Date and time of registration: 2011-01-14 23:49:40
Number of learnt characters: 361
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barley, wheat
baku, mugi
Main radical: 麦 (199) Radicals:
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 2 JIS: 18302
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大麦 oomugi barley (Hordeum vulgare)mix
麦茶 mugicha barley tearyouri
蕎麦 soba noodlesryouri
小麦 komugi wheatmix
小麦粉 komugiko wheat flourryouri
麦わら mugiwara wheat straw, barley strawmix
mugi wheat, barley, oat (oats)shokubutsu
てんぷらを作るために、母は小麦粉と卵を水を混ぜました。 tenpura wo tsukuru tame ni,haha ha komugiko to tamago wo mizu wo mazemashita. Mamka smíchala pšeničnou mouku, vejce a vodu, aby uvařila tenpuru.ryouri
throw, discard, abandon, launch into, join, invest in, hurl, give up, sell at a loss
tou, na.geru, -na.ge
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals:
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 17770
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投入 tounyuu (1)throwing (e.g. something into somewhere), (2)investment, putting in (personnel, etc.), (3)release of a product, (4)making (an electrical circuit) suru
投下 touka (1)throwing down, dropping, airdrop, (2)investment suru
投稿 toukou contribution, submission, posting (e.g. to a newsgroup or mailing list)suru
投資 toushi investmentsuru
投影 touei projectionsuru
投降 toukou surrendersuru
砲丸投げ hougannage the shot putleda1
投げる nageru to throwichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
投票する touhyousuru to votesuru, verb
投票 touhyou voting, pollseiji, suru
toil, diligent, as much as possible
do, tsuto.meru
Main radical: 力 (19) Radicals:
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 17752
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弛まぬ努力 tayumanudoryoku diligence, unceasing effortsmix
努力 doryoku great effort, exertion, endeavour, endeavor, effortjlpt3, mix
努力家 doryokuka hard worker, hardworking personmix
努める tsutomeru to endeavor (endeavour), to try, to strive, to make an effort, to exert oneself, to be diligentichidan, verb, vtrans
一生懸命、努力をします。 isshoukenmei,doryoku wo shimasu. Snažím se, jak to jen jde.mix
努力を重ねる。 doryoku wo kasaneru. Snažit se znovu a znovu.mix
努力が実る。 doryoku ga minoru. Konečně uspět.mix
soldier, private, troops, army, warfare, strategy, tactics
hei, hyou, tsuwamono, he
Main radical: 八 (12) Radicals:
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 19004
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女性兵士 josei heishi vojákyněmix
tsuwamono (1)war, battle, campaign, fight, (2)(arch) troops, forces; (3)soldier, warrior, (4)strong man, exceptional person, man of courage; (5)(common) soldier, rank and file, (6)army, troops, (7)warfar mix
兵器 heiki arms, weapons, ordnancesensou
兵庫県 hyougoken Hyogo prefecture (Kinki area) (Hyougo)namae
歩兵 fuhyou; hohei PawnShogi
狙撃兵 sogekihei sniper, sharpshootermix
兵士 heishi soldiersensou
return, answer, fade, repay
hen, kae.su, -kae.su, kae.ru, -kae.ru
Main radical: 辵 (162) Radicals:
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 19030
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返る kaeru (1)to return, to come back, to go back, (2)to turn over, (suf,v5r) (3)(after the -masu stem of a verb) (to become) extremely, (to become) completely godan, verb, vintrans
返金 henkin repaymentsuru
返済 hensai repayment, reimbursement, refund, redemptionsuru
返事 henji replyjlpt4, leda1
返信 henshin replysuru
返答 hentou replysuru
返品 henpin returned goodssuru
仕返し弁当 shikaeshi bentou revenge lunchboxbaka
フライ返し furaigaeshi spatulajlpt3
繰り返す kurikaesu to repeat, to do something over againgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans, vtrans
言い返す iikaesu to repeat, to talk back, to answer backgodan, verb, vtrans
返事する henjisuru to response, to respondjlpt4, suru, verb
