuru
まとめ matome conclusionmath
結論 ketsuron conclusionsuru
完結 kanketsu conclusion, completionsuru
結語 ketsugo conclusion, concluding remarksmix
具体的 gutaiteki concrete, tangible, definite, specificmix
薬味 yakumi condiment (e.g. grated or chopped topping such as daikon, wasabi, ginger, green onion, red pepper), spicesuru
具合 guai conditionjlpt4
条件 jouken condition, conditions, term, terms, requirement, requirementsjlpt3
指揮者 shikisha conductor (musical)ongaku, shigoto
製菓 seika confectionerymix
追贈 tsuizou conferring court rank posthumouslysuru
自供 jikyou confessionsuru
自白 jihaku confession, acknowledgement, acknowledgmentsuru
信用 shin'you confidence, dependence, credit, faith, reliance, belief, credencesuru
儒教 jukyou Confucianismkami
混雑 konzatsu confusion, congestionjlpt3, suru
hamo conger eeldoubutsu
渋滞 juutai congestion (e.g. traffic), delay, stagnationjlpt3, suru
議院 giin congress or parliamentseiji
針葉樹 shin'youju conifer, needle-leaved treemix
看過 kanka connivance, shutting one's eyes tosuru
良心 ryoushin consciencemix
連休 renkyuu consecutive holidaysmix
許諾 kyodaku consentsuru
承諾 shoudaku consent, acquiescence, agreementsuru
承知 shouchi consent, agreejlpt4
納得 nattoku consent, assent, understanding, agreement, comprehension, graspsuru
賛成意見 sanseiiken consenting opinionmix
中々 nakanaka considerablyjlpt4
思いやりのある omoiyarinoaru considerateadj, emo
検討 kentou consideration, examination, investigation, study, scrutiny, discussionsuru
陰謀説 inbousetsu conspiracy theorymix
恒常性 koujousei constancy, homeostasis, homoeostasismix
定数 teisuu constantmath
絶えず taezu constantly, always, continually, steadilytoki
星座 seiza constellationshizen
憲法 kenpou constitutionseiji
建設 kensetsu constructionsuru
組み立て kumitate construction/framework/erection/assembly/organization/organisation/(P)adj, leda1
コンサルタント konsarutanto consultantshigoto
相談 soudan consultation, discussionsuru
消費期限 shouhikigen consume by, best beforemix
家電製品 kadenseihin consumer electronics, home appliancesmix
消費税 shouhizei consumption tax (incl. sales tax, VAT, excise duty, etc.)mix
消費 shouhi consumption, expenditurejlpt3, suru
連絡 renraku contactjlpt4
連絡先 renrakusaki contact addressmix
コンタクトレンズ kontakutorenzu contact lensjlpt3
中身 nakami contents, interior, substancejlpt3, leda1
内容 naiyou contents, subjectjlpt3, leda1, mix
コンテスト kontesuto contestjlpt3
大陸 tairiku continentshizen
続編 zokuhen continuation, sequelmix
連続関数 renzokukansuu continuous functionmath
始終 shijuu continuously/from beginning to end/from first to last/(P)leda1
輪郭 rinkaku contours, outlines, features, border, silhouettemix
避妊 hinin contraceptionai
建て tate (1)indicates storeys, structures, or materials used in a building, (2)indicates denomination (after a currency) mix
契約 keiyaku contract, compact, agreementjlpt3, suru
矛盾 mujun contradiction, inconsistencysuru
寄付 kifu contribution, donationsuru
貢献 kouken contribution, servicessuru
投稿 toukou contribution, submission, posting (e.g. to a newsgroup or mailing list)suru
算段 sandan contriving, managing, raising (money)suru
制御 seigyo control, governing, checking, suppression, repression, restraint, mastery, managementsuru
収拾 shuushuu control, settling, copingsuru
管理 kanri control/management (e.g. of a business)/(P)gakkou
論客 ronkyaku controversialistmix
論争 ronsou controversy, disputesuru
交通の便 koutsuunoben convenience for transportation, convenience of access (by road or rail)mix
コンビニエンスストア konbiniensusutoa convenience storejlpt3
便利さ benrisa convenience, handiness, usefulnessmix
召集 shoushuu convening, calling together (e.g. parliament)suru
会話 kaiwa conversationjlpt4, leda1
totsu convexmath
凸面 totsumen convex surface, convexmix
陽気な youkina convivialadj, emo
クック kukku cookshigoto
料理人 ryourinin cookshigoto
meshi (1)meals, food, (2)cooked rice, (3)one's livelihood ryouri
クッキー kukki- cookieryouri
料理 ryouri cooking cuisinejlpt5, ryouri
炊事 suiji cooking, culinary artssuru
調理 chouri cooking, food preparationsuru
涼しい suzushii cool, refreshingadj, jlpt5
クーラー ku-ra- cooler, air conditionerdenki
平気な heikina coolness, calmness, composure, unconcernadj, emo, jlpt3
協力 kyouryoku cooperationjlpt3, leda1
協働 kyoudou cooperationsuru
提携 teikei cooperation, tie-up, joint business, link-upsuru
大鷭 ooban cootdoubutsu
コピー機 kopi-ki copier, copy machinedenki
dou copperkagaku
複写機 fukushaki copy machinedenki
こぴぺ kopipe copy-and-pastemix
さんご sango coraldoubutsu
さんご礁 sangoshou coral reefdoubutsu
コルク抜き korukunuki corkscrewryouri
u cormorantdoubutsu
虞美人草 gubijinsou corn poppyshokubutsu
sumi cornerjlpt4, uchi
kado corner, hornjlpt5
株式会社 kabushikikaisha corporation Inc.shigoto
死人 shinin corpse/dead person/(P)leda1
肥満 himan corpulence, fatness, obesitybyouki, suru
正答 seitou correct answersuru
正解 seikai correct/right/correct interpretation (answer, solution)/(P)suru, verb
特派員 tokuhain correspondentmix
廊下 rouka corridorjlpt3, leda1, uchi
汚職 oshoku corruptionmix
化粧品 keshouhin cosmetics, toilet articlesmix
陰陽 in'you cosmic dual forces, yin and yang, sun and moon, etc.; cosmic dual forces, yin and yang, sun and moon, etc.; cosmic dual forces, yin and yang, sun and moon, etc.mix
費用 hiyou cost, expensemix
木綿 momen cottonjlpt4, shokubutsu
綿 men cottonjlpt3
長椅子 nagaisu couch, bench, ottomanuchi
seki coughbyouki
可算集合 kasanshuugou countable setmath
~匹 ~hiki counter for animals, fish, insectscounter, jlpt5
~羽 ba,wa counter for birds and rabbitscounter, leda1
wa counter for birds and rabbitscounter, jlpt3
~杯 ~hai counter for cups, glasses, spoonfulscounter, jlpt5
~本 ~hon counter for long, cylindrical objectscounter, jlpt5
~台 ~dai counter for machines, stand, rest, rackcounter, jlpt5
~分 ~fun counter for minutesjlpt5, toki
~個 ~ko counter for small objects, piece(s), item(s)counter, jlpt5
~冊 ~satsu counter for volumes, copiescounter, jlpt5
反撃 hangeki counterattack, counteroffensive, counterblowsuru
助数詞 josuushi countersbunpou, counter
kuni countryjlpt5, leda1
原産国名 gensankokumei country of originmix
田舎 inaka countrysidejlpt4, leda1
クーポン ku-pon coupon (fre:)mix
勇気 yuuki courageemo, jlpt3, leda1
胆気 tanki courage, guts, nerves of steelemo
運び屋 hakobiya courier, smuggler, carrier (e.g. of illegal drugs), traffickermix
航路 kouro course, (sea) route, runmix
針路 shinro course, direction, compass bearingmix
課程 katei course/curriculum/(P)leda1
お礼 orei courtesyjlpt3, jlpt4
中庭 nakaniwa courtyard, quadrangle, middle courtmix
いとこ itoko cousinkazoku
futa cover, lid, capjlpt3
ushi cowdoubutsu
雌牛 meushi cowdoubutsu
意気地無し ikujinashi coward, timid creaturemix
弱虫 yowamushi coward/weakling/(P)adj, leda1
同僚 douryou coworker, co-worker, colleague, associateshigoto
セイヨウサクラソウ seiyousakurasou cowslipshokubutsu
kani crabdoubutsu
亀裂 kiretsu crack, crevice, fissure, chapmix
揺り篭 yurikago cradlemix
試験勉強 shikenbenkyou cramming for examsgakkou
クランベリー kuranberi- cranberryryouri, shokubutsu
tsuru cranedoubutsu
ザリガニ下目 zariganikamoku crayfishdoubutsu
創造 souzou creation/(P)suru
独創的 dokusouteki creative, originalmix
隙間 sukima crevice, crack, gap, openingmix
コオロギ koorogi cricketdoubutsu
犯罪 hanzai crimemix
逮捕歴 taihoreki criminal recordmix
紅蓮 guren crimson, crimson lotus flowermix
評論家 hyouronka criticmix
評論 hyouron criticism, critiquejlpt3
批評 hihyou criticism, review, commentarysuru
クロッカス kurokkasu crocusshokubutsu
農作物 nousakubutsu crops, agricultural producemix
不機嫌な fukigenna crossadj, emo
渡る wataru cross over, go acrossjlpt5
反問 hanmon cross-examination/retort/asking in returnleda1, suru
karasu crowdoubutsu
人垣 hitogaki crowd of peoplemix
皇太子 koutaishi crown princemix
粗末 somatsu crude, rough, plain, humblemix
ひどい hidoi crueladj, jlpt4
残酷な zankokuna crueladj
航行 koukou cruise, navigation, sailingsuru
地殻 chikaku crust (earth`s)shizen
甲殻類 koukakurui crustaceandoubutsu
泣く naku cryjlpt4
烏鳴き karasunaki cry of the crowmix
泣き声 nakigoe cry, crying voicemix
泣き虫 nakimushi crybaby/blubbererleda1
号泣 goukyuu crying aloud, lamentation, wailingsuru
結晶 kesshou crystal, crystallization, crystallisationsuru
三乗 sanjou cubemath
立方 rippou cubesuru
三乗根 sanjoukon cube rootmath
3条 sanjou cubedmath
カッコウ kakkou cuckoodoubutsu
きゅうり kyuuri cucumberryouri
極致 kyokuchi culmination, perfectionmix
栽培 saibai cultivationsuru
文化圏 bunkaken cultural spheremix
文化 bunka culturejlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
文化の日 bunkanohi Culture Day Holiday (Nov 3)namae
文化祭 bunkasai culture festival, arts festivalmix
修練 shuuren culture, training, drill, practice, practisesuru
積乱雲 sekiran'un cumulonimbustenki
戸棚 todana cupboarduchi
食器棚 shokkidana cupboardryouri, uchi
好奇心猫を殺す koukishinnekowokorosu curiosity killed the catgodan, verb
好奇心 koukishin curiosity, inquisitivenessmix
背中を丸める senaka wo marumeru curl upmix
通貨 tsuuka currencymise
流れ nagare currentshizen
状態 joutai current status, condition, situation, circumstances, statejlpt3
カレー kare- curryjlpt5, ryouri
カレーライス kare-raisu curry and riceryouri
呪い noroi curse, spell, malediction; charm, incantation, spell, magic formulamix
カーテン ka-ten curtainjlpt4, uchi
曲率 kyokuritsu curvaturemath
曲線 kyokusen curvemath
曲る magaru curve, be bent, be crooked, turnjlpt5
風習 fuushuu custom/(P)leda1
通関 tsuukan customs clearancesuru
税関申告書 zeikanshinkokusho customs declarationryokou
税関 zeikan customs housemix
関税局 kanzeikyoku customs officemix
税関吏 zeikanri customs officerryokou, shigoto
切り傷 kirikizu cutbyouki
角切り kakugiri cut into cubesmix
かわいい kawaii cuteadj, jlpt5
可愛い kawaii cuteadj, ai
甘皮 amakawa cuticlehito
まな板 manaita cutting boardjlpt3, ryouri
いか ika cuttlefishdoubutsu
シクラメン shikuramen cyclamenshokubutsu
サイクロン saikuron cyclonetenki
皮肉 hiniku cynicism, sarcasm, irony, satireemo
糸杉 itosugi cypressshokubutsu
チェコ語 chekogo Czech languagemix
チェコ鉄道 cheko tetsudou Czech Railwaysnamae
チェコ cheko czech republicnamae
ダックスフンド dakkusufundo dachshunddoubutsu
水仙 suisen daffodilshokubutsu
天竺牡丹 tenjikubotan dahliashokubutsu
大黒天 daikokuten Daikokuten, god of wealth (harvest, kitchen)kami
日課 nikka daily lesson/daily work/daily routine/(P)leda1
男子高校生の日常 danshikoukousei no nichijou Daily Lives of High School Boysmix
実用品 jitsuyouhin daily or domestic articlesleda1
大名 daimyou daimyo (Japanese feudal lord)/daimio/(P)mix
酪農 rakunou dairy (farm)mix
被害 higai damagejlpt3
段位 dan'i dan, grade (of black belt)mix
舞踏曲 butoukyoku dance musicongaku
立方 tachikata; rippou dancing (geisha); cubesuru
舞踊 buyou dancing, dancemix
タンポポ tanpopo dandelionshokubutsu
危険 kiken dangerjlpt4
危ない abunai dangerous, critical, grave, uncertain, unreliable, limping, narrow, close, watch out!adj, jlpt5
不敵 futeki daring, fearless, intrepid, bold, toughmix
濃い koi darkadj, iro, jlpt3
黒ビール kurobi-ru dark beerryouri
暗雲 an'un dark cloudstenki
暗い色 kuraiiro dark color, dark colouriro
暗緑 anryoku dark greeniro
暗室 anshitsu dark roommix
暗い kurai dark, gloomyadj, jlpt5
浅黒い asaguroi darkish, swarthyadj
yami darknessmix
暗黒 ankoku darknessmix
データ de-ta data, datumjlpt3
資料 shiryou data, materialsgakkou
日付 hiduke dateleda1, toki
デート de-to dateai
棗椰子の実 natsumeyashinomi dateryouri, shokubutsu
年月日 nengappi datetoki
musume daughterjlpt3, jlpt4, kazoku
akebono dawn, daybreak, beginningmix
hi dayjlpt4, toki
~日 ~nichi day (of the month)jlpt5, toki
明後日 asatte day after tomorrowjlpt3, jlpt5, toki
明後日 myougonichi day after tomorrowjlpt3
白日夢 hakujitsumu daydreammix
昼間 hiruma daytime, during the daytimejlpt4, leda1, toki
夢中 muchuu daze, ecstasy, deliriummix
夢中な muchuuna daze/(in a) trance/ecstasy/delirium/engrossment/within a (deep) dream/(P)adj, jlpt3
眩しい mabushii dazzling, radiantjlpt3
亡い nai deadadj
死語 shigo dead language, obsolete wordmix
真夜中 mayonaka dead of night, midnightjlpt3, toki
真夜中に mayonakani dead of night/midnight/(P)leda1
同点 douten deadlock/tie/draw/(P)adj, leda1
死去 shikyo deathleda1, suru
焼死 shoushi death by firesuru
崩御 hougyo death of the Emperor, demisesuru
債務 saimu debt, liabilitiesmix
負債 fusai debt, liabilitiesmix
借金 shakkin debt/loan/liabilities/(P)suru
腐敗 fuhai decay, depravitysuru
まやかし mayakashi deception, make-believe, fake, counterfeit, phonymix
十進法 jisshinhou decimalmath
小数点数 shousuutensuu decimal numbersmath
小数点 shousuuten decimal pointmath
決定 kettei decision, determinationmix
ketsu decision/vote/(P)mix
決断力のある ketsudanryokunoaru decisiveadj, emo
甲板 kanpan; kouhan deck (of a ship); deck (of a ship)mix
宣戦 sensen declaration of warsuru
宣言 sengen declaration, proclamation, announcementsuru
衰微 suibi decline, decadence, ebb tidesuru
辞退 jitai declining, refusal, nonacceptance, turning down, withdrawal (e.g. candidacy), pulling out (e.g. race), excusing oneselfsuru
脱色 dasshoku decolourization, decolorization, decolourisation, decolorisation, bleachingsuru
飾り kazari decorationjlpt3
減少 genshou decrease, reduction, declinesuru
献身 kenshin dedication, devotionsuru
捧呈 houtei dedication, presentation, giftsuru
深い fukai deepjlpt4
深海 shinkai deep sea, depths of the sea, ocean depthsmix
鹿 shika deerdoubutsu
鹿踊 shishiodori Deer dancekami
敗戦 haisen defeat, losing a warsuru
負け make defeat, loss, losing (a game)jlpt3
死守 shishu defending to the last/defending desperatelyleda1, suru
死守する shishusuru defending to the last/defending desperatelyleda1, suru, verb
警備 keibi defense, defence, guard, policing, securitysuru
守備 shubi defense/defenceadj, leda1, suru
反抗的な hankoutekina defiantadj, emo
確か tashika definitejlpt3, jlpt4
確かな tashika na definitejlpt3
決して kesshite definitely, by no means, not at alljlpt3, jlpt4
定義 teigi definitionmath
退歩 taiho degeneratesuru
退廃的 taihaiteki degenerate, decadentmix
退化 taika degeneration, retrogressionsuru
程度 teido degree, amount, grade, standard, of the order of (following a number)mix
除湿 joshitsu dehumidificationmix
遅れ okure delayjlpt3, ryokou
遅延 chien delayryokou
うまい umai deliciousadj, jlpt4, ryouri
おいしい oishii delicious, tastyadj, jlpt5, ryouri
非行 hikou delinquency, misconductmix
配達日 baitatsubi delivery daymix
配達人 haitatsunin delivery personmix
配達 haitatsu delivery, distributionsuru
ヒエンソウ hiensou delphiniumshokubutsu
デルタ地帯 derutachitai deltashizen
需要 juyou demand, requestmix
民本主義 minponshugi democracyseiji
民主主義 minshushugi democracymix
病魔 byouma demon of ill health, diseasemix
悪魔的な akumatekina demonicadj
巣窟 soukutsu den, haunt, hangout, homemix
分の bunno denominator bun no numerator (in writing common fractions), X Yth's (Y bun no X)jlpt3, math
密度 mitsudo densitymix
歯石 shiseki dental calculus (calcified deposits that accumulate on the teeth), tartar (of the teeth)mix
歯医者 haisha dentistbyouki, jlpt4, shigoto
歯科医 shikai dentistmix
出発 shuppatsu departjlpt4, leda1, ryokou
部門 bumon departmentshigoto
学部 gakubu department (of university)jlpt4
理学部 rigakubu department of sciencegakkou
デパート depa-to department storejlpt5
出国 shukkoku; shutsugoku departure from a country; (n,vs) departure from a countrysuru
見方によっては mikataniyotteha depending on one's point of viewmix
描写 byousha depiction/description/portrayal/(P)suru
預金 yokin deposit, bank accountmix
低地 teichi depression, lowlands, low ground, bottom land, plainmix
奥底 okusoko depth, bottom (of one's heart); depth, bottom (of one's heart)mix
派生 hasei derivationsuru
導関数 doukansuu derivativemath
子孫 shison descendants, posterity, offspringmix
下り坂 kudarizaka descent, downhill, decline, waningmix
砂漠 sabaku desertshizen
デザート deza-to desertryouri
デザイン dezain designjlpt3, suru
指定 shitei designation, specification, assignment, appointment, pointing atsuru
デザイナー dezaina- designer
欲求 yokkyuu desiresuru
願望 ganbou desire, wish, aspiration; desire, wish, aspirationsuru
tsukue deskgakkou, jlpt5, uchi
絶望 zetsubou despair, hopelessnessemo
死力 shiryoku desperate effortleda1
軽視 keishi despise, slight, ignore, neglectsuru
目的地 mokutekichi destinationryokou
行き先 ikisaki destinationryokou
絶滅 zetsumetsu destruction, extinctionsuru
詳細 shousai detail, particularsmix
縷説 rusetsu detailed explanationsuru
細部 saibu detailsmix
留置 ryuuchi detainment, imprisonment, poundagesuru
刑事 keiji detectiveshigoto
探偵小説 tanteishousetsu detective storymix
探偵 tantei detective, sleuth, investigatorsuru
探知機 tanchiki detector, locatormix
洗濯粉 sentakuko detergentmix
洗剤 senzai detergent, washing materialjlpt3
胎児性別の判定法 taijiseibetsunohanteihou determination of a child's sex before birth (e.g. by ultrasound)mix
決心 kesshin determination, resolutionsuru
回り道 mawarimichi detour/diversionleda1, suru
遠回り toomawari detour/roundabout wayleda1
現像 genzou developing (film)suru
発展途上国 hattentojoukoku developing countrymix
開発 kaihatsu development, exploitationsuru
発達 hattatsu development, growthjlpt3, suru
悪魔 akuma devil, demon, fiend, Satan, evil spiritkami
魔神 majin devil/evil spirit/genie; devil/evil spirit/geniebaka
殺人鬼 satsujinki devilish homicide, cutthroatmix
tsuyu dewshizen
結露 ketsuro dew, condensationsuru
糖尿病 tounyoubyou diabetes mellitus, sugar diabetesbyouki
診断 shindan diagnosissuru
ダイヤモンド daiyamondo diamondkagaku
下痢 geri diarrheabyouki
日記 nikki diaryjlpt4, leda1
絵日記 enikki diary with illustrationsmix
字引 jibiki dictionaryjlpt5
辞典 jiten dictionaryjlpt4
辞書 jisho dictionary, lexiconjlpt5
消失 shoushitsu die out, disappear, vanish; die out, disappear, vanishsuru
議会 gikai Diet, congress, parliamentseiji
食物繊維 shokumotsusen'i dietary fiber, dietary fibremix
sa differencemath
違い chigai difference, discrepancyjlpt3
betsu differentjlpt3, jlpt4
別人 betsujin different person, someone else, changed man; (n) different person, someone else, changed manmix
微分 bibun differential (e.g. calculus)math, suru
微分学 bibungaku differential calculusmath
微分方程式 bibunhouteishiki differential equationmath
難しい muzukashii difficultadj, jlpt5
遠慮 enryo diffidence, restraint, reserve, discretion, tact, thoughtfulnessjlpt3, suru
普及 fukyuu diffusion, spreadsuru
デジタル dejitaru digitaldenki, jlpt3
デジタルカメラ dejitarukamera digital cameradenki
ジギタリス jigitarisu digitalisshokubutsu
威信 ishin dignity
尊厳 songen dignity, majesty, sanctitymix
弛まぬ努力 tayumanudoryoku diligence, unceasing effortsmix
まじめ majime diligent, serious, honestjlpt4
食卓 shokutaku dining tablemix
夕飯 yuuhan dinnerjlpt4, ryouri
恐竜 kyouryuu dinosaurdoubutsu
卒業証書 sotsugyoushousho diplomagakkou
外交 gaikou diplomacyseiji
外交官 gaikoukan diplomatseiji
率直な sotsuchokuna directadj
直接的 chokusetsuteki directmix
直接 chokusetsu direct, immediate, personal, firsthandjlpt3
方位 houi directionmix
ほう hou direction, way, towardjlpt5
用法 youhou directions, rules of usemix
汚い kitanai dirtyadj, jlpt5
汚れた yogoreta dirtyadj
猥語 waigo dirty wordmix
不利 furi disadvantage, handicap, unfavorable, unfavourable, drawbackmix
iya disagreeable, unpleasant, reluctantjlpt5
がっかりしている gakkarishiteiru disappointedadj
期待外れの kataihazureno disappointingadj
失望 shitsubou disappointmentedemo
防災 bousai disaster preventiontenki
悲惨な hisanna disastrousadj
懲罰 choubatsu discipline, punishment, reprimandsuru
暴露 bakuro disclosure, exposure, revelationsuru
落胆 rakutan discouragedemo
慎重 shinchou discretion, prudence, caution, caremix
識別 shikibetsu discrimination, discernment, identificationsuru
差別 sabetsu discrimination, distinction, differentiationsuru
論議 rongi discussion, argument, debatesuru
疾患 shikkan disease, ailmentbyouki
変装 hensou disguise, masqueradesuru
男装 dansou disguising oneself as a mansuru
嫌悪 ken'o disgust, hate, repugnancesuru
豚骨 tonkotsu dish made with pork belly and bones, simmered with miso, sake, vegetables, etc. (from Kagoshima)ryouri
sara dish, plateleda1, ryouri
食器 shokki dishesryouri
幻滅 genmetsu disillusionedemo
消毒 shoudoku disinfection, sterilization, sterilisationsuru
嫌煙 ken'en dislike of smokingmix
猫舌 nekojita dislike of very hot food or drink, inability to take hot foodmix
嫌気 iyake dislike, disgust, disinclination, tired of; dislike, disgust, disinclination, tired of; dislike, disgust, disinclination, tired ofsuru
嫌い kirai dislike, hatejlpt5
転位 ten'i dislocationmath
脱臼 dakkyuu dislocationsuru
転位運動 ten'iundou dislocation dynamicsmath
不等 futou disparity, inequalitymix
派遣 haken dispatch, despatch, sendsuru
差遣 saken dispatch, despatch, sendingsuru
発信 hasshin dispatch, despatch, transmission, submissionsuru
失格 shikkaku disqualification, elimination, incapacity (legal)suru
不満な fumanna dissatisfaction, displeasure, discontent, complaints, unhappiness, disgruntledemo, jlpt3
不満 fuman dissatisfied,discontentedemo, jlpt3
反対意見 hantaiiken dissenting opinion, opposition viewpoint, contra (view)mix
距離 kyori distance, rangejlpt3
遠縁 tooen distant relativekazoku
蒸留 jouryuu distillationsuru
性別 seibetsu distinction by sex, sex, gendermix
頒布 hanpu distributionsuru
配信 haishin distribution, delivery, transmission, provisionsuru
丁目 choume districtmix
邪推 jasui distrust, unjust suspicionsuru
不用品 fuyouhin disused articlemix
多様化 tayouka diversificationsuru
割る waru dividegodan, jlpt3, math, verb, vtrans
神木 shinboku divine treekami
占い師 uranaishi diviner, fortuneteller, soothsayer, palmistmix
割る waru divisionmath, verb, vtrans
割算 warizan divisionmath
事業部 jigyoubu divisionshigoto
割り算 warizan divisionjlpt3, math
離婚 rikon divorcemix
目まい memai dizzinessbyouki
目眩 memai dizziness, giddiness, vertigobyouki
致します itashimasu do (polite shimasu)mix
折曲厳禁 orimagegenkin do not fold, do not bendmix
医師 ishi doctor, physicianmix
医院 iin doctor's office (surgery), clinic, dispensarymix
博士論文 hakaseronbun Doctoral dissertationgakkou
〜主義 shugi doctrine, rule, principlemix
文書 bunsho document, writing, letter, paperwork, note, records, archives; document, writing, letter, paperwork, note, records, archivesmix
書類 shorui documentsgakkou, jlpt3, leda1
inu dogdoubutsu, jlpt5
わんちゃん wanchan doggiemix
共同 kyoudou doing together (as equals), sharing, common (land, etc.), joint (statement, etc.), cooperation, co-operation, collaboration, associationsuru
ドル doru dollarmix
海豚 iruka dolphindoubutsu
家畜 kachiku domestic animalsdoubutsu
国産 kokusan domestic productsmix
国内 kokunai domestic, internalmix
領土 ryoudo dominion, territory, possessionmix
贈与 zouyo donation, presentationsuru
寄贈 kizou donation, presentation, gift; donation, presentation, giftsuru
驢馬 roba donkeydoubutsu
ドーナツ do-natsu donnutryouri
~軒 ~ken doorjlpt4
門戸 monko dooruchi
to door (Japanese style)jlpt5, uchi
ドップラー効果 doppura-kouka Doppler effectmix
溺愛 dekiai dotingsuru
点線 tensen dotted line/perforated lineleda1
倍増 baizou doublesuru
双頭 soutou double-headedmix
bai double, two timesjlpt3, jlpt4
疑惑 giwaku doubt, misgivings, distrust, suspicionmix
hato dovedoubutsu
綿毛 watage down/fuzz/fluffleda1
滅亡 metsubou downfall, ruin, collapse, destructionsuru
下山 gezan downhillleda1
川下 kawashimo downstreamleda1, shizen
居眠り inemuri dozing, nodding offsuru
生ビール namabi-ru draft beerryouri
トンボ tonbo dragonflydoubutsu
引き出し hikidashi drawerjlpt4, uchi
脇机 wakidukue drawer unit (next to a desk), returnmix
図画 zuga drawingadj, leda1
採血 saiketsu drawing blood, collecting bloodsuru
yume dreamjlpt3, jlpt4
正夢 masayume dream that comes truemix
夢想家 musouka dreamermix
ワンピース wanpi-su dress (wasei: one-piece)/(P)jlpt3
乾物 kanbutsu dried fish, groceriesmix
梅干し umeboshi dried plummix
乾鮭 karazake dried salted salmonmix
流氷 ryuuhyou drift ice/ice floe/(P)leda1
飲み代 nomishiro drink money, drinking moneybaka
飲酒 inshu drinking alcohol (sake)/(P)leda1, suru
鯨飲 geiin drinking hard, drinking like a fishbaka, suru
飲み会 nomikai drinking partybaka
飲料水 inryousui drinking water/(P)leda1
運転手 untenshu driverjlpt4, leda1, shigoto
運転免許 untenmenkyo driver's license, driver's licencemix
時雨 shigure drizzle, shower in late autumn (fall) or early wintermix
寄り道 yorimichi dropping in on the waysuru
激減 gekigen dropping sharply, decreasing rapidlysuru
太鼓 taiko drumongaku
ドラム缶 doramukan drummix
飲酒運転 inshuunten drunken drivingbaka
乾電池 kandenchi dry batterydenki
畑作 hatasaku dry field farming, dry field cropsuru
乾燥機 kansouki dryeruchi
両用 ryouyou dual usesuru
声優 seiyuu dubbing artistshigoto
家鴨 ahiru duck (domestic)doubutsu
kamo duck (wild)doubutsu
正式 seishiki due form, official, formalitymix
丸木舟 marukibune dugout canoemix
不振 fushin dullness, depression, slump, stagnationmix
副本 fukuhon duplicate, copymix
重複 juufuku; choufuku duplication, repetition, overlapping, redundancy, restoration; duplication, repetition, overlapping, redundancy, restorationsuru
耐久性 taikyuusei durabilitymix
ドリアン dorian durianshokubutsu
獄中 gokuchuu during imprisonment, while in jail (gaol)mix
夜中 yonaka during the night, at night; (arch) all night, the whole night; midnight, dead of nightmix
雑巾 zoukin dustclothuchi
蘭学 rangaku Dutch studies, studies of Western knowledgemix
任務 ninmu duty, function, office, mission, tasksensou
住人 juunin dweller/inhabitant/resident/(P)leda1
住まい sumai dwelling, house, residence, addresssuru
住居 juukyo dwelling/house/residence/addressleda1, suru
赤痢 sekiri dysenterybyouki
都度 tsudo each (every) time/whenever/(P)leda1
kaku each, every, either, respectively, severally; each, every, allmix
~ずつ ~zutsu each, respectivelyjlpt5
熱心 nesshin eagernessjlpt4
懸命 kenmei eagerness, earnestness, risking one's lifemix
washi eagledoubutsu
mimi earhito, jlpt3, jlpt5
耳掃除 mimisouji ear cleaning, cleaning one's earsmix
鼓膜 komaku eardrumhito
耳孔 jikou earholemix
耳朶 mimitabu earlobehito
早い hayai earlyadj, jlpt5, toki
連歌 renga early Japanese poetry form, poetic dialoguemix
万葉仮名 man'yougana early Japanese syllabary composed of Chinese characters used phoneticallybunpou
早起き hayaoki early risingsuru
五月雨 samidare early-summer rain; early-summer rainmix
耳飾り mimikazari earringfuku
地球 chikyuu Earthjlpt3, shizen
地面 jimen earthshizen
地震 jishin earthquakejlpt4, shizen
挟み虫 hasamimushi earwigdoubutsu
higashi eastjlpt5, leda1
東口 higashiguchi east exitryokou
イースター i-suta- easterkami
東欧 touou Eastern Europemix
黒鷺 kurosagi eastern reef herondoubutsu
簡単な kantanna easyadj
易しい yasashii easy, simpleadj, jlpt5
手軽 tegaru easy, simple, informal, offhand, cheapmix
食生活 shokuseikatsu eating habitsryouri
外食 gaishoku eating outsuru
立ち聞き tachigiki eavesdroppingsuru
盗み聞き nusumigiki eavesdropping, tappingsuru
恵比須 ebisu Ebisu, god of fishermankami
恵比寿 ebisu Ebisu, god of fishermankami
ebisu Ebisu, god of fishermankami
ebisu Ebisu, god of fishermankami
変人 henjin eccentric, crank, oddballmix
偏屈 henkutsu eccentricity, bigotry, obstinacymix
反響 hankyou echo, reverberation, repercussion, reaction, influencesuru
響き hibiki echo, sound, reverberation, noisemix
エコ洗剤 ekosenzai eco detergentmix
財政的 zaiseiteki economic, financial, fiscalmix
経済学 keizaigaku economicsmix
経済 keizai economics, business, finance, economyjlpt4
節約 setsuyaku economising, savingjlpt3
節倹 sekken economyjlpt5
無我夢中になった mugamuchuuninatta ecstaticadj, emo
hashi edgemath
エッジ ejji edgemath
村外れ murahazure edge of town/outskirts of a villageleda1
kiwa edge, brink, verge, side; on the occasion of, circumstancesmix
蕗の薹 fukinotou edible flower bud of the fuki (Petasites japonicus) plant, an early spring delicacymix
編集 henshuu editing, compilation, editorial (e.g. committee)suru
江戸 edo Edo periodnamae
江戸時代 edojidai Edo period (1603-1868 CE)leda1, namae, toki
教育 kyouiku educationjlpt4
教務課 kyoumuka educational affairs sectionmix
教育体制 kyouikutaisei educational systemgakkou
教育者 kyouikusha educator, teacher, educationalistmix
unagi eeldoubutsu
効果 kouka effect, effectiveness, efficacy, resultjlpt3
効力 kouryoku effect, efficacy, validity, potencymix
効能 kounou effect/efficacy/virtue/benefit/(P)mix
効果的 koukateki effective, successfulmix
tamago egg(s), spawn, roe, (an expert) in the makingjlpt5, ryouri
愛媛県 ehimeken Ehime prefecture (Shikoku)namae
hachi eightjlpt5
八つ yattsu eightjlpt5
八日 youka eight days, the eighth (day of the month)jlpt5, toki
弾力 danryoku elasticity, flexibilitymix
hiji elbowhito, jlpt3
年配 nenpai elderly, age, yearsmix
長女 choujo eldest daughterkazoku, leda1
選挙 senkyo electionjlpt3, seiji
選出 senshutsu electionseiji, suru
落選 rakusen election loss, rejectionsuru
遊説 yuuzei election tour, election campaign, stumpingsuru
電気自動車 denkijidousha electric cardenki, ryokou
電流 denryuu electric currentdenki
電気機関車 denkikikansha electric locomotivemix
電気技師 denkigishi electricianshigoto
電気工事士 denkikoujishi electricianshigoto
電気 denki electricity, (electric) lightjlpt5, uchi
心電図 shindenzu electro-cardiogram, ECG, EKGbyouki
電子辞典 denshijiten electronic dictionarydenki
電気製品 denkiseihin electronic goodsmix
電子音楽 denshiongaku electronic musicongaku
風流(な) fuuryuu(na) elegance/taste/refinement/(P)adj, leda1
上品 jouhin; joubon elegant, refined, polished; Buddhism's highest paradisemix
上品(な) jouhin(na) elegant/refined/polished/(P)adj, leda1
初級 shokyuu elementary levelmix
小学校 shougakkou elementary schoolgakkou, jlpt4, leda1
小学生 shougakusei elementary school studentgakkou, leda1
zou elephantdoubutsu
標高 hyoukou elevation, height above sea levelmix
向上 koujou elevation/rise/improvement/advancement/progress/(P)leda1, suru
エレベーター erebe-ta- elevatordenki, jlpt5, ryokou
消去 shoukyo elimination, erasure, dying out, clearing, purge, melting awaysuru
ヘラジカ herajika elkdoubutsu
絵馬 ema ema, wooden plate for wishkami
恥な hajina embarrassedadj, emo
大使館 taishikan embassyjlpt5
猫糞 nekobaba embezzlement, misappropriation, pocketing, stealingsuru
表われ araware embodiment, manifestation, materialization, materialisation, expression, indicationmix
エメラルド emerarudo emeraldkagaku
緑玉石 ryokugyokuseki emeraldkagaku
非常口 hijouguchi emergency exituchi
亡命 boumei emigration, exile, flight from one's country, defectionsuru
感情的な kanjoutekina emotionaladj, emo
感情 kanjou emotionsemo
皇帝 koutei emperormix
強調 kyouchou emphasis, highlight, stress, stressed pointjlpt3, suru
帝国 teikoku empire, imperialseiji
実験式 jikkenshiki empirical formulamath
就業者 shuugyousha employed person
出勤日 shukkinbi employee's work daymix
雇用 koyou employment (long term), hiresuru
雇用情勢 koyoujousei employment situationmix
空箱 karabako empty boxmix
空き箱 akibako empty boxmix
制定 seitei enactment, establishment, creationseiji, suru
声援 seien encouragement, cheering, supportsuru
百科事典 hyakkajiten encyclopedia, encyclopaediamix
月末 getsumatsu end of the month; end of the monthmix
お歳暮 oseibo end of the year, year-end giftmix
今月末 kongetsumatsu end of this monthmix
終業 shuugyou end of work/end of schoolleda1, suru
年末 nenmatsu end-of-yearmix
終了 shuuryou end, close, terminationsuru
終局 shuukyoku end/close/conclusion/denouement/finale/end of a game of go/(P)adj, leda1
終盤 shuuban endgame, final stagemix
耐久 taikyuu endurance, persistencemix
エネルギー enerugi- energy (ger: Energie)jlpt3
エネルギー enerugi- energy (ger: Energie)mix
実施 jisshi enforcement, implementation, putting into practice (practise), carrying out, operation, working (e.g. working parameters), enactmentsuru
婚約 kon'yaku engagement, betrothalsuru
エンジニア enjinia engineershigoto
工学 kougaku engineeringmix
技術部 gijutsubu engineering departmentshigoto
イギリス igirisu englandnamae
イギリス人 igirisujin Englishman, Englishwomanmix
高揚 kouyou enhancement, exaltation, promotion, upliftsuru
楽しい tanoshii enjoyable, fun, happyadj, emo, jlpt5
演歌歌手 enkakashu Enka singer, singer of Japanese traditional balladsongaku
演歌 enka enka, traditional-style Japanese popular balladongaku
莫大 bakudai enormous, vastmix
十分 juubun enoughjlpt4, leda1
入学 nyuugaku enter a schoolgakkou, jlpt4, leda1
入院 nyuuin enter hospitalbyouki, jlpt4, leda1
進学 shingaku entering a higher-level school, esp. going on to universityjlpt3, suru
入営 nyuuei entering the barracks, enlistmentsuru
梅雨入り tsuyuiri entering the rainy season, beginning of the rainy seasonsuru
企業 kigyou enterprise, undertaking, corporation, businessmix
全館 zenkan entire buildinguchi
皆目 kaimoku entirelymix
入試 nyuushi entrance examgakkou
入学試験 nyuugakushiken entrance examinationgakkou
入口 iriguchi entrance, gate, approach, mouthjlpt5
玄関 genkan entranceway, entry halljlpt5, uchi
神頼み kamidanomi entreaty to a deityleda1
預ける azukeru entrust, depositjlpt3, mix
入国 nyuukoku entry to a countryryokou
記入 kinyuu entry, filling in of formssuru
封筒 fuutou envelopejlpt3, jlpt5
羨ましい urayamashii enviousjlpt3
環境 kankyou environment, circumstancejlpt3, mix
遣唐使 kentoushi envoy (to T'ang China)mix
羨望 senbou envysuru
震央 shin'ou epicentre (of an earthquake), epicentertenki
表皮 hyouhi epithelium, skin, rindmix
等辺 touhen equal sidesmix
エコール eko-ru equal, =math
ha equal, =math
等しい hitoshii equal, similar, like, equivalentadj
方程式 houteishiki equationmath
運動方程式 undouhouteishiki equation of motionmath
赤道 sekidou equatorshizen
正三角形 seisankakkei equilateral triangle, regular trianglemath
皇霊祭 koureisai equinoctial ceremony held by the emperor at the shrine of imperial ancestorsmix
設備 setsubi equipment, device, facilities, installationall, suru
消しゴム keshigomu erasergakkou, jlpt4
抹消 masshou erasure, delete (e.g. DEL character)suru
勃起 bokki erection (usu. penis), standing erect, stiffeningsuru
侵食 shinshoku erosionshizen
エスカレーター esukare-ta- escalatordenki, jlpt4, ryokou
逃避 touhi escape, evasion, flightsuru
逃亡 toubou escape, flight, running away, elopement, fleeingsuru
食道 shokudou esophagus, gullet, esophagealmix
随筆家 zuihitsuka essayistmix
随筆 zuihitsu essays, miscellaneous writings, literary jottingsmix
樹立 juritsu establish, createsuru
設立 setsuritsu establishment, founding, incorporation (of a business)suru
創立 souritsu establishment, founding, organization, organisationsuru
予算 yosan estimate/budgetadj, leda1, suru
到着予定時刻 touchakuyoteijikoku estimated time of arrival, ETAmix
など nado et ceterajlpt5
永遠 eien eternitymix
民族学 minzokugaku ethnologymix
儀礼 girei etiquette, courtesymix
語源学 gogengaku etymologymix
婉曲 enkyoku euphemistic, circumlocution, roundabout, indirectmix
語呂の良さ goronoyosa euphonymix
ユーロ yu-ro euromix
欧州 oushuu Europemix
欧米 oubei Europe and America, the Westmix
欧文 oubun European language, foreign textgakkou
欧風 oufuu European style, Occidentalmix
欧州連合 oushuurengou European Union, EUmix
安楽死 anrakushi euthanasiabyouki
回避 kaihi evasion, avoidancesuru
偶数 guusuu even numbermath
さえも saemo even, if only, if just, as long as, the only thing neededmix
ゆうべ yuube eveningjlpt5, toki
夕方 yuugata eveningjlpt5, leda1, toki
ban evening (night)jlpt5, toki
晩御飯 bangohan evening mealjlpt5, ryouri
夜分 yabun evening, night, nighttimemix
yoru evening/night/(P)leda1, toki
時事 jiji events of the day, current affairsmix
mai everyleda1
毎日 mainichi every dayjlpt5, leda1, toki
連日 renjitsu every day, prolongedmix
毎月 maigetsu every month, each month, monthlyjlpt5, toki
毎月 maitsuki every month, each month, monthlytoki
毎朝 maiasa every morningjlpt5, leda1, toki
毎晩 maiban every nightjlpt5, leda1, toki
~おき ~oki every other (day)jlpt4, toki
各駅 kakueki every stationmix
毎回 maikai every time/each round/(P)leda1
毎週 maishuu every weekjlpt5, leda1, toki
毎年 mainen every year, yearly, annuallyjlpt5, toki
毎年 maitoshi every year, yearly, annuallyjlpt5, leda1, toki
皆さん minasan everyonejlpt5
皆様 minasama everyonemix
証拠 shouko evidence, proofmix
歴然と rekizen to evident, plain, distinct, clearmix
歴然 rekizen evident, plain, distinct, clearmix
邪道 jadou evil course, heresymix
弊害 heigai evil practice, evil practise, barriermix
進化 shinka evolution, progresssuru
移動曲線 idoukyokusen evolving curvemath
ちょうど choudo exactly, just, preciselyjlpt5
仰々しい gyougyoushii exaggerated, bombastic, highly colored, highly colouredadj
大仰 oogyou exaggerationmix
試験 shiken examinationgakkou, jlpt4
試験問題 shikenmondai examination (exam) questions, questions for an examinationgakkou
答案 touan examination paper, examination scriptmix
受験者 jukensha examineemix
審査員 shinsain examiner, judgemix
秀逸 shuuitsu excellencemix
優秀な yuushuuna excellentadj
名菓 meika excellent cake, cake of an established namemix
除外 jogai exception, exclusionsuru
過度の kado no excess, immoderationmix
過多 kata excess, superabundancemix
交換 koukan exchange, interchange, switching, reciprocity, barter, substitution, replacement, clearing (of checks, cheques)jlpt3, suru
興奮 koufun excitementemo, jlpt3
興奮性 koufunsei excitementmix
kuso excrementbaka
運動 undou exercise, sportsport
展覧会 tenrankai exhibitionjlpt4
展示会 tenjikai exhibitionmix
発揮 hakki exhibition, demonstration, show, display, manifestationsuru
展示 tenji exhibition, displaysuru
流刑 rukei exile, deportation; exile, deportationsuru
存在 sonzai existence/being/(P)suru
出入口 deiriguchi exit and entranceryokou
出口 deguchi exit, gateway, way out, outlet, leak, ventjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
期待 kitai expectation, anticipation, hopemix
予想 yosou expectation/anticipation/prediction/forecast/conjecture/(P)adj, jlpt3, leda1, suru, verb
予期 yoki expectation/assume will happen/forecast/(P)leda1, suru
支出 shishutsu expenditure, expensessuru
経費 keihi expenseshigoto
高価な koukana expensiveadj
経験 keiken experiencejlpt4
実験 jikken experimentmix
実験者 jikkensha experimenter, researchermix
説明 setsumei explanationjlpt4, leda1
解説 kaisetsu explanation, commentary, exposition, elucidationsuru
解釈 kaishaku explanation, interpretationsuru
探検 tanken exploration, expeditionsuru
爆発 bakuhatsu explosion, detonation, eruptionkagaku, sensou
急増 kyuuzou explosion, proliferation, surgesuru
指数関数 shisuukansuu exponentialmath
輸出 yushutsu exportjlpt4
摘発 tekihatsu exposing, unmasking, laying baresuru
露呈 rotei exposure, disclosuresuru
急行 kyuukou express trainjlpt4, leda1, ryokou
速達 sokutatsu express, special deliverymix
血相 kessou expression/looksleda1
放校 houkou expulsion from schoolsuru
放逐 houchiku expulsion, ejection, dismissal, ostracismsuru
即席 sokuseki extempore, impromptu, improvised, ad-lib, off-the-cuff, instantmix
博識 hakushiki extensive knowledgemix
幅広い habahiroi extensive, wide, broadadj
ほど hodo extentjlpt4
範囲 han'i extent, scope, sphere, range, spanjlpt3
外力 gairyoku external forcemix
まし mashi extrajlpt3
課外活動 kagaikatsudou extracurricular activitiesleda1
大馬鹿 oobaka extreme foolishness, utter foolmix
極左 kyokusa extreme left, ultraleftmix
赤貧 sekihin extreme povertymix
甚だしい hanahadashii extreme, excessive, terrible, intense, severe, serious, tremendous, heavy (damage)adj
極端 kyokutan extreme, extremitymix
もっとも mottomo extremelyjlpt3, jlpt4
大流行 dairyuukou extremely popular/extremely common/widespread contagionmix
外交的な gaikoutekina extrovertadj, emo
目薬 megusuri eye dropsbyouki
me eye, eyeballhito, jlpt5
眼球 gankyuu eyeballhito
眉毛 mayuge eyebrowhito, jlpt3
まつげ matsuge eyelashhito
まぶた mabuta eyelidhito, jlpt3
mabuta eyelid, eyelidshito, jlpt3
目元 memoto eyes, skin round one's eyesmix
犬歯 kenshi eyetooth, cuspid, canine (tooth), dogtoothmix
柔軟剤 juunanzai fabric softener, fabric conditionermix
顔面 ganmen face (of person)mix
kao face (person)hito, jlpt5
横顔 yokogao face in profile, profile, face seen from the sidemix
面影 omokage face, looks, vestiges, tracemix
手に顔を埋める te ni kao wo uzumeru facepalmbaka
表情 hyoujou facial expressionjlpt3
向かい mukai facing/opposite/across the street/other side/(P)jlpt3
所与 shoyo fact, given thing, the given ...mix
因数 insuu factorsmath
工場 koujou factoryjlpt4, leda1, shigoto
工員 kouin factory workershigoto
失敗 shippai failure, failjlpt3
落第 rakudai failure/dropping out of a class/(P)gakkou, leda1
気絶 kizetsu faint, swoonsuru
失神 shisshin faint/trance/swoon/stupefactionleda1, suru
卒倒 sottou fainting, swooningsuru
妖精 yousei fairy, sprite, elfmix
忠実な chuujitsuna faithfuladj, emo
ハヤブサ hayabusa falcondoubutsu
恋におちる koi ni ochiru fall in lovemix
倒れる taoreru fall over, collapseichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
低下 teika fall, decline, lowering, deterioration, degradationsuru
転落 tenraku fall, degradation, slump, spillsuru
降下 kouka fall, descent, (plane) landing, (atmos.) depressionsuru
落下 rakka fall, drop, come downsuru
落ち葉 ochiba fallen leaves, leaf litter, defoliation, shedding leavessuru
積雪 sekisetsu fallen snowmix
入れ歯 ireba false tooth, denturemix
有名 yuumei famejlpt5
語族 gozoku family of languagesmix
士族 shizoku family or person with samurai ancestorsmix
家風 kafuu family traditionleda1
家族 kazoku family, members of a familyjlpt5, kazoku
扇風機 senpuuki fandenki, uchi
すごい sugoi fantastic, terribleadj, jlpt3, jlpt4
遠い tooi faradj, jlpt5
遠く tooku farjlpt4
送別会 soubetsukai farewell partymix
送別 soubetsu farewell, send-offmix
農民 noumin farmershigoto
農家 nouka farmershigoto
流行 ryuukou fashion/fad/vogue/crazeadj, jlpt3, suru
早送り hayaokuri fast forward (e.g. VCR, tape deck, etc.)suru
ファストフード fuァsutofu-do fast-foodjlpt3
ファスナー fuァsuna- fastener, zipperjlpt3
脂身 aburami fat meatryouri
脂肪 shibou fat, grease, blubberryouri
abura fat, tallow, lard, greasemix
太い futoi fat, thickadj, jlpt5
致命傷 chimeishou fatal woundmix
致命的 chimeiteki fatal, lethalmix
宿命論的な shukumeirontekina fatalisticadj
運命 unmei fatemix
chichi fatherjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
父親 chichioya fatherkazoku, leda1
疲労 hirou fatigue, wearinesssuru
蛇口 jaguchi faucet, tapuchi
過ち ayamachi fault, error, indiscretion, faux pasmix
欠点 ketten faults/defect/weakness/(P)leda1
良好 ryoukou favorable, favourable, satisfactorymix
on favour, favor, obligation, debt of gratitudemix
好調 kouchou favourable, favorable, promising, satisfactory, in good shapemix
好調の kouchouno favourable/favorable/promising/satisfactory/in good shape/(P)adj, leda1
愛器 aiki favourite musical instrument, utensil, etc.ongaku
ファックス fuァkkusu faxdenki, jlpt4
恐怖 kyoufu fear, dread, dismay, terror, horror, scare, panicmix
怖がっている kowagatteiru fearfuladj, emo
精悍 seikan fearless, intrepidmix
御馳走 gochisou feast, treating (someone)jlpt3, jlpt4, ryouri
羽根 hane featherdoubutsu
hane feather, wingdoubutsu, leda1
羽毛 umou feathers/plumage/down/(P)leda1
特集 tokushuu feature (e.g. newspaper), special edition, reportsuru
特徴 tokuchou feature, trait, characteristic, pecularityjlpt3
料金 ryoukin fee, charge, fareryokou
esa feed, bait; feed, baitryouri
気分 kibun feelingemo, leda1
感じ kanji feeling, sense, impressionmix
気持ち kimochi feelingsemo, jlpt4
仮病 kebyou feigned illnessbyouki
猫かぶり nekokaburi feigned innocence or naivete, beguiling innocence, wolf in sheep's clothingsuru
同士 doushi fellow, mutual, companion, comrade, bondingmix
mesu femalehito
舞姫 maihime female dancer, danseuse; female dancer, danseusemix
女生徒 joseito female studentgakkou
フェンネル fuェnneru fennelryouri, shokubutsu
シダ shida fernshokubutsu
シロイタチ shiroitachi ferretdoubutsu
観覧車 kanransha Ferris wheelmix
フェリー fuェri- ferryryokou
渡し場 watashiba ferry landing, point of departure or arrival for ferriesmix
お祭り omatsuri festivaljlpt4
祭典 saiten festivalmix
追儺祭 tsuinasai Festival to drive away evil spiritkami
祭り matsuri festival, feastmix
解熱剤 genetsuzai fever medicine, antipyretic, antifebrilemix
少ない sukunai few, a littleleda1
繊維 sen'i fibre, fiber, textilemix
han fiefdom/domain (precursor to current prefectures)/(P)mix
hatake fieldshizen
野原 nohara fieldmix
野鼠 nonezumi field mousedoubutsu
見学 kengaku field tripleda1, mix
分野 bun'ya field, sphere, realm, division, branchmix
hara field/plain/prairie/tundra/moor/wilderness/(P)leda1
田畑 tahata fieldsleda1, shizen
鬼神 kishin; kijin fierce god; fierce god; fierce godmix
けんか kenka fightjlpt4, suru
比喩的 hiyuteki figurativemix
打ち出の小槌 uchidenokoduchi figurative magic wandmix
体型 taikei figure (body)mix
zu figure (e.g. Fig 1)/drawing/picture/illustration/(P)leda1, math
姿 sugata figure, shape, appearancemix
図形 zukei figure, shape, graphicmix
細糸 hosoito filamentleda1
いっぱい ippai fill, fulljlpt4
フィルム fuィrumu film (roll of)jlpt5
映画音楽 eigaongaku film musicongaku
撮影所 satsueijo film studiomix
汚水 osui filthy water, sewagemix
ひれ hire findoubutsu
本選 honsen final selectionmix
ヒワ hiwa finchdoubutsu
就職 shuushoku finding employment, inaugurationjlpt3, suru
粉末 funmatsu fine powdermix
上質 joushitsu fine qualitymix
晴天 seiten fine weathertenki
いい天気 iitenki fine weather, fair weathertenki
yubi fingerhito, jlpt4
tsume fingernail, clawdoubutsu, hito
指紋 shimon fingerprinthito
指先 yubisaki fingertiphito, leda1
読了 dokuryou finish readingsuru
momi firshokubutsu
火事 kaji firejlpt4, leda1
hi firejlpt4
消防車 shoubousha fire engineryokou
消防士 shouboushi firefightershigoto
hotaru fireflydoubutsu
暖炉 danro fireplace, hearth, stoveuchi
発射 hassha firing, shooting, discharge, catapult, ejaculation (sl)suru
固い katai firmadj, jlpt3
しっかり shikkari firmlyjlpt3, jlpt4
二次会 nijikai first after partybaka
一日 tsuitachi first day of monthjlpt5, toki
一回戦 ikkaisen first game, first round (of tennis, etc.)mix
一年生 ichinensei first gradergakkou
前半 zenhan first halfjlpt3
初対面 shotaimen first meeting, first interview withmix
下の名前 shitanonamae first name, given namemix
初演 shoen first performancesuru
第一位 daiichii first placemix
首位 shui first place/head position/leading position/(P)adj, leda1
初詣 hatsumoude first shrine visit of New Yearsuru
初雪 hatsuyuki first snow (of season)tenki
第一歩 daiippo first step/(P)leda1
初釜 hatsugama first tea ceremony of New Yearmix
最初 saisho first timejlpt3, jlpt4
一見 ikken (1)look, glimpse, glance, (vs) (2)to glance, to glimpse, (3)(arch) first meeting, (adv) (4)apparently, seemingly suru
最初の一週間 saisho no isshuukan first weektoki
第一 daiichi first/foremost/number one/(P)leda1
一次(の) ichiji(no) first/primary/linear (equation)/first-orderadj, leda1
sakana fishdoubutsu, jlpt5, leda1
漁師 ryoushi fishermanjlpt3, shigoto
漁業 gyogyou fishing (industry)mix
漁船 gyosen fishing boatmix
漁港 gyokou fishing harbour, fishing harbormix
漁村 gyoson fishing village/(P)leda1
漁労 gyorou fishing, fisherymix
鉄拳 tekken fistmix
合う au fit, suit, be correct, to matchgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vintrans
五つ itsutsu fivejlpt5
五日 itsuka five days, the fifth day (of the month)jlpt5, toki
固定 kotei fixation, fixing (e.g. salary, capital)suru
定員 teiin fixed number of regular personnel, capacity (of boat, hall, aeroplane, airplane, etc.)mix
一定 ittei fixed, settled, constant, definite, uniform, regularized, regularised, defined, standardized, standardised, certain, prescribedsuru
hata flagmix
炎光 enkou flamemix
フラミンゴ furamingo flamingodoubutsu
懐中電灯 kaichuudentou flashlightdenki
派手な hade na flashy, fancyjlpt3
味付 ajitsuke flavouredmix
nomi fleadoubutsu
逃散 chousan; tousan fleeing in all directions, (in Japanese history, a reference to) farmers who abandoned their fields and fled to the cities or other districts to evade onerous taxes; fleeing in all directions, (in Japmix
曲げやすい mageyasui flexibleadj
欠航 kekkou flight cancellationsuru
ひれ足 hireashi flipperdoubutsu
いちゃいちゃ ichaicha flirt/make outsuru
洪水 kouzui floodshizen
治水 chisui flood controlsuru
yuka flooruchi
花模様 hanamoyou floral patternjlpt3
花屋 hanaya floristmise
hana flowekshokubutsu
hana flowerjlpt5, leda1, shokubutsu
活け花 ikebana flower arrangementmix
活花 ikebana flower arrangementmix
生け花 ikebana flower arrangementmix
生花 ikebana flower arrangementmix
花壇 kadan flower bed/(P)leda1
花祭 hanamatsuri Flower Festivalkami
花園 kaen flower gardenmix
花柄 hanagara flower patternjlpt3
草花 kusabana flower/flowering plant/(P)leda1
植木鉢 uekibachi flowerpot
流体 ryuutai fluidmix
流体力学 ryuutairikigaku fluid mechanicsmix
蛍光 keikou fluorescencemix
フッ素 fusso fluorine (F)mix
笛吹き fuefuki flute playerongaku
hae flydoubutsu
子馬 kouma foaldoubutsu, leda1
発泡 happou foamingsuru
焦点 shouten focus (e.g. photographic), focal pointmix
胎児 taiji foetushito
kiri fogtenki
折り畳み oritatami folding (desk, chair)mix
扇子 sensu folding fanfuku, leda1
ougi folding fanfuku
腕組み udegumi folding one's armsleda1, suru
葉酸 yousan folic acidkagaku
民俗学 minzokugaku folkloristics (formal study of folklore)mix
追随 tsuizui followsuru
翌年 yokutoshi; yokunen following year; following yearmix
好き suki fondness, loveai, jlpt5
食べ物 tabemono foodjlpt5, ryouri
飲食 inshoku food and drink/eating and drinking/(P)leda1, suru
蒸し物 mushimono food cooked by steamingmix
食文化 shokubunka food culture, dietary culture, cuisinemix
食あたり shokuatari food poisoningbyouki
食中毒 shokuchuudoku food poisoningbyouki, ryouri
食料品 shokuryouhin foodsjlpt4, ryouri
愚者 gusha fool, nitwitmix
足関節 ashikansetsu foot joint, anklehito
履き物 hakimono footwear, clogsmix
例えば tatoeba for examplejlpt4
世世 yoyo for generations, hereditary, generation after generationmix
しばらく shibaraku for some timejlpt4, toki
初めて hajimete for the first timejlpt5, mix
ため tame for, in order tojlpt4
外局 gaikyoku forcemath
部隊 butai force, unit, corps, echelon, elementsensou
前腕 maeude forearmhito
予報 yohou forecast, predictionjlpt3, suru
hitai foreheadhito, jlpt3
外国 gaikoku foreign countryjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
他国 takoku foreign country/another province/(P)leda1
異文化 ibunka foreign culture, foreign culturesmix
外国語 gaikokugo foreign languagemix
外国人 gaikokujin foreignerjlpt5
前髪 maegami forelock, bangshito
予知 yochi foresight/foreknowledge/intimation/premonition/prediction/(P)leda1, suru
mori forestleda1, shizen
林業 ringyou forestrymix
序言 jogen foreword, preface, introductionmix
緒言 shogen foreword, preface; foreword, prefacemix
フォーク fuォ-ku fork, folkjlpt3, jlpt5, ryouri
katachi form, shapejlpt4, math
儀礼的 gireiteki formal, courteousmix
公式 koushiki formulamath
毅然 kizen fortitude, firmness, resolutionmix
ki; shiro; jou fortress (surrounded by a wall, moat, etc.); castle; castle (in place names)mix
占い uranai fortune-telling, divinationmix
反則 hansoku foul play (sport), transgression, default, balk, irregularitysuru
ishizue foundation stone, cornerstonemix
基礎 kiso foundation, basismix
基本 kihon foundation, basis, standardjlpt3
建国 kenkoku founding of a nationsuru
万年筆 mannenhitsu fountain pengakkou, jlpt5
四つ yottsu fourjlpt5
yon fourjlpt5
四季 shiki four seasonstenki
四日 yokka fourth day of the month, four daysjlpt5, toki
kitsune foxdoubutsu
分数 bunsuu fractionjlpt3, math
片積雲 hensekiun fractocumulustenki
片乱雲 henran'un fractonimbustenki
片層雲 hensouun fractostratustenki
破片 hahen fragment, splinter, broken piecemix
waku frame, slide, bordermix
フランス furansu Francenamae
気さくな kisakuna frankadj, emo
端的 tanteki frank, direct, plain, straightforward, point-blank, concisemix
詐欺 sagi fraud, swindle, graftmix
そばかす sobakasu frecklehito
自由な jiyuu na freejlpt3
無料配達 muryou haitatsu free deliverymix
放談 houdan free talk, irresponsible talksuru
hima free time, leisure, leave, spare time, farewelljlpt5
無料 muryou free, no chargemix
自由 jiyuu freedomjlpt4, leda1
フリージア furi-jia freesiashokubutsu
冷凍庫 reitouko freezeruchi
貨車 kasha freight car, vanmix
郵送料 yuusouryou freight costs/transport costsjlpt3
運賃 unchin freight rates, shipping expenses, faremix
貨物列車 kamotsuressha freight trainmix
フランス語 furansugo French languagemix
頻発 hinpatsu frequency, frequent occurrencesuru
頻繁 hinpan frequent, incessantmix
よく yoku frequently, oftenjlpt5
新鮮 shinsen freshjlpt3
爽やか sawayaka fresh, refreshingadj
