
Date and time of registration: 2012-11-27 09:55:41
Number of learnt characters: 808
Learnt characters: graph | list | without examples | detailed
Learnt characters 2012/12: list | without examples | detailed
Kanji test: kanji test | meaning test | Results
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning

Learnt characters 2012/12

Page: 1 - 2
pull, tug, jerk, admit, install, quote, refer to
in, hi.ku,,,, hi.keru, ina, hiki, hike, biki
Main radical: 弓 (57) Radicals:
Strokes: 4 Jouyou: 2 JIS: 12410
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
引用する in'jousuru pítleda1, suru, verb
引きこもり hikikomori (1)a shut-in, a stay-at-home, people who withdraw from society (e.g. retire to the country), (2)social withdrawal, shunning other people mix
引き籠り hikikomori (1)a shut-in, a stay-at-home, people who withdraw from society (e.g. retire to the country), (2)social withdrawal, shunning other people
引っ張る hipparu (1)to pull, to draw, to pull tight, (2)to string (lines), to run (cable), to stretch, (3)to pull towards oneself (e.g. someone's sleeve), (4)to drag, to haul, to tow, (5)to lead (e.g. one's follo godan, verb, vtrans
引用句 in'jouku (ling) quotationbunpou
引越 hikkoši (n,vs) moving (dwelling, office, etc.), changing residencejlpt3, uchi
鉤括弧エー引くビー鉤括弧閉じる kagikakkoe-hikubi-kagikakkotodžiru [ A - B ]math
エー引くビー e-hikubi- A-Bmath
エー引くビー引くシー e-hikubi-hikuši- A-B-Cmath
字引 džibiki dictionaryjlpt5
引き出し hikidaši drawerjlpt4, uchi
引力 inrjoku gravitymix
早引け hajabike leaving work (office, school) earlysuru
引く hiku minus, -jlpt3, math
引く hiku minus, to pull, to draw, to play (string instr.)godan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans, vtrans
引っ越し hikkoši moving (dwelling, office, etc.), changing residencejlpt3, suru
引用 in'jou quotation, citation, referencesuru
引退 intai retiresuru
引き算 hikizan subtractionjlpt3, math
注意を引く čuuiwohiku to attract attentiongodan, verb
引っ越す hikkosu to move to (house)godan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
引き分ける hikiwakeru to pull apart, to separateichidan, verb, vtrans
引き離す hikihanasu to pull apart, to separategodan, verb, vtrans
引き継ぐ hikicugu to take over, to hand overgodan, verb, vtrans
引き出す hikidasu to withdrawgodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
取引 torihiki transactions, dealings, businesssuru
これを引くと、水が出ます。 kore wo hiku to,mizu ga demasu. Když za tohle zatáhneš, začne téct voda.mix
引っ越しの準備が終わった。 hikkoši no džunbi ga owatta. Příprava na stěhování skončila.mix
友達は引っ越しを手伝いました。 tomodači ha hikkoši wo tecudaimašita. Kamarád pomohl se stěhováním.mix
福岡から広島へ引っ越しした。 fukuoka kara hirošima he hikkoši šita. Přestěhoval jsem se z Fukuoky do Hirošimy.mix
pay, clear out, prune, banish, dispose of
fucu, hicu, hocu, hara.u, -hara.i, -bara.i, harai
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 5 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 18983
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
支払い šiharai paymentmix
前払い maebarai payment in advance, prepaymentsuru
追い払う oiharau to drive away; to drive awaygodan, verb, vtrans
酔っ払う jopparau to get drunkgodan, verb, vintrans
払う harau to paygodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
振り払う furiharau to shake offgodan, verb, vtrans
酒を沢山飲んだので、酔っ払いました。 sake wo takusan nonda node,jopparaimašita. Opil jsem se, protože jsem vypil moc alkoholu.baka
レジでお金を払って、レシートを受け取る。 redži de okane wo haratte,reši-to wo uketoru. U pokladny zaplatíte a dostanete účtenku.mix
カードで払います ka-dodeharaimasu anglicky
酔っ払っちゃった。 jopparaččatta. I'm drunk.baka
wherefore, a reason
ju, juu, jui, joši,
Main radical: 田 (102) Radicals:
Strokes: 5 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 19763
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
不自由な fudžijuuna nepohodlný, neschopný, handicapovanýjlpt3
不自由な生活 fudžijuu na seikacu život v chudobě (nepohodlí)mix
不自由 fudžijuu (1)discomfort, inconvenience, (2)poverty, want, destitution, (3)disability, impairment (physical, mental, etc.) jlpt3
自由な džijuu na freejlpt3
自由 džijuu freedomjlpt4, leda1
由来 jurai origin, source, history, derivation, reason, destinyall
理由 rijuu reasonjlpt4
自由席 džijuuseki unreserved seatryokou
少年は体不自由な人に席を譲った。 šounen ha karada fudžijuu na hito ni seki wo juzutta. Mladík uvolnil (přenechal) sedadlo handicapovanému člověku.mix
彼は体が不自由です。 kare ha karada ga fudžijuu desu. Je handicapován.mix
退学の理由を説明してください。 taigaku no rijuu wo secumei šite kudasai. Vysvětli mi, prosím, proč tě vyhodili ze školy.gakkou
strike, hit, knock, pound, dozen
da, daasu,, u.či-,, uči
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals:
Strokes: 5 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 16967
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
打撃 dageki (1)blow, shock, strike, damage, (2)batting (baseball) mix
打ち消す učikesu (1)to deny/to contradict/ (2)to negate (esp. a sound)/to drown out/(P) godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
打つ ucu (1)to hit (something inanimate)/to strike/to beat (on something)/ godan, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vtrans
打ち消し učikeši (ling) negation, denial, negativebunpou
連打 renda barrage/(P)leda1, suru
打者 daša batter (baseball)/(P)leda1
打球 dakjuu batting/batted ball/(P)leda1
打撲 daboku blow, hit (on the body), beatingsuru
打開 dakai break in the deadlockleda1, suru
打ち身 učimi bruisebyouki
打ち合わせ učiawase business meeting, previous arrangement, appointment, preparatory meetingshigoto, suru
打ち出の小槌 učidenokodzuči figurative magic wandmix
博打 bakuči gamblingmix
安打 anda safe hit (baseball)leda1, suru
打ち上げ花火 učiagehanabi skyrocket (firework)mix
打っ殺す bukkorosu to beat to deathgodan, sensou, verb, vtrans
打ち寄せる učijoseru to break onto (shore), to wash ashore, to attackichidan, verb
打ち破る učijaburu to break, to smash, to defeat, to destroy, to eliminategodan, verb, vtrans
波で気が海岸に打ち寄せられた。 nami de kiga kaigan ni učijoserareta. Dřevo bylo vlnami vyplaveno na pobřeží.mix
打っ殺してやる。 bukkorošitejaru. I will beat you to death.baka, sensou
fit, suit, join, 0.1
gou, gat, kat, a.u, -a.u, a.i, ai-, -a.i, -ai, a.wasu, a.waseru, -a.waseru, au, an, i, ka, kou, goo, ni, ne, ja, ri, wai
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 6 Jouyou: 2 JIS: 14695
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
合わす awasu spojovat se, slučovat segodan, leda1, verb, vtrans
合わせる awaseru sloučit, spojit, dát dohromadyichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
合計 goukei celková sumaleda1
集合 šuugou srazleda1
合唱 gatšou sbor (pěvecký)leda1, ongaku
話し合う hanašiau diskutovatgodan, leda1, verb, vtrans
一合 ičigou dutá míra používaná při měření vody či rýželeda1
雪合戦 jukigassen koulovačkamix
答え合わせ kotae awase kontrola odpovědí (v testu)mix
gou shromáždit semix
都合 cugou (1)circumstances/condition/convenience/(vs) (2)to arrange/to manage/(P) jlpt4, leda1
会合 kaigou (1)meeting, assembly, (2)(chem) association, (3)(astronomical) conjunction suru
付き合う cukiau (1)to associate with, to keep company with, to go out with, to go steady with, to get on with, (2)to go along with, to follow someone's lead, to accompany someone, to compromise godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
間に合わせる maniawaseru (1)to make do, to manage (with something), to make shift, (2)to (make) get done on time ichidan, jlpt3, verb
不合格 fugoukaku (examination) failure, rejection, disqualificationmix
合気道 aikidou (MA) aikidomix
合い方 aikata (musical) accompanimentongaku
迎合 geigou (uk) secondary or supporting actor in a noh or kyogen play; ingratiation, going along with somebody's views, adjusting oneself (to something, to somebody), flatterysuru
連合軍 rengougun (WWII) the Allies, allied forcesmix
知り合い širiai acquaitancejlpt3, mix
組合 kumiai association/union/(P)leda1
合戦 kassen battleleda1, sensou
間に合う maniau be in timegodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb
百合鴎 jurikamome black headed gull (hooded gull)doubutsu
打ち合わせ učiawase business meeting, previous arrangement, appointment, preparatory meetingshigoto, suru
場合 baai case, occasionjlpt4
閉集合 heišuugou closed setmath
沖合 okiai coast, offing, offshoremix
組み合わせ kumiawase combinationmix
合併 gappei combination, union, amalgamation, consolidation, merger, coalition, fusion, annexation, affiliation, incorporation; (n,vs) combination, union, amalgamation, consolidation, merger, coalition, fusion, asuru
複合 fukugou composite, combined, complexsuru
具合 guai conditionjlpt4
可算集合 kasanšuugou countable setmath
欧州連合 oušuurengou European Union, EUmix
合う au fit, suit, be correct, to matchgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vintrans
親善試合 šinzendžiai friendly match (game), friendlymix
試合 šiai gamejlpt4, sport
色合 iroai hue, tinge, tintmix
色合い iroai hue, tinge, tintmix
居合道 iaidou iaido (art of drawing the Japanese sword)sport
合宿 gatšuku lodging together, training camp, boarding housesuru
お見合い結婚 omiaikekkon marriage matchmakingai
開集合 kaišuugou open setmath
割合 wariai percentagejlpt3, math
雨合羽 amegappa raincoatfuku
割合に wariaini ratejlpt4
歩合 buai rate, ratio, commission, percentage, poundagemix
合格率 goukakuricu ratio of successful applicants, (examination) pass rateshigoto
合理的 gouriteki rational, reasonable, logicalmix
試合場 šiaidžou ring, playing field, stadiummix
気合 kiai scream, yell, fighting spiritmix
集合 šuugou setmath
相合傘 aiaigasa sharing an umbrella, under one umbrellatenki
合図 aizu sign/signaljlpt3, leda1, suru
合格 goukaku success/passing (e.g. exam)/eligibility/(P)gakkou, jlpt3
合格者 goukakuša successful applicantmix
合成 gousei synthesis, composition, synthetic, composite, mixed, combined, compoundsuru
合成洗剤 gouseisenzai synthetic detergentmix
総合的 sougouteki synthetic, comprehensivemix
競い合う kisoiau to compete with, to vie forgodan, verb
問い合わせる toiawaseru to enquire, to inquire, to seek informationichidan, verb
知り合う širiau to get to know (someone), to make acquaintancegodan, verb, vintrans
組み合わせる kumiawaseru to join together/to combine/to join up/(P)ichidan, leda1, verb, vtrans
重なり合う kasanariau to lie on top of each other, to overlap, to pile upgodan, verb
試合に敗れる šiainijabureru to lose a gameichidan, verb
待ち合わせる mačiawaseru to rendezvous, to meet at a prearranged place and time, to arrange to meetichidan, verb
似合う niau to suit, to match, to become, to be likegodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
総合大学 sougoudaigaku universitymix
百円ぐらいしか持ち合わせがない。 hjakuen gurai šika močiawase ga nai. Mám jen něco kolem 100 jenů.mix
私は今月千円しか持っていない、でもこれで間に合わせなくてはいけない。 wataši ha kongecu sen'en šika motteinai,demo kore de maniawasenakute ha ikenai. Tento měsíc mám jen 1000 jenů, ale musím si s tím vystačit.mix
試合は来週まで延びた。 šiai ha raišuu made nobita. Zápas byl odložen na příští týden.mix
明日の試合の相手は弱そうです。 ašita no šiai no aite ha jowasou desu. Protivník v zítřejším zápase vypadá slabě.mix
試験を合格しました。 šiken wo goukaku šimašita. Úspěšně jsem složil zkoušku.mix