返す kaesu to return (something)godan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
振り返る furikaeru to turn head, to look over one's shoulder, to turn around, to look backgodan, verb, vintrans
兎は、何も言い返せませんでした。 usagi ha,nanimo ii kaesemasen deshita. Zajíc na to nedokázal nic odpovědět.usagitokame
labor, thank for, reward for, toil, trouble
rou, rou.suru, itawa.ru, ita.zuki, negira, tsuka.reru, negira.u
Main radical: 力 (19) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 20267
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労働 roudou (1)manual labor, manual labour, toil, work, (2)(abbr) Labour Party shigoto, suru
疲労 hirou fatigue, wearinesssuru
漁労 gyorou fishing, fisherymix
勤労 kinrou labor, labour, exertion, diligent servicesuru
鉱山労働者 kouzanroudousha minershigoto
季節労働 kisetsuroudou seasonal labor, seasonal labourmix
苦労 kurou troubles, hardshipssuru
労働許可証 roudoukyokashou work permitshigoto
労働条件 roudoujouken working conditionsshigoto
duty, war, campaign, drafted labor, office, service, role
yaku, eki, chaku
Main radical: 彳 (60) Radicals:
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 19570
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市役所 shiyakusho městský úřad, radniceleda1
区役所 kuyakusho radnice (pro městskou část)leda1
役に立てる yakunitateru být užitečnýichidan, jlpt3, verb
使役 shieki (1)employing, using, setting to work, enslavement, (n) (2)(ling) causative (verb, etc.) suru
戦役 sen'eki (sens) military campaign, battle, warmix
老け役 fukeyaku (theatrical) role of old personmix
役者 yakusha actor, actressmix
役所 yakusho government office, public officemix
軍役 gun'eki military servicesensou
役割 yakuwari part, assigning (allotment of) parts, role, dutiesmix
役立つ yakudatsu to be useful/to be helpful/to serve the purpose/(P)godan, jlpt3, verb
役立てる yakudateru to put to use, to make use of, to turn to accountichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
役場 yakuba town hallmix
町役場 machiyakuba town hallseiji
役に立つ yakunitatsu usefuladj, jlpt3, jlpt4
村役場 murayakuba village officeseiji
とても役に立つ道具です。 totemo yaku ni tatsu dougu desu. Je to velmi užitečný nástroj (pomůcka).mix
とても役立つ道具です。 totemo yakudatsu dougu desu. Je to velmi užitečný nástroj (pomůcka).mix
役立つ犬です。 yakudatsu inu desu. Je to užitečný pes.mix
cool, cold (beer, person), chill
rei, tsume.tai, hi.eru, hi.ya, hi.yayaka, hi.yasu, hi.yakasu, sa.meru, sa.masu
Main radical: 冫 (15) Radicals:
Z variant: 冷 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 20068
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冷める sameru (1)to become cool (e.g. from a high temperature to room temperature), to come down (fever), (2)to cool down (interest), to abate, to subside, to dampen ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
冷やす hiyasu (1)to cool (from room temperature), to chill, to refrigerate, (2)to calm down, to cool off, to regain one's composure, to relax, (3)to be frightened (at), to be scared (of) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
冷房装置 ku-ra- air conditionerdenki, uchi
冷房 reibou air conditioningjlpt4, uchi
冷房装置 reibousouchi air-conditioning, air-cooling apparatusdenki
冷静 reisei calmadj, mix
お冷 ohiya cold (drinking) water, cold boiled riceryouri
冷たい tsumetai cold (to the touch), chilly, icy, freezing, coldheartedadj, emo, jlpt5
冷血な reiketsuna cold heartedadj, emo
冷凍庫 reitouko freezeruchi
冷蔵庫 reizouko refrigeratordenki, jlpt5, uchi
冷ます samasu to cool (e.g. from a high temperature to room temperature), to dampen, to let cool, to throw a damper on, to spoilgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
冷える hieru to get coldichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
手が氷のように冷たいです。 te ga koori noyouni tsumetai desu. Máš ruce studené jako led.hito
ノートを冷蔵庫に張った。 no-to wo reizouko ni hatta. Přilepil jsem poznámku na lednici.mix