新鋭 shin'ei freshly picked, newly producedmix
新入生 shinnyuusei freshman/first-year studentleda1
金曜日 kin'youbi Fridayjlpt5, toki
卵焼き tamagoyaki fried eggs, omelet, omeletteryouri
焼きそば yakisoba fried sobaryouri
野菜炒め yasaiitame fried vegetablesryouri
知人 chijin friend, acquaintancemix
友人 yuujin friend/(P)jlpt3, jlpt3, leda1
友達 tomodachi friend/companion/(P)jlpt5, leda1
友好的 yuukouteki friendlyadj, emo
親善試合 shinzenjiai friendly match (game), friendlymix
おまわりさん omawarisan friendly term for policemanjlpt5, shigoto
友軍 yuugun friendly troopssensou
親睦 shinboku friendship, amitymix
友好 yuukou friendship/(P)leda1
友情 yuujou friendship/fellowship/camaraderie/(P)leda1
怖い kowai frighteningadj, jlpt4
kaeru frogdoubutsu
遠くから tookukara from a distancemix
今から imakara from now ontoki
古来 korai from time immemorial, ancient, time-honoured, time-honoredtoki
表紙 hyoushi front cover, bindingmix
表玄関 omotegenkan front door, vestibulemix
前線 zensen front line, (weather) frontmix
襟元 erimoto front of neck, collarmix
前歯 maeba front tooth; front toothmix
shimo frosttenki
露霜 tsuyujimo frozen dewshizen
氷海 hyoukai frozen sea/icy watersleda1
果物 kudamono fruitjlpt5, ryouri
フルーツ furu-tsu fruitjlpt3, ryouri
桑苺 kuwaichigo fruit of the mulberrymix
果物屋 kudamonoya fruit store, fruit dealer, fruit seller, fruiterer, fruiteressmise
果実 kajitsu fruit, nut, berrymix
欲求不満 yokkyuufuman frustrationemo
フライパン furaipan frying panjlpt3, ryouri
ラクシア rakushia fuchsiashokubutsu
燃料 nenryou fuelmix
福井県 fukuiken Fukui prefecture (Hokuriku area)namae
福岡 fukuoka Fukuoka (city, prefecture)namae
福岡県 fukuokaken Fukuoka prefecture (Kyuushuu)namae
福禄寿 fukurokuju Fukurokuju, god of wisdom and longevitykami
福島 fukushima Fukushima (city, prefecture, and nuclear power plant))namae
福島県 fukushimaken Fukushima prefecture (Touhoku area)namae
満席 manseki full house, all seats occupied, fully occupiedmix
満月 mangetsu full moonleda1, shizen
大幅 oohaba full width, large scale, drasticmix
関数 kansuu functionmath
機能 kinou function, facility, faculty, featuresuru
関数解析 kansuukaiseki functional analysismath
基本的 kihonteki fundamental, standard, basicjlpt3
基本的な kihonteki na fundamental, standard, basicjlpt3
資金 shikin funds, capitalmix
葬式 soushiki funeralmix
葬祭 sousai funerals and ceremonial occasionsmix
滑稽な言葉 kokkei na kotoba funny wordsmix
家具 kagu furnitureuchi
家具屋 kaguya furniture store, furniture dealermise
むだな mudana futile, wastefuljlpt3
無駄 muda futility/uselessness/pointlessness/(P)jlpt3
布団 futon futonjlpt4, uchi
将来 shourai futurejlpt4, leda1, toki
今後の課題 kongonokadai future workmath
風神 fuujin Fuujin, god of the windkami
足下 ashimoto gait, step, underfootleda1
強風 kyoufuu galetenki
大風 ookaze gale, strong windsmix
胆嚢 tannou gall bladderhito
胆石 tanseki gallstonesbyouki
博打 bakuchi gamblingmix
試合 shiai gamejlpt4, sport
競技 kyougi game, match, contestsuru
カツオドリ katsuodori gannetdoubutsu
車庫 shako garage, car shed, carportmix
niwa gardenjlpt5, uchi
園遊会 en'yuukai garden partymix
植木 ueki garden shrubs, trees, potted plantmix
庭園 teien garden, parkmix
庭師 niwashi gardenermix
梔子 kuchinashi gardeniashokubutsu
服装 fukusou garments, attiremix
ゲート ge-to gateryokou
mon gatejlpt5, leda1
守衛 shuei gatekeepershigoto
収集 shuushuu gathering up, collection, accumulationsuru
集まり atsumari gathering, meeting, assembly, collectionjlpt3
芸者 geisha geisha, Japanese singing and dancing girlmix
宝石 houseki gem, jewelmix
将軍 shougun generalsensou
大枠 oowaku general frameworkmix
概念 gainen general idea, concept, notionmix
総会 soukai general meetingmix
総同盟罷業 soudoumeihigyou general strikeshigoto
総称 soushou general termsuru
一般 ippan general, liberal, universal, ordinary, averagemix
だいたい daitai general, substantially, outline, main pointjlpt4
大体 daitai general, substantially, outline, main point, approximately, aboutjlpt3
世代 sedai generationleda1
発電 hatsuden generation (e.g. power)suru
天才 tensai geniusleda1
温和 onwa gentle, mild, moderatemix
紳士 shinshi gentlemanmix
諸君 shokun Gentlemen!, Ladies!mix
本物 honmono genuine articleleda1
地理学 chirigaku geographygakkou
地理 chiri geography, geographical featuresgakkou, jlpt4
地質 chishitsu geologyshizen
ゼラニウム zeraniumu geraniumshokubutsu
アレチネズミ arechinezumi gerbildoubutsu
ドイツ doitsu germanynamae
萌芽 houga germination, germ, sprout, bud, signsuru
電車を降りる tensha wo oriru get off the trainryokou
下駄 geta geta (Japanese footwear)/wooden clogs/(P)fuku
接近 sekkin getting closer, drawing nearer, approachingsuru
間欠温泉 kanketsuonsen geysershizen
幽霊話 yuureibanashi ghost storymix
怪談 kaidan ghost storymix
幽霊 yuurei ghost, specter, spectre, apparition, phantommix
幽鬼 yuuki ghost/revenant/spirit (of the dead)/departed soulmix
手長猿 tenagazaru gibbondoubutsu
贈り物 okurimono giftjlpt4
プレゼント purezento gift, presentjlpt4
岐阜県 gifuken Gifu prefecture (Chuubu area)namae
メデシコ medeshiko gillyflowershokubutsu
キリン kirin giraffedoubutsu
女の子 onnanoko girlhito, jlpt5
少女 shoujo girlhito, leda1
女子 joshi girl, Ms.hito, leda1
雛祭り hinamatsuri Girls' Festival (March 3rd), Dolls' Festivalnamae, toki
女子高 joshikou girls' schoolgakkou, leda1
要点 youten gist/main point/(P)leda1
あげる ageru givejlpt5
くれる kureru givejlpt4
差し上げる sashiageru givejlpt4
くださる kudasaru give (polite)jlpt4
やり取り yaritori giving and taking/exchange (of letters)/arguing back and forth/(conversational) exchange/(P)jlpt3, suru
降参 kousan giving in to, giving up, surrendersuru
氷河 hyouga glaciershizen, tenki
喜色 kishoku glad countenance, joyful lookmix
グラジオラス gurajiorasu gladiolusshokubutsu
sen glandmix
ガラス garasu glassjlpt4
グラス gurasu glassryouri
眼鏡 megane glassesfuku, jlpt5
最大値 saidaichi global maximum, greatest valuemath
地球温暖化 chikyuuondanka global warmingmix
世界的 sekaiteki global, international, world-famousmix
手袋 tebukuro glovesfuku, jlpt4
グロキシニア gurokishinia gloxiniashokubutsu
nori gluegakkou
ブヨ buyo gnatdoubutsu
ヤギ yagi goatdoubutsu
化物 bakemono goblin, apparition, monster, ghost, phantom, spectre, specter; (n) goblin, apparition, monster, ghost, phantom, spectre, specterkami
天命 tenmei God's will, karma, destiny, Heaven's decree, one's lifemix
神様 kamisama God/(P)kami, leda1
五段動詞 godandoushi godan verbbunpou
女神 megami goddesskami, leda1
渡米 tobei going to USA, going to Americasuru
出勤 shukkin going to work, at worksuru
kin goldkagaku
金銀 kingin gold and silverkagaku
金将 kinshou Gold generalShogi
金メダル kinmedaru gold medalmix
黄金 ougon gold; (n,adj-no) gold; (n,adj-no) gold; goldmix
コウライウグイス kouraiuguisu golden orioledoubutsu
金魚 kingyo goldfishdoubutsu, leda1
ゴルフ gorufu golfsport
いい ii goodadj, jlpt5
よろしい yoroshii goodadj, jlpt4
良い yoi goodadj, jlpt5
親切な shinsetsuna good (kind)adj, emo, jlpt4, leda1
こんにちは konnichiha good day, hellokaiwa
今晩は konbanha good eveningkaiwa
fuku good fortunemix
kichi good fortune/good luckmix
丈夫 joubu good health, robustness, strong, solid, durable, hero, gentleman, warrior, manly personadj, jlpt5
名案 meian good ideamix
幸運 kouun good luck, fortunekaiwa
縁起がいい engigaii good omenkami
好機 kouki good opportunity, chancemix
令聞 reibun good reputation, famemix
快晴 kaisei good weathertenki
好意 koui good will/favor/favour/courtesy/(P)leda1
鵞鳥 gachou goosedoubutsu
スグリ suguri gooseberryryouri, shokubutsu
ゴリラ gorira gorilladoubutsu
官公庁 kankouchou government administration officemix
役所 yakusho government office, public officemix
与党 yotou government party, (ruling) party in power, governmentseiji
政府 seifu government, administrationseiji
恩恵 onkei grace, favor, favour, blessing, benefitmix
品位 hin'i grace/dignity/grade/nobility/quality/(P)leda1
学年 gakunen grade (academic year)gakkou, leda1
段々 dandan graduallyjlpt5
大学院生 daigakuinsei graduate studentmix
卒業生 sotsugyousei graduate, alumnusmix
同窓会 dousoukai graduate's association, alumni meeting, class reunion
卒業式 sotsugyoushiki graduationgakkou
卒業 sotsugyou graduationgakkou, jlpt4
卒業論文 sotsugyouronbun graduation thesismath
肌理 kime grain, (skin) texturemix
グラム guramu gramjlpt5
文法 bunpou grammarbunpou, jlpt4
祖父 sofu grand fatherjlpt4, kazoku
祖母 sobo grand motherjlpt4, kazoku, leda1
大叔母 oooba grandaunt, great-auntmix
mago grandchildjlpt3
孫娘 magomusume granddaughtermix
おじいさん ojiisan grandfather, male senior-citizenjlpt5, kazoku
おばあさん obaasan grandmother, female senior-citizenjlpt5, kazoku
孫息子 magomusuko grandsonmix
御影石 mikageishi granitekagaku
ぶどう budou grapejlpt4, ryouri
グレープフルーツ gure-pufuru-tsu grapefruitryouri, shokubutsu
グラフ gurafu graphmath
把握 haaku grasp, catch, understandingsuru
kusa grassjlpt4, leda1, shokubutsu
草原 sougen grass-covered plain/grasslands/meadows/savannah/prairie/steppe/(P)leda1
バッタ batta grasshopperdoubutsu
有難い arigatai grateful, thankful, welcome, appreciated, evoking gratitudeadj
おろし器 oroshiki graterryouri
haka gravesite, tombmix
墓場 hakaba graveyard, cemeterymix
引力 inryoku gravitymix
灰色リス haiirorisu gray squirreldoubutsu
大蟻食い ooarikui great anteaterdoubutsu
大昔 oomukashi great antiquity, old-fashioned, long agomix
満悦 man'etsu great delight, rapturesuru
大差 taisa great differencemix
努力 doryoku great effort, exertion, endeavour, endeavor, effortjlpt3, mix
普段な fudan na great effort, exertion, endeavour, endeavor, effortsuru
大鷺 daisagi great egretdoubutsu
多幸 takou great happinessmix
大喜び ooyorokobi great joymix
関東大震災 kantoudaishinsai Great Kanto earthquake of 1923namae
大笑い oowarai great laughter, burst of laughtermix
最大 saidai greatest, largest, maximummix
midori greeniro, jlpt4
緑色の midoriirono greenadj, iro
青竹 aodake green bambooleda1
グリーン車 guri-nsha green car (1st class)ryokou
青信号 aoshingou green lightmix
煎茶 sencha green tea, tea leavesryouri
八百屋 yaoya greengrocerjlpt5, leda1, mise, shigoto
温室効果 onshitsukouka greenhouse effectmix
挨拶 aisatsu greetingmix
灰色港 haiirominato Grey Havensnamae
椋鳥 mukudori grey starlingdoubutsu
灰色 haiiro grey, gray, asheniro
食料品店 shokuryouhinten grocer, grocery storemise
乾物屋 kanbutsuya grocery storemise
tsuchi groundshizen
画期的 kakkiteki ground-breaking, epoch-makingmix
グループ guru-pu group (usu. of people)jlpt3
隊員 taiin group membersmix
集団 shuudan group, massmix
han group, party, section (mil)mix
ライチョウ raichou grousedoubutsu
成長率 seichouritsu growth rateshigoto
成長 seichou growth, grow to adulthoodjlpt3, suru
怨念 onnen grudge, malice, hatredmix
グアバ guaba guavashokubutsu
推測 suisoku guess, conjecturesuru
kyaku  guestjlpt4
お客さん okyakusan guest, visitor, customershigoto
来賓 raihin guest, visitor, visitor's arrivalmix
誘導 yuudou guidance, leading, induction, introduction, incitement, inducementsuru
盲導犬 moudouken guide dog for the blind, seeing eye dogmix
案内書 annaisho guidebook, guidemix
モルモツト morumotsuto guinea pigdoubutsu
ギーター gi-ta- guitarongaku
ギター gita- guitarjlpt5
歯茎 haguki gumhito
大砲 taihou gun, cannon, artillerymix
juu gun, rifle, small armsmix
tsutsu gun, rifle, small arms; gun, cannon, artillery, ordnancemix
群馬県 gunmaken Gunma prefecture (Kantou area)namae
火薬 kayaku gunpowder, powdermix
銃声 juusei gunshot, (gun) reportmix
胆玉 kimodama guts, pluck, nerve, spiritemo
体育館 taiikukan gymnasiumgakkou
習慣 shuukan habit, customjlpt4
八幡神 hachiman Hachiman, god of warkami, sensou
ハドック hadokku haddockdoubutsu
俳句 haiku haiku poetry (17-syllable poem usually in 3 lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables)mix
hyou hailtenki
ひょうの粒 hyounotsubu hailstonetenki
kami hairhito, jlpt4
髪の毛 kaminoke hairhito, leda1
後ろ髪 ushirogami hair in backhito
ke hair or furdoubutsu, hito, jlpt4, leda1
毛根 moukon hair roothito
髪形 kamigata hair style, coiffure, hairdohito
毛髪移植 mouhatsuishoku hair transplantbyouki
無毛 mumou hairlessmix
katsura hairpiece, wig; hairpiece, wigmix
han halfjlpt5
半分 hanbun halfjlpt5, leda1
半分 hanpun half minutejlpt5, toki
二分音符 nibuonpu half note, minimongaku
半音 han'on half tone (music)ongaku
半年 hantoshi half yeartoki
オヒョウ ohyou halibutdoubutsu
岩塩 iwashio; gan'en halite, rock salt; halite, rock saltmix
円光 enkou halomix
ハンバーガー hanba-ga- hamburgerryouri
シュモク鮫 shumokuzame hammer head sharkdoubutsu
ハムスター hamusuta- hamsterdoubutsu
te handhito, jlpt5
ハンドバッグ handobaggu handbag fuku, jlpt4
手錠 tejou handcuffs, manaclesmix
手芸 shugei handicraftsmix
ハンカチ hankachi handkerchieffuku, jlpt5
取っ手 totte handle/grip/knob/(P)mix
美男 binan handsome manleda1
美少年 bishounen handsome youth (male)/pretty boyhito
倒立 touritsu handstandsuru
羽田 haneda Haneda Airportnamae
二日酔い futsukayoi hangoversuru
羽織 haori haori (Japanese formal coat)fuku
幸い saiwai happiness, blessednessmix
幸せ shiawase happiness, good fortune, luck, blessingmix
幸せな shiawase na happyadj, jlpt3
港口 koukou harbor entrance, harbour entrancemix
堅い katai hardadj, jlpt4
苦戦 kusen hard fight, close gamesuru
~にくい ~nikui hard to ~jlpt4
言い難い iigatai hard to say, inexpressible, hesitant to say; hard to say, inexpressible, hesitant to sayadj
刻苦 kokku hard worksuru
働き者 hatarakimono hard worker, hardworking personmix
努力家 doryokuka hard worker, hardworking personmix
硬度 koudo hardness, soliditymix
硬質 koushitsu hardness, stiffnessmix
野兎 nousagi haredoubutsu
調和 chouwa harmonysuru
和声 wasei harmony, concord, consonanceongaku
収穫 shuukaku harvest, crop, ingatheringsuru
急ぎ isogi haste, hurry, expedition, speed, dispatchjlpt3
帽子 boushi hatfuku, jlpt3, jlpt5, leda1
終息 shuusoku having ended, being resolvedsuru, vintrans
taka hawkdoubutsu
へーゼルナッツ he-zerunattsu hazel nutryouri, shokubutsu
kare he,boyfriendjlpt4
atama headhito, jlpt5, leda1
部長 buchou head of a sectionjlpt4, shigoto
宗家 souka; souke head of family, originator; head of family, originatormix
先頭 sentou head/lead/vanguard/first/(P)leda1
頭痛 zutsuu headache/(P)byouki, leda1
保健体育 hokentaiiku health and physical educationbyouki, gakkou, jlpt3
保健所 hokenjo health care centerbyouki, jlpt3
健康診断書 kenkoushindansho health certificatemix
健康保険 kenkouhoken health insurancebyouki
健全 kenzen health, soundness, wholesomemix
元気 genki health(y), robust, vigor, energy, vitality, vim, staminajlpt5, leda1
健康 kenkou health/sound/wholesome/(P)mix
健康な kenkouna healthyadj, jlpt3
聞き伝え kikitsutae hearsaymix
霊柩車 reikyuusha hearsemix
心臓 shinzou hearthito, leda1
狭心症 kyoushinshou heart attack, angina pectorismix
心疾患 shinshikkan heart diseasebyouki
心臓病 shinzoubyou heart trouble, heart diseasebyouki
熱源 netsugen heat sourceshizen
netsu heat, feverbyouki, jlpt3, jlpt4
ヒーター hi-ta- heaterjlpt3
ストーブ suto-bu heater, stovejlpt5, uchi
暖房 danbou heatingjlpt3, jlpt4, uchi
火力 karyoku heating power, steam powermix
加熱 kanetsu heating, application of heatsuru
天皇 tennou heavenly emperorkami
天女 tennyo heavenly nymph, celestial maidenmix
重い omoi heavyadj, jlpt5
暴飲 bouin heavy drinkingleda1, suru
大酒 oozake heavy drinkingbaka
馬食 bashoku heavy eatingbaka, suru
重油 juuyu heavy oil, fuel oilmix
大雨 ooame heavy rainleda1, shizen
豪雨 gouu heavy rain, cloudburst, downpourmix
愛煙家 aienka heavy smoker, habitual smokermix
重たい omotai heavy, massive, serious, important, severe, oppressedadj
垣根 kakine hedge, fencemix
kakato heelhito
平安時代 heianjidai Heian period (794-1185)mix
身長 shinchou height (of body)/stature/(P)jlpt3, leda1
se height, staturejlpt5
ヘリコプター herikoputa- helicopterryokou
ヘリウム heriumu heliumkagaku
地獄 jigoku hellkami
地獄の様な jigokunoyouna hellishadj
もしもし moshimoshi hello (on phone)jlpt5
ヘルメット herumetto helmet, hard hat, protective headgearjlpt3
半球 hankyuu hemisphereshizen
草食動物 soushokudoubutsu herbivoredoubutsu, leda1
群れ mure herd of cowsdoubutsu
象の群れ zounomure herd of elephantsdoubutsu
ヘラジカの群れ herajikanomure herd of elkdoubutsu
ここ koko herejlpt5
先天性 sentensei hereditarymix
遺伝性疾患 idenseishikkan hereditary disease, hereditary disorderbyouki
遺伝 iden heredity, inherentsuru
英雄 eiyuu hero, great mansensou
sagi herondoubutsu
ニシン nishin herringdoubutsu
異性愛者 iseiaisha heterosexualai
六角形 rokkakkei hexagonmath
全盛期 zenseiki heyday, golden agemix
kawa hide, barkdoubutsu, jlpt3, shokubutsu
象形 shoukei hieroglyphics, type of character representing picturesmix
高学歴 kougakureki high academic achievement, advanced academic training, higher educationmix
高血圧 kouketsuatsu high blood pressure, hypertensionbyouki
ハイヒール haihi-ru high heels, high-heeled shoesjlpt3
絶賛 zessan high praise, great admiration, rave reviewssuru
高校 koukou high schoolgakkou, jlpt4
高等学校 koutougakkou high schoolgakkou, jlpt4
高校生 koukousei high school studentgakkou, jlpt4, shigoto
満潮 manchou (1)high tide, (2)rising tide mix
美酒 bishu high-grade sakeleda1
最高 saikou highest, supreme, the mostjlpt3
専門家の senmonkano highly trainedadj
oka hillshizen
坂道 sakamichi hill roadmix
oka hill, height, knoll, rising groundshizen
野山 noyama hills and fields, hill and dalemix
邪魔 jama hindrance, intrusionsuru
koshi hiphito
股関節 kokansetsu hip joint, coxahito
河馬 kaba hippopotamusdoubutsu
平仮名 hiragana hiragana, the cursive syllabarybunpou, jlpt5
広島 hiroshima Hiroshima (city)leda1, namae
広島県 hiroshimaken Hiroshima prefecture (Chuugoku area)namae
天皇陛下 tennouheika His Majesty the Emperormix
遺跡 iseki historic ruins (remains, relics)mix
史跡 shiseki historical landmarkmix
歴史 rekishi historygakkou, jlpt3, jlpt4
日本史 nihonshi history of Japanmix
ヒット hitto hit, success, safe hit (baseball), being a hitjlpt3
趣味 shumi hobbyjlpt3, jlpt4
持つ motsu hold, carry, possessjlpt5
開催 kaisai holding a meeting, open an exhibitionsuru
別荘 bessou holiday house, villamix
記念日 kinenbi holiday, anniversary, memorial daymix
uro; hora hollow, cavity, hole; cave, den, grottomix
aoi hollyhockshokubutsu
正則関数 seisokukansuu holomorphic functionmath
uchi home (one's own), insidejlpt5, uchi
故郷 kokyou home town, birthplace, old village, historic village, native place, one's old home; home town, birthplace, old village, historic village, native place, one's old homejlpt3
古里 furusato home town/birthplace/old village/historic village/native place/one's old home/(P)leda1
帰省 kisei homecoming, returning homejlpt3
担任 tannin homeroom teachergakkou, shigoto
宿題 shukudai homeworkgakkou, jlpt5
同性愛者 douseiaisha homosexual (person)mix
同性愛 douseiai homosexual loveai
正直な shoujikina honestadj, emo, jlpt3
新婚旅行 shinkonryokou honeymoonmix
香港 honkon Hong Kong (China)mix
賞状 shoujou honorable certificate, honourable certificate
敬語 keigo honorific, term of respectbunpou
光栄 kouei honour, honor, glory, privilegemix
本州 honshuu Honshu (largest of the four main islands of Japan)mix
ヤツガシラ yatsugashira hoopoedoubutsu
希望 kibou hopeemo, jlpt3
ぴょんぴょん pyonpyon hopping/skipping/(P)onoma
地平線 chiheisen horizon (related to land)mix
水平線 suiheisen horizon (related to sea or lakes)mix
雀蜂 suzumebachi hornetdoubutsu
ホラー hora- horrorjlpt3
uma horsedoubutsu, leda1
馬車 basha horse carriageleda1, ryokou
abu horse flydoubutsu
馬力 bariki horse powermix
競馬 keiba horse racingmix
ホースラディッシュ ho-suradeィsshu horseradishryouri, shokubutsu
わさび wasabi horseradishryouri
西洋わさび seiyouwasabi horseradish (Armoracia rusticana)ryouri, shokubutsu
蹄鉄 teitetsu horseshoemix
園芸 engei horticulture, gardeningmix
放水 housui hose down, drainagesuru
病院 byouin hospitalbyouki, jlpt5
暑い atsui hotadj, jlpt5, tenki
辛い karai hotadj, jlpt5, ryouri
熱い atsui hot (thing)adj, jlpt5
熱血 nekketsu hot blood/zeal/fervor/fervour/ardorleda1
yu hot waterjlpt4, ryouri
お湯 oyu hot waterryouri
布袋 hotei Hotei, deity of contentment and abundancekami
ホテル hoteru hoteljlpt5
~時 ~ji hour (of day)jlpt5, toki
短針 tanshin hour handmix
時給 jikyuu hourly pay, hourly wageshigoto
自宅謹慎 jitakukinshin house arrestmix
借家 shakuya house for rent, rented house, renting a house; house for rent, rented house, renting a house; house for rent, rented house, renting a house; house for rent, rented house, renting a housesuru
岩燕 iwatsubame house martindoubutsu
参議院 sangiin House of Councillorsseiji
家雀 iesuzume house sparrowdoubutsu
ie house, homejlpt5, uchi
家庭 katei householdjlpt3, jlpt5
主婦 shufu housewifeshigoto
どう dou howjlpt5
何時 nanji how many hourstoki
何分 nanpun how many minutestoki
何度 nando how many times?, how often?mix
何回 nankai how many times?/(P)leda1
いくつ ikutsu how many?, how old?jlpt5
いくら ikura how much?, how many?jlpt5
どんなに donnani how, how muchjlpt3
いかが ikaga how, whatjlpt4
いくら~ても ikura~temo howeverjlpt4
けれど keredo howeverjlpt4
しかし shikashi however, butjlpt5
色合 iroai hue, tinge, tintmix
色合い iroai hue, tinge, tintmix
膨大 boudai huge, bulky, enormous, extensive, swelling, expansionmix
でっかい dekkai huge, gargantuanadj
でかい dekai huge, gargantuanadj
巨大 kyodai huge, gigantic, enormousmix
人体 jintai human body; personal appearance, looks; personal appearance, looksmix
人里 hitozato human habitationleda1
人生 jinsei human lifeleda1
人権 jinken human rights, civil libertiesseiji
謙遜 kenson humble, humility, modestymix
蒸し暑い mushiatsui humid/sultry/(P)adj, jlpt3
湿気 shikke humidityjlpt3, mix
ユーモア yu-moa humor/humour/(P)jlpt3
こぶ kobu humpdoubutsu
百点 hyakuten hundred points/perfect markleda1
飢え ue hunger, starvationmix
猟師 ryoushi hunter, huntsmanshigoto
狩人 kariudo; karibito; karyuudo hunter; hunter; huntermix
ハリケーン harike-n hurricanetenki
急遽 kyuukyo hurriedly, in a hurrymix
主人 shujin husbandkazoku
otto husbandjlpt4, kazoku
ご主人 goshujin husbandkazoku
ヒヤシンス hiyashinsu hyacinthshokubutsu
紫陽花 ajisai hydrangeashokubutsu
水力 suiryoku hydraulic power, water powermix
水素 suiso hydrogenkagaku
ハイエナ haiena hyenadoubutsu
兵庫県 hyougoken Hyogo prefecture (Kinki area) (Hyougo)namae
催眠術 saiminjutsu hypnotismmix
震源 shingen hypocentre (of an earthquake), hypocentertenki
ヒソップ hisoppu hyssopshokubutsu
watakushi I (formal), myself, private affairsjlpt5
watashi I (informal)jlpt5
boku I (used by men with close acquaintances)jlpt4
そうですか soudesuka I seekaiwa
形容詞 keiyoushi i-adjectivebunpou
居合道 iaidou iaido (art of drawing the Japanese sword)sport
茨城県 ibarakiken Ibaraki prefecture (Kantou area)namae
koori icekagaku, leda1, ryouri, tenki
氷山 hyouzan ice bergleda1, shizen, tenki
アイスコーヒー aisuko-hi- ice coffeeryouri
アイスホッケー aisuhokke- ice hockeysport
アイスクリーム aisukuri-mu icecreamryouri
一段動詞 ichidandoushi ichidan verbbunpou
つらら tsurara icicletenki
アイデア aidea ideajlpt3
アイディア aideィa ideajlpt3
理念 rinen ideamix
理想 risou ideal, dreammix
同様 douyou identical, equal to, same (kind), like, similaritymix
絵文字 emoji ideograph/pictographmix
慣用句 kan'youku idiomatic usage, common usagemix
馬鹿 baka idiotbaka
不勉強 fubenkyou idleness, lack of application, lazy study habitsgakkou
もし moshi ifjlpt4
点火 tenka ignition/lighting/set fire toleda1, suru
病気の byoukino illadj, byouki
違法 ihou illegal, illegality, invalid, unlawfulnessmix
病気 byouki illness, diseasebyouki, jlpt5
照明 shoumei illumination, lightingdenki
図説 zusetsu illustration, diagrammix
画像処理 gazoushori image processingmix
画像 gazou image, picture, portraitmix
想像 souzou imagination, guessjlpt3, suru
模倣 mohou imitation, copyingsuru
直後 chokugo immediately followingmix
不逮捕特権 futaihotokken immunity from arrest (i.e. of Diet members or foreign diplomats), diplomatic immunity, parliamentary immunity, legislative immunitymix
逸る hayaru impatientemo
不完全 fukanzen imperfect, incomplete, faulty, defectivemix
秋季皇霊祭 shuukikoureisai imperial ceremony of ancestor worship formerly held on the autumnal equinoxmix
春季皇霊祭 shunkikoureisai imperial ceremony of ancestor worship formerly held on the vernal equinoxmix
朝廷 choutei Imperial Courtmix
皇族 kouzoku imperial family, royaltymix
天覧 tenran imperial inspectionmix
宮城 kyuujou Imperial Palaceseiji
実現 jitsugen implementation (e.g. of a system), materialization, materialisation, realization, realisationsuru
陰関数 inkansuu implicit functionmath
失礼 shitsurei impoliteness, Excuse me, Goodbyejlpt4
重視 juushi importance, stress, serious considerationsuru
大切 taisetsu importantadj, jlpt5
大事 daiji importantjlpt4
大事な daijina importantadj, jlpt4
冠婚葬祭 kankonsousai important ceremonial occasions in family relationshipskazoku
要人 youjin important personmix
重点 juuten important point/lay stress on/colon/emphasis/(P)leda1
重要 juuyou important, momentous, essential, principal, majorjlpt3
重要な juuyouna important, momentous, essential, principal, majorjlpt3
大切(な) taisetsu(na) important/valuable/worthy of care/(P)adj, leda1
不可能 fukanou impossiblejlpt3
不可能な fukanou na impossiblejlpt3
印象 inshou impressionjlpt3, suru
感想 kansou impressions, thoughtsjlpt3, suru
改良 kairyou improvement, reformsuru
厚顔 kougan impudence, audacitymix
~中 ~chuu in (the middle of), within, during, whilejlpt5
交際中 kousaichuu in a relationshipmix
要するに yousuruni in a word, after all, the point is ..., in short ...mix
際に saini in case of, at this timemix
駅前 ekimae in front of station/(P)leda1
つまり tsumari in other wordsjlpt3
準備中 junbichuu in preparation, (shop) not yet open for businessmix
にも関らず nimokakawarazu in spite of, neverthelessmix
次々 tsugitsugi in succession, one by onejlpt3
それでは soredeha in that situation, well then ...jlpt5
初めに hajimeni in the beginning, at firstjlpt5
市中 shichuu in the citymix
これから korekara in the future, hereafterjlpt4, toki
取り込み中 torikomichuu in the middle of something, busymix
午前中 gozenchuu in the morningtoki
あの頃 anokoro in those daysmix
非情 hijou inanimate nature, callous, heartlessmix
稲荷 inari Inari, god or goddess of rice and fertilitykami
陰阜 inbu inbu
線香 senkou incense stickmix
出来事 dekigoto incident, affair, happening, eventjlpt3
不燃 funen incombustibilitymix
所得 shotoku incomeshigoto
未完 mikan incomplete, unfinishedmix
不便 fuben inconvenientadj, jlpt4
増加 zouka increase, increment, additionsuru
誠に makotoni indeed, really, absolutely, truly, actually, very, quitemix
有耶無耶 uyamuya indefinite, hazy, vaguemix
独立 dokuritsu independence (e.g. Independence Day), self-supportsuru
独立国 dokuritsukoku independent state or nationmix
人差し指 hitosashiyubi index fingerhito, jlpt3
インド象 indozou indian elephantdoubutsu
インド洋 indoyou Indian Oceanmix
表示 hyouji indication, expression, display, presentation, representation, manifestationsuru
指示 shiji indication, instruction, designation, directionssuru
間接的 kansetsuteki indirectmix
間接キス kansetsukisu indirect kiss (e.g. drinking from a cup someone has just used)ai
不可欠 fukaketsu indispensable, essentialmix
必須 hissu indispensable, requiredmix
個人 kojin individual, private person, personal, privatemix
個性 kosei individuality, personality, idiosyncrasymix
内湯 uchiyu indoor bath using water from a hot-springmix
上履き uwabaki indoor shoesfuku
室内 shitsunai indoor/inside the room/(P)adj, leda1
工業国 kougyoukoku industrialized nation, industrialised nationmix
工業 kougyou industryjlpt4
産業 sangyou industryjlpt4
必然的 hitsuzenteki inevitable, necessarymix
必然 hitsuzen inevitable/necessary/(P)adj, leda1
未熟 mijuku inexperience, unripeness, raw, unskilled, immature, inexperiencedmix
幼児 youji infant/baby/child/(P)jlpt3
感染 kansen infection, contagionsuru
無限 mugen infinitemix
炎症 enshou inflammation, irritationbyouki
石頭 ishiatama inflexible person/(P)adj, leda1
インフルエンザ infuruenza influenzabyouki
非公式 hikoushiki informalmix
内諾 naidaku informal consent, private consentsuru
案内所 annaijo information deskmix
成分 seibun ingredient/component/composition/(P)kagaku
原材料名 genzairyou mei ingredientsmix
吸入 kyuunyuu inhalationsuru
持ち味 mochiaji inherent flavor, inherent flavour, distinctive characteristicmix
遺産 isan inheritance, bequest, legacy, heritagemix
非人間的 hiningenteki inhuman, impersonalmix
初期条件 shokijouken initial conditionmath
初期値問題 shokichi mondai initial value problemmath
初期値 shokichi initial value, initializing value, IVmix
注射 chuusha injectbyouki, jlpt4
怪我 kega injurybyouki, jlpt3
けがする kegasuru injury, get hurt, be injuredbyouki, jlpt4, suru, verb
不正 fusei injusticemix
sumi inkmix
e; kou (1)(arch) large river (esp. the Yangtze), (2)Lake Biwa mix
入り江 irie inlet, cove, creek, baymix
インラインスケート inrainsuke-to inline skatessport
無邪気な mujakina innocentadj, emo
飽足らない akitaranai insatiableemo
mushi insectdoubutsu, jlpt4, leda1
昆虫 konchuu insect/bug/(P)adj, leda1
食虫動物 shokuchuudoubutsu insectivoredoubutsu
挿入 sounyuu insertion, incorporation, infixingsuru
車内 shanai inside a carriagemix
館内 kannai inside buildingmix
域内 ikinai inside the areamix
体内 tainai inside the body/(P)adj, leda1
naka inside, middle, amongjlpt5
内側 uchigawa inside/interior/inner part/(P)adj, leda1
つまらない tsumaranai insignificant, boring, triflingadj, jlpt5
零細 reisai insignificant, trifling, paltry, cottage (industry), tiny (company)mix
力説 rikisetsu insistence, (major) emphasis, stresssuru
検査 kensa inspection (e.g. customs, factory), examination, scan (e.g. MRI, PET, etc.)jlpt3, mix
査察 sasatsu inspection (for compliance), investigation (tax, etc.)seiji, suru
点検 tenken inspection, examination, checkingsuru
鼓舞 kobu inspiration, encouragementsuru
不安定 fuantei instability, insecurity, crankinessmix
インスタント insutanto instantjlpt3
代わり kawari instead ofjlpt4
運動不足 undoubusoku insufficient exercisebyouki
保険 hoken insurance, guaranteemix
整数 seisuu integermath
インテグラル integuraru integralmath
積分 sekibun integralmath
インテグラルエーディーエー integurarue-deィ-e- integral A dAmath
積分学 sekibungaku integral calculusmath
積分方程式 sekibunhouteishiki integral equationmath
剛直 gouchoku integrity, moral courage, rigiditymix
知的な chitekina intellectualadj, emo
知的 chiteki intellectualmix
知的好奇心 chitekikoukishin intellectual curiosity, out of curiosity, inquisitivenessmix
激化 gekika intensification, aggravation; intensification, aggravationsuru
つもり tsumori intentionjlpt4
志向 shikou intention, aimsuru
意図 ito intention/aim/designleda1, suru
意向 ikou intention/idea/inclination/(P)leda1
意図的 itoteki intentional, on purposemix
興味 kyoumi interestjlpt3, jlpt4
利子 rishi interest (bank)mix
利息 risoku interest (bank)mix
面白い omoshiroi interestingadj, leda1
おもしろい omoshiroi interesting, amusingadj, jlpt5
界面 kaimen interfacemix
oku interior/inner part/inside/(P)mix
媒介 baikai intermediarysuru
国際 kokusai internationaljlpt3, jlpt4
国際的 kokusaiteki internationalmix
国際法 kokusaihou international lawsmix
インターネット inta-netto internetjlpt3, mix
通訳 tsuuyaku interpretation (i.e. oral translation)jlpt3, suru
疑問文 gimonbun interrogative sentencemix
交差点 kousaten intersectionjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
面接 mensetsu interviewjlpt3, jlpt3, shigoto
インタビュー intabyu- interview (i.e. television, newspaper, etc.)jlpt3, suru
面接官 mensetsukan interviewer (for job, school, etc. interviews)mix
chou intestinehito
情交 joukou intimacy, sexual intercourseai, suru
仲良し nakayoshi intimate friend, close friend, bosom buddy, chummix
親しい shitashii intimate, close (e.g. friend)jlpt3
自動詞 jidoushi intransitive verbbunpou
州内 shuunai intrastatemix
中出し nakadashi intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculationai, suru
点滴注射 tentekichuusha intravenous drip infusionbyouki
紹介する shoukaisuru introducejlpt4, suru, verb
導入 dounyuu introduction, bringing in, leading in, installationsuru
紹介 shoukai introduction, referralsuru
内気な uchikina introvertadj, emo
無効 mukou invalid, no effect, unavailable, illegalmix
在庫 zaiko inventory, stock, stockpilemix
逆様 sakasama inversion, upside downmix
取調べ torishirabe investigation (e.g. by police or prosecutors), examination, inquiry, enquirymix
調査 chousa investigation, examination, inquiry, enquiry, surveyjlpt3, suru
投資 toushi investmentsuru
招致 shouchi invitationsuru
勧誘 kan'yuu invitation, solicitation, canvassing, canvasing, inducement, persuasion, encouragementsuru
招待 shoutai invitejlpt4
発動 hatsudou invoke (law), put into operationsuru
菖蒲 ayame irisshokubutsu
菖蒲 shoubu irisshokubutsu
アイロン airon irondenki
tetsu ironkagaku
鉄器時代 tekkijidai Iron Agemix
鉄山 tetsuzan iron minemix
鉄鉱 tekkou iron orekagaku
kama iron pot, kettlemix
鉄剣 tekken iron swordsensou
不整脈 fuseimyaku irregular pulse, arrhythmiamix
不規則動詞 fukisokudoushi irregular verbbunpou
変則 hensoku irregularitymix
もどかしい modokashii irritating, not quick enough, tantalizing, tantalising, feel impatient, tardyadj
苛立 iradachi irritationemo
石川県 ishikawaken Ishikawa prefecture (Hokuriku area)namae
shima islandjlpt4, leda1, shizen
島国 shimaguni island country (sometimes used as a metaphor for Japan)/(P)leda1
遮断 shadan isolation, cut off, blockade, quarantine, interception, deprivationsuru
等辺三角形 touhensankakukei isosceles trianglemix
それ sore it, thatjlpt5
かゆい kayui itchyjlpt3
痒い kayui itchy, itching; itchy, itchingadj
品目 hinmoku item/commodity/list of articles/(P)leda1
岩手県 iwateken Iwate prefecture (Touhoku area)namae
伊弊諾 izanagi Izanagi, god of creation and lifekami
伊邪那岐 izanagi Izanagi, god of creation and lifekami
伊邪那美 izanami Izanami, goddess of creation and deathkami
伊弉冉 izanami Izanami, goddess of creation and deathkami
ジャッカル jakkaru jackaldoubutsu
コクマルガラス kokumarugarasu jackdawdoubutsu
ジャケット jaketto jacketfuku
ジャガー jaga- jaguardoubutsu
一月 ichigatsu januaryleda1, toki
日本 nihon Japannamae
日本 nippon Japannamae
日独 nichidoku Japan and Germany, Japanese-Germanmix
日本放送協会 nipponhousoukyoukai Japan national broadcasting company, NHK; Japan national broadcasting company, NHKmix
日本語 nihongo japanesemix
国語 kokugo Japanesegakkou, leda1
日本軍 nihongun Japanese Armysensou
和製英語 waseieigo Japanese broken Englishmix
和服 wafuku Japanese clothesmix
日本の丸 nihonnomaru Japanese flagmix
和食 washoku Japanese foodryouri
日本食 nihonshoku Japanese food, Japanese mealryouri
旅館 ryokan Japanese innjlpt4
日本画 nihonga Japanese paintingmix
日本人 nihonjin Japanese personmix
訓読み kun'yomi japanese reading of characterleda1
日本式 nihonshiki Japanese stylemix
和風 wafuu Japanese style/(P)leda1
日本刀 nihontou japanese swordsensou
着物 kimono Japanese traditional dressjlpt4
白樺 shirakaba Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica)shokubutsu
尻取 shiritori Japanese word-chain game, cap versesmix
半紙 hanshi Japanese writing paper used for calligraphymix
原稿用紙 genkouyoushi Japanese writing paper/(P)leda1
和独 wadoku Japanese-German (e.g. dictionary)mix
日本庭園 nihonteien Japanese-style garden, traditional Japanese landscape gardenmix
和室 washitsu Japanese-style room/(P)uchi
文机 fudukue Japanese-style writing deskmix
親日家 shinnichika Japanophilemix
ago jawhito
懸巣 kakesu jaydoubutsu
ジーンズ ji-nzu jeansfuku
水母 kurage jellyfishdoubutsu
冗談 joudan jest, joke, funny storyjlpt3
宝玉 hougyoku jewelmix
日本語能力試験N3 nihongo nouryoku shiken n3 JLPT N3jlpt3
日本語能力試験N4 nihongo nouryoku shiken n4 JLPT N4jlpt4
日本語能力試験N5 nihongo nouryoku shiken n5 JLPT N5jlpt5
就職活動 shuushokukatsudou job hunting, job searchingshigoto
ジョギング jogingu jogging/(P)sport
入部 nyuubu joining a clubsuru
入社 nyuusha joining a companyleda1, shigoto
関節 kansetsu joints (knee joint, elbow joint, etc.)hito
日誌 nisshi journal, logmix
雑誌 zasshi journal, magazinejlpt5
ジャーナリスト ja-narisuto journalistshigoto
愉悦 yuetsu joysuru
喜び yorokobi joy/delight/rapture/pleasure/gratification/rejoicing/congratulations/felicitations/(P)jlpt3
うれしい ureshii joyful, delightfuladj, emo, jlpt4
裁判官 saibankan judgeshigoto
判定 hantei judgement, judgment, decision, award, verdict, determinationsuru
判決 hanketsu judicial decision, judgement, judgment, sentence, decreesuru
柔道 juudou judojlpt4, leda1, sport
ジュース ju-su juiceryouri
ジャングル janguru jungleshizen
後輩 kouhai junior (at work or school)jlpt3
中学校 chuugakkou junior high schoolgakkou, jlpt4, leda1
中卒 chuusotsu junior high school or middle school graduatemix
中学生 chuugakusei junior high school studentgakkou
木星 mokusei Jupiter (planet)/(P)leda1
寿老人 juroujin Juroujin, represents longevitykami
途端 totan just (now, at the moment, etc.)mix
少々 shoushou just a minuteleda1
ちょっと chotto just a minute, a short time, a while, just a little, somewhat, easily, readily, ratherjlpt5
計画通り keikakudoori just as plannedmix
昼過ぎ hirusugi just past noon, afternoontoki
正義 seigi justice, right, righteousness, correct meaningseiji
香川県 kagawaken Kagawa prefecture (Shikoku)namae
鹿児島県 kagoshimaken Kagoshima prefecture (Kyuushuu)namae
神楽 kagura Kagura, Shinto theatrical dancekami
kaki (1)chopped wood, wood chips, (2)(abbr) thin shingles mix
鎌鼬 kamaitachi Kamaitachi, demonic weaselkami
鎌倉時代 kamakurajidai Kamakura period (1185-1333 CE)mix
kami kami, spiritual essencekami, leda1
神風 kamikaze kamikazekami
仮名遣い kanadukai kana orthography, syllabary spellingbunpou
仮名 kana kana, Japanese syllabarybunpou
神奈川県 kanagawaken Kanagawa prefecture (Kantou area)namae
カンガルー kangaru- kangaroodoubutsu
漢字変換 kanjihenkan kanji conversionmix
常用漢字 jouyoukanji kanji for common use (list of 2,136 kanji established in 2010, formerly a list of 1,945 established in 1981)bunpou
音訓 onkun kanji readingsmix
漢字試験 kanjishiken kanji test, test of kanji skillsgakkou
関西弁 kansaiben Kansai dialectmix
関西地方 kansaichihou Kansai region (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka)namae
関東 kantou Kantou (eastern half of Japan, including Tokyo)namae
空手 karate karatesport
鯉幟 koinobori karp shaped flagsmix
片仮名 katakana katakanabunpou, jlpt5
核心 kakushin kernel, coremix
灯油 touyu kerosenekagaku
ケチャップ kechappu ketchupryouri
やかん yakan kettlejlpt3, ryouri
かぎ kagi keyjlpt5
kagi keyuchi
キーボード ki-bo-do keyboarddenki
機能語 kinougo keywordmix
吉祥天 kichijouten Kichijouten, goddess of happiness, fertility, and beautykami
一蹴 isshuu kick, rejectionsuru
腎臓 jinzou kidneyhito
いんげん豆 ingenmame kidney beanryouri, shokubutsu
キロ/キログラム kiro/kiroguramu Kilogramjlpt5
キロ kiro Kilometerjlpt5
キロメートル kirome-toru kilometerjlpt5
優しい yasashii kindadj, jlpt4
幼稚園 youchien kindergartengakkou, jlpt3
幼稚園児 youchienji kindergarten childgakkou
親切 shinsetsu kindnessemo, jlpt4
恩愛 on'ai; onnai kindness and affection, lovemix
厚意 koui kindness, favor, favourmix
厚情 koujou kindness, favour, favor, hospitalitymix
懇意 kon'i kindness, intimacy, friendshipmix
ou kingleda1
王様 ousama kingleda1
王將 oushou King (higher ranked player or reigning champion)Shogi
玉將 tama shou King (lower ranked player or challenger)Shogi
キングペンギン kingupengin king penguindoubutsu
王者 ouja king/monarch/ruler/(P)leda1
カワセミ kawasemi kingfisherdoubutsu
キス kisu kissai
ちゅう chuu kissai
口付け kuchiduke kissai
接吻 seppun kissai
台所 daidokoro kitchenjlpt5, uchi
包丁 houchou kitchen knifejlpt3, ryouri
生ごみ namagomi kitchen wastemix
tobi kitedoubutsu
子猫 koneko kittendoubutsu, leda1
hiza kneehito, jlpt3
膝関節 shitsukansetsu knee jointhito
膝頭 hizagashira kneecaphito
土下座 dogeza kneeling down on the ground, prostrate oneselfsuru
ナイフ naifu knifejlpt5, ryouri
騎士 kishi knightsensou
桂馬 keima KnightShogi
毛糸 keito knitting woolleda1
編み物 amimono knitting, knitted material, crochetmix
ご存じ gozonji knowjlpt4
知識 chishiki knowledge, informationjlpt3, mix
指関節 yubikansetsu knucklehito
コアラ koara koaladoubutsu
小林 kobayashi Kobayashinamae
神戸 koube Kobe (port city near Osaka)mix
昆布 konbu kombu (any kelp of genus Laminaria) (konbu), devil's apronmix
木花之開耶姫 konohanasakuyahime Konohanasakuya hime, goddess of Mount Fujikami
高知県 kouchiken Kouchi (Kochi) prefecture (Shikoku)namae
久延毘古 kuebiko Kuebiko, god of knowledge, studies and agriculture.kami
熊本県 kumamotoken Kumamoto prefecture (Kyuushuu)namae
闇龗 kuraokami Kuraokami, dragon, deity of rain and snowkami
草薙の剣 kusanaginotsurugi Kusanagi no Tsurugi, legendary Japanese swordkami
九頭龍 kuzuryuu Kuzuryuu, nine-headed dragonkami
京都府 kyoutofu Kyoto (metropolitan area)namae
京都 kyouto Kyoto/(P)leda1, namae
九州 kyuushuu Kyushunamae
省力 shouryoku labor saving, labour savingmix
勤労 kinrou labor, labour, exertion, diligent servicesuru
実験室 jikkenshitsu laboratorymix
不足 fusoku lackjlpt3, mix
欠如 ketsujo lack, privation, deficiencysuru
玉じゃくし tamajakushi ladleryouri
テントウムシ tentoumushi ladybirddoubutsu
kata lagoonshizen
mizuumi lakejlpt4, shizen
湖水 kosui lakeleda1, shizen
琵琶湖 biwako Lake Biwamix
子羊 kohitsuji lambdoubutsu, leda1
葉身 youshin lamina (blade)shokubutsu
香車 kyousha Lance/SpearShogi
riku landshizen
地雷 jirai land minesensou
陸運 rikuun land transportationmix
着地 chakuchi landingsuru
着陸 chakuriku landing, alighting, touch downsuru
上陸 jouriku landing, disembarkationsuru
地滑り jisuberi landslideshizen
~語 ~go languagejlpt5
言語 gengo languagebunpou, leda1
語学 gogaku language studybunpou, gakkou
老子 roushi Lao-tse, Lao-tzumix
失効 shikkou lapse, abatement, invalidationsuru
ノートパソコン no-topasokon laptop, notebookjlpt3
カラマツ karamatsu larchshokubutsu
豚脂 tonshi lard, pig fatryouri
大金 taikin large amount of money, great costmix
マンション manshon large apartment (from mansion)/apartment house/(P)uchi
大国 taikoku large country, major powersmix
大皿 oozara large plate/platterleda1
大型 oogata large, large scale, big, jumbomix
幼虫 youchuu larva/chrysalis/(P)adj, leda1
最終日 saishuubi last day, final daymix
終発 shuuhatsu last departure (of a train, bus, etc.)/last train/last busleda1, ryokou
先月 sengetsu last monthjlpt5, leda1, toki
昨夜 yuube last nightjlpt5, toki
最後 saigo last timejlpt3, jlpt4
終電車 shuudensha last trainleda1
終電 shuuden last trainryokou
最終電車 saishuudensha last train (of the day)ryokou
先週 senshuu last week, the week beforejlpt5, leda1, toki
去年 kyonen last yearjlpt5, leda1, toki
遅く osoku latemix
深夜 shin'ya late at nightmix
遅刻 chikoku late comingjlpt3, mix
遅い osoi late, slowadj, jlpt5
あとで atode latertoki
後ほど nochihodo later on, eventually, afterwardsmix
後程 nochihodo later on, eventually, afterwardsmix
最新式 saishinshiki latest stylemix
最新 saishin latest, newest, late-breaking (news)mix
緯度 ido latitudeshizen
笑止 shoushi laughable, ridiculous, pitiful, contemptible, absurditymix
笑い鴎 waraikamome laughing gulldoubutsu
創刊 soukan launching (e.g. newspaper), first issuesuru
雄飛 yuuhi launching out, embarking upon (a career)suru
洗濯籠 sentakukago laundry basketmix
溶岩 yougan lava/(P)leda1
ラベンダー rabenda- lavendershokubutsu
法律 houritsu lawjlpt4
質量保存の法則 shitsuryouhozonnohousoku law of conservation of massmix
運動量保存の法則 undouryouhozonnohousoku law of conservation of momentummix
排中律 haichuuritsu law of excluded middlemath
法則 housoku law, rulemix
芝生 shibafu lawnmix
訴え uttae lawsuit, complaintmix
弁護士 bengoshi lawyerjlpt3, shigoto
法律家 houritsuka lawyer, juristmix
怠惰な taidana lazyadj
怠け者 namakemono lazy person, lazy fellow, slothful personmix
液晶テレビ ekishouterebi LCD TVdenki
namari leadkagaku
第一人者 daiichininsha leading person/(P)leda1
屈指 kusshi leading, foremost, preeminent, outstanding, one of the bestmix
習得 shuutoku learning, acquisitionsuru
賃貸 chintai lease, rent, hiresuru
退院 taiin leave hospitalbyouki
退席 taiseki leaving one's seatsuru
中退 chuutai leaving school during a termgakkou
早引け hayabike leaving work (office, school) earlysuru
辞去 jikyo leaving, quitting, retiringsuru
講義 kougi lecturejlpt4
休講 kyuukou lecture cancelledsuru
講堂 koudou lecture halljlpt4
LEDA1 leda1 LEDA1mix
左岸 sagan left bankleda1, shizen
hidari left hand sidejlpt5
左辺 sahen left side (of an equation)math
左利き hidarikiki left-handedness, sake drinker, left-handermix
食べ残し tabenokoshi leftover food (esp. on one's plate at the end of a meal)mix
残り物 nokorimono leftovers (esp. food), remnantsmix
ashi leghito
ashi leg, pawdoubutsu, hito, jlpt5
法的 houteki legalitymix
余暇 yoka leisure, leisure time, spare timemix
補題 hodai lemma, lemmatamath
レモンバーム remonba-mu lemon balmshokubutsu
レモングラス remongurasu lemon grassshokubutsu
tate length,heightjlpt5
レンズ renzu lens (dut:)jlpt3
減殺 gensai lessening, diminishing, reducingsuru
授業 jugyou lesson, class workgakkou, jlpt5
見せしめ miseshime lesson, example, warningmix
致死量 chishiryou lethal dosemix
手紙 tegami letterjlpt5
書状 shojou letter, notemix
書簡 shokan letter, note, epistle, correspondencemix
レタス retasu lettuceryouri, shokubutsu
湿度 shitsudo level of humidityjlpt3
革新系 kakushinkei liberalmix
司書 shisho librarianmix
図書館 toshokan libraryjlpt5, leda1
図書室 toshoshitsu library roommix
免許証 menkyoshou licence, license, permitmix
免許 menkyo license/permit/licence/certificate/(P)jlpt3, suru
病気で寝る byoukideneru lie in bed due to illnessbyouki, ichidan, verb
偽り itsuwari lie, falsehood, fiction, fabricationmix
inochi lifejlpt3, mix
死活 shikatsu life and-or deathleda1, suru
平均寿命 heikinjumyou life expectancymix
生涯学習 shougaigakushuu lifelong learningmix
解禁 kaikin lifting a bansuru
靱帯 jintai ligamenthito
hikari lightjlpt4
淡い awai lightadj
電灯 dentou light (electric)jlpt4
軽舟 keishuu light boat, skiffmix
茶色 chairo light brown, tawnyiro, jlpt5
電球 denkyuu light bulbdenki
浅緑 senryoku light greeniro
浅緑 asamidori light greeniro
光年 kounen light yearmix
軽やか karoyaka light, easy, non-serious, minor; light, easy, non-serious, minormix
軽い karui light, non-serious, minoradj, jlpt5
点灯 tentou lighting (a lamp)/turning on a lightleda1, suru
薄着 usugi lightly dressedsuru
稲妻 inazuma lightningtenki
避雷針 hiraishin lightning rodmix
木質化 mokushitsuka lignificationsuru
こう kou like this, this way, thusjlpt4
好み konomi liking, taste, choicemix
好き(な) suki(na) liking/fondness/love/(P)adj, leda1
リラ rira lilacshokubutsu
鈴蘭 suzuran lily of the valley (Convallaria keiskei)shokubutsu
石灰 sekkai limekagaku
菩提樹 bodaiju lime treeshokubutsu
石灰岩 sekkaigan limestonekagaku, shizen
左側極限 hidarigawa kyokugen limit from leftmath
右側極限 migigawakyokugen limit from rightmath
限界 genkai limit, boundmix
限定 gentei limit, restrictionsuru
ほど hodo limit, the more ~ the morejlpt4
特急 tokkyuu limited express train (faster than an express train)jlpt4, ryokou
際限 saigen limits, end, boundsmix
sen linejlpt4, ryokou
一線 issen linemix
線分 senbun line segmentmath
行間 gyoukan line-spacing in text, between the linesmix
線路 senro line, track, roadbedmix
線状 senjou linearmix
線型方程式 senkeihouteishiki linear equationmath
一次方程式 ichijihouteishiki linear equationmath
線形関数 senkeikansuu linear functionmath
一次関数 ichijikansuu linear functionmath
リニアモーター riniamo-ta- linear motormix
ランジェリー ranjeri- lingeriefuku
言語学 gengogaku lingvisticsbunpou, leda1
ライオンの子 raionno子 lion cubdoubutsu
獅子舞 shishimai Lion dancekami
雌ライオン mesuraion lionessdoubutsu
kuchibiru liphito
脂質 shishitsu lipid, fats, adiposemix
口紅 kuchibeni lipstickmix
液体 ekitai liquid, fluidkagaku
酒気 shuki liquor smell/tipsinessleda1
甘草 kanzou liquoriceryouri, shokubutsu
料金表 ryoukinhyou list or table of charges, tariff, price list
上場 joujou listing a stocksuru
直訳 chokuyaku literal translation, direct translationsuru
文学作品 bungakusakuhin literary workmix
文学 bungaku literaturegakkou, jlpt3, jlpt4
少しずつ sukoshizutsu little by littlemix
かいつぶり kaitsuburi little grebedoubutsu
赤頭巾ちゃん akazukinchan Little Red Riding Hoodakazukinchan
少し sukoshi little, few, somethingjlpt5, leda1
生活する seikatsusuru livejlpt4
生放送 namahousou live broadcastmix
実弾 jitsudan live bullets, live ammunition, ball cartridge, moneymix
肝臓 kanzou liverhito
生活費 seikatsuhi living expensesmix
生き恥 ikihaji living in disgracemix
居間 ima living roomleda1, uchi
生活 seikatsu living, life (one's daily existence), livelihoodjlpt3, suru
暮らし kurashi living, livelihood, subsistence, circumstancesmix
ラマ rama llamadoubutsu
重荷 omoni; juuka load, heavy burden, encumbrance, heavy freight, heavy responsibility; load, heavy burden, encumbrance, heavy freight, heavy responsibilitymix
貸し kashi loan, lendingjlpt3
ロブスター robusuta- lobsterdoubutsu
伊勢蝦 iseedo lobsterdoubutsu
地元のビール jimotonobi-ru local beerbaka, ryouri
派出所 hashutsujo local police stationjlpt3
場所 basho locationjlpt4
錠前屋 joumaeya locksmithmise
inago locustdoubutsu
下宿 geshuku lodgejlpt4, uchi
宿舎 shukusha lodging housemix
合宿 gasshuku lodging together, training camp, boarding housesuru
丸木 maruki logleda1, mix
丸木橋 marukibashi log bridgeleda1
対数関数 taisuukansuu logarithmicmath
一匹狼 ippikiookami lone wolf, loner, self-reliant personmix
孤独 kodoku lonelinessemo
寂しい sabishii lonelyadj, emo, jlpt4
寂しい samishii lonelyemo
長い nagai longadj, jlpt5
細長い hosonagai long and narrow/(P)adj, leda1
長雨 nagaame long spell of rainleda1, shizen, tenki
大刀 daitou long swordsensou
太刀 tachi long swordsensou
長話 nagabanashi long talksuru
長年 naganen long time, many yearstoki
長母音 chouboin long vowelbunpou
遠方 enpou long way, distant place; long way, distant placemix
振り袖 furisode long-sleeved kimonofuku
振袖 furisode long-sleeved kimonofuku
長そで nagasode long-sleeved shirtfuku
長襦袢 nagajuban long, kimono-like garment, made of light fabric and worn under the kimono, under-kimonofuku
長寿 chouju longevitymix
軽度 keido longitudeshizen
宿願 shukugan longstanding desiremix
形相 gyousou; keisou look (esp. an angry or upset look), expression; form (esp. in Aristotelian philosophy)mix
仰視 gyoushi looking up to, reveringsuru
城主 joushu lord of a castlemix
損失 sonshitsu loss (e.g. assets or profits)mix
失明 shitsumei loss of eyesightsuru
迷子 maigo lost (stray) childmix
宝籤 takarakuji lotterymix
富籤 tomikuji lotterymix
kuji lottery, lotjlpt3
拡声器 kakuseiki loudspeakerdenki
shirami lousedoubutsu
ai loveai, jlpt3
koi loveai
艶聞 enbun love affair, romance, one's love storyai
一目惚れ hitomebore love at first sightai
動物愛 doubutsuai love for animalsmix
ラブレター rabureta- love letterai
愛酒 aishu love of alcohol, drinkermix
向学心 kougakushin love of learningleda1
恋物語 koimonogatari love storymix
愛好 aikou love, adorationsuru
愛情 aijou love, affectionmix
大好き daisuki love, to like a lotai, jlpt5
恋愛 ren'ai love/love-making/passion/emotion/affections/(P)ai, jlpt3, suru
愛人 aijin loverai
愛犬家 aikenka lover of dogsmix
おしどり夫婦 oshidorifuufu loving couple, couple of lovebirds, happily married couple (who are always together)mix
鴛鴦夫婦 oshidorifuufu loving couple, couple of lovebirds, happily married couple (who are always together)mix
掘り炬燵 horigotatsu low, covered table placed over a hole in the floor of a Japanese-style roommix
下様 shimozama lower classes, common peoplemix
衆議院 shuugiin lower house, House of Representativesseiji
下顎 shitaago lower jawhito
幸福 koufuku luckmix
温い nurui luke warmadj, jlpt3, jlpt5
子守唄 komoriuta lullabymix
材木 zaimoku lumberleda1
katamari lump, mass, bundle, clump, clod, clustermix
太陰暦 taiinreki lunar calendarmix
狂人 kyoujin lunatic, madmanbaka
昼ご飯 hirugohan lunchryouri
昼食 chuushoku lunchryouri
お弁当 obentou lunch boxjlpt5, ryouri
昼休み hiruyasumi lunch break, noon recessjlpt4
昼御飯 hirugohan lunch, midday mealjlpt5, ryouri
hai lunghito
上り藤 noborifuji lupineshokubutsu
大山猫 ooyamaneko lynxdoubutsu
歌詞 kashi lyricsongaku
機械 kikai machinemix
機関銃 kikanjuu machine gunmix
サバ saba mackereldoubutsu
日本製 nihonsei made in Japanmix
~製 ~sei made of (in)jlpt4
狂気 kyouki madnessmix
鳴戸 naruto maelstrom, vírtenki
雑誌記事 zasshikiji magazine articlemix
魔法の絨毯 mahounojuutan magic carpet, flying carpetmix
呪術 jujutsu magic, sorcery, incantationmix
幻術 genjutsu magic, witchcraftmix
魔法 mahou magic, witchcraft, sorcerykami
磁気浮上式鉄道 jikifujoushikitetsudou maglev trainmix
壮大 soudai magnificent, grand, majestic, splendidmix
壮大 soudai magnificent, grand, majestic, splendidmix
泰山木 taisanboku magnoliashokubutsu
カササギ kasasagi magpiedoubutsu
メイド meido maidbaka
女中 jochuu maidshigoto
メイド喫茶 meidokissa maid cafebaka
郵便局員 yuubinkyokuin mail clerk/post-office clerk/post-office worker/postal employee/postal workerjlpt3