不合格になる。 fugoukaku ni naru. Neúspěšně se ucházet.mix
約束の時間に間に合うかどうか心配です。 jakusoku no džikan ni maniau kadouka šinpai desu. Mám starost, jestli to ve slíbeném čase stihnu.mix
住所を変わった場合は、すぐに学校に届けてください。 džuušo wo kawa tta baai ha , suguni gakkou ni todoke tekudasai . V případě, že změníte adresu, okamžitě informujte školu.mix
ふと顔を上げると、先生と目が合ってしまった。 futo kao wo ageru to,sensei to me ga atte šimatta. Náhodou jsem zvedl tvář a pohlédl učiteli do očí.mix
彼女と話が合わない。 kanodžo to hanaši ga awanai. Moc dobře se mi s ní nepovídá.mix
彼女と気が合わない。 kanodžo to ki ga awanai. Moc si spolu nerozumíme.mix
このスーツに合うネクタイが欲しい。 kono su-cu ni au nekutai ga hošii. Chci kravatu, které se hodí k tomuto obleku.mix
お口に合わないかもしれませんが、どうぞ召し上がってください。 okuči ni awanai kamoširemasen ga,douzo mešiagatte kudasai. Možná vám to nebude chutnat, ale klidně ochutnejte.mix
何度やり直しても計算が合わない。 nando jari naošite mo keisan ga awanai. Ať to počítám znovu a znovu, výpočet mi nevychází.mix
みんなで力を合わせて頑張りましょう。 minna de čikara wo awasete ganbarimašou. Spojme všichni své síly a snažme se.mix
手を合わせて祈りました。 te wo awasete inorimašita. Sepnul jsem ruce a modlil jsem se.mix
中年の私には、若い学生建ちと話を合わせるのは難しい。 čuunen no wataši ni ha,wakai gakusei tači to hanaši wo awaseru no ha muzukašii. Pro mě, člověka středního věku, je těžké najít společnou řeč s mladými studenty.mix
新しいスーツに合わせて靴とバッグも買った。 atarašii su-cu ni awasete kucu to baggu mo katta. Koupil jsem si boty a tašku, aby pasovaly k novému saku.mix
テレビを見て、時計の時間を合わせた。 terebi wo mite,tokei no džikan wo awaseta. Srovnal jsem čas na hodinkách podle televize.mix
パーティーで合った人に名刺を配った。 pa-teィ- de atta hito ni meiši wo kubatta. Dal jsem vizitku člověku, kterého jsem potkal na párty.mix
今日の試合は最高だった。 kjou no šiai ha saikou datta. Dnešní zápas byl nejlepší.mix
野球の試合でピッチャーが替わりました。 jakjuu no šiai de pičča- ga kawarimašita. V baseballovém utkání se vyměnili nadhazovač
付き合っている人がいる? cukiatte iru hito ga iru? Chodíš s někým?ai
君と付き合いたい。 kimi to cukiaitai. I want to go out with
まもなく試合が始まる。 mamonaku šiai ga hadžimaru. The game will be started
mingle, mixing, association, coming & going
kou, madži.waru, madži.eru, ma.džiru, madž, ma.zaru, ma.zeru, -ka.u, ka.wasu,, komogomo, kata
Main radical: 亠 (8) Radicals:
Strokes: 6 Jouyou: 2 JIS: 14450
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
名刺交換 meišikoukan výměna vizitekmix
援交 enkou (1)(abbr) dating with compensation (payments, financial support, etc.), (2)schoolgirl prostitution mix
交流 kourjuu (1)(cultural) exchange, interchange, interaction, (inter-) mingling, (social, etc.) networking, intercourse, (2)alternating current, AC suru
交差 kousa (1)crossing, intersection, (2)(genetic) crossing over suru
交番 kouban (1)police box/(n,adj-f) (2)alternation/alternating (e.g. current)/(P) jlpt5, leda1, suru
交わる madžiwaru (1)to cross, to intersect, to join, to meet, (2)to associate with, to mingle with, to consort with, (3)to have a sexual relationship, to copulate godan, verb, vintrans
交える madžieru (1)to mix, to combine, (2)to exchange (words, fire, etc.), (3)to cross (e.g. swords), to join together ichidan, verb, vtrans
交代 koutai alternation, change, relief, relay, shift, substitution (sports, etc.)suru
交際 kousai company, friendship, association, society, acquaintancesuru
交通の便 koucuunoben convenience for transportation, convenience of access (by road or rail)mix
外交 gaikou diplomacyseiji
外交官 gaikoukan diplomatseiji
交換 koukan exchange, interchange, switching, reciprocity, barter, substitution, replacement, clearing (of checks, cheques)jlpt3, suru
外交的な gaikoutekina extrovertadj, emo
交際中 kousaičuu in a relationshipmix
交差点 kousaten intersectionjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
情交 džoukou intimacy, sexual intercourseai, suru
交錯 kousaku mixture, blending, complicationsuru
性交 seikou sexual intercourseai, suru
交響曲 koukjoukjoku symphonyongaku
交じる madžiru to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with, to mingle with, to interest, to joingodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
交ざる mazaru to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with, to mingle with, to joingodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
交ぜる mazeru to mix, to stir, to blendichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
交う kau to take turns, to mingle togethergodan, verb
交通 koucuu trafficjlpt4
交通機関 koucuukikan transportation facilitiesmix
広場で人間と動物が交ざっていました。 hiroba de ningen to doubucu ga mazatteimašita. Na náměstí se promíchali lidi se zvířatama.baka
まっすぐ行って、二番目の交差点を右へ曲がると、左にあります。 massugu itte,nibanme no kousaten wo migi he magaru to,hidari ni arimasu. Když půjdete rovně a na druhé křižovatce zahnete doprava, bude to nalevo.mix
名刺を交換する。 meiši wo koukan suru. Vyměnit si vizitky.mix
交渉が滞る koošoogatodokooru anglicky
大きい落石が交通を妨げている ookiirakusekigakoucuuwosamatageteiru anglickymix
bureau, board, office, affair, conclusion, court lady, lady-in-waiting, her apartment
kjoku, cubone
Main radical: 尸 (44) Radicals:
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 13897
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
結局 kekkjoku after all, eventually, in the endmix
放送局 housoukjoku broadcasting officemix
関税局 kanzeikjoku customs officemix
終局 šuukjoku end/close/conclusion/denouement/finale/end of a game of go/(P)adj, leda1
外局 gaikjoku forcemath
郵便局員 juubinkjokuin mail clerk/post-office clerk/post-office worker/postal employee/postal workerjlpt3
~局 kjoku one game (checkers, etc.)counter
薬局 jakkjoku pharmacybyouki, mise
政局 seikjoku political situationmix
郵便局 juubinkjoku post officejlpt5
request, want, wish for, require, demand
kjuu, gu, moto.meru
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 13665
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
追求 cuikjuu (1)pursuing (goal), pursuit, seeking, search, (vs) (2)to pursue (e.g. goal), to seek mix
求める motomeru (1)to want/to wish for/ (2)to request/to demand/ (3)to seek/to search for/to pursue (pleasure)/to hunt (a job)/ (4)(pol) to purchase/to buy/(P) ichidan, verb, vtrans
木に縁って魚を求む kinijotteuowomotomu (id) to be unable to accomplish something because one has chosen the wrong method, to ask for the impossible, to look for fish by climbing a tree (Mencius)baka
希求 kikjuu aspiring to, seek, demand, ask forsuru
請求書 seikjuušo bill, job invoicemix
欲求 jokkjuu desiresuru
欲求不満 jokkjuufuman frustrationemo
祈り求める inorimotomeru to pray forichidan, verb
fold, break, fracture, bend, yield, submit
secu,, ori, o.ri, -o.ri, o.reru, seki
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals:
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 16478
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
右折 usecu odbočení dopravaleda1
左折 sasecu odbočení dolevaleda1
折半 seppan rozdělení na polovinyleda1
屈折 kussecu (1)bending, indentation, (2)refraction, (3)inflection, (4)warping (e.g. of opinion, reasoning, etc.), distortion suru
屈折の法則 kussecunohousoku (obsc) law of refractionmix
骨折 kossecu bone fracturebyouki
折曲厳禁 orimagegenkin do not fold, do not bendmix
折り畳み oritatami folding (desk, chair)mix
折紙 origami origamimix
折り紙 origami origamimix
夭折 jousecu premature deathsuru
折る oru to break or to foldgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
折れる oreru to break, snapichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
紙を折ってください。 kami wo oritte kudasai. Fold the paper, please.mix
枝が折れなかった。 edagaorenakatta. The branch did not break.baka, shokubutsu
decide, fix, agree upon, appoint
kecu, ki.meru,, ki.maru, sa.ku
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 14184
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
多数決 tasuukecu rozhodnutí většinyleda1
決まり kimari (1)rule, regulation, (2)settlement, conclusion, end, agreement, arrangement, (3)habit, custom, habitual way, (4)countenance in front of another person, face, (5)(arch) love relationship between a jlpt3
決まる kimaru be decidedgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
決定 kettei decision, determinationmix
kecu decision/vote/(P)mix
決断力のある kecudanrjokunoaru decisiveadj, emo
決して ketšite definitely, by no means, not at alljlpt3, jlpt4
決心 ketšin determination, resolutionsuru
判決 hankecu judicial decision, judgement, judgment, sentence, decreesuru
準決勝 džunketšou semifinal (in sports)mix
決済 kessai settlement, payment of accountsuru
解決 kaikecu settlement, solution, resolutionjlpt3, suru
決める kimeru to decideichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
上司に相談してから、決定します。 džouši ni soudan šite kara,kettei šimasu. Probereme to se šéfem, a pak rozhodneme.mix
母の介護のため、退職を決めた。 haha no kaigo no tame,taišoku wo kimeta. Matka se kvůli péči o dítě rozhodla odejít z práce.mix
発表の順番を決めた。 happjou no džunban wo kimeta. Pořadí prezentací se stanovilo.mix
take, fetch, take up
šu,, to.ri, to.ri-, tori, -do.ri, doru
Main radical: 又 (29) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 15464
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
聞き取り kikitori náslech, poslechleda1
書き取り kakitori diktát (ve škole)gakkou, leda1
取組 torikumi (1)bout (in sports, etc.)/match/ (2)effort/initiative/dealing with/grappling with/wrestling with leda1
取れる toreru (1)to come off/to be removed/ (2)(of pain, a fever, etc.) to disappear/ (3)to be caught/to be harvested/ (4)to be interpreted (as)/to be taken as/ (5)(of balance, etc.) to be attained/ (6)to be obtai ichidan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
受け取る uketoru (1)to receive, to get, to accept, (2)to take, to interpret, to understand godan, verb, vtrans
取り上げる toriageru (1)to take up, to pick up, (2)to accept, to adopt, to listen to, (3)to disqualify, to confiscate, to deprive, (4)to adopt (child) ichidan, verb, vtrans
取る toru (1)to take/to pick up/to harvest/to earn/to choose/ (2)to steal/ (3)to eat/to have (a meal)/ (4)to remove (one's glasses, etc.)/ (5)to compete (in sumo, cards, etc.)/to play/(P) godan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
取り敢えず toriaezu (uk) at once, first of all, for the time being, for nowmix
取得 šutoku acquisition; (n) worth, redeeming feature, merit, gain, profitsuru
取り消し torikeši cancellation, withdrawal, abolition, revocation, cancel, CANmix
取材 šuzai collecting data (e.g. for a newspaper article)/covering an event/(P)leda1, suru
やり取り jaritori giving and taking/exchange (of letters)/arguing back and forth/(conversational) exchange/(P)jlpt3, suru
取っ手 totte handle/grip/knob/(P)mix
取り込み中 torikomičuu in the middle of something, busymix
取調べ toriširabe investigation (e.g. by police or prosecutors), examination, inquiry, enquirymix
尻取 širitori Japanese word-chain game, cap versesmix
間取り madori plan of a house, arrangement of roomsjlpt3
取捨選択 šušasentaku selection, making a choice, sifting, decision to adopt or rejectsuru
窃取 setšu theft, stealing, larcenysuru
取り替える torikaeru to exchangeichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