今日は冷えます。 kyou ha hiemasu. Dnes se ochladí.mix
コーヒーが冷えた。 ko-hi- ga hieta. Kafe vystydlo.mix
僕は熱がありますから、お凸を冷やします。 boku ha netsu ga arimasu kara,odeko wo hiyashimasu. Mám horečku, tak si musím ochladit čelo.mix
ちょっと休んでも大丈夫だと考えて、小川で足を冷やしました。 chotto yasunde mo daijoubu da to kangaete,ogawa de ashi wo hiyashimashita. Nebude vadit, když si chvíli odpočinu, pomyslela si a zchladila si nohy v potoce.akazukinchan
「冷たい水を飲んだから。」 「tsumetai mizu wo nonda kara .」 Protože jsem vypila studenou vodu.akazukinchan
good, pleasing, skilled
ryou, yo.i, -yo.i, i.i, -i.i, ji, naga, makoto, yoshi, ra, ryo, rou
Main radical: 艮 (138) Radicals:
Z variant: 良 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 20041
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不良 furyou badness, inferiority, delinquency, failure, defect, blemishmix
仲が良い nakagayoi close, intimate, on good terms; close, intimate, on good termsmix
良心 ryoushin consciencemix
語呂の良さ goronoyosa euphonymix
良好 ryoukou favorable, favourable, satisfactorymix
良い yoi goodadj, jlpt5
改良 kairyou improvement, reformsuru
仲良し nakayoshi intimate friend, close friend, bosom buddy, chummix
奈良時代 narajidai Nara period (710-794 CE)mix
奈良県 naraken Nara prefecture (Kinki area)namae
野良犬 norainu stray dogmix
この石鹸は花のように良い匂です。 kono sekken ha hana noyouni ii nioi desu. Toto mýdlo voní po květinách.mix
この料理は良い味がします。 kono ryouri ha ii aji ga shimasu. To jídlo hezky voní.ryouri
子供は成績がいいから、頭が良いはずです。 kodomo ha seiseki ga ii kara,atamagaii hazu desu. Dítě má dobré známky, takže bude nejspíš chytré.mix
子供は頭が良いから大学院に行くはずです。 kodomo ha atamagaii kara daigakuin ni iku hazu desu. Dítě je chytré, proto půjde na vysokou školu.gakkou
この掃除機は良さそうです。 kono soujiki ha yosasou desu. Tento vysavač vypadá dobře (podle mě).mix
近所の人とは仲良くしたほうがいい。 kinjo no hito to ha nakayoku shita hou ga ii. Měl bys být za dobře s lidmi ze sousedství.mix
不良たちは彼を殴り倒して財布を奪った。 furyou tachiha kare wo naguri taoshite saifu wo ubatta. Delikventi ho sejmuli pěstí a ukradli peněženku.mix
beans, pea, midget
tou, zu, mame, mame-, do, ma
Main radical: 豆 (151) Radicals:
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 17958
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黒豆 kuromame černé sójové bobyleda1, ryouri, shokubutsu
小豆 azuki azuki (druh fazolí)leda1, ryouri, shokubutsu
豆腐 toufu tófu, sójový tvarohleda1, ryouri
納豆 nattou nattó, fermentované sójové bobyleda1, ryouri
豆電球 mamedenkyuu lampička, žárovičkadenki, leda1
豆本 mamehon knížečka, sešitekleda1
mame beans, peasleda1, ryouri, shokubutsu
いんげん豆 ingenmame kidney beanryouri, shokubutsu
豌豆豆 endoumame pearyouri, shokubutsu
大豆 daizu soya beanleda1, ryouri, shokubutsu
ri, village, parent's home, league
ri, sato, sa
Main radical: 里 (166) Radicals:
Traditional: � non japanese kanji
Z variant:
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 2 JIS: 20004
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sato (1)village/hamlet/ (2)countryside/country/ (3)home (of one's parents, etc.)/hometown/ (4)one's origins/one's upbringing/one's past leda1
一里 ichiri 2.44 milesleda1
郷里 kyouri birth-place/home town/(P)leda1
古里 furusato home town/birthplace/old village/historic village/native place/one's old home/(P)leda1
人里 hitozato human habitationleda1
山里 yamazato mountain hamlet (village)leda1
村里 murazato villageleda1
里宮 satomiya village shrinekami
profit, advantage, benefit
ri, ki.ku, kaga, to, toshi, nori, mi, rii
Main radical: 刀 (18) Radicals:
Z variant: 利 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 19832
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利益 rieki; riyaku (1)profit, gains, (2)benefit, advantage, interest (of the public, etc.); (3)profit, gains, (4)benefit, advantage, interest (of the public, etc.), (5)grace (of God, Buddha, etc.) (esp. as attained suru