通信販売 tsuushinhanbai mail ordermix
郵便 yuubin mail/postal service/(P)jlpt3
郵便箱 yuubinbako mailboxmix
郵送 yuusou mailingjlpt3, suru
本線 honsen main lineryokou
中央駅 chuuoueki main stationmix
主に omoni mainly, primarilymix
維持 iji maintenance, preservation, improvementsuru
整備 seibi maintenance, servicing, outfittingsuru
専門 senmon majorjlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
大半 taihan majority, mostly, generallymix
メイク meiku make-upmix
化粧 keshou make-up, makeup, cosmeticsjlpt3, mix
~年 ~nen makes preceding number a yearjlpt5, toki
実用化 jitsuyouka making practical or useful, implementationsuru
男性 dansei malejlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
男生徒 danseito male studentgakkou
陰口 kageguchi malicious gossip, backbiting, speaking ill behind someone's backkaiwa
意地悪 ijiwaru malicious, ill-tempered, unkindjlpt3, mix
ほ乳動物 honyuudoubutsu mammaldoubutsu
otoko manhito, jlpt5
男の人 otokonohito manhito, leda1
夫妻 fusai man and wife, married couplemix
男女 danjo man and woman, men and womenmix
雨男 ameotoko man whose presence seems to cause rainmix
人工衛星 jinkoueisei man-made satellite/(P)leda1
hito man, person, human being, mankindhito, jlpt5
経営 keiei management, administrationjlpt3, suru
運営 un'ei management, administration, operationsuru
義務 gimu mandatorymix
たてがみ tategami manedoubutsu
人類 jinrui mankind, humantityhito
マナー mana- manners/(P)jlpt3, mix
礼儀 reigi manners/courtesy/etiquette/(P)jlpt3
マントル mantoru mantle (earth`s)shizen
手動 shudou manual (operation)mix
製品 seihin manufactured goods, finished goods, productjlpt3, mix
加工 kakou manufacturing, processing, treatment, machiningsuru
原稿 genkou manuscript, copymix
多い ooi manyadj, jlpt5, leda1
何度も nandomo many times over, oftenmix
大勢 oozei many, a great number (of people)jlpt5
たくさん takusan many, a lot, muchjlpt5
多く ooku many, much, largely, abundantly, mostlyjlpt3
地図 chizu mapjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
kaede mapleshokubutsu
雌馬 mesuuma maredoubutsu
マリーゴールド mari-go-rudo marigoldshokubutsu
マヨナラマージョラム mayonarama-joramu marjoramshokubutsu
目標 mokuhyou mark, objective, targetmix
目印 mejirushi mark, sign, landmarksuru
mato mark, targetmix
マーケティング部 ma-keteィngubu marketing departmentshigoto
採点 saiten marking, grading, looking oversuru
点数 tensuu marks/points/score/runs/number of items/credits/(P)leda1
マーモット ma-motto marmotdoubutsu
結婚 kekkon marriageai, jlpt5
婚礼 konrei marriage ceremony, weddingmix
恋愛結婚 ren'aikekkon marriage from loveai
お見合い結婚 omiaikekkon marriage matchmakingai
結婚相手 kekkon'aite marriage partner, spousemix
火星 kasei Mars (planet)/(P)adj, leda1
有袋類 yuitairui marsupialdoubutsu
半濁点 handakuten maru mark, semivoiced sound, p-soundbunpou
マッシュルーム masshuru-mu mashroomryouri
自虐 jigyaku masochism, inflicting damage to oneselfmix
被虐性愛者 higyakuseiaisha masochistmix
マッサージ massa-ji massagejlpt3, suru
庶民 shomin masses, common peoplemix
大失敗 daishippai massive failure, debaclemix
名人 meijin master, expertmix
宗匠 soushou master, teachermix
修士課程 shuushikatei master's coursegakkou
力作 rikisaku masterpieceleda1
代表作 daihyousaku masterpiece, representative workmix
修士 shuushi Masters degree program (programme)gakkou
体得 taitoku mastery/knack/realization/realisation/experience/comprehension/(P)leda1, suru
マッチ macchi matchjlpt5, sport
伯仲する hakuchuusuru matching someone/being equal with/being on a par/being well contested/(P)leda1, suru, verb
材料 zairyou materialmath
母性愛 boseiai maternal lovemix
算数 sansuu mathgakkou, math
数学モデル suugakumoderu mathematical modelmath
数学 suugaku mathematicsgakkou, jlpt4, math
数理 suuri mathematicsmath
行列 gyouretsu matrixmath
つや消しの tsuyakeshino mattadj
案件 anken matter in question, subjectkaiwa
成熟 seijuku maturity, ripenesssuru
最大化 saidaika maximization, maximisationsuru
最大限 saidaigen maximummath
蜉蝣 kagerou mayflydoubutsu
マヨネーズ mayone-zu mayonnaisejlpt3, ryouri
市長 shichou mayorleda1, shigoto
迷路 meiro maze, labyrinth, blind alleymix
乏しい toboshii meagre, meager, scarce, limited, destitute, hard up, lacking, scanty, poor; meagre, meager, scarce, limited, destitute, hard up, lacking, scanty, pooradj
食事 shokuji mealleda1, ryouri
ご飯 gohan meal, cooked riceryouri
語の意味 gonoimi meaning of a wordmix
意味 imi meaning, significancejlpt5
手段 shudan means, way, measurejlpt3
措置 sochi measure, measures, stepsuru
測定 sokutei measurementsuru
計測 keisoku measurement, measure, instrumentationsuru
寸法 sunpou measurement, size, extent, dimensionmix
niku meatjlpt5, leda1, ryouri
肉汁 nikujuu meat soup, bouillon, juices (from grilled meat); meat soup, bouillon, juices (from grilled meat)mix
機構 kikou mechanism, organization, organisationmix
介在 kaizai mediation, interposition, interventionsuru
診察 shinsatsu medical examinationsuru
医学部 igakubu medical facultymix
国民皆保険 kokuminkaihoken medical insurance for the whole nationmix
医学 igaku medical sciencejlpt4
体温計 taionkei medical thermometer/(P)leda1
kusuri medicinebyouki, jlpt5
薬品 yakuhin medicine/chemicals/(P)leda1
凡庸 bon'you mediocre, banality, commonplacemix
黙想 mokusou meditation, silent contemplationsuru
中位の chuuguraino mediumadj
会議 kaigi meetinggakkou, jlpt4, shigoto
面会 menkai meeting (face-to-face), interviewsuru
拝顔 haigan meeting (with another person)suru
会議室 kaigishitsu meeting roomjlpt4, shigoto
集会 shuukai meeting, assembly, gathering, congregation, convention, rallysuru
際会 saikai meeting, facing, confrontingsuru
迎え mukae meeting/greeting/welcome/(P)jlpt3
明治 meiji Meiji era (1868.9.8-1912.7.30)
明治時代 meijijidai Meiji period (1868-1912)mix
憂鬱 yuuutsu melancholyadj, emo
理事国 rijikoku member country of the executive committee in an international organization (organisation)mix
国会議員 kokkaigiin member of National Diet, Diet memberseiji
社会者 shakaisha member of society
議員 giin member of the Diet, congress or parliamentseiji
形見 katami memento, souvenirmix
メモ帳 memochou memo book, memo pad, notebook, notepad, scratchpad, scratch pad, writing pad, jottermix
暗記 anki memorization, memorisation, learning by heartsuru
暗記する ankisuru memorizesuru, verb
老若男女 rounyakunannyo men and women of all ages; men and women of all agesmix
月経 gekkei menstruation periodhito
献立 kondate menu, program, programme, schedulemix
水銀 suigin mercurymix
水星 suisei Mercury (planet)/(P)adj, leda1
本の honno mere, only, justjlpt3
ほんの honno mere, only, justjlpt3
経線 keisen meridian, longitudemix
人魚 ningyo mermaid/mermankami, leda1
メリークリスマス meri-kurisumasu Merry Christmasmix
メッセージ messe-ji message/(P)jlpt3
使者 shisha messenger/envoy/emissary/(P)adj, leda1
散らかした chirakashita messyadj
金属 kinzoku metalmix
変身 henshin metamorphosis, disguise, transformationsuru
気象学 kishougaku meteorologytenki
メートル me-toru meterjlpt5
~式 ~shiki method, systemjlpt4
仕方 shikata method, wayjlpt4, leda1
茶筌 chasen metla na míchání japonského čajemix
大都市 daitoshi metropolis, large citymix
to metropolitanjlpt4
都立の toritsuno metropolitan (i.e. established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government)/(P)adj, leda1
都内 tonai metropolitan area/(P)leda1
miyako metropolitan/municipal; capital/metropolis/(P)adj, leda1
マイクロホン maikurohon microphonedenki, jlpt3
顕微鏡 kenbikyou microscopemix
微小 bishou microscopicmix
電子レンジ denshirenji microwavedenki, uchi
正午 shougo mid-day, noonleda1, toki
中長期 chuuchouki mid-range, mid-termmix
中世 chuusei Middle Ages, mediaeval timestoki
中耳 chuuji middle earhito
中東 chuutou Middle Eastmix
中指 nakayubi middle fingerhito
中年 chuunen middle-age, middle age, midlife, one's middle yearsmix
中つ国 nakatsu kuni Middle-earthnamae
真ん中 mannaka middle, centrejlpt4
午前零時 gozenreiji midnightmix
三重県 mieken Mie prefecture (Kinki area)namae
移住 ijuu migration/immigrationleda1, suru
渡り鳥 wataridori migratory bird, bird of passagedoubutsu, leda1
軍葬 gunsou military funeralsensou
軍事任務 gunjininmu military missionsensou
軍楽 gungaku military musicongaku, sensou
軍医 gun'i military physician or surgeonsensou
軍事衛星 gunjieisei military satellitesensou
軍事学校 gunjigakkou military schoolsensou
軍事秘密 gunjihimitsu military secretsensou
軍役 gun'eki military servicesensou
軍靴 gunka military shoessensou
牛乳 gyuunyuu milkjlpt5, ryouri
ミルク miruku milkryouri
天の川 amanogawa Milky Wayleda1, namae
真似 mane mimicry, imitation, behavior, behaviour, pretense, pretencesuru
心身 shinshin mind and body/(P)adj, leda1
kokoro mind, heartjlpt4
精神 seishin mind/soul/heart/spirit/intention/(P)leda1
機雷原 kiraigen minefieldsensou
鉱山労働者 kouzanroudousha minershigoto
ミネラルウォータ mineraruuォ-ta mineral waterryouri
ミニスカート minisuka-to miniskirtfuku
文部大臣 monbudaijin Minister of Education
文部科学相 monbukagakushou Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technologymix
省庁 shouchou ministries and government offices, the authoritiesmix
防衛省 boueishou Ministry of Defense (formerly Japan Defense Agency)mix
経済産業省 keizaisangyoushou Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, METImix
文部科学省 monbukagakushou Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, MEXTmix
厚生省 kouseishou Ministry of Health and Welfare (now Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)mix
郵政省 yuuseishou Ministry of Posts and Telecommunicationsmix
運輸省 un'yushou Ministry of Transportmix
未成年 miseinen minor, not of agemix
マイナス mainasu minusjlpt3, math, suru
引く hiku minus, -jlpt3, math
引く hiku minus, to pull, to draw, to play (string instr.)godan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans, vtrans
fun minutetoki
不思議 fushigi miracleleda1
奇跡 kiseki miracle, wonder, marvelmix
kagami mirrorjlpt4, uchi
お椀 owan miso shiru bowljlpt3, ryouri
味噌汁 misoshiru miso soupryouri
恋しい koishii miss, yearnai
落丁 rakuchou missing pagesmix
宣教師 senkyoushi missionarymix
kasumi misttenki
moya mist, hazetenki
間違い machigai mistakemix
誤解 gokai misunderstandingjlpt3, suru
三菱 mitsubishi Mitsubishi (company)namae
三越 mitsukoshi Mitsukoshi (department store)namae
交錯 kousaku mixture, blending, complicationsuru
宮城県 miyagiken Miyagi prefecture (Touhoku area)namae
宮崎 miyazaki Miyazaki (city, prefecture)namae
宮崎県 miyazakiken Miyazaki prefecture (Kyuushuu)namae
onaji; onajiku; kurikaeshi; dounojiten; noma množné číslo (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (jen výjmečně)
携帯電話 keitaidenwa mobile phonedenki
携帯 keitai mobile telephone/cell phonedenki, jlpt3
可動 kadou mobile, moveablemix
例文 reibun model sentencemix
規範 kihan model, standard, pattern, norm, criterion, examplemix
適度 tekido moderatemix
近代史 kindaishi modern historymix
近代化 kindaika modernization, modernisation, modernize, modernisesuru
謙虚 kenkyo modesty, humilitymix
奥歯 okuba molars, back teethmix
モグラ mogura moledoubutsu
黒子 hokuro molehito
軟体動物 nantaidoubutsu molluskdoubutsu
刹那 setsuna moment, instant, juncturemix
瞬間 shunkan moment, second, instantmix
僧院 souin monastery, templekami
月曜日 getsuyoubi Mondayjlpt5, leda1, toki
お金 okane moneyjlpt5, leda1
本代 hondai money for booksjlpt3
両替機 ryougaeki money-changing machinemix
sou monk, priestkami
saru monkeydoubutsu
モノクロ monokuro monochrome/(P)mix
単調 tanchou monotony, monotone, dullnessmix
怪獣 kaijuu monsterkami
~月 ~gatsu month (of the year)jlpt5, toki
~か月 ~kagetsu month(s) (time interval)jlpt5, toki
月極 tsukigime monthly (e.g. fee paid monthly for a parking lot), monthly contractmix
月給 gekkyuu monthly salaryshigoto
つき tsuki moonjlpt4
tsuki moonjlpt4
月影 getsuei; tsukikage moonlight, moon, moonbeams; moonlight, moon, moonbeamsmix
徳望 tokubou moral influencemix
うつぼ utsugi moray eeldoubutsu
どんどん dondon more and morejlpt3, jlpt4
以上 ijou more than, overjlpt4, leda1
もっと motto more, longer, fartherjlpt3, jlpt5
asa morningjlpt5, leda1, toki
午前 gozen morning (before noon), A.M.jlpt5, leda1, toki
明け暮れ akekure morning and evening, all the timemix
朝露 asatsuyu morning dewshizen
asahi morning sunmix
ka mosquitodoubutsu
蚊柱 kabashira mosquito swarmmix
koke mossshokubutsu
大部分 daibubun most part, greater part, majoritymix
最も mottomo most, extremelymix
化物祭 bakemonomatsuri moster festivalkami
ga mothdoubutsu
haha motherjlpt3, jlpt5, kazoku, leda1
お母様 okaasama motherkazoku
母国語 bokokugo mother tongue, native languagemix
母語 bogo mother tongue, native languagemix
動機 douki motivationmath
原動力 gendouryoku motive power, driving forcemix
モーター mo-ta- motordenki
オートバイ o-tobai motorcyclejlpt4, ryokou
富士山 fujisan Mount Fujinamae
登山 tozan mountain climbingleda1, sport
山登り yamanobori mountain climbingleda1
山林 sanrin mountain forestleda1, shizen
山里 yamazato mountain hamlet (village)leda1
山道 yamamichi mountain pathleda1, ryokou, shizen
山系 sankei mountain rangeshizen
山脈 sanmyaku mountain rangeleda1, shizen
山上 sanjou mountain topmix
山荘 sansou mountain villa, mountain retreat, mountain cottagemix
山村 sanson mountain villageleda1
yama mountain, pile, heap, climax, critical pointjlpt5, shizen
山々 yamayama mountainsshizen
山川 sansen; yamakawa; yamagawa mountains and rivers; mountains and rivers; mountain riversmix
山海 sankai mountains and seasshizen
ハツカネズミ hatsukanezumi mousedoubutsu
ひげ hige moustache, beardhito, jlpt4
kuchi mouth, orifice, openinghito, jlpt5
映画館 eigakan movie theatre (theater), cinemajlpt5, mise
映画 eiga movie, film
引っ越し hikkoshi moving (dwelling, office, etc.), changing residencejlpt3, suru
~君 ~kun Mr.jlpt4
~さん ~san Mr., Mrs., Missjlpt5
~様 ~sama Mr., Mrs., Miss.jlpt4
doro mudshizen
マフラー mafura- muffler (garment, vehicle), scarffuku, jlpt3
重箱 juubako multi-tiered food box, stacked boxesmix
幾重 ikue multiple layers, many pilesmix
倍数 baisuu multiplesmath
掛算 kakezan multiplicationmath
掛け算 kakezan multiplicationmath
乗法 jouhou multiplicationmath
九九表 kukuhyou multiplication tablemath
掛け算表 kakezanhyou multiplication tablemath
むしゃむしゃ mushamusha munch, crunchryouri
殺人 satsujin murdermix
室町時代 muromachijidai Muromachi period (1333-1573 CE)mix
筋肉 kinniku musclehito
博物館 hakubutsukan museumjlpt3, mix
ミュージック myu-jikku musicongaku
音楽と楽器 ongaku to gakki music and musical instrumentsongaku
音楽ホール ongakuho-ru music halljlpt3, ongaku
演芸館 engeikan music hall, entertainment hallongaku
音楽 ongaku music, musical movementjlpt5, leda1, ongaku
ミュージカル myu-jikaru musicaljlpt3, ongaku
音楽的 ongakuteki musicaladj, ongaku
音楽映画 ongakueiga musical (film)ongaku
舞曲 bukyoku musical dance, music and dancing; aural highlight of a noh play in which the main actor dancesmix
楽器 gakki musical instrumentongaku
演奏 ensou musical performancejlpt3, ongaku
音楽家 ongakuka musicianongaku, shigoto
ミュージシャン myu-jishan musicianjlpt3, ongaku
ムールガイ mu-rugai musseldoubutsu
辛子 karashi mustardryouri
相互理解 sougorikai mutual understandingsuru
相互 sougo mutual, reciprocalmix
互いに tagaini mutually, with each other, reciprocally, togetherjlpt3
鼻づら hanadura muzzledoubutsu
tsuma my wifejlpt4, kazoku
自分 jibun myself, oneselfjlpt5, leda1
迷宮 meikyuu mystery, maze, labyrinthmix
神話 shinwa myth/legend/(P)adj, leda1
shachihoko mythical carp with the head of a lion and the body of a fish (auspicious protectors of well-being)mix
神話学 shinwagaku mythologymix
名容詞 meiyoushi na-adjectivebunpou
長野県 naganoken Nagano prefecture (Chuubu area)namae
長崎 nagasaki Nagasakinamae
長崎県 nagasakiken Nagasaki prefecture (Kyuushuu)namae
口煩い kuchiurusai nagging, faultfinding, carping, captiousadj
名古屋 nagoya Nagoya (city)mix
中村 nakamura Nakamuranamae
hadaka naked/nude/bare/(P)adj
namazu Namazu, giant catfish who causes earthquakeskami
名前 namae namejlpt5, leda1
年号 nengou name of an era/year number/(P)leda1
名称 meishou name, titlemix
保育士 hoikushi nannyjlpt3
昼寝 hirune nap (afternoon), siestamix
unaji nape, nuchahito
奈良時代 narajidai Nara period (710-794 CE)mix
奈良県 naraken Nara prefecture (Kinki area)namae
自己愛 jikoai narcissismmix
麻薬 mayaku narcotic drugs, narcotic, opium, dopemix
狭い semai narrowadj, jlpt5
狭義 kyougi narrow sense (e.g. of a word), strictmix
狭軌鉄道 kyoukitetsudou narrow-gauge railwaymix
狭量 kyouryou narrow-mindednessmix
狭小 kyoushou narrow, cramped, small-sizedmix
鼻炎 bien nasal inflammationmix
鼻水 hanamizu nasal mucus, dripping nosebyouki
鼻声 hanagoe nasal voice; nasal voicemix
キンレンカ kinrenka nasturtiumshokubutsu
tami nation, peoplemix
国歌 kokka national anthemmix
国境 kokkyou national border, provincial border; national border, provincial borderall, seiji
祭日 saijitsu national holiday, festival daykami
鎖国 sakoku national isolation, exclusion of foreignerssuru
国会議事堂 kokkaigijidou national parliament or congress building (e.g. National Diet (Japan), Capitol Hill (US), Houses of Parliament (UK), etc.)seiji
国技 kokugi national sport (e.g. sumo)mix
国庫 kokko national treasurymix
国籍 kokuseki nationalityjlpt3
母語話者 bogowasha native speakermix
天災 tensai natural calamity, disastertenki
風土 fuudo natural features, topography, climate, spiritual featuresmix
天然ガス tennengasu natural gaskagaku
肉声 nikusei natural voice (without a microphone)/(P)leda1
当然な touzen na natural, expectedjlpt3
帰化 kika naturalization, naturalisationsuru
自然 shizen naturejlpt3, leda1, shizen
資質 shishitsu nature, dispositionmix
物質 busshitsu nature, propertymix
性質 seishitsu nature, property, dispositionjlpt3
吐き気 hakike nauseabyouki
heso navelhito, jlpt3
お臍 oheso navel, belly buttonhito
soba nearmix
机辺 kihen near a deskmix
身近 midika near oneself, close to one, familiarmix
身近(な) midika(na) near oneself/close to one/familiar/(P)adj, leda1
そば soba near, close, beside, vicinity, proximity, besides, whilejlpt5
近く chikaku near, neighbourhoodjlpt5
近い chikai near, shortadj, jlpt5, leda1
最寄り moyori nearest, neighbouring, neighboring, nearbymix
近眼 kingan; chikame nearsightedness, shortsightedness, myopia; nearsightedness, shortsightedness, myopiamix
必要 hitsuyou necessaryadj, jlpt3, jlpt4
必要な hitsuyou na necessaryjlpt3
必需品 hitsujuhin necessities/necessary article/requisite/essentials/staple/(P)leda1
kubi neckhito, jlpt4, leda1
eri neck, collar, lapel, neckbandfuku
首飾り kubikazari necklacefuku, leda1
首輪 kubiwa necklace/chokerleda1
mitsu nectar, honeyryouri
ツバイ桃 tsubaimomo nectarineryouri, shokubutsu
否定形 hiteikei negative formmix
負数 fusuu negative numbermath
マイナス記号 mainasukigou negative signmath
否定的 hiteiteki negative, contradictorymix
ネグリジェ negurije negligeefuku
怠慢 taiman negligence, procrastination, carelessnessbaka
近所 kinjo neighbor hoodjlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
近所迷惑 kinjomeiwaku neighborhood nuisance, neighbourhood nuisancemix
隣村 tonarimura neighboring village/neighbouring villageleda1
近辺 kinpen neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinitymix
oi nephewkazoku
海王星 kaiousei Neptune (planet)mix
神経 shinkei nerve/sensitivity/(P)hito, leda1
神経質な shinkeishitsuna nervousadj, emo
神経質 shinkeishitsu nervousness, (being) highly strung, sensitiveness, neuroticmix
巣箱 subako nest box, (bee) hive, frame, supermix
ami net, nettingmix
中立 chuuritsu neutralitymix
中和 chuuwa neutralize, neutralise, counteractsuru
中性子 chuuseishi neutronkagaku
まさか masaka neverjlpt3
新しい atarashii newadj, jlpt5, leda1
新卒 shinsotsu new (recent) graduatemix
新酒 shinshu new brew of sakeleda1
新車 shinsha new carmix
新紀元 shinkigen new era or epochtoki
三日月 mikaduki new moon, crescent moonleda1, shizen
新首相 shinshushou new prime ministermix
新製品 shinseihin new product, new line (of products)mix
新風 shinpuu new stylemix
新型 shingata new style, new modelmix
お正月 oshougatsu New yearleda1, toki
元日 ganjitsu; gannichi New Year's Day; New Year's Daymix
大晦日 oomisoka New Year's Eve, December 31stnamae
新年会 shinnenkai New Year's partymix
正月 shougatsu new year’s dayjlpt4, toki
新婚 shinkon newly-wedsuru
ニュース nyu-su newsjlpt5
ニュース番組 nyu-subangumi news programme, news programmix
新聞 shinbun newspaperjlpt5, leda1
号外 gougai newspaper extra/(P)leda1
新聞社 shinbunsha newspaper officejlpt4
新聞記事 shinbunkiji newspaper story (article, account)mix
新聞紙 shinbunshi newsprint, newspapermix
次世代 jisedai next (future) generationleda1
翌日 yokujitsu next day/(P)jlpt3
来月 raigetsu next monthjlpt5, leda1, toki
今度 kondo next timejlpt4, toki
次回 jikai next time (occasion)/(P)leda1
tonari next to, next door tojlpt5
来週 raishuu next weekjlpt5, leda1, toki
来年 rainen next yearjlpt5, leda1, toki
明年 myounen next yearjlpt3
結構な kekkou na nice, fineadj, jlpt3
ニッケル nikkeru nickelkagaku
あだ名 adana nicknamesuru
mei niecejlpt3, kazoku
かっこいい kakkoii nifty, cooladj, jlpt3
格好がいい kakkou gaii nifty, cooljlpt3
十五夜 juugoya night of the full moon/the night of the 15th day of the 8th lunar monthleda1
夜景 yakei night viewmix
ナイチンゲール naichinge-ru nightingaledoubutsu
悪夢 akumu nightmare, bad dreammix
新潟県 niigataken Niigata prefecture (Hokuriku area)namae
乱層雲 ransouun nimbostratustenki
乱雲 ran'un nimbustenki
九つ kokonotsu ninejlpt5
kyuu ninejlpt5, mix
ココノツオビアルマジロ kokonotsuobiarumajiro nine banded armadillodoubutsu
九日 kokonoka nine days, the ninth day (of the month)jlpt5, toki
瓊瓊杵尊 niniginomikoto Ninigi no Mikoto, grandson of Amaterasukami
忍者 ninja ninja (persons in feudal Japan who used ninjutsu for the purposes of espionage, assassination, sabotage, etc.)sensou, shigoto
卍刀 mantou ninja weapon disguised as a pair of garden shearsmix
乳首 chikubi nipplehito
日本電信電話株式会社 nippondenshindenwakabushikigaisha Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, NTTnamae
窒素 chisso nitrogenkagaku
いえ ie nomix
立入禁止 tachiirikinshi no entrymix
駐車禁止 chuushakinshi No Parkingmix
構わない kamawanai no problem, it doesn't mattermix
禁煙区域 kin'enkuiki no smoking areamix
無題 mudai No Title, untitledmix
いいえ iie no, nay, yes, welljlpt5
だめ dame no, no good, hopelessjlpt4
ノーベル賞 no-berushou Nobel prizemix
貴族 kizoku noble, aristocratmix
騒音 souon noisemix
うるさい urusai noisyadj, jlpt4
遊牧民 yuubokumin nomadmix
旅人 tabibito nomad, person who goes from place to place, gambling, etc., pilgrim; traveller, traveler, wayfarer, tourist; traveller, traveler, wayfarer, touristmix
予選 yosen nomination, primary, preliminary contestsuru
禁煙車 kin'ensha non-smoking carryokou
禁煙席 kin'enseki non-smoking sectionmix
無意味 muimi nonsense, no meaning, meaninglessmix
うどん udon noodlesryouri
蕎麦 soba noodlesryouri
men noodlesryouri
隅々 sumizumi nooks, corners; nooks, cornersmix
お昼 ohiru noontoki
hiru noon, daytimejlpt5, toki
正常位 seijoui normal position (posture), missionary positionai
常態 joutai normal state (condition)mix
法泉ベクトル housenbekutoru normal vectormath
正常 seijou normalcy, normality, normalmix
正常化 seijouka normalization, normalisationsuru
普通 futsuu normally, usuallyjlpt3, jlpt4
kita northjlpt5, leda1
北米 hokubei North Americanamae
北口 kitaguchi north exitryokou
北朝鮮 kitachousen North Koreamix
北極 hokkyoku north poleleda1, shizen
北東 hokutou northeast; northeastmix
北欧 hokuou Northern Europe, land of the Norsemen, Scandinaviamix
シロカツオドリ shirokatsuodori northern gannetdoubutsu
北西 hokusei northwestmix
hana nosehito, jlpt3, jlpt5
鼻血 hanadi nosebleed/(P)leda1
鼻のあな hananoana nostrilhito
ちっとも chittomo not at alljlpt4
あまり amari not very (this form only used as adverb), not much, remainder, rest, remnant, surplus, balance, excess, remains, scraps, residue, fullness, other, too muchjlpt5
未知の michi no not yet knownmix
未知 michi not yet knownmix
書き置き kakioki note (letter) left behind, willmix
satsu (1)token, label, (2)ticket, card, (3)charm, talisman mix
備考 bikou note, remarks, NBmix
ノート no-to notebookgakkou, jlpt5
備忘録 bibouroku notebook, memorandummix
皆無 kaimu nothingmix
注目 chuumoku notice, attention, observationjlpt3, suru
掲示 keiji notice, bulletin, post, posting, placardsuru
知らせ shirase notice, notificationjlpt3
通知 tsuuchi notice, notification, report, postingsuru
小説 shousetsu noveljlpt4, leda1
小説家 shousetsuka novelist, fiction writermix
今や imaya nowtoki
なるほど naruhodo now I understandjlpt4
現在 genzai now, current, present, present time, as ofmix
ima now, soon, immediatelyjlpt5, toki
このごろ konogoro nowadaysjlpt4, toki
現代 gendai nowadays, modern era, modern times, present-dayjlpt3
昨今 sakkon nowadays, recently; nowadays, recentlytoki
核武装 kakubusou nuclear armssensou, suru
数字 suuji numberleda1, math
回数 kaisuu number of times, frequency, countmix
~番 ~ban number, place, turn, ~st, ~nd, ~rd, ~thjlpt5
番号 bangou number/series of digits/(P)jlpt5, leda1
数値計算 suuchikeisan numeric operation, numeric calculationmix
数値誤差 suuchigosa numerical errormath
数式 suushiki numerical formulamix
看護婦 kangofu nursebyouki, jlpt4, shigoto
保育園 hoikuen nursery school, day nurseryjlpt3
介護 kaigo nursing, care, caregiving, caringmix
介抱 kaihou nursing, looking aftersuru
栄養剤 eiyouzai nutrientmix
栄養 eiyou nutrition, nourishmentjlpt3
栄養成分 eiyouseibun nutritional informationmix
栄養補助食品 eiyouhojoshokuhin nutritional supplement, dietary supplementmix
伸びる nobiru (1)to make progress, to grow (beard, body height), (2)to grow stale (soba), (3)to be straightened, to be flattened, to be smoothed ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
お盆 obon O-Bon, Bon Festival, Lantern Festival, Festival of the Deadnamae
kashiwa oak, daimyo oak, Japanese emperor oak, Quercus dentatamix
オアシス oashisu oasisshizen
服従 fukujuu obedience, submission, resignationsuru
率直な socchokuna obedientadj, emo
従順 juujun obedient, gentle, meek, submissive, docilemix
帯祭 obimatsuri Obi sash festivalkami
客体 kakutai; kyakutai object; objectmix
客観的 kyakkanteki objectivemix
オーボエ o-boe oboe (ita:)ongaku
漠然 bakuzen obscure, vague, equivocalmix
観察 kansatsu observation, surveysuru
黒曜石 kokuyouseki obsidianmix
支障 shishou obstacle, hindrance, impediment, difficultymix
じゃま jama obstacle, intrusionjlpt4
入手 nyuushu obtaining, coming to handsuru
明らか akiraka obvious, evident, clear, plainmix
自明 jimei obvious, self-evident, trivial, axiomatic, self-explanatorymix
たまに tamani occasionallyjlpt4, toki
職業 shokugyou occupation, businessmix
海洋 kaiyou oceanmix
大洋州 taiyoushuu Oceania, Pacific Ocean countriesmix
tako octopusdoubutsu
タコ tako octopusdoubutsu
織田信長 odanobunaga Oda Nobunaga (daimyo from Sengoku period)sensou
雑用 zatsuyou odd jobs, miscellaneous, other, etc.mix
奇数 kisuu odd numbermath
もちろん mochiron of course, certainly, naturallyjlpt3, jlpt5
非番 hiban off dutymix
犯人 hannin offender, criminaljlpt3
提供 teikyou offer, tender, program sponsoring, programme sponsoring, furnishing, provisioning, supplysuru
具申 gushin offering a full report to a superiorsuru
供物 kumotsu offering; offeringmix
事務所 jimusho officejlpt4
オフィス ofuィsu officejlpt3
会社員 kaishain office workershigoto
係員 kakariin official (e.g. customs), clerk in chargemix
公表 kouhyou official announcement, proclamationsuru
出張 shucchou official tour/business trip/(P)shigoto
kakari official, duty, person in chargemix
おや oya ohjlpt4
abura oilryouri
原油 gen'yu oilkagaku
オイル oiru oilkagaku
油絵 aburae oil painting
油田 yuden oilfieldleda1
淤加美神 okaminokami Okami no kami, dragon, deity of rain and snowkami
okami Okami, dragon, deity of rain and snowkami
岡山県 okayamaken Okayama prefecture (Chuugoku area)namae
沖縄 okinawa Okinawa (one of the Japanese Ryukyu islands)mix
沖縄県 okinawaken Okinawa prefecture (including Okinawa island)namae
古い furui old (not person), ancient, staleadj, jlpt5, leda1
老後 rougo old agemix
古典 koten old book, classics, classicmix
古風 kofuu old customs/old style/(P)adj, leda1
宿敵 shukuteki old enemy, longtime enemy, arch-enemy, traditional rival, longstanding foemix
御所 gosho old imperial palacemix
古曲 kokyoku old musicongaku
古老 korou old people, seniors, elders, old-timermix
高齢者 koureisha old person or peoplejlpt3
mukashi old time, before, agojlpt4, toki
年上 toshiue older (for people)jlpt3, mix
ane older sisterjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
縁起 engi omenkami
幸先 saisaki omen, sign (usually good)mix
不吉 fukitsu ominous, sinister, bad luck, ill omen, inauspiciousnessmix
省略 shouryaku omission, abbreviation, abridgment, abridgementjlpt3, suru
脱字 datsuji omitted word or charactermix
雑食動物 zasshokudoubutsu omnivoredoubutsu
思兼 omoikane Omoikane, deity of wisdom and intelligencekami
出張中 shucchouchuu on a business tripshigoto
以降 ikou on and after, as from, hereafter, thereafter, sincemix
仲が悪い nakagawarui on bad terms, at loggerheadsmix
近日発売 kinjitsuhatsubai on sale soon, coming soonmix
一方で ippoude on the other handmix
反面 hanmen on the other hand/(P)leda1
表面的 hyoumenteki on the surfacemix
途中 tochuu on the wayjlpt4
一度 ichido once, on one occasionjlpt4, toki
ichi onejlpt5
一つ hitotsu onejlpt5
逐一 chikuichi one by one, in detail, minutely; one by one, in detail, minutelymix
次々に tsugitsugini one by one, one after another, successivelyjlpt3
一次元 ichijigen one dimensionalmath
片目 katame one eye; (uk) (sens) blindness in one eye, having one eye much bigger than the other, someone blind in one eye, someone with one eye much bigger than the othermix
~局 kyoku one game (checkers, etc.)counter
片足 kataashi one leg, one-leggedmix
一畳 ichijou one matuchi
一月 hitotsuki one monthjlpt5, toki
一ヶ月 ikkagetsu one monthtoki
一人 hitori one personjlpt5
一秒 ichibyou one secondmix
hokori one ten-billionth; dustmix
片道券 katamichiken one way ticketryokou
一言 hitokoto one word, pair of words (short intercession)leda1
片道 katamichi one-way (trip)ryokou
享年 kyounen one's age at deathmix
念願 nengan one's heart's desire, earnest petitionsuru
自宅 jitaku one's homemix
生涯 shougai one's lifetime (i.e. one's existence until death), one's careermix
出身校 shusshinkou one's old school or university, alma mater, the school or university one attendedmix
独力 dokuryoku one's own effortmix
自説 jisetsu one's personal opinionmix
所有 shoyuu one's possessions, ownershipsuru
職場 shokuba one's post, place of work, workplacemix
平常心 heijoushin one's self-possession, one's presence of mindmix
真面目な majime na one's true character, one's true self, oneself, seriousness, earnestness; one's true character, one's true self, oneself, seriousness, earnestness; (adj-na,n) diligent, serious, honest, sober, grave, mix
先輩 senpai one’s seniorjlpt3, jlpt4
自分自身 jibunjishin oneself, myselfmix
玉葱 tamanegi onionleda1, ryouri, shokubutsu
玉ねぎ tamanegi onion (edible plant, Allium cepa)mix
tada onlyjlpt3
ただ tada onlyjlpt3
僅か wazuka only, merely, (a) little, small quantitymix
纔か wazuka only, merely, (a) little, small quantitymix
たった tatta only, merely, but, no more thanjlpt3
唯一 yuiitsu only, sole, unique; only, sole, uniquemix
擬声語 giseigo onomatopeonoma
大山積命 oohoyamatsumi oohoyamatsumi, god who rules mountain, sea, and warkami
大分県 ooitaken Ooita (Oita) prefecture (Kyuushuu)namae
大神 ookami Ookami​, great godkami
大国主 ookuninushi Ookuninushi, ruler of the unseen world of spirits and magickami
不透明な futoumeina opaqueadj
営業中 eigyouchuu open (e.g. store)mise
露天風呂 rotenburo open air bath/rotemburomix
開曲線 kaikyokusen open curvemath
原っぱ harappa open field/empty lot/plain/(P)leda1
直火 jikabi open fire, direct heatmix
oki open seamix
開集合 kaishuugou open setmath
野天風呂 notenburo open-air bathmix
開放 kaihou open, throw open, liberalization, liberalisationsuru
開店 kaiten opening (of a shop)suru
開閉 kaihei opening and shuttingsuru
開会 kaikai opening of a meetingsuru
開通 kaitsuu opening, open, taking effect, becoming activesuru
歌劇 kageki operaongaku
稼動 kadou operation (of machine)/actual workmix
大作戦 daisakusen operation, planmix
眼科 ganka ophthalmologymix
意見 iken opinionjlpt4, leda1
視点 shiten opinion, point of view, visual pointmix
オポッサム opossamu opossumdoubutsu
袋鼠 fukuronezumi opossumdoubutsu
機会 kikai opportunity, chancejlpt3, jlpt4
契機 keiki opportunity, chancemix
反対側 hantaigawa opposite sideleda1
野党 yatou opposition party, political opposition, oppositionseiji
反対 hantai opposition, resistance, antagonism, hostility, contrast, objection, dissension, reverse, opposite, vice versajlpt3, jlpt4, leda1, suru
反抗 hankou opposition/resistance/insubordination/defiance/hostility/rebellion/(P)leda1, suru
光学 kougaku opticsmix
楽天主義 rakutenshugi optimismmix
楽観的な rakkantekina optimisticadj, emo
楽観的 rakkanteki optimistic, hopefulemo
最適 saiteki optimum, the most suitablemix
それとも soretomo orjlpt3
または mataha or, the otherjlpt3, jlpt4
口述試験 koujutsushiken oral examinationgakkou
口承文学 koushoubungaku oral literature, oral traditionmix
オレンジ色の orenjiirono orangeadj, iro
オレンジ orenji orangeryouri
オランゥータン oranゥ-tan orangutandoubutsu
シャチ shachi orcadoubutsu
管弦楽団 kangengakudan orchestraongaku
ran orchidshokubutsu
注文 chuumon order, requestjlpt3
順序 junjo order, sequence, proceduremix
体制 taisei order, system, structure, set-up, organization, organisationmix
号令 gourei order/commandleda1, suru
dai ordinalleda1
常微分方程式 joubibunhouteishiki ordinary differential equationmath
何の変哲もない nannohentetsumonai ordinary, plain, commonplaceadj
鉱石 kouseki ore, mineral, crystalmix
オレガノ oregano oreganoryouri, shokubutsu
臓器 zouki organhito
オルガン orugan organ (musical instrument) (por: orgao)ongaku
器官 kikan organ (of body), instrumentmix
臓器移植 zoukiishoku organ transplantbyouki
団体 dantai organization, organisation, associationjlpt3
構成 kousei organization, organisation, configuration, compositionsuru
主催 shusai organization, organisation, sponsorshipsuru
体系化 taikeika organization, organisation, systematization, systematisationsuru
折紙 origami origamimix
折り紙 origami origamimix
出身 shusshin originleda1, mix
原点 genten origin (coordinates), starting pointmix
始まり hajimari origin, beginningjlpt3
起源 kigen origin, beginning, risemix
由来 yurai origin, source, history, derivation, reason, destinyall
原意 gen'i original meaningmix
原状 genjou original statemix
原作 gensaku original work/(P)adj, leda1
目新しい meatarashii original, novel, newadj
独自 dokuji original, peculiar, characteristic, proprietarymix
元来 ganrai originally, primarily, essentially, logically, naturallymix
元祖 ganso originator, founder, pioneer, inventormix
装飾品 soushokuhin ornament, decorationmix
孤児 koji orphan; orphanmix
大阪 oosaka Osakamix
大阪府 oosakafu Osaka (metropolitan area)namae
振動 shindou oscillation, vibrationsuru
ダチョウ dachou ostrichdoubutsu
hoka other (esp. places and things)/the restadj, leda1
soto other place, the restjlpt5, leda1
hoka other place, the restjlpt5
他府県 tafuken other prefecturesmix
余人 yojin others, other people; others, other peoplemix
乙姫 otohime Otohime, daughter of Ryuujinkami
kawauso otterdoubutsu
はず hazu ought to do, should dojlpt4
故障中 koshouchuu out-of-ordermix
場違い bachigai out-of-place, inappropriate, sticking out like a sore thumbmix
州外 shuugai out-of-statemix
宿 yado outcasts (those from Kamakura period to the Edo period, common around the Kyoto region); inn, lodgingmix
屋外 okugai outdoors, alfrescomix
外出 gaishutsu; sotode outing, trip, going out; (n,vs) outing, trip, going outsuru
概要 gaiyou outlinemath
域外 ikigai outside the areamix
楕円形な daenkeina ovaladj
卵巣 ransou ovaryhito
オーブン o-bun ovenuchi
朝寝坊 asanebou over sleepjlpt4, leda1
あっち acchi over therejlpt5
そっち socchi over therejlpt5
向こう mukou over there, opposite direction, across the wayjlpt3, jlpt5
そちら sochira over there, the otherjlpt5
~すぎる ~sugiru over, too muchjlpt4
優勝 yuushou overall victory, championshipsuru
オーバー o-ba- overcoatfuku, jlpt4
オーバーコート o-ba-ko-to overcoatfuku
飲み過ぎ nomisugi overdrinking, excessive drinkingmix
重なり kasanari overlapping, piling, stackingmix
馬鹿丁寧 bakateinei overly polite, excessively polite, polite to a faultmix
留学生 ryuugakusei overseas studentjlpt5
残業 zangyou overtimejlpt3, shigoto
残業代 zangyoudai overtime payshigoto
圧倒的 attouteki overwhelmingmix
おかげ okage owing tojlpt4
fukurou owldoubutsu
持ち主 mochinushi owner, proprietormix
酸化 sanka oxidationsuru
酸素 sanso oxygenkagaku
牡蛎 kaki oysterdoubutsu
オゾン層 ozonsou ozone layertenki
太平洋 taiheiyou Pacific Oceanmix
海豹の群れ azarashinomure pack of sealsdoubutsu
缶詰 kandume packing (in cans), canning, canned goods, tin canmix
荷作り nidukuri packing, baling, cratingsuru
田んぼ tanbo paddy field, farmmix
ページ pe-ji pagejlpt5
全頁 zenketsu page total, total number of pagesmix
有給休暇 yuukyuukyuuka paid vacation, leaveshigoto
痛み itami painbyouki
痛み止め itamidome pain killerbyouki
苦しみ kurushimi pain, anguish, distress, suffering, hardshipmix
痛い itai painfuladj, byouki, jlpt5
苦しい kurushii painful, difficultadj, jlpt3
辛い tsurai painful, heart-breakingadj, emo, jlpt5
ペンキ penki paint (dut: pek)jlpt3
画家 gaka paintershigoto
一対 ittsui pair (of screens or vases, etc.)mix
円規 enki pair of compassesgakkou
手のひら tenohira palmhito
手相 tesou palm readingsuru
センサンコウ sensankou pangolindoubutsu
恐慌 kyoukou panic, scare, consternationsuru
ヒョウ hyou pantherdoubutsu
パンティストッキング panteィsutokkingu pantyhosefuku
kami paperjlpt5
論文 ronbun papergakkou, math
提灯 chouchin paper lantern, Chinese lantern, Japanese lanternmix
紙幣 shihei paper money, notes, billsmix
パプリカ papurika paprikaryouri, shokubutsu
放物線 houbutsusen parabolamath
落下傘 rakkasan parachutemix
落下傘 rakkasan parachutemix
逆説 gyakusetsu paradoxmix
逆説的 gyakusetsuteki paradoxicalmix
インコ inko parakeetdoubutsu
比類 hirui parallel, equal, matchmix
寄生虫 kiseichuu parasitemix
親子 oyako parent and childkazoku
親鳥 oyadori parent birdleda1
oya parentsjlpt4, kazoku
授業参観日 jugyousankanbi parents school visiting daygakkou
両親 ryoushin parents, both parentsjlpt5, kazoku
公園 kouen park (public)jlpt5, leda1
パーカー pa-ka- parka (hooded jacket), hooded sweatshirtfuku
駐車場 chuushajou parking lotjlpt4, leda1, ryokou
月極駐車場 tsukigimechuushajou parking lot rented on a monthly basismix
オウム oumu parrotdoubutsu
パーセク pa-seku Parsecmix
パセリ paseri parsleyryouri, shokubutsu
パースニップ pa-sunippu parsnipshokubutsu
白人参 shironinjin parsnipshokubutsu
bun partmix
パート pa-to part timejlpt3, jlpt4, shigoto
アルバイト arubaito part-time jobjlpt4
役割 yakuwari part, assigning (allotment of) parts, role, dutiesmix
部位 bui part, position (in a whole, i.e. body)mix
偏導関数 hendoukansuu partial derivativemath
偏微分方程式 henbibunhouteishiki partial differential equationmath
偏微分 henbibun partial differentiationmath
参加者 sankasha participant, entrantmix
参加 sanka participationjlpt3, suru
関与 kan'yo participation, taking part in, participating in, being concerned insuru
微塵 mijin particle, atommix
助詞 joshi particle, postpositionbunpou
別れ wakare parting/separation/farewell/(lateral) branch/fork/offshoot/division/section/(P)jlpt3
分割 bunkatsu partition, division, separation, segmenting, splittingsuru
パートナー pa-tona- partnerjlpt3
伴侶 hanryo partner, companionmix
ウズラ uzura partridgedoubutsu
パーティー pa-teィ- partyjlpt5
宴会 enkai party, banquetmix
通過 tsuuka passage through, transit, passingsuru
経過 keika passage, expiration, progress, transitionsuru
ken (1)(uk) the above-mentioned, the said, (man, incident, etc.) in question, (2)the usual; (3)matter, case, item, (ctr) (4)counter for cases, matters, etc. mix
通路 tsuuro passage, pathway, roadway, avenue, aislemix
乗客 joukyaku passengerryokou
旅客 ryokaku; ryokyaku passenger (transport); passenger (transport)mix
乗車券 joushaken passenger ticketryokou
乗用車 jouyousha passenger vehicle, automobile
越冬 ettou passing the winter, hibernationsuru
トケイソウの果実 tokuisounokajitsu passion fruitshokubutsu
心猿 shin'en passion, passions
情熱的な jounetsutekina passionateadj, emo
熱心な nesshin na passionatejlpt3
消極的な shoukyokuteki na passive, negativejlpt3
パスポート pasupo-to passportryokou
前非 zenpi past folly, past sinmix
~すぎ ~sugi past, afterjlpt5
maki pasture, grazing landmix
牧草 bokusou pasture/grass/(P)leda1
弁理士 benrishi patent attorney, patent agentmix
父性愛 fuseiai paternal lovemix
愁嘆場 shuutanba pathetic scenemix
根気 konki patience, perseverance, persistence, tenacity, energymix
我慢 gaman patience/endurance/perseverance/tolerance/self-control/self-denial/(P)jlpt3
文様 mon'you pattern, designmix
歩兵 fuhyou; hohei PawnShogi
質屋 shichiya pawnshopmise
給与 kyuuyo pay, salary, wages, allowance, grant, supplysuru
給料日 kyuuryoubi paydaymix
支払い shiharai paymentmix
前払い maebarai payment in advance, prepaymentsuru
豌豆豆 endoumame pearyouri, shokubutsu
安心 anshin peace of mind, reliefemo, jlpt4, leda1
安らぎ yasuragi peace, tranquility, tranquillitymix
平和 heiwa peace/harmony/(P)jlpt3, leda1
静寂な seijakuna peacefuladj
寧日 neijitsu peaceful daymix
momo peachjlpt3, ryouri, shokubutsu
孔雀 kujaku peacockdoubutsu
頂上 choujou peakshizen
ピーナッツ pi-nattsu peanutryouri
落花生 rakkasei peanut, groundnutmix
nashi pearryouri, shokubutsu
真珠 shinju pearlmix
小石 koishi pebbleleda1, shizen
胸ひれ munehire pectoral findoubutsu
独特 dokutoku peculiarity, uniqueness, characteristicmix
歩道橋 hodoukyou pedestrian bridgemix
横断歩道 oudanhodou pedestrian crossingmix
歩行者 hokousha pedestrian, walkermix
小児科 shounika pediatricsmix
寝ている時のおしっこ neteiru toki no oshikko peeing during sleepbyouki
剥ける mukeru peel offjlpt3, verb, vintrans
盗撮 tousatsu peeping photos, taking peeping filmssuru
テンジクアオイ tenjikuaoi pelargoniumshokubutsu
ペリカン perikan pelicandoubutsu
腹ひれ harahire pelvic findoubutsu
骨盤 kotsuban pelvishito
ペン pen penjlpt5
鉛筆 enpitsu pencilgakkou, jlpt5
筆箱 fudebako pencil casegakkou
貫入 kannyuu penetrationsuru
ペンギン pengin penguindoubutsu
半島 hantou peninsula/(P)leda1
陰茎 inkei penishito
男根 dankon penis/phallushito
年金生活者 nenkinseikatsusha pensionermix
民衆 minshuu people, populace, massesmix
民族 minzoku people, race, nationmix
ピーマン pi-man pepperryouri
胡椒 koshou pepperryouri
秒速 byousoku per second
パーセント pa-sento percentjlpt3, math
割合 wariai percentagejlpt3, math
ritsu percentagemath
kan perception, intuition, the sixth sensemix
パーチ pa-chi perchdoubutsu
hayabusa peregrine falcondoubutsu
皆勤 kaikin perfect attendancesuru
完全犯罪 kanzenhanzai perfect crimemix
満点 manten perfect scoregakkou
完璧 kanpeki perfect, complete, flawlessmix
完全 kanzen perfection, completenessjlpt3
完全主義 kanzenshugi perfectionismmix
完全主義者 kanzenshugisha perfectionistmix
ちゃんと chanto perfectly, properly, exactlymix
香水 kousui perfumeleda1
たぶん tabun perhaps, probablyjlpt5
句点 kuten period, full stopmix
期間 kikan period, term, intervaljlpt3
定期的 teikiteki periodicmix
歯周病 shishuubyou periodontal diseasebyouki
細螺 kisago periwinkleshokubutsu
垂線 suisen perpendicular linemath
永久機関 eikyuukikan perpetual motionmix
難問 nanmon perplexity, difficult question, difficult problemsuru
かき kaki persimmonryouri
不屈 fukutsu persistence, fortitude, indomitabilitymix
担当者 tantousha person in charge (of an area of work, but not necessarily supervising other staff), person responsible, one in charge, responsible party, contact (person)mix
ワープロ馬鹿 wa-purobaka person who can write kanji only on the computerbaka
自殺者 jisatsusha person who commits suicidemix
私事 shiji; watakushigoto personal affairs; personal affairsmix
自分の持ち物 jibunnomochimono personal belongingsmix
パソコン pasokon personal computerdenki, jlpt3, jlpt4
お小遣い okodukai personal expenses, pocket money, spending money, incidental expenses, allowancemix
体験 taiken personal experience/(P)leda1, suru
履歴 rireki personal history, background, career, log, recordmix
経歴 keireki personal history, careersuru
履歴書 rirekisho personal history, curriculum vitae, resumeshigoto
暗証番号 anshoubangou personal identification number, PIN, password numbermix
私説 shisetsu personal opinionmix
人格 jinkaku personality, characterleda1
人事部 jinjibu personnel departmentshigoto
説得 settoku persuasionsuru
適切 tekisetsu pertinent, appropriate, adequate, relevancemix
痴漢 chikan pervert, molester, masherbaka
悲観的 hikanteki pessimisticmix
ペット petto petjlpt3, jlpt5
愛犬 aiken pet dogdoubutsu, leda1
花びら hanabira petalshokubutsu
葉柄 youhei petiole (stalk)shokubutsu
ガス gasu petroljlpt4
ガソリン gasorin petroljlpt4, kagaku
ガソリンスタンド gasorinsutando petrol stationjlpt4
石油 sekiyu petroleumkagaku
ペチュニア pechunia petuniashokubutsu
液性 ekisei pH, humoralmix
薬局 yakkyoku pharmacybyouki, mise
薬屋 kusuriya pharmacy, chemist, drug storemise
キジ kiji pheasantdoubutsu
現象 genshou phenomenonmix
汎愛 han'ai philanthropysuru
哲学者 tetsugakusha philosophermix
哲学 tetsugaku philosophymix
電話器 denwaki phonedenki
テレホンカード terehonka-do phone cardryokou
写真の描写1 shashin no byousha1 Photo description 1byousha
写真の描写2 shashin no byousha2 Photo description 2byousha1
写真館 shashinkan photo studiomise
写真 shashin photographjlpt5, mix
写真家 shashinka photographershigoto
撮影者 satsueisha photographermix
撮影 satsuei photographingsuru
光子 koushi photonmix
体調 taichou physical conditionmix
身体障害者手帳 shintaishougaishatechou physical disability certificatemix
体育 taiiku physical educationgakkou, leda1, sport
物理法則 butsurihousoku physical law, laws of physicsmix
体力 tairyoku physical strengthjlpt3, leda1
外界 gaikai physical world, the externals; physical world, the externalsmix
医師免許 ishimenkyo physician's license (licence), doctor's license, medical license, license to practice medicinemix
物理学者 butsurigakusha physicistshigoto
物理 butsuri physicsgakkou, jlpt3
人相 ninsou physiognomy, looks, countenancemix
ピアノ演奏家 pianoensouka pianistshigoto
ピアニスト pianisuto pianistjlpt3
ピアノ piano pianoongaku
摘出 tekishutsu picking out, exposing, taking out, -ectomy (suf) (surgical removal)suru
香の物 kounomono pickled vegetablesryouri
お新香 oshinko pickled vegetables, picklesryouri
漬物 tsukemono picklesryouri
すり suri pickpocketjlpt4
絵本 ehon picture bookmix
e picture, paintingjlpt5, math
圧電効果 atsudenkouka piezoelectric effectmix
buta pigdoubutsu
銑鉄 sentetsu pig ironmix
子豚 kobuta pigletdoubutsu
顔料 ganryou pigment, colorantmix
色素 shikiso pigment, coloring, colouringmix
豚足 tonsoku pigs feetryouri
パイク paiku pikedoubutsu
火柱 hibashira pillar of fire, blazing columnmix
パイロット pairotto pilotjlpt3
matsu pineshokubutsu
松林 matsubayashi pine forestleda1, shizen
パイナップル painappuru pineappleryouri, shokubutsu
卓球 takkyuu ping-pongsport
ピンク pinku pinkadj
ピンク色の pinkuirono pinkadj, iro
桃色の momoirono pinkadj, iro
kuda pipe, tube; pipe, tubemix
海賊旗 kaizokuki pirate flagmix
海賊船 kaizokusen pirate shipmix
海賊 kaizoku pirate, sea robbermix
哀れみ awaremi pity, compassionmix
tokoro placejlpt5
置き場 okiba place for something, storehousemix
地名 chimei place namenamae
開催地 kaisaichi place where a meeting (conference, etc.) is held, venuemix
位置 ichi place, situation, position, locationsuru
カレイ karei plaicedoubutsu
平原 heigen plainshizen
地味な jimi na plainjlpt3
地味 jimi plain, simple, subdued, sobermix
無地 muji plain/unfigured/(P)jlpt3
原告 genkoku plaintiff, accuser, prosecutormix
計画 keikaku planjlpt3, jlpt4
プラン puran planmix
間取り madori plan of a house, arrangement of roomsjlpt3
企み takurami plan, design, artifice, trick, intriguemix
設計 sekkei plan, design, layoutsuru
構想 kousou plan, plot, idea, conceptionsuru
企図 kito plan, project, schemesuru
惑星 wakusei planet/(P)mix
予定 yotei plans/arrangement/schedule/program/programme/expectation/estimate/(P)jlpt4, leda1, suru
植物 shokubutsu plantshokubutsu
農園 nouen plantationmix
草木 kusaki plants/vegetation/(P)leda1
プラスチック purasuchikku plasticjlpt3
ラップ rappu plastic wrapryouri
お皿 osara plate, dishjlpt5, ryouri
一皿 hitosara plate/dish (of food)leda1
ホーム ho-mu platformjlpt3, ryokou
プラットホーム purattoho-mu platformjlpt3
芝居 shibai play, dramamix
芸人 geinin player, performer, actormix
驚喜 kyouki pleasant surprisesuru
快適 kaiteki pleasant, agreeable, comfortablemix
ください kudasai pleasejlpt5
どうぞ douzo please, kindly, by all meansjlpt5
嬉しい ureshii pleasedadj, emo
気に入る kiniiru pleasedemo
遊覧船 yuuransen pleasure cruisemix
楽園 rakuen pleasure garden, paradisekami
楽しみ tanoshimi pleasure, joyjlpt3, jlpt4
陰謀 inbou plot intrigue, conspiracymix
千鳥 chidori ploverdoubutsu
梅酒 umeshu plum wineryouri
配管工 haikankou plumbershigoto
~たち ~tachi Plural suffix for humans and sometimes animals, and othersjlpt5
多元的 tagenteki pluralism, pluralitymix
tachi pluralizing suffix (esp. for people & animals; formerly honorific)mix
プラス purasu plusjlpt3, math
冥王星 meiousei Pluto (dwarf planet)mix
肺炎 haien pneumoniabyouki
ポケット poketto pocketfuku, jlpt3, jlpt5
shi poem, verse of poetrymix
詩人 shijin poetshigoto
詩家 shika poetmix
詩的 shiteki poeticmix
論点 ronten point in question (at issue)mix
切っ先 kissaki point of a swordsensou
観点 kanten point of viewmix
見様 miyou point of view, way of seeingmix
ten point, mark, gradejlpt4, leda1, math
とがった togatta pointedadj
指摘 shiteki pointing out, identificationsuru
doku poisonbyouki
毒物 dokubutsu poisonbyouki
毒薬 dokuyaku poisonmix
毒蛇 dokuhebi poisonous snake, poisonous serpent; poisonous snake, poisonous serpentmix
有毒 yuudoku poisonous, toxicmix
北極グマ hokkyokuguma polar beardoubutsu
警察 keisatsu policejlpt3, jlpt4
警部 keibu police inspectorshigoto
白バイ shirobai police motorcycleryokou
パトカー patoka- police patrol carryokou
警察署 keisatsusho police stationmix
巡査 junsa police, policemanshigoto
警官 keikan policemanjlpt4, shigoto
警察官 keisatsukan policemen, policeman, police officermix
洗練された senren sareta polish, refinementall
洗練 senren polish, refinementsuru
丁寧語 teineigo polite languagebunpou
丁寧 teinei polite, courteousadj, jlpt4
丁重 teichou polite, courteous, hospitablemix
政治 seiji politicjlpt4, seiji
政党 seitou political partyseiji
政局 seikyoku political situationmix
政治家 seijika politicianshigoto
財経 zaikei politics and economicsseiji
政治と政府 seiji to seifu politics and governmentseiji
花粉 kafun pollenleda1, shokubutsu
汚染 osen pollution, contaminationsuru
公害 kougai pollution, public nuisance, contaminationmix
ポロシャツ poroshatsu polo shirtfuku
ポリエステル poriesuteru polyesterjlpt3, kagaku
多辺形 tahenkei polygonmix
多項式 takoushiki polynomialmath
多神教 tashinkyou polytheismmix
ザクロ zakuro pomegranatesryouri, shokubutsu
ike pondjlpt5, leda1, shizen
水溜り mizutamari poolshizen
貧しい家 mazushiiie poor familymix
貧民 hinmin poor peoplemix
貧者 hinja poor personmix
貧しい mazushii poor, needyadj
可哀相 kawaisou poor, pitiable, pathetic, pitifulmix
ポップ poppu popongaku
ポプラ popura poplarshokubutsu
芥子 keshi poppyshokubutsu
ポップス poppusu popsjlpt3
人気 ninki popularadj, jlpt3, leda1
歌番組 utabangumi popular song program on radio or televisionmix
好評 kouhyou popularity/favorable reputation/favourable reputation/(P)adj, leda1
人口 jinkou populationjlpt4, leda1
ヤマアラシ yamaarashi porcupinedoubutsu
毛穴 keana porehito
豚肉 butaniku porkjlpt5, ryouri
港町 minatomachi port citymix
部分 bubun portion, partleda1
肖像画 shouzouga portraitmix
似顔絵 nigaoe portrait, likenessmix
正数 seisuu positive numbermath
プラス記号 purasukigou positive signmath
肯定 koutei positive, affirmationsuru
狐憑き kitsunetsuki possession by a fox spirit, person possessed by a fox spiritmix
所持 shoji possession, owningsuru
可能 kanou possible, practicable, feasiblejlpt3, mix
有り得る arieru possible/likely/probable; possible/likely/probablemix
ポスト posuto postjlpt5
郵便局 yuubinkyoku post officejlpt5
郵便切手 yuubinkitte postage stampmix
送料 souryou postage, carriagemix
葉書 hagaki postcardjlpt3, jlpt5
絵葉書 ehagaki postcardryokou
末孫 masson posteritymix
追伸 tsuishin postscriptmix
戦後 sengo postwar period, period after Second World Warmix
nabe potryouri
可能性 kanousei potentiality, likelihood, possibility, availabilitymix
fukuro pouchfuku
不機嫌 fukigen pout, displeasure, ill humor, ill humour, sullennessmix
貧乏 binbou poverty, destitute, poormix
貧困 hinkon poverty, lackmix