年を取る toši wo toru to grow old/to agegodan, hito, verb
取り組む torikumu to tackle/to wrestle with/to engage in a bout/to come to grips with/to make effort/to strive for/to deal with/(P)godan, leda1, verb, vintrans
取り戻す torimodosu to take back, to regain, to get back, to recovergodan, verb, vtrans
取り込む torikomu to take in, to capture (e.g. image), to introduce, to be busy, to adopt (e.g. behavior)godan, verb
拭き取る fukitoru to wipe off/to wipe upgodan, verb, vtrans
鳥取県 tottoriken Tottori prefecture (Chuugoku area)namae
取引 torihiki transactions, dealings, businesssuru
奪取 datšu usurpation, taking back, dispossessionsuru
何時から何時まで漢字の連取をしていたと思いますか。 nandži kara nandži made kandži no renšuu wo šiteita to omoimasuka. Od kolika do kolika hodin si myslíš, že se učil kandži?mix
家を建てるため、私と建築家は沢山のやり取りをしました。 ie wo tateru tame,wataši to kenčikuka ha takusan no jaritori wo šimašita. Kvůli stavbě domu jsme s architektem hodně komunikovali.mix
休憩を取る。 kjuukei wo toru. Dát si pauzu.mix
レジでお金を払って、レシートを受け取る。 redži de okane wo haratte,reši-to wo uketoru. U pokladny zaplatíte a dostanete účtenku.mix
免許を取る。 menkjo wo toru. Získat licenci.mix
クラスで最低の点を取ってしまった。 kurasu de saitei no ten wo totte šimatta. Dostal jsem nejméně bodů ve třídě.mix
know, wisdom
či, š, ši.raseru, sato, satoru, širi, šire, tomo, nori
Main radical: 矢 (111) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 2 JIS: 17230
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
知恵 čie (1)wisdom, wit, sagacity, sense, intelligence, (2)(Buddh) prajna (insight leading to enlightenment) mix
汝自らを知れ nandžimizukarawošire (arch) Know thyselfmix
ご存知 gozondži (1)(hon) knowing, (2)(an) acquaintance mix
知り合い širiai acquaitancejlpt3, mix
愛知県 aičiken Aichi prefecture (Chuubu area)namae
人知を超えた džinčiwokoeta beyond human understandingmix
告知板 kokučiban bulletin boardmix
周知 šuuči common knowledge, (something) well-knownsuru
承知 šouči consent, agreejlpt4
探知機 tančiki detector, locatormix
予知 joči foresight/foreknowledge/intimation/premonition/prediction/(P)leda1, suru
知人 čidžin friend, acquaintancemix
知的な čitekina intellectualadj, emo
知的 čiteki intellectualmix
知的好奇心 čitekikoukišin intellectual curiosity, out of curiosity, inquisitivenessmix
知識 čišiki knowledge, informationjlpt3, mix
高知県 koučiken Kouchi (Kochi) prefecture (Shikoku)namae
未知の miči no not yet knownmix
未知 miči not yet knownmix
知らせ širase notice, notificationjlpt3
通知 cuuči notice, notification, report, postingsuru
県知事 kenčidži prefectural governorseiji, shigoto
府知事 fučidži prefectural governorseiji, shigoto
知り合う širiau to get to know (someone), to make acquaintancegodan, verb, vintrans
知る širu to know, to understand, to be acquainted with, to feelgodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
知らせる širaseru to let know, to inform, to tellichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
親知らず ojaširazu wisdom toothmix
彼は英国文化についての知識 を 深める ため に 英国 へ 行った。 kareha eikoku bunka nicuite no čišiki wo fukame rutameni eikoku he itta. Jel do Anglie, aby si prohloubil znalosti její kultury.mix
「知らないの?森の向こう、湖のそばにある小さい家に一人で住んでいるのよ。」 「širanaino? mori no mukou,mizuumi no soba ni aru čiisai uči ni hitori de sundeiru no jo.」 To nevíš? Žije v malém domku u jezera za lesem.akazukinchan
いい知らせがあるんだ。 ii širase ga arun da. Mám dobré zprávy.mix
pour, irrigate, shed (tears), flow into, concentrate on, notes, comment, annotate
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 17261
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不注意な fučuuina nedbalý, nepozornýjlpt3
注ぐ sosogu (1)to pour (into), to fill, (2)to sprinkle on from above, to shed (e.g. tears), (3)to concentrate one's spirit or strength on, (v5g,vi) (4)to fall onto (of rain, snow); (uk) (usu. written as kana godan, verb, vtrans
注意する čuuisuru advise, pay attentionjlpt4, suru, verb
注意深い čuuibukai carefuladj
不注意 fučuui carelessness, inattention, thoughtlessnessjlpt3
注射 čuuša injectbyouki, jlpt4
点滴注射 tentekičuuša intravenous drip infusionbyouki
注目 čuumoku notice, attention, observationjlpt3, suru
注文 čuumon order, requestjlpt3
注意 čuui remarkjlpt4, math
注意を引く čuuiwohiku to attract attentiongodan, verb
注意を逸らす čuuiwosorasu to distract a person's attentiongodan, verb
注意を注ぐ čuuiwososogu to pay attentiongodan, verb
注文の品が届きました。 čuumon no hin ga todoki mašita . Objednané zboří dorazilo.mix
喫茶店でコーヒーを注文した。 kissaten de ko-hi- wo čuumon šita. V kavárně jsem si objednal kávu.mix
注文をする。 čuumon wo suru. Objednat si.mix
工事を早くするように注文をつける。 koudži wo hajaku suru jou ni čuumon wo cukeru. Dejte rozkaz k urychlení stavebních prací.mix
注文をとる。 čuumon wo toru. Vzít objednávku.mix
火事のときは、煙に注意して逃げて下さい。 kadži no toki ha,kemuri ni čuui šite nigete kudasai. V případě požáru dávejte pozor na kouř a utečte.mix
この川は湖に注いでいる konokawahamizuuminisosoideiru anglicky
火に油を注ぐ hiniaburawososogu to make things worse, to stir things up, lit: to add fuel to the firegodan, verb
accept, receive, undergo, answer (phone), take, get, catch
džu, u.keru,, u.karu, džo
Main radical: 又 (29) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 15477
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
受身 ukemi (1)the defensive, (2)passive attitude, passivity, passiveness, (3)(ling) the passive, passive voice, (4)(MA) ukemi (the art of falling safely) mix
受け取る uketoru (1)to receive, to get, to accept, (2)to take, to interpret, to understand godan, verb, vtrans
受動態 džudoutai (ling) passive voicemix
受け手 ukete (referring to a person) receiver, receiving side, viewer, listenermix
天宇受売命 amenouzume Ame no Uzume, goddess of dawn and revelrykami
受験者 džukenša examineemix
受付 ukecuke receptionjlpt4
受験 džuken taking an examinationsuru
受け継ぐ ukecugu to inherit, to succeed, to take overgodan, verb, vtrans
受かる ukaru to pass (examination)godan, verb, vintrans
受ける ukeru to take a lesson or testichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
受賞 džušou winning (a prize)suru
妊娠検査を受けました。 ninšin kensa wo ukemašita. Podstoupila jsem těhotenský
受験者の面接を行う。 džukenša no mensecu wo okonau. Konat pohovor se zkoušeným.mix
レジでお金を払って、レシートを受け取る。 redži de okane wo haratte,reši-to wo uketoru. U pokladny zaplatíte a dostanete účtenku.mix
arrival, proceed, reach, attain, result in
Main radical: 刀 (18) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 17790
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
到る itaru (1)to arrive at (e.g. a decision), to reach (a stage), to attain, (2)to lead to (a place), to get to, (3)(arch) to come, to arrive, to result in godan, verb, vintrans
到底 toutei (cannot) possibly, no matter howmix
到着 toučaku arrivalsuru
到着予定時刻 toučakujoteidžikoku estimated time of arrival, ETAmix
到達 toutacu reaching, attaining, arrivalsuru
周到 šuutou scrupulous, meticulous, carefulmix
到着駅 toučakueki station of arrival, destinationryokou
wish, sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, attention
Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals:
Z variant: 念 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 18224
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
観念 kannen (1)idea, notion, conception, (2)sense (e.g. of duty), (3)resignation, preparedness, acceptance, (4)(Buddh) observation and contemplation suru
残念 zannen bad luck, regret, disappointmentjlpt4
入念 njuunen careful, elaborate, scrupulousmix
記念 kinen commemoration, memorysuru
概念 gainen general idea, concept, notionmix
怨念 onnen grudge, malice, hatredmix
記念日 kinenbi holiday, anniversary, memorial daymix
理念 rinen ideamix
念願 nengan one's heart's desire, earnest petitionsuru
nen sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, concern, attention, caregodan, suru, verb, vtrans
クトナー・ホラのビールは500年の伝統がありましたが、閉店してしまったのはとても残念です。 kutona-・hora no bi-ru ha 500nen no dentou ga arimašita ga,heiten šite šimatta noha totemo zannen desu. Kutnohorské pivo má tradici dlouhou pětset let, ale pivovar byl bohužel nedávno zavřen.baka
overnight, put up at, ride at anchor, 3-day stay
haku, to.maru, to.meru, tomari, hacu
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Z variant: 泺 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 18289
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
停泊 teihaku anchorage, mooringssuru
漂泊する hjouhaku suru blanching, bleachingsuru
泊まる tomaru to lodge atgodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
push, stop, check, subdue, attach, seize, weight, shove, press, seal, do in spite of
ou,, o.ši-, o.t-, o.saeru, osa.eru, oši, osu, oja
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 12833
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
押し出す ošidasu (1)to crowd out, to push out, to squeeze out, (2)to start together, to set out en masse, (3)to highlight, to draw attention to godan, verb, vtrans
押さえる osaeru (1)to pin something down, to hold something down, to hold something back, to stop, to restrain, to curb, (2)to seize, to grasp, to arrest, (3)to gain control of something, to govern, to keep down ( ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
押印 ouin affixing one's sealsuru
押し入れ ošiire closetjlpt4, uchi
押入れ ošiire closetuchi
押韻 ouin rhymingsuru
押す osu to push, to stamp somethinggodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
ボタンを押すと、お金が出ます。 botan wo osu to,okane ga demasu. Když stiskneš tlačítko, vylezou peníze.mix
あれを押すと、どうなりますか? are wo osu to,dou narimasuka? Když támhleto zmáčneš, co se stane?mix
あの人はお腹を押さえて座っている。腹痛だそうだ。 ano hito ha onaka wo osaete suwatteiru. fukucuu da sou da. Ten člověk má ruce položené na břiše a sedí. Říká, že ho bolí břicho.mix
後ろの人のためにドアを押さえて待った。 uširo no hito no tame ni doa wo osaete matta. Počkal jsem na člověka vzadu a podržel mu dveře.mix
書類に判を押す。 šorui ni han wo osu. Otisknout razítko na dokument.mix
fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed
ka, ha.tasu,, -ha.tasu, ha.teru, -ha.teru, ha.te, mi
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 12876
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
果物の皮 kudamono no kawa slupka ovocemix
果たして hatašite (1)as was expected, just as one thought, sure enough, as a result, (2)really? (in questions), ever? mix
果報 kahou (1)good fortune, luck, happiness, (2)(Buddh) vipaka (retribution) mix
果たす hatasu (1)to accomplish, to achieve, to carry out, to fulfill, to fulfil, to realize, to execute, to perform, to do, (suf,v5s) (2)to do ... completely, to do ... entirely godan, verb, vtrans
因果 inga cause and effect, karma, fatemix
ドップラー効果 doppura-kouka Doppler effectmix
効果 kouka effect, effectiveness, efficacy, resultjlpt3
効果的 koukateki effective, successfulmix
無花果 ičidžiku figryouri, shokubutsu
果物 kudamono fruitjlpt5, ryouri
果物屋 kudamonoja fruit store, fruit dealer, fruit seller, fruiterer, fruiteressmise
果実 kadžicu fruit, nut, berrymix
温室効果 onšicukouka greenhouse effectmix
トケイソウの果実 tokuisounokadžicu passion fruitshokubutsu