徳利 tokkuri (1)sake bottle, tall and slender bottle with a narrow mouth made from ceramic, metal or glass that can be used for sake, shoyu or rice vinegar, (2)turtleneck (sweater), (3)someone who cannot swim mix
利く kiku (1)to be effective, to show effect, (2)to do its work, to carry out its function well, (3)to be possible to use godan, verb, vintrans
有利 yuuri advantageous, better, profitable, lucrativemix
利口な rikouna cleveradj
便利さ benrisa convenience, handiness, usefulnessmix
不利 furi disadvantage, handicap, unfavorable, unfavourable, drawbackmix
利子 rishi interest (bank)mix
利息 risoku interest (bank)mix
左利き hidarikiki left-handedness, sake drinker, left-handermix
再利用 sairiyou reuse, recyclingsuru
権利 kenri right, privilegeseiji
利己的な rikotekina selfishadj, emo
スパイスの利いた supaisunokiita spicyadj
利用 riyou use/utilization/utilisation/application/(P)jlpt3, jlpt4
便利な benrina usefuladj
便利 benri useful, convenientadj, jlpt5
利用者 riyousha user, end-user, consumermix
勝利 shouri victory, triumph, conquest, success, winsuru
福利 fukuri welfaremix
bottom, sole, depth, bottom price, base, kind, sort
tei, soko
Main radical: 广 (53) Radicals: 广
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 17516
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コップの底 koppu no soko dno hrnkumix
海底 kaitei (1)bottom of the ocean, (adj-f) (2)undersea, submarine mix
到底 toutei (cannot) possibly, no matter howmix
soko bottom, solejlpt3
奥底 okusoko depth, bottom (of one's heart); depth, bottom (of one's heart)mix
根底 kontei root, basis, foundationmix
船底 sentei; funazoko ship's bottom, bilge; ship's bottom, bilgemix
靴の底に穴がある。 kutsu no soko ni ana ga aru. Na spodu ponožky mám díru.mix
箱の底が抜ける。 hako no soko ga nukeru. Spodek krabice je otevřen.mix
海の底に潜る。 umi no soko ni moguru. Potápět se na dno moře.mix
あの人は心の底では何を考えているか分からない。 ano hito ha kokoro no soko de ha nani wo kangaeteiru ka wakaranai. Nevím, co si ten člověk v hloubi svého srdce myslí.mix
code, ceremony, law, rule
ten, den, suke, tsune, no, nori
Main radical: 八 (12) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 17717
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
式典 shikiten ceremony, ritesmix
辞典 jiten dictionaryjlpt4
電子辞典 denshijiten electronic dictionarydenki
百科事典 hyakkajiten encyclopedia, encyclopaediamix
祭典 saiten festivalmix
古典 koten old book, classics, classicmix
出典 shutten source (e.g. quotation), authoritymix
典型的 tenkeiteki typical, prototypical, representative, stereotypical, model, idealmix
reality, truth
jitsu, shitsu, mi, mino.ru, makoto, makotoni, mino, michi.ru, gumi, sane
Main radical: 宀 (40) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 15426
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実行 jikkou praxe, provedeníjlpt3, leda1
実行する jikkousuru vykonat, provéstleda1, suru, verb
事実 jijitsu skutečnostleda1
mi (1)(obsc) pit (of a fruit), stone, (2)core, (3)tongue (piece of wood used to connect two boards), (4)clitoris; (5)truth, reality; (6)truth, reality, (7)sincerity, honesty, fidelity, (8)content mix
実力 jitsuryoku (1)(real) ability, true strength, merit, efficiency, competency, (2)arms, force jlpt3, mix
実際 jissai (1)practicality, practical, (2)reality, actuality, actual conditions, (3)(Buddh) bhutakoti (limit of reality) mix
実際に jissaini (1)virtually, practically, in practice, in practise, (2)currently, presently mix
実家 jikka (one's parents') homemix
アニスの実 anisunomi aniseedryouri, shokubutsu
実は jitsuha as a matter of fact, by the way, to tell you the truth, to be honest, franklyjlpt3
確実 kakujitsu certainty, reliability, soundnessmix
切実(な) setsujitsu(na) compelling/serious/severe/acute/earnest/pressing/urgent/(P)adj, leda1
実用品 jitsuyouhin daily or domestic articlesleda1
棗椰子の実 natsumeyashinomi dateryouri, shokubutsu
実験式 jikkenshiki empirical formulamath
実施 jisshi enforcement, implementation, putting into practice (practise), carrying out, operation, working (e.g. working parameters), enactmentsuru