抹茶 maccha powdered green tea for ceremoniesmix
停電 teiden power outage, electricity outage, blackout, failure of electricity supplyjlpt3, suru
発電所 hatsudensho power plant, power stationmix
電源 dengen power supplydenki
威力 iryoku power, might, authority, influence
動力 douryoku power, motive power, dynamic forcemix
実効 jikkou practical effect, efficacy, efficiencymix
実学 jitsugaku practical sciencemix
実地試験 jicchishiken practical testmix
練習 renshuu practicejlpt5
実践 jissen practice, practise, put into practice, put into practisesuru
訓練 kunren practice, practise, trainingsuru
賞賛 shousan praise, admiration, commendation, approbationsuru
片言 katakoto (1)brief remark, few words, (2)one side (e.g. of an argument), ex-parte statement bunpou
海老 ebi prawn, shrimp, lobster, crayfishdoubutsu
祈願 kigan prayersuru
蟷螂 kamikiri praying mantisdoubutsu
紀元前 kigenzen pre-era, BC, BCEtoki
前項 zenkou preceding paragraphmix
尊い tattoi; toutoi precious, valuable, priceless, noble, exalted, sacred; precious, valuable, priceless, noble, exalted, sacredadj
的確 tekikaku precise, accurate; precise, accuratemix
予言 yogen prediction/promise/prognostication/(P)adj, leda1, suru
優位 yuui predominance, ascendancy, superioritymix
県知事 kenchiji prefectural governorseiji, shigoto
府知事 fuchiji prefectural governorseiji, shigoto
府庁 fuchou prefectural officejlpt3
県庁 kenchou prefectural officeseiji
ken prefecturemix
ましな mashina preferable, betterjlpt3
優先 yuusen preference, priority, precedencesuru
妊婦 ninpu pregnantai
前奏曲 zensoukyoku prelude, overtureongaku
夭折 yousetsu premature deathsuru
尚早 shousou prematuritymix
構内 kounai premises, grounds, campus, in-housemix
プリペイドカード puripeidoka-do prepaid cardjlpt3
予習 yoshuu preparation for a lessonjlpt4
支度 shitaku preparation, arrangementssuru
予備 yobi preparation, preliminaries, reserve, sparemix
したく shitaku preparation, preparejlpt4
準備 junbi preparejlpt3, jlpt4
用意 youi preparejlpt4
現状 genjou present condition, existing state, status quomix
発表 happyou presentationmath
予感 yokan presentiment/premonition/(P)leda1, suru
保存方法 hozonhouhou preservation methodmix
保存 hozon preservation, conservation, storage, saving (e.g. to disk), maintenancejlpt3, suru
社長 shachou presidentjlpt4, leda1, shigoto
総裁 sousai presidentseiji
会長 kaichou president (of a society)/chairman/(P)shigoto
大統領 daitouryou president/chief executive/(P)shigoto
圧力 atsuryoku pressurekagaku, leda1
きれいな kireina prettyadj
随分 zuibun pretty much, very muchjlpt3, jlpt4
きれい kirei pretty, cleanadj, jlpt5
予防 yobou prevention, precaution, protection againstjlpt3, suru
前回 zenkai previous time, last time, previous installment, previous instalment, previous sessionmix
餌食 ejiki prey, victimmix
値上がり neagari price advance, increase in valuejlpt3
値下がり nesagari price decline, a fall in pricemix
ねだん nedan price, costjlpt4
値段 nedan price, costmix
価格 kakaku price, value, costmix
重宝 chouhou priceless treasure, convenience, usefulness; priceless treasure, convenience, usefulnesssuru
物価 bukka prices of commodities, prices (in general), cost-of-livingjlpt3
ラインの群れ raionnomure pride of lionsdoubutsu
自慢 jiman pride, boastjlpt3, mix
誇り hokori pride, boastmix
霊長類 reichourui primatedoubutsu
総理大臣 souridaijin Prime Ministerseiji
首相 shushou Prime Minister/Chancellor (Germany, Austria, etc.)/Premier/(P)leda1
素数 sosuu prime numbersmath
壮年 sounen prime of lifemix
入門書 nyuumonsho primer, manual, introductory bookmix
原生林 genseirin primeval forest, virgin forestmix
王子 ouji princeleda1
校長 kouchou principalgakkou, jlpt4, shigoto
プリンター purinta- printerdenki
プリンタ purinta printerdenki, jlpt3
印刷 insatsu printingsuru
活字 katsuji printing typemix
優先席 yuusenseki priority seatingryokou
プライバシー puraibashi- privacyjlpt3
私学 shigaku private (non-governmental) school (college, university)mix
開業医 kaigyoui private clinician, physician in private practicemix
民間会社 minkankaisha private company, private corporationmix
私費 shihi private expensemix
民家 minka private housemix
専用駐車場 sen'youchuushajou private parking placemix
私立大学 shiritsudaigaku private universitygakkou
民営化 min'eika privatization, privatisationsuru
確率 kakuritsu probability, likelihood, chancesmath
問題 mondai problem, questionjlpt5, leda1
fun proboscisdoubutsu
手続 tetsuduki procedure, (legal) process, formalitiessuru
上京 joukyou proceeding to the capital (Tokyo)suru
過程 katei process, course, mechanismmix
手順 tejun process, procedure, sequence, protocol, instructionmix
加工年月日 kakou nengappi processed datemix
処理 shori processing, dealing with, treatment, disposition, disposalsuru
購買 koubai procurement, purchase, buyingsuru
非凡 hibon prodigy, rare, unique, extraordinarymix
神童 shindou prodigy, wonder childmix
演出家 enshutsuka producer, directorongaku
産地 sanchi producing areamix
種類別名称 shuruibetsu meishou product namemix
生産 seisan production, manufacturejlpt3, suru
プロの purono professionaladj
プロ puro professionaljlpt3
教授 kyouju professorgakkou, shigoto
熟練した jukurenshita proficientadj
番組 bangumi program (e.g. TV)jlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
進展 shinten progress, developmentsuru
禁書 kinsho prohibited book or literaturemix
禁止 kinshi prohibitionjlpt3, leda1
禁酒法 kinshuhou Prohibition Lawseiji
禁漁 kingyo prohibition of fishingmix
発売禁止 hatsubaikinshi prohibition of salemix
禁酒 kinshu prohibition, temperance, abstinencesuru
映写 eisha projectionsuru
投影 touei projectionsuru
プロジェクター purojekuta- projectordenki
多作の tasakuno prolificadj
序章 joshou prologue, prefacebunpou
約束 yakusoku promisejlpt3, jlpt4
龍馬 ryuume Promoted bishop ("Horse")Shogi
成桂 narikei Promoted knightShogi
成香 narikyou Promoted lanceShogi
と金 tokin Promoted pawn ("tokin")Shogi
龍王 ryuuou Promoted rook ("Dragon")Shogi
成銀 narigin Promoted silver generalShogi
促進 sokushin promotion, acceleration, encouragement, facilitation, spurring onsuru
昇級 shoukyuu promotion, advancementsuru
振興 shinkou promotion, encouragementsuru
発音 hatsuon pronunciationbunpou, jlpt4, leda1
証明 shoumei proofjlpt3, math
akashi proofmath
背理法による証明 hairihou niyoru shoumei proof by contraditionmath
支柱 shichuu prop, brace, fulcrummix
比例 hirei proportionsuru
提案書 teiansho proposal (document)gakkou
提案 teian proposal, proposition, suggestionjlpt3, suru
命題 meidai proposition, thesismath
盛ん sakan prosperousjlpt3, jlpt4
売春婦 baishunfu prostituteshigoto
蛋白質 tanpakushitsu proteinmix
たんぱく質 tanpakushitsu proteinmix
陽子 youshi protonmix
試作機 shisakuki prototype (e.g. plane)mix
分度器 bundoki protractorgakkou
得意気 tokuige proudemo
鼻が高い hana ga takai proudadj
誇らしい hokorashii proud, haughty, arrogant, splendid, magnificentadj
食糧 shokuryou provisions, rations, food supplymix
間近 madika proximity, nearness, soon, nearbymix
精神分析 seishinbunseki psychoanalysismix
雷鳥 raichou ptarmigandoubutsu
陰毛 inmou pubic hairmix
公立 kouritsu public (institution)mix
公費 kouhi public expendituremix
公民館 kouminkan public hall, community center, community centremix
公衆便所 koushuubenjo public lavatorymix
世論調査 seronchousa public opinion pollmix
世論 seron; yoron public opinion; public opinionseiji
安寧 annei public peacemix
検事 kenji public prosecutormix
公務員 koumuin public servantjlpt4, leda1, shigoto
公僕 kouboku public servantmix
土木 doboku public worksmix
公共 koukyou public, community, public service, society, communalmix
刊行 kankou publication, issuesuru
宣伝 senden publicity, advertisement, advertising, propagandajlpt3, suru
印行 inkou publishingsuru
ツノメドリ tsunomedori puffin(horned)doubutsu
肺動脈 haidoumyaku pulmonary arteryhito
脈拍 myakuhaku pulse, pulsation, stroke of pulsehito
ポンプ ponpu pump (dut: pomp)mix
かぼちゃ kabocha pumpkin ryouri
パンプス panpusu pumpsfuku, jlpt3
掛詞 kakekotoba pun, play on wordsmix
パンチ panchi punchjlpt3, suru
生徒 seito pupilgakkou, jlpt5, shigoto
人形 ningyou puppet, dollleda1
子犬 koinu puppydoubutsu, leda1
純情 junjou pure heart, naivete, self-sacrificing devotionmix
純粋数学 junsuisuugaku pure mathematicsmath
純銀 jungin pure silverkagaku
純水 junsui pure watermix
harae purificationkami
紫色の murasakiirono purpleadj, iro
財布 saifu purse, walletjlpt4
追跡 tsuiseki pursuit, tracking (e.g. in computer graphics), keeping records on, tracingsuru
寝間着 nemaki pyjamasfuku
二次方程式 nijihouteishiki quadratic equationmath
二次関数 nijikansuu quadratic functionmath
uzura quaildoubutsu
資格 shikaku qualifications, requirements, capabilitiesjlpt3
shitsu qualityjlpt3
内容量 naiyouryou quantitymix
ryou quantity, amount, volume, portion (of food)mix
喧嘩 kenka quarrelai
四分音符 shibuonpu quarter note, crotchet; quarter note, crotchetongaku
王妃 ouhi queen
質問 shitsumon question/inquiry/enquirygakkou, jlpt5, leda1, suru
疑問 gimon question/problem/doubt/guess/(P)mix
問い toi question/query/(P)leda1
アンケート anke-to questionnaire (fre: enquete), surveyjlpt3
retsu queue/line/row/column/sequence/string/train/(P)jlpt3, ryokou
速い hayai quickadj, jlpt5
短気 tanki quick temper, short tempermix
迅速 jinsoku quick, fast, rapid, swift, prompt, streamlined, expedited, expeditiousmix
流砂 ryuusa; ryuusha quicksand; quicksandshizen
静か shizuka quietjlpt5
静かな shizukana quietadj
無口な mukuchina quietadj, emo
悠々 yuuyuu quiet, calm, leisurely, easymix
おとなしい otonashii quiet, subduedjlpt3
クイズ kuizu quizmix
小テスト shoutesuto quiz, small testmix
引用 in'you quotation, citation, referencesuru
研究開発所 kenkyuukaihatsusho R & D centershigoto
usagi rabbitdoubutsu
ウサギ usagi rabbitdoubutsu
兎と亀 usagi to kame Rabbit and Turtleusagitokame
狂犬病 kyoukenbyou rabies, hydrophobiabyouki
洗い熊 araiguma racoondoubutsu
レーダー re-da- radarmix
放射 housha radiation, emissionsuru
部首 bushu radical (of a kanji character)bunpou
ラジオ rajio radiodenki, jlpt3, jlpt5
ラジカセ rajikase radio cassette playerjlpt5
ラジオカセット rajiokasetto radio cassette playerjlpt5
半径 hankei radiusmath
激怒 gekido rageemo
雷電 raiden Raiden, god of thunder and lightningkami
雷神 raijin Raijin, god of thunder and lightningkami
レール re-ru rail/(P)jlpt3
鉄道 tetsudou railroadmix
鉄橋 tekkyou railway bridgeryokou
踏切 fumikiri railway crossingryokou
遮断機 shadanki railway crossing gatemix
ame rainjlpt5, leda1, tenki
雨雲 amagumo rain cloud leda1, shizen, tenki
雨水 amamizu rain waterleda1, shizen
niji rainbowtenki
雨合羽 amegappa raincoatfuku
レインコート reinko-to raincoatfuku
雨の一滴 amenoitteki raindroptenki
降雨 kouu rainfall, rainmix
雨天 uten rainy weathermix
挙手 kyoshu raising (holding up) one's hand, salutesuru
開幕 kaimaku raising the curtainsuru
養殖 youshoku raising, culture, cultivationsuru
熊手 kumade rake, fork, bamboo rakemix
ラーメン ra-men ramen noodlesryouri
比肩 hiken rank equal with, compare favourably with, compare favorably withsuru
ラップミュージック rappumyu-jikku rap musicongaku
菜の花 nanohana rape (flower)shokubutsu
油菜 aburana rape (seed oil plant, Brassica campestris)mix
矢継ぎ早 yatsugibaya rapid succession (e.g. questions)adj, leda1
稀有 keu rare, uncommonmix
滅多に mettani rarely (with neg. verb), seldommix
発疹 hasshin rashbyouki
軽率 keisotsu rash, thoughtless, careless, hastymix
木苺 kiichigo raspberryryouri, shokubutsu
ネズミ nezumi ratdoubutsu
殺鼠剤 sassozai rat poisonmix
割合に wariaini ratejlpt4
歩合 buai rate, ratio, commission, percentage, poundagemix
寧ろ mushiro rather, better, insteadmix
批准 hijun ratification, ratifysuru
合格率 goukakuritsu ratio of successful applicants, (examination) pass rateshigoto
合理的 gouriteki rational, reasonable, logicalmix
鼠落し nezumiotoshi rattrapmix
渓谷 keikoku ravineshizen
nama rawadj, jlpt3, ryouri
刺身 sashimi raw fish dishryouri
素材 sozai raw materials, subject mattermix
原料 genryou raw materials/(P)leda1
生肉 namaniku raw meat, fresh meatmix
生魚 namazakana raw or fresh fishmix
生の namano raw, uncookedadj, ryouri
旭光 kyokkou rays of the rising sunmix
剃刀 kamisori razormix
sai re-/again/repeated/deutero-/deuto-/deuter-/(P)mix
再入国 sainyuukoku re-entry into a countrymix
再試験 saishiken re-examinationmix
到達 toutatsu reaching, attaining, arrivalsuru
反応 hannou reaction, response; reaction, responsesuru
反動 handou reaction/recoil/kick/backlash/(P)leda1
読者 dokusha reader/(P)leda1
読書 dokusho readingjlpt3, leda1
音読 ondoku reading aloudleda1
黙読 mokudoku reading silentlysuru
不動産 fudousan real estatemix
不動産屋 fudousan'ya real estate agent, realtormix
本音 honne real intention, motivemix
本名 honmyou real name; real namemix
本名 honmei real name; real namemix
実数 jissuu real numbermath
現実 genjitsu realitymix
ほんとうに hontouni really, trulyjlpt5
本当に hontouni really, trulyjlpt3
再現 saigen reappearance, reproduction, return, revivalsuru
理由 riyuu reasonjlpt4
wake reasonjlpt3, jlpt4
召還 shoukan recall, calling someone back, summons (home)suru
レシート reshi-to receipt/docket (e.g. cash register)/(P)jlpt3
拝命 haimei receiving an official appointmentsuru
近年 kinnen recent yearsmix
最近 saikin recentlyjlpt4, leda1, toki
受付 uketsuke receptionjlpt4
応接間 ousetsuma reception room, parlor, parlourmix
料理方法 ryourihouhou reciperyouri
逆数 gyakusuu reciprocalmath
承認 shounin recognition, acknowledgement, acknowledgment, approval, consent, agreementsuru
認識 ninshiki recognition, cognizance, cognisancesuru
お勧め osusume recommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragementsuru
推薦 suisen recommendation, referral, endorsementsuru
仲直り nakanaori reconciliation/make peace withleda1, suru
改修工事 kaishuukouji reconstructionmix
レコード reko-do recordjlpt5
記載 kisai record, statement, description, mention, listing, registration, booking, entrysuru
古事記 kojiki Records of Ancient Matters (Japan's oldest historical record); Records of Ancient Matters (Japan's oldest historical record)mix
長方形 chouhoukei rectangle, oblongmath
長方形の chouhoukeino rectangularadj, math
リサイクル risaikuru recyclejlpt3, suru
赤い akai redadj, iro, jlpt5
aka rediro, jlpt5
紅白 kouhaku red and white, colours for festive or auspicious occasions (colors)iro
赤土 akatsuchi red soilkagaku
アカリス akarisu red squirreldoubutsu
赤ワイン akawain red wineryouri
赤み akami reddish tinge/tinge of red/slight redness/blushmix
半減 hangen reduction by half, halvesuru
謙称 kenshou refer to modestlysuru
審判 shinpan refereeing, trial, judgement, judgment, umpire, referee; refereeing, trial, judgement, judgment, umpire, refereesuru
言及 genkyuu reference, allusionsuru
参考 sankou reference, consultationmix
映像 eizou reflection, image, picture (e.g. on a television), shot, clipmix
回想 kaisou reflection, reminiscencesuru
反省 hansei reflection/reconsideration/introspection/meditation/contemplation/(P)jlpt3, leda1, suru
反射な hanshana reflectiveadj
改革 kaikaku reform, reformation, innovationsuru
冷蔵庫 reizouko refrigeratordenki, jlpt5, uchi
難民 nanmin refugeesmix
拒絶 kyozetsu refusal, rejectionsuru
地方 chihou regionjlpt3, mix
一帯 ittai region, zone, whole placemix
レジ reji registerjlpt3, jlpt4
レジスター rejisuta- registerjlpt3
登録 touroku registration/accession/register/entry/record/(P)suru
後悔 koukai regret, repentancejlpt3, mix
悔しい kuyashii regrettable, mortifying, vexingjlpt3
常連客 jourenkyaku regular customermix
規制 kisei regulation, (traffic) policing, control, restrictionsuru
調整 chousei regulation, coordination, adjustment, tuning, modification, alterationsuru
規定 kitei regulation, provisionssuru
規則 kisoku regulationsjlpt4
予行 yokou rehearsalleda1, suru
霊気 reiki reikimix
靈氣 reiki Reiki (healing method)mix
増援 zouen reinforcementsuru
に関して nikanshite related to, in relation tomix
密接 missetsu related, connected, close, intimatemix
関連 kanren relation, connection, relevancesuru
naka relation/relationship/(P)jlpt3, leda1
関係 kankei relationshipjlpt3, jlpt4
親戚 shinseki relativeskazoku
親族 shinzoku relativesmix
リラックス rirakkusu relaxsuru
出獄 shutsugoku release (from prison)suru
信頼 shinrai reliance, trust, faith, confidencesuru
安堵 ando reliefsuru
救済 kyuusai relief, aid, rescue, salvation, helpsuru
宗教 shuukyou religionjlpt3, kami
改宗 kaishuu religious conversionsuru
老い先 oisaki remaining years (of one's life)mix
注意 chuui remarkjlpt4, math
著しい ichijirushii remarkable, considerableadj
顕著 kencho remarkable, striking, obviousmix
残り nokori remnant, residue, remaining, left-overmix
報酬 houshuu remuneration, recompense, reward, tollmix
家賃 yachin rent/(P)jlpt3, uchi
レンタル rentaru rental/(P)jlpt3
再開 saikai reopening, resumption, restartingsuru
改組 kaiso reorganization, reorganisationsuru
修復 shuufuku repair, mendingsuru
修理 shuuri repairing/mending/servicingjlpt3, mix
賠償 baishou reparations, indemnity, compensationsuru
返金 henkin repaymentsuru
返済 hensai repayment, reimbursement, refund, redemptionsuru
留年 ryuunen repeating the same class (school), staying more than two years in the same classgakkou, suru
反復 hanpuku repetition/iteration/recursion/recurrence/recapitulation/(P)leda1, suru
返事 henji replyjlpt4, leda1
返信 henshin replysuru
返答 hentou replysuru
応答 outou reply, answer, responsesuru
回答 kaitou reply/answergakkou, leda1, suru
レポート repo-to reportgakkou
欠席届 kessekitodoke report of a school absencemix
上申 joushin report to a superiorsuru
報告 houkoku report, informationjlpt3, suru
申告 shinkoku report, statement, filing a return, notificationsuru
記者 kisha reporter/(P)adj, leda1
複製 fukusei reproduction, duplication, reprintingsuru
は虫類 hachuurui reptiledoubutsu
共和国 kyouwakoku republic, commonwealthseiji
名聞 meibun reputationmix
外聞 gaibun reputation, respectability, honour, honormix
催促 saisoku request, demand, claim, urge (action), press forsuru
頼み tanomi request, favor, favour, reliance, dependencejlpt3
必修の hisshuuno required (subject)/(P)adj, leda1
研究所 kenkyuujo research establishment (institute, laboratory, etc.); research establishment (institute, laboratory, etc.)all, gakkou, shigoto
研究者 kenkyuusha researchershigoto
酷似 kokuji resemblance, resemblesuru
憤り ikidoori resentment, indignationmix
予約 yoyaku reservationjlpt4, ryokou
控えめな hikaemena reservedadj, emo
指定席 shiteiseki reserved seatryokou
貯水池 chosuichi reservoir/(P)leda1, shizen
溜め池 tameike reservoir/pondleda1
居住 kyojuu residencesuru
屋敷 yashiki residence, estate, grounds, premises, mansionmix
住宅 juutaku residence, housing, residential buildingleda1, uchi
在住 zaijuu residentsuru
退職 taishoku resignationjlpt3, shigoto
辞表 jihyou resignation (letter)shigoto
資源 shigen resourcesjlpt3
敬老 keirou respect for the agedmix
尊重 sonchou respect, esteem, regardsuru
尊敬 sonkei respect, esteem, reverence, honour, honorsuru
敬意 keii respect, honour, honormix
謹んで tsutsushinde respectfully, humbly, reverentlymix
答弁 touben response/reply/answer/defence/defense/(P)leda1, suru
答え kotae response/reply/answer/solution/(P)jlpt4, leda1
責任感のある sekininkannoaru responsibleadj, emo
休符 kyuufu rest (in music)ongaku
休憩所 kyuukeijo rest area, rest stop, service area, SA, parking area (e.g. off highways), PAmix
休憩時間 kyuukeijikan rest time, intermissiontoki
休養 kyuuyou rest, break, recreationsuru
休み yasumi rest, recess, respite, vacation, holiday, absence, suspensionjlpt5
休息 kyuusoku rest, relief, relaxationsuru
休憩 kyuukei rest/break/recess/intermissionjlpt3, suru, verb
レストラン resutoran restaurantjlpt5
制限 seigen restriction, restraint, limitation, limitsuru
結果 kekka resultsjlpt3, math
成果 seika results, fruitsmix
家来 kerai retainer, retinue, servantmix
網膜 moumaku retinahito
引退 intai retiresuru
定年退職者 teinentaishokusha retireeshigoto
口答え kuchigotae retort/back talk/(P)leda1, suru
報復 houfuku retribution, revenge, retorsionsuru
帰り kaeri return (noun)jlpt3, jlpt4
帰国 kikoku return to one's countryjlpt3
帰着 kichaku return, conclusionsuru
返品 henpin returned goodssuru
帰宅 kitaku returning homejlpt3, suru, verb
再利用 sairiyou reuse, recyclingsuru
復讐 fukushuu revengesuru
仕返し弁当 shikaeshi bentou revenge lunchboxbaka
残響 zankyou reverberation, echomix
ura reverse sidejlpt4
復習 fukushuu reviewjlpt4
kai revisionmix
改正 kaisei revision, amendment, alterationsuru
ran revolt, rebellion, warmix
旋回 senkai revolution, rotation, turning, swiveling, circlingsuru
褒美 houbi reward, prizemix
狂詩曲 kyoushikyoku rhapsodyongaku
サイ sai rhinocerosdoubutsu
石南花 shakunage rhododendronshokubutsu
石楠花 shakunage rhododendronshokubutsu
押韻 ouin rhymingsuru
肋骨 rokkotsu ribhito
ライス raisu riceryouri
御飯 gohan rice (cooked), mealjlpt5, ryouri
ちゃわん chawan rice bowl, tea cupjlpt5, ryouri
茶碗 chawan rice bowl, tea cupryouri
炊飯器 suihanki rice cookerdenki, uchi
煎餅 senbei rice cookie, Japanese cracker, wafermix
稲作 inasaku rice cropmix
水田 suiden rice fieldleda1, shizen
ta rice fieldmix
kome rice grainjlpt4, leda1, shokubutsu
sake rice wineleda1, ryouri
神酒 miki Rice wine offered to the kamikami
肥えた土 koetatsuchi rich (fertile) soilmix
お金持ち okanemochi rich manjlpt4
人力車 jinrikisha rickshawleda1, ryokou
脱却 dakkyaku ridding oneself, freeing oneself of, growing out ofsuru
乗り越し norikoshi riding past (one's station)jlpt3, ryokou
肩車 kataguruma riding piggyback, riding on someone's shouldersmix
migi right hand sidejlpt5, mix
正しい tadashii right, correctadj, jlpt4
権利 kenri right, privilegeseiji
曲らない magaranai rigidadj
緊密 kinmitsu rigour, rigor, closeness, compactness, tightly knitmix
指輪 yubiwa ringfuku, jlpt3, jlpt4
薬指 kusuriyubi ring finger, third fingermix
試合場 shiaijou ring, playing field, stadiummix
さざ波 sazanami rippleshizen
冒険 bouken risk/venture/adventure/(P)mix
縁日 ennichi Ritual dayskami
切腹 seppuku ritual suicide, disembowelment, seppuku, harakirimix
kawa riverjlpt5, shizen
kawa riverjlpt5, shizen
川岸 kawagishi river bankleda1, shizen
河原 kawara river bedshizen
川柳 senryuu riverside willow (esp. rosegold pussy willow); riverside willow (esp. rosegold pussy willow); comic haikumix
目釘 mekugi rivet on a sword hiltsensou
路面 romen road surfacemix
michi road, way, methodjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
焼き芋 yakiimo roasted sweet potato, baked sweet potatomix
泥棒 dorobou robberjlpt4, shigoto
コマビン komabin robindoubutsu
ロボット robotto robotadj, jlpt3
屈強 kukkyou robust, brawny, muscular, strong, sturdymix
ロック rokku rockjlpt3, ongaku
iwa rock (boulder)kagaku, leda1, shizen
岩石 ganseki rock (substance)kagaku, leda1, shizen
ロックミュージック rokkumyu-jikku rock musicongaku
岩場 iwaba rocky area/rockface/rock wallleda1
岩山 iwayama rocky mountainleda1, shizen
齧歯類 gesshirui rodentdoubutsu
車両 sharyou rolling stock, railroad cars, vehiclesryokou
屋根 yane roofuchi
屋上 okujou rooftopjlpt4, leda1, uchi
ミヤマカラス miyamakarasu rookdoubutsu
飛車 hisha Rook or castleShogi
部屋 heya roomjlpt5, uchi
部屋代 heyadai room rentjlpt3, uchi
ne rootshokubutsu
根底 kontei root, basis, foundationmix
nawa rope, hempmix
薔薇 bara roseshokubutsu
薔薇園 baraen rose gardenmix
ローズヒップ ro-zuhippu rosehipshokubutsu
ローズマリー ro-zumari- rosemaryryouri, shokubutsu
回転 kaiten rotation (usu. around something)/revolution/turning/(P)leda1, suru
粗い arai roughadj
arai roughmix
大雑把 oozappa rough (as in not precise), broad, sketchymix
下書き shitagaki rough copy, draft, draughtmix
切り捨てる kirisuteru round downichidan, math, verb, vtrans
切り上げる kiriageru round upichidan, math, verb, vtrans
丸い marui round, circular, sphericaladj, jlpt5, leda1
円い marui round, circular, sphericaladj, jlpt5
四捨五入 shishagonyuu rounding half up (i.e. fractions)suru
壮行 soukou rousingmix
路線 rosen route, line, alignmentryokou
歯並び hanarabi row of teeth, set of teeth, dentitionmix
歯並み hanami row of teeth, set of teeth, dentitionmix
並木 namiki row of treesleda1, shizen
王家 ouke royal familyall, seiji
王室 oushitsu royal familymix
ごみ gomi rubbish, trash, garbagejlpt4
瓦礫 gareki rubblemix
リュックサック ryukkusakku rucksackfuku, ryokou
失礼な shitsurei na rudejlpt3
ラグビー ragubi- rugbysport
ルール ru-ru rulejlpt3
支配 shihai rule, control, directionsuru
定規 jougi rulergakkou
元首 genshu ruler/sovereign/(P)leda1
海鳴り uminari rumbling of the seamix
uwasa rumour, rumor, report, hearsay, gossip, common talkjlpt3, suru
次点 jiten runner-up/(P)leda1
鼻がでる hana ga deru runny nosebyouki
wadachi rut, wheel track, furrowmix
龍神 ryuujin Ryuujin, dragon, as well as god of the seakami
琉球神話 ryuukyuushinwa Ryuukyuu mythologykami
糖類 tourui saccharides, sweetenersmix
悲しい kanashii sademo, jlpt4
悲運 hiun sad fate, tragic doom, ill fatemix
サディスティックな sadeィsuteィkkuna sadisticadj
悲しみ kanashimi sadness, sorrow, griefjlpt3
安打 anda safe hit (baseball)leda1, suru
金庫 kinko safe/vault/treasury/provider of funds; safe/vault/treasury/provider of funds/(P)mix
安全 anzen safetyjlpt4, leda1
無事 buji safety, peace, quietnessmix
サフラン safuran saffronshokubutsu
佐賀県 sagaken Saga prefecture (Kyuushuu)namae
ho sailmix
航海 koukai sail, voyagesuru
帆船 hansen sailing boatryokou
船員 sen'in sailorshigoto
聖人の様な seijinnoyouna saintlyadj
埼玉県 saitamaken Saitama prefecture (Kantou area)namae
蔵元 kuramoto sake brewer, warehouse overseermix
日本酒 nihonshu sake/Japanese rice wine/(P)ryouri
サラダ sarada saladryouri
サラリーマン sarari-man salaried employeeshigoto
給料 kyuuryou salaryjlpt3, shigoto
セール se-ru salejlpt3
営業部 eigyoubu sales departmentshigoto
店員 ten'in salesclerkjlpt4, leda1, shigoto
sake salmondoubutsu
鮭漁 sakeryou salmon fishingmix
しょっぱい shoppai saltadj
shio saltjlpt5, kagaku, ryouri
塩辛い shiokarai salty (taste)adj
塩味 shioaji salty taste, saltinessmix
敬礼 keirei salute, bowsuru
同じ onaji samejlpt5
同族 douzoku same family (race, tribe)mix
同世代 dousedai same generation, one's generationmix
同意味 douimi same meaningmix
同志 doushi same mind, comrade, kindred soulmix
試飲 shiin sampling a drink/tastingryouri, suru
試食 shishoku sampling foodryouri, suru
味見 ajimi sampling, tastingsuru
samurai samuraisensou
三宝荒神 sanboukoujin Sanbou Koujin, god of fire, the hearthkami
suna sandjlpt4, kagaku, shizen
砂丘 sakyuu sand duneshizen
砂場 sunaba sand pitmix
サンダル sandaru sandalsfuku, jlpt4
中州 nakasu sandbank (in a river), sandbarmix
磯鴫 isoshigi sandpiperdoubutsu
サンドイッチ sandoicchi sandwichesjlpt4, ryouri
サファイア safuァia sapphirekagaku
札幌 sapporo Sapporo (city)mix
猿田毘古大神 sarutahikoookami Sarutahiko Ookami, leader of the Earth kamikami
猿田彦大神 sarutahikoookami Sarutahiko Ookami, leader of the Earth kamikami
衛星電話 eiseidenwa satellite phonedenki
満足な manzokuna satisfactoryadj, jlpt3
満足 manzoku satisfied, contentedemo, jlpt3
佐藤 satou Satounamae
土曜日 doyoubi Saturdayjlpt5, toki
土星 dosei Saturn (planet)leda1
ソーセージ so-se-ji sausageryouri
貯金箱 chokinbako savings box, bankmix
セイボリー seibori- savoryshokubutsu
スカラー sukara- scalarmath
uroko scaledoubutsu
体重計 taijuukei scalesmix
hakari scales, weighing machinemix
醜聞 shuubun scandalmix
就職難 shuushokunan scarcity of employmentshigoto
案山子 kakashi scarecrowmix
鹿驚 kakashi scarecrowmix
スカーフ suka-fu scarffuku
拡散 kakusan scattering, diffusion, spread (e.g. signal across the spectrum)suru
場面 bamen scene, setting (e.g. of novel)jlpt3
眺め nagame scene, view, prospect, outlookmix
景色 keshiki sceneryjlpt3, jlpt4, shizen
風景 fuukei sceneryleda1
スケジュール sukeju-ru schedulejlpt3, suru
予定日 yoteibi scheduled date, expected datemix
豚カツ tonkatsu schnitzelryouri
学習者 gakushuusha scholar, studentgakkou
学者 gakusha scholar/(P)adj, leda1
奨学金 shougakukin scholarshipgakkou
学力 gakuryoku scholarship, knowledge, literary abilitymix
学問 gakumon scholarship/study/learning/(P)leda1, suru
学校 gakkou schoolgakkou, jlpt5, leda1
校舎 kousha school buildinggakkou
通学 tsuugaku school commutinggakkou, ryokou
入学式 nyuugakushiki school entrance ceremonymix
給食 kyuushoku school lunchgakkou, leda1, ryouri
学校新聞 gakkoushinbun school papermix
運動場 undoujou school playgroundgakkou
成績 seiseki school recordgakkou
校則 kousoku school regulationsmix
学生服 gakuseifuku school uniformfuku, gakkou
校庭 koutei schoolyard, campusmix
シュレーディンガーの猫 shure-deィnga-noneko Schrödinger's catbaka
科学 kagaku sciencejlpt4
理科 rika sciencegakkou, jlpt3
学術 gakujutsu science, learning, scholarshipmix
学会 gakkai scientific society/academic meeting/academic conference/(P)gakkou
科学者 kagakusha scientistshigoto
剪刀 hasami scissorsgakkou
叱る shikaru scoldjlpt4
得点 tokuten score, points made, marks obtained, runssuru
サソリ sasori scorpiondoubutsu
かすり傷 kasurikizu scratchbyouki
気合 kiai scream, yell, fighting spiritmix
スクリーン sukuri-n screenjlpt4
脚本 kyakuhon script, screenplay, scenario
几帳面な kichoumenna scrupulousadj, emo
周到 shuutou scrupulous, meticulous, carefulmix
磯巾着 isoginchaku sea anemonesdoubutsu
海岸 kaigan sea shorejlpt4, leda1, shizen
海胆 uni sea urchin, sea urchin eggsdoubutsu
海水 kaisui sea waterleda1, shizen
umi sea, beachjlpt5, leda1, shizen
海豹 azarashi sealdoubutsu
fuu sealmix
判子 hanko seal (used for signature)mix
印籠 inrou seal case, pill box, medicine casemix
印形 ingyou seal, signetmix
封印 fuuin seal, stampsuru
トド todo sealiondoubutsu
minato seaport, harborjlpt4, ryokou
捜索 sousaku search (esp. for someone or something missing), investigationsuru
探す sagasu search for, look forjlpt4
季節 kisetsu seasonjlpt4
shun season (e.g. fruit, fish)suru
時候 jikou season, time of the yearmix
季節労働 kisetsuroudou seasonal labor, seasonal labourmix
seki seatjlpt4, ryokou
座席番号 zasekibangou seat numberryokou
海藻 kaisou seaweedmix
割線 kassen secant (in trigonometry)math
二等車 nitousha second class carriageryokou
次女 jijo second daughter/(P)leda1
二日 futsuka second day of the month, two daysjlpt5, toki
二階 nikai second flooruchi
十両 juuryou second highest sumo division, wrestlers of the second highest sumo divisionmix
次男 jinan second sonkazoku, leda1
副次的 fukujiteki secondarymix
諜報 chouhou secret information, intelligencemix
内聞 naibun secret, private (information)mix
秘書 hisho secretaryshigoto
課長 kachou section managerjlpt4, leda1, shigoto
課員 kain section staff/(P)leda1
拝見 haiken see, lookjlpt4
苗木 naegi seedling, sapling, young treemix
nae; byou; myao seedling; Miao (people), Hmong; Miao (people), Hmongmix
選択 sentaku selection, choice, optionsuru
選別 senbetsu selection, classification, sorting, screening, triagesuru
取捨選択 shushasentaku selection, making a choice, sifting, decision to adopt or rejectsuru
自己主張 jikoshuchou self-assertionmix
自虐ネタ jigyaku neta self-depreciationmix
独学 dokugaku self-education, self-instruction, self-studysuru
自明の理 jimeinori self-evident truth, truism, axiommix
自省 jisei self-examination, reflectionsuru
自己紹介 jikoshoukai self-introductionsuru
自力 jiriki self-mademix
我流 garyuu self-taught, one's own waymix
自我 jiga self, the egomix
自撮り jidori selfiemix
利己的な rikotekina selfishadj, emo
わがままな wagamamana selfishjlpt3
身勝手(な) migatte(na) selfishness/egoism/egotismadj, leda1
売り場 uriba selling areajlpt4
学期 gakki semestergakkou
準急 junkyuu semi-express train (slower than an express), local express trainryokou
準決勝 junkesshou semifinal (in sports)mix
センペルビブウム senperubibuumu sempervivumshokubutsu
仙台 sendai Sendai (city)mix
先遣 senken sending aheadsuru
祢宜 negi senior priest (of a Shinto shrine)mix
感触 kanshoku sense of touch, feeling, sensation, texture (of food while chewing)suru
nen sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, concern, attention, caregodan, suru, verb, vtrans
感覚 kankaku sense, sensation, feeling, intuitionsuru
敏感な binkanna sensitiveadj, emo
文章 bunshou sentence,textbunpou, jlpt5, leda1
心情 shinjou sentiment, emotions, one's feelings, one's heartmix
感傷的 kanshouteki sentimentalmix
べつに betsuni separatelyjlpt4
別々に betsubetsuni separately, apart, severally, individuallyjlpt3
別々 betsubetsu separately, individuallymix
分離 bunri separation, partition, detachment, segregation, isolation, decollationsuru
続き tsuduki sequel, continuation, (also suffix) continuation (in time and space), second series, succession, spelljlpt3
軍曹 gunsou sergeantsensou
連続 renzoku serial, consecutive, continuity, occurring in succession, continuingsuru
連載 rensai serialization, serialisation, serial storysuru
まじめな majimena seriousadj, emo
深刻 shinkoku seriousmix
大怪我 ookega serious injurymix
召し使い meshitsukai servant, menialmix
運休 unkyuu service suspended (e.g. trains)suru
勤務 kinmu service, duty, worksuru
胡麻 goma sesame seedryouri
集合 shuugou setmath
定食 teishoku set meal, special (of the day)mix
決済 kessai settlement, payment of accountsuru
解決 kaiketsu settlement, solution, resolutionjlpt3, suru
七つ nanatsu sevenjlpt5
七日 nanoka seven days, the seventh day of the monthjlpt5, toki
七福神 shichifukujin Seven Deities of Good Luckkami
何度か nandoka several times, one or twicemix
複数 fukusuu several, plural, plurality, multiplemix
退職金 taishokukin severance payment, retirement money (usu. lump-sum), redundancy paymentshigoto
ミシン mishin sewing machinemix
性交 seikou sexual intercourseai, suru
セクシー sekushi- sexyadj, ai
岩陰 iwakage shade of a rockleda1
kage shadowmix
木陰 kokage shadow of a treeleda1
飛蔭 tobikage Shadowfaxnamae
浅見 senken shallow view, superficial ideamix
浅い asai shallow, superficialadj, jlpt3, jlpt4
haji shame, embarrassmentmix
死に恥 shinihaji shameful deathmix
恥ずかしい hazukashii shameful, be ashamedadj, emo, jlpt4
無恥 muchi shamelessmix
紹興酒 shoukoushu shaoxingjiu (Chinese alcohol made from rice or glutinous millet) (chi:)mix
大の字 dainoji shape of the "dai" kanji (esp. person with arms and legs outstretched)suru
かっこう kakkou shape, formjlpt4
kasa shape, umbrellajlpt5
共有 kyouyuu share, joint ownership, co-ownershipsuru
相合傘 aiaigasa sharing an umbrella, under one umbrellatenki
共に tomoni sharing with, participate in, both, alike, together, along with, with, includingsuru
same sharkdoubutsu
嬰音 eion sharp (musical note)ongaku
鋭い surudoi sharp (point)adj
彼女 kanojo sheai, jlpt4
hitsuji sheepdoubutsu, leda1
綿羊 men'you sheepleda1
羊小屋 hitsujigoya sheepfoldleda1
~枚 ~mai sheet, page, piece, counter for thin, flat objectscounter, jlpt5
tana shelfjlpt4, uchi
kai (1)(uk) Japanese babylon (species of shelled mollusk, Babylonia japonica), Japanese ivory shell, (2)(abbr) spinning top (traditionally made from a Japanese babylon shell)
砲丸 hougan shell, shots, cannon ballmix
貝類 kairui shellfishdoubutsu
滋賀県 shigaken Shiga prefecture (Kinki area)namae
shijimi shijimi clam (corbicula japonica)mix
島根県 shimaneken Shimane prefecture (Chuugoku area)namae
向こうずね mukouzune shinhito
新橋 shinbashi Shinbashi (section of Tokyo)namae
死神 shinigami Shinigami, death godkami
神道 shintou Shintokami
氏神 ujigami Shinto god, patron godkami
神主 kannushi Shinto priestkami
神事 shinji Shinto ritualskami, leda1
神社 jinja Shinto shrinejlpt4, kami, leda1
神宮 jinguu Shinto shrine/(P)kami
つやつやの tsuyatsuyano shinyadj
fune shipryokou
船舶 senpaku shipmix
船底 sentei; funazoko ship's bottom, bilge; ship's bottom, bilgemix
船長 senchou ship's captain/(P)mix
ワイシャツ waishatsu shirt (lit: white shirt), business shirtfuku, jlpt5
シャツ shatsu shirt, singletfuku, jlpt5
静岡 shizuoka Shizuoka (city)namae
静岡県 shizuokaken Shizuoka prefecture (Chuubu area)namae
shou; masu (1)measuring container, measure, (2)box (seating at a theatre, etc.), (3)square on a grid, cell of a grid mix
焼酎 shouchuu shochu (Japanese liquor similar to vodka)mix
ショック shokku shockjlpt3, mix
下駄箱 getabako shoe cabinetuchi
靴屋 kutsuya shoemaker, shoe storemise
kutsu shoes, footwearfuku, jlpt5
将棋 shougi shogi, Japanese chess, xianqimix
流れ星 nagareboshi shooting star/meteor/(P)leda1
洋品店 youhinten shop which handles Western-style apparel and accessoriesmise
mise shop, establishmentjlpt5, leda1, mise
商店 shouten shop, small store, business, firmmise
~屋 ~ya shop, store, dealerjlpt5
買い物 kaimono shoppingjlpt5
店とショッピング mise to shoppingu shops and shoppingmise
短い mijikai shortadj, jlpt5
背の低い senohikui shortadj
講習 koushuu short course, trainingsuru
短命 tanmei short life, short livedmix
半ズボン hanzubon short pantsfuku
小刀 kogatana short swordleda1, sensou
脇差 wakizashi short swordsensou
低い hikui short, low, humbleadj, jlpt5
品薄 shinausu shortage of stock, scarcity of goodsmix
kata shoulderhito
四十肩 shijuukata shoulder pain (at about age forty)byouki
双肩 souken shouldersmix
叫び sakebi shout, scream, outcrymix
昭和 shouwa Showa era (1926.12.25-1989.1.7)seiji
シャワー shawa- showerjlpt5, uchi
派手(な) hade(na) showy, loud, gay, flashy, gaudyjlpt3
トガリネズミ togarinezumi shrewdoubutsu
嬉しい悲鳴 ureshiihimei shriek of delight, cry of joymix
悲鳴 himei shriek, screamsuru
ebi shrimpdoubutsu
神社神道 jinjashintou Shrine Shintokami
手裏剣 shuriken shuriken, small throwing blade, small edged weapon often used for throwing, throwing starmix
臆面 okumen shy facemix
兄弟 kyoudai siblingsjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
病室 byoushitsu sickroom, hospital roombyouki
内玄関 uchigenkan side entrancemix
側面 sokumen side, flank, sidelight, lateralmix
~側 ~kawa side, partjlpt5
hen side, part, area, vicinityjlpt5
溜め息 tameiki sighmix
嘆息 tansoku sigh, grief, deploringsuru
観光地 kankouchi sight-seeing arearyokou
見物 kenbutsu sightseeingjlpt4
観光 kankou sightseeingjlpt3
サイン sain signmix
手話 shuwa sign languagekaiwa
看板 kanban sign, signboard, doorplate, poster, billboard, appearance, figurehead, policy, attraction, closing timemix
合図 aizu sign/signaljlpt3, leda1, suru
調印国 chouinkoku signatory nationmix
署名 shomei signaturesuru
調印 chouin signature, signing, sealingsuru
有意 yuui significancemix
雨模様 amemoyou signs of rain/threat of rainleda1
兆し kizashi signs, omen, symptomsmix
無言の mugon no silencemix
沈黙 chinmoku silence, reticencesuru
粛々 shukushuku silent, solemn, quietmix
影像 eizou silhouettemix
kinu silkjlpt4
gin silverkagaku
銀狐 gingitsune silver foxdoubutsu
銀将 ginshou Silver generalShogi
銀牌 ginpai silver medalmix
銀メダル ginmedaru silver medalmix
銀山 ginzan silver minemix
銀器 ginki silver utensilsmix
同じく onajiku similarly, same (idea), same (name)suru
比喩 hiyu simile, metaphormix
弱火 yowabi simmering, low fire, gentle heatingmix
簡単 kantan simpleadj, jlpt4
簡略 kanryaku simple, simplicitymix
単純 tanjun simplicitymix
素朴 soboku simplicity, artlessness, naivetemix
簡易 kan'i simplicity, convenience, easiness, quasi-mix
単に tanni simply, merely, only, solelymix
サインエクス sain'ekusu sin(x)math
誠実 seijitsu sincere, honest, faithfulmix
誠意 seii sincerity, good faithmix
サイン sain Sinemath
歌手 kashu singerongaku, shigoto
自画自賛 jigajisan singing one's own praises, praising one's own waressuru
歌声 utagoe singing voicemix
独り者 hitorimono single (i.e. unmarried) person, someone alonemix
単数 tansuu singular numbermix
地点 chiten site/point on a map/spot/(P)leda1
六つ muttsu sixjlpt5
六日 muika six days, sixth (day of month)jlpt5, toki
スカ suka ska (type of Jamaican music)ongaku
スケート suke-to skatingsport
骸骨 gaikotsu skeletonmix
写生 shasei sketching, drawing from nature, portrayal, descriptionsuru
スキー suki- skiingsport
上手 jouzu skill, skillful, dexterityadj, jlpt5, leda1
器用 kiyou skillful, handymix
皮膚 hifu skinhito
katsuo skipjack tuna, bonito (Katsuwonus pelamis)doubutsu
スカート suka-to skirtfuku, jlpt5
狐の群れ kitsunenomure skulk of foxesdoubutsu
頭がい骨 zugaikotsu skullhito
sora skyjlpt5, leda1, shizen
雲雀 hibari skylark (Alauda arvensis)mix
打ち上げ花火 uchiagehanabi skyrocket (firework)mix
猫騙し nekodamashi slapping hands in front of opponent's face to confuse him (sumo)mix
眠気 nemuke sleepiness, drowsinessmix
茨姫 ibarahime Sleeping Beauty, Thorn Princess, Briar Rosemix
寝台車 shindaisha sleeping car/sleeperryokou
寝坊 nebou sleeping in latejlpt4
寝巻き nemaki sleeping kimonofuku
睡眠薬 suimin'yaku sleeping pill, sleep medicationall, byouki
眠い nemui sleepyadj, mix
みぞれ mizore sleettenki
手品 tejina sleight of hand, conjuring trick, magic, jugglingmix
雨戸 amado sliding storm shutter/(P)leda1
スリッパ surippa slippersfuku, jlpt5
saka slope,hilljlpt3, jlpt4, shizen
スロバキア surobakia Slovakianamae
スロバキア語 surobakiago Slovakian (language), Slovakmix
鈍い noroi slowmix
ゆっくりと yukkurito slowlyjlpt5
ゆっくり yukkuri slowly, at easejlpt5
そろそろ sorosoro slowly, graduallyjlpt4
なめくじ namekuji slugdoubutsu
スラー sura- slurongaku
小さな chiisana smalladj, jlpt4
小ちゃい chiichai small (babytalk form)adj
子熊 koguma small bear, bear cubmix
細かいお金 komakaiokane small changemix
小皿 kozara small dish/(P)leda1
雑魚 zako small fish, small fry; small fish, small frymix
小腸 shouchou small intestinehito
小島 kojima small island/islet/(P)leda1
saki small peninsula, capemix
小さい世界 chiisaisekai small worldmix
小さい chiisai small, littleadj, jlpt5
スマホ sumaho smartphonedenki
微笑み hohoemi smile; smilesuru
笑顔 egao smiling facehito
keburi smoke, fumesjlpt3
喫煙者 kitsuensha smokermix
喫煙 kitsuen smokingsuru
喫煙コーナー kitsuenko-na- smoking cornermix
煙い kemui smoky; smokyadj
滑らかな namerakana smoothadj
滑らかな曲線 namerakanakyokusen smooth curvemath
円滑 enkatsu smooth, undisturbed, uninterrupted, harmonious; (adj-na) smooth, undisturbed, uninterrupted, harmoniousmix
密輸 mitsuyu smuggling, contraband tradesuru
お八つ oyatsu snackryouri
お摘み otsumami snacks to go with alcoholbaka, ryouri
蝸牛 katatsumuri snaildoubutsu
巻貝 makigai snail, spiral shellmix
金魚草 kingyosou snapdragonshokubutsu
スニーカー suni-ka- sneakersfuku
shigi snipedoubutsu
狙撃兵 sogekihei sniper, sharpshootermix
ibiki snoringbyouki
yuki snowjlpt5, tenki
雪祭り yukimatsuri snow festivalmix
吹雪 fubuki snow storm, blizzardmix
白雪姫 shirayukihime Snow Whitemix
雪の吹きだまり yukinofukidamari snowdrifttenki
スノードロップ suno-doroppu snowdropshokubutsu
雪のひとひら yukinohitohira snowflaketenki
雪片 seppen snowflakeshizen
雪だるま yukidaruma snowmanmix
雪景色 yukigeshiki snowy landscapeshizen
雪渓 sekkei snowy valleymix
そう sou so, reallyjlpt4
それほど sorehodo so, so muchjlpt4
そんなに sonnani so, so much, like thatjlpt4
だから dakara so,thereforejlpt4
ずぶ濡れ zubunure soaked, dripping wetmix
石鹸 sekken soapjlpt5, leda1
サッカー sakka- soccersport
社会 shakai societyjlpt4, leda1
靴下 kutsushita socksfuku, jlpt5
炭酸水 tansansui sodaryouri
ナトリウム natoriumu sodium (Na) (ger: Natrium)kagaku
ソーファ so-fuァ sofauchi
柔らかい yawarakai softadj, jlpt4
ソフト sofuto softadj, jlpt4
軟らかい yawarakai soft, tender, limpadj
土壌 dojou soilshizen
太陽系 taiyoukei solar systemshizen
兵士 heishi soldiersensou
戦士 senshi soldier, combatant, warriorsensou
単独 tandoku sole, independence, single, solo (flight)mix
固形 kokei solid (body)mix
固体 kotai solid (body), solid matter, solid-statekagaku
kai solutionmath
さっき sakki some time agojlpt4, toki
先ほど sakihodo some time ago, not long ago, just nowmix
dareka somebodyjlpt5
何故か nazeka somehow, for some reason, without knowing whymix
mono someone of that nature/someone doing that work; person (rarely used w.o. a qualifier)/(P); person (rarely used w.o. a qualifier)leda1
いつか itsuka sometimesmix
時々 tokidoki sometimesjlpt5
往々にして ouounishite sometimes, occasionally, now and then, from time to timemix
何か食べる物 nanika taberu mono someting to eatryouri
どこか dokoka somewheremix
息子 musuko sonjlpt3, jlpt4, kazoku, leda1
息子さん musukosan sonkazoku
uta songjlpt5
ウタツグミ utatsugumi song thrushdoubutsu
直ぐ sugu soonjlpt3, toki
もうすぐ mousugu soonjlpt3, jlpt4
近々 chikadika soon, nearness, before long; soon, nearness, before longmix
スイバ suiba sorrelshokubutsu
ごめんなさい gomennasai sorrymix
整理 seiri sorting, arrangement, organization, putting in order, adjustment, regulation, liquidationjlpt3
oto soundjlpt4, leda1, ongaku
フワア fuwaa sound of yawnonoma
音波 onpa sound wavemix
音響 onkyou sound, noise, echo, acousticsongaku
スープ su-pu soupryouri
汁物 shirumono soupryouri
出典 shutten source (e.g. quotation), authoritymix
水源 suigen source of river, fountainheadmix
minamoto source, origin; source, originmix
酸味 sanmi sourness, aciditymix
minami southjlpt5
南米 nanbei South Americamix
南北 nanboku south and northmix
南口 minamiguchi south exitryokou
韓国 kankoku south koreanamae
南極 nankyoku south poleshizen
南東 nantou; minamihigashi southeast; southeastmix
南十字座 minamijuujiza Southern Crossmix
南仏 nanfutsu Southern Francemix
南西 nansei southwest; southwestmix
お土産 omiyage souvenirjlpt4, ryokou
醤油 shouyu soy saucejlpt5, ryouri
大豆 daizu soya beanleda1, ryouri, shokubutsu
温泉 onsen spashizen
空間 kuukan spaceleda1, math
宇宙人 uchuujin space alienmix
宇宙ステーション uchuusute-shon space stationmix
余力 yoryoku spare energy, time or money, remaining strength, reserve power, money to sparemix
火花 hibana spark/(P)leda1
火の粉 hinoko sparksmix
suzume sparrowdoubutsu
フライ返し furaigaeshi spatulajlpt3
特別 tokubetsu specialadj, jlpt3, jlpt4
大安売り ooyasuuri special bargain salemix
別項 bekkou special heading, separate paragraphmix
特訓 tokkun special training, intensive training, crash coursesuru
特殊 tokushu special, uniquemix
専門家 senmonka specialistmix
専門店 senmonten specialist shopsmix
分化 bunka specialization, specialisationsuru
特に tokuni speciallyjlpt3, jlpt4
情景 joukei spectacle, sight, scenemix
台詞 serifu speech, words, one's lines, remarksmix
スピード supi-do speedjlpt3
時速 jisoku speed (per hour)mix
音速 onsoku speed of soundshizen
分速 funsoku speed per minute
速度 sokudo speed, velocity, ratemix
速やか sumiyaka speedy, prompt, smoothmix
呪文 jumon spell, charm, incantation, magic wordkami
精子 seishi spermhito
スパイス supaisu spiceryouri
調味料 choumiryou spiceryouri
スパイスの利いた supaisunokiita spicyadj
クモ kumo spiderdoubutsu
ほうれん草 hourensou spinach ryouri
脊髄 sekizui spinal cordhito
背骨 sebone spinehito
脊椎 sekitsui spine, vertebral columnmix
紡績 bouseki spinningsuru
自立心 jiritsushin spirit of self-reliance, feeling of independencemix
意気 iki spirit, heart, dispositionmix
ki spirit, mindjlpt4, leda1
脾臓 hizou spleenhito
りっぱ rippa splendidjlpt5
立派 rippa splendid, fine, handsome, elegant, imposing, prominent, legal, legitimatejlpt3
結構 kekkou splendid, nice, wonderful, delicious, sweet, construction, architecture, well enough, tolerablyjlpt3, jlpt5
立派な rippa na splendid/fine/handsome/elegant/imposing/prominent/legal/legitimate/(P)adj, jlpt3
分裂 bunretsu split, division, break upsuru
お姫様 ohimesama spoiled girl, hothouse flower, princessmix
主催者 shusaisha sponsor, promoter, impresario, organizer, organisermix
スプーン supu-n spoonjlpt5, ryouri
saji spoonryouri
スポーツ supo-tsu sportjlpt5, sport
運動靴 undougutsu sport shoesfuku, gakkou
スポーツカー supo-tsuka- sports carryokou
スポーツセンター supo-tsusenta- sports centersport
捻挫 nenza sprainbyouki
大の字に dainojini sprawled, spread-eagled, in the shape of the "dai" kanjimix
haru springjlpt5, leda1, toki
izumi springshizen
春祭り harumatsuri spring festivalmix
サイダー saida- spriteryouri
唐檜 touhi spruceshokubutsu
スコール suko-ru squalltenki
広場 hiroba squareleda1
平方 heihou squaremath
正方形 seihoukei squareleda1, math
ルート ru-to square rootmath
平方根 heihoukon square rootmath
ルートエー ru-toe- square root of Amath
2条 nijou squaredmath
烏賊 ika squiddoubutsu
栗鼠 risu squirreldoubutsu
安定 antei stability, equilibriumsuru
馬小屋 umagoya stableleda1
ステンレス sutenresu stainless steelkagaku
階段 kaidan stairsjlpt5, uchi
段階 dankai stairs; (n) stairs; grade, level, stage, class, phase, steps, order, gradationmix
鍾乳石 shounyuuseki stalactiteshizen
石筍 sekijun stalagmiteshizen
種馬 taneuma stalliondoubutsu
切手 kitte stampjlpt5, leda1
印鑑 inkan stamp, sealmix
林立 rinritsu stand close togethersuru
標準語 hyoujungo standard language (of a country), standard Japanesebunpou
旗手 kishu standard-bearermix
基準 kijun standard, basis, criterion, norm, reference, datummix
規準 kijun standard, basis, criterion, norm, reference, datummix
並立 heiritsu standing abreastsuru
整列 seiretsu standing in a row, forming a line, alignmentsuru
起立 kiritsu standing upsuru
主食 shushoku staple foodmix
hoshi starjlpt4, leda1
星影 hoshikage starlightmix
星空 hoshizora starry sky/(P)leda1
~だす ~dasu start to dojlpt4
始動 shidou starting (in machines), activationsuru
状況 joukyou state of affairs (around you), situation, circumstancesmix
情勢 jousei state of things, state of affairs, condition, situation, circumstancesmix
最新鋭 saishin'ei state-of-the-art, cutting-edgemix
州立大学 shuuritsudaigaku state-run college, state universitymix
仰せ oose statement, command, wishes (of a superior)mix
為政者 iseisha statesmanmix
eki stationjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
駅員 ekiin station attendant/(P)leda1, ryokou, shigoto
駅長 ekichou station master (rail)leda1, shigoto
到着駅 touchakueki station of arrival, destinationryokou
ワゴン車 wagonsha station wagonmix
文房具店 bunbouguten stationery shopmise
文房具屋 bunbouguya stationery shop, a stationermix
統計 toukei statisticsmath
滞在 taizai stay, sojournsuru
滞日 tainichi staying in Japansuru
ステーキ sute-ki steakjlpt4, ryouri
汽車 kisha steam trainjlpt4, ryokou
汽笛 kiteki steam whistlemix
鳴門 naruto steamed fish-paste cake, sliced to decorate soup (type of kamaboko)mix
蒸し mushi steamingmix
汽船 kisen steamship, steamboat, steamersensou
鋼鉄 koutetsu steelmix
鋼鉄板 koutetsuban steel platemix
kuki stemshokubutsu
幹細胞 kansaibou stem cellmix
ステレオ sutereo stereojlpt4
角煮 kakuni stew made with cubed (possibly rectangular) pieces of meat or fishryouri
ナナフシ nanafushi stick insectdoubutsu
肩こり katakori stiff shouldersmix
汚名 omei stigma, dishonour, dishonor, infamymix
依然 izen still, as yet, as it has beenmix
静けさ shizukesa stillness/silence/hush/calm/serenity/(P)mix
覚醒剤 kakuseizai stimulantmix
赤えい akaei stingraydoubutsu
けちな kechina stingyjlpt3
お腹 onaka stomachhito, jlpt5
胃薬 igusuri stomach medicinebyouki
胃痛 itsuu stomach-ache, stomach pain, gastralgiabyouki
腹痛 fukutsuu stomachachebyouki
ishi stonejlpt4, kagaku, leda1, shizen
石橋 ishibashi stone bridge; stone bridgemix
石器 sekki stone implementmix
石碑 sekihi stone monumentmix
石垣 ishigaki stone wall/(P)leda1
sen stopper, cork, stopcockmix
倉庫 souko storehouse, warehouse, godown
arashi stormtenki
ストーリー suto-ri- storyjlpt3
少女小説 shoujoshousetsu story for young girlsmix
裏話 urabanashi story not generally known, inside story, the real story (behind something)mix
kama stove, furnace, kilnmix
真っ直ぐの massuguno straightadj
まっすぐ massugu straight (ahead), direct, upright, erect, honest, frankjlpt5
直線 chokusen straight linemix
すっと sutto straight,all of a suddenjlpt4
海峡 kaikyou straitshizen
hen strangeadj, jlpt4
変な henna strangeadj, jlpt3
乙な味 otsunaaji strange taste, spicy tasteryouri
おかしい okashii strange, funnyadj, jlpt4
奇妙 kimyou strange, queer, curiousmix
術計 jukkei strategem, trickmix
軍師 gunshi strategist, tactician, schemersensou
軍略 gunryaku strategy, tacticssensou
戦略 senryaku strategy, tacticsmix
層積雲 sousekiun stratocumulustenki
地層 chisou stratum, geological formation, layer, bed (coal, gravel, etc.)mix
層雲 souun stratustenki
ichigo strawberryryouri, shokubutsu
野犬 yaken stray dogdoubutsu
野良犬 norainu stray dogmix
街灯 gaitou street lightmix
tsuji street, crossroadmix
通り toori street, wayjlpt4, ryokou
chikara strength, powerjlpt4, leda1
ストレス sutoresu stressjlpt3
厳しい kibishii strictadj, jlpt4
厳禁 genkin strict prohibition, ban, interdictionsuru
厳密 genmitsu strict, closemix
狭窄 kyousaku stricture, stenosis, contractionbyouki
さやえんどう sayaendou string beanryouri, shokubutsu
画数 kakusuu stroke countbunpou
脳卒中 nousocchuu stroke, cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhagebyouki
泡盛 awamori strong Okinawa liquorryouri
重圧 juuatsu strong pressure, heavy pressuremix
強い tsuyoi strong, powerful, mighty, potentadj, jlpt5, math
得意な tokui na strong, proud, smugjlpt3
力持ち chikaramochi strongmanleda1
構造 kouzou structure, constructionmix
反り身 sorimi strutting/sticking out the chestleda1
頑固な gankona stubbornadj, emo
学生 gakusei studentgakkou, jlpt5, leda1, shigoto
学生証 gakuseishou student IDgakkou
研究室 kenkyuushitsu study (room)jlpt4