圧電効果 acudenkouka piezoelectric effectmix
結果 kekka resultsjlpt3, math
成果 seika results, fruitsmix
果て hate the end, the extremity, the limit, the limits, the resultmix
バナナ以外果物が好きです。 banana igai kudamono ga suki desu. Mám rád ovoce kromě banánů.ryouri
happenstance, especially, intentionally, reason, cause, circumstances, the late, therefore, consequently
ko, jue
Main radical: 支 (66) Radicals:
Strokes: 9 Jouyou: 5 JIS: 14414
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
故意 koi (1)intention, purpose, bad faith, (2)mens rea (guilty mind) mix
何故 naze; nanijue (uk) why, how; (uk) why, howmix
事故 džiko accidentjlpt3, jlpt4
故郷 furusato birthplacejlpt3, mix
故障 košou breakdownjlpt3, jlpt4
故郷 kokjou home town, birthplace, old village, historic village, native place, one's old home; home town, birthplace, old village, historic village, native place, one's old homejlpt3
故障中 košoučuu out-of-ordermix
何故か nazeka somehow, for some reason, without knowing whymix
故障する košousuru to break-downjlpt4, suru, verb
事故の後に車が焼けた。 džiko no ato ni kuruma ga jaketa. Po něhodě auto shořelo.mix
仕事が忙しくて、もう何年も故郷に帰っていません。 šigoto ga isogašikute,mou nannen mo kokjou ni kaette imasen. Mám moc práce, proto jsem se už několik let nedostal do rodného města.mix
私は故郷での就職を希望している。 wataši ha furusato de no šuušoku wo kibou šiteiru. Doufám, že najdu zaměstnání ve svém rodišti.mix
PCの故障で仕事が滞ってしまった pcnokošoodešigotogatodokoottešimatta anglickymix
inter-, mutual, together, each other, minister of state, councillor, aspect, phase, physiognomy
sou, šou, ai-, a, i, ou, sa, saga, suke
Main radical: 目 (109) Radicals:
Strokes: 9 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 16746
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
相手選手 aitesenšu protihráčsport
相互補完的 sougohokanteki doplňkovýmix
相当 soutou (1)befitting, becoming, worthy of, proportionate, in keeping with, suitable, (2)considerable, substantial, (vs) (3)to be worthy of, to be proportionate to, (4)to correspond to (in meaning, functio suru
相手 aite (1)companion, partner, company, (2)other party, addressee, (3)opponent (sports, etc.) jlpt3
相似 soudži (1)resemblance, likeness, similitude, (2)(mathematical) similarity, (3)(biological) analogy suru
相撲 sumou (1)sumo wrestling, (2)(abbr) sumo wrestler, rikishi; (3)sumo wrestling, (4)(abbr) sumo wrestler, rikishi mix
相談相手 soudan'aite adviser, someone to consult with, someone to turn to about one's concerns, confidantmix
食塩相当量 šokuensoutourjou amount of saltmix
相変わらず aikawarazu as ever, as usual, the samejlpt3
相談 soudan consultation, discussionsuru
血相 kessou expression/looksleda1
形相 gjousou; keisou look (esp. an angry or upset look), expression; form (esp. in Aristotelian philosophy)mix
結婚相手 kekkon'aite marriage partner, spousemix
文部科学相 monbukagakušou Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technologymix
相互理解 sougorikai mutual understandingsuru
相互 sougo mutual, reciprocalmix
新首相 šinšušou new prime ministermix
手相 tesou palm readingsuru
人相 ninsou physiognomy, looks, countenancemix
可哀相 kawaisou poor, pitiable, pathetic, pitifulmix
首相 šušou Prime Minister/Chancellor (Germany, Austria, etc.)/Premier/(P)leda1
相合傘 aiaigasa sharing an umbrella, under one umbrellatenki
相続 souzoku succession, inheritancesuru
相応 souou suitability, fitnessmix
相対性理論 soutaiseiriron The Theory of Relativitymix
相談する soudansuru to discussjlpt4, suru, verb
首相はお金が足りないと言いました。 šušou ha okane ga tarinai to iimašita. Premiér řekl, že peníze nestačí.mix
時間があったら、友達と相撲を見に行きます。 džikan ga attara,tomodači to sumou wo mi ni ikimasu. Pokud budu mít čas, půjdu se s kamarády podívat na sumo.mix
上司に相談してから、決定します。 džouši ni soudan šite kara,kettei šimasu. Probereme to se šéfem, a pak rozhodneme.mix
明日の試合の相手は弱そうです。 ašita no šiai no aite ha jowasou desu. Protivník v zítřejším zápase vypadá slabě.mix
相手選手のボールが速いので、ラケットに当てるのも大変だ。 aitesenšu no bo-ru ga hajai node,raketto ni ateru no mo taihen da. Protihráčův míč je rychlý, proto je obtížné trefit ho raketou.mix
finger, point to, indicate, put into, play (chess), measure (ruler)
ši, jubi,, -sa.ši, i, ibu, saši, sasu
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals:
Strokes: 9 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 15192
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
小指 kojubi malíčekhito, leda1
指向する šikousuru ukazovat namix
目指し mezaši (1)aim, goal, purpose, (2)look, eyes, expression of eyes mix
指す sasu (1)to point, (2)to nominate, to select someone, to specify some person, (3)to identify, to indicate, to point out godan, verb, vtrans
指輪物語 jubiwamonogatari (finger) ring/(P)namae
目指してる mezaši teru anglicky
指揮者 šikiša conductor (musical)ongaku, shigoto
指定 šitei designation, specification, assignment, appointment, pointing atsuru
指数関数 šisuukansuu exponentialmath
jubi fingerhito, jlpt4
指紋 šimon fingerprinthito
指先 jubisaki fingertiphito, leda1
人差し指 hitosašijubi index fingerhito, jlpt3
指示 šidži indication, instruction, designation, directionssuru
指関節 jubikansecu knucklehito
屈指 kutši leading, foremost, preeminent, outstanding, one of the bestmix
中指 nakajubi middle fingerhito
指摘 šiteki pointing out, identificationsuru
指定席 šiteiseki reserved seatryokou
指輪 jubiwa ringfuku, jlpt3, jlpt4
薬指 kusurijubi ring finger, third fingermix
指導教官 šidoukjoukan supervisormath
指輪の仲間 jubiwa no nakama The Fellowship of the Ringnamae
親指 ojajubi thumbhito
目指す mezasu to aim at, to have an eye ongodan, verb, vtrans
指差す jubisasu to point atgodan, verb, vtrans
足指 ašijubi toehito
wash, inquire into, probe
sen, ara.u, arai, rai
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Strokes: 9 Jouyou: 6 JIS: 16502
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
全自動洗濯機 zendžidousentakuki plně automatická pračkadenki
洗脳 sennou brainwashingsuru
洗濯物 sentakumono clothes to be washed, the washingmix
洗熊 araiguma common raccoon (Procyon lotor)doubutsu
洗濯粉 sentakuko detergentmix
洗剤 senzai detergent, washing materialjlpt3
エコ洗剤 ekosenzai eco detergentmix
洗濯籠 sentakukago laundry basketmix
洗練された senren sareta polish, refinementall
洗練 senren polish, refinementsuru
洗い熊 araiguma racoondoubutsu
合成洗剤 gouseisenzai synthetic detergentmix
洗う arau to washgodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
お手洗い otearai toilet, restroom, lavatory, bathroom (US)jlpt5
洗い濯ぎ araisusugi washing and rinsing, cleaningmix
洗濯機 sentakuki washing machinedenki, uchi
洗い場 araiba washing placegodan, verb, vintrans
洗濯 sentaku washing, laundryfuku, jlpt5
洗面所 senmendžo washroom, bathroommix
洗濯物を日に当てて乾かす。 sentakumono wo hi ni atete kawakasu. Dát prádlo na slunce a nechat ho uschnout.mix
洗剤で食器を洗った。 senzai de šokki wo aratta. Umyl jsem nádobí mycím prostředkem.mix
discharge, departure, publish, emit, start from, disclose, counter for gunshots
hacu, hocu,, aba.ku,, cuka.wasu,, ba, wa
Main radical: 癶 (105) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 9 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 18479
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
発見 hakken objevjlpt3, leda1
発言 hacugen výrok, prohlášení, projevleda1
発明 hacumei vynálezjlpt3, leda1
始発 šihacu první ranní spojleda1, ryokou, shigoto
原発 genpacu (1)(abbr) nuclear power plant, nuclear power generation, (adj-no,n,vs) (2)primary (e.g. primary immunodeficiency syndrome) denki
発展 hatten (1)development, growth, advancement, unfurling, (2)expansion, extension, enlargement, (3)playing around, having an active sex life suru
発掘 hakkucu (1)excavation, exhumation, (2)discovery (e.g. new talent) suru
発行 hakkou (1)issue (publications), publishing, (2)raising an event (software) suru
発泡酒 happoušu (1)sparkling wine, (2)low-malt beer mix
発つ tacu (1)to depart (on a plane, train, etc.) godan, verb, vintrans
反発 hanpacu (1)to repel/to oppose/to revolt/to react sharply (against)/(n) (2)opposition/rebellion/resistance/backlash/ (3)rally/recovery (e.g. in stock prices)/rebound/(vs) (4)to rally/to recover/to rebound/( leda1, suru
誘発 juuhacu cause, induce, lead up tosuru
発効 hakkou coming into effectsuru
出発 šuppacu departjlpt4, leda1, ryokou
発展途上国 hattentodžoukoku developing countrymix
開発 kaihacu development, exploitationsuru
発達 hattacu development, growthjlpt3, suru
発信 hatšin dispatch, despatch, transmission, submissionsuru
発揮 hakki exhibition, demonstration, show, display, manifestationsuru
爆発 bakuhacu explosion, detonation, eruptionkagaku, sensou
摘発 tekihacu exposing, unmasking, laying baresuru
発射 hatša firing, shooting, discharge, catapult, ejaculation (sl)suru
発泡 happou foamingsuru
頻発 hinpacu frequency, frequent occurrencesuru
発電 hacuden generation (e.g. power)suru
発動 hacudou invoke (law), put into operationsuru
終発 šuuhacu last departure (of a train, bus, etc.)/last train/last busleda1, ryokou
近日発売 kindžicuhacubai on sale soon, coming soonmix
発電所 hacudenšo power plant, power stationmix
発表 happjou presentationmath
発売禁止 hacubaikinši prohibition of salemix
発音 hacuon pronunciationbunpou, jlpt4, leda1
研究開発所 kenkjuukaihacušo R & D centershigoto
発疹 hatšin rashbyouki
火力発電所 karjokuhacudenšo thermal power station (i.e. using combustion)mix
出発する šuppacusuru to departjlpt4, suru, verb
すぐに出発したらどうですか? sugu ni šuppacušitara dou desuka? Co takhle vyrazit hned?ryokou
大都市は地下の開発が進んでいる。 daitoši ha čika no kaihacu ga susundeiru. Velká města pokračují ve využívání podzemí.mix
発表の順番を決めた。 happjou no džunban wo kimeta. Pořadí prezentací se stanovilo.mix
mask, face, features, surface
men, ben, omo, omote, cura, o, zura, hoocuki, mo
Main radical: 面 (176) Radicals:
Traditional: 麵 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 9 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 19532
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
面目 menboku prestižleda1
正面 šoumen průčelíleda1
生真面目 kimadžime velice vážnýleda1
方面 houmen (1)direction, district, area, (2)field (e.g. of study) ryokou
満面 manmen (the) whole facemix
面積 menseki areamix
矢面 jaomote bearing the full brunt of somethingmix
面倒くさい mendoukusai bother(some) to do, tiresome; bother(some) to do, tiresomeadj
凸面 tocumen convex surface, convexmix
地面 džimen earthshizen
顔面 ganmen face (of person)mix
面影 omokage face, looks, vestiges, tracemix
初対面 šotaimen first meeting, first interview withmix
面白い omoširoi interestingadj, leda1
界面 kaimen interfacemix
面接 mensecu interviewjlpt3, jlpt3, shigoto
面接官 mensecukan interviewer (for job, school, etc. interviews)mix
面会 menkai meeting (face-to-face), interviewsuru
反面 hanmen on the other hand/(P)leda1
表面的 hjoumenteki on the surfacemix
真面目な madžime na one's true character, one's true self, oneself, seriousness, earnestness; one's true character, one's true self, oneself, seriousness, earnestness; (adj-na,n) diligent, serious, honest, sober, grave, mix
路面 romen road surfacemix
場面 bamen scene, setting (e.g. of novel)jlpt3
几帳面な kičoumenna scrupulousadj, emo
臆面 okumen shy facemix
側面 sokumen side, flank, sidelight, lateralmix