実験 jikken experimentmix
実験者 jikkensha experimenter, researchermix
忠実な chuujitsuna faithfuladj, emo
果実 kajitsu fruit, nut, berrymix
実現 jitsugen implementation (e.g. of a system), materialization, materialisation, realization, realisationsuru
実験室 jikkenshitsu laboratorymix
実弾 jitsudan live bullets, live ammunition, ball cartridge, moneymix
実用化 jitsuyouka making practical or useful, implementationsuru
トケイソウの果実 tokuisounokajitsu passion fruitshokubutsu
実効 jikkou practical effect, efficacy, efficiencymix
実学 jitsugaku practical sciencemix
実地試験 jicchishiken practical testmix
実践 jissen practice, practise, put into practice, put into practisesuru
実数 jissuu real numbermath
現実 genjitsu realitymix
誠実 seijitsu sincere, honest, faithfulmix
実る minoru to bear fruit, to ripengodan, verb, vintrans
実態 jittai true state, actual condition, realitymix
実説 jissetsu true storymix
実話 jitsuwa true storymix
真実 shinjitsu truth, reality; truth, reality; truth, realitymix
非現実的 higenjitsuteki unrealisticmix
彼は大きい家があって幸せそうですが、実は仕事が旨く行かなくて困っているそうです。 kare ha ookii ie ga atte shiawasesou desu ga,jitsu ha shigoto ga umaku ikanakute komatteiru soudesu. Má velký dům a vypadá šťastně, ale slyšel jsem, že ho ve skutečnosti trápí, že mu práce moc nejde.mix
学歴が高くても、実力があるかどうか分からない。 gakureki ga takakute mo,jitsuryoku ga aru kadouka wakaranai. I když mám vysoké vzdělání, nevím, jestli to má skutečný přínos.mix
実験に成功する。 jikken ni seikou suru. Uspět s experimentem.mix
実験は大成功でした。 jikken ha daiseikou deshita. Experiment byl velmi úspěšný.mix
実験の失敗で、計画は中止になった。 jikken no shippai de,keikaku ha chuushi ni natta. Kvůli neúspěšnému pokusu plán v průběhu selhal.mix
想像と現実は違う。 souzou to genjitsu ha chigau. Představa a skutečnost se liší.mix
努力が実る。 doryoku ga minoru. Konečně uspět.mix
determine, fix, establish, decide
tei, jou, sada.meru, sada.maru, sada.ka, sata
Main radical: 宀 (40) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 17514
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設定 settei (1)establishment, creation, (2)(comp) options or preference settings (in computer software), configuration, assignment, setup suru
否定 hitei (1)negation, denial, repudiation, (2)(comp) NOT operation suru
定年退職 teinentaishoku (compulsory) retirement (e.g. on reaching the age of 60)shigoto
不定詞 futeishi (ling) infinitivebunpou
仮定法 kateihou (ling) subjunctive moodmix
定義域 teigiiki (math) domainmath
定刻 teikoku appointed time, timetable, schedulemix
協定 kyoutei arrangement, pact, agreementsuru
仮定 katei assumptionmath
定期券 teikiken commuter's passryokou
定数 teisuu constantmath
決定 kettei decision, determinationmix
定義 teigi definitionmath
指定 shitei designation, specification, assignment, appointment, pointing atsuru
胎児性別の判定法 taijiseibetsunohanteihou determination of a child's sex before birth (e.g. by ultrasound)mix
制定 seitei enactment, establishment, creationseiji, suru
到着予定時刻 touchakuyoteijikoku estimated time of arrival, ETAmix
固定 kotei fixation, fixing (e.g. salary, capital)suru
定員 teiin fixed number of regular personnel, capacity (of boat, hall, aeroplane, airplane, etc.)mix
一定 ittei fixed, settled, constant, definite, uniform, regularized, regularised, defined, standardized, standardised, certain, prescribedsuru
不安定 fuantei instability, insecurity, crankinessmix
判定 hantei judgement, judgment, decision, award, verdict, determinationsuru
限定 gentei limit, restrictionsuru
測定 sokutei measurementsuru
否定形 hiteikei negative formmix
否定的 hiteiteki negative, contradictorymix
定期的 teikiteki periodicmix
予定 yotei plans/arrangement/schedule/program/programme/expectation/estimate/(P)jlpt4, leda1, suru
肯定 koutei positive, affirmationsuru
規定 kitei regulation, provisionssuru
指定席 shiteiseki reserved seatryokou
定年退職者 teinentaishokusha retireeshigoto
定規 jougi rulergakkou