史学 shigaku study of historygakkou
学科 gakka study subject, course of studygakkou
勉強 benkyou study, discount, reductiongakkou, jlpt5
書斎 shosai study, library, den, home office, reading roommix
研究 kenkyuu study, researchjlpt3, jlpt4
切り株 kirikabu stump/stubbleleda1
馬鹿馬鹿しい bakabakashii stupidadj
豪気 gouki; gougi (1)great, grand, (2)obstinate, stubborn mix
様式 youshiki style, form, patternmix
おしゃれな osharena stylish, fashionablejlpt3
科目 kamoku subjectgakkou
課題 kadai subject/theme/task/challenge/issue/matter/(P)jlpt3, leda1
主観的 shukanteki subjectivemix
潜水艦 sensuikan submarinemix
部下 buka subordinate personshigoto
目下 meshita subordinate, subordinates, inferior, inferiors, junior; at present, nowshigoto
陥没 kanbotsu subsidenceshizen
助成金 joseikin subsidy, grant-in-aidmix
地下の chikano subterraneanshizen
地下道 chikadou subterranean tunnelmix
字幕 jimaku subtitle (movie)mix
引き算 hikizan subtractionjlpt3, math
減法 genpou subtractionmix
郊外 kougai suburbsjlpt4
成功 seikou success, hitjlpt3, mix
合格 goukaku success/passing (e.g. exam)/eligibility/(P)gakkou, jlpt3
合格者 goukakusha successful applicantmix
相続 souzoku succession, inheritancesuru
続々 zokuzoku successively, one after anothermix
逐次 chikuji successively, one after another, sequentiallymix
後任 kounin successormix
あんな anna such, like thatjlpt4
こんな konna such, like thisjlpt5
吸盤 kyuuban suction pad, suckermix
激変 gekihen sudden change, upheavalsuru
急な坂 kyuunasaka sudden drop, precipitous slopemix
不意 fui sudden, abrupt, unexpected, unforeseenmix
ぽっくり pokkuri suddenly (e.g. sudden death)mix
数独 suudoku sudokumix
ちゃん chan suffix for familiar female personjlpt4
kun suffix for familiar young malejlpt4
選挙権 senkyoken suffrage, the right to voteseiji
砂糖 satou sugarjlpt5, ryouri
示唆 shisa suggestion, hint, implicationsuru
自殺 jisatsu suicidemix
水神 suijin Suijin, water godkami, leda1
スーツ su-tsu suitfuku, jlpt4
相応 souou suitability, fitnessmix
スーツケース su-tsuke-su suitcasefuku, jlpt4, ryokou
すき焼き sukiyaki sukiyakiryouri
少名毘古那 sukunabikona Sukuna Biko Na, small deity of medicine and rainkami
硫黄 iou sulfurkagaku
wa summath
総額 sougaku sum total, total amountmix
隅田川 sumidagawa Sumida Rivermix
natsu summerjlpt5, leda1, toki
夏季 kaki summer season; summer seasonmix
夏至 geshi summer solsticetoki
夏休み natsuyasumi summer vacation, summer holidayjlpt5, leda1, toki
山頂 sanchou summit (e.g. mountain)mix
太陽 taiyou sunjlpt3, leda1, shizen
向日葵 himawari sun flowershokubutsu
日光浴 nikkouyoku sunbathingsuru
日曜日 nichiyoubi Sundayjlpt5, leda1, toki
晴れ着 haregi Sunday best (clothes)fuku
日向 hinata sunny place, in the sunmix
日当たり hiatari sunny sideleda1
目玉焼き medamayaki sunny-side-up fried eggsryouri
日光 nikkou sunshinetenki
超伝導 choudendou superconductivity, super-conductivityichidan, suru, verb, vtrans
上司 joushi superior authorities, bossjlpt3
目上 meue superior/superiors/senior/(P)jlpt3, jlpt3
スーパー su-pa- supermarketmix
超新星 choushinsei supernovamix
迷信 meishin superstitionmix
指導教官 shidoukyoukan supervisormath
夜食 yashoku supper/night meal/late-night snack/"fourth meal"/midnight snackleda1
しなやかな shinayakana suppleadj
供給 kyoukyuu supply, provisionsuru
支援 shien support, backing, aid, assistancesuru
支持 shiji support, maintenancesuru
優越 yuuetsu supremacy, predominance, being superior tosuru
きっと kitto surely, certainlyjlpt3, jlpt4
確かに tashikani surely, certainlyjlpt3
表面 hyoumen surfacejlpt3, math
表面積 hyoumenseki surface areamath
船便 funabin surface mail (ship)jlpt3
浮上 fujou surfacing, rising to the surfacesuru
外科 geka surgical departmentbyouki
人波 hitonami surging crowd, wave of humanity, stampedemix
苗字 myouji surname, family namemix
余裕 yoyuu surplus, composure, margin, room, time, allowance, flexibility, scope, ropemix
驚き odoroki surprise, astonishment, wonderjlpt3
驚愕 kyougaku surprise, fright, shocksuru
投降 toukou surrendersuru
周り mawari surroundingsjlpt3, jlpt4
する動詞 suru doushi SURU verbsbunpou
須佐之男命 susanoo Susano-o, god of storms, seakami
寿司 sushi sushiryouri
寿司屋 sushiya sushi shop, sushi restaurantmise
嫌疑 kengi suspicionmix
ツバメ tsubame swallowdoubutsu
numa swamp, bog, pond, lakeshizen
白鳥 hakuchou swandoubutsu
白鳥の湖 hakuchounomizuumi Swan Lake (ballet)namae, ongaku
セーター se-ta- sweater, jumperfuku, jlpt5
甘い amai sweetadj, jlpt5
甘美 kanbi sweet (e.g. fruit, melody, dream), lusciousmix
甘夢 kanmu sweet (pleasant) dreamsmix
白酒 shirozake sweet white sakeleda1
甘味 amami sweetness, sugary tastemix
お菓子 okashi sweets, candyjlpt5, ryouri
うねり uneri swellshizen
水泳 suiei swimmingjlpt4, leda1, sport
プール pu-ru swimming pooljlpt5, sport
泳法 eihou swimming stylemix
水着 mizugi swimsuitfuku
katana swordsensou
刀刃 toujin sword blademix
刀剣 touken sword, dagger, knife, bayonetmix
剣士 kenshi swordsman, swordswoman, fencermix
刀工 toukou swordsmithmix
記号 kigou symbol/code/sign/notation/(P)adj, leda1
象徴的 shouchouteki symbolicmix
愛憐 airen sympathysuru
交響曲 koukyoukyoku symphonyongaku
症状 shoujou symptoms, conditionjlpt3
症候群 shoukougun syndromemix
合成 gousei synthesis, composition, synthetic, composite, mixed, combined, compoundsuru
合成洗剤 gouseisenzai synthetic detergentmix
総合的 sougouteki synthetic, comprehensivemix
シリンジ shirinji syringebyouki
制度 seido system, institution, organization, organisationmix
体系 taikei system, organization, organisation, architecturemix
Tシャツ tshatsu t-shirtfuku
足袋 tabi tabi, Japanese socks (with split toe)mix
テーブル te-buru tablejlpt5, uchi
高原 kougen tableland/plateau/(P)leda1
禁句 kinku taboo wordmix
戦術 senjutsu tacticsmix
しっ尾 shippo taildoubutsu
o (1)Chinese "Tail" constellation (one of the 28 mansions), (suf,ctr) (2)counter for fish, shrimp, etc. doubutsu
洋服屋 youfukuya tailor's (shop), dressmaker's shop, tailor, dressmakermise
高橋 takahashi Takahashinamae
高天原 takamagahara Takamagahara, High Plain of Heavenkami
シャワーを浴びる shawa- wo abiru take a showermix
世話 sewa take care ofjlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
薬を飲む kusuriwonomu take medicinebyouki, godan, verb
離陸 ririku takeoffsuru
便乗 binjou taking advantage of a ride or an opportunity, taking a shipsuru
受験 juken taking an examinationsuru
拉致 rachi taking captive, carrying away, kidnapping, kidnaping, abductionsuru
服用 fukuyou taking medicine, dosingsuru
避難 hinan taking refuge, finding shelter, evacuation, escapesuru
雨宿り amayadori taking shelter from rainleda1, suru
物語 monogatari tale, storymix
講演 kouen talkmath
hanashi talk, storyjlpt5, leda1
語る kataru talk, tellgodan, verb, vtrans
おしゃべり oshaberi talkativeadj, emo, jlpt3
背か高い segatakai talladj
高い takai tall, high, expensiveadj, jlpt5, leda1
かぎづめ kagizume talondoubutsu
田中 tanaka Tanakanamae
切線 sessen tangent (in trigonometry)mix
接ベクトル setsubekutoru tangent vectormath
蜜柑 mikan tangerineryouri
軍車 gunsha tank (military vehicle)sensou
道教 doukyou Taoism, Daoism; (uk) (col) tiger beetle (esp. the Japanese tiger beetle, Cicindela japonica)kami
テープ te-pu tapejlpt5
テープレコーダー te-pureko-da- tape recorderdenki, jlpt5
タランチュラ taranchura tarantuladoubutsu
タラゴン taragon tarragonshokubutsu
aji tastejlpt4, ryouri
旨い料理 umairyouri tasty dishmix
tatami tatami matjlpt4, uchi
刺青 irezumi tattoohito
脱税 datsuzei tax evasionsuru
免税 menzei tax exemption, duty exemptionsuru
増税 zouzei tax increasesuru
減税 genzei tax reductionsuru
免税所得 menzeishotoku tax-free incomemix
税金 zeikin tax, dutyjlpt3
課税 kazei taxationsuru
タクシー takushi- taxijlpt5, ryokou
テイラー展開 teira- tenkai taylor expansionmath
cha tearyouri
お茶 ocha tea (green)jlpt5, ryouri
茶畑 chabatake tea plantationmix
教師 kyoushi teacher (classroom)gakkou, shigoto
先生 sensei teacher, master, doctorgakkou, jlpt5, leda1, shigoto
教員免許 kyouinmenkyo teacher's license (licence) (required to teach in preschool, elementary or secondary schools)mix
教え oshie teaching, instruction, teachings, precept, lesson, doctrinejlpt3
湯のみ yunomi teacupjlpt3, ryouri
チーム chi-mu teamjlpt3
悪戯 itazura tease, prank, trick, practical joke, mischiefjlpt3
術語 jutsugo technical term, terminology, nomenclaturemix
技術 gijutsu techniquejlpt4
プレートテクトニクス pure-totekutonikusu tectonic plateshizen
退屈 taikutsu tedium/boredom/(P)mix
テレビ放送 terebihousou telecastmix
電報 denpou telegramjlpt4
電話 denwa telephonedenki, jlpt5, leda1, uchi
電話回線 denwakaisen telephone linemix
望遠鏡 bouenkyou telescopemix
放映 houei televisingsuru
テレビ terebi televisiondenki, jlpt5, uchi
テレビ番組 terebibangumi television program, tv programmix
他言する tagonsuru telling others/revealing to others/letting out a secretleda1, suru, verb
温度 ondo temperaturejlpt3, tenki
体温 taion temperature, body temperature (human, animal)mix
tera templejlpt3, jlpt4, kami
派遣社員 hakenshain temporary workershigoto
仮設 kasetsu temporary, provisionalmix
誘惑 yuuwaku temptation, allurement, lure, seductionsuru
一旬 ichijun ten daysmix
十日 tooka ten days, the tenth day of the monthjlpt5, toki
ken tendonhito
天狗 tengu Tengu, heavenly dogskami
天神 tenjin Tenjin, god of scholarshipkami
テニス tenisu tennisjlpt4, sport
庭球 teikyuu tennismix
コート ko-to tennis courtjlpt5, sport
テニスコート tenisuko-to tennis courtjlpt4, sport
天麩羅 tenpura tenpuraryouri
緊張 kinchou tension, mental strain, nervousnessjlpt3, suru
照り焼き teriyaki teriyaki (meat or fish marinated in sweet soy sauce and broiled)ryouri
用語 yougo termmath
画面 gamen terminal screen, scene, picture, the field (in TV), photojlpt3
終着駅 shuuchakueki terminal station/(P)leda1
終点 shuuten terminus, last stop (e.g. train)ryokou
アジサシ ajisashi terndoubutsu
棚田 tanada terraced rice-fieldsmix
自治区 jichiku territory, autonomous regionmix
テスト tesuto testjlpt5
試験管 shikenkan test tubekagaku
試練 shiren test, trial, probation, ordeal, tribulationmix
睾丸 kougan testiclehito
吟味 ginmi testing, scrutiny, careful investigationsuru
テキスト tekisuto text, text bookjlpt4
教科書 kyoukasho textbookgakkou, leda1
rei thanking/expression of gratitude/(P)jlpt3
どうも doumo thanksjlpt5
感謝 kansha thanks, gratitudejlpt3
あれ are thatjlpt5
当日 toujitsu that dayleda1, toki
あの ano that over therejlpt5
そんな sonna that sort ofjlpt4
老人 roujin the aged/old person/(P)jlpt3
論語 rongo the Analects of Confucius - one of the Four Booksmix
肉体 nikutai the body/the flesh/(P)adj, leda1
登場人物 toujoujinbutsu the characters (in a play or novel)mix
一昨日 ototoi the day before yesterdayjlpt5, toki
敗者 haisha the defeated, vanquished, losermix
分母 bunbo the denominatormath
終わり owari the endjlpt3, jlpt4
果て hate the end, the extremity, the limit, the limits, the resultmix
英語 eigo the English languagegakkou, jlpt5
~家 ~ka the familyjlpt4, kazoku
指輪の仲間 yubiwa no nakama The Fellowship of the Ringnamae
翌週 yokushuu the following week, the next weekmix
omote the frontjlpt4
saki the future, forward, priority, precedence, former, previous, old, latejlpt5, toki
最大公約数 saidaikouyakusuu the highest common factormath
縄文時代 joumonjidai the Jomon periodnamae
最後のキス saigonokisu the last kissai
末項 makkou the last paragraphmix
遅番 osoban the late shiftshigoto
最小公倍数 saishoukoubaisuu the least common multiplemath
子午線 shigosen the meridianmix
さ来月 saraigetsu the month after nextjlpt4, toki
分子 bunshi the numeratormath
五輪 gorin the Olympicsmix
このあいだ konoaida the other day, a few days agojlpt4, toki
本人 honnin the person himselfjlpt3
会場 kaijou the place of meetingjlpt4
地価 chika the price of landmix
今上陛下 kinjouheika the reigning emperor, His Majesty the Emperormix
王の帰還 ou no kikan The return of the Kingnamae
同県 douken the same prefecturemix
国璽 kokuji the seal of statemix
砲丸投げ hougannage the shot putleda1
源氏物語 genjimonogatari the Tale of the Genjinamae
相対性理論 soutaiseiriron The Theory of Relativitymix
二つの塔 futatsu no tou The Two Towersnamae
さ来週 saraishuu the week after nextjlpt4, toki
全域 zen'iki the whole areamix
最悪 saiaku the worstmix
その sono the, thatjlpt5
劇場 gekijou theatre, theater, playhousemix
窃取 sesshu theft, stealing, larcenysuru
窃盗 settou theft, stealing, larcenysuru
そして soshite then, and, and nowjlpt5
定理 teiri theoremmath
理論家 rironka theoristmix
学説 gakusetsu theorymix
理論 riron theorymix
ない nai there isn't, doesn't havejlpt5
そこ soko there, bottom, solejlpt5
あそこ asoko there, over there, that place, yonderjlpt5
あちら achira there, yonder, thatjlpt5
火力発電所 karyokuhatsudensho thermal power station (i.e. using combustion)mix
彼ら karera theyjlpt4
厚い atsui thick, deep, cordial, kind, warm(hearted)adj, jlpt5
厚さ atsusa thicknessadj
重厚 juukou; choukou thickness, composure and dignity; thickness, composure and dignitymix
厚み atsumi thickness, profoundmix
盗賊 touzoku thief, robbermix
太もも futomomo thighhito
やせた yaseta thinadj
希薄 kihaku thin (e.g. air), lean, rarified, diluted, sparse, weak, rarefiedmix
薄切り usugiri thin slice, slicing thinmix
薄い usui thin,weakadj, jlpt3, jlpt5
こと koto thing, matter, fact, circumstances, business, reason, experiencejlpt4
mono thing, objectjlpt5
用事 youji things to dojlpt4
第三者 daisansha third party/third person/outsider/disinterested person/(P)leda1
この kono thisjlpt5
これ kore thisjlpt5
本年 honnen this (current) yearjlpt3, toki
今宵 koyoi this evening, tonighttoki
今月 kongetsu this monthjlpt5, leda1, toki
今朝 kesa this morningjlpt5, toki
この度 konotabi this occasion, at this time, nowmix
こちら kochira this person, this directionjlpt5
今回 konkai this timetoki
こっち kocchi this wayjlpt4
今週 konshuu this weekjlpt5, leda1, toki
今年 kotoshi this yearjlpt5, toki
アザミ azami thistleshokubutsu
toge thornshokubutsu
茨の道 ibaranomichi thorny pathmix
思想 shisou thought, idea, ideologymix
思い omoi thought, mind, heart, feelings, emotion, sentiment, love, affection, desire, wish, hope, expectation, imagination, experiencejlpt3
ito threadjlpt4
三つ mittsu threejlpt5
三毛猫 mikeneko three colored catdoubutsu, leda1
三日 mikka three days, the third day of the monthjlpt5, toki
3次元 sanjigen three dimensions, three dimensional, 3D, 3-Dmath
三味線 shamisen three-stringed Japanese guitar, shamisenongaku
nodo throathito, jlpt4
王座 ouza thronemix
玉座 gyokuza thronemix
ずっと zutto throughoutjlpt3, jlpt4, toki
一日中 ichinichijuu throughout the daytoki
親指 oyayubi thumbhito
kaminari thundertenki
ikazuchi thundertenki
雷雲 raiun thunder cloudtenki
木曜日 mokuyoubi Thursdayjlpt5
チケット chiketto ticketmix
改札口 kaisatsuguchi ticket gateryokou
券売機 kenbaiki ticket machineryokou
入場券 nyuujouken ticket of admission, platform ticketmix
ken ticket, coupon, bond, certificatemix
切符 kippu ticket/(P)jlpt5, leda1, ryokou
shio tideshizen
きちんとした kichintoshita tidyadj
片付け kataduke tidying, disposaljlpt3
ネクタイ nekutai tie, necktiefuku, jlpt5
tora tigerdoubutsu
時間 jikan timejlpt5, leda1, toki
時差 jisa time differencetoki
死期 shiki time of deathleda1
通勤時間 tsuukinjikan time spent in commutingryokou, shigoto
~ころ ~koro time, about, towards, aroundjlpt5
~ごろ ~goro time, about, towards, aroundjlpt5
~度 ~do times, degrees (temperature)jlpt5
時刻表 jikokuhyou timetableryokou
時間割 jikanwari timetable, schedulegakkou
小胆 shoutan timidityemo
恐る恐る osoruosoru timidlymix
タイヤ taiya tire, tyremix
疲れ tsukare tiredness, fatiguejlpt3
タイトル taitoru titlejlpt3
肩書き katagaki title, degree, address (on letter), criminal recordgakkou
肩書 katagaki title, degree, address (on letter), criminal recordmix
見かける mikakeru to (happen to) see, to notice, to catch sight ofichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
減らす herasu to abate, to decrease, to diminish, to shortengodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
弱まる yowamaru to abate/to weaken/to be emaciated/to be dejected/to be perplexed/(P)godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
伴う tomonau to accompany, to bring with, to be accompanied by, to be involved in, to be consequent upongodan, verb, vintrans
遂げる togeru to accomplish, to achieve, to carry outichidan, verb, vtrans
慣らす narasu to accustomgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
付け加える tsukekuwaeru to add one thing to anotherichidan, verb, vtrans
諭す satosu to admonish, to persuade, to warn, to remonstrategodan, verb, vtrans
進める susumeru to advance, to promote, to hastenichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
老ける fukeru to age, to grow oldichidan, verb, vintrans
老いる oiru to age, to grow oldichidan, verb, vintrans
目ざす mezasu to aim at, to have an eye ongodan, verb, vtrans
目差す mezasu to aim at, to have an eye ongodan, verb, vtrans
目指す mezasu to aim at, to have an eye ongodan, verb, vtrans
電話に出る denwanideru to answer the phoneichidan, verb
答える kotaeru to answer, to replyichidan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
謝る ayamaru to apologizegodan, jlpt4, verb
載る noru to appear (in print), to be recorded, to be found in (a dictionary)godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
出る deru to appear, to come forth, to leaveichidan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
着く tsuku to arrive at, to reachgodan, jlpt5, verb
確かめる tashikameru to ascertain, to check, to make sureichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
お聞き頂く okikiitadaku to ask (politely)godan, verb
攻める semeru to attack, to assaultichidan, verb, vtrans
自殺を図る jisatsuwohakaru to attempt suicidegodan, verb
試す tamesu to attempt, to test, to try outgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
験す tamesu to attempt, to test, to try outgodan, verb, vtrans
験する kensuru to attempt, to test, to try outsuru
出席する shussekisuru to attendjlpt4, suru, verb
注意を引く chuuiwohiku to attract attentiongodan, verb
吠える hoeru to bark, to bay, to howl, to bellow, to roar, to cryichidan, verb, vintrans
浴びる abiru to bathe, to bask in the sun, to showerichidan, verb, vtrans
居る iru to be (animate)ichidan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
命に関わる inochinikakawaru to be a matter of life or deathgodan, verb
怖がる kowagaru to be afraid of, to fear, to dread, to be nervous (about), to be shy (of)godan, verb, vintrans
治まる osamaru to be at peace, to clamp down, to lessen (storm, terror, anger)godan, verb, vintrans
付く tsuku to be attachedgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
戸惑う tomadou to be bewildered, to be perplexedgodan, verb, vintrans
炊ける takeru to be boiled, to be cooked, to be done, to be readyichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
生まれる umareru to be bornichidan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
背負う seou to be burdened with, to carry on back or shoulder; to be burdened with, to carry on back or shouldergodan, verb, vtrans
埋まる umaru to be buried, to be surrounded, to overflow, to be filledgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
気を付ける kiwotsukeru to be careful, to pay attention, to take careichidan, verb
纏まる matomaru to be collected, to be settled, to be in ordergodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
思いやる omoiyaru to be considerate, to sympathize with, to sympathise withgodan, jlpt3, verb
傷む itamu to be damaged, to go badgodan, verb, vintrans
敗れる yabureru to be defeated, to be unsuccessfulichidan, verb, vintrans
行われる okonawareru to be done, to be practiced, to be practised, to take place, to be held, to be prevalent, to be in fashion, to be in vogue, to be current, to come into useichidan, verb
染まる somaru to be dyedgodan, verb, vintrans
建つ tatsu to be erected, to be builtgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
疲れ切る tsukarekiru to be exhausted, to be tired outgodan, verb
疲れきる tsukarekiru to be exhausted, to be tired outgodan, verb
高くつく takakutsuku to be expensive, to be costlygodan, verb
浮つく uwatsuku to be fickle, to be restless, to be flippantgodan, verb
仕上がる shiagaru to be finished/to be completed/to be donegodan, leda1, verb, vintrans
怯える obieru to be frightenedemo, ichidan, verb, vintrans
伝わる tsutawaru to be handed down, to be introduced, to be transmitted, to be circulated, to go along, to walk alonggodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
含まれる fukumareru to be included/to be comprised ofichidan, verb, vintrans
親しむ shitashimu to be intimate with, to befriendgodan, verb, vintrans
遅れる okureru to be lateichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
混じる majiru to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with, to mingle with, to interest, to joingodan, ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans, vtrans
交じる majiru to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with, to mingle with, to interest, to joingodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
混ざる mazaru to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with, to mingle with, to joingodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
交ざる mazaru to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with, to mingle with, to joingodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
入り組む irikumu to be or become complicatedgodan, leda1, verb, vintrans
切らす kirasu to be out of, to run out of, to be short of, to be out of stockgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
写る utsuru to be photographed, to be projectedgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
重なる kasanaru to be piled up, lie on top of one another, overlap each othergodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
延びる nobiru to be postopnedichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
子を宿す kowoyadosu to be pregnant, to be with childgodan, verb
威張る ibaru to be proud, to swagger; to be proud, to swaggergodan, verb, vintrans
育つ sodatsu to be raised (e.g. child), to be brought up, to grow (up)godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
富む tomu to be rich, to become richgodan, verb, vintrans
滅ぶ horobu to be ruined, to go under, to perish, to be destroyedgodan, verb
悲しむ kanashimu to be sad, to mourn for, to regretgodan, verb, vtrans
貯まる tamaru to be saved up (e.g. money)godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
助かる tasukaru to be saved, to be rescued, to survive, to be helpfulgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
見える mieru to be seen, to appearichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
離れる hanareru to be separated from, to leave, to go away, to be a long way offichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
霧に包まれる kirinitsutsumareru to be shrouded in mistichidan, verb
照れる tereru to be shy, to feel awkwardichidan, verb, vintrans
黙る damaru to be silentgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
和む nagomu to be softened, to calm downgodan, verb
驚く odoroku to be surprisedgodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
びっくりする bikkurisuru to be surprisedjlpt4, suru, verb
教わる osowaru to be taughtgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
渇く kawaku to be thirstygodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
千切れる chigireru to be torn off/to be torn to pieces/(P)ichidan, verb
世話が焼ける sewagayakeru to be troublesome, to require the aid and labour of othersichidan, verb
役立つ yakudatsu to be useful/to be helpful/to serve the purpose/(P)godan, jlpt3, verb
使える tsukaeru to be useful/to be serviceableichidan, leda1, verb
悩む nayamu to be worried, to be troubledgodan, jlpt3, verb
値する ataisuru to be worth, to deserve, to meritsuru
包まる kurumaru to be wrapped up (e.g. in a blanket), to cover oneselfgodan, verb, vintrans
有る aru to be, to haveirregular, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
実る minoru to bear fruit, to ripengodan, verb, vintrans
打っ殺す bukkorosu to beat to deathgodan, sensou, verb, vtrans
なる naru to becomegodan, jlpt5, verb
曇る kumoru to become cloudy, become dimgodan, jlpt5, tenki, verb, vintrans
すく suku to become emptygodan, jlpt4, verb
身ごもる migomoru to become pregnantgodan, leda1, verb, vintrans
定まる sadamaru to become settled, to be fixedgodan, verb, vintrans
薄らぐ usuragu to become thin, to fade, to grow palegodan, verb, vintrans
空く aku to become vacantgodan, jlpt3, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
薄まる usumaru to become weakgodan, verb, vintrans
始まる hajimaru to begingodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
始める hajimeru to beginichidan, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vtrans
初める someru to begin toichidan, verb
出始める dehajimeru to begin to appear, to begin to come inichidan, verb
信じる shinjiru to believe, to believe in, to place trust in, to confide in, to have faith inichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
曲げる mageru to bend, to crook, to lean, to yield (a point), to depart (from a principle)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
反らす sorasu to bend/to warp/to curvegodan, leda1, verb, vtrans
裏切る uragiru to betraygodan, verb, vtrans
吹く fuku to blowgodan, jlpt5, tenki, verb
誇る hokoru to boast of, to be proud ofgodan, verb, vintrans
お湯を沸かす oyuwowakasu to boil watergodan, ryouri, verb
煮える nieru to boil, to cook, to be cookedichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
煮る niru to boil, to simmer, to stew, to seetheichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
借りる kariru to borrow, to hire, to rentichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
打ち寄せる uchiyoseru to break onto (shore), to wash ashore, to attackichidan, verb
折る oru to break or to foldgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
故障する koshousuru to break-downjlpt4, suru, verb
壊す kowasu to break, destroygodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
折れる oreru to break, snapichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
砕く kudaku to break, to smashgodan, verb, vtrans
打ち破る uchiyaburu to break, to smash, to defeat, to destroy, to eliminategodan, verb, vtrans
連れる tsureru to bringichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb
運ぶ hakobu to bringgodan, jlpt4, verb
もらって来る morattekuru to bringirregular, verb
連れ戻す tsuremodosu to bring backgodan, verb
近づける chikadukeru to bring near, to put close, to let come near, to associate withichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
育てる sodateru to bring upichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
放送する housousuru to broadcastjlpt4, suru, verb
撫でる naderu to brush gently, to stroke, to caressichidan, verb, vtrans
建てる tateru to buildichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
燃やす moyasu to burn/(P)godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
燃える moeru to burn/to get fired up/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
弾ける hajikeru to burst open, to split open, to popichidan, verb, vintrans
買う kau to buygodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
買い占める kaishimeru to buy upichidan, verb, vtrans
召し入れる meshiireru to call inichidan, verb, vtrans
呼ぶ yobu to call out, to invitegodan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
落ち着く ochitsuku to calm down, to settle down, to be steady, to settle in, to take up one's residence, to harmonize with, to harmonise with, to match, to restore presence of mindgodan, verb
営む itonamu to carry on (e.g. in ceremony), to run a businessgodan, verb, vtrans
担う ninau to carry on shoulder, to bear (burden), to shoulder (gun)godan, verb, vtrans
鋳る iru to cast, to mint, to coinichidan, verb, vtrans
迷惑をかける meiwaku wo kakeru to cause trouble (for someone), to annoy, to bother, to inconvenienceichidan, verb
止む yamu to cease/to stop/to be over/(P)godan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
変える kaeru to changeichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
乗り換える norikaeru to change between buses or trainsichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
着替える kikaeru; kigaeru to change one's clothes; to change one's clothesichidan, verb
追い掛ける oikakeru to chase, to run after, to pursueichidan, verb, vtrans
チェックする chekkusuru to checkjlpt4, suru, verb
かむ kamu to chewgodan, jlpt4, verb
選ぶ erabu to choosegodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
例を挙げる reiwoageru to cite an exampleichidan, verb
掃除 soujisuru to clean, to sweepjlpt5, suru, verb
澄む sumu to clear (e.g. weather), to become transparentgodan, verb, vintrans
澄ます sumasu to clear, to make clear, to be unruffled, to look unconcerned, to look demure, to look prim, to put on airsgodan, verb, vtrans
登る noboru to climbgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
攀じ上る yojinoboru to climb, to clamber (over, up), to scramble (up), to scale, to claw one's way upgodan, verb, vintrans
よじ上る yojinoboru to climb, to clamber (over, up), to scramble (up), to scale, to claw one's way upgodan, verb, vintrans
閉じる tojiru to close (e.g. book, eyes, meeting, etc.), to shutichidan, jlpt3, verb
閉まる shimaru to close, become closedgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
閉める shimeru to close, shutichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
彩る irodoru to colour, to color, to paint, to make upgodan, verb, vtrans
参る mairu to come (polite)godan, jlpt4, verb
下りる oriru to come downichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
止まる tomaru to come to a haltgodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
来る kuru to come, to call on, to grow, to getirregular, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
いらっしゃる irassharu to come, to go, to beirregular, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
慰める nagusameru to comfort, to console, to amuseichidan, verb, vtrans
通う kayou to commutegodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, ryokou, verb, vintrans
通勤する tsuukinsuru to commuteshigoto, suru, verb
比べる kuraberu to compareichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
例える tatoeru to compare, to liken, to speak figuratively, to illustrate, to use a simileichidan, verb, vtrans
競い合う kisoiau to compete with, to vie forgodan, verb
関する kansuru to concern, to be relatedsuru
即する sokusuru to conform to/to agree with/to be adapted to/to be based on/(P)verb, vintrans
祝う iwau to congratulate, to celebrate, to observe (a festival)godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
続く tsuduku to continue (to be the case), to keep upgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
続ける tsudukeru to continue, to go on, to followichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
料理する ryourisuru to cookryouri, suru, verb
炊く taku to cook (esp. grain, pulses, etc., such as rice or beans), to boilgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
ご飯を炊く gohanwotaku to cook ricegodan, ryouri, verb
煮込む nikomu to cook together, to boil wellgodan, verb, vintrans
炒める itameru to cook, to fry, to saute, to stir-fryichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
冷ます samasu to cool (e.g. from a high temperature to room temperature), to dampen, to let cool, to throw a damper on, to spoilgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
コピーする kopi-suru to copyjlpt5, suru, verb
写す utsusu to copy or photographgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
似せる niseru to copy, to imitate, to counterfeit, to forgeichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
算える kazoeru to count, to enumerateichidan, verb, vtrans
数える kazoeru to count, to enumerateichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
覆う oou to cover, to hide, to conceal, to wrap, to disguisegodan, verb, vtrans
設ける moukeru to create, to establishichidan, verb, vtrans
刈る karu to cut (hair), to mow (grass), to harvest, to clip, to shear, to reap, to trim, to prunegodan, verb, vtrans
踊る odoru to dancegodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
決める kimeru to decideichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
定める sadameru to decide, to establish, to determineichidan, verb, vtrans
飾る kazaru to decorategodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
へりる heriru to decreaseichidan, verb
減る heru to decrease (in size or number), to diminish, to abategodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
深める fukameru to deepen, to heighten, to intensifyichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
深まる fukamaru to deepen, to heighten, to intensifygodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
負かす makasu to defeatgodan, verb, vtrans
防ぐ fusegu to defend (against), to protect, to preventgodan, verb, vtrans
届ける todokeru to deliverichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
示す shimesu to denote, to show, to point out, to indicate, to exemplifygodan, verb, vtrans
出発する shuppatsusuru to departjlpt4, suru, verb
出かける dekakeru to depart, to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing), to set out, to startichidan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
望む nozomu to desire, to wish for, to see, to command (a view of)godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
死ぬ shinu to diegodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
卒する sossuru to die, to pass awaysuru
違う chigau to differ (from)godan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
異なる kotonaru to differ, to vary, to disagreegodan, verb, vintrans
掘る horu to dig, to excavategodan, verb
薄める usumeru to dilute, to water downichidan, verb, vtrans
消え去る kiesaru to disappear, to vanishgodan, verb
相談する soudansuru to discussjlpt4, suru, verb
溶く toku to dissolve (paint), to scramble (eggs), to melt (metal, etc.), to mix (water with flour, etc.)godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
注意を逸らす chuuiwosorasu to distract a person's attentiongodan, verb
配る kubaru to distribute, to deliver, to deal (cards)godan, verb, vtrans
妨げる samatageru to disturb, to prevent, to obstruct, to hinderichidan, verb, vtrans
潜る moguru to dive (into or under water), to get in, to go undergroundgodan, verb, vintrans
分ける wakeru to divide/to separate/to make distinctions/to differentiate (between)/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
する suru to doirregular, jlpt5, verb
やる yaru to dogodan, jlpt5, verb
行う okonau to dogodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, leda1, verb
為さる nasaru to do (polite)irregular, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
疑う utagau to doubt, to distrust, to be suspicious of, to suspectgodan, verb, vtrans
夢見る yumemiru to dream (of)ichidan, verb, vintrans
飲む nomu to drinkgodan, jlpt5, leda1, ryouri, verb, vtrans
運転する untensuru to drivejlpt4, suru, verb
乗り回す norimawasu to drive (a car) around/to ride (a bicycle) around/(P)godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
追い払う oiharau to drive away; to drive awaygodan, verb, vtrans
寄る yoru to drop in, to stop bygodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
落とす otosu to drop, to let fallgodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
乾かす kawakasu to dry (clothes, etc.), to desiccategodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
涸れる kareru to dry up (spring, pond, etc.), to run outichidan, verb, vintrans
染める someru to dye, to colour, to colorichidan, verb, vtrans
稼ぐ kasegu to earn income, to labor, to labourgodan, verb, vintrans
召し上がる meshiagaru to eat (polite)jlpt4, ryouri, verb, vtrans
抱き寄せる dakiyoseru to embraceichidan, verb
抱く daku to embrace, to hold in the armsgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
済む sumu to end, to get by withgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
勉める tsutomeru to endeavor (endeavour), to try, to strive, to make an effort, to exert oneself, to be diligentichidan, verb, vtrans
努める tsutomeru to endeavor (endeavour), to try, to strive, to make an effort, to exert oneself, to be diligentichidan, verb, vtrans
楽む tanoshimu to enjoy oneselfgodan, jlpt4, verb
問い合わせる toiawaseru to enquire, to inquire, to seek informationichidan, verb
入学する nyuugakusuru to enter school or universityjlpt4, suru, verb
入る hairu to enter, to join, to containgodan, jlpt5, verb
委ねる yudaneru to entrust to, to devote oneself to, to abandon oneself toichidan, verb, vtrans
消す kesu to erase, to delete, to turn off powergodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
過ぎる sugiru to exceedgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
上回る uwamawaru to exceedgodan, verb, vtrans
取り替える torikaeru to exchangeichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
及ぼす oyobosu to exert, to cause, to exercisegodan, verb, vtrans
追い出す oidasu to expel, to drive outgodan, verb, vtrans
経験する keikensuru to experiencejlpt4, suru, verb
説く toku to explain, to advocate, to preach, to persuadegodan, verb
薄れる usureru to fade, to become dimadj, ichidan, verb, vintrans
寝入る neiru to fall asleepgodan, verb, vintrans
劣る otoru to fall behind, to be inferior togodan, verb, vintrans
転ぶ korobu to fall down, to fall over; to fall down, to fall overgodan, verb, vintrans
病む yamu to fall ill, to be illgodan, verb
落ちる ochiru to fall, to drop, to come to downichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
陥る ochiiru to fall, to trap, to cave in, to collapsegodan, verb, vintrans
怖る osoru to fear, to be afraidgodan, verb
恥じる hajiru to feel ashamedichidan, verb, vintrans
お腹が空く onakagasuku to feel hungryryouri
むかつく mukatsuku to feel sick, to feel irritated, to feel offended, to feel angrygodan, verb, vintrans
感じる kanjiru to feel, to sense, to experienceichidan, jlpt3, verb
戦う tatakau to fight/to battle/to combat/to struggle against/to wage war/to engage in contest/(P)godan, sensou, verb, vintrans
仕上げる shiageru to finish up/to complete/(P)ichidan, leda1, verb, vtrans
終る owaru to finish, to closegodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
済ませる sumaseru to finish, to make an end of, to get through with, to let endichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
終わる owaru to finish/to end/to close/(P)godan, leda1, verb, vintrans
釣る tsuru to fishgodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
羽撃く habataku to flap (wings)godan, verb, vintrans
強いる shiiru to force, to compel, to coerceichidan, verb, vtrans
鍛える kitaeru to forge, to drill, to temper, to train, to disciplineichidan, verb, vtrans
忘れる wasureru to forgetichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
凍る kooru to freeze, to be frozen over, to congealgodan, verb, vintrans
集まる atsumaru to gathergodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
集る atsumaru to gathergodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
集める atsumeru to get (things) togetherichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
怒る okoru to get angry,to be angrygodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
冷える hieru to get coldichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
暮れる kureru to get darkichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
汚れる yogoreru to get dirtyichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
よう you to get drunkgodan, ryouri, verb
酔っ払う yopparau to get drunkgodan, verb, vintrans
酔う you to get drunk, to become intoxicatedgodan, verb, vintrans
乾く kawaku to get drygodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
降りる oriru to get off, to descend (e.g. a mountain)ichidan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
乗る noru to get on,to ridegodan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
強まる tsuyomaru to get strong, to gain strengthgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
細る hosoru to get thin/to taper off/(P)godan, leda1, verb, vintrans
疲れる tsukareru to get tired, to tireichidan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
知り合う shiriau to get to know (someone), to make acquaintancegodan, verb, vintrans
破れる yabureru to get torn/to wear out/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
起きる okiru to get up, to riseichidan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
慣れる nareru to get used toichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
治る naoru to get wellbyouki, godan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
ぬれる nureru to get wetichidan, jlpt4, verb
濡れる nureru to get wetichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
生む umu to give birth, to deliver, to producegodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
産む umu to give birth, to deliver, to producegodan, verb, vtrans
賄う makanau to give board to, to provide meals, to pay, to cover (the cost)godan, verb, vtrans
諦める akirameru to give up, to abandonichidan, verb, vtrans
煌めく kirameku to glitter, to glisten, to sparkle, to twinkle, to glare, to gleamgodan, verb, vintrans
逆らう sakarau to go against, to oppose, to disobey, to defygodan, verb, vintrans
帰る kaeru to go backgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
遡る sakanoboru to go back, to go upstream, to make retroactivegodan, verb, vintrans
出張する shucchousuru to go on a business tripshigoto, suru, verb
廃れる sutareru to go out of use, to become obsolete, to die out, to go out of fashionichidan, verb, vintrans
迎える mukaeru to go out to meetichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
消える kieru to go out, to vanish, to disappearichidan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
上がる agaru to go up, to risejlpt4
握る nigiru to grasp, to seize, to mould sushi, to mold sushigodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
挨拶する aisatsusuru to greetjlpt4, suru, verb
声をかける koewokakeru to greet, to call out to someoneichidan, verb
唸る unaru to groan, to moan, to roar, to howl, to growl, to hum, to buzz, to soughgodan, verb, vintrans
太る futoru to grow fatgodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
年を取る toshi wo toru to grow old/to agegodan, hito, verb
茂る shigeru to grow thickly, to be in full leaf, to be rampant, to luxuriate, to be luxuriousgodan, verb, vintrans
生やす hayasu to grow, to cultivate, to wear a beardgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
推し量る oshihakaru to guess, to conjecture, to surmisegodan, verb, vtrans
案内する annaisuru to guidejlpt4, suru, verb
扱う atsukau to handle, to deal with, to treatgodan, verb, vtrans
下がる sagaru to hang down/to abate/to retire/to fall/to step back/(P)godan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
掛ける kakeru to hang somethingichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
電話を切る denwawokiru to hang up the receiver (of a telephone)godan, verb
下げる sageru to hang, to let downichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
嫌う kirau to hate, to dislike, to loathegodan, verb, vtrans
食事する shokujisuru to have a mealjlpt4, suru, verb
食事をする shokujiwosuru to have a mealryouri, suru, verb
耳にする miminisuru to hear, to hear by chance, to hear by accident, to catch (the sound)suru
聞く kiku to hear, to listen, to askgodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
手伝う tetsudau to helpgodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
助ける tasukeru to help/to save/to rescue/to give relief to/to spare (life)/to reinforce/to promote/to abet/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
斬り刻む kirikizamu to hew, to chop up, to mangle, to mincegodan, sensou, verb, vtrans
隠れる kakureru to hide, to be hidden, to conceal oneself, to disappearichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
隠す kakusu to hide, to concealgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
入院する nyuuinsuru to hospitalisebyouki, jlpt4, suru, verb
抱き締める dakishimeru to hugai, ichidan, verb, vtrans
急ぐ isogu to hurry (up)godan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans, vtrans
痛む itamu to hurtemo, godan, verb
輸入 yunyuusuru to importjlpt4, suru, verb
課する kasuru to imposeleda1, suru, verb
含める fukumeru to include, to instruct, to make one understand, to put in one's mouthichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
込める komeru to include, to put intoichidan, verb, vtrans
増やす fuyasu to increase, to add to, to augmentgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
増す masu to increase, to growgodan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
増える fueru to increase/to multiply/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
推す osu to infer, to conclude, to supportgodan, verb, vtrans
告げる tsugeru to informichidan, verb, vtrans
受け継ぐ uketsugu to inherit, to succeed, to take overgodan, verb, vtrans
挿す sasu to insert, to put in, to graft, to wear in beltgodan, verb, vtrans
遮る saegiru to interrupt, to intercept, to obstructgodan, verb, vtrans
調べる shiraberu to investigateichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
招く maneku to invitegodan, verb, vtrans
入社する nyuushasuru to join a companyshigoto, suru, verb
組み合わせる kumiawaseru to join together/to combine/to join up/(P)ichidan, leda1, verb, vtrans
飛ぶ tobu to jump, to fly, to leapgodan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
阻む habamu to keep someone from doing, to stop, to prevent, to check, to hinder, to obstruct, to oppose, to thwartgodan, verb
飼う kau to keep, to raise, to feedgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
蹴る keru to kickjlpt3
殺す korosu to killgodan, jlpt3, sensou, verb, vtrans
知る shiru to know, to understand, to be acquainted with, to feelgodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
欠く kaku to lack/to break/to crack/to chip/(P)godan, verb, vtrans
笑う warau to laughgodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
ばれる bareru to leak out (a secret), to be exposed (a lie, improper behaviour, etc.) (behavior)ichidan, verb, vintrans
漏れる moreru to leak out, to escape, to come through, to shine through, to filter out, to be omittedichidan, verb, vintrans
習う narau to learngodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
懲りる koriru to learn by experience, to be disgusted withichidan, verb, vintrans
残す nokosu to leave (behind, over), to bequeath, to save, to reservegodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
退院する taiinsuru to leave hospitalbyouki, jlpt4, suru, verb
貸す kasu to lendgodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
貸し出す kashidasu to lend, to loan, to let out on hiregodan, verb, vtrans
枯らす karasu to let dry, to kill (vegetation), to season (lumber)godan, verb, vtrans
知らせる shiraseru to let know, to inform, to tellichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
通す toosu to let pass, to overlook, to continue, to keep, to make way for, to persist ingodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
寝る neru to lie down, to sleepichidan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
重なり合う kasanariau to lie on top of each other, to overlap, to pile upgodan, verb
好く suku to like/to love/to be fond ofgodan, leda1, verb, vtrans
好む konomu to like/to prefer/(P)godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
並べる naraberu to line up, to set upichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
並ぶ narabu to line up, to stand in a linegodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
住む sumu to live (of humans)/to reside/to inhabit/to dwell/to abide/(P)godan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
生きる ikiru to live, to existichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
住まう sumau to live/to reside/to inhabit/(P)godan, leda1, verb, vintrans
泊まる tomaru to lodge atgodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
似る niru to look likeichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
緩める yurumeru to loosen, to slow downichidan, verb, vtrans
負ける makeru to loseichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
試合に敗れる shiainiyabureru to lose a gameichidan, verb
無くす nakusu to lose something, to get rid ofgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
やせる yaseru to lose weightichidan, jlpt4, verb
失う ushinau to lose, to part withgodan, verb, vtrans
可愛がる kawaigaru to love, to be affectionategodan, verb
潜む hisomu to lurk, to lie dormant, to be hidden, to be concealed, to be stashedgodan, verb, vintrans
習慣づける shuukandukeru to make a habit of, to make it a practice toichidan, verb
間違える machigaeru to make a mistakeichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
間違う machigau to make a mistake, to be incorrect, to be mistakengodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans, vtrans
騒ぐ sawagu to make a noisegodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
雪を丸める yukiwomarumeru to make a snowballichidan, verb
進む susumu to make progressgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
丸める marumeru to make round, to round off, to roll up, to curl up, to seduce, to cajole, to explain awayichidan, verb, vtrans
償う tsugunau to make up for, to recompense, to redeem (one's faults), to compensate for, to indemnify, to atone forgodan, verb, vtrans
作る tsukuru to make, create, manufacture, construct, draw up, write, compose, build, cultivate, organize, establish, make up (a face), trim (a tree), prepare (food), commit (sin)godan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
嫁ぐ totsugu to marrygodan, verb, vintrans
出会う deau to meet by chance, to come across, to happen to encounter, to hold a rendezvous, to have a dategodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
会う au to meet, to interviewgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
溶かす tokasu to melt, to dissolvegodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
溶ける tokeru to melt, to thaw, to fuse, to dissolveichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
牛の乳を搾る ushinochichiwoshiboru to milk a cowbaka
かまう kamau to mindgodan, jlpt4, verb
聞き違う kikichigau to misheargodan, verb
欠かす kakasu to miss (doing), to fail (to do)godan, verb, vtrans
混ぜる mazeru to mix, to stir, to blendichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
交ぜる mazeru to mix, to stir, to blendichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
弔う tomurau to mourn for, to hold a memorial service for, to condole; to mourn for, to hold a memorial service for, to condolegodan, verb, vtrans
動く ugoku to movegodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
移る utsuru to move house or transfergodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
引っ越す hikkosu to move to (house)godan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
呟く tsubuyaku to mutter, to murmurgodan, verb, vintrans
要る iru to needgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
気づく kiduku to notice/to recognize/to recognise/to become aware of/to perceive/to realize/to realisegodan, verb
手に入れる teniireru to obtain, to procureichidan, verb, vtrans
起こる okoru to occur, to happengodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
奉る tatematsuru to offer, to present, to revere, to do respectfully; to offer, to present, to revere, to do respectfullygodan, verb, vtrans
供える sonaeru to offer, to sacrifice, to dedicateichidan, verb, vtrans