表面 hjoumen surfacejlpt3, math
表面積 hjoumenseki surface areamath
画面 gamen terminal screen, scene, picture, the field (in TV), photojlpt3
面倒 mendou trouble/difficulty/care/attention/(P)jlpt3
面倒な mendouna troublesomejlpt3
七面鳥 šičimenčou turkeydoubutsu
洗面所 senmendžo washroom, bathroommix
今日、会社の人との面接があります。 kjou,kaiša no hito to no mensecu ga arimasu. Dnes mám pohovor s lidmi z firmy.mix
受験者の面接を行う。 džukenša no mensecu wo okonau. Konat pohovor se zkoušeným.mix
先生が学生を面接する。 sensei ga gakusei wo mensecu suru. Učitel zkouší (zpovídá) studenta.mix
面接では1分の遅刻も許されない。 mensecu deha 1ppun no čikoku mo jurusarenai. Ani minutové zpoždění nelze u pohovoru odpustit.mix
パソコンの仮面をずっと見ていると、目が疲れる。 pasokon no kamen wo zutto miteiru to,me ga cukareru. Když dlouho koukám na počítačovou obrazovku, unaví se mi oči.mix
映画の前半.は退屈だったが、後半.は面白かった。 eiga no zenhan .ha taikucu datta ga,kouhan.ha omoširokatta. První půlka filmu byla nudná, ale druhá byla zajímavá.mix
この映画は最高に面白い。 kono eiga ha saikou ni omoširoi. Tento film je velmi zajímavý.mix
鹿に餌をやるのは面白いです šikaniesawojarunohaomoširoidesu anglicky
円の表面積は2πrである。 en no hjoumenseki ha 2paia-ru dearu. Surface area of a circle is 2πr.math
hurry, emergency, sudden, steep
Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals:
Strokes: 9 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 13662
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
急ぎ足 isogiaši rychlá chůzeleda1
急に kjuuni (1)swiftly, rapidly, (2)suddenly, abruptly, immediately jlpt3, mix
救急車 kjuukjuuša ambulancebyouki, ryokou
急増 kjuuzou explosion, proliferation, surgesuru
急行 kjuukou express trainjlpt4, leda1, ryokou
急ぎ isogi haste, hurry, expedition, speed, dispatchjlpt3
急遽 kjuukjo hurriedly, in a hurrymix
特急 tokkjuu limited express train (faster than an express train)jlpt4, ryokou
準急 džunkjuu semi-express train (slower than an express), local express trainryokou
急な坂 kjuunasaka sudden drop, precipitous slopemix
急ぐ isogu to hurry (up)godan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans, vtrans
kjuu urgentjlpt3, jlpt4
急な kjuuna urgentjlpt3
至急 šikjuu urgent, pressingmix
緊急 kinkjuu urgent, pressing, emergencymix
早急 sakkjuu; soukjuu urgent; urgentmix
急がなくてもいいです。 isoganakute mo ii desu. Nemusíš pospíchat.mix
トラックは急に左へ曲がった。 torakku ha kjuu ni hidari he magatta. Náklaďák najednou zahnul doleva.mix
兎がどんなに急いでも、亀には追い付けませんでした。 usagi ga donna ni isoide mo,kame ni ha oicukemasendešita. Ať zajíc pospíchal sebevíc, nemohl želvu předehnat.usagitokame
急いでも、追い付けません。 isoide mo,oicukemasen. I když budeme pospíchat, nebudeme ho moct předstihnout.mix
狼はおばあちゃんの所に急ぎました。 ookami ha obaačan no tokoro ni isogimašita. Vlk spěchal k babiččině domu.akazukinchan
faith, truth, fidelity, trust
šin, ši, šiga, šina, šino, šibu, toki, nobi, nobu, makoto
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals:
Z variant: 伩 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 9 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 16174
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
赤信号 akašingou červená na semaforuleda1
自信 džišin sebedůvěra, sebejistotajlpt3, leda1
信仰 šinkou (religious) faith, belief, creedsuru
背信 haišin betrayal, infidelitysuru
信用 šin'jou confidence, dependence, credit, faith, reliance, belief, credencesuru
威信 išin dignity
発信 hatšin dispatch, despatch, transmission, submissionsuru
配信 haišin distribution, delivery, transmission, provisionsuru
青信号 aošingou green lightmix
通信販売 cuušinhanbai mail ordermix
日本電信電話株式会社 nippondenšindenwakabušikigaiša Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, NTTnamae
織田信長 odanobunaga Oda Nobunaga (daimyo from Sengoku period)sensou
信頼 šinrai reliance, trust, faith, confidencesuru
返信 henšin replysuru
迷信 meišin superstitionmix
信じる šindžiru to believe, to believe in, to place trust in, to confide in, to have faith inichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
信号 šingou traffic lights/signal/semaphore/(P)leda1, suru
信号機 šingouki traffic signaldenki
送信 soušin transmission, sendingsuru
彼は父の信頼に背いた karehačičinošinrainisomuita anglicky
私は神を信じる。 wataši ha kami wo šindžiru. I believe in God.kami
promise, approximately, shrink
Main radical: 糸 (120) Radicals:
Simplified: 约 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 9 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 19571
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
jaku (1)approximately/about/(n) (2)promise/ (3)shortening/reduction/simplification/ (4)(ling) contraction (in phonetics)/(P) mix
公約数 koujakusuu common factorsmath
契約 keijaku contract, compact, agreementjlpt3, suru
節約 secujaku economising, savingjlpt3
婚約 kon'jaku engagement, betrothalsuru
約束 jakusoku promisejlpt3, jlpt4
予約 jojaku reservationjlpt4, ryokou
最大公約数 saidaikoujakusuu the highest common factormath
予約をしたのに、チケットが買えません。 jojaku wo šita noni,čiketto ga kaemasen. Lístek jsem si nemohl koupit i přes to, že jsem provedl rezervaci.ryokou
レストランの予約がしてあります。 resutoran no jojaku ga šite arimasu. Restaurace je zarezervována.ryouri
あなたは約束を破ってはいけない。 anata ha jakusoku wo jabutte ha ikenai. Nesmíš porušit ten slib.mix
約束は破られた。 jakusoku ha jaburareta. Slib byl porušen.mix
友達は約束は破った。 tomodači ha jakusoku ha jabutta. Kamarád porušil slib.mix
約束を守る。 jakusoku wo mamoru. Dodržet slib.mix
約束を破る。 jakusoku wo jaburu. Porušit slib.mix
彼と結婚の約束をした。 kare to kekkon no jakusoku wo šita. Slíbila mu, že si ho vezme.mix
再会を約束して別れた。 saikai wo jakusokušite wakareta. Slíbili jsme si, že se znovu potkáme, a rozešli jsme se.mix
約束の時間に間に合うかどうか心配です。 jakusoku no džikan ni maniau kadouka šinpai desu. Mám starost, jestli to ve slíbeném čase stihnu.mix
約束の時間に遅刻してしまった。 jakusoku no džikan ni čikoku šite šimatta. Přišel jsem později, než jsme se domluvili.mix
take along, lead, join, connect, party, gang, clique
ren, cura.naru, cura.neru, cu.reru,, zure, cure, muradži, re
Main radical: 辵 (162) Radicals:
Simplified: 连 non japanese kanji
Z variant: 連 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 10 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 20258
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
常連 džouren (1)regular customer, regular patron, frequenter, (2)constant companion mix
一連 ičiren (1)series, chain, sequence, (n) (2)two reams (i.e. 1000 sheets of paper), (3)verse, stanza mix
連合軍 rengougun (WWII) the Allies, allied forcesmix
連想 rensou association (of ideas), being reminded (of something), suggestionsuru
連打 renda barrage/(P)leda1, suru
連中 rendžuu; renčuu colleagues, company, a lot, those guys (slightly impolite); colleagues, company, a lot, those guys (slightly impolite)mix
連邦 renpou commonwealth, federation of states, confederation, unionmix
連休 renkjuu consecutive holidaysmix
連絡 renraku contactjlpt4
連絡先 renrakusaki contact addressmix
連続関数 renzokukansuu continuous functionmath
連歌 renga early Japanese poetry form, poetic dialoguemix
欧州連合 oušuurengou European Union, EUmix
連日 rendžicu every day, prolongedmix
常連客 džourenkjaku regular customermix
関連 kanren relation, connection, relevancesuru
連続 renzoku serial, consecutive, continuity, occurring in succession, continuingsuru
連載 rensai serialization, serialisation, serial storysuru
連れる cureru to bringichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb
連れ戻す curemodosu to bring backgodan, verb
連れて行く cureteiku to take someone (of lower status) along/(P)godan, verb
国連 kokuren UN, United Nationsmix
何時から何時まで漢字の連取をしていたと思いますか。 nandži kara nandži made kandži no renšuu wo šiteita to omoimasuka. Od kolika do kolika hodin si myslíš, že se učil kandži?mix
私は田中さんに大阪城へ連れて行ってもらいました。 wataši ha tanaka san ni oosaka džou he cureteitte moraimašita. Pan Tanaka mě vzal na Ósacký hrad.mix
午後、猟師は赤頭巾ちゃんを家まで連れて帰りました。 gogo,rjouši ha akazukinčan wo uči made curete kaerimašita. Odpoledně dovedl myslivec Karkulku domů.akazukinchan
道がすぐ分かりましたか。ええ、先生に車で連れて来ていただきました。 miči ga sugu wakarimaš,sensei ni kuruma de curete kite itadakimašita. Věděl jste cestu hned? Ano, učitel mě tam doprovodil.mix
山道に車が連なっている jamamičinikurumagacuranatteiru anglicky
私たちは自転車を連ねて走っていた watašitačihadžitenšawocuranetehašitteita anglicky
status, rank, capacity, character, case (law, grammar)
kaku, kou, kjaku, gou, itaru, nori
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals:
Strokes: 10 Jouyou: 5 JIS: 13130
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
明るい性格 akarui seikaku veselá povahamix
格好 kakkou (1)shape, form, posture, appearance, manner, (2)suitability, moderateness (in price) jlpt4
格子 kouši (crystal) lattice, grid patternkagaku, math
不合格 fugoukaku (examination) failure, rejection, disqualificationmix
格変化 kakuhenka (ling) declension, change of casebunpou, suru
性格 seikaku character, personality, disposition, naturejlpt3
失格 šikkaku disqualification, elimination, incapacity (legal)suru
格好がいい kakkou gaii nifty, cooljlpt3
人格 džinkaku personality, characterleda1
価格 kakaku price, value, costmix
資格 šikaku qualifications, requirements, capabilitiesjlpt3
合格率 goukakuricu ratio of successful applicants, (examination) pass rateshigoto
合格 goukaku success/passing (e.g. exam)/eligibility/(P)gakkou, jlpt3
合格者 goukakuša successful applicantmix
格好の悪い kakkounowarui unattractive, ugly, unstylish, uncooladj
格好悪い kakkouwarui unattractive, ugly, unstylish, uncooladj
彼女は性格がいいから、持てるはずです。 kanodžo ha seikaku ga ii kara,moteru hazu desu. Má dobrou povahu, takže je určitě oblíbená (u kluků).ai
友達は激しい性格です。 tomodači ha hagešii seikaku desu. Kamarád má agresivní povahu.emo
試験を合格しました。 šiken wo goukaku šimašita. Úspěšně jsem složil zkoušku.mix
不合格になる。 fugoukaku ni naru. Neúspěšně se ucházet.mix
あの人は性格がいいので、みんなに好かれている。 ano hito ha seikaku ga ii no de,minna ni sukareteiru. Protože má dobrou povahu, všichni ho mají rádi.mix
性格が悪いです。 seikaku ga warui desu. Má špatnou povahu.mix
current, a sink, flow, forfeit
rjuu, ru, naga.reru,,,, na, nagare, meguru
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Z variant: 流 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 10 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 20014
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
交流 kourjuu (1)(cultural) exchange, interchange, interaction, (inter-) mingling, (social, etc.) networking, intercourse, (2)alternating current, AC suru
放流 hourjuu (1)discharge (e.g. of water from a dam), (2)liberation, stocking (e.g. a river with fish) suru
一流の ičirjuu no (1)first-class, top grade, foremost, top-notch, leading, (2)characteristic, peculiar, unique, (n) (3)school (e.g. of a performance art), (4)one flag, one banner, one streamer mix
一流 ičirjuu (1)first-class, top grade, foremost, top-notch, leading, (2)characteristic, peculiar, unique, (n) (3)school (e.g. of a performance art), (4)one flag, one banner, one streamer mix
流行る hajaru (1)to be popular, to come into fashion, (2)to be prevalent, to spread widely (e.g. disease), to be endemic, (3)to flourish, to thrive godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