予定日 yoteibi scheduled date, expected datemix
定食 teishoku set meal, special (of the day)mix
安定 antei stability, equilibriumsuru
定理 teiri theoremmath
定まる sadamaru to become settled, to be fixedgodan, verb, vintrans
定める sadameru to decide, to establish, to determineichidan, verb, vtrans
一クラスは20人の定員です。 hito kurasu ha 20 nin no teiin desu. V jedné třídě je 20 lidí.gakkou
上司に相談してから、決定します。 joushi ni soudan shite kara,kettei shimasu. Probereme to se šéfem, a pak rozhodneme.mix
定理の仮定は強すぎます。 teiri no katei ha tsuyosugimasu. Assumptions of the theorem are too strong.math
予定日はいつ? yoteibi haitsu ? scheduled date, expected dateai
円の曲率は定数である。 en no kyokuritsu ha teisuu dearu. The curvature of a circle is constant.math
mark, target, bull's eye, object, adjective ending
teki, mato, ikuha, yukuha
Main radical: 白 (106) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 17706
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
目的 mokuteki cíl, záměr, úmysljlpt3, jlpt3, leda1
非科学的な hikagakuteki na nevědeckýmix
保守的な hoshuteki na konzervativnímix
相互補完的 sougohokanteki doplňkovýmix
革新的 kakushinteki (1)innovative, (2)liberal, reformist mix
帰納的関数 kinoutekikansuu (comp) recursive functionmath
直接目的語 chokusetsumokutekigo (ling) direct objectbunpou
補助的 hojoteki ancillary, auxiliarymix
天使的な tenshitekina angelicadj
人為的 jin'iteki artificial, unnaturalmix
野心的な yashinteki na aspiration, ambition, pretensionmix
積極的 sekkyokuteki assertive, positive, active, proactivemix
自動的な jidouteki na automaticadj
比較的 hikakuteki comparative, relativemix
具体的 gutaiteki concrete, tangible, definite, specificmix
独創的 dokusouteki creative, originalmix
反抗的な hankoutekina defiantadj, emo
退廃的 taihaiteki degenerate, decadentmix
悪魔的な akumatekina demonicadj
目的地 mokutekichi destinationryokou
直接的 chokusetsuteki directmix
財政的 zaiseiteki economic, financial, fiscalmix
効果的 koukateki effective, successfulmix
感情的な kanjoutekina emotionaladj, emo
外交的な gaikoutekina extrovertadj, emo
致命的 chimeiteki fatal, lethalmix
宿命論的な shukumeirontekina fatalisticadj
比喩的 hiyuteki figurativemix
儀礼的 gireiteki formal, courteousmix
端的 tanteki frank, direct, plain, straightforward, point-blank, concisemix
友好的 yuukouteki friendlyadj, emo
基本的 kihonteki fundamental, standard, basicjlpt3
基本的な kihonteki na fundamental, standard, basicjlpt3
世界的 sekaiteki global, international, world-famousmix
画期的 kakkiteki ground-breaking, epoch-makingmix
間接的 kansetsuteki indirectmix
必然的 hitsuzenteki inevitable, necessarymix
非人間的 hiningenteki inhuman, impersonalmix
知的な chitekina intellectualadj, emo
知的 chiteki intellectualmix
知的好奇心 chitekikoukishin intellectual curiosity, out of curiosity, inquisitivenessmix
意図的 itoteki intentional, on purposemix
国際的 kokusaiteki internationalmix
法的 houteki legalitymix
mato mark, targetmix
音楽的 ongakuteki musicaladj, ongaku
否定的 hiteiteki negative, contradictorymix
客観的 kyakkanteki objectivemix
表面的 hyoumenteki on the surfacemix
楽観的な rakkantekina optimisticadj, emo
楽観的 rakkanteki optimistic, hopefulemo
圧倒的 attouteki overwhelmingmix
逆説的 gyakusetsuteki paradoxicalmix
情熱的な jounetsutekina passionateadj, emo
消極的な shoukyokuteki na passive, negativejlpt3
定期的 teikiteki periodicmix
悲観的 hikanteki pessimisticmix
多元的 tagenteki pluralism, pluralitymix
詩的 shiteki poeticmix
的確 tekikaku precise, accurate; precise, accuratemix
合理的 gouriteki rational, reasonable, logicalmix
副次的 fukujiteki secondarymix
利己的な rikotekina selfishadj, emo
感傷的 kanshouteki sentimentalmix
主観的 shukanteki subjectivemix
象徴的 shouchouteki symbolicmix
総合的 sougouteki synthetic, comprehensivemix
伝統的 dentouteki traditional, conventionalmix
典型的 tenkeiteki typical, prototypical, representative, stereotypical, model, idealmix
普遍的 fuhenteki universal, omnipresent, ubiquitousmix
非現実的 higenjitsuteki unrealisticmix
視覚的 shikakuteki visualmix