開ける akeru to openichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
開く aku to open (e.g. a festival)godan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
開く hiraku to open an eventgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
漏れ聞く morekiku to overheargodan, verb, vtrans
見下ろす miorosu to overlook; to command a view of; to look down on
寝過ごす nesugosu to oversleepgodan, verb
有する yuusuru to own, to be endowed withsuru
塗る nuru to paint,to plastergodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
離す hanasu to part, to divide, to separate, to releasegodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
追い抜く oinuku to pass (a car), to outdistance, to outsail, to outstripgodan, verb, vtrans
受かる ukaru to pass (examination)godan, verb, vintrans
すれ違う surechigau to pass by one another, to disagree, to miss each othergodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
渡す watasu to pass over, to hand overjlpt5, verb, vtrans
経る heru to pass, to elapse, to experienceichidan, verb, vtrans
通る tooru to pass, to go alongjlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
経つ tatsu to pass, to lapsegodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
払う harau to paygodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
注意を注ぐ chuuiwososogu to pay attentiongodan, verb
剥く muku to peeljlpt3, verb, vtrans
がんばる ganbaru to persevere ingodan, jlpt4, verb
拾う hirou to pick up,to gathergodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
刺す sasu to pierce, to stab, to prick, to thrust, to bite, to sting, to pin down, to stitch, to put (a runner) out, to pole (a boat), to catch (with a line), to stickgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
重ねる kasaneru to pile up, to put something on another, to heap up, to add, to repeatichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
積む tsumu to pile up, to stack, to load (car, ship, etc.), to packgodan, jlpt3, verb
計画する keikakusuru to planjlpt4, suru, verb
企てる kuwadateru to plan, to plot, to propose, to design, to intend, to contemplate, to attempt, to undertakeichidan, verb, vtrans
植える ueru to plant,to growichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
遊び asobi to playgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb
弾く hiku to play (piano, guitar)godan, jlpt5, ongaku, verb
遊ぶ asobu to play, to make a visitgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
指差す yubisasu to point atgodan, verb, vtrans
磨く migaku to polish, to shine, to brush, to improvegodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
ほめる homeru to praiseichidan, jlpt4, verb
褒める homeru to praise, to admire, to speak wellichidan, verb, vtrans
祈る inoru to praygodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, kami, verb, vtrans
祈り求める inorimotomeru to pray forichidan, verb
降る furu to precipitate, to fall (e.g. rain)godan, jlpt5, tenki, verb, vintrans
支度する shitakusuru to preparejlpt4, suru, verb
準備する junbisuru to preparejlpt4, suru, verb
生産する seisansuru to producejlpt4, suru, verb
禁じる kinjiru to prohibitichidan, verb, vtrans
栄える sakaeru to prosper, to flourish; to shine, to look attractive, to look prettyichidan, verb, vintrans
載せる noseru to publishichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
引き分ける hikiwakeru to pull apart, to separateichidan, verb, vtrans
引き離す hikihanasu to pull apart, to separategodan, verb, vtrans
罰する bassuru to punish, to penalize, to penalisesuru
掻き分ける kakiwakeru to push one's way throughichidan, verb, vtrans
押す osu to push, to stamp somethinggodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
入れる ireru to put in, to take in, to bring in, to let inichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
出す dasu to put out, to sendgodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
寝かせる nekaseru to put to bed, to lay down, to fermentichidan, verb, vtrans
役立てる yakudateru to put to use, to make use of, to turn to accountichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
置く oku to put, to placegodan, jlpt5, verb
起こす okosu to raise, to cause, to wake someonegodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
育む hagukumu to raise, to rear, to bring upgodan, verb, vtrans
立てる tateru to raise, to set upichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
次ぐ tsugu to rank next to/to come after/(P)godan, leda1, verb, vintrans
位する kuraisuru to rank, to be ranked, to be locatedsuru
達する tassuru to reach, to get tosuru
読む yomu to readgodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
養う yashinau to rear, to maintain, to support (e.g. family), to cultivategodan, verb, vtrans
思い出す omoidasu to recall, to remembergodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vtrans
もらう morau to receivegodan, jlpt4, verb
世話になる sewaninaru to receive favor (favour), to be much obliged to someone, to be indebtedgodan, verb
勧める susumeru to recommend, to advise, to encourage, to offer (wine)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
薦める susumeru to recommend, to advise, to encourage, to offer (wine)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
考え直す kangaenaosu to reconsider, to rethink, to reassessgodan, verb, vtrans
拒む kobamu to refuse, to reject, to declinegodan, verb, vtrans
悔やむ kuyamu to regretemo, godan, verb, vtrans
残る nokoru to remaingodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
余る amaru to remain, to be left over, to be in excess, to be too manygodan, verb, vintrans
覚える oboeru to rememberichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
除く nozoku to remove, to exclude, to exceptgodan, verb, vtrans
待ち合わせる machiawaseru to rendezvous, to meet at a prearranged place and time, to arrange to meetichidan, verb
直す naosu to repairgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
繰り返す kurikaesu to repeat, to do something over againgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans, vtrans
言い返す iikaesu to repeat, to talk back, to answer backgodan, verb, vtrans
退ける shirizokeru to repel, to drive away, to repulse, to reject; to remove, to take away, to dislodge, to put something out of the way; to remove, to take away, to dislodge, to put something out of the wayichidan, verb, vtrans
頼む tanomu to request, askgodan, jlpt5, verb
救う sukuu to rescue from, to help out of, to savegodan, verb, vtrans
遠慮する enryosuru to reserve, to hesitatejlpt4, suru, verb
退職する taishokusuru to resignshigoto, suru, verb
辞める yameru to resign, to retire, to quit, to leave (one's job, etc.)ichidan, verb, vtrans
応じる oujiru to respond, to satisfy, to accept, to comply with, to apply forichidan, verb, vintrans
返事する henjisuru to response, to respondjlpt4, suru, verb
休む yasumu to rest, to be finished, to retiregodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
戻す modosu to restore, to put back, to return, to give backgodan, verb, vtrans
戻る modoru to returngodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
返す kaesu to return (something)godan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
巻き戻す makimodosu to rewindgodan, verb, vtrans
鳴らす narasu to ring, to sound, to chime, to beat, to snort (nose)godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
揺らす yurasu to rock/to shake/to swinggodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
腐る kusaru to rot, to go bad, to corrodegodan, jlpt3, verb
揉む momu to rub, to crumple (up), to wrinkle, to massage, to be troubled about, to worry over, to train, to coachgodan, verb, vtrans
走る hashiru to rungodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
逃げる nigeru to run awayichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
背く somuku to run counter to, to go against, to disobey, to infringegodan, verb, vintrans
轢く hiku to run somebody over (with vehicle), to knock someone downgodan, verb, vtrans
通じる tsuujiru to run to, to lead to, to communicate, to understand, to be well-informedichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
貯める tameru to save (i.e. in a bank)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
言う iu to saygodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb
仰しゃる ossharu to say (polite)irregular, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
申し上げる moushiageru to say (polite)ichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
申す mousu to say (polite)godan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
見破る miyaburu to see through another's thoughts, to have a sharp eye, to penetrate, to fathomgodan, verb, vtrans
ごらんになる goranninaru to see, inspectgodan, jlpt4, verb
見る miru to see, to watchichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
掴む tsukamu to seize, to catch, to grasp, to grip, to grab, to hold, to catch hold of, to lay one's hands ongodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
売る uru to sellgodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
送る okuru to sendgodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
遣わす tsukawasu to send, to dispatch, to despatchgodan, verb, vtrans
贈る okuru to send, to give to, to award to, to confer ongodan, verb, vtrans
別れる wakareru to separatejlpt4, verb, vintrans
放す hanasu to separate, to set free, to turn loosegodan, verb, vtrans
勤める tsutomeru to serve, to fill a post, to work (for), to exert oneself, to endeavor, be diligent, to play (the part of)ichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
仕える tsukaeru to serve, to work for, to attendichidan, verb, vintrans
絶つ tatsu to sever, to cut off, to suppress, to abstain (from)godan, verb, vtrans
振り払う furiharau to shake offgodan, verb, vtrans
揺れる yureru to shake, to quakeichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
照る teru to shinegodan, verb, vintrans
光り輝く hikarikagayaku to shine, to glittergodan, verb, vintrans
輝く kagayaku to shine, to glitter, to sparklegodan, verb
映える haeru to shine, to look attractive, to look prettyichidan, verb, vintrans
光る hikaru to shine,to glittergodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
縮める chidimeru to shorten, to reduce, to boil down, to shrinkichidan, verb, vtrans
叫ぶ sakebu to shout, to crygodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
見せる miseru to showichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
敬う uyamau to show respect, to honour, to honorgodan, verb, vtrans
縮む chidimu to shrink, to contract, to diminish (in size); to shrink, to contract, to diminish (in size)godan, verb, vintrans
嘆く nageku to sigh, to lament, to grievegodan, verb, vintrans
見物する kenbutsusuru to sightseeryokou, suru, verb
歌う utau to singgodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
徹する tessuru to sink in, to penetrate, to devote oneself, to believe in, to go through, to do intently and exclusivelysuru
沈む shizumu to sink, to feel depressedgodan, verb, vintrans
座る suwaru to sitgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
スケートする suke-tosuru to skatesport, suru, verb
眠る nemuru to sleepgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
釁る chinuru to smear with blood, to killgodan, verb, vintrans
微笑む hohoemu to smilegodan, verb, vintrans
吸う suu to smoke, to breathe in, to suckgodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
奪う ubau to snatch away/to dispossess/to steal/(P)godan, verb, vtrans
嗅ぐ kagu to sniff, to smellgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
漬ける tsukeru to soak,to pickleichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
和らぐ yawaragu to soften, to calm down, to be mitigatedgodan, verb, vintrans
鳴る naru to soundgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
話す hanasu to speakgodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
費やす tsuiyasu to spend, to devote, to wastegodan, verb, vtrans
割れる wareru to split, to crackichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
滞る todokooru to stagnate, to be delayedgodan, verb, vintrans
立つ tatsu to standgodan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
降り出す furidasu to start to raingodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
盗む nusumu to stealgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
蒸す musu to steam/to poultice/to be sultry/(P)godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
踏む fumu to step ongodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
刺さる sasaru to stick, to be stuckgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
はる haru to stick, to pastegodan, jlpt5, verb
止める yameru to stopichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
やむ yamu to stop (e.g. rain)godan, jlpt4, verb
泣き止む nakiyamu to stop crying, to cry oneself outgodan, verb
止める tomeru to stop somethingichidan, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vtrans
流れる nagareru to stream, to flow (liquid, time, etc.), to run (ink), to be washed awayichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
強める tsuyomeru to strengthen, to emphasize, to emphasiseichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
差す sasu to stretch out hands, to raise an umbrellagodan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
殴る naguru to strike, to hitgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
丸裸になる maruhadakaninaru to strip a person of all his or her clothesbaka, fuku
散歩 sanposuru to strolljlpt5, suru, verb
辿り着く tadoritsuku to struggle on to, to arrive somewhere after a struggle, to grope along to, to barely manage to reach, to finally arrive at, to finally hit on (e.g. an idea)godan, verb, vintrans
勉強する benkyousuru to studygakkou, jlpt5, suru, verb
似合う niau to suit, to match, to become, to be likegodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
貢ぐ mitsugu to support, to financegodan, verb, vtrans
優れる sugureru to surpass, to outstrip, to excelichidan, verb, vintrans
囲む kakomu to surround, to encirclegodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
群がる muragaru to swarm, to gathergodan, verb, vintrans
腫れる hareru to swell (from inflammation)/to become swollen/(P)ichidan, verb, vintrans
泳ぐ oyogu to swimgodan, jlpt5, sport, verb, vintrans
取り組む torikumu to tackle/to wrestle with/to engage in a bout/to come to grips with/to make effort/to strive for/to deal with/(P)godan, leda1, verb, vintrans
撮る toru to take (a photo), to make (a film)godan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
かかる kakaru to take (time), to need, to cost, to suffer fromgodan, jlpt5, verb
受ける ukeru to take a lesson or testichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
電車に乗る denshaninoru to take a traingodan, verb
提げる sageru to take along, to hold in the hand; (uk) (col) to carry in one's own hands, to carry in a manner that is obvious to othersichidan, verb, vtrans
取り戻す torimodosu to take back, to regain, to get back, to recovergodan, verb, vtrans
運動する undousuru to take exercisejlpt4, suru, verb
取り込む torikomu to take in, to capture (e.g. image), to introduce, to be busy, to adopt (e.g. behavior)godan, verb
脱ぐ nugu to take off clothesgodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
引き継ぐ hikitsugu to take over, to hand overgodan, verb, vtrans
連れて行く tsureteiku to take someone (of lower status) along/(P)godan, verb
交う kau to take turns, to mingle togethergodan, verb
味がする ajigasuru to tasteryouri, suru, verb
味わう ajiwau to taste, to savor, to relishgodan, verb, vtrans
教える oshieru to teach, to inform, to instructjlpt5, verb, vtrans
破る yaburu to tear/to violate/to defeat/to smash/to destroy/to break (e.g. password)/(P)godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
いじめる ijimeru to teaseichidan, jlpt4, verb
電話を掛ける denwawokakeru to telephone, to make a phone callichidan, verb
物語る monogataru to tell, to indicategodan, verb, vtrans
伝える tsutaeru to tell, to reportichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
思う omou to thinkgodan, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vtrans
考える kangaeru to thinkichidan, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vtrans
思いつく omoitsuku to think of, to hit upon, to come into one's mind, to be struck with an ideagodan, jlpt3, verb
捨てる suteru to throwichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
投げる nageru to throwichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
棄てる suteru to throw away, to cast aside, to abandon, to resign, to break up with (someone)ichidan, verb, vtrans
放り出す houridasu to throw out, to fire, to expel, to give up, to abandon, to neglectgodan, verb, vtrans
片付ける katadukeru to tidy upichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
締める shimeru to tieichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
繋げる tsunageru to tie, to fasten, to connect, to transfer (phone call)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
訳す yakusu to translate/to interpret/(P)godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
奢る ogoru to treat tojlpt3
騙す damasu to trick, to cheat, to deceivegodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
試みる kokoromiru to try, to testichidan, verb, vtrans
振り返る furikaeru to turn head, to look over one's shoulder, to turn around, to look backgodan, verb, vintrans
つける tsukeru to turn onichidan, jlpt5, verb
かける kakeru to turn on, to dial (phone)ichidan, jlpt5, verb
振り向く furimuku to turn one's face, to turn around, to look over one's shouldergodan, verb
捲る mekuru to turn over/to turn pages of a book/to tear off/to strip off/(P)godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
灯りを消す akariwokesu to turn the lights offgodan, verb
向ける mukeru to turn towards/to point/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
促す unagasu to urge, to press, to prompt, to suggest, to demand, to stimulate, to quicken, to incite, to invite (attention to)godan, verb, vtrans
用いる mochiiru to use, to make use of, to utilize, to utiliseichidan, verb, vtrans
眺める nagameru to view, to gaze atichidan, verb, vtrans
訪ねる tazuneru to visitichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
伺う ukagau to visit, to askgodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
吐き出す hakidasu to vomit, to spit outgodan, verb, vtrans
投票する touhyousuru to votesuru, verb
待つ matsu to waitgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans, vtrans
起す okosu to wakegodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
目覚める mezameru to wake upichidan, verb
歩く aruku to walkgodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
暖まる atatamaru to warm oneself, to sun oneself, to warm up, to get warmgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
温まる atatamaru to warm oneself, to sun oneself, to warm up, to get warmgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
暖める atatameru to warm, to heatichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
温める atatameru to warm, to heatwater)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
反る soru (1)to bend (backward)/(P) godan, leda1, verb, vintrans
洗う arau to washgodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
弱める yowameru to weaken/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
はく haku to wear, put on (a sword)fuku, godan, jlpt5, verb
着る kiru to wear, put on (from shoulders down)fuku, ichidan, jlpt5, verb
濡らす nurasu to wet, to soak, to dipgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
勝つ katsu to wingodan, jlpt4, sport, verb, vintrans
巻く maku to wind, to coil, to rollgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
拭き取る fukitoru to wipe off/to wipe upgodan, verb, vtrans
引き出す hikidasu to withdrawgodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
働く hataraku to work, to labor, to actgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
心配する shinpaisuru to worryjlpt4, suru, verb
包む tsutsumu to wrap, to packgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
書く kaku to writegodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
記す shirusu to write down, to note, to remembergodan, verb
書き直す kakinaosu to write out/to make a fair copy/to rewrite/(P)godan, verb, vtrans
トースト to-suto toastryouri
祝杯 shukuhai toast, congratulatory cupmix
トースター to-suta- toasterdenki
栃木県 tochigiken Tochigi prefecture (Kantou area)namae
今日 kyou todayjlpt5, leda1, toki
本日 honjitsu todayjlpt3, leda1, toki
足指 ashiyubi toehito
足の爪 ashinotsume toenailhito
一緒に isshoni togethermix
一緒 issho together, meeting, companyjlpt5
トイレ toire toiletjlpt5, uchi
便所 benjo toilet, lavatory, rest room, latrine, comfort stationmix
お手洗い otearai toilet, restroom, lavatory, bathroom (US)jlpt5
床の間 tokonoma tokonoma (alcove where art or flowers are displayed)mix
徳島県 tokushimaken Tokushima prefecture (Shikoku)namae
東京 toukyou Tokyoleda1, namae
東京都 toukyouto Tokyo Metropolitan areanamae
東大 toudai Tokyo Universitynamae
寛大 kandai tolerance, liberality, leniencymix
有料駐車場 yuuryouchuushajou toll parking lot, toll car parkmix
トマト tomato tomatoryouri, shokubutsu
墓石 hakaishi; boseki tombstone, gravestone; tombstone, gravestonemix
明日 ashita tomorrowjlpt5, leda1, toki
shita tonguehito
今夜 kon'ya tonightjlpt4, leda1, toki
今晩 konban tonight, this eveningjlpt5, toki
あんまり anmari too muchmix
余計 yokei too much, unnecessary, extraneous, abundance, surplus, excess, superfluitymix
道具 dougu tooljlpt4, leda1
用具 yougu tools, implementsmix
ha toothhito, jlpt5
虫歯 mushiba tooth decaybyouki
歯根 shikon tooth roothito
歯痛 haita toothachebyouki
歯ブラシ haburashi toothbrushuchi
頂点 chouten top, summitmix
テーマ te-ma topic (ger: Thema), theme, projectjlpt3
話題 wadai topic, subjectmix
魚雷 gyorai torpedosensou
魚雷艇 gyoraitei torpedo boatsensou
dou torsohito
kame tortoise/turtledoubutsu
東芝 toushiba Toshiba (company)namae
皆既日食 kaikinisshoku total solar eclipsemix
全自動 zenjidou totally automaticmix
鳥取県 tottoriken Tottori prefecture (Chuugoku area)namae
触る sawaru touchjlpt4
接触 sesshoku touch, contactsuru
大変な taihen na tough, awfuladj, jlpt3
強靭 kyoujin tough, strong, stiff, tenaciousmix
観光客 kankoukyaku touristryokou
に対して nitaishite towards, against, regarding, in contrast withmix
役場 yakuba town hallmix
町役場 machiyakuba town hallseiji
市庁舎 shichousha town hall, city hallmix
machi town,cityjlpt5
都市 toshi town/city/municipal/urban/(P)adj, jlpt3, leda1
おもちゃ omocha toyjlpt4
玩具屋 omochaya toy shopmise
富山県 toyamaken Toyama prefecture (Hokuriku area)namae
豊玉姫 toyotamahime Toyotama hime, daughter of Ryuujinkami
番線 bansen track numberryokou
陸上競技 rikujoukyougi track-and-field eventsmix
貿易 boueki tradejlpt4
商品名 shouhinmei trade (brand) namemix
商売 shoubai trade, business, commerce, transaction, occupationjlpt3, suru
売買 baibai trade, buying and sellingsuru
伝統 dentou traditionmix
言い伝え iitsutae tradition, legendmix
伝説 densetsu tradition, legend, folkloremix
伝統芸能 dentougeinou traditional art, traditional performance artmix
伝統的 dentouteki traditional, conventionalmix
交通 koutsuu trafficjlpt4
信号 shingou traffic lights/signal/semaphore/(P)leda1, suru
信号機 shingouki traffic signaldenki
悲劇 higeki tragedy, disastermix
悲壮 hisou tragicemo
列車 ressha train (ordinary)/(P)jlpt3, ryokou
各駅停車 kakuekiteisha train that stops at every station, local trainryokou
通過駅 tsuukaeki train-doesn't-stop stationryokou
トレーニング tore-ningu trainingjlpt3, suru
調教 choukyou training (animals), breaking (animals)suru
研修 kenshuu training (esp. in-service), induction coursesuru
取引 torihiki transactions, dealings, businesssuru
乗り換え norikae transfer (trains, buses, etc.), connection, connexionjlpt3, ryokou
譲渡 jouto transfer, assignment, conveyancesuru
変貌 henbou transfiguration, transformation, change of appearancesuru
変形 henkei transformation, variation, metamorphosis, modification, deformation, variety, deformity, monstersuru
過渡期 katoki transition periodmix
他動詞 tadoushi transitive verbbunpou
翻訳 hon'yaku translatejlpt3, jlpt4
yaku translation, version (e.g. "English version");mix
翻訳家 hon'yakuka translatorshigoto
伝播 denpa transmission, propagation, spread, circulation, diffusion, dissemination; (n,vs) transmission, propagation, spread, circulation, diffusion, disseminationsuru
送信 soushin transmission, sendingsuru
移植 ishoku transplanting, porting, implantation, engraftingbyouki, suru
交通機関 koutsuukikan transportation facilitiesmix
旅行会社 ryokougaisha travel agent, travel agencyryokou
旅費 ryohi travel expensesmix
旅行 ryokou travel, tripjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
tabi travel, trip, journey; 500-man battalion (Zhou-dynasty Chinese army)suru
紀行文 kikoubun traveller's journal, traveler's journalryokou
takara treasuremix
takara treasuremix
宝物 takaramono treasure, treasured itemmix
治療 chiryou treatmentbyouki, jlpt3
木の枝 kinoeda tree branchleda1, shizen
木の葉 konoha tree leafleda1, shizen
緑化 ryokka tree planting, afforestationsuru
ki tree, woodjlpt5, shokubutsu
mizo trenchshizen
動向 doukou trend/tendency/movement/attitude/(P)leda1
試行錯誤 shikousakugo trial and errorsuru
裁判 saiban trial, judgement, judgmentsuru
三角形 sankakkei trianglemath
三角形の sankakkeino triangularadj, math
支流 shiryuu tributary, branchmix
kou tributemix
三輪車 sanrinsha tricycleryokou
三角関数 sankakukansuu trigonometric functionmath
船旅 funatabi trip by boatmix
北回帰線 kitakaikisen tropic of cancershizen
南回帰線 minamikaikisen tropic of capricornshizen
熱帯 nettai tropicsmix
厄介 yakkai trouble, burden, care, bother, worry, dependence, support, kindness, obligationmix
迷惑 meiwaku trouble/bother/annoyance/(P)jlpt3
面倒 mendou trouble/difficulty/care/attention/(P)jlpt3
苦労 kurou troubles, hardshipssuru
面倒な mendouna troublesomejlpt3
煩わしい wazurawashii troublesome, annoying, complicatedadj
劇団 gekidan troupe, theatrical companymix
ズボン zubon trousers (French: jupon)fuku, jlpt5
マス masu troutdoubutsu
トラック torakku truckryokou
真髄 shinzui true meaning, mystery, essence, quintessence, soul, core, kernel, life bloodmix
実態 jittai true state, actual condition, realitymix
実説 jissetsu true storymix
実話 jitsuwa true storymix
真の shinno true, real, genuine, proper, uttermix
本当 honto truthmix
本当 hontou truth, realityleda1
真実 shinjitsu truth, reality; truth, reality; truth, realitymix
運試し undameshi try or test one's luckmix
月夜見の尊 tsukuyominomikoto Tsukuyomi no Mikoto, god of the moonkami
月読の命 tsukuyominomikoto Tsukuyomi no Mikoto, god of the moonkami
津波 tsunami tsunamishizen, tenki
火曜日 kayoubi Tuesdayjlpt5, toki
凝灰岩 gyoukaigan tuffmix
学費 gakuhi tuition, school expensesmix
古墳時代 kofunjidai Tumulus period (of Japanese history)mix
maguro tunadoubutsu
一曲 ikkyoku tune (melody, piece of music)ongaku
kyoku (1)(uk) long segment of a noh play forming its musical highlight, (n-pref) (2)wrong, improper, indecent; (3)corner, nook, recess, (4)a shadow, a shade; (arch) wickedness, evi ongaku
音調 onchou tune, tone, intonation, melody, rhythm, harmonymix
トンネル tonneru tunnelryokou
七面鳥 shichimenchou turkeydoubutsu
混迷 konmei turmoil, chaos, confusionsuru
順番 junban turn (in line)/order of things/sequential order/(P)jlpt3, leda1
テレビを点ける terebi wo tsuke ru Turn on the TVmix
横転 outen turning sideways, barrel rollsuru
倒置 touchi turning upside down, placing nonessentials before essentialssuru
kabu turnipshokubutsu
水色 mizuiro turquoiseiro, leda1
kame turtledoubutsu
kiba tuskdoubutsu
テレビ番組欄 terebi bangumiran TV schedulemix
二十日 hatsuka twenty days, twentieth day of the monthjlpt5, toki
再度 saido twice, again, second timemix
日暮れ higure twilight, sunset, dusk, eveningmix
二つ futatsu twojlpt5
翌々日 yokuyokujitsu two days later, next day but onemix
二次元 nijigen two dimensionsmath
二人 futari two persons, two people, pair, couplejlpt5
二階建て nikaidate two storiedjlpt4
往復券 oufukuken two way ticketryokou
浄瑠璃 joururi type of dramatic recitation accompanied by a shamisen (associated with the Japanese puppet theater)mix
オタ芸 otagei type of fan who yells and dances at pop concerts, etc.mix
タイプ taipu type, style, typing, typewriterjlpt3, jlpt4
台風 taifuu typhoonjlpt4, tenki
典型的 tenkeiteki typical, prototypical, representative, stereotypical, model, idealmix
アメリカ軍 amerikagun U.S. forces, American militarysensou
醜悪 shuuaku ugliness, meanness, offensivenessmix
醜い minikui uglyadj
保食神 ukemochi Uke Mochi, goddess of foodkami
浮世絵 ukiyoe ukiyoe (color print of everyday life in the Edo period) (colour)mix
究極 kyuukyoku ultimate, extreme, final, eventualmix
超音波 chouonpa ultrasonic wavesmix
あの ano um...jlpt5
へその緒 hesonoo umbilical cordhito
雨傘 amagasa umbrellafuku
国連 kokuren UN, United Nationsmix
まずい mazui unappetising, unpleasant (taste, appearance, situation), ugly, unskillful, awkward, bungling, unwise, untimelyjlpt5, ryouri
格好の悪い kakkounowarui unattractive, ugly, unstylish, uncooladj
格好悪い kakkouwarui unattractive, ugly, unstylish, uncooladj
生水 namamizu unboiled watermix
綿々 menmen unbroken, endless, continuousmix
おじさん ojisan unclekazoku
伯父 oji uncle (older than one's parent)jlpt5, kazoku
叔父 oji uncle (younger than one's parent)jlpt5, kazoku
叔父 ojisan uncle, middle aged gentlemanjlpt5, kazoku
違憲 iken unconstitutionalitymix
軒下 nokishita under the overhang of a Japanese roofuchi
shita under, belowjlpt5
地下街 chikagai underground shopping center, underground shopping centremix
地下鉄 chikatetsu underground trainjlpt5, ryokou
地下水 chikasui underground water/(P)shizen
会得 etoku understanding, comprehension, grasp, perception, appreciation, mastery (of an art or skill)suru
理解 rikai understanding, comprehension/appreciation/sympathy/(P)jlpt3, suru
下着 shitagi underwearfuku, jlpt4, leda1
脱衣 datsui undressing, taking off one's clothessuru
失業者 shitsugyousha unemployed personshigoto
失業 shitsugyou unemploymentjlpt3
失業保険 shitsugyouhoken unemployment insuranceshigoto
失業率 shitsugyouritsu unemployment rateshigoto
意外 igai unexpectedmix
意外な igai na unexpected, surprisingjlpt3
案外 angai unexpectedlyjlpt3
図らずも hakarazumo unexpectedlymix
言外 gengai unexpressed, implied, implicitmix
不幸 fukou unhappiness, sorrow, misfortune, disaster, accident, deathmix
制服 seifuku uniformjlpt3, shigoto
ユニフォーム yunifuォ-mu uniformfuku
普遍的 fuhenteki universal, omnipresent, ubiquitousmix
宇宙 uchuu universe/cosmos/space/(P)mix
大学 daigaku universitygakkou, jlpt5, leda1
総合大学 sougoudaigaku universitymix
学士 gakushi university graduategakkou
大学卒 daigakusotsu university graduate, college graduatemix
学長 gakuchou university presidentmix
大学生 daigakusei university studentgakkou, jlpt4, shigoto
不親切 fushinsetsu unkindness, unfriendlinessmix
未詳 mishou unknown, unidentifiedmix
不詳 fushou unknown, unidentified, unspecifiedmix
無印 mujirushi unlabeled, unbrandedmix
不運 fuun unlucky, misfortune, bad luck, fatemix
未婚 mikon unmarriedai, kazoku
無人島 mujintou unpopulated islandmix
空前 kuuzen unprecedented, record-breakingmix
非現実的 higenjitsuteki unrealisticmix
無理 muri unreasonable/impossible/overdoingjlpt3, jlpt4
無関係 mukankei unrelatedmix
自由席 jiyuuseki unreserved seatryokou
無欲な muyokuna unselfishadj, emo
下手 heta unskillful, poor, awkwardadj, jlpt5, leda1
散らかった chirakatta untidyadj
珍しい mezurashii unusual, strangeadj, jlpt4
従来 juurai up to now, so far, traditional, existing (e.g. equipment)mix
上り列車 noboriressha up train, trains going toward the capitaljlpt3
上体 joutai upper bodymix
上顎 uwaago upper jawhito
騒ぎ sawagi uproar, disturbancejlpt3
動転した doutenshita upsetadj, emo
天王星 tennousei Uranus (planet)mix
都市部 toshibu urban areasmix
kyuu urgentjlpt3, jlpt4
急な kyuuna urgentjlpt3
至急 shikyuu urgent, pressingmix
緊急 kinkyuu urgent, pressing, emergencymix
早急 sakkyuu; soukyuu urgent; urgentmix
用途 youto use, usefulness, utility, service, purposemix
効用 kouyou use, utility, effect, benefitmix
使用 shiyou use/application/employment/utilization/utilisation/(P)leda1, suru
行使 koushi use/exerciseleda1, suru
利用 riyou use/utilization/utilisation/application/(P)jlpt3, jlpt4
より yori used for comparisonjlpt5
ほう hou used for comparisonjlpt5
役に立つ yakunitatsu usefuladj, jlpt3, jlpt4
便利な benrina usefuladj
便利 benri useful, convenientadj, jlpt5
使えない tsukaenai uselessadj
無益 mueki useless, futile, vainmix
無用 muyou useless, futility, needlessness, unnecessarinessmix
利用者 riyousha user, end-user, consumermix
失言 shitsugen using improper words, verbal slipsuru
普段 fudan usual, habitual, ordinary, everyday, alwaysmix
たいてい taitei usually, generallyjlpt3, jlpt5
奪取 dasshu usurpation, taking back, dispossessionsuru
器具 kigu utensil, apparatus, implement, device, gadgetuchi
子宮 shikyuu uterushito
空席 kuuseki vacancy, vacant seat, roommix
休暇 kyuuka vacationshigoto
掃除機 soujiki vacuum cleanerdenki, uchi
真空 shinkuu vacuum, hollow, emptymix
膣, ちつ chitsu vaginahito
有効 yuukou validity, legality, availability, effectivenessmix
tani valleyshizen
谷間 tanima valleyshizen
貴重品 kichouhin valuables/treasures/(P)mix
atai valuemath
価値 kachi value, worth, meritmix
価値観 kachikan valuesmix
吸血鬼 kyuuketsuki vampire, bloodsuckerkami
虚栄心 kyoeishin vanitymix
気体 kitai vapour, vapor, gaskagaku
変数 hensuu variable (e.g. math), parametermix
様々 samazama varied, variousjlpt3, mix
バラエティー baraeteィ- varietyjlpt3
種々 shuju variety; varietymix
いろいろ iroiro variousjlpt5
様々な samazamana variousjlpt3
色々な言葉 iroiro na kotoba various wordsmix
脈管 myakkan vascular system, blood vessel, ductjlpt3
家臣 kashin vassal, retainermix
野菜 yasai vegetablejlpt5, ryouri
精進料理 shoujinryouri vegetarian cuisine originally derived from the dietry restrictions of Buddhist monksryouri
乗り物 norimono vehicle, vesseljlpt4, ryokou
静脈 joumyaku veinhito
自動販売機 jidouhanbaiki vending machinedenki
風通し kazetooshi ventilationuchi
換気 kanki ventilationsuru
換気扇 kankisen ventilation fanmix
心室 shinshitsu ventriclemix
金星 kinsei Venus (planet)adj, leda1
動詞 doushi verbbunpou
験算 kenzan verification of accounts, checking figures, arithmetic checksuru
朱色 shuiro vermilion, scarletmix
春分の日 shunbunnohi Vernal Equinox Holiday (Mar 20 or 21)toki
詩句 shiku versemix
縦書き tategaki vertical writingbunpou
垂直 suichoku vertical, perpendicularmix
すごく sugoku verymix
すくない sukunai very few, littlejlpt4
甚大 jindai very great, enormous, seriousmix
興味深い kyoumibukai very interesting, of great interestmix
多々 tata very much, very many, more and more; (uk) in tufts, tuftymix
とても totemo very, awfully, exceedinglyjlpt3, jlpt5
非常に hijouni very, greatlyjlpt3, jlpt4
大分 daibu very, many, a lotjlpt3, jlpt4
なかなか nakanaka very, not easilyjlpt4
獣医 juui veterinarianmix
副会長 fukukaichou vice president (of a club or organization, organisation)mix
教頭先生 kyoutousensei vice principalleda1, shigoto
勝負 shoubu victory or defeat, match, contest, game, boutsensou
勝利 shouri victory, triumph, conquest, success, winsuru
ビデオデッキ bideodekki video cassette recorder (wasei: video deck)jlpt3
見方 mikata viewpointmix
血気 kekki vigor/ardor/ardour/vigourleda1
mura villagejlpt4, leda1
村里 murazato villageleda1
村長 sonchou village headman/(P)leda1
村役場 murayakuba village officeseiji
里宮 satomiya village shrinekami
集落 shuuraku village, community, settlement, town, colony (animals, etc.)mix
村民 sonmin villagerleda1
su vinegarryouri
葡萄園 budouen vineyardmix
違反 ihan violation (of law), transgression, infringement, breachsuru
暴力 bouryoku violence, mayhemmix
激しい hageshii violent, vehement, intense, furious, tempestuousadj, jlpt3
sumire violetshokubutsu
処女 shojo virgin, maidenmix
来訪 raihou visit, callsuru
来訪神 raihoushin Visiting kamikami
視覚的 shikakuteki visualmix
活力 katsuryoku vitalitymix
ビタミン bitamin vitaminmix
鮮明 senmei vivid, clear, distinctmix
声楽 seigaku vocal musicmix
koe voicejlpt5
濁点 dakuten voiced consonant marks (nigori)mix
火山性 kazansei volcanicshizen
火山灰 kazanbai volcanic ashshizen
火山岩 kazangan volcanic rockleda1
火山 kazan volcanoleda1, shizen
バレーボール bare-bo-ru volley ballsport
電圧 den'atsu voltagedenki
ボランティア boranteィa volunteerjlpt3, mix
吐く haku vomitbyouki, godan, verb, vtrans
投票 touhyou voting, pollseiji, suru
低俗 teizoku vulgarmix
対戦 taisen waging war, competitionsuru
セキレイ sekirei wagtaildoubutsu
ウエスト uesuto waisthito
和歌 waka waka (classic Japanese poem, esp. a tanka, often 31 mora)mix
和歌山県 wakayamaken Wakayama prefecture (Kinki area)namae
目覚め mezame wakingmix
散歩 sanpo walk, strolljlpt5, leda1, sport
kabe walljlpt4, uchi
hei wall, fencemix
明太子 mentaiko walleye pollack roe (generally served salted and spiced with red pepper)ryouri
クルミの木 kuruminoki walnutshokubutsu
クルミ kurumi walnutsryouri, shokubutsu
セイウチ seiuchi walrusdoubutsu
欠乏 ketsubou want, shortage, faminesuru
欲しい hoshii wanted, wished for, in need of, desiredjlpt5
戦争 sensou warjlpt3, jlpt4, sensou
軍歌 gunka war songsensou
kura warehouse, cellar, magazine, granary, godown, depository, treasury, elevator; possession, ownershipmix
暖かい atatakai warmadj, jlpt5
温暖な気候 ondan na kikou warm climatetenki
温海 atsumi warm seamix
熱湯 atsuyu; nettou warmer than usual bath; boiling waterryouri
温かい atatakai warmheartedadj, emo
温暖 ondan warmthmix
警告 keikoku warning, advicesensou, suru
軍用機 gun'youki warplanesensou
武士 bushi warrior, samurai; warrior, samuraimix
武士 mononofu warrior, samurai; warrior, samuraimix
洗い濯ぎ araisusugi washing and rinsing, cleaningmix
洗濯機 sentakuki washing machinedenki, uchi
洗い場 araiba washing placegodan, verb, vintrans
洗濯 sentaku washing, laundryfuku, jlpt5
ふきん fukin washraguchi
洗面所 senmenjo washroom, bathroommix
足長蜂 ashinagabachi waspdoubutsu
暇潰し himatsubushi waste of time, killing timemix
ゴミ箱 gomibako wastebasketuchi
綿津見 watatsumi Watacumi, dragon, as well as god of the seakami
渡辺 watanabe Watanabemix
海神 watatsumi Watatsumi, dragon, as well as god of the seakami
時計 tokei watch, clockdenki, jlpt5, leda1, uchi
番犬 banken watchdogdoubutsu, leda1
観戦 kansen watching a (sports) gamesuru
mizu waterjlpt5, kagaku, ryouri, shizen
噴水 funsui water fountainmix
西瓜 suika water melonryouri
浄水器 jousuiki water purifierdenki
水軟化剤 mizunankazai water softenermix
水槽 suisou water tank, cistern, fish tankmix
水温 suion water temperaturemix
ミズハタネズミ mizuhatanezumi water voledoubutsu
井戸 ido water wellmix
水車 suisha water wheelmix
水道 suidou water works, water supplyjlpt4, leda1
taki waterfallshizen
防水 bousui waterproofing, making watertightsuru
水域 suiiki waters, water areamix
水辺 mizube waterside, waterfront; waterside, waterfrontmix
nami waveshizen
波動方程式 hadouhouteishiki wave equationmath
蝋人形 rouningyou waxwork, wax modelmix
kata way of doingjlpt5
読み方 yomikata way of reading, how to readleda1
泳ぎ方 oyogikata way of swimmingjlpt4, sport
使い方 tsukaikata way to use something, treatment, management (of help)mix
sube way, method, meansmix
我々 wareware wemix
弱い yowai weakadj, jlpt5
病弱 byoujaku weak constitutionmix
弱点 jakuten weak point, weaknessmix
頭が悪い atamagawarui weak-headedadj
苦手な nigate na weak, uncomfortable, unable to takejlpt3
tomi wealth, fortunemix
再訪する sai hou suru wealth, fortunemix
富裕層 fuyuusou wealthy people, the richmix
資産家 shisanka wealthy personmix
武器 buki weapon, arms, ordnancesensou
かぶる kaburu wear, put on (head), pour or dash water (on oneself)fuku, jlpt5
厚着 atsugi wearing thick clothessuru
itachi weaseldoubutsu
天候 tenkou weathermix
天気予報 tenkiyohou weather forecastjlpt4, tenki
天気図 tenkizu weather mapleda1
天気 tenki weather, the elementsjlpt5, leda1, tenki
結婚生活 kekkonseikatsu wedded life, married lifemix
結婚式 kekkonshiki wedding ceremonyai
新婚初夜 shinkonshoya wedding nightmix
結婚披露宴 kekkonhirouen wedding reception banquetmix
水曜日 suiyoubi Wednesdayjlpt5, toki
雑草 zassou weed/(P)adj, leda1
草毟り kusamushiri weeding/weeder/weeding forkleda1, suru
shuu weektoki
~週間 ~shuukan week(s) (time interval)jlpt5, toki
週末 shuumatsu weekendtoki
ウィークエンドハウス uィ-kuendohausu weekend housemix
土日 donichi weekend, Saturday and Sundaymix
週刊誌 shuukanshi weekly publicationmix
象虫 zoumushi weevildoubutsu
重さ omosa weight/(P)mix
歓迎会 kangeikai welcome partymix
歓迎 kangei welcome, receptionsuru
溶接機 yousetsuki welding machinemix
福利 fukuri welfaremix
元気な genkina welladj
じゃ ja well then…jlpt5
識者 shikisha well-informed person, thinking person, intelligent personmix
どれ dore well, now, let me see, which (of three or more)jlpt5
では deha well, thenjlpt5
じゃあ jaa well, well thenjlpt5
さあ saa well…jlpt5
西 nishi westjlpt5
西口 nishiguchi west exitryokou
西洋 seiyou West, Western countriesjlpt3, jlpt4
西欧 seiou Western Europemix
洋風 youfuu western stylemix
ドア doa Western style doorjlpt5, uchi
西洋式 seiyoushiki western style or fashionmix
洋品 youhin Western-style apparel and accessories/haberdasheryleda1
洋服 youfuku Western-style clothesjlpt5
洋食 youshoku Western-style mealmix
西洋化 seiyouka westernization, westernisationsuru
夢精 musei wet dream, nocturnal emissionsuru
クジラ kujira whaledoubutsu
kujira whaledoubutsu
ジンベエ鮫 jinbeezame whale sharkdoubutsu
桟橋 sanbashi wharf, bridge, jetty, pier; wharf, bridge, jetty, piermix
nani whatjlpt5
私の部屋はどれですか。 watashi no heya ha dore desuka. What is my room like?heya
小麦 komugi wheatmix
小麦粉 komugiko wheat flourryouri
麦わら mugiwara wheat straw, barley strawmix
mugi wheat, barley, oat (oats)shokubutsu
猫車 nekoguruma wheelbarrowmix
何時 itsu whenjlpt5
~とき ~toki when ~, while ~jlpt4
どこ doko where, what placejlpt5
所在 shozai whereaboutssuru
居場所 ibasho whereabouts, place, locationmix
どんな donna whichmix
どっち docchi whichjlpt4
どちら dochira which (of two), whojlpt5
どの dono which person, whojlpt5
~まま ~mama whilejlpt4
~ながら ~nagara while, as, withjlpt4
渦巻 uzumaki whirlpoolshizen
竜巻 tatsumaki whirlwindtenki
hige whiskerdoubutsu
ウイスキー uisuki- whiskyryouri
水割 mizuwari whisky and waterryouri
口笛 kuchibue whistleongaku
鼠鳴き nezuminaki whistling of a prostitute (to attract customers)baka, suru
shiro whiteiro, jlpt5
白い shiroi whiteadj, iro, jlpt5
白菊 shiragiku white chrysanthemumshokubutsu
白雲 shirakumo white clouds; white cloudstenki
アメリカペリカン amerikaperikan white pelicandoubutsu
後手 gote white player (shogi)Shogi
ハクセキレ hakusekire white wagtaildoubutsu
白ワイン shirowain white wineryouri
タラ tara whiteingdoubutsu
だれ dare whojlpt5
どなた donata who?jlpt5
一日 ichinichi whole dayjlpt5, leda1, toki
全音符 zen'onpu whole noteongaku
周年 shuunen whole year, anniversarymix
全体 zentai whole/entirety/whatever (is the matter)/(P)leda1
問屋 toiya; ton'ya wholesale store; wholesale storemise
ぜんぜん zenzen wholly, entirely, completely, not at all (with neg. verb)jlpt4
だれの dareno whosemix
どうして doushite whyjlpt5
なぜ naze whyjlpt4
邪心 jashin wicked heart, evil designmix
毒舌 dokuzetsu wicked tongue, abusive languagebunpou, kaiwa
邪悪 jaaku wicked, evilmix
広い hiroi wideadj, jlpt5, leda1
広域 kouiki wide areamix
広義 kougi wide sense, broader applicationbunpou
未亡人 miboujin widowkazoku
haba width, breadthjlpt3
家内 kanai wife (my)jlpt5, kazoku
野鳥 yachou wild birddoubutsu, leda1
熱狂 nekkyou wild excitementemo
根性 konjou will-power, guts, temper, nature, spiritsuru
遺言 igen; igon; yuigon will, testament, last request; will, testament, last request; will, testament, last requestsuru
意志 ishi will, volition, intention, intent, determinationmix
やる気 yaruki willingness (e.g. to do something)/eagerness/motivation/inspiration/determination/high aspirationsjlpt3
yanagi willowshokubutsu
意志力 ishiryoku willpowermix
気力 kiryoku willpower, energy, vitalitymix
勝ち kachi win, victoryjlpt3
kaze windjlpt5, leda1, tenki
風雨 fuuu wind and rain/(P)leda1
風向 fuukou,kazamuki wind directionmix
管楽器 kangakki wind instrumentmix
風力 fuuryoku wind powermix
mado windowjlpt5, uchi
窓側の席 madogawa no seki window seatryokou
気管 kikan windpipehito
ワイン wain wineryouri
勝者 shousha winner, victormix
受賞 jushou winning (a prize)suru
fuyu winterjlpt5, leda1, toki
冬至 touji winter solsticetoki
拭く fuku wipejlpt3, verb
針金 harigane wiremix
才気 saiki wisdommix
親知らず oyashirazu wisdom toothmix
名言 meigen wise sayingmix
志望 shibou wish, desire, ambitionsuru
fuji wistariashokubutsu
魔女 majo witchmix
声高 kowadaka with a loud voicemix
以外 igai with the exception ofjlpt4
脱会 dakkai withdrawal (from membership of organization, organisation)suru
退会 taikai withdrawal from a groupsuru
退学 taigaku withdrawal from schoolgakkou, jlpt3
退出 taishutsu withdrawal, leavingsuru
離脱 ridatsu withdrawal, secession, separation, breakawaysuru
萎縮 ishuku withering, atrophy, contraction, dwarfsuru
以内 inai withinjlpt4
無試験 mushiken without an examinationmix
無職 mushoku without an occupationmix
鬼才 kisai wizard, genius, great talentmix
ookami wolfdoubutsu
onna womanhito, jlpt5
女性 josei womanhito, jlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
女の人 onnanohito womanhito, leda1
女人 nyonin woman (arch.)hito, leda1
僕女 bokuonna woman who uses boku to refer to herselfmix
女っぽい onnappoi womanly, feminine, womanish, effeminateadj
驚異 kyoui wonder, miraclemix
不思議な fushigina wonderfuladj, jlpt3, leda1
すばらしい subarashii wonderful, splendid, magnificentadj, jlpt4
hayashi woodleda1, shizen
木材 mokuzai woodleda1, shizen
木質繊維 mokushitsusen'i wood fiber, wood fibremix
木刀 bokutou wooden swordleda1, sensou
モリヒバリ morihibari woodlarkdoubutsu
キツツキ kitsutsuki woodpeckerdoubutsu
木食い虫 kikuimushi woodwormdoubutsu
木質 mokushitsu woody, ligneousmix
羊毛 youmou wool/(P)adj, leda1
ワープロ wa-puro word processorjlpt4
語源 gogen word root, word derivation, etymologymix
単語 tango word, vocabularybunpou, mix
言葉 kotoba word(s), phrase, language, speechjlpt5, leda1
褒め言葉 homekotoba words of praise, eulogy, complimentmix
芸術作品 geijutsusakuhin work of art, artwork, object d'artmix
労働許可証 roudoukyokashou work permitshigoto
仕事 shigoto work, job, occupationjlpt5, leda1, shigoto, suru
細工 saiku work/craftsmanship/tactics/trick/(P)leda1, suru
職人 shokunin worker, mechanic, artisan, craftsmanmix
~員 ~in worker, one who works at ~jlpt4, shigoto
労働条件 roudoujouken working conditionsshigoto
参考文献 sankoubunken works cited, referencesmix
世界 sekai worldjlpt4, shizen
世界選手権 sekaisenshuken world (an international) championship (title)mix
世界遺産 sekaiisan World Heritage (cultural, natural, etc.), World Cultural and Natural Heritage (UNESCO)mix
第二次世界大戦 dainijisekaitaisen World War IImix
蚯蚓 mimizu wormdoubutsu
ニガモヨギ nigamoyogi wormwoodshokubutsu
不安な fuan na worrisome, uneasyjlpt3
拝礼 hairei worshipsuru
崇拝 suuhai worship, adoration, admiration, cultsuru
怪我人 keganin wounded or injured personbyouki
ミソサザイ misosazai wrendoubutsu
レスリング resuringu wrestlingsport
浅ましい asamashii wretched, miserable, shameful, mean, despicable, abjectadj
shiwa wrinklehito
手首 tekubi wristhito, leda1
腕時計 udedokei wristwatchdenki
作家 sakka writershigoto
筆者 hissha writer (often in self-reference), authormix
執筆 shippitsu writing (e.g. as a profession)suru
表記 hyouki writing (something), giving an address, declaration, inscribing on the face of, publishing (info), listing (prices), addressing (a package)suru
fude writing brushmix
横書き yokogaki writing horizontallymix
便箋 binsen writing paper, stationeryjlpt3
書き下ろし kakioroshi writing something on commission, newly written textmix
著作 chosaku writing, booksuru
著述 chojutsu writing, literary worksuru
申請書 shinseisho written applicationmix
願書 gansho written application or petition, application formmix
招待状 shoutaijou written invitationmix
お神籤 omikuji written oraclekami
斜頸 shakei wryneckdoubutsu
レントゲン撮影機 rentogensatsueiki X-ray machinebyouki
ワイ軸 waijiku y-axismath
ヨット yotto yachtryokou
焼き鳥 yakitori yakitori (chicken pieces grilled on a skewer)/(P)leda1
山形県 yamagataken Yamagata prefecture (Touhoku area)namae
山口県 yamaguchiken Yamaguchi prefecture (Chuugoku area)namae
山本 yamamoto Yamamotonamae
山梨県 yamanashiken Yamanashi prefecturenamae
八岐の大蛇 yamatanoorochi Yamata no Orochi, Eight-Forked Serpentkami
大和時代 yamatojidai Yamato period (300-550 CE)mix
倭比売命 yamatohimenomikoto Yamatohime no Mikoto, deity that established Ise Shrinekami
倭姫命 yamatohimenomikoto Yamatohime no Mikoto, deity that established Ise Shrinekami
八尺瓊曲玉 yasakaninomagatama Yasakani no Magatama, legendary jewelskami
八坂瓊曲玉 yasakaninomagatama Yasakani no Magatama, legendary jewelskami
靖国神社 yasukunijinja Yasukuni Shrinemix
八咫鏡 yatanokagami Yata no Kagami, sacred mirrorkami
弥生時代 yayoijidai Yayoi period (c. 300 BCE-300 CE)mix
うん un yeah, uh huhjlpt4
toshi yearjlpt3, jlpt4, toki
再来年 sarainen year after nextjlpt5, toki
明後年 myougonen year after nextjlpt3, toki
一昨年 ototoshi year before lastjlpt5, toki
歳末 saimatsu year endmix
巳年 hebidoshi year of the snake; year of the snaketoki
忘年会 bounenkai year-end partybaka
初夢 hatsuyume year's first dreammix
憧れ akogare yearning/longing/aspiration/(P)adj
~歳 ~sai years oldjlpt5, toki
黄色い kiiroi yellowiro, jlpt5
黄色 kiiro yellowiro, jlpt5
~円 ~en yenjlpt5
ええ ee yesjlpt5
はい hai yesjlpt5
昨日 kinou yesterdayjlpt5, toki
まだ mada yet, still, more, besidesjlpt3, jlpt5
産出 sanshutsu yield, producesuru
横浜 yokohama Yokohama (city)mix
黄泉 yomi Yomi, underworldkami
あなた anata youjlpt5
kimi youjlpt4
妖怪 youkai Youkai, demon, monsterkami
若い wakai youngadj, jlpt5
老若 roujaku; rounyaku young and old, all ages; young and old, all agesmix
お嬢さん ojousan young ladyjlpt4, kazoku
乙女 otome young lady, little girl, virgin, maiden, daughterkazoku
男子 danshi young manhito, leda1
若者 wakamono young man/youth/lad/(P)jlpt3
otouto younger brotherjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
弟さん otoutosan younger brotherkazoku
imouto younger sisterjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
妹さん imoutosan younger sisterkazoku
尊顔 songan your countenancemix
お宅 otaku your house (polite)jlpt4, uchi
浴衣 yukata yukata (light cotton kimono worn in the summer or used as a bathrobe); yukata (light cotton kimono worn in the summer or used as a bathrobe)fuku
縞馬 shimauma zebradoubutsu
禅宗 zenshuu Zen (Buddhism)mix
禅僧 zensou Zen priestkami
ゼロ zero zerojlpt5
rei zero, noughtjlpt5
亜鉛 aen zinc (Zn)mix
ジニア jinia zinniashokubutsu
動物園 doubutsuen zoojlpt4
草履 zouri zori (Japanese footwear sandals)fuku
体重が多い。 taijuu ga ooi. Váha je velká.mix
君が気に入った kimi ga kiniitta. Ty se mi líbíš.ai
昔の人は当時にカボチャを食べると長生きすると言う。 mukashinohitohatoujinikabochawotaberutonagaikisurutoiu. Staří lidé říkají, že kdo jí dýni o zimním slunovratu, bude dlouho žít.baka
日本では来月選挙があります。 nihon deha raigetsu senkyo ga arimasu. Příští měsíc jsou v Japonsku volby.mix
僕の部屋は東と南向きなので、直射日光が当たってとても暑いです。 boku no heya ha higashi to minami muki nanode,chokusha nikkou ga atatte totemo atsui desu. Můj pokoj je otočený směrem na jih a východ, takže tam svítí přímé slunce a je tam velké vedro.mix
新しいレストランを紹介しようと思いました。 新shii resutoran wo 紹介shiyou to 思imashita. Přemýšlel jsem o tom, že vám ukážu novou restauraci.ryouri
プラハまでどうやって来ましたか? puraha made douyatte kimashitaka? Jak (čím) jste přijel do Prahy?ryokou
車窓から沢山の向日葵が見えました。 shasou kara takusan no himawari ga miemashita. Z okna vlaku jsem viděl spoustu slunečnic.mix
夏休みは八月の終わりまでです。 natsuyasumi ha hachigatsu no owari made desu. Letní prázdniny jsou do konce srpna.mix