流す nagasu (1)to drain, to pour, to spill, to shed (blood, tears), (2)to wash away, (3)to distribute (e.g. electricity over wires, music over a PA system, etc.), to circulate, to broadcast, to beam, (4)to cr godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
流石 sasuga (1)(uk) as one would expect, (2)still, all the same, (3)even... (e.g. "even a genius...") mix
流血 rjuukecu bloodshed/(P)adj, leda1
流行語 rjuukougo buzzword, vogue word, popular phrase, word (phrase) in fashion or on everybody's lipsmix
灯篭流し tourou nagaši Ceremony in which Paper Lanterns are floated down a River (August 15/16)mix
清流 seirjuu clear streammix
寒流 kanrjuu cold currentmix
流れ nagare currentshizen
流氷 rjuuhjou drift ice/ice floe/(P)leda1
電流 denrjuu electric currentdenki
風流(な) fuurjuu(na) elegance/taste/refinement/(P)adj, leda1
流刑 rukei exile, deportation; exile, deportationsuru
大流行 dairjuukou extremely popular/extremely common/widespread contagionmix
流行 rjuukou fashion/fad/vogue/crazeadj, jlpt3, suru
流体 rjuutai fluidmix
流体力学 rjuutairikigaku fluid mechanicsmix
流砂 rjuusa; rjuuša quicksand; quicksandshizen
我流 garjuu self-taught, one's own waymix
流れ星 nagareboši shooting star/meteor/(P)leda1
流れる nagareru to stream, to flow (liquid, time, etc.), to run (ink), to be washed awayichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
支流 širjuu tributary, branchmix
今ハローキッティーが流行っている。 ima haro-kitteィ- ga hajatteiru. Hello Kitty je teď v módě.baka
風邪が流行っています。 kaze ga hajatteimasu. Rýma je teď častá (běžná).mix
trip, travel
rjo, tabi
Main radical: 方 (70) Radicals:
Z variant: 旅 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 10 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 20025
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
観光旅行 kankourjokou (sightseeing) tourryokou
新婚旅行 šinkonrjokou honeymoonmix
旅館 rjokan Japanese innjlpt4
旅人 tabibito nomad, person who goes from place to place, gambling, etc., pilgrim; traveller, traveler, wayfarer, tourist; traveller, traveler, wayfarer, touristmix
旅客 rjokaku; rjokjaku passenger (transport); passenger (transport)mix
旅行会社 rjokougaiša travel agent, travel agencyryokou
旅費 rjohi travel expensesmix
旅行 rjokou travel, tripjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
tabi travel, trip, journey; 500-man battalion (Zhou-dynasty Chinese army)suru
船旅 funatabi trip by boatmix
よく旅行をして、絵葉書を集めることが好きです。 joku rjokou wo šite,ehagaki wo acumeru koto ga suki desu. Často cestuje a rád sbírá pohlednice.byousha1
旅行会社に就職しました。 rjokougaiša ni šuušoku šimašita . Zaměstnali mě v cestovní kanceláři.mix
旅行にいくらかかるか計算しなければなりません。 rjokou ni ikura kakaru ka keisan šinakereba narimasen. Musím vypočítat, kolik bude výlet stát.ryokou
友達に旅行のお土産を届けた。 tomodači ni rjokou noo mijage wo todoke ta . Doručil jsem kamarádovi suvenýr z výletu.mix
足の赴くままに旅行した ašinoomomukumamanirjokoušita anglicky
Main radical: 牛 (93) Radicals:
Strokes: 10 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 17987
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
特別な tokubecu na výjimečný, zvláštníjlpt3
特別部隊 tokubecu butai speciální sílymix
特色 tokušoku (1)characteristic, feature, idiosyncrasy, personal colour, (2)spot color (in printing) mix
特許 tokkjo (1)patent, special permission, licence (license), concession, franchise, charter, (adj-f) (2)proprietary mix
特撮 tokusacu (abbr) special effects, SFXmix
特派員 tokuhain correspondentmix
特集 tokušuu feature (e.g. newspaper), special edition, reportsuru
特徴 tokučou feature, trait, characteristic, pecularityjlpt3
不逮捕特権 futaihotokken immunity from arrest (i.e. of Diet members or foreign diplomats), diplomatic immunity, parliamentary immunity, legislative immunitymix
特急 tokkjuu limited express train (faster than an express train)jlpt4, ryokou
独特 dokutoku peculiarity, uniqueness, characteristicmix
特別 tokubecu specialadj, jlpt3, jlpt4
特訓 tokkun special training, intensive training, crash coursesuru
特殊 tokušu special, uniquemix
特に tokuni speciallyjlpt3, jlpt4
今年の夏は特に湿度が高いです。 kotoši no nacu ha toku ni šicudo ga takai desu. Letos v létě je vlhkost obzvláště vysoká.mix
remainder, leftover, balance
zan, san,,, sokona.u, noko.ri
Main radical: 歹 (78) Radicals:
Strokes: 10 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 15172
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
残業時間 zangjoudžikan doba práce přes časjlpt3, shigoto
残留 zanrjuu (1)residual, residue, (2)stay behind, stay back suru
残高 zandaka (bank) balance, remaindermix
残像 zanzou afterimage, imprintmix
残念 zannen bad luck, regret, disappointmentjlpt4
残忍な zanninna brutaladj
残酷な zankokuna crueladj
食べ残し tabenokoši leftover food (esp. on one's plate at the end of a meal)mix
残り物 nokorimono leftovers (esp. food), remnantsmix
残業 zangjou overtimejlpt3, shigoto
残業代 zangjoudai overtime payshigoto
残り nokori remnant, residue, remaining, left-overmix
残響 zankjou reverberation, echomix
残す nokosu to leave (behind, over), to bequeath, to save, to reservegodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
残る nokoru to remaingodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
クトナー・ホラのビールは500年の伝統がありましたが、閉店してしまったのはとても残念です。 kutona-・hora no bi-ru ha 500nen no dentou ga arimašita ga,heiten šite šimatta noha totemo zannen desu. Kutnohorské pivo má tradici dlouhou pětset let, ale pivovar byl bohužel nedávno zavřen.baka
残業が多くて疲れた。 zangjou ga ookute cukareta. Přesčasů bylo mnoho, unavilo mě to.mix
plan, suggestion, draft, ponder, fear, proposition, idea, expectation, bill, worry
an, cukue
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals:
Strokes: 10 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 12358
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
考案 kouan plán, metodaleda1
案内 annai (1)information/guidance/leading/(vs) (2)to guide/to show (around)/to conduct/(P) leda1
答案用紙 touan'jouši answer sheet/blank answer paper/examination paper/test paperleda1
答案 touan examination paper, examination scriptmix
名案 meian good ideamix
案内書 annaišo guidebook, guidemix
案内所 annaidžo information deskmix
案件 anken matter in question, subjectkaiwa
提案書 teianšo proposal (document)gakkou
提案 teian proposal, proposition, suggestionjlpt3, suru
案山子 kakaši scarecrowmix
案内する annaisuru to guidejlpt4, suru, verb
案外 angai unexpectedlyjlpt3
私はその提案に賛成だ。 wataši ha sono teian ni sansei da. Souhlasím s tím návrhem.mix
extinguish, blow out, turn off, neutralize, cancel
šou, ki.eru,
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Strokes: 10 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 15939
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
消火 šouka uhašení ohněleda1
消化 šouka trávení, zažíváníleda1
消息 šousoku; šousoko (1)news (from somebody), letter, contact, (2)(somebody's) whereabouts, (somebody's) movements; (n) (3)news (from somebody), letter, contact, (4)(somebody's) whereabouts, (somebody's) movements mix
打ち消す učikesu (1)to deny/to contradict/ (2)to negate (esp. a sound)/to drown out/(P) godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
打ち消し učikeši (ling) negation, denial, negativebunpou
解消 kaišou cancellation, liquidation, resolution, reduction (e.g. of stress)suru
取り消し torikeši cancellation, withdrawal, abolition, revocation, cancel, CANmix
消費期限 šouhikigen consume by, best beforemix
消費税 šouhizei consumption tax (incl. sales tax, VAT, excise duty, etc.)mix
消費 šouhi consumption, expenditurejlpt3, suru
消失 šoušicu die out, disappear, vanish; die out, disappear, vanishsuru
消毒 šoudoku disinfection, sterilization, sterilisationsuru
消去 šoukjo elimination, erasure, dying out, clearing, purge, melting awaysuru
消しゴム kešigomu erasergakkou, jlpt4
抹消 matšou erasure, delete (e.g. DEL character)suru
消防車 šoubouša fire engineryokou
消防士 šoubouši firefightershigoto
つや消しの cujakešino mattadj
消極的な šoukjokuteki na passive, negativejlpt3
消え去る kiesaru to disappear, to vanishgodan, verb
消す kesu to erase, to delete, to turn off powergodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
消える kieru to go out, to vanish, to disappearichidan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
灯りを消す akariwokesu to turn the lights offgodan, verb
蝌蚪が大きくなるにつれ、尻尾が消えて足が生えはじめる。 otamadžakuši ga ookiku naru ni cure,šippo ga kiete aši ga hae hadžimeru. Jak pulec dospívá, mizí mu ocas a začínají mu růst nohy.doubutsu
「そうですか。じゃあまた。」と狼が言って、森に消えました。 「sou desuka.džaamata .」 to ookami ga itte,mori ni kiemašita. Aha. Tak zatím, řekl vlk a zmizel v lese.akazukinchan
暖房を消す。 danbou wo kesu. Vypnout topení.mix
deep, heighten, intensify, strengthen
šin, fuka.i, -buka.i, fuka.maru, fuka.meru, mi-
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Strokes: 11 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 16188
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
注意深い čuuibukai carefuladj
深い fukai deepjlpt4
深海 šinkai deep sea, depths of the sea, ocean depthsmix
深夜 šin'ja late at nightmix
深刻 šinkoku seriousmix
深める fukameru to deepen, to heighten, to intensifyichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
深まる fukamaru to deepen, to heighten, to intensifygodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
興味深い kjoumibukai very interesting, of great interestmix
友情が深まる。 juudžou ga fukama ru. Přátelství se prohlubuje.mix
心の傷は深まるばかり。 kokoro no kizu ha fukamaru bakari. Bolest v srdci se jen prohlubuje (roste).mix
彼は英国文化についての知識 を 深める ため に 英国 へ 行った。 kareha eikoku bunka nicuite no čišiki wo fukame rutameni eikoku he itta. Jel do Anglie, aby si prohloubil znalosti její kultury.mix
私は友情を深めた。 wataši ha juudžou wo fukameta. Prohloubil jsem přátelství.mix
touch, contact, adjoin, piece together
secu, šou,
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals:
Strokes: 11 Jouyou: 5 JIS: 16476
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
応接室 ousecušicu (1)drawing room, parlour, parlor, (2)reception office mix
接する sessuru (1)to come in contact with, to touch, to connect (with), (2)to attend (to), (3)to receive (visitors) suru
接ぐ cugu (1)to join, (2)to piece together, (3)to set (bones), (4)to graft (trees); to join (cloth, wood, etc.) godan, verb, vtrans
直接目的語 čokusecumokutekigo (ling) direct objectbunpou
接頭語 settougo (ling) prefixmix
直接的 čokusecuteki directmix
直接 čokusecu direct, immediate, personal, firsthandjlpt3
接近 sekkin getting closer, drawing nearer, approachingsuru
間接的 kansecuteki indirectmix
間接キス kansecukisu indirect kiss (e.g. drinking from a cup someone has just used)ai
面接 mensecu interviewjlpt3, jlpt3, shigoto
面接官 mensecukan interviewer (for job, school, etc. interviews)mix
接吻 seppun kissai
応接間 ousecuma reception room, parlor, parlourmix
密接 missecu related, connected, close, intimatemix
接ベクトル secubekutoru tangent vectormath
接触 setšoku touch, contactsuru
溶接機 jousecuki welding machinemix