来日の目的は観光です。 rainichi no mokuteki ha kankou desu. Po příjezdu do Japonska mám v plánu chození po památkách.mix
日本に来た目的は大学への入学だ。 nihon ni kita mokuteki ha daigaku he no nyuugaku da. Důvod, proč jsem přijel do Japonska, jsou přijímačky na výšku.mix
目的地が近づいてきた。 mokutekichi ga chikaduite kita. Cíl (cesty) se přiblížil.mix
矢が的に当たった。 ya ga mato ni atatta. Šíp se trefil do terče.mix
最終的、私の講演のまとめ。 saishuuteki,watashi no kouen no matome. Finally, the conclusion of my talk.math
poison, virus, venom, germ, harm, injury, spite
Main radical: 毋 (80) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 17991
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
中毒 chuudoku (1)poisoning, (n-suf) (2)addiction byouki, suru
消毒 shoudoku disinfection, sterilization, sterilisationsuru
食中毒 shokuchuudoku food poisoningbyouki, ryouri
doku poisonbyouki
毒物 dokubutsu poisonbyouki
毒薬 dokuyaku poisonmix
毒蛇 dokuhebi poisonous snake, poisonous serpent; poisonous snake, poisonous serpentmix
有毒 yuudoku poisonous, toxicmix
毒舌 dokuzetsu wicked tongue, abusive languagebunpou, kaiwa
wish, sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, attention
Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals:
Z variant: 念 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 18224
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
観念 kannen (1)idea, notion, conception, (2)sense (e.g. of duty), (3)resignation, preparedness, acceptance, (4)(Buddh) observation and contemplation suru
残念 zannen bad luck, regret, disappointmentjlpt4
入念 nyuunen careful, elaborate, scrupulousmix
記念 kinen commemoration, memorysuru
概念 gainen general idea, concept, notionmix
怨念 onnen grudge, malice, hatredmix
記念日 kinenbi holiday, anniversary, memorial daymix
理念 rinen ideamix
念願 nengan one's heart's desire, earnest petitionsuru
nen sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, concern, attention, caregodan, suru, verb, vtrans
クトナー・ホラのビールは500年の伝統がありましたが、閉店してしまったのはとても残念です。 kutona-・hora no bi-ru ha 500nen no dentou ga arimashita ga,heiten shite shimatta noha totemo zannen desu. Kutnohorské pivo má tradici dlouhou pětset let, ale pivovar byl bohužel nedávno zavřen.baka
waves, billows, Poland
ha, nami, hira, mina, minami, wa
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 18248
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
白波 shiranami zpěněné vlny, bílé vlnyleda1
電波 denpa (1)electro-magnetic wave, radio wave, (n,adj-na) (2)(sl) nonsense mix
さざ波 sazanami rippleshizen
音波 onpa sound wavemix
人波 hitonami surging crowd, wave of humanity, stampedemix
津波 tsunami tsunamishizen, tenki
超音波 chouonpa ultrasonic wavesmix
nami waveshizen
波動方程式 hadouhouteishiki wave equationmath
波は船を揺らしている。 nami ha fune wo yura shiteiru . Vlny houpají lodí.mix
波で気が海岸に打ち寄せられた。 nami de kiga kaigan ni uchiyoserareta. Dřevo bylo vlnami vyplaveno na pobřeží.mix
その村は津波で滅びたしまった sonomurahatsunamidehorobitashimatta anglicky
set free, release, fire, shoot, emit, banish, liberate
hou, hana.su, -ppana.shi, hana.tsu, hana.reru, ko.ku, hou.ru, hanare
Main radical: 支 (66) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 19068
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
放置する houchi suru nechat být, zanechatmix
放流 houryuu (1)discharge (e.g. of water from a dam), (2)liberation, stocking (e.g. a river with fish) suru
放つ hanatsu (1)to fire (e.g. an arrow), to hit (e.g. baseball), to break wind, (2)to free, to release, (3)to give off (e.g. a scent), to emit (e.g. light) godan, verb, vtrans
放課後 houkago after schoolmix
食べ放題 tabehoudai all-you-can-eat, smorgasbordmix
放火 houka arson, set fire tosuru
放送 housou broadcastingjlpt4
放送局 housoukyoku broadcasting officemix
放校 houkou expulsion from schoolsuru
放逐 houchiku expulsion, ejection, dismissal, ostracismsuru
放談 houdan free talk, irresponsible talksuru
放水 housui hose down, drainagesuru