毎日勉強すれば、自然に覚える。 mainichi benkyou sureba,shizen ni oboeru. Když budeš studovat každý den, budeš si to přirozeně pamatovat.gakkou
兎を食べることはチェコでは普通です。 usagi wo taberu koto ha cheko deha futsuu desu. Jíst králíka je v ČR běžné.ryouri
毎年草を刈って、そして干して、兎の餌にしています。 maitoshi kusa wo katte,soshite hoshite,usagi no esa ni shiteimasu. Každý rok sekáme a sušíme trávu, a pak s ní krmíme králíky.baka
おじいちゃんとおばあちゃんは今私の家族と同居しています。 ojiichan to obaachan ha ima watashi no kazoku to doukyo shiteimasu. Dědeček a babička teď žijou s mou rodinou.mix
クトナー・ホラのビールは500年の伝統がありましたが、閉店してしまったのはとても残念です。 kutona-・hora no bi-ru ha 500nen no dentou ga arimashita ga,heiten shite shimatta noha totemo zannen desu. Kutnohorské pivo má tradici dlouhou pětset let, ale pivovar byl bohužel nedávno zavřen.baka
目が空のように青いです。 me ga sora no you ni aoi desu. Máš oči modré jako obloha.ai
手が氷のように冷たいです。 te ga koori noyouni tsumetai desu. Máš ruce studené jako led.hito
友達は木のように背が高いです。 tomodachi ha ki noyouni segatakai desu. Kamarád je vysoký jako strom.mix
この石鹸は花のように良い匂です。 kono sekken ha hana noyouni ii nioi desu. Toto mýdlo voní po květinách.mix
予約をしたのに、チケットが買えません。 yoyaku wo shita noni,chiketto ga kaemasen. Lístek jsem si nemohl koupit i přes to, že jsem provedl rezervaci.ryokou
時間がないのに、友達に手伝います。 jikan ga nai noni,tomodachi ni tetsudaimasu. Přestože nemám čas, kamarádovi pomůžu.mix
薬を飲んだのに、風邪が治りません。 kusuri wo nonda noni, kaze ga naorimasen. Bral jsem léky, a přesto jsem se z nachlazení nevyléčil.byouki
妹は僕にチーズを食べてほしいです。 imouto ha boku ni chi-zu wo tabete hoshii desu. Mladší sestra chce, abych jedl sýr.ryouri
友達は僕に本を持ってきてほしいです。 tomodachi ha boku ni hon wo mottekite hoshii desu. Kamarád chce, abych mu přinesl knihu.mix
僕は妹に学校へ行ってほしいです。 boku ha imouto ni gakkou he itte hoshii desu. Chci, aby šla mladší sestra do školy.gakkou
僕は母にチーズを食べさせられました。 boku ha haha ni chi-zu wo tabesaseraremashita. Matka mě přinutila jíst sýr.ryouri
夜なのに、僕は父に買い物に行かせられました。 yoru nanoni,boku ha chichi ni kaimono ni ikaseraremashita. Otec mě donutil jít nakoupit, i když je už pozdě večer.mix
僕は今日コンピューターを使わないことにしました。 boku ha kyou konpyu-ta- wo tsukawanai koto ni shimashita. Rozhodl jsem se, že dnes nebudu používat počítač.mix
僕は明日プラハに行かないことにしました。 boku ha ashita puraha ni ikanai koto ni shimashita. Rozhodl jsem se, že zítra nepojedu do Prahy.mix
僕は今日寿司を食べることにしました。 boku ha kyou sushi wo taberu koto ni shimashita. Rozhodl jsem se, že dneska budu jíst suši.ryouri
ドアが開いたままになっていた。 doa ga aita mama ni natteita. Dveře zůstaly otevřené.mix
二日間眠ったままだった。 futsukakan nemutta mama datta. Spal (zůstal spát) 2 dny.mix
この料理は良い味がします。 kono ryouri ha ii aji ga shimasu. To jídlo hezky voní.ryouri
ちょうど今帰ったところです。 choudo ima kaetta tokoro desu. Právě jsem se vrátil.mix
今ちょうどこのケーキを作ったところだから、食べてね。 ima choudo kono ke-ki wo tsukutta tokoro dakara,tabete ne. Právě jsem ten dort dopekl, tak si vezmi.ryouri
沢山運動しても、痩せません。 takusan undou shitemo,yasemasen. I když budu hodně cvičit, nezhubnu.sport
この本を読んだら、寝ます。 kono hon wo yondara,nemasu. Až tu knihu přečtu, půjdu spát.mix
大きくなれば、先生になります。 ookiku nareba,sensei ni narimasu. Až vyrostu, stanu se učitelem.mix
行かなくてもいいです。 ikanakute mo ii desu. Nemusíš (tam) jít.mix
見なくてもいいです。 minakute mo ii desu. Nemusíš se (na to) koukat.mix
聞かなくてもいいです。 kikanakute mo ii desu. Nemusíš (to) poslouchat.mix
タクシーで行ければよかった。 takushi- de ikereba yokatta. Měl jsem (radši) jet taxíkem.ryokou
他のレストランで食べればよかった。 hoka no resutoran de tabereba yokatta. Měl jsem (radši) jíst v jiné restauraci.ryouri
家に来てくれてありがとう。 ie ni kite kurete arigatou. Díky, že jste přišli (ke mně domů).mix
子供は成績がいいから、頭が良いはずです。 kodomo ha seiseki ga ii kara,atamagaii hazu desu. Dítě má dobré známky, takže bude nejspíš chytré.mix
子供は頭が良いから大学院に行くはずです。 kodomo ha atamagaii kara daigakuin ni iku hazu desu. Dítě je chytré, proto půjde na vysokou školu.gakkou
来週の木曜日授業に来られますか? raishuu no mokuyoubi jugyou ni koraremasuka? Můžete přijít příští čtvrtek na vyučování?gakkou
来週は来られるかどうか分かりません。 raishuu ha korareru kadouka wakarimasen. Nevím, jestli budu nebo nebudu moct přijít příští týden.mix
これが正しいかどうか説明できません。 kore ga tadashii kadouka setsumei dekimasen. Nedokážu vysvětlit, jestli to je správně nebo ne.mix
僕は犬と散歩する間に、妹は料理を作ります。 boku ha inu to sanposuru aida ni,imouto ha ryouri wo tsukurimasu. Zatímco jdu na procházku se psem, sestra vaří jídlo.mix
プラハは百塔の町と言われています。 puraha ha hyakutou no machi to iwareteimasu. Říká se, že Praha je stověžaté město.mix
勉強しても分かりません。 benkyoushite mo wakarimasen. Nerozumím tomu, i když studuji.gakkou
家に帰ったら、勉強します。 ie ni kaettara,benkyoushimasu. Až se vrátím domů, budu se učit.mix
家に帰ったら、彼女とエッチします。 ie ni kaettara,kanojo to ecchi shimasu. Až se vrátím domů, rozdám si to s přítelkyní.ai, baka
あなたは学校に来なくてもいいです。 anata ha gakkou ni konakute mo ii desu. Nemusíš chodit do školy.gakkou
傘を持ってくればよかった。 kasa wo mottekureba yokatta. Měl jsem si vzít deštník.tenki
彼女は性格がいいから、持てるはずです。 kanojo ha seikaku ga ii kara,moteru hazu desu. Má dobrou povahu, takže je určitě oblíbená (u kluků).ai
明日は晴れるはずです。 ashita ha hareru hazu desu. Zítra by mělo být jasno.tenki
彼は学生だかどうか覚えていません。 kare ha gakusei da kadouka oboeteimasen. Nepamatuji se, jestli je studentem nebo ne.gakkou
書きやすいです。 kakiyasui desu. Je to lehké na napsání.mix
読みやすいです。 yomiyasui desu. Je to lehké na přečtení.mix
分かりやすいです。 wakariyasui desu. Je to lehké na pochopení.mix
食べにくいです。 tabenikui desu. Je těžké to sníst.mix
見にくいです。 minikui desu. Je těžké to vidět.mix
この本は日本語で書かれています。 kono hon ha nihongo de kakareteimasu. Tato kniha je napsaná japonsky.mix
テレビがつけてあります。 terebi ga tsukete arimasu. Televize je zapnutá (někým).denki
レストランの予約がしてあります。 resutoran no yoyaku ga shite arimasu. Restaurace je zarezervována.ryouri
料理が作ってあります。 ryouri ga tsukutte arimasu. Jídlo je uvařeno.ryouri
部屋が掃除してあります。 heya ga soujishite arimasu. Pokoj je uklizen.uchi
御自分で作ってみたらどうですか? gojibun de tsukutte mitara dou desuka? Co takhle zkusit si to vyrobit sám?mix
すぐに出発したらどうですか? sugu ni shuppatsushitara dou desuka? Co takhle vyrazit hned?ryokou
百円ぐらいしか持ち合わせがない。 hyakuen gurai shika mochiawase ga nai. Mám jen něco kolem 100 jenů.mix
肉しか食べない。 niku shika tabenai. Jím pouze maso.ryouri
この販売機は百円硬貨しか使えない。 kono hanbaiki ha hyakuen kouka shika tsukaenai. Tenhle automat bere jen stojenové mincedenki
昨日7時間も勉強しました。 kinou 7 jikan mo benkyoushimashita. Včera jsem studoval celých sedm hodin.gakkou
酒を沢山飲んだので、酔っ払いました。 sake wo takusan nonda node,yopparaimashita. Opil jsem se, protože jsem vypil moc alkoholu.baka
帰ってから、電話してもらえませんか? kaette kara,denwa shite moraemasenka? Až se vrátíte, mohl byste mi zavolat?mix
日本語が上手になってから、日本に住んでみたいです。 nihongo ga jouzu ni natte kara,nihon ni sunde mitai desu. Až budu umět dobře japonsky, chtěl bych zkusit žít v Japonsku.mix
野菜を食べたほうがいいです。 yasai wo tabeta hougaii desu. Měl bys jíst zeleninu.ryouri
テレビを一日中見ないほうがいいです。 terebi wo ichinichijuu minai hougaii desu. Neměl bys koukat celý den na televizi.mix
薬を飲んだほうがいいです。 kusuri wo nonda hougaii desu. Měl bys brát léky.byouki
川で泳がないほうがいいです。 kawa de oyoganai hougaii desu. Neměl bys plavat v řece.mix
学校へ行ったほうがいいです。 gakkou he itta hougaii desu. Měl bys jít do školy.gakkou
ここに写真を撮らないほうがいいです。 koko ni shashin wo toranai hougaii desu. Tady byste neměl fotit. ryokou
お金がないので、橋の下に住んでいます。 okane ga nai node,hashi no shita ni sundeimasu. Protože nemám peníze, bydlím pod mostem.uchi
怠け者なので、働きたくないです。 namakemono nanode,hatarakitakunai desu. Protože jsem lenoch, nechci pracovat.shigoto
車で行ってもいいですか? kuruma de itte mo ii desuka? Mohu jet autem?ryokou
急がなくてもいいです。 isoganakute mo ii desu. Nemusíš pospíchat.mix
ここに写真を撮ってもいいですか? koko ni shashin wo totte mo ii desuka? Mohu zde fotit?ryokou
春になりました。 haruninarimashita. Je tu jaro.shizen
足が腫れました。 ashi ga haremashita. Napuchly mi nohy.byouki
お父さんの工場は24時間稼動ですか? otousan no koujou ha 24 jikan kadou desuka? Továrna, kde pracuje tvůj táta, má 24 hodinový provoz?shigoto
僕がこの馬鹿Tシャツを着ていたら、日本人が僕を見て笑っていました。 boku ga kono baka Tshatsu wo kiteitara,nihonjin ga boku wo mite waratteimashita. Když jsem na sobě měl tričko BAKA a viděli mě Japonci, tak se smáli.baka
申し訳ありません。 moushiwake arimasen. Je mi to moc líto. (Nemám omluv.)mix
私は今週会社の友達に会わなければなりません。 watashi ha konshuu kaisha no tomodachi ni awanakereba narimasen. Tento týden se musím setkat s kamarádem z firmy.mix
日本のビールは高くて、まずいですから、飲みたくないです。 nihon no bi-ru ha takakute, mazui desu kara,nomitakunai desu. Protože je japonské pivo drahé a hnusné, nechci ho pít.ryouri
静かできれいな女の人です。 shizuka de kirei na onna no hito desu. Je to tichá a hezká žena.hito
お母さん、ビールを飲みに行ってもいいですか。 okaasan,bi-ru wo nomi ni itte mo ii desuka. Mami, můžu jít pít pivo?ryouri
四本の足がある動物です。 yonhon no ashi ga aru doubutsu desu. Je to zvíře se čtyřma nohama.doubutsu
彼が行くと言ったと僕は思います。 kare ga iku to itta to boku ha omoimasu. Myslím, že řekl, že půjde.mix
チェコ人が朝から夜まで飲むビールです。 chekojin ga asa kara yoru made nomu bi-ru desu. To je pivo, které Češi pijí od rána do večera.mix
これは買いたい携帯です。 kore ha kaitai keitai desu. To je mobil, který si chci koupit.denki
これは買いたかったコンピューターです。 kore ha kaitakatta konpyu-ta- desu. To je počítač, který jsem si chtěl koupit.mix
何でもいいです。 nandemo ii desu. Cokoliv je OK.mix
妹に即 する。 imouto ni soku suru.  Souhlasit se sestrou.mix
まだ起きていません。 mada okiteimasen. Ještě jsem nevstal.mix
自分で作ったと思う。 jibun de tsukutta to omou. Myslím, že to uvařil sám.ryouri
私は毎日食べる朝御飯はラーメンです。 watashi ha mainichi taberu asagohan ha ra-men desu. Snídaně, kterou každý den jím, je rámen.ryouri
バナナ以外果物が好きです。 banana igai kudamono ga suki desu. Mám rád ovoce kromě banánů.ryouri
目を閉じて下さい。 me wo tojite kudasai. Zavřete oči, prosím.mix
正解です。 seikai desu. Je to v pořádku.mix
食べやすい大きさに切って下さい。 tabeyasui ookisa ni kitte kudasai. Rozkrájejte to na kousky, které se budou lehce jíst.ryouri
何時から何時まで漢字の連取をしていたと思いますか。 nanji kara nanji made kanji no renshuu wo shiteita to omoimasuka. Od kolika do kolika hodin si myslíš, že se učil kandži?mix
今はそう思いません。 ima ha sou omoimasen. Už si to tak nemyslím.mix
存在していない動物 sonzai shiteinai doubutsu Zvíře, které neexistuje.mix
想像して下さい。 souzou shite kudasai. Představte si, prosím.mix
ビールを飲んでもいい? bi-ru wo nonde mo ii ? Můžu pít pivo?ryouri
火山は危ないです。 kazan ha abunai desu. Sopky jsou nebezpečné.shizen
いいですよ。 iidesuyo. To je v pohodě.mix
携帯電話の電源を切るべきである。 keitaidenwa no dengen wo kiru beki dearu. Měl byste vypnout svůj mobilní telefon.mix
携帯電話が欲しいな。 keitaidenwa ga hoshii na. Chci mobilní telefon.mix
僕はおにぎりを作りました。 boku ha onigiri wo tsukurimashita. Uvařil jsem onigiri.ryouri
守ってあげたい! mamotte agetai! Chci tě ochraňovat!ai
私は馬鹿です。 watashi ha baka desu . Jsem blbec.baka
首相はお金が足りないと言いました。 shushou ha okane ga tarinai to iimashita. Premiér řekl, že peníze nestačí.mix
部長はこの会議は時間の無駄だと言いました。 buchou ha kono kaigi ha jikan no muda da to iimashita. Šéf oddělení řekl, že tato porada je mrhání časem.shigoto
無駄だ! muda da! To je plýtvání! To nemá smysl!mix
長い休みが欲しい。 nagai yasumi ga hoshii. Chci dlouhé prázdniny.mix
私は先生に鉛筆をあげます。 watashi ha sensei ni enpitsu wo agemasu. Dám učiteli tužku.mix
先生は私に鉛筆をもらいました。 sensei ha watashi ni enpitsu wo moraimashita. Učitel ode mne dostal tužku.mix
私は友達にプレゼントをもらいます。 watashi ha tomodachi ni purezento wo moraimasu. Dostanu od kamaráda dárek.mix
友達は私にプレゼントをくれます。 tomodachi ha watashi ni purezento wo kuremasu. Kamarád mi dá dárek.mix
鈴木さんは田中さんに本を貸してあげました。 suzuki san ha tanaka san ni hon wo kashite agemashita. Pan Suzuki půjčil panu Tanakovi knihu.mix
手伝ってあげて! tetsudatte agete! Pomož mu!mix
会いに行ってあげて! ai ni itte agete! Bež se s ním setkat!mix
私はカリナさんに言葉の意味を説明してあげました。 watashi ha karina san ni kotoba no imi wo setsumei shite agemashita. Vysvětlil jsem slečně Karině význam slova.mix
私は田中さんに大阪城へ連れて行ってもらいました。 watashi ha tanaka san ni oosaka jou he tsureteitte moraimashita. Pan Tanaka mě vzal na Ósacký hrad.mix
木村さんは私に地図を書いてくれました。 kimura san ha watashi ni chizu wo kaite kuremashita. Pan Kimura mi nakreslil mapu.mix
矢崎さんはコーヒーを入れてくれました。 yazaki san ha ko-hi- wo irete kuremashita. Pan Yazaki mi udělal kafe.mix
お風呂の入り方を説明してくれました。 ofuro no hairikata wo setsumeishite kuremashita . Byl tak laskavý, že mi vysvětlil, jak se používá (japonská) vana.mix
日本の会社は働きやすいですが、私の先生は大学で勉強したほうがいいと言いました。 nihon no kaisha ha hataraki yasui desuga,watashi no sensei ha daigaku de benkyou shita hou ga ii to iimashita. V japonské firmě se lehce pracuje, ale můj učitel mi říkal, že mám studovat na vysoké škole.mix
毎週の昼休みの前に、友達と三人で会って、長い宿題をします。 maishuu no hiruyasumi no mae ni,tomodachi to sannin de atte, nagai shukudai wo shimasu. Každý týden před obědovou přestávkou se s kamarády setkáváme ve třech a píšeme dlouhé domácí úkoly.gakkou
おはようございます。 ohayougozaimasu. Dobré ráno.mix
私は馬鹿だと思います。 watashi ha baka da to omoimasu. Myslím, že jsem blbec.mix
子供はおもちゃを買いたがっている。 kodomo ha omocha wo kaita gatteiru. Děcko (dává najevo, že) chce koupit hračku.mix
彼は寒がっています。 kare ha samu gatteimasu. Je mu zima. (Je na něm vidět, že je mu zima).tenki
彼が寿司をたべたがっている。 kare ga sushi wo tabeta gatteiru. On chce jíst suši.ryouri
もう日本に行って下さい。 mou nihon ni itte kudasai. Jeď už konečně do Japonska.ryokou
これは私が使うペンです。 kore ha watashi ga tsukau pen desu. Toto je pero, které používám.mix
中国へ行ったことがありません。 chuugoku he itta koto ga arimasen. V Číně jsem nikdy nebyl.mix
授業が終わった後、ビールを飲みに行きます。 jugyou ga owatta nochi,bi-ru wo nomi ni ikimasu. Až skončí hodina, půjdu na pivo.mix
これは私がほしい財布です。 koreha watashi ga hoshii saifu desu. To je peněženka, kterou chci.mix
家を買いたがる。 ie wo kaita garu. Chce si koupit dům.mix
寿司を食べたがる。 sushi wo tabeta garu. Chce jíst suši.ryouri
八番の写真は可愛い日本人の女の人です。 hachiban no shashin ha kawaii nihonjin no onna no hito desu. Na osmé fotce je roztomilá japonka.byousha
この人は若くて、原宿のファッションが大好きです。 kono hito ha wakaku te, harajuku no fuァsshon ga daisuki desu. Je mladá a má ráda módu z Haradžuku.byousha
大学に入るつもりなので、お金をたくさん稼がなければなりません。 daigaku ni hairu tsumori nanode,okane wo takusan kaseganakereba narimasen. Protože má v plánu studovat na vysoké škole, musí vydělat hodně peněz.byousha
趣味は犬を飼うことですが、東京ではちょっと難しいです。 shumi ha inu wo kau koto desuga,toukyou de ha chotto muzukashii desu. Jejím koníčkem je chování psa, ale v Tokiu je to těžké.byousha
仕事が終わった後、よく焼肉を食べに行きます。 shigoto ga owatta ato,yoku yakiniku wo tabe ni ikimasu. Když skončí v práci, často chodí jíst grilované maso.byousha
黒いジャケットを着ています。 kuroi jaketto wo kite imasu. Na sobě má černý kabátek.byousha
ジャケットの下で白黒のワンピースを着ています。 jaketto no shita de shirokuro no wanpi-su wo kiteimasu. Pod kabátkem má černobílé šaty.byousha
長くて黄色いマフラーをしています。 nagakute kiiroi mafura- wo shiteimasu. Má na sobě dlouhou žlutou šálu.byousha
赤いハンドバッグを持っています。 akai handobaggu wo motteimasu. Drží červenou tašku.byousha
それから、黒いストッキングと黒い靴を履いています。 sorekara,kuroi sutokkingu to kuroi kutsu wo haiteimasu. Dále má černé punčochy a nosí černé boty.byousha
日本には火山が沢山ありますから、土の下で水は温かくなっています。 nihon niha kazan ga takusan arimasu kara,tsuchi no shita de mizu ha atatakaku natteimasu. Protože se v Japonsku nachází mnoho sopek, voda pod zemí se zahřívá.onsen
日本人はこの水を浴びるために使います。 nihonjin ha kono mizu wo abiru tameni tsukaimasu. Japonci tuto vodu používají ke koupání.onsen
温かい水は「湯」と言います。 atatakai mizu ha 「 yu 」 to iimasu. Teplá voda se nazývá „ju“.onsen
湯が土から出る所は「温泉」と言います。 yu ga tsuchi kara deru tokoro ha 「 onsen 」 to iimasu. Místu, kde teplá voda uniká na povrch, se říká „horký pramen“ (onsen).onsen
温泉は二つのタイプがあります。 onsen ha futatsu no taipu ga arimasu. Existují dva druhy horkých pramenů.onsen
露天風呂は外にあって、内湯はたて物の中にあります。 rotenburo ha soto niatte,uchiyu ha tatemono no naka ni arimasu. Rotenburo je venku a učiju je uvnitř budovy.onsen
正しい温泉の使い方はそんなに簡単ではありません。 tadashii onsen no tsukaikata ha sonnani kantan deha arimasen. Správné používání onsenu není úplně jednoduché.onsen
最初、きちんとシャワーを浴びなくてはいけません。 saisho,kichinto shawa- wo abinakute ha ikemasen. Nejprve se člověk musí důkladně osprchovat.onsen
その後温泉に入れます。 sono ato onsen ni hairemasu. Potom může vstoupit do onsenu.onsen
ヨーロッパ人にはちょっと恥ずかしいですが、水着を着てはいけません。 yo-roppa jin ni ha chotto hazukashii desuga,mizugi wo kite ha ikemasen. Evropani by se mohli trochu stydět, protože se tam nesmí nosit plavky.onsen
終わった後、時々ミルクを飲みます。 owatta ato,tokidoki miruku wo nomimasu. Potom občas pijeme mléko.onsen
昔、女の人と男の人は一緒に入ったことが出来ましたが、今は別々です。 mukashi,onna no hito to otoko no hito ha isshoni haitta koto ga dekimashitaga,ima ha betsubetsu desu. Dříve se mohli ženy a muži koupat společně, ale teď zvlášť. onsen
入れ墨の人以外は皆は温泉に入ることが出来ます。 iresumi no hito igai ha mina ha onsen ni hairu koto ga dekimasu. Krom lidí s tetováním může do onsenu každý.onsen
温泉の水は体によくて、40度ぐらいです。 onsen no mizu ha karada ni yokute,40 do gurai desu. Onseny jsou dobré pro tělo a mají kolem 40 stupňů.onsen
日本全国に見つけられます。 nihon zenkoku ni mitsukeraremasu. Dají se najít po celém Japonsku.onsen
有名な温泉は別府や洞爺湖や湯の川です。 yuumei na onsen ha beppu ya touyako ya yu no kawa desu. Známé onseny jsou třeba Beppu, Tójako, Junokawa.onsen
僕は温泉に入ったことがあって、本当に大好きです。 boku ha onsen ni haitta koto ga atte,hontou ni daisuki desu. Já jsem se už v onsenu koupal a mám to moc rád.onsen
日本に行ったら、ぜひ温泉に入って下さい。 nihon ni ittara,zehi onsen ni haitte kudasai. Pokud pojedete do Japonska, určitě jděte do onsenu.onsen
五番の写真は日本人の男の人です。 goban no shashin ha nihonjin no otoko no hito desu. Na páté fotce je Japonec. byousha1
この人は銀行で働いていますから、金持ちです。 kono hito ha ginkou de hataraiteimasu kara,kanemochi desu. Protože pracuje v bance, je bohatý.byousha1
頭がよさそうです。 atama ga yosasou desu. Vypadá chytře.byousha1
よく旅行をして、絵葉書を集めることが好きです。 yoku ryokou wo shite,ehagaki wo atsumeru koto ga suki desu. Často cestuje a rád sbírá pohlednice.byousha1
黒いシャツと白いTシャツを着ています。 kuroi shatsu to shiroi Tshatsu wo kiteimasu. Na sobě má černou košili a bílé tričko.byousha1
渋い色の帽子を被っています。 shibui iro no boushi wo kabutteimasu. Na hlavě má čepici tmavé barvy.byousha1
帽子の上に眼鏡をかけています。 boushi no ue ni megane wo kaketeimasu. Na čepici má brýle.byousha1
半ズボンを履いていて、ベルトを締めています。 han zubon wo haiteite,beruto wo shimeteimasu. Na sobě má kraťasy a pásek.byousha1
首に鍵をぶら下げています。 kubi ni kagi wo burasagete imasu. Na krku má pověšený klíč.byousha1
スニーカーを履いています。 suni-ka- wo haiteimasu. Nosí tenisky.byousha1
遅れてすみません。 okurete sumimasen. Promiňte, že jdu pozdě.toki
勉強させてくれ! benkyou sasete kure! Nechte mě studovat!mix
この漢字の読み方を教えて下さい。 kono kanji no yomikata wo oshiete kudasai. Řekni mi, jak se tenhle znak čte, prosím.mix
田中さんは三つのコーヒーを飲みましたから、トイレに行きます。 tanaka san ha mittsu no ko-hi- wo nomimashita kara,toire ni ikimasu. Pan Tanaka jde na WC, protože vypil tři kávy.baka
来週の火曜日は、山田さんが犬と公園を散歩します。 raishuu no kayoubi ha,yamada san ga inu to kouen wo sanpo shimasu. Příští týden v úterý půjde pan Jamada na procházku se psem do parku.mix
パーティーの時に、どんなゲームをすることが好きですか。 pa-teィ- no toki ni,donna ge-mu wo suru koto ga suki desuka. Jaké hry rád hraješ na párty?mix
猫は尻尾が短くて、可愛いです。 neko ha shippo ga mijikaku te, kawaii desu. Kočka má krátký ocas a je roztomilá.doubutsu
テスコの前で二人の男の子が話しています。 tesuko no mae de futari no otoko no ko ga hanashi teimasu. Před Tescem si povídali dva kluci.mix
図書館では本に絵を書いてはいけません。 toshokan de ha hon ni e wo kaite ha ikemasen. V knihovně je zakázáno kreslit obrázky do knížek.mix
図書館では大きい声で話したり、食べたり、ごみをしたりすることはだめです。 toshokan de ha ookii koe de hanashitari,tabetari,gomi wo shitari suru koto ha damedesu. V knihovně se nesmí mluvit nahlas, jíst a dělat nepořádek.mix
あなたは一番行きたい国はどこですか。 anata ha ichiban ikitai kuni ha doko desuka. Do které země se chceš nejvíc podívat?ryokou
靴がありませんから、友達とあの新しい店に行かなければなりません。 kutsu ga arimasen kara, tomodachi to ano atarashii mise ni ikanakereba narimasen. Musím jít s kamarádem do toho nového obchodu, protože nemám žádné boty.mix
今日何も作らなくてもいいです。 kyou nani mo tsukuranakute mo ii desu. Dnes nemusíš nic vařit.ryouri
でも、明日ケーキを一緒に作らなければなりません。 demo,ashita ke-ki wo isshoni tsukuranakereba narimasen. Dort ale musíme udělat zítra spolu.ryouri
朝、シャワーを浴びたほうがいいです。 asa,shawa- wo abita hou ga ii desu. Je lepší dát si sprchu ráno.mix
私は後で朝から晩まで元気で、沢山笑顔します。 watashi ha ato de asa kara ban made genki de,takusan egao shimasu. Já jsem potom od rána do večera svěží a hodně se usmívám.mix
昨日は今日のテストのために何時間勉強しましたか。 kinou ha kyou no tesuto no tame ni nanjikan benkyou shimashita ka. Kolik hodin ses včera učil na dnešní test?gakkou
私は五時間ぐらい勉強しましたが、足りると思いません。 watashi ha gojikan gurai benkyou shimashitaga,tariru to omoimasen. Já jsem se učil asi 5 hodin, ale nemyslím, že to stačí.gakkou
あの女はよくホストクラブへ遊びに行きます。 ano onna ha yoku hosutokurabu he asobi ni ikimasu. Ta žena se často chodí pobavit do hostitelského klubu.mix
車が壊れたから、直しに行った。 kuruma ga kowareta kara,naoshi ni itta. Jel jsem opravit auto, protože se rozbilo.mix
六万円もしたよ。 rokuman'en mo shitayo. Stálo to celých 60 000 jenů.mix
後で、一人で日本酒を1リットルを飲んだ。 atode,hitori de nihonshu wo 1rittoru wo nonda. Potom jsem sám vypil litr sake.baka
私の部屋はマンションの一階にあります。 watashi no heya ha manshon no ikkai ni arimasu. Můj pokoj je v prvním patře v bytovce.heya
明るい部屋です。 akaru i heya desu. Je to světlý pokoj.heya
部屋は洋室です。 heya ha youshitsu desu. Pokoj je v západním stylu.heya
台所とトイレがあります。 daidokoro to toire ga arimasu. Má kuchyň i záchod.heya
お風呂はありません。 o furo haarimasen. Koupelnu (vanu) nemá.heya
下の部屋に赤ちゃんがいます。 shita no heya ni akachan gaimasu. V pokoji o patro níž mají novozeně.heya
それから隣の部屋もちょっとうるさいです。 sorekara tonari no heya mochottourusaidesu . Navíc vedlejší pokoj je také hlučný.heya
家賃はたかくありません。 yachin hatakaku arimasen. Nájem není velký.heya
バスでその少年はおばあさんに席を譲ってあげた。 basu de sono shounen ha obaasan ni seki wo yuzutte ageta. V autobuse uvolnil mladík místo staré paní.mix
あなたは約束を破ってはいけない。 anata ha yakusoku wo yabutte ha ikenai. Nesmíš porušit ten slib.mix
その箱は破って開けていいよ。 sono hako ha yabutte akete ii yo. Tu krabici můžeš roztrhnout a otevřít.mix
パンにバターを塗る。 pan ni bata- wo nuru. Rozetřít máslo na chleba.ryouri
ペンキを塗る。 penki wo nuru. Rozetřít barvu.mix
私は髭を生やすつもりです。 watashi ha hige wo hayasutsumori desu. Nechám si narůst vousy.mix
ネクタイが曲がってるよ。 nekutai ga magatteru yo. Máš křivě kravatu. (ohnutou)mix
あそこの角を曲がりなさい。 asokonokado wo magari nasai. Na támhletom rohu zahni.mix
トラックは急に左へ曲がった。 torakku ha kyuu ni hidari he magatta. Náklaďák najednou zahnul doleva.mix
長い棒が曲がりました。 nagai bou ga magarimashita. Dlouhá tyč se ohnula.mix
僕はスプーンを曲げた。 boku ha supu-n wo mageta. Ohnul jsem lžíci.mix
膝をまげて、前を見て。 hiza wo magete,mae wo mite. Ohni se v kolenou a koukej dopředu.mix
今ハローキッティーが流行っている。 ima haro-kitteィ- ga hayatteiru. Hello Kitty je teď v módě.baka
風邪が流行っています。 kaze ga hayatteimasu. Rýma je teď častá (běžná).mix
この物質は水と混ざります。 kono busshitsu ha mizu to mazarimasu. Tato látka se mísí s vodou.mix
広場で人間と動物が交ざっていました。 hiroba de ningen to doubutsu ga mazatteimashita. Na náměstí se promíchali lidi se zvířatama.baka
沢山の意見が纏まりました。 takusan no iken ga matomarimashita. V mnoha názorech došlo ke shodě.mix
とても役に立つ道具です。 totemo yaku ni tatsu dougu desu. Je to velmi užitečný nástroj (pomůcka).mix
とても役立つ道具です。 totemo yakudatsu dougu desu. Je to velmi užitečný nástroj (pomůcka).mix
役立つ犬です。 yakudatsu inu desu. Je to užitečný pes.mix
家を建てるため、私と建築家は沢山のやり取りをしました。 ie wo tateru tame,watashi to kenchikuka ha takusan no yaritori wo shimashita. Kvůli stavbě domu jsme s architektem hodně komunikovali.mix
彼は窓を割った。 kare ha mado wo watta. Rozbil okno.mix
100割る5は20です。 100 waru 5 ha 20 desu. 100 děleno 5 je 20.math
敵を弱める。 teki wo yowameru. Oslabit nepřítele.mix
彼の体力が弱まった。 kare no tairyoku ga yowamatta. Jeho fyzická síla zeslábla.mix
楽にして下さい。 raku ni shite kudasai. Udělejte si pohodlí. Chovejte se jako doma.mix
テスコで楽な椅子を買いました。 tesuko de raku na isu wo kaimashita. V Tescu jsem koupil pohodlnou židli.mix
ソーセージを涼しい所に保存しなさい。 so-se-ji wo suzushii tokoro ni hozon shinasai. Párky skladuj na chladném místě.ryouri
外付けのハードディスクに保存しておいて。 sotoduke no ha-dodeィsuku ni hozon shiteoite. Ulož to na externí hard-disk.mix
ミイラが博物館に保存されている。 miira ga hakubutsukan ni hozon sareteiru. Mumie je uložena v muzeu.mix
我々は自然を保存するべきです。 wareware ha shizen wo hozon suru beki desu. Měli bychom ochraňovat přírodu.shizen
その犬は尻尾を振っていた。 sono inu ha shippo wo futte ita. Ten pes vrtěl ocasem.doubutsu
この瓶を開ける前に振りなさい。 kono bin wo akeru mae ni furinasai. Před otevřením tu láhev protřepej.mix
彼女は手を振って、さよならした。 kanojo ha te wo futte,sayonara shita. Mávala rukou na rozloučenou.mix
油と水を混ぜる事は出来ません。 abura to mizu wo mazeru koto ha dekimasen. Nemůžeš míchat vodu s olejem.kagaku
てんぷらを作るために、母は小麦粉と卵を水を混ぜました。 tenpura wo tsukuru tame ni,haha ha komugiko to tamago wo mizu wo mazemashita. Mamka smíchala pšeničnou mouku, vejce a vodu, aby uvařila tenpuru.ryouri
この帽子は私には派手すぎる。 kono boushi ha watashi ni ha hade sugiru. Ta čepice je pro mě moc extravagantní.fuku
エモですから。 emo desu kara. Protože jsem emo.baka
激しい風が吹いています。 hageshii kaze ga fuiteimasu. Fouká silný vítr.tenki
友達は激しい性格です。 tomodachi ha hageshii seikaku desu. Kamarád má agresivní povahu.emo
その船は韓国に向けています。 sono fune ha kankoku ni muketeimasu. Ta loď míří k Jižní Korei.ryokou
旗を南に向けて立てて下さい。 hata wo minami ni mukete tatete kudasai. Postav tu vlajku směrem na východ.mix
窓が割れた。 mado ga wareta. Okno se rozbilo.mix
僕はケーキを10人分に分けた。 boku ha ke-ki wo10ninbun ni waketa. Rozdělil jsem dort deseti lidem.ryouri
私は意見を纏めました。 watashi ha iken wo matomemashita. Dal jsem dohromady názory ostatních.mix
ビールを飲むことを許して下さい。 bi-ru wo nomu koto wo yurushite kudasai. Prosím, dovol mi pít pivo.ryouri
アパートが燃えている。 apa-to ga moete iru. Byt hoří.mix
私はごみを燃やしている。 watashi ha gomi wo moyashiteiru. Pálím odpad.mix
私は揺り篭を揺らしている。 watashi ha yurikago wo yurashiteiru. Houpu kolébku.mix
波は船を揺らしている。 nami ha fune wo yura shiteiru . Vlny houpají lodí.mix
家が揺れる。 ie ga yureru. Dům se houpe.mix
私たちの家は食堂を含めて7部屋あります。 watashitachi no ie ha shokudou wo fukumete 7 heya arimasu. Náš dům má 7 místností včetně jídelnymix
私を含めて全員、バスに乗った。 watashi wo fukumete zen'in,basu ni notta. Všichni, včetně mě, jeli autobusem.mix
オレンジは沢山のビタミンCを含んでいる。 orenji ha takusan no bitaminc wo fukunde iru. Pomeranče obsahují hodně vitamínu C.mix
ビールはアルコールを含んでいます。 bi-ru ha aruko-ru wo fukundeimasu. Pivo obsahuje alkohol.mix
ホテル料金は晩御飯を含みますか? hoteru ryoukin ha bangohan wo fukumimasuka? Cena za hotel obsahuje i večeři?mix
図書館の本がばらばらにおいてあります。 toshokan no hon ga barabara ni oitearimasu. Knížky v knihovně jsou různě rozmístěné.mix
バス料金はいくらですか。 basu ryoukin ha ikura desuka. Kolik je jízdné v autobuse?mix
いつか遊びに来てね。 itsuka asobi ni kite ne. Přijďte někdy na návštěvu.uchi
小学校は自立心を養う。 shougakkou ha jiritsushin wo yashinau. Základní škola podporuje soběstačnost.gakkou
鋏や糊を使って工作をする。 hasami ya nori wo tsukatte kousaku wo suru. Dělat ruční práce pomocí nůžek a lepidla.mix
大学の試験に失敗したので、もう一度挑戦しようと思います。 daigaku no shiken ni shippai shita node, mou ichido chousen shiyou to omoimasu. Protože neuspěl u zkoušky na vysoké škole, pokusí se o to ještě jednou.gakkou
一クラスは20人の定員です。 hito kurasu ha 20 nin no teiin desu. V jedné třídě je 20 lidí.gakkou
電車のドアを開くことが出来ませんでした。 densha no doa wo hiraku koto ga dekima sendeshita. Nedokázal jsem otevřít dveře ve vlaku.ryokou
窓が開きません。 mado ga akimasen. Okno není otevřené.mix
野菜を蒸します。 yasai wo mushimasu. Dusit zeleninu v páře.mix
日本の夏は蒸し暑いです。 nippon no natsu ha mushiatsui desu. Japonské léto je dusné.mix
パンを焼きます。 pan wo yakimasu. Péct chleba.mix
豚肉を焼いてください。 butaniku wo yaite kudasai. Opeč vepřové, prosím.mix
月には草が生えていない。 tsuki ni ha kusa ga haeteinai. Na Měsíci tráva neroste.shokubutsu
蝌蚪が大きくなるにつれ、尻尾が消えて足が生えはじめる。 otamajakushi ga ookiku naru ni tsure,shippo ga kiete ashi ga hae hajimeru. Jak pulec dospívá, mizí mu ocas a začínají mu růst nohy.doubutsu
君の車に乗せてください。 kimi no kuruma ni nosete kudasai. Svez mě (tam) svým autem, prosím.mix
このバスは50人の乗客を乗せられる。 kono basu ha 50 nin no joukyaku wo noserareru. Ten autobus uveze 50 lidí.ryokou
本に自分の小説を載せる。 hon ni jibun no shousetsu wo noseru. Vydám vlastní román v knize.mix
僕は寝ていたので、コリーン駅を乗り越してしまった。 bokuha nete itanode,kori-n eki wo norikoshi teshimatta. Protože jsem spal, přejel jsem stanici Kolín.mix
少年は体不自由な人に席を譲った。 shounen ha karada fujiyuu na hito ni seki wo yuzutta. Mladík uvolnil (přenechal) sedadlo handicapovanému člověku.mix
僕は学校を卒業しましたから、テキストブックを妹に譲りました。 bokuha gakkou wo sotsugyou shimashita kara,tekisutobukku wo imouto ni yuzurimashita. Protože jsem dokončil školu, přenechal jsem učebnice mladší sestře.mix
友情が深まる。 yuujou ga fukama ru. Přátelství se prohlubuje.mix
心の傷は深まるばかり。 kokoro no kizu ha fukamaru bakari. Bolest v srdci se jen prohlubuje (roste).mix
彼は英国文化についての知識 を 深める ため に 英国 へ 行った。 kareha eikoku bunka nitsuite no chishiki wo fukame rutameni eikoku he itta. Jel do Anglie, aby si prohloubil znalosti její kultury.mix
私は友情を深めた。 watashi ha yuujou wo fukameta. Prohloubil jsem přátelství.mix
僕は歌を英語からチェコ語に訳しました。 boku ha uta wo eigo kara chekogo ni yakushimashita. Přeložil jsem píseň z angličtiny do češtiny.mix
ノートを冷蔵庫に張った。 no-to wo reizouko ni hatta. Přilepil jsem poznámku na lednici.mix
壁にポスターを張ってはいけません。 kabe ni posuta- wo hatte ha ikemasen. Nesmíš dát plakát na zeď.mix
メールに写真を張り付けた。 me-ru ni shashin wo haritsuketa. K emailu jsem přiložil fotku.mix
彼女はテーブルの上にクロスを広げた。 kanojo ha te-buru no ue ni kurosu wo hirogeta. Rozprostřela látku na stůl.mix
鷹は羽を広げて、去った。 taka ha hane wo hirogete,satta. Jestřáb roztáhl křídla a odletěl.mix
子供は靴の紐を結ぶことが出来ません。 kodomo ha kutsu no himo wo musubu koto ga dekimasen. Dítě si nedokáže zavázat tkaničky u bot.mix
帯を結ぶ。 obi wo musubu. Uvázat obi.fuku
彼女はお茶を入れる前にお湯が沸くまで待った。 kanojo ha ocha wo ireru mae ni oyu ga waku made matta. Než přidala čaj, počkala, až se bude voda vařit.mix
温泉の水が沸いている。 onsen no mizu ga waiteiru. Voda v horkém prameni vře.shizen
私は水を沸かして、肉と野菜を入れて、ラーメンを作ります。 watashi ha mizu wo wakashite,niku to yasai wo irete, ra-men wo tsukurimasu. Uvařím vodu, přidám maso a zeleninu a udělám rámen.ryouri
卵を茹でる。 tamago wo yuderu. Uvařit vejce (ve vodě).mix
町で先生を見かけました。 machi de sensei wo mikakemashita. Ve městě jsem zahlédl učitele.mix
私は今月千円しか持っていない、でもこれで間に合わせなくてはいけない。 watashi ha kongetsu sen'en shika motteinai,demo kore de maniawasenakute ha ikenai. Tento měsíc mám jen 1000 jenů, ale musím si s tím vystačit.mix
山を上る。 yama wo noboru. Vystoupat na horu.mix
階段を上る。 kaidan wo noboru. Vyjít schody.mix
今日は冷えます。 kyou ha hiemasu. Dnes se ochladí.mix
コーヒーが冷えた。 ko-hi- ga hieta. Kafe vystydlo.mix
僕は熱がありますから、お凸を冷やします。 boku ha netsu ga arimasu kara,odeko wo hiyashimasu. Mám horečku, tak si musím ochladit čelo.mix
雨で服が汚れた。 ame de fuku ga yogoreta. Oblečení se zašpinilo deštěm.fuku
子供は庭で服を汚した。 kodomo ha niwa de fuku wo yogoshita. Dítě si zašpinilo oblečení na zahradě.fuku
工場は空気を汚しました。 koujou ha kuuki wo yogoshimashita. Továrna znečistila vzduch.mix
朝から雪が降っている。 asa kara yuki ga futteiru. Od rána sněží.tenki
チェコの経済はドイツの経済と密接に関わっています。 cheko no keizai ha doitsu no keizai to missetsu ni kakawatteimasu. Česká ekonomika je silně ovlivňována německou ekonomikou.mix
不景気のため雇用情勢はよくありません。 fukeiki no tame koyoujousei hayokuarimasen. Stav zaměstnanosti je kvůli recesi špatný.mix
わざと言わない。 wazato iwa nai. Naschvál to neřeknu.mix
いいコネがあるんですね。 ii kone ga arun desu ne. Máte dobré kontakty (konexe), že?mix
明日献血します。 ashitakenketsu shimasu. Zítra budu darovat krev.mix
王様の王冠です。 ousama no oukan desu. To je královská korunamix
4時の後の電車は7時です。 4ji no ato no densha ha 7ji desu. Vlak po 4. hodině jede v 7 hodin.mix
3時間も間があるので不便です。 3 jikan mo ma ga aru node fuben desu. Není to moc výhodné, protože tam je 3 hodiny mezera.mix
私の名前はそのリストに載っていません。 watashi no namae ha sono risuto ni notte imasen. Moje jméno se v tom seznamu neobjevilo.mix
この記事は新聞に載せています。 kono kiji ha shinbun ni noseteimasu. Tento článek je (otištěn) v novinách.mix
私はチェコ語の力が伸びました。 watashi ha chekogo no chikara ga nobimashita. Zlepšil jsem si češtinu.mix
試合は来週まで延びた。 shiai ha raishuu made nobita. Zápas byl odložen na příští týden.mix
彼女は髪を伸ばしている。 kanojo ha kami wo nobashiteiru. Nechává si narůst dlouhé vlasy.mix
私はアイロンで洋服の皺を伸ばす。 watashi ha airon de youfuku no shiwa wo nobasu. Žehličkou jsem narovnal záhyby na oblečení.mix
私は会議を来週に延ばした。 watashi ha kaigi wo raishuu ni nobashita. Odložil jsem poradu na příští týden.mix
秘伝の手紙を燃やして下さい。 hiden no tegami wo moyashite kudasai. Spal prosím ten tajný dopis.mix
事故の後に車が焼けた。 jiko no ato ni kuruma ga yaketa. Po něhodě auto shořelo.mix
その肉をよく焼いて下さい。 sono niku wo yoku yaite kudasai. Propeč to maso dobře.mix
肉を焼きすぎた。 niku wo yakisugita. Připálil jsem maso.ryouri
この仕事を君に任せるよ。 kono shigoto wo kimi ni makaseru yo. Tuhle práci nechám na něm.mix
山の麓には町が広がっている。 yama no fumoto niha machi ga hirogatteiru. Město se rozkládá na úpatí hory.mix
病気は広がっています。 byouki ha hirogatteimasu. Nemoc se šíří.mix
そのニュースは日本中に広まった。 sono nyu-su ha nihonjuu ni hiromatta. Ta zpráva se rozšířila po celém Japonsku.mix
あの人は噂を広めた。 ano hito ha uwasa wo hirometa. Tamten člověk roznesl drby.mix
私は写真を左に向ける。 watashi ha shashin wo hidari ni mukeru. Fotku namířím směrem nalevo.mix
右を向いてください。 migi wo muite kudasai. Obraťte se napravo.mix
南を向いて、歩いてください。 minami wo muite,aruite kudasai. Obraťte se na jih a jděte.mix
今日家に寄って下さい。 kyou ichi ni yotte kudasai. Zastavte se dneska na návštěvu.mix
学校へ行く途中に家に寄ってね。 gakkou he iku tochuu ni uchi ni yotte ne. Cestou do školy se zastav (na návštěvu).mix
波で気が海岸に打ち寄せられた。 nami de kiga kaigan ni uchiyoserareta. Dřevo bylo vlnami vyplaveno na pobřeží.mix
教室で机がばらばらにおいてありました。 kyoushitsu de tsukue ga barabara ni oite arimashita. Stoly v učebně byly rozházeny.mix
机を右側に寄せて下さいと先生に言われました。 tsukue wo migigawa ni yosete kudasai to sensei ni iwaremashita. Srovnejte ty stoly napravo, řekl učitel.mix
彼は体が不自由です。 kare ha karada ga fujiyuu desu. Je handicapován.mix
ボタンが外れる。 botan ga hazureru. Rozepnout knoflík.mix
それがリストから外れました。 sore ga risuto kara hazuremashita. Vyjmulo se to ze seznamu.mix
それをリストから外して下さい。 sore wo risuto kara hazushite kudasai. Vyjměte to ze seznamu.mix
彼女はブラウスのボタンを外した。 kanojo ha burausu no botan wo hazushita. Rozepla si knoflíky u blůzky.fuku
手を離さないで下さい。 te wo hanasanaide kudasai. Nepouštěj mou ruku, prosím.mix
皆から離れないで。 minna kara hanarenaide . Neodděluj se od ostatních.mix
シャツは破れている。 shatsu ha yabureteiru. Košile se roztrhla.mix
約束は破られた。 yakusoku ha yaburareta. Slib byl porušen.mix
友達は約束は破った。 tomodachi ha yakusoku ha yabutta. Kamarád porušil slib.mix
上着を破ってしまった。 uwagi wo yabutte shimatta. Roztrhl jsem si kabát.mix
大事な会議の書類を破ってしまった。 daiji na kaigi no shorui wo yabutte shimatta. Roztrhl jsem si dokumenty na důležitou poradu.mix
僕は次のページを捲る。 boku ha tsugi no pe-ji wo makuru. Otočím na další stránku.mix
スカートを捲る。 suka-to wo makuru. Zvednout sukni.mix
お金を下ろす。 okane wo orosu. Vybrat peníze. (z banky, bankomatu)mix
お金を出す。 okane wo dasu. Vyndat peníze. (z peněženky)mix
遅くに行くよりはマックで食べましょう。 osoku ni iku yori ha makku de tabemashou. Než přijít pozdě, radši se najezme u Maca.ryouri
なんてことだ! nante koto da! No toto! Proboha!mix
昔々、ある所に、優しくて親切な女の子がいました。 mukashimukashi,aru tokoro ni,yasashikute shinsetsu na onna no ko ga imashita. Bylo nebylo, kdesi daleko žila byla hodná a milá dívka.akazukinchan
お母さんと小さい家に住んでいました。 okaasan to chiisai uchi ni sundeimashita. Žila s maminkou v malém domku.akazukinchan
大きい森の向こうに住んでいたおばあちゃんはその子に赤い帽子を作りました。 ookii mori no mukou ni sundeita obaachan ha sono ko ni akai boushi wo tsukurimashita. Babička, která žila za velkým lesem, jí ušila červenou čepici.akazukinchan
その時から赤頭巾ちゃんと呼ばれました。 sono toki kara akazukinchan to yobaremashita. Od té doby si začala říkat Červená Karkulka.akazukinchan
赤頭巾ちゃんは森に入りました。 akazukin chan ha mori ni hairimashita. Červená Karkulka vlezla do lesa.akazukinchan
ある日、お母さんはケーキを作って、ワインを買って、全部籠に入れて、赤頭巾ちゃんに言いました。 aru hi,okaasan ha ke-ki wo tsukutte,wain wo katte,zenbu kago ni irete,akazukinchan ni iimashita. Jednoho dne maminka upekla koláč, koupila víno, všechno dala do košíku a Červené Karkulce řekla.akazukinchan
「今日はおばあちゃんの誕生日だから、プレゼントを持ってきてね。 「kyou ha obaachan no tanjoubi dakara,purezento wo motte kite ne. Dneska má babička narozeniny, tak jí dones dárek, ano?akazukinchan
でも、まっすぐ行って、どこにも寄らないで。 demo,massugu itte,dokonimo yoranaide. Ale jdi přímo, nikde se nezastavuj.akazukinchan
森の中は危ないよ。」 mori no naka ha abunai yo.」 V lese není bezpečno.akazukinchan
おはよう! ohayou! Dobré ráno!mix
喉が乾いた。 nodo ga kawaita. Vyschlo mi v krku. (Mám žízeň)mix
昔々ある所に、兎と亀がいました。 mukashimukashi aru tokoro ni,usagi to kame ga imashita. Bylo nebylo, kdesi daleko, žili byli zajíc a želva.usagitokame
兎は亀に言いました。 usagi ha kame ni iimashita. Zajíc řekl želvě.usagitokame
「亀さん、あなたは世界で一番鈍い動物だね。 「 kame san,anata ha sekai de ichiban noroi doubutsu da ne. Želvo, ty jsi to nejpomalejší zvíře na světě.usagitokame
どうしてそんなに鈍いんだい?」 doushite sonnani noroindai?」 Proč jsi tak pomalá?usagitokame
亀は兎に答えました。 kame ha usagi ni kotaemashita. Želva odpověděla zajíci.usagitokame
「なんてことを言うのですか? 「 nantekoto wo iu no desuka? Ale co to povídáš?usagitokame
それなら、私と競走をしましょう。 sorenara,watashi to kyousou wo shimashou. V tom případě si se mnou dej závod.usagitokame
向こうの小山の麓まで、どちらが先に着くか勝負しましょう。」 mukou no koyama no fumoto made,dochira ga saki ni tsuku ka shoubu shimashou.」 Dáme si souboj, kdo bude první u úpatí támhletoho kopce.usagitokame
「よーし、やりましょう。」 「 yo-shi,yarimashou.」 Dobře, jdeme na to.usagitokame
兎と亀は競争を始めました。 usagi to kame ha kyousou wo hajimemashita. Zajíc a želva začali závodit.usagitokame
兎は、亀を追い抜いて、どんどん走っていきました。 usagi ha,kame wo oinuite,dondon hashitteikimashita. Zajíc předběhl želvu a běžel pořád dál.usagitokame
走りながら、兎は心の中でこう思いました。 hashiri nagara,usagi ha kokoro no naka de kou omoimashita. Když běžel, v duchu si myslel tohle.usagitokame
「どんなに亀がいそいでも、どうせ夜までかかるだろう。 「donnani kame ga isoide mo,douse yoru made kakarudarou. Ať si želva pospíší sebevíc, bude jí to trvat aspoň do večera.usagitokame
この辺でちょっと一休みしよう。」 kono hen de chotto hitoyasumi shiyou.」 Tady si chvíli odpočinu.usagitokame
兎は、昼寝を始めました、「ぐーぐーぐー。」 usagi ha,hirune wo hajimemashita,「gu-gu-gu-.」 Zajíc si dal siestu, chrr, chrr.usagitokame
亀は、その間にうさぎを追い抜いてしまいました。 kame ha,sono aida ni usagi wo oinuiteshimaimashita. Želva přitom zajíce předběhla.usagitokame
うさぎが目をさますと、亀は、ゴールまであと少しのところにいました。 usagi ga me wo samasu to,kame ha,go-ru made ato sukoshi no tokoro ni imashita. Když zajíc otevřel oči, želvě už zbýval do cíle jen malý kousek.usagitokame
「しまった。寝すぎた!」 「 shimatta.nesugita!」 „Kruci! Moc jsem spal.“usagitokame
兎がどんなに急いでも、亀には追い付けませんでした。 usagi ga donna ni isoide mo,kame ni ha oitsukemasendeshita. Ať zajíc pospíchal sebevíc, nemohl želvu předehnat.usagitokame
先にゴールした亀は、兎に向かってこう言いました。 saki ni go-ru shita kame ha,usagi ni mukatte kou iimashita. Želva, která dosáhla cíle první, se otočila k zajíci a řekla mu.usagitokame
「兎さん、ずいぶん遅いね。 「usagi san,zuibun osoi ne. Zajíci, jsi docela pomalý, co?usagitokame
さっきの自慢はどうしたの?」 sakki no jiman ha doushita no?」 Co se stalo s tvou pýchou?usagitokame
兎は、何も言い返せませんでした。 usagi ha,nanimo ii kaesemasen deshita. Zajíc na to nedokázal nic odpovědět.usagitokame
チェコ人が一番飲む飲み物は何ですか? chekojin ga ichiban nomu nomimono ha nan desuka? Jaký nápoj Češi nejvíce pijí?mix
チェコ人が一番友達ときれいパブで飲む飲み物は何ですか? chekojin ga ichiban tomodachi to kirei pabu de nomu nomimono ha nan desuka? Jaký nápoj Češi nejvíce pijí s kamarády v hezké hospodě?mix
今転がっている林檎は赤いです。 ima korogatteiru ringo ha akai desu. Jablko, které se právě kutálí, je červené.mix
昨日散歩した公園は大きかったですが、あまりきれいではありませんでした。 kinou sanposhita kouen ha ookikatta desu ga,amari kirei deha arimasen deshita. Park, ve kterém jsem se včera procházel, byl velký, ale ne moc hezký.mix
昨日見た映画が長かったです。 kinou mita eiga ga nagakatta desu. Film, který jsem včera viděl, byl dlouhý.mix
一昨日友達と飲んだビールはおいしかったです。 ototoi tomodachi to nonda bi-ru ha oishikatta desu. Pivo, které jsem předevčírem pil s kamarádem, bylo výborné.ryouri
ボタンを押すと、お金が出ます。 botan wo osu to,okane ga demasu. Když stiskneš tlačítko, vylezou peníze.mix
お日様が沈むと、暗くなります。 ohisama ga shizumu to,kuraku narimasu. Když zapadne slunce, setmí se.mix
朝になると、人々は起きます。 asa ni naru to,hitobito ha okimasu. Když nastane ráno, lidé vstávají.mix
この摘みを回すと、音が大きくなります。 kono tsumami wo mawasu to,oto ga ookiku narimasu. Pokud otočíš tím knoflíkem, zvuk se zesílí.mix
これを引くと、水が出ます。 kore wo hiku to,mizu ga demasu. Když za tohle zatáhneš, začne téct voda.mix
あれを押すと、どうなりますか? are wo osu to,dou narimasuka? Když támhleto zmáčneš, co se stane?mix
まっすぐ行って、二番目の交差点を右へ曲がると、左にあります。 massugu itte,nibanme no kousaten wo migi he magaru to,hidari ni arimasu. Když půjdete rovně a na druhé křižovatce zahnete doprava, bude to nalevo.mix
橋を渡ると、銀行は右にあります。 hashi wo wataru to,ginkou ha migi ni arimasu. Když přejdete most, banka bude napravo.mix
雨が降ったら、行きません。 ame ga futtara,ikimasen. Když bude pršet, nepůjdu.mix
時間があったら、友達と相撲を見に行きます。 jikan ga attara,tomodachi to sumou wo mi ni ikimasu. Pokud budu mít čas, půjdu se s kamarády podívat na sumo.mix
安かったら、買います。 yasukattara,kaimasu. Když to bude levné, koupím si to.mix
きれいだったら、結婚します。 kirei dattara,kekkon shimasu. Pokud bude hezká, ožením se.mix
10時になったら、行きましょう。 10ji ni nattara,ikimashou. Až bude 10 hodin, půjdeme.mix
安くても、買いません。 yasukute mo,kaimasen. I když to bude levné, nekoupím to.mix
急いでも、追い付けません。 isoide mo,oitsukemasen. I když budeme pospíchat, nebudeme ho moct předstihnout.mix
お酒を飲んでも、楽しくなりません。 osake wo nonde mo,tanoshiku narimasen. I když budu pít alkohol, nebude to zábava.mix
本を読んでしまいたい。 hon wo yonde shimaitai. Chci dočíst knížku.mix
自転車を上げたら、どこに行きますか。 jitensha wo agetara,doko ni ikimasu ka. Když ti dá kolo, kam pojedeš?mix
海苔と御飯と魚を巻いて、寿司を作ります。 nori to gohan to sakana wo maite,sushi wo tsukurimasu. Zabalíš nori, rýži a rybu a uděláš suši.ryouri
日本には「どん」で終わる料理が沢山あります。 nihon ni ha 「 don」 de owaru ryouri ga takusan arimasu. V Japonsku mají hodně jídel končících na ryouri
好きな人も嫌い人もいます。 suki na hito mo kirai hito mo imasu. Jsou lidi, kteří to mají rádi, i lidi, kteří to nesnášejí.mix
テレビがない生活 terebi ga nai seikatsu Život bez televize.mix
テレビのない生活 terebi no nai seikatsu Život bez televize.mix
走ったり、歩いたり、時々跳び跳ねたりして、ちょっと疲れました。 hashittari,aruitari,tokidoki tobihanetari shite,chotto tsukaremashita. Chvíli běžela, chvíli šla, občas poskakovala, až se unavila.akazukinchan
ちょっと休んでも大丈夫だと考えて、小川で足を冷やしました。 chotto yasunde mo daijoubu da to kangaete,ogawa de ashi wo hiyashimashita. Nebude vadit, když si chvíli odpočinu, pomyslela si a zchladila si nohy v potoce.akazukinchan
突然狼が森から出ました。 totsuzen ookami ga mori kara demashita. Náhle se z lesa zjevil vlk.akazukinchan
「どこへ行きますか」と優しい声で聞きました。 「doko he ikimasu ka」 to yasashii koe de kikimashita. Kam jdeš, zeptal se milým hlasem.akazukinchan
赤頭巾ちゃんは怖くなかったので、狼にはっきり言いました。 akazukinchan ha kowakunakatta node,ookami ni hakkiri iimashita. Červená karkula se nebála a jasně vlkovi odpověděla.akazukinchan
「今日はおばあちゃんの誕生日だから、ワインとケーキを持っていくの。 「kyou ha obaachan no tanjoubi dakara,wain to ke-ki wo motteikuno. Babička má dneska narozeniny, tak ji nesu víno a dort.akazukinchan
食べてみない?」 tabete minai?」 Chceš si vzít?akazukinchan
「いやだ!肉しか食べません!」と狼が答えました。 「 iyada!niku shika tabemasen!」 to ookami ga kotaemashita. Ne! Jím jen maso! Odpověděl vlk.akazukinchan
「おばあちゃんはどこに住んでいますか」と狼が聞きました。 「obaachan ha doko ni sundeimasuka」 to ookami ga kikimashita. Kde babička bydlí, zeptal se vlk.akazukinchan
「知らないの?森の向こう、湖のそばにある小さい家に一人で住んでいるのよ。」 「shiranaino? mori no mukou,mizuumi no soba ni aru chiisai uchi ni hitori de sundeiru no yo.」 To nevíš? Žije v malém domku u jezera za lesem.akazukinchan
「そうですか。じゃあまた。」と狼が言って、森に消えました。 「sou desuka.jaamata .」 to ookami ga itte,mori ni kiemashita. Aha. Tak zatím, řekl vlk a zmizel v lese.akazukinchan
狼はおばあちゃんの所に急ぎました。 ookami ha obaachan no tokoro ni isogimashita. Vlk spěchal k babiččině domu.akazukinchan
家に入って、おばあちゃんを食べました。 uchi ni haitte,obaachan wo tabemashita. Vlezl do domu a babičku snědl.akazukinchan
すぐにおばあちゃんの服に着替えて、ベッドに寝ました。 sugu ni obaachan no fuku ni kigaete,beddo ni nemashita. Hned se převlékl do babiččiných šatů a lehl si do postele.akazukinchan
後で赤頭巾ちゃんがやっと家まで着いて、ドアをノックしました。 ato de akazukinchan ga yatto uchi made tsuite, doa wo nokku shimashita. Potom Červená karkulka konečně dorazila k domu a zaťukala na dveře.akazukinchan
「だれですか」と狼が前よりもっと優しい声で聞きました。 「daredesuka」 to ookami ga mae yori motto yasashii koe de kikimashita. Kdo je to, zeptal se vlk ještě milejším hlasem než předtím.akazukinchan
「私、赤頭巾ちゃんです。入ってもいいですか。」 「watashi,akazukinchan desu.haitte mo ii desuka.」 To jsem já, Červená karkulka. Můžu dovnitř?akazukinchan
入ってから、赤頭巾ちゃんは驚きました。 haitte kara,akazukinchan ha odorokimashita. Když vstoupila, podivila se.akazukinchan
「どうしてそんなに大きい耳があるの?」と聞きました。 「doushite sonna ni ookii mimi ga aru no?」 to kikimashita. Proč máš tak velké uši, zeptala se.akazukinchan
「赤頭巾ちゃんをよく聞くために」と狼が答えました。 「akazukinchan wo yoku kiku tame ni」 to ookami ga kotaemashita. Abych tě lépe slyšela, odpověděl vlk.akazukinchan
「そうですか。しかし、どうしてそんなに珍しい声なの?」 「sou desuka.shikashi,doushite sonna ni mezurashii koe nano?」 Aha, ale proč máš tak divný hlas?akazukinchan
「冷たい水を飲んだから。」 「tsumetai mizu wo nonda kara .」 Protože jsem vypila studenou vodu.akazukinchan
気味が悪いと赤頭巾ちゃんが思いましたが、おばあちゃんに近づきました。 kimi ga warui to akazukinchan ga omoimashita ga,obaachan ni chikadukimashita. To je divné, pomyslela si Červená karkulka, ale přesto se přiblížila k babičce.akazukinchan
「どうしてそんなに大きい目があるの?」 「doushite sonna ni ookii me ga aru no?」 Proč máš tak velké oči?akazukinchan
家に入ってから、ショックでした。 uchi ni haitte kara,shokku deshita. Když vlezl do domku, dostal šok.akazukinchan
「よく見えるために」と狼が答えました。 「yoku mieru tame ni」 to ookami ga kotaemashita. Abych lépe viděla, odpověděl vlk.akazukinchan
「そうですか。でも、どうしてそんなに大きい歯があるの?」 「sou desuka.demo,doushite sonna ni ookii ha ga aru no?」 Aha, ale proč máš tak velké zuby?akazukinchan
「君をよく食うために!」と狼が答えて、赤頭巾ちゃんを食べました。 「kimi wo yoku kuu tame ni!」 to ookami ga kotaete,akazukinchan wo tabemashita. Abych tě mohl sežrat, odpověděl vlk a Karkulku snědl.akazukinchan
狼はおばあちゃんと赤頭巾ちゃんを食べましたから、すぐ疲れて、家で寝てしまいました。 ookami ha obaachan to akazukinchan wo tabemashita kara,sugu tsukarete,uchi de nete shimaimashita. Protože vlk snědl Karkulku i babičku, unavil se a v domě usnul.akazukinchan
一時間後、猟師は近所を歩いていて、煩い鼾を聞きました。 ichijikango,ryoushi ha kinjo wo aruiteite,urusai ibiki wo kikimashita. Za hodinu šel kolem myslivec a uslyšel hlasité chrápání.akazukinchan
ベッドで寝ている狼のお腹をナイフで切りました。 beddo de neteiru ookami no onaka wo naifu de kirimashita. Vlkovi, který ležel v posteli rozřízl břicho nožem.akazukinchan
おばあちゃんと赤頭巾ちゃんはお腹から飛び出してきました。 obaachan to akazukinchan ha onaka kara tobi dashite kimashita. Babička s Karkulkou vyskočily z břicha.akazukinchan
狼が寝ている間に、猟師は大きい石を入れて、お腹を縫いました。 ookami ga neteiru aida ni,ryoushi ha ookii ishi wo irete,onaka wo nuimashita. Zatímco vlk spal, myslivec mu dal do břicha velký kámen a zašil ho.akazukinchan
三人が隠れた後、狼は起きました。 sannin ga kakureta ato,ookami ha okimashita. Po tom, co se ti tři schovali, vlk se probudil.akazukinchan
「喉が渇いた。水を飲まなきゃ!」と狼が言いました。 「nodo ga kawaita. mizu wo nomanakya!」 to ookami ga iimashita. Mám žízeň. Musím se napít vody, řekl vlk.akazukinchan
井戸の水を飲みたかったですが、お腹が重すぎたので、井戸に落ちてしまいました。 ido no mizu wo nomitakatta desu ga,onaka ga omo sugita node,ido ni ochite shimaimashita. Chtěl se napít vody ze studny, ale měl moc těžké břicho a do studny spadl.akazukinchan
狼が死んでから、おばあちゃんと猟師はケーキを食べたり、ワインを飲んだり、沢山話したりしました。 ookami ga shinde kara,obaachan to ryoushi ha ke-ki wo tabetari,wain wo nondari,takusan hanashitari shimashita. Když vlk umřel, babička si s myslivcem dala dort a víno a hodně si vyprávěli.akazukinchan
午後、猟師は赤頭巾ちゃんを家まで連れて帰りました。 gogo,ryoushi ha akazukinchan wo uchi made tsurete kaerimashita. Odpoledně dovedl myslivec Karkulku domů.akazukinchan
あったことについて話してください。 atta koto ni tsuite hanashite kudasai. Mluvte prosím o tom, co se stalo.mix
私は窓を閉めた。 watashi ha mado wo shimeta. Zavřel jsem okno.mix
窓が閉まった。 mado ga shimatta. Okno se zavřelo.mix
財布が落ちました。 saifu ga ochimashita. Peněženka spadla.mix
私は財布を落とした。 watashi ha saifu wo otoshita. Shodil jsem peněženku.mix
会議は今から始まるところです。 kaigi ha imakara hajimaru tokoro desu. Porada právě teď začne.mix
書類は速達で出しましたから、明日着くはずです。 shorui ha sokutatsu de dashimashita kara,ashita tsuku hazu desu. Materiály jsem poslal expresně, takže by měly zítra dorazit.mix
たった今バスが出たところです。 tatta ima basu ga deta tokoro desu. Autobus právě odjel.mix
荷物は明日届くはずです。 nimotsu ha ashita todoku hazu desu. Zavazadla by měla dorazit zítra.mix
たった今起きたところです。 tatta ima okita tokoro desu. Právě teď jsem vstal.mix
今部屋を片付けているところです。 ima heya wo kataduketeiru tokoro desu. Právě teď uklízím pokoj.mix
今論文を書いているところです。 ima ronbun wo kaiteiru tokoro desu. Právě píšu esej.mix
あのスーパーは明日は休みのはずです。 ano su-pa- ha ashita ha yasumi no hazu desu. Ten supermarket by měl být zítra zavřený.mix
このコピー機は昨日修理したばかりです。 kono kopi-ki ha kinou shuuri shita bakari desu. Tu kopírku jsem právě včera opravil.mix
私はさっき昼御飯を食べたばかりです。 watashi ha sakki hirugohan wo tabeta bakari desu. Oběd jsem dojedl právě před chvilkou.mix
この掃除機は良さそうです。 kono soujiki ha yosasou desu. Tento vysavač vypadá dobře (podle mě).mix
この掃除機はいいそうです。 kono soujiki ha ii sou desu. Slyšel jsem, že tento vysavač je dobrý.mix
男性は女性より短命です。 dansei ha josei yori tanmei desu. Muži mají oproti ženám kratší život.mix
彼は大きい家があって幸せそうですが、実は仕事が旨く行かなくて困っているそうです。 kare ha ookii ie ga atte shiawasesou desu ga,jitsu ha shigoto ga umaku ikanakute komatteiru soudesu. Má velký dům a vypadá šťastně, ale slyšel jsem, že ho ve skutečnosti trápí, že mu práce moc nejde.mix
山田さんは写真で見ると、怖そうですが、話してみるととてもやさしい人だそうです。 yamada san ha shashin de miru to,kowasou desu ga,hanashite miru to totemo yasashii hito da sou desu. Pan Jamada vypadá na fotce děsivě, ale slyšel jsem, že když si s ním promluvíte, je to velmi hodný člověk.mix
盗賊は馬を降りました。 touzoku ha uma wo orimashita. Loupežník sesedl z koně.mix
アリババは恐る恐る原穴の中に入っていきました。 aribaba ha osoru osoru haraana no naka ni haitte ikimashita. Alibaba bojácně vstoupil do jeskyně.mix
息子をイギリスへ留学させます。 musuko wo igirisu he ryuugaku sasemasu. Nechám syna studovat v Anglii.mix
娘にギターを習わせます。 musume ni gita- wo narawasemasu. Nechám dceru učit se na kytaru.mix
しばらくここに車を止めさせていただけませんか。 shibaraku koko ni kuruma wo tomesasete itadakemasenka. Nechal byste mě tu na chvíli zaparkovat auto?mix
後で一樹にかけさせます。 atode kazuki ni kakesasemasu. Pak nechám Kazukiho zavolat.mix
私は子供に牛乳を飲ませます。 watashi ha kodomo ni gyuunyuu wo nomasemasu. Nechávám děti pít mléko.mix
すみませんが、明日休ませていただけませんか。 sumimasenga,ashita yasumasete itadakemasenka. Omlouvám se, ale nechal byste mě vzít si zítra volno?shigoto
部長は山田さんをカナダへ出張させました。 buchou ha yamada san wo kanada he shucchou sasemashita. Šéf nechal jet pana Jamadu na služební cestu do Kanady.shigoto