チェコの経済はドイツの経済と密接に関わっています。 čeko no keizai ha doicu no keizai to missecu ni kakawatteimasu. Česká ekonomika je silně ovlivňována německou ekonomikou.mix
今日、会社の人との面接があります。 kjou,kaiša no hito to no mensecu ga arimasu. Dnes mám pohovor s lidmi z firmy.mix
受験者の面接を行う。 džukenša no mensecu wo okonau. Konat pohovor se zkoušeným.mix
先生が学生を面接する。 sensei ga gakusei wo mensecu suru. Učitel zkouší (zpovídá) studenta.mix
面接では1分の遅刻も許されない。 mensecu deha 1ppun no čikoku mo jurusarenai. Ani minutové zpoždění nelze u pohovoru odpustit.mix
ゴジラは接吻しようとキティちゃんに近づいたが、逃げられた。 godžira ha seppunšijou to kiteィčan ni čikadzuita ga,nigerareta. Godzilla thought to kiss Hello Kitty and approached her, but she ran, baka
fall, drop, come down
raku, o.čiru, o.či, o.tosu, oči
Main radical: 艸 (140) Radicals:
Z variant: 落 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 12 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 19822
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
落下傘 českymix
お洒落 ošare (1)(uk) smartly dressed, stylish, fashion-conscious, (n) (2)someone smartly dressed, (vs) (3)to dress up, to be fashionable mix
落ち着き očicuki (1)calmness, composure, presence of mind, (2)stability, steadiness emo
段落 danraku (1)paragraph, (2)end, stopping place, conclusion mix
落胆 rakutan discouragedemo
落選 rakusen election loss, rejectionsuru
落第 rakudai failure/dropping out of a class/(P)gakkou, leda1
転落 tenraku fall, degradation, slump, spillsuru
落下 rakka fall, drop, come downsuru
落ち葉 očiba fallen leaves, leaf litter, defoliation, shedding leavessuru
落丁 rakučou missing pagesmix
落下傘 rakkasan parachutemix
落下傘 rakkasan parachutemix
落花生 rakkasei peanut, groundnutmix
鼠落し nezumiotoši rattrapmix
落ち着く očicuku to calm down, to settle down, to be steady, to settle in, to take up one's residence, to harmonize with, to harmonise with, to match, to restore presence of mindgodan, verb
落とす otosu to drop, to let fallgodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
落ちる očiru to fall, to drop, to come to downichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
集落 šuuraku village, community, settlement, town, colony (animals, etc.)mix
井戸の水を飲みたかったですが、お腹が重すぎたので、井戸に落ちてしまいました。 ido no mizu wo nomitakatta desu ga,onaka ga omo sugita node,ido ni očite šimaimašita. Chtěl se napít vody ze studny, ale měl moc těžké břicho a do studny spadl.akazukinchan
財布が落ちました。 saifu ga očimašita. Peněženka spadla.mix
私は財布を落とした。 wataši ha saifu wo otošita. Shodil jsem peněženku.mix
化粧を落とす。 kešou wo otosu. Očistit makeup.mix
本を床に落とす honwojukaniotosu anglicky
財布をデパートで落とした saifuwodepa-todeotošita anglicky
三週間,城を攻めて落した sanšuukan,širowosemeteotošita anglicky
大きい落石が交通を妨げている ookiirakusekigakoucuuwosamatageteiru anglickymix
猿も木から落ちる sarumokikaraočiru even monkeys fall from trees, anyone can make a mistake, pride comes before a fall, even Homer sometimes nodsichidan, verb
entwine, coil around, get caught in
raku,, kara.maru
Main radical: 糸 (120) Radicals:
Simplified: 络 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 12 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 19821
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
短絡 tanraku (1)electric short-circuit, (2)drawing a hasty inference between two events, jumping to a quick conclusion, dealing with matters quickly and carelessly suru
絡む karamu (1)to entangle, to entwine, (2)to pick a quarrel, to find fault, (3)to be involved with, to be influenced by, to develop a connection with godan, verb, vintrans
連絡 renraku contactjlpt4
連絡先 renrakusaki contact addressmix
proportion, comparatively, divide, cut, separate, split
kacu,, wari, wa.ri, wa.reru, sa.ku
Main radical: 刀 (18) Radicals:
Strokes: 12 Jouyou: 6 JIS: 13156
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
wari (1)rate/ratio/proportion/percentage/ (2)profit/ (3)assignment/ (4)10%/unit of ten percent/ (5)sumo match/schedule of sumo matches/(n-suf) (6)diluted with (of drinks)/mixed with/(P) jlpt3
割く saku (1)to cut up, to cleave, to cut open (esp. the abdomen), (2)to spare (time, money, etc.), to use part of something, (3)(arch) to have a tattoo in the corner of one's eye godan, verb, vtrans
割り勘 warikan (abbr) splitting the cost, Dutch treatmix
中括弧エー割るビー中括弧閉じる čuukakkoe-warubi-čuukakkotodžiru { A ÷ B }math
エー割るビー e-warubi- A ÷ Bmath
割り切れる warikireru be divisibleichidan, math, verb
割る waru dividegodan, jlpt3, math, verb, vtrans
割る waru divisionmath, verb, vtrans
割算 warizan divisionmath
割り算 warizan divisionjlpt3, math
役割 jakuwari part, assigning (allotment of) parts, role, dutiesmix
分割 bunkacu partition, division, separation, segmenting, splittingsuru
割合 wariai percentagejlpt3, math
割合に wariaini ratejlpt4
割線 kassen secant (in trigonometry)math
時間割 džikanwari timetable, schedulegakkou
割れる wareru to split, to crackichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
水割 mizuwari whisky and waterryouri
彼は窓を割った。 kare ha mado wo watta. Rozbil okno.mix
100割る5は20です。 100 waru 5 ha 20 desu. 100 děleno 5 je 20.math
窓が割れた。 mado ga wareta. Okno se rozbilo.mix
ボールが当たって窓ガラスが割れた。 bo-ru ga atatte mado garasu ga wareta. Míček byl trefen a okenní sklo se rozbilo.mix
花瓶を倒して割ってしまった。 kabin wo taošite satte šimatta. Shodil jsem a rozbil vázu.mix
割り勘にしよう。 warikan ni šijou. Rozdělme účet.mix
equip, provision, preparation
bi, sona.eru, sona.waru,, bit, bin
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals:
Simplified: 备 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 12 Jouyou: 5 JIS: 18551
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
不備 fubi (1)defect, deficiency, imperfection, inadequacy, (n) (2)Yours in haste mix
予備軍 jobigun (1)reserves (esp. troops), reserve army, (2)potential members of some group (e.g. the elderly), people at risk (e.g. of a medical condition), wannabees mix
備わる sonawaru (1)to be furnished with, to be endowed with, (2)to be among, to be one of, to be possessed of godan, verb, vintrans
備える sonaeru (1)to furnish, to provide for, to equip, to install, (2)to have ready, to prepare for, (3)to possess, to have, to be endowed with, to be armed with ichidan, verb, vtrans
軍備撤廃 gunbiteppai complete disarmamentsensou
警備 keibi defense, defence, guard, policing, securitysuru
守備 šubi defense/defenceadj, leda1, suru
設備 secubi equipment, device, facilities, installationall, suru
準備中 džunbičuu in preparation, (shop) not yet open for businessmix
整備 seibi maintenance, servicing, outfittingsuru
備考 bikou note, remarks, NBmix
備忘録 bibouroku notebook, memorandummix
予備 jobi preparation, preliminaries, reserve, sparemix
準備 džunbi preparejlpt3, jlpt4
準備する džunbisuru to preparejlpt4, suru, verb
引っ越しの準備が終わった。 hikkoši no džunbi ga owatta. Příprava na stěhování skončila.mix
会議の資料を準備しました。 kaigi no širjou wo džunbi šimašita. Připravil jsem si materiály na poradu.mix
occupation, camp, perform, build, conduct (business)
ei,, itona.mi
Main radical: 小 (42) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 12 Jouyou: 5 JIS: 12612
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
営業日 eigjoubi business dayshigoto
営業時間 eigjoudžikan business hoursmise
営業 eigjou business, trade, sales, operationsshigoto
入営 njuuei entering the barracks, enlistmentsuru
経営 keiei management, administrationjlpt3, suru
運営 un'ei management, administration, operationsuru
営業中 eigjoučuu open (e.g. store)mise
民営化 min'eika privatization, privatisationsuru
営業部 eigjoubu sales departmentshigoto
営む itonamu to carry on (e.g. in ceremony), to run a businessgodan, verb, vtrans
idea, mind, heart, taste, thought, desire, care, liking
i, moto, joši
Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals:
Strokes: 13 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 12373
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
不注意な fučuuina nedbalý, nepozornýjlpt3
意識 išiki (1)consciousness, (2)awareness, sense, (3)(Buddh) mano-vijnana (mental consciousness, cognizer of sensory information) suru
i (1)feelings, thoughts, (2)meaning mix
故意 koi (1)intention, purpose, bad faith, (2)mens rea (guilty mind) mix
得意 tokui (1)triumph, prosperity, (2)pride, (3)one's strong point, one's forte, one's specialty, (4)frequent customer (client, etc.) mix
無意識 muišiki (1)unconsciousness, (2)the unconscious mix
語意 goi (ling) meaning of a wordbunpou
注意する čuuisuru advise, pay attentionjlpt4, suru, verb
意のままに inomamani at willmix
注意深い čuuibukai carefuladj
不注意 fučuui carelessness, inattention, thoughtlessnessjlpt3
賛成意見 sanseiiken consenting opinionmix
意気地無し ikudžinaši coward, timid creaturemix
反対意見 hantaiiken dissenting opinion, opposition viewpoint, contra (view)mix
好意 koui good will/favor/favour/courtesy/(P)leda1
意図 ito intention/aim/designleda1, suru
意向 ikou intention/idea/inclination/(P)leda1
意図的 itoteki intentional, on purposemix
厚意 koui kindness, favor, favourmix
懇意 kon'i kindness, intimacy, friendshipmix
意地悪 idžiwaru malicious, ill-tempered, unkindjlpt3, mix
語の意味 gonoimi meaning of a wordmix
意味 imi meaning, significancejlpt5
無意味 muimi nonsense, no meaning, meaninglessmix
意見 iken opinionjlpt4, leda1
原意 gen'i original meaningmix
用意 joui preparejlpt4
得意気 tokuige proudemo
注意 čuui remarkjlpt4, math
敬意 keii respect, honour, honormix
同意味 douimi same meaningmix
有意 juui significancemix
誠意 seii sincerity, good faithmix
意気 iki spirit, heart, dispositionmix
得意な tokui na strong, proud, smugjlpt3
不意 fui sudden, abrupt, unexpected, unforeseenmix
注意を引く čuuiwohiku to attract attentiongodan, verb
注意を逸らす čuuiwosorasu to distract a person's attentiongodan, verb
注意を注ぐ čuuiwososogu to pay attentiongodan, verb
意外 igai unexpectedmix
意外な igai na unexpected, surprisingjlpt3
意志 iši will, volition, intention, intent, determinationmix
意志力 iširjoku willpowermix
私はカリナさんに言葉の意味を説明してあげました。 wataši ha karina san ni kotoba no imi wo secumei šite agemašita. Vysvětlil jsem slečně Karině význam slova.mix
沢山の意見が纏まりました。 takusan no iken ga matomarimašita. V mnoha názorech došlo ke shodě.mix
私は意見を纏めました。 wataši ha iken wo matomemašita. Dal jsem dohromady názory ostatních.mix
上司に遠慮して、自分の意見が言えなかった。 džouši ni enrjo šite , džibun no iken ga ie nakatta . Ostýchal jsem se před nadřízeným a nedokázal jsem říct vlastní názor.mix
私はその意見に賛成する。 wataši ha sono iken ni sansei suru. Souhlasím s tím nápadem.mix
彼の意見には反対だ。 kano iken ni ha hantai da. Jsem proti jeho názoru.mix
この文章は難しくて、意味が掴みにくいです。 kono bunšou ha muzukašikute,imi ga cukami nikui desu. Tato věta je složitá a není lehké pochopit její význam.mix
火事のときは、煙に注意して逃げて下さい。 kadži no toki ha,kemuri ni čuui šite nigete kudasai. V případě požáru dávejte pozor na kouř a utečte.mix
semi-, correspond to, proportionate to, conform, imitate
džun, džun.džiru, džun.zuru, nazora.eru, nori, hito.šii, mizumori
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 13 Jouyou: 5 JIS: 15712
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
水準 suidžun (1)level, standard, (2)water level mix
準備中 džunbičuu in preparation, (shop) not yet open for businessmix
準備 džunbi preparejlpt3, jlpt4
準急 džunkjuu semi-express train (slower than an express), local express trainryokou
準決勝 džunketšou semifinal (in sports)mix
標準語 hjoudžungo standard language (of a country), standard Japanesebunpou
基準 kidžun standard, basis, criterion, norm, reference, datummix
規準 kidžun standard, basis, criterion, norm, reference, datummix
準備する džunbisuru to preparejlpt4, suru, verb
引っ越しの準備が終わった。 hikkoši no džunbi ga owatta. Příprava na stěhování skončila.mix
会議の資料を準備しました。 kaigi no širjou wo džunbi šimašita. Připravil jsem si materiály na poradu.mix
test, try, attempt, experiment, ordeal
ši, kokoro.miru,
Main radical: 言 (149) Radicals:
Simplified: 试 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 13 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 15214
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
就職試験 šuušoku šiken přijímací pohovormix
試験勉強 šikenbenkjou cramming for examsgakkou
入試 njuuši entrance examgakkou
入学試験 njuugakušiken entrance examinationgakkou
試験 šiken examinationgakkou, jlpt4
試験問題 šikenmondai examination (exam) questions, questions for an examinationgakkou
親善試合 šinzendžiai friendly match (game), friendlymix
試合 šiai gamejlpt4, sport
日本語能力試験N3 nihongo nourjoku šiken n3 JLPT N3jlpt3
日本語能力試験N4 nihongo nourjoku šiken n4 JLPT N4jlpt4
日本語能力試験N5 nihongo nourjoku šiken n5 JLPT N5jlpt5
漢字試験 kandžišiken kanji test, test of kanji skillsgakkou
口述試験 koudžucušiken oral examinationgakkou
実地試験 džiččišiken practical testmix
試作機 šisakuki prototype (e.g. plane)mix
再試験 saišiken re-examinationmix
試合場 šiaidžou ring, playing field, stadiummix
試飲 šiin sampling a drink/tastingryouri, suru
試食 šišoku sampling foodryouri, suru
試験管 šikenkan test tubekagaku
試練 širen test, trial, probation, ordeal, tribulationmix
試す tamesu to attempt, to test, to try outgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
試合に敗れる šiainijabureru to lose a gameichidan, verb
試みる kokoromiru to try, to testichidan, verb, vtrans
試行錯誤 šikousakugo trial and errorsuru
運試し undameši try or test one's luckmix
無試験 mušiken without an examinationmix
大学の試験に失敗したので、もう一度挑戦しようと思います。 daigaku no šiken ni šippai šita node, mou ičido čousen šijou to omoimasu. Protože neuspěl u zkoušky na vysoké škole, pokusí se o to ještě jednou.gakkou
試合は来週まで延びた。 šiai ha raišuu made nobita. Zápas byl odložen na příští týden.mix
明日の試合の相手は弱そうです。 ašita no šiai no aite ha jowasou desu. Protivník v zítřejším zápase vypadá slabě.mix
試験を合格しました。 šiken wo goukaku šimašita. Úspěšně jsem složil zkoušku.mix
入試に失敗する。 njuuši ni šippai suru. Selhat u přijímací zkoušky.mix
今日の試合は最高だった。 kjou no šiai ha saikou datta. Dnešní zápas byl nejlepší.mix
色々な方法を試す。 iroiro na houhou wo tamesu. Vyzkoušet různé způsoby.mix
野球の試合でピッチャーが替わりました。 jakjuu no šiai de pičča- ga kawarimašita. V baseballovém utkání se vyměnili nadhazovač
別の方法で試みたらどうですか becunohoohoodekokoromitaradoudesuka anglicky
まもなく試合が始まる。 mamonaku šiai ga hadžimaru. The game will be started
path, route, road, distance
ro, ru, -dži, miči
Main radical: 足 (157) Radicals:
Z variant: 路 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 13 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 20265
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
高速道路 kousokudouro dálniceleda1, ryokou
道路 douro silnicejlpt3, leda1, ryokou
滑走路 kassouro runway, startovací dráhaleda1
進路 šinro (1)route, course, (2)career, university choices, course (of future life)
通路側の席 cuurogawa no seki (on the) aisle, aisle seatryokou
航路 kouro course, (sea) route, runmix
針路 šinro course, direction, compass bearingmix
線路 senro line, track, roadbedmix
迷路 meiro maze, labyrinth, blind alleymix
通路 cuuro passage, pathway, roadway, avenue, aislemix
路面 romen road surfacemix
路線 rosen route, line, alignmentryokou
道路が込んでいる。 douro ga kondeiru. Silnice je nacpaná.mix
日本では、車は道路の左側を走る。 日本 de ha,kuruma ha douro no hidarigawa wo haširu. V Japonsku jezdí auta po levé straně silnice.mix
家の前を高速道路が走っている。 uči no mae wo kousokudouro ga hašitteiru. Před domem vede dálníce.mix
barrier, connection, gateway, involve, concerning
kan, seki, -zeki, kaka.waru, karakuri, kannuki
Main radical: 門 (169) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 14 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 13400
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
関東地方 kantoučihou oblast Kantóleda1, namae
関係ない kankeinai (1)(col) have nothing to do with (something)/have no connection with (something)/ mix
関わる kakawaru (1)to be affected, to be influenced, (2)to be concerned with, to have to do with, (3)to stick to (opinions) godan, verb, vintrans
帰納的関数 kinoutekikansuu (comp) recursive functionmath
関係演算子 kankeienzanši (comp) relational operatormath
円関数 enkansuu (math) circular function, trigonometric functionmath
奇関数 kikansuu (math) odd function, function whose graph has symmetry about the originmath
1次導関数 ičidžidoukansuu 1st derivativemath
2次導関数 nidžidoukansuu 2nd derivativemath
seki barrier, gate; (hon) (abbr) honorific added to names of makuuchi and juryo division sumo wrestlersmix
出先機関 desakikikan branch officeshigoto
関心 kanšin concern, interestmix
連続関数 renzokukansuu continuous functionmath
通関 cuukan customs clearancesuru
税関申告書 zeikanšinkokušo customs declarationryokou
税関 zeikan customs housemix
関税局 kanzeikjoku customs officemix
税関吏 zeikanri customs officerryokou, shigoto
導関数 doukansuu derivativemath
電気機関車 denkikikanša electric locomotivemix
玄関 genkan entranceway, entry halljlpt5, uchi
指数関数 šisuukansuu exponentialmath
足関節 ašikansecu foot joint, anklehito
表玄関 omotegenkan front door, vestibulemix
関数 kansuu functionmath
関数解析 kansuukaiseki functional analysismath
関東大震災 kantoudaišinsai Great Kanto earthquake of 1923namae
股関節 kokansecu hip joint, coxahito
正則関数 seisokukansuu holomorphic functionmath
陰関数 inkansuu implicit functionmath
にも関らず nimokakawarazu in spite of, neverthelessmix
関節 kansecu joints (knee joint, elbow joint, etc.)hito
関西弁 kansaiben Kansai dialectmix
関西地方 kansaičihou Kansai region (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka)namae
関東 kantou Kantou (eastern half of Japan, including Tokyo)namae
膝関節 šicukansecu knee jointhito
指関節 jubikansecu knucklehito
線形関数 senkeikansuu linear functionmath
一次関数 ičidžikansuu linear functionmath
対数関数 taisuukansuu logarithmicmath
機関銃 kikandžuu machine gunmix
偏導関数 hendoukansuu partial derivativemath
関与 kan'jo participation, taking part in, participating in, being concerned insuru
永久機関 eikjuukikan perpetual motionmix
二次関数 nidžikansuu quadratic functionmath
に関して nikanšite related to, in relation tomix
関連 kanren relation, connection, relevancesuru
関係 kankei relationshipjlpt3, jlpt4
内玄関 učigenkan side entrancemix
命に関わる inočinikakawaru to be a matter of life or deathgodan, verb
関する kansuru to concern, to be relatedsuru
交通機関 koucuukikan transportation facilitiesmix
三角関数 sankakukansuu trigonometric functionmath
無関係 mukankei unrelatedmix
チェコの経済はドイツの経済と密接に関わっています。 čeko no keizai ha doicu no keizai to missecu ni kakawatteimasu. Česká ekonomika je silně ovlivňována německou ekonomikou.mix
関数ワイイコールエックス二乗は偶関数である。 kansuuwaiiko-ruekkusunidžouhaguukansuudearu. Funkce y=x^2 je sudá.math
x^2の1次導関数は2xである。 ekusu 2džuu no ičidžidoukansuu ha 2ekusu dearu. First derivative of x^2 is 2x.math
x^2の1次導関数は2である。 ekusu 2džuu no ičidžidoukansuu ha 2 dearu. Second derivative of x^2 is 2.math
rumor, opinion, theory
secu, zei, to.ku, satoši, toki
Main radical: 言 (149) Radicals:
Simplified: 说 non japanese kanji
Z variant: 說 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 14 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 16482
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
説明書 secumeišo (printed) instructionsmix
変説 hensecu change of opinionsuru
陰謀説 inbousecu conspiracy theorymix
縷説 rusecu detailed explanationsuru
探偵小説 tanteišousecu detective storymix
遊説 juuzei election tour, election campaign, stumpingsuru
説明 secumei explanationjlpt4, leda1
解説 kaisecu explanation, commentary, exposition, elucidationsuru
図説 zusecu illustration, diagrammix
力説 rikisecu insistence, (major) emphasis, stresssuru
小説 šousecu noveljlpt4, leda1
小説家 šousecuka novelist, fiction writermix
自説 džisecu one's personal opinionmix
逆説 gjakusecu paradoxmix
逆説的 gjakusecuteki paradoxicalmix
私説 šisecu personal opinionmix
説得 settoku persuasionsuru
少女小説 šoudžošousecu story for young girlsmix
学説 gakusecu theorymix
説く toku to explain, to advocate, to preach, to persuadegodan, verb
伝説 densecu tradition, legend, folkloremix
実説 džissecu true storymix
これが正しいかどうか説明できません。 kore ga tadašii kadouka secumei dekimasen. Nedokážu vysvětlit, jestli to je správně nebo ne.mix
私はカリナさんに言葉の意味を説明してあげました。 wataši ha karina san ni kotoba no imi wo secumei šite agemašita. Vysvětlil jsem slečně Karině význam slova.mix
お風呂の入り方を説明してくれました。 ofuro no hairikata wo secumeišite kuremašita . Byl tak laskavý, že mi vysvětlil, jak se používá (japonská) vana.mix
本に自分の小説を載せる。 hon ni džibun no šousecu wo noseru. Vydám vlastní román v knize.mix
退学の理由を説明してください。 taigaku no rijuu wo secumei šite kudasai. Vysvětli mi, prosím, proč tě vyhodili ze školy.gakkou
この小説は全部で三部から成っている konošousecuhazenbudesanbukaranatteiru anglicky
line, track
sen, sudži
Main radical: 糸 (120) Radicals:
Simplified: 线 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 15 Jouyou: 2 JIS: 16510
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
台所線 daidokorosen kuchyňská linkauchi
電線 densen (1)electric line, electric cable, power cable, (2)telephone line, telegraph wire uchi
三線 sanšin (1)Okinawan traditional three-stringed instrument; precursor to the shamisen; (2)shamisen mix
新幹線 šinkansen Bullet Trainleda1, ryokou
閉曲線 heikjokusen closed curvemath
海岸線 kaigansen coastlineshizen
曲線 kjokusen curvemath
点線 tensen dotted line/perforated lineleda1
移動曲線 idoukjokusen evolving curvemath
前線 zensen front line, (weather) frontmix
地平線 čiheisen horizon (related to land)mix
水平線 suiheisen horizon (related to sea or lakes)mix
線香 senkou incense stickmix
sen linejlpt4, ryokou
一線 issen linemix
線分 senbun line segmentmath
線路 senro line, track, roadbedmix
線状 sendžou linearmix
線型方程式 senkeihouteišiki linear equationmath
線形関数 senkeikansuu linear functionmath
本線 honsen main lineryokou
経線 keisen meridian, longitudemix
開曲線 kaikjokusen open curvemath
放物線 houbucusen parabolamath
垂線 suisen perpendicular linemath
路線 rosen route, line, alignmentryokou
割線 kassen secant (in trigonometry)math
滑らかな曲線 namerakanakjokusen smooth curvemath
直線 čokusen straight linemix
切線 sessen tangent (in trigonometry)mix
電話回線 denwakaisen telephone linemix
子午線 šigosen the meridianmix
三味線 šamisen three-stringed Japanese guitar, shamisenongaku
番線 bansen track numberryokou
北回帰線 kitakaikisen tropic of cancershizen
南回帰線 minamikaikisen tropic of capricornshizen
梅雨前線 baiuzensen seasonal rain fronttenki
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