私は息子をバスで立たせました。 watashi ha musuko wo basu de tatasemashita. Nechal jsem syna v autobuse vstát.mix
先生は学生にテープを聞かさせました。 sensei ha gakusei ni te-pu wo kikasasemashita. Učitel nechal studenty poslouchat nahrávku.mix
この公園は家から近いので、娘はいつもここで遊ばせています。 kono kouen ha uchi kara chikai node,musume ha itsumo koko de asobaseteimasu. Do tohoto parku to je od nás z domu blízko, proto tam vždycky nechávám svou dceru, aby si tam hrála.mix
体にいいので、毎週息子をプールへ行かせています。 karada ni ii node,maishuu musuko wo pu-ru he ikaseteimasu. Každý týden nechávám syna chodit do bazénu, protože to je dobré pro jeho zdraví (tělo).mix
七日から十日間ほど、休ませていただけませんか。 nanoka kara toukakan hodo,yasumasete itadakemasenka. Nechal byste mě vzít si sedm až deset dní dovolenou?shigoto
私のホバークラフトは鰻でいっぱいです。 watashi no hoba-kurafuto ha unagi de ippai desu. Mé vznášedlo je plné úhořů.baka
お元気ですか。 o genki desu ka. Máš se dobře?kaiwa
理想の女性と結婚したい。 risou no josei to kekkon shitai. Chci si vzít ideální ženu.mix
あの男性は誰ですか。 ano dansei ha dare desuka. Kdo je tamten muž?mix
祖父は高齢だが、まだ元気だ。 sofu ha kourei da ga,mada genki da. Děda je starý, ale stále ještě má plno energie.mix
年上の友達です。 toshiue no tomodachi desu. To je můj starší kamarád.mix
目上の人には敬語で話したほうがいい。 meue no hito ni ha keigo de hanashita hou ga ii. S výše postavenými lidmi bys měl mluvit uctivě.mix
上司に相談してから、決定します。 joushi ni soudan shite kara,kettei shimasu. Probereme to se šéfem, a pak rozhodneme.mix
明日の試合の相手は弱そうです。 ashita no shiai no aite ha yowasou desu. Protivník v zítřejším zápase vypadá slabě.mix
田中さんは学校時代の友人です。 tanaka san ha gakkou jidai no yuujin desu. Pan Tanaka je můj přítel ze střední.mix
私は那須さんと仲がいい。 watashi ha nasu san to naka ga ii. Mám dobrý vztah s panem Nasu.mix
書類に生年月日を記入する。 shorui ni seinengappi wo kinyuu suru. Zapsat datum narození do dokumentu.mix
新しい命の誕生を祝う。 atarashii inochi no tanjou wo iwau. Oslavit zrození nového života.mix
彼女は私より三つ年上です。 kanojo ha watashi yori mittsu toshiue desu. Ona je o tři roky starší než já.mix
新政権が誕生した。 shinseiken ga tanjou shita. Zrodila se nová politická moc.mix
年の初めに一年の計画を立てる。 toshi no hajime ni ichinen no keikaku wo tateru. Na začátku roku vytvoříme roční plán.mix
「ご出身はどちらですか」「沖縄です」 「go shusshin ha dochira desu ka」「okinawa desu」 Odkud pocházíte? Z Okinawy.mix
山下さんは東京の出身です。 yamashita san ha toukyou no shusshin desu. Pan Jamašita pochází s Tokia.mix
仕事が忙しくて、もう何年も故郷に帰っていません。 shigoto ga isogashikute,mou nannen mo kokyou ni kaette imasen. Mám moc práce, proto jsem se už několik let nedostal do rodného města.mix
子供の成長を喜ぶ。 kodomo no seichou wo yorokobu. Mít radost, že děti vyrůstají.mix
立派な大人に成長したい。 rippa na otona ni seichou shitai. Chci dospět v dobrého člověka.mix
事業の成長。 jigyou no seichou. Růst podniku.shigoto
経済が大きく成長した。 keizai ga ooki ku seichoushi ta . Ekonomika hodně rostla.mix
息子は成人して働いている。 musuko ha seijin shite hataraite iru. Syn je dospělý a pracuje.mix
試験を合格しました。 shiken wo goukaku shimashita. Úspěšně jsem složil zkoušku.mix
妊娠検査を受けました。 ninshin kensa wo ukemashita. Podstoupila jsem těhotenský test.ai
不合格になる。 fugoukaku ni naru. Neúspěšně se ucházet.mix
大学院に進学します。 daigakuin ni shingaku shimasu. Půjdu na doktorát.mix
退学の理由を説明してください。 taigaku no riyuu wo setsumei shite kudasai. Vysvětli mi, prosím, proč tě vyhodili ze školy.gakkou
病気で大学を退学しなければなりません。 byouki de daigaku wo taigaku shinakereba narimasen. Kvůli nemoci musím odejít z univerzity.gakkou
旅行会社に就職しました。 ryokougaisha ni shuushoku shimashita . Zaměstnali mě v cestovní kanceláři.mix
母の介護のため、退職を決めた。 haha no kaigo no tame,taishoku wo kimeta. Matka se kvůli péči o dítě rozhodla odejít z práce.mix
長年勤めた会社を退職するつもりです。 naganen tsutome ta kaisha wo taishoku suru tsumori desu. Mám v plánu odejít z firmy, kde jsem dlouhá léta pracoval.shigoto
会社が倒産した。 kaisha ga tousan shita. Firma zkrachovala.shigoto
子供を家にいさせます。 kodomo wo uchi ni isasemasu. Přinutit dítě zůstat doma.mix
この荷物を一人で運んだんですか。いいえ、友達に手伝ってもらいました。 kono nimotsu wo hitori de hakondan desu ka.iie,tomodachi ni tetsudatte moraimashita. Ta zavazadla jste přenesl sám? Ne, kamarád mi pomohl.mix
道がすぐ分かりましたか。ええ、先生に車で連れて来ていただきました。 michi ga sugu wakarimashitaka.ee,sensei ni kuruma de tsurete kite itadakimashita. Věděl jste cestu hned? Ano, učitel mě tam doprovodil.mix
難しい曲なのに、上手に弾けましたね。母に毎日教えてもらいました。 muzukashii kyoku na no ni,jouzu ni hikemashita ne.haha ni mainichi oshiete moraimashita. Přestože to je těžká skladba, zahrál jste ji velmi dobře. Matka mě ji denně učila.mix
この仕事、私にやらせていただけませんか。 kono shigoto,watashi niyarasete itadakemasenka. Nechal byste mě tu práci udělat?mix
ここに荷物を置かせていただけませんか。 koko ni nimotsu wo okasete itadakemasen ka. Nechal byste mě to zavazadlo položit zde?mix
生活が苦しいです。 seikatsu ga kurushii desu. Život je těžký.mix
私の生活が楽だ。 watashi no seikatsu ga raku da. Můj život je lehký.mix
妹は毎日一時間かけて通勤しています。 imouto ha mainichi ichijikan kakete tsuukin shiteimasu. Sestře trvá dojíždění do práce každý den jednu hodinu.mix
学歴が高くても、実力があるかどうか分からない。 gakureki ga takakute mo,jitsuryoku ga aru kadouka wakaranai. I když mám vysoké vzdělání, nevím, jestli to má skutečný přínos.mix
子供にいい学歴をつけさせたいと思う親が多い。 kodomo ni ii gakureki wo tsukesasetai to omou oya ga ooi. Rodičů, kteří chtějí svým dětem umožnit dobré vzdělání, je hodně.mix
私は学歴が高い。 watashi ha gakureki ga takai. Mám vysoké vzdělání.mix
彼は学歴が低い。 kareha gakureki ga hikui. Má nízké vzdělání.mix
会社から給料をもらった。 kaisha kara kyuuryou wo moratta. Dostal jsem od firmy plat.mix
今日、会社の人との面接があります。 kyou,kaisha no hito to no mensetsu ga arimasu. Dnes mám pohovor s lidmi z firmy.mix
受験者の面接を行う。 jukensha no mensetsu wo okonau. Konat pohovor se zkoušeným.mix
先生が学生を面接する。 sensei ga gakusei wo mensetsu suru. Učitel zkouší (zpovídá) studenta.mix
ではここで、10分間の休憩です。 dehakokode,0 punkan no kyuukei desu. Takže teď bude 10 minut přestávka.mix
休憩を取る。 kyuukei wo toru. Dát si pauzu.mix
来日の目的は観光です。 rainichi no mokuteki ha kankou desu. Po příjezdu do Japonska mám v plánu chození po památkách.mix
先週、京都を観光して回った。 senshuu,kyouto wo kankou shite mawatta. Minulý týden jsem se v Kjótu motal po památkách.mix
今度の正月には帰国するつもりです。 kondo no shougatsu ni ha kikoku suru tsumori desu. Letos se na Nový rok vrátím do své země.mix
お盆にはふるさとに帰省する日本人が多い。 obon ni ha furusato ni kisei suru nihonjin ga ooi. Na Obon se hodně Japonců vrací zpět do rodného města.mix
毎日忙しくて帰宅が遅いです。 mainichi isogashikute kitaku ga osoi desu. Každý den mám moc práce a vracím se domů pozdě.mix
ボランティア活動に参加したくないです。 boranteィa katsudou ni sanka shitakunai desu. Nechci se účastnit dobrovolnických aktivit.mix
ミーティングに出席しました。 mi-teィngu ni shusseki shimashita. Byl jsem přítomen na mítinku.mix
授業を欠席する。 jugyou wo kesseki suru. Nebýt přítomen na vyučování.mix
本田さんは今度の同窓会は欠席するそうです。 honda san ha kondo no dousoukai ha kesseki suru sou desu. Slyšel jsem, že se pan Honda nezúčastní příštího třídního srazu.mix
寝坊して仕事に遅刻しまいました。 nebou shite shigoto ni chikoku shimaimashita. Zaspal jsem a přišel pozdě do práce.mix
面接では1分の遅刻も許されない。 mensetsu deha 1ppun no chikoku mo yurusarenai. Ani minutové zpoždění nelze u pohovoru odpustit.mix
あなたは毎日、お化粧に何分ぐらいかけていますか。 anata ha mainichi,okeshou ni nanpun gurai kaketeimasuka. Zhruba kolik minut denně strávíš makeupem?mix
化粧を落とす。 keshou wo otosu. Očistit makeup.mix
あなたは化粧が濃いですよ。 anata ha keshou ga koi desu yo. Váš makeup je výrazný.mix
化粧が薄い。 keshou ga usui. Makeup je slabý (nevýrazný).mix
私は計算が苦手です。 watashi ha keisan ga nigate desu. Ve výpočtech jsem slabý.mix
旅行にいくらかかるか計算しなければなりません。 ryokou ni ikura kakaru ka keisan shinakereba narimasen. Musím vypočítat, kolik bude výlet stát.ryokou
来年の計画を立てました。 rainen no keikaku wo tatemashita. Sestavil jsem plán na příští rok.mix
夏休みには富士山に登ろうと計画している。 natsuyasumi ni ha fujisan ni noborou to keikaku shiteiru. Plánuji, že o letních prázdninách vylezeme na horu Fudži.mix
実験に成功する。 jikken ni seikou suru. Uspět s experimentem.mix
実験は大成功でした。 jikken ha daiseikou deshita. Experiment byl velmi úspěšný.mix
実験の失敗で、計画は中止になった。 jikken no shippai de,keikaku ha chuushi ni natta. Kvůli neúspěšnému pokusu plán v průběhu selhal.mix
この車を買ったのは失敗でした。 kono kuruma wo katta no ha shippai deshita. Koupit tohle auto byla chyba.mix
入試に失敗する。 nyuushi ni shippai suru. Selhat u přijímací zkoušky.mix
計画が失敗しました。 keikaku ga shippai shimashita. Plán selhal.mix
引っ越しの準備が終わった。 hikkoshi no junbi ga owatta. Příprava na stěhování skončila.mix
会議の資料を準備しました。 kaigi no shiryou wo junbi shimashita. Připravil jsem si materiály na poradu.mix
資料の整理をしたほうがいい。 shiryou no seiri wo shita hou ga ii. Měl by sis uspořádat své materiály.mix
勉強の前に机の上を整理する。 benkyou no mae ni tsukue no ue wo seiri suru. Před učením si udělám pořádek na stole.mix
不用品の整理。 fuyouhin no seiri. Urovnání nepoužívaných věcí.mix
注文の品が届きました。 chuumon no hin ga todoki mashita . Objednané zboří dorazilo.mix
喫茶店でコーヒーを注文した。 kissaten de ko-hi- wo chuumon shita. V kavárně jsem si objednal kávu.mix
注文をする。 chuumon wo suru. Objednat si.mix
工事を早くするように注文をつける。 kouji wo hayaku suru you ni chuumon wo tsukeru. Dejte rozkaz k urychlení stavebních prací.mix
注文をとる。 chuumon wo toru. Vzít objednávku.mix
貯金が増える。 chokin ga fueru. Vklad roste.mix
銀行にボーナスを貯金するつもりです。 ginkou ni bo-nasu wo chokin suru tsumori desu. Mám v plánu uložit si bonus v bance.mix
貯金をおろす。 chokin wo orosu. Snížit vklad.mix
徹夜で勉強します。 tetsuya de benkyou shimasu. Studuji celou noc.mix
彼女は徹夜するのに慣れている。 kanojo ha tetsuya suru no ni nareteiru. Je zvyklá být vhůru celou noc.mix
彼女は徹夜で母を見守った。 kanojo ha tetsuya de haha wo mimamotta. Dávala na svou matku pozor celou noc.mix
10代の友達同士が徹夜でお喋りした。 10dai no tomodachidoushi ga tetsuya de oshaberi shita. Teenageři si povídali celou noc.mix
今日は徹夜です。 kyou ha tetsuya desu. Dnes budu vhůru celou noc.mix
仕事で徹夜をする。 shigoto de tetsuya wosuru. V práci jsem vzhůru celou noc.mix
友達は引っ越しを手伝いました。 tomodachi ha hikkoshi wo tetsudaimashita. Kamarád pomohl se stěhováním.mix
福岡から広島へ引っ越しした。 fukuoka kara hiroshima he hikkoshi shita. Přestěhoval jsem se z Fukuoky do Hirošimy.mix
身長を測る。 shinchou wo hakaru. Měřit tělesnou výšku.mix
兄は身長が高い。 ani ha shinchou ga takai. Můj starší bratr je vysoký.mix
妹は身長が低い。 imouto ha shinchou ga hikui. Mladší sestra je malá (nízká).mix
身長が伸びる。 shinchou ga nobiru. Růst. (do výšky). mix
体重を測る。 taijuu wo hakaru. Vážit.mix
僕の体重は80キロだ。 boku no taijuu ha 80 kiro da. Moje váha je 80 kg.mix
体重が少ない。 taijuu ga sukunai. Váha je malá.mix
僕の体重が増える。 boku no taijuu ga fue ru . Má váha roste.mix
妹の体重が減る。 imouto no taijuu ga heru. Váha mé sestry klesá.mix
転んで、足に怪我した。 koronde,ashi ni kega shita. Upadl jsem a zranil jsem si nohu.mix
怪我をする。 kega wosuru. Udělat si zranění. (Zranit se.)mix
頭の怪我が治った。 atama no kega ga naotta. Zranění hlavy se vyléčilo.mix
病院で足の怪我を治した。 byouin de ashi no kega wo naoshita. V nemocnici mi vyléčili zranění nohy.mix
趣味は読書です。 shumi ha dokusho desu. Mým koníčkem je čtení.mix
私の趣味は君のとは違う。 watashi no shumi ha kimi no to ha chigau. Můj vkus se od tvého liší.mix
魚釣りは最も人気のある趣味の一つである。 sakana tsuri ha mottomo ninki no aru shumi no hitotsu dearu. Rybaření je jeden z nejoblíbenějších koníčků.mix
私は歴史に興味がない。 watashi ha rekishi ni kyoumi ga nai. Nemám zájem o historii.mix
小さい子供は何にでも興味を持つ。 chiisa i kodomo ha nani ni demo kyoumi wo motsu. Malé děti mají zájem o cokoliv.mix
興味がある。 kyoumi ga aru. Mám zájem.mix
興味がない。 kyoumi ga nai. Nemám zájem.mix
日本でメイド喫茶へ行って、いい思い出だ。 nihon de meido kissa he itte,ii omoide da. Je to hezká vzpomínka, že jsem v Japonsku zašel do Maid kavárny.mix
日本に来た目的は大学への入学だ。 nihon ni kita mokuteki ha daigaku he no nyuugaku da. Důvod, proč jsem přijel do Japonska, jsou přijímačky na výšku.mix
約束を守る。 yakusoku wo mamoru. Dodržet slib.mix
約束を破る。 yakusoku wo yaburu. Porušit slib.mix
私は君との再会を期待している。 watashi ha kimi to no saikai wo kitai shiteiru. Těším se, až tě znovu potkám.mix
彼が時間通りに来る可能性はあまりない。 kare ga jikan toori ni kuru kanousei ha amari nai. Není moc pravděpodobné, že by přišel včas.mix
彼と結婚の約束をした。 kare to kekkon no yakusoku wo shita. Slíbila mu, že si ho vezme.mix
再会を約束して別れた。 saikai wo yakusokushite wakareta. Slíbili jsme si, že se znovu potkáme, a rozešli jsme se.mix
約束の時間に間に合うかどうか心配です。 yakusoku no jikan ni maniau kadouka shinpai desu. Mám starost, jestli to ve slíbeném čase stihnu.mix
授業中に隣の人とおしゃべりしていて、先生に怒られた。 jugyouchuu ni tonari no hito to oshaberi shiteite,sensei ni ikara reta. Během vyučování jsem si povídal se sousedem a učitel se na mě naštval.mix
あの人はおしゃべりだ。 ano hito ha oshaberi da. Tamten člověk je ukecaný.mix
遠慮しないで食べてください。 enryo shinaide tabete kudasai. Neostýchejte se a jezte.mix
上司に遠慮して、自分の意見が言えなかった。 joushi ni enryo shite , jibun no iken ga ie nakatta . Ostýchal jsem se před nadřízeným a nedokázal jsem říct vlastní názor.mix
ここではたばこはご遠慮下さい。 koko de ha tabako ha goenryo kudasa i. Zde se prosím zdržte kouření.mix
痛くても我慢します。 itakute mo gaman shimasu. I když to bolí, vydržím to.mix
眠いのを我慢して勉強した。 nemui no wo gaman shite benkyou shita. Překonal jsem ospalost a studoval.mix
人に迷惑をかけてはいけない。 hito ni meiwaku wo kakete ha ikenai. Nesmíš být lidem na obtíž.mix
夜中に騒がれて迷惑する。 yonaka ni sawagarete meiwaku suru. Hlučet v noci a tím otravovat.mix
最後まで希望を捨ててはいけない。 saigo made kibou wo sutete ha ikenai. Nesmíš zahodit naději až do samého konce.mix
私は故郷での就職を希望している。 watashi ha furusato de no shuushoku wo kibou shiteiru. Doufám, že najdu zaměstnání ve svém rodišti.mix
昨日、怖い夢を見ました。 kinou,kowai yume wo mimashita. Včera se mi zdál strašidelný sen.mix
夢を見た。 yume wo mita. Zdál se mi sen.mix
夢から覚める。 yume kara sameru. Probudit se ze snu.mix
あなたの将来の夢は何ですか。 anata no shourai no yume ha nan desu ka. Jaký máš sen o své budoucnosti?mix
夢がある。 yume ga aru. Mít sen.mix
夢がない。 yume ga nai. Nemít sen.mix
夢を持つ。 yume wo motsu. Mít sen.mix
夢が叶った。 yume ga kanatta. Sen se splnil.mix
夢を叶える。 yume wo kanaeru. Splnit si sen.mix
賛成の人は手を挙げてください。 sansei no hito ha te wo agete kudasai. Lidé, kteří souhlasí, zvedněte ruku, prosím.mix
私はその意見に賛成する。 watashi ha sono iken ni sansei suru. Souhlasím s tím nápadem.mix
私はその提案に賛成だ。 watashi ha sono teian ni sansei da. Souhlasím s tím návrhem.mix
プラスの反対はマイナスだ。 purasu no hantai ha mainasu da. Opak plusu je mínus.mix
彼の意見には反対だ。 kano iken ni ha hantai da. Jsem proti jeho názoru.mix
想像と現実は違う。 souzou to genjitsu ha chigau. Představa a skutečnost se liší.mix
100年後の未来を想像する。 100 nengo no mirai wo souzou suru. Přestavit si budoucnost za 100 let.mix
一生懸命、努力をします。 isshoukenmei,doryoku wo shimasu. Snažím se, jak to jen jde.mix
努力を重ねる。 doryoku wo kasaneru. Snažit se znovu a znovu.mix
努力が実る。 doryoku ga minoru. Konečně uspět.mix
太陽が昇って、暖かくなりました。 taiyou ga nobotte,atatakaku narimashita. Vyšlo slunce a oteplilo se.tenki
太陽が昇る。 taiyou ga noboru. Slunce vychází.mix
太陽が沈む。 taiyou ga shizumu. Slunce zapadá.mix
地球の環境が悪化している。 chikyuu no kankyou ga akka shiteiru . Prostředí na zemi se zhoršuje.mix
温度を測った。 ondo wo hakatta. Měřil teplotu.mix
温度が高かったです。 ondo ga takakatta desu. Teplota byla vysoká.mix
温度が低い。 ondo ga hikui. Teplota je nízká.mix
温度が上がる。 ondo ga agaru. Teplota stoupá.mix
温度が下がる。 ondo ga sagaru. Teplota klesá.mix
温度を上げる。 ondo wo ageru. Zvýšit teplotu.mix
温度を下げる。 ondo wo sageru. Snížit teplotu.mix
今年の夏は特に湿度が高いです。 kotoshi no natsu ha toku ni shitsudo ga takai desu. Letos v létě je vlhkost obzvláště vysoká.mix
今日は湿度が60%です。 kyou ha shitsudo ga 60% desu. Dnes je vlhkost 60%.mix
日本の夏は湿気が多い。 nihon no natsu ha shikke ga ooi . Léto v Japonsku je hodně vlhké.mix
6月から7月までは梅雨の時期です。 6gatsu kara 7gatsu made ha tsuyu no jiki desu. Od června do července je období dešťů.tenki
梅雨が明ける。 tsuyu ga akeru. Období dešťů končí.tenki
梅雨に入る。 tsuyu ni hairu. Období dešťů začíná.tenki
梅雨の時期は黴が生えやすい。 tsuyu no jiki ha kabi ga hae yasui. V období dešťů se plísně lehce rozrostou.mix
寒いので暖房をつける。 samui no de danbou wo tsukeru. Je zima, tak zapnu topení.mix
この部屋は暖房が効いていて暖かい。 kono heya ha danbou ga kiiteite atatakai. Topení v této místnosti funguje dobře a je tu teplo.mix
暖房をつける。 danbou wo tsukeru. Zapnout topení.mix
暖房を消す。 danbou wo kesu. Vypnout topení.mix
暖房を入れる。 danbou wo ireru. Zapnout topení.mix
暖房を止める。 danbou wo tomeru. Vypnout topení.mix
母から手紙が届いた。 haha kara tegami ga todoita. Přišel mi pohled od matky.mix
本棚の上のほうに手が届かない。 hondana no ue no hou ni te ga todokanai. Na vršek knihovničky rukama nedosáhnu.mix
友達に旅行のお土産を届けた。 tomodachi ni ryokou noo miyage wo todoke ta . Doručil jsem kamarádovi suvenýr z výletu.mix
住所を変わった場合は、すぐに学校に届けてください。 juusho wo kawa tta baai ha , suguni gakkou ni todoke tekudasai . V případě, že změníte adresu, okamžitě informujte školu.mix
頭を掻く。 atama wo kaku. Škrábat si hlavu.jlpt3
痒いところを掻いたら、血が出てきた。 kayui tokoro wo kaitara,chiga detekita. Když jsem si poškrábal svědivé místo, vytekla mi krev.jlpt3
汗を掻く。 ase wo kaku. Potit se.mix
鼾を掻く。 ibiki wo kaku. Chrápat.mix
恥を掻く。 haji wo kaku. Trpět ponížením. Být zahanben.mix
電車で突然腕を掴まれてびっくりした。 densha de totsuzen ude wo tsukamarete bikkuri shita. Někdo mě ve vlaku najednou chytl za ruku, což mě překvapilo.mix
コンテストで優勝して、歌手になるチャンスを掴んだ。 kontesuto de yuushou shite,kashu ni naru chansu wo tsukanda. Vyhrál jsem soutěž a chopil se (dostal jsem) příležitosti stát se zpěvákem.mix
宝籤を当たって、大金を掴みました。 takara kuji wo atatte,taikin wo tsukamimashita. Vyhrál jsem loterii a získal velké bohatství.mix
この文章は難しくて、意味が掴みにくいです。 kono bunshou ha muzukashikute,imi ga tsukami nikui desu. Tato věta je složitá a není lehké pochopit její význam.mix
子供は怖がって母親の手を強く握った。 kodomo ha kowagatte hahaoya no te wo tsuyoku nigitta. Dítě mělo strach a pevně stisklo matčinu ruku.mix
友達はカラオケが大好きで、マイクを握ると離さない。 tomodachi ha karaoke ga daisuki de,maiku wo nigiru to hanasanai. Kamarád miluje karaoke, a když chytne mikrofon, už ho nepustí.mix
赤ちゃんはベッドの上で、手を握ったり開いたりしている。 akachan ha beddo no ue de,te wo nigittari hiraitari shiteiru. Mimino bylo na posteli a svíralo a otevítalo dlaně.mix
あの人はお腹を押さえて座っている。腹痛だそうだ。 ano hito ha onaka wo osaete suwatteiru. fukutsuu da sou da. Ten člověk má ruce položené na břiše a sedí. Říká, že ho bolí břicho.mix
後ろの人のためにドアを押さえて待った。 ushiro no hito no tame ni doa wo osaete matta. Počkal jsem na člověka vzadu a podržel mu dveře.mix
目的地が近づいてきた。 mokutekichi ga chikaduite kita. Cíl (cesty) se přiblížil.mix
台風が日本列島に近づく。 taifuu ga nihonrettou ni chikadu ku . Tajfun se blíží k japonskému souostroví.mix
春休みが近づいてきました。 haruyasumi ga chikaduite kimashita. Přiblížily se jarní prázdniny.mix
帰国の日が近づき、忙しい。 kikoku no hi ga chikaduki,isogashii. Blíží se den návratu do země, mám moc práce.mix
車を道の脇に近づけた。 kuruma wo michi no waki ni chikaduketa. Přiblížil jsem auto k okraji silnice.mix
絵に顔を近づけて、よく見る。 e ni kao wo chikadukete , yoku miru. Dal jsem hlavu blíž obrazu a lépe vidím.mix
ふと顔を上げると、先生と目が合ってしまった。 futo kao wo ageru to,sensei to me ga atte shimatta. Náhodou jsem zvedl tvář a pohlédl učiteli do očí.mix
彼女と話が合わない。 kanojo to hanashi ga awanai. Moc dobře se mi s ní nepovídá.mix
彼女と気が合わない。 kanojo to ki ga awanai. Moc si spolu nerozumíme.mix
このスーツに合うネクタイが欲しい。 kono su-tsu ni au nekutai ga hoshii. Chci kravatu, které se hodí k tomuto obleku.mix
お口に合わないかもしれませんが、どうぞ召し上がってください。 okuchi ni awanai kamoshiremasen ga,douzo meshiagatte kudasai. Možná vám to nebude chutnat, ale klidně ochutnejte.mix
何度やり直しても計算が合わない。 nando yari naoshite mo keisan ga awanai. Ať to počítám znovu a znovu, výpočet mi nevychází.mix
みんなで力を合わせて頑張りましょう。 minna de chikara wo awasete ganbarimashou. Spojme všichni své síly a snažme se.mix
手を合わせて祈りました。 te wo awasete inorimashita. Sepnul jsem ruce a modlil jsem se.mix
中年の私には、若い学生建ちと話を合わせるのは難しい。 chuunen no watashi ni ha,wakai gakusei tachi to hanashi wo awaseru no ha muzukashii. Pro mě, člověka středního věku, je těžké najít společnou řeč s mladými studenty.mix
新しいスーツに合わせて靴とバッグも買った。 atarashii su-tsu ni awasete kutsu to baggu mo katta. Koupil jsem si boty a tašku, aby pasovaly k novému saku.mix
テレビを見て、時計の時間を合わせた。 terebi wo mite,tokei no jikan wo awaseta. Srovnal jsem čas na hodinkách podle televize.mix
ボールが当たって窓ガラスが割れた。 bo-ru ga atatte mado garasu ga wareta. Míček byl trefen a okenní sklo se rozbilo.mix
天気予報が当たる。 tenkiyohou ga ataru. Předpověď počasí vychází.mix
宝くじが当たる。 takarakuji ga ataru. Vyhrát v loterii.mix
矢が的に当たった。 ya ga mato ni atatta. Šíp se trefil do terče.mix
家の南側に大きなビルが建ったので、日が当たらなくなった。 uchi no minamigawa ni ooki na biru ga tatta node,hi ga ataranaku natta. Na jižní straně domu postavili velikou budovu, takže tam přestalo svítít slunce.mix
一回戦で去年の優勝チームと当たることになった。 ikkaisen de kyonen no yuushou chi-mu to ataru koto ni natta. V prvním zápase budeme hrát proti nejlepšímu týmu z minulého roku.mix
相手選手のボールが速いので、ラケットに当てるのも大変だ。 aitesenshu no bo-ru ga hayai node,raketto ni ateru no mo taihen da. Protihráčův míč je rychlý, proto je obtížné trefit ho raketou.mix
クイズの答えを当てた。 kuizu no kotae wo ateta. Měl jsem správně odpověď v kvízu.mix
洗濯物を日に当てて乾かす。 sentakumono wo hi ni atete kawakasu. Dát prádlo na slunce a nechat ho uschnout.mix
額に手を当てて、熱がないかどうか確かめた。 hitai ni te wo atete,netsu ga nai kadouka tashikameta. Dotkl jsem se rukou čela, abych zjistil, jestli nemám teplotu.mix
レジでお金を払って、レシートを受け取る。 reji de okane wo haratte,reshi-to wo uketoru. U pokladny zaplatíte a dostanete účtenku.mix
林檎の皮を剥いて食べる。 ringo no kawa wo muite taberu. Oloupu slupku jablka a sním ho.mix
皮を剥く。 kawa wo muku. Oloupat slupku.mix
お菓子を缶に入れて保存しました。 okashi wo kan ni irete hozon shimashita. Dal jsem sladkosti do plechovky a uložil.mix
パソコンの仮面をずっと見ていると、目が疲れる。 pasokon no kamen wo zutto miteiru to,me ga tsukareru. Když dlouho koukám na počítačovou obrazovku, unaví se mi oči.mix
この記事によると、日本に住む外国人が増えているそうです。 kono kiji niyoruto,nihon ni sumu gaikokujin ga fueteiru sou desu. Podle toho článku prý roste počet cizinců žijících v Japonsku.mix
近所の人とは仲良くしたほうがいい。 kinjo no hito to ha nakayoku shita hou ga ii. Měl bys být za dobře s lidmi ze sousedství.mix
私はよく近所の公園を散歩します。 watashi ha yoku kinjo no kouen wo sanpo shimasu. Často se procházím blízkým parkem.mix
自転車を盗まれたので、警察を届けました。 jitensha wo nusumareta no de,keisatsu wo todokemashita. Ukradli mi kolo, tak jsem to nahlásil policii.mix
犯人を捕まえる。 hannin wo tsukama eru. Chytit zločince.mix
バスに乗ってから小銭がないことに気がつき、とても困った。 basu ni notte kara kozeni ga nai koto ni ki ga tsuki,totemo komatta. Když jsem vlezl do autobusu, všiml jsem si, že nemám drobné, což byl problém.mix
家族みんなでご馳走を食べて、祖父の誕生日を祝いました。 kazoku minna de gochisou wo tabete,sofu no tanjoubi wo iwaimashita. Celá rodina jsme jedli hostinu (hodovali) a oslavovali dědečkovy narozeniny.mix
山田さんが私達に手作りのギョーザをご馳走してくれた。 yamada san ga watashitachi ni tedukuri no gyo-za wo gochisou shite kureta. Pan Jamada nás pohostil vlastnoručně udělanou gjóozou.mix
今日は先生にご馳走になった。 kyou ha sensei ni gochisou ni natta. Dneska mě učitel pozval (na jídlo).mix
ご馳走になる。 gochisou ni naru. být pohoštěn, být pozván (někým) na jídlomix
NARUTOの作者は岸本斉史です。 naruto no sakusha ha kishimoto masashi desu. Autorem Naruta je Kišimoto Masaši.mix
学生の作品をロビーに展示する。 gakusei no sakuhin wo robi- ni tenji suru. Studentská díla se vystavují v hale.mix
日本の中学校には制服のある学生が多いです。 nihon no chuugakkou niha seifuku no aru gakusei ga ooi desu. Na středních školách v Japonsku má spousta žáků uniformu.mix
洗剤で食器を洗った。 senzai de shokki wo aratta. Umyl jsem nádobí mycím prostředkem.mix
靴の底に穴がある。 kutsu no soko ni ana ga aru. Na spodu ponožky mám díru.mix
箱の底が抜ける。 hako no soko ga nukeru. Spodek krabice je otevřen.mix
海の底に潜る。 umi no soko ni moguru. Potápět se na dno moře.mix
あの人は心の底では何を考えているか分からない。 ano hito ha kokoro no soko de ha nani wo kangaeteiru ka wakaranai. Nevím, co si ten člověk v hloubi svého srdce myslí.mix
大都市は地下の開発が進んでいる。 daitoshi ha chika no kaihatsu ga susundeiru. Velká města pokračují ve využívání podzemí.mix
地下2階、地上9階のビルです。 chika 2 kai,chijou 9 kai no biru desu. Je to budova s 2 patry pod zemí a 9 nad zemí.mix
寺にお参りします。 tera ni omairi shimasu. Jít do chrámu.mix
道路が込んでいる。 douro ga kondeiru. Silnice je nacpaná.mix
日本では、車は道路の左側を走る。 日本 de ha,kuruma ha douro no hidarigawa wo hashiru. V Japonsku jezdí auta po levé straně silnice.mix
家の前を高速道路が走っている。 uchi no mae wo kousokudouro ga hashitteiru. Před domem vede dálníce.mix
坂を上った。 saka wo nobotta. Vylezl jsem na kopec.mix
坂を下った。 saka wo kudatta. Slezl jsem z kopce.mix
火事のときは、煙に注意して逃げて下さい。 kaji no toki ha,kemuri ni chuui shite nigete kudasai. V případě požáru dávejte pozor na kouř a utečte.mix
タバコの煙は体に悪いです。 tabako no kemuri ha karada ni warui desu. Cigaretový kouř je pro tělo špatný.mix
紙が燃えて灰になります。 kami ga moete hai ni narimasu. Papír shoří a je z něj popel.mix
書類に判を押す。 shorui ni han wo osu. Otisknout razítko na dokument.mix
名刺を交換する。 meishi wo koukan suru. Vyměnit si vizitky.mix
パーティーで合った人に名刺を配った。 pa-teィ- de atta hito ni meishi wo kubatta. Dal jsem vizitku člověku, kterého jsem potkal na párty.mix
レストランを開くには、調理師の免許が必要です。 resutoran wo hiraku niha,chourishi no menkyo ga hitsuyou desu. K otevření restaurace je nutná licence kuchaře.mix
免許を取る。 menkyo wo toru. Získat licenci.mix
免許を与える。 menkyo wo ataeru. Udělit licenci.mix
映画の前半.は退屈だったが、後半.は面白かった。 eiga no zenhan .ha taikutsu datta ga,kouhan.ha omoshirokatta. První půlka filmu byla nudná, ale druhá byla zajímavá.mix
この店は昨日、開店以来最高の売り上げを記録した。 kono mise ha kinou,kaiten irai saikou no uriage wo kiroku shita. Včera měl tento obchod rekorní prodej od svého založení.mix
宝くじが当たって、最高の気分だ。 takarakuji ga ata tte,saikou no kibun da. Vyhrát v loterii, to je nejlepší pocit.mix
今日の試合は最高だった。 kyou no shiai ha saikou datta. Dnešní zápas byl nejlepší.mix
この映画は最高に面白い。 kono eiga ha saikou ni omoshiroi. Tento film je velmi zajímavý.mix
今月は最高に忙しかった。 kongetsu ha saikou ni isogashikatta. Tento měsíc jsem byl nevíc zaneprázdněný.mix
クラスで最低の点を取ってしまった。 kurasu de saitei no ten wo totte shimatta. Dostal jsem nejméně bodů ve třídě.mix
弱いもの苛めをするなんて最低だ。 yowai mono ijime wosuru nante saitei da. Šikanovat slabé je odporné.mix
最初に平仮名を、次に片仮名を勉強した。 saisho ni hiragana wo,tsugi ni katakana wo benkyou shita. Nejdřív jsem se naučil hiraganu, potom katakanu.mix
日本に来たばかりのころ、最初は何も分からなかった。 nihon ni kita bakari no koro,saisho ha nanimo wakaranakatta. Těsně po tom, co jsem přijel do Japonska, jsem ničemu nerozuměl.mix
後から来た人は列の最後に並んで下さい。 ato kara kita hito ha retsu no saigo ni narande kudasai. Lidé, kteří přišli potom, zařaďte se prosím na konec fronty.mix
最後の出勤日に花束をもらった。 saigo no shukkinbi ni hanataba wo moratta. Podlední pracovní den jsem dostal kytici.mix
このドアは自動だから、手で開けなくてもいい。 kono doa ha jidou da kara,te de hirakenakute mo ii. Tyto dveře jsou automatické, nemusejí se otevírat ručně.mix
公園には色々な種類の花がある。 kouen ni ha iroiro na shurui no hana ga aru. V parku jsou různé druhy květin.mix
形容詞には2種類ある。 keiyoushi ni ha 2shurui aru. Přídavných jmen jsou 2 druhy.mix
種類が多い。 shurui ga ooi. Druhů je mnoho.mix
種類が少ない。 shurui ga sukunai. Druhů je málo.mix
種類が豊富だ。 shurui ga houfu da. Druhů je spousta.mix
あの人は性格がいいので、みんなに好かれている。 ano hito ha seikaku ga ii no de,minna ni sukareteiru. Protože má dobrou povahu, všichni ho mají rádi.mix
性格が悪いです。 seikaku ga warui desu. Má špatnou povahu.mix
この布は燃えにくい性質持っている。 kono nuno ha moenikui seishitsu motteiru. Vlastností té látky je, že špatně hoří.mix
羊は大人しい性質の動物です。 hitsuji ha otonashii seishitsu no doubutsu desu. Ovce je zvíře s klidnou povahou.mix
人は持って生まれた性質をなかなか変えられない。 hito ha motte umareta seishitsu wo nakanaka kaerarenai. Lidé nemohou lehce změnit vlastnosti, které mají od narození.mix
発表の順番を決めた。 happyou no junban wo kimeta. Pořadí prezentací se stanovilo.mix
大きい商品から順番を並べる。 ookii shouhin kara junban wo naraberu. Seřaďte zboží od největšího.mix
順番が来る。 junban ga kuru. Přijít na řadu.mix
順番を持つ。 junban wo motsu. Čekat v řadě.mix
次は私の番だ。 tsugi ha watashi no ban da. Příště jsem na řadě já.mix
席を離れた人の荷物の番をする。 seki wo hanareta hito no nimotsu no ban wo suru. Dávat pozor na zavazadlo člověka, který opustil místo.mix
隣の人に留守番を頼む。 tonari no hito ni rusuban wo tanomu. Požádat souseda o dohlédnutí na dům.mix
いい方法を探す。 ii houhou wo sagasu. Hledat dobrý způsob.mix
色々な方法を試す。 iroiro na houhou wo tamesu. Vyzkoušet různé způsoby.mix
新しい方法でやってみた。 atarashii houhou de yatte mita. Zkusil jsem to udělat novým způsobem.mix
方法がない。 houhou ga nai. Neexistuje způsob.mix
完成した製品を検査した。 kansei shita seihin wo kensa shita. Prověřil jsem dokončený výrobek.mix
石油が値上がりする。 sekiyu ga neagari suru. Cena ropy roste.mix
肉を生のままで食べる。 niku wo nama no mama de taberu. Ryby jím syrové.mix
喉が渇いた。 nodo ga kawaita. Dostal jsem žízeň.mix
匂を嗅ぐ。 nioi wo kagu. Cítit zápach.mix
子供のお尻を叩きました。 kodomo no oshiri wo tatakimashita. Naplácal jsem dítěti na zadek.mix
隣の人の肩を叩く。 tonari no hito no kata wo tataku. Poklepat sousedovi na rameno.mix
ドアを叩く。 doa wo tataku. Zaklepat na dveře.mix
教師は生徒を殴って、問題になっている。 kyoushi ha seito wo nagutte,mondai ni natteiru. Učitel udeřil žáka a je z toho problém.mix
スピーチが終わったので、手を叩いた。 supi-chi ga owatta no de,te wo tataita. Proslov skončil, tak jsem zatleskal.mix
彼は僕の顔をひどく殴った。 kare ha boku no kao wo hidoku nagutta. Praštil mě ošklivě do obličeje.mix
不良たちは彼を殴り倒して財布を奪った。 furyou tachiha kare wo naguri taoshite saifu wo ubatta. Delikventi ho sejmuli pěstí a ukradli peněženku.mix
ボールを蹴る。 bo-ru wo keru. Koupnout do míče.mix
彼は私をわざと蹴った。 kare ha watashi wo wazato ketta. Nakopnul mě naschvál.mix
彼は怒ると殴ったり蹴ったりする。 kare ha okoru to naguttari kettari suru. Když se naštve, dává rány pěstí a kope.mix
子供を両手でしっかりと抱く。 kodomo wo ryoute de shikkari to daku. Držet dítě pevně oběma rukama.mix
恋人の肩を抱く。 koibito no kata wo daku. Držet partnera za ramena.mix
台風で木が倒れた。 taifuu de ki ga taoreta. Strom spadl kvůli tajfunu.mix
道で倒れている人を助けた。 michi de taoreteiru hito wo tasuketa. Pomohl jsem člověku, který upadl na ulici.mix
父は働きすぎて倒れてしまった。 chichi ha hataraki sugite taorete shimatta. Otec příliš pracoval a zkolaboval.mix
花瓶を倒して割ってしまった。 kabin wo taoshite satte shimatta. Shodil jsem a rozbil vázu.mix
ボクシングでチャンピオンを倒した。 bokushingu de chanpion wo taoshita. V boxu jsem porazil šampióna.mix
3対2で日本チームがブラジルチームに倒された。 3 tai 2 de nihonchi-mu ga burajiruchi-mu ni taosa reta. Japonský tým prohrál 3:2 s brazilským týmem.sport
今度、誰か御馳走してね。 kondo,dareka gochisou shite ne. Příště mě někdo pozvěte.mix
今夜は私が御馳走します。 kon'ya ha watashi ga gochisou shimasu. Dneska večer zvu já.mix
迷惑をかけてごめんなさい。 meiwaku wo kakete gomen nasai. Omlouvám se, že vám působím problém.mix
トヨタは最近この車をテレビで宣伝しています。 toyota ha saikin kono kuruma wo terebi de senden shiteimasu. Toyota poslední dobou propaguje toto auto v televizi.mix
紐を繋ぐ。 himo wo tsunagu. Uvázat provázek.mix
手を繋ぐ。 te wo tsunagu. Spojit ruce.mix
他のグラスに水を移す。 hoka no gurasu ni mizu wo utsusu. Přelít vodu do jiné sklenice.mix
道が分かれる。 michi ga wakareru. Cesta se rozděluje.mix
用事を済ませる。 youji wo sumaseru. Dokončit úkoly.mix
野球の試合でピッチャーが替わりました。 yakyuu no shiai de piccha- ga kawarimashita. V baseballovém utkání se vyměnili nadhazovači.sport
残業が多くて疲れた。 zangyou ga ookute tsukareta. Přesčasů bylo mnoho, unavilo mě to.mix
体重が減る。 taijuu ga heru. Váha klesá.mix
お腹の痛みを我慢して走った。 onaka no itami wo gaman shite hashitta. Bolest žaludku jsem překonal a běžel jsem.mix
私は歴史に興味がある。 watashi ha rekishi ni kyoumi ga aru. Zajímám se o historii.mix
約束の時間に遅刻してしまった。 yakusoku no jikan ni chikoku shite shimatta. Přišel jsem později, než jsme se domluvili.mix
私に日本語を教えてくれる? watashi ni nihongo wo oshiete kureru? Budeš mě učit japonsky?mix
恥ずかしがらないで。 hazukashi garanaide. Nestyď se.mix
何でも聞いていいよ。 nandemo kiite ii yo. Zeptej se mě, na co chceš.mix
何色の下着を着けてるかは教えないけど。 naniiro no shitagi wo tsuketeru ka ha oshienai kedo. Jakou mám právě barvu spodního prádla ti ale neřeknu.ai, baka
付き合っている人がいる? tsukiatte iru hito ga iru? Chodíš s někým?ai
日本人の女とデートしたことがない。 nihonjin no onna to de-to shita koto ga nai. S Japonkou jsem ještě nechodil.ai
また会えるとうれしい。 mata aeru to ureshii. Budu moc rád, kdybychom se zase viděli.ai
もっと強い飲み物を下さい。 motto tsuyoi nomimono wo kudasai. Silnější drink, prosím.mix
割り勘にしよう。 warikan ni shiyou. Rozdělme účet.mix
昨日は飲みすぎたねぇ? kinou ha nomi sugita neぇ? Včera jsi to přehnal s pitím, co?mix
日本の男の人って男同士で踊るって本当? nihon no otoko no hito tte otoko doushi de odoru tte hontou? Je pravda, že japonští kluci tancují spolu?mix
あなたのこと一日中考えてる。 anata no koto ichinichijuu kangaeteru. Myslím na tebe dnem i nocí.mix
おいしいキッスして。 oishii kissu shite. hezky mě polib!ai
あなたのこと以外は考えられない。 anata no koto igai ha kangae rarenai. Nedokážu myslet na nic jiného než na tebe.ai
死ぬほど好き。 shinu hodo suki. Miluji tě k smrti.ai
今夜抱いて。 kon'ya daite. Pomiluj se se mnou dnes v noci.ai
その下着可愛いね。 sono shitagi kawaii ne. Máš hezké spodní prádlo.ai
ゴムつける。 gomu tsukeru. Použiju kondom.ai
お風呂でするのがすき? o furo de suru no ga suki? Děláš to rád(a) ve vaně?ai
乳首を舐めて。 chikubi wo namete. Lízej mi bradavky.ai, baka
違い体位でしよう。 chigai taii deshiyou. Zkusme jinou polohu.ai
いい知らせがあるんだ。 ii shirase ga arun da. Mám dobré zprávy.mix
あなたはパパになるのよ。 anata ha papa ni naru no yo. Staneš se tatínkem.ai
私妊娠してるの。 watashi ninshin shiteru no. Jsem těhotná.ai
生理が来ないの。 seiri ga konai no. Nedostala jsem to.ai
今何週目? ima nanshuu me ? V jakém jsi týdnu?ai
結婚してくれる? kekkon shite kureru? Vezmeš si mě?ai
近所の人は何て言うか気になる? kinjo no hito ha nante iu ka ki ni naru? Děláš si starosti, co řeknou sousedi?mix
あなたの家族に紹介して。 anatano kazoku ni shoukai shite. Představ mě své rodině.mix
だれが屁した? dare ga onara shita? Kdo si pšouknul?baka
バッテリーが切れた。 batteri- ga kireta. Vybila se mi baterie.mix
寒くなりましたね。 samukunarimashitane. To se nám ale ochladilo, co?mix
予算を減らす。 yosan wo herasu. Snížit rozpočet.mix
開いていますか。 aiteimasuka. Máte otevřeno?mix
すみません、どんな料理がありますか。 sumimasen,donna ryouri ga arimasuka. Promiňte, jaké jídlo servírujete?ryouri
どのぐらい待ちますか。 donogurai machimasuka. Jak dlouho budu čekat?mix
メニューをお願いします。 menyu- wo onegaishimasu. Menu, prosím.ryouri
今日のお勧めはなんですか。 kyou no osusume ha nan desuka. Co byste mi dnes doporučili?mix
あの人が食べているのはなんですか。 ano hito ga tabeteiru no ha nan desuka. Co jí tamten člověk?ryouri
もう結構です。 mou kekkou desu. To už stačí.mix
肉も魚も入っていない料理がありますか。 niku mo sakana mo haitteinai ryouri ga arimasuka. Máte jídlo bez masa a ryb?mix
持ち帰りにできますか。 mochikaeri ni dekimasuka. Můžete mi to zabalit s sebou?mix
ご清聴ありがとうございました。 go seichou arigatou gozaimashita. Děkuji za vaši pozornost.mix
関数ワイイコールエックス二乗は偶関数である。 kansuuwaiiko-ruekkusunijouhaguukansuudearu. Funkce y=x^2 je sudá.math
死後さばきにあう。 shigo sabakiniau. Po smrti přijde soud; po smrti vás čeká soud.kami
私達は電車の窓から風景を眺めた Pozorovali sme z okna vlaku krajinu.mix
バラの花が匂っている baranohanaganiotteiru Kvet ruže vonia.mix
荒れた家 aretaie schátraný dommix
赤色に染まった布 akaironisomattanuno Látka sfarbená na červeno.godan, verb, vintrans
彼女は道に迷いました kanojohamichinimayoimashita stratila semix
男は度胸、女は愛敬。 otoko ha dokyou, onna ha aikyou. (obsc) men should be brave, women should be affablemix
馬鹿やろう! bakayarou! (uk) (col) (id) idiot!baka
正方形の全ての角度は直角である。 seihoukei no subete no kakudo ha chokkaku dearu. All angles in a square are 90 degrees.math
彼らは池を巡って散歩をした karerahaikewomeguttesanpowoshita anglicky
自然も美しいです shizenmoutsukushiidesu anglicky
山道に車が連なっている yamamichinikurumagatsuranatteiru anglicky
私たちは自転車を連ねて走っていた watashitachihajitenshawotsuranetehashitteita anglicky
彼女は気が狂っている kanojohakigakurutteiru anglicky
その犬は狂ったように吠えていた sonoinuhakuruttayounihoeteita anglicky
その少女たちは人気歌手に狂っている sonoshoujotachihaninkikashunikurutteiru anglicky
本を床に落とす honwoyukaniotosu anglicky
財布をデパートで落とした saifuwodepa-todeotoshita anglicky
彼は氷を砕いてグラスに入れた karehakooriwokudaitegurasuniireta anglicky
この川は湖に注いでいる konokawahamizuuminisosoideiru anglicky
今夜は雨があがって月が輝くだろう kon'yahaamegaagattetsukigakagayakudarou anglicky
彼女の目がきらきらと輝く kanojonomegakirakiratokagayaku anglicky
時計は時を告げる tokeihatokiwotsugeru anglicky
異議を唱える igiwotonaeru anglicky
私が運びましょう watashigahakobimashou anglicky
時計で時間を計る tokeidejikanwohakaru anglicky
苦しくても頑張ります kurushikutemoganbarimasu anglicky
彼女は絶対に行かないと頑張った kanojohazettainiikanaitoganbatta anglicky
私達は電車の窓から風景を眺めた watashitachihadenshanomadokarafuukeiwonagameta anglicky
この歯を少し削りましょう konohawosukoshikezurimashou anglicky
今日は日が照っている kyouhahigatetteiru anglicky
鹿に餌をやるのは面白いです shikaniesawoyarunohaomoshiroidesu anglicky
市場が繁盛して町が栄えた ichibagahanjoushitemachigahaeta anglicky
三週間,城を攻めて落した sanshuukan,shirowosemeteotoshita anglicky
後ろから攻められた ushirokarasemerareta anglicky
鈴木先生は生徒たちからそんなに敬われるのか suzukisenseihaseitotachikarasonnaniuyamawarerunoka anglicky
父親の仇を討つ chichioyanoadawoutsu anglicky
そんなに苛めないでくれ sonnaniijimenaidekure anglicky
彼はよく苛められる karehayokuijimerareru anglicky
道が車で詰まっている michigakurumadetsumatteiru anglicky
もう12月で、年が詰まってきたね mou12月de,年ga詰mattekitane anglicky
今週はスケジュールが詰まっている konshuuhasukeju-rugatsumatteiru anglicky
生活を詰める 生seikatsuwotsumeru anglicky
穴を新聞で詰める anawoshinbundetsumeru anglicky
箱にお菓子を詰める hakoniokashiwotsumeru anglicky
父は田舎に暮らしています chichihainakanikurashiteimasu anglicky
冬が暮れて春になった fuyugakureteharuninatta anglicky
日が暮れかかっている nigakurekakatteiru anglicky
仕事は日が暮れても続いていた shigotohanigakuretemotsuzuiteita anglicky
空港で彼女はかばんの中を調べられた kuukodekanojohakabannonakawoshiraberareta anglicky
病院で調べてもらったが何でもなかった byouindeshirabetemorattaganandemonakatta anglicky
ちょっと調べてみます chottoshirabetemimasu anglicky
別の方法で試みたらどうですか betsunohoohoodekokoromitaradoudesuka anglicky
木の茂った山 kinoshigettayama anglicky
春の野や山に若葉が茂る harunonoyayamaniwakabagashigeru anglicky
この荷物をトラックに載せてください kononimotsuwotorakkuninosetekudasai anglicky
彼は机の上に辞書を載せた karehatsukuenouenijishowonoseta anglickymix
彼は新聞に広告を載せた karehashinbunnikookokuwonoseta anglicky
この小説は全部で三部から成っている konoshousetsuhazenbudesanbukaranatteiru anglicky
腹が減った haragahetta anglicky
村の人口は半分に減った muranojinkouhahanbunnihetta anglicky
4キロ減らした 4kiroherashita anglicky
その村は津波で滅びたしまった sonomurahatsunamidehorobitashimatta anglicky
彼は新しい事業を企てている karehaatarashiijigyoowokuwadateteiru anglicky
先生に誤リを正してもらった senseiniayamariwotadashitemoratta anglicky
今日の気温は30度を超えている kyounokionha30dowokoeteiru anglicky
その夏私は,京都に赴いた sononatsuwatashiha,kyoutoniomomuita anglickymix
足の赴くままに旅行した ashinoomomukumamaniryokoushita anglicky
赤道を越える sekidoowokoeru anglicky
待ち時間がもう30分を越した machijikangamou30buwokoshita anglicky
またどうぞお越しください matadouzookoshikudasai anglicky
ここに新しいビルが建つ kokoniatarashiibirugatatsu anglicky
そばが延びてしまった sobaganobiteshimatta anglicky
二人の争いを裁いた futarinoarasoiwosabaita anglicky
また,パソコンが壊れた mata,pasokongakowareta anglicky
雨で遠足の計画が壊れた amedeensokunokeikakugakowareta anglicky
一万円札を壊してください ichiman'ensatsuwokowashitekudasai anglicky
私は父のカメラを壊してしまった watashihachichinokamerawokowashiteshimatta anglicky
侍は刀を腰に帯びて出かけた samuraihakatanawokoshiniobitedekaketa anglicky
交渉が滞る kooshoogatodokooru anglicky
PCの故障で仕事が滞ってしまった pcnokoshoodeshigotogatodokootteshimatta anglickymix
石につまずいて転んだ ishinitsumazuitekoronda anglicky
床が滑りやすいので転ばないよう気をつけてください yukagasuberiyasuinodekorobanaiyoukiwotsuketekudasai. anglickymix
明日は曇るだろう ashitahakumorudarou anglickymix
ランナーは0.01秒を競ってゴールした ranna-ha0.01byouwosettego-rushita anglicky
若いころ,兄弟でよく競った wakaikoro,kyoodaideyokukisotta anglicky
帰国を諦める kikokuwoakirameru anglicky
だめだと諦めた damedatoakirameta anglicky
妹は運命と諦めて彼と結婚した imoutohaunmeitoakirametekaretokekkonshita anglickymix
我らのすべての条件を適えてください wareranosubetenojookenwokanaetekudasai anglicky
そんなに大声で叱らないでください sonnanioogoedeshikaranaidekudasai anglicky
勉強しないで母に叱られた benkyoushinaidehahanishikarareta anglicky
腐った魚が臭う kusattasakanaganiou anglicky
命令に背く meireinisomuku anglicky
友達に背く tomodachinisomuku anglicky
彼は父の信頼に背いた karehachichinoshinrainisomuita anglicky
水と油の違いを比べる mizutoaburanochigaiwokuraberu anglicky
チェコに比べて日本は物価が高い chekonikurabetenihonhabukkagatakai anglicky
混んだ電車 kondadensha anglicky
人気がある店はいつも混んでいる ninkigaarumisehaitsumokondeiru anglickymix
塩も少し混ぜてください shiomosukoshimazetekudasai anglicky
赤と青を混ぜると紫になる akatoaowomazerutomurasakininaru anglicky
このクラスは女子学生と男子学生が混ざっています konokurasuhajoshigakuseitodanshigakuseigamazatteimasu anglickymix
赤と青が混じって紫になった akatoaogamajittemurasakininatta anglicky
雪が雨と混じって降っている yukigaametomajittefutteiru anglicky
乾いたズボン kawaitazubon anglicky
水は動物にとって欠かせることができない物だ mizuhadoubutsunitottekakaserukotogadekinaimonoda anglicky
ナイフの刃が欠けた naifunohagakaketa anglicky
彼女は子供の時に両親を亡くした kanojohakodomonotokiniryoushinwonakushita anglicky
昨日彼女のお母さんが亡くなった kinoukanojonookaasanganakunatta anglicky
大きい落石が交通を妨げている ookiirakusekigakoutsuuwosamatageteiru anglickymix
釣った魚を川に放した tsuttasakanawokawanihanashita anglicky
私はピーターと席を替えた watashihapi-ta-tosekiwokaeta anglicky
ここで靴を脱いで下さい kokodekutsuwonuidekudasai anglickymix
彼女は服を脱いだ kanojohafukuwonuida anglicky
ズボンは脱がなくてもいいです zubonhanuganakutemoiidesu anglicky
動物に餌を与えないでください doubutsuniesawoataenaidekudasai anglicky
与えられた時間 ataeraretajikan anglickymix
色々な学者を招きました iroironagakushawomanekimashita anglicky
雨で川の水が増えそうだ amedekawanomizugafuesouda anglicky
会員を増やす kaiinwofuyasu anglicky
タンゴを踊る tangowoodoru anglicky
燃えるゴミと燃えないゴミに分けるんだよ moerugomitomoenaigominiwakerundayo anglicky
ハナは夏休みをおばあさんのところで送ります hanahanatsuyasumiwoobaasannotokorodeokurimasu anglicky
母への手紙はもう送ってある hahahenotegamihamouokuttearu anglicky
彼から誕生日に花束を贈られた karekaratanjoubinihanatabawookurareta anglicky
道が凍っている michigakootteiru anglicky
今朝は寒かったので池が凍った kesahasamukattanodeikegakootta anglicky
カードで払います ka-dodeharaimasu anglicky
彼は布を赤い色に染めた karehanunowoakaiironisometa anglicky
結婚していますか。 kekkon shiteimasuka. Are you married?ai
売春宿から出てきたところを友人に見られてばつが悪かった。 baishun'yado kara detekita tokoro wo yuujin ni mirarete batsu ga warukatta . As I left the brothel, I was embarrassed to be seen by my friends.baka
定理の仮定は強すぎます。 teiri no katei ha tsuyosugimasu. Assumptions of the theorem are too strong.math
鞄を手から離した。 kaban wo te kara hanashita. bag, satchel, briefcase, basketmix
愛しているから。 aishiteiru kara. Because I love you.ai
お湯を少し沸かしてください。 oyu wo sukoshi wakashite kudasai. Boil some water.ryouri
バイバイ。 baibai. Bye bye.ai, kaiwa
母.は祖母を入院させました。 haha.ha sobo wo nyuuin sasemashita. byoukimix
かしこまりました。 kashikomarimashita. Certainly. (said by employee to customer)jlpt4
コンピュータでした計算。 konpyu-ta de shita keizan. Computer computation.math
おめでとうございます。 omedetougozaimasu. Congratulations.jlpt4
読み方を教えてもらえませんか。 yomikata wo oshiete moraemasenka. Could you tell me how to read it?mix
車を運転しますか。 kuruma wo untenshimasuka. Do you drive?ryokou
彼氏はいる? kareshi ha iru? Do you have a boyfriend?ai
免許証を持っていますか。 menkyoshou wo motteimasuka. Do you have a driver's license?ryokou
彼女はいる? kanojo ha iru? Do you have a girlfriend?ai
スポーツが好きですか。 supo-tsu ga suki desuka. Do you like sports?sport
朝セックスするのが好きですか? asa sekkususuru no ga suki desuka? Do you like to make love in the morning?ai, baka
テニスをしますか。 tenisu wo shimasuka. Do you play tennis?sport
猿も木から落ちる sarumokikaraochiru even monkeys fall from trees, anyone can make a mistake, pride comes before a fall, even Homer sometimes nodsichidan, verb
最終的、私の講演のまとめ。 saishuuteki,watashi no kouen no matome. Finally, the conclusion of my talk.math
自分で確かめてみたら。 jibun de tashikamete mitara. Find out for yourselfai, baka
x^2の1次導関数は2xである。 ekusu 2juu no ichijidoukansuu ha 2ekusu dearu. First derivative of x^2 is 2x.math
紙を折ってください。 kami wo oritte kudasai. Fold the paper, please.mix
生野菜 namayasai fresh vegetablesmix
ゴジラは接吻しようとキティちゃんに近づいたが、逃げられた。 gojira ha seppunshiyou to kiteィchan ni chikaduita ga,nigerareta. Godzilla thought to kiss Hello Kitty and approached her, but she ran away.ai, baka
おやすみなさい。 oyasuminasai. Good night.kaiwa
新年明けましておめでとうございます shinnen'akemashiteomedetougozaimasu Happy New Yearkaiwa
新年おめでとう shinnen'omedetou Happy New Yearkaiwa
ちんちんの大きさはどのくらい? chinchin no ookisa ha dono kurai? How big is your 'package'?ai, baka
何で来ましたか。 nande kimashitaka. How did you get here?ryokou
天気はどうですか。 tenki ha dou desuka. How is the weather? tenki
よく、いらっしゃいました。 yoku,irasshaimashita. How nice of you to come.jlpt4
どうやるの? douyaruno? How to do that?mix
どうやるの? dou yaru no? How to do?mix
お腹がペコペコ。 onaka ga pekopeko. I am hungry.ryouri
結婚しています。 kekkon shiteimasu. I am married.ai
独身です。 dokushin desu. I am single.ai
私は神を信じる。 watashi ha kami wo shinjiru. I believe in God.kami
あんたのこと嫌い。 anta no koto kirai. I don't like you.mix
日本にいるのに日本語が全然分かりません。 nihon ni iru noni nihongo ga zenzen wakarimasen. I don't understand Japanese at all in spite that I live in Japan.mix
あなたとは口も聞たくないの。 anata to ha kuchi mo kikitakunai no. I don't want to hear another word out of you.mix
好きな人ができた。 suki na hito ga dekita. I fell in love.ai
避妊するのを忘れちゃった。 hininsuru no wo wasurechatta. I forgot to use protection!ai, baka
あんたのこと大嫌い! anta no koto daikirai! I hate you!mix
今晩勉強しないことにしました。 konban benkyoushinai koto ni shimashita. I have decided not to study tonight.gakkou
あなたが好き。 anata ga suki. I like you.ai
愛してる。 aishiteru. I love you!ai
大好きですよ。 daisukidesuyo. I love you.ai
君と付き合いたい。 kimi to tsukiaitai. I want to go out with you.ai
君とデートしたい。 kimi to de-to shitai. I want to go to date with you.ai
君とエッチしたい。 kimi to ecchi shitai. I want to have sex with you.ai
君にキスしたい。 kimi ni kisu shitai. I want to kiss you.ai
君と結婚したい。 kimi to kekkon shitai. I want to marry you.ai
私はあなたに料理を食べてほしい。 watashi ha anata ni ryouri wo tabete hoshii. I want you to eat my meal.ryouri
あなたにキスしてほしい。 anata ni kisu shite hoshii. I want you to kiss me.ai
私は先生に勉強をさせられました。 watashi ha sensei ni benkyou wo saseraremashita. I was ordered by my teacher to study.gakkou
一日中、ゲームをしていた。 ichinichijuu,ge-mu wo shiteita. I was playing games the whole day.mix
打っ殺してやる。 bukkoroshiteyaru. I will beat you to death.baka, sensou
ガールフレンドが寝ている間に他のガールフレンドとデートします。 ga-rufurendo ga neteiru aida ni hoka no ga-rufurendo to de-to shimasu. I will date another girl while my girlfriend is sleeping.ai, baka
彼氏が仕事している間に寝ます。 kareshi ga shigoto shiteiru aida ni nemasu. I will sleep while my boyfriend is workingai
私は仕事を始める。 watashi ha shigoto wo hajimeru. I will start a job.mix
国際空港で日本酒をかう。 kokusai kuukou de nihonshu wo kau. I'll buy sake at the international airport.ryokou
酔っ払っちゃった。 yopparacchatta. I'm drunk.baka
私はその奨学金を申し込むつもりです。 watashi ha sono shougakukin wo moushikomu tsumori desu. I'm going to apply for the scholarship.gakkou
ただいま。 tadaima. I'm home.jlpt4
絶望した zetsubou shita I'm in despair!mix
君に興味がある。 kimi ni kyoumi ga aru. I'm interested in you.ai
私は大学生です。 watashihadaigakuseidesu. I'm student of collage.kaiwa
かまいません kamaimasen It doesn't matter.jlpt4
お世辞ではありません。 oseji deha arimasen. It is not a compliment.mix
曇っています。 kumotteimasu. It's cloudy. tenki
寒いです。 samui desu. It's cold. tenki
涼しいです。 suzushii desu. It's cool. tenki
暑いです。 atsui desu. It's hot. tenki
蒸し暑いです。 mushiatsui desu. It's humid. tenki
雨が降っています。 ame ga futteimasu. It's raining. tenki
雪が降っています。 yuki ga futteimasu. It's snowing. tenki
晴れています。 hareteimasu. It's sunny. tenki
暖かいです。 atatakai desu. It's warm. tenki
風が強いです。 kaze ga tsuyoi desu. It's windy tenki
元気出して。 genki dashite. keep up your strength, chin up!kaiwa
エッチしよう。 ecchi shiyou. Let's have sex.ai
私の家は墓場のように静かです。 watashi no ie ha hakaba noyouni shizuka desu. My house is as quiet as a graveyard.baka, uchi
体中が痛い。 karadajuuga itai. My whole body hurts.hito
もう一杯どうですか。 mou ippai dou desuka. One more?ryouri
対頂角は等しい。 taichoukakuhahitoshii. Opposite angles are equal.math
象は鼻が長い。 zou ha hana ga nagai. phenomenon/(P); elephant/(P)doubutsu
ちゅうして下さい。 chuu shite kudasai. Please, kiss me.ai
命を救う。 inochi wo sukuu. Save a life.mix
予定日はいつ? yoteibi haitsu ? scheduled date, expected dateai
梅雨前線 baiuzensen seasonal rain fronttenki
x^2の1次導関数は2である。 ekusu 2juu no ichijidoukansuu ha 2 dearu. Second derivative of x^2 is 2.math
じゃあまた。 jaamata. See you.kaiwa
百聞は一見にしかず hyakubunhaikkennishikazu seeing is believing, one eye-witness is better than many hearsays, a picture is worth a thousand wordskaiwa
座って本を読みながら私は寝入った。 suwatte hon wo yomi nagara watashi ha neitta. Sitting over my book, I fell asleep.mix
いってらっしゃい。 itterasshai. So long. (Go and come back.)jlpt4
いってまいります。 ittemairimasu. So long. (I'm going and coming back.)jlpt4
おまたせしました。 omataseshimashita. Sorry, I kept you waiting.jlpt4
沈黙は金雄弁は銀 chinmokuhakin'yuubenhagin speech is silver, silence is goldenkaiwa
円の表面積は2πrである。 en no hyoumenseki ha 2paia-ru dearu. Surface area of a circle is 2πr.math
この間、鈴木さんに御馳走になりました。 kono aida,suzuki san ni gochisou ni narimashita. Suzuki-san treated me the other day.mix
お大事に。 odaijini. Take care of your self. (for sick or injured person)byouki, jlpt4
よかった。 yokatta. Thank god.kaiwa
大変お世話になりありがとうございました。 taihen osewa ni nari arigatou gozaimashita. Thank you for all your hard work.kaiwa
おかげさまで。 okagesamade. Thanks to you.jlpt4
それはいけませんね。 sore ha ikemasenne. That's too bad.jlpt4
Aの角は60度である。 e- no kaku ha 60do dearu. The angle A has 60 degrees.math
お尻はだめ。 oshiri ha dame. The ass is a no-no.ai, baka
熊は山に住む。 kuma ha yama ni sumu. The bear lives in the mountains.baka, doubutsu
枝が折れなかった。 edagaorenakatta. The branch did not break.baka, shokubutsu
牛は草を食う。 ushihakusawokuu. The cow eats grass.baka, doubutsu
円の曲率は定数である。 en no kyokuritsu ha teisuu dearu. The curvature of a circle is constant.math
まもなく試合が始まる。 mamonaku shiai ga hajimaru. The game will be started soon.sport
いい匂いがする。 ii nioi ga suru. The smell is good.ryouri
三角形の内角のはπである。 sankakukei no naikaku noha π dearu. The sum of inner angles of a triangle is π.math
弱いやつほどよく叫ぶんだ。 yowai yatsu hodo yoku sakebun da. The weaker somebody is, the more noise he makes.mix
よい天気です。 yoitenkidesu. The weather is nice. tenki
ぬれた衣装が彼女の体にくっついていた。 nureta ishou ga kanojo no karada ni kuttsuiteita. The wet clothes clung to her body.baka
世界は狭いですね。 sekai ha semai desune. The world is small, isn't it?mix
以上です。 ijoudesu. This is all.mix
言葉に詰まる kotobanitsumaru to be at a loss for wordsgodan, verb
火に油を注ぐ hiniaburawososogu to make things worse, to stir things up, lit: to add fuel to the firegodan, verb
神を敬う kamiwouyamau to revere Godgodan, verb
危ない橋を渡る abunaihashiwowataru to tread on thin ice (lit: to cross a dangerous bridge), to go out on a limb, to walk a tightrope, to take risksgodan, verb
水が沸いている。 mizu ga waiteiru. Water is boiling.ryouri
雨なのに、ピクニックに行きます。 ame nanoni,pikunikku ni ikimasu. We go to picnic in spite of rain.ryouri, tenki
おかえりなさい。 okaerinasai. Welcome home.jlpt4
お仕事は何ですか。 oshigoto ha nan desuka. What (work) do you do?shigoto
どうしようかな。 doushiyoukana. What can I do?baka
雪の様に白い。 yuki no youni shiroi. White as snow.mix
女房と畳は新しい方がいい nyouboutotatamihaatarashiihougaii wives and tatami are best when they're newmix
女房と畳は新しいほうがいい。 nyoubou to tatami ha atarashii hou ga ii. Wives and tatami are best when they're new.mix
もう少しどうですか。 mousukoshi dou desuka. Would you like a little more?ryouri
あなたは奥さんに支配されています。 anata ha okusan ni shihai sareteimasu. You are governed by your wife.ai, baka
ビール腹になりますよ! bi-ru bara ni narimasu yo! You will have a beer belly!baka
あなたデブになってね! anata debu ni natte ne! You're getting fat!baka
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