日本放送協会 nipponhousoukyoukai Japan national broadcasting company, NHK; Japan national broadcasting company, NHKmix
生放送 namahousou live broadcastmix
開放 kaihou open, throw open, liberalization, liberalisationsuru
放物線 houbutsusen parabolamath
放射 housha radiation, emissionsuru
テレビ放送 terebihousou telecastmix
放映 houei televisingsuru
放送する housousuru to broadcastjlpt4, suru, verb
放す hanasu to separate, to set free, to turn loosegodan, verb, vtrans
放り出す houridasu to throw out, to fire, to expel, to give up, to abandon, to neglectgodan, verb, vtrans
釣った魚を川に放した tsuttasakanawokawanihanashita anglicky
plank, board, plate, stage
han, ban, ita
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals:
Traditional: 闆 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 18500
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
ita (1)board, plank, (2)sheet (of metal), plate (of glass), pane, slab, (3)(abbr) cutting board, chopping board, (4)(abbr) stage (i.e. at a theatre) mix
羽子板 hagoita battledore (early form of badminton racket)leda1, sport
黒板 kokuban blackboardgakkou
告知板 kokuchiban bulletin boardmix
まな板 manaita cutting boardjlpt3, ryouri
甲板 kanpan; kouhan deck (of a ship); deck (of a ship)mix
看板 kanban sign, signboard, doorplate, poster, billboard, appearance, figurehead, policy, attraction, closing timemix
鋼鉄板 koutetsuban steel platemix
surface, table, chart, diagram
hyou, omote, -omote, arawa.su, arawa.reru, ara.wasu
Main radical: 衣 (145) Radicals:
Traditional: 錶 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 18749
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
代表 daihyou reprezentant, zástupcejlpt3, leda1
日課表 nikkahyou rozvrh hodinleda1
表現 hyougen (1)expression, presentation, (2)(math) representation, notation suru
表われる arawareru (1)to appear, to come in sight, to become visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to materialise, (2)to be expressed (e.g. emotions), to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
表す arawasu (1)to reveal, to show, to display, (2)to express, (3)to represent, to signify, to stand for, (4)to make widely known godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
表われ araware embodiment, manifestation, materialization, materialisation, expression, indicationmix
表皮 hyouhi epithelium, skin, rindmix
表情 hyoujou facial expressionjlpt3
表紙 hyoushi front cover, bindingmix
表玄関 omotegenkan front door, vestibulemix
表示 hyouji indication, expression, display, presentation, representation, manifestationsuru
料金表 ryoukinhyou list or table of charges, tariff, price list
代表作 daihyousaku masterpiece, representative workmix
九九表 kukuhyou multiplication tablemath
掛け算表 kakezanhyou multiplication tablemath
公表 kouhyou official announcement, proclamationsuru
表面的 hyoumenteki on the surfacemix
発表 happyou presentationmath
辞表 jihyou resignation (letter)shigoto
表面 hyoumen surfacejlpt3, math
表面積 hyoumenseki surface areamath
omote the frontjlpt4
時刻表 jikokuhyou timetableryokou
表記 hyouki writing (something), giving an address, declaration, inscribing on the face of, publishing (info), listing (prices), addressing (a package)suru
発表の順番を決めた。 happyou no junban wo kimeta. Pořadí prezentací se stanovilo.mix
円の表面積は2πrである。 en no hyoumenseki ha 2paia-ru dearu. Surface area of a circle is 2πr.math
borough, urban prefecture, govt office, representative body, storehouse
fu, i, u, o, han
Main radical: 广 (53) Radicals: 广
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 18780
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
都道府県 todoufuken administrative divisions of Japan: Tokyo-to, Hokkai-do, Osaka-fu, Kyoto-fu and remaining prefectures/(P)mix
幕府 bakufu bakufu, shogunateseiji
政府 seifu government, administrationseiji
京都府 kyoutofu Kyoto (metropolitan area)namae
大阪府 oosakafu Osaka (metropolitan area)namae
他府県 tafuken other prefecturesmix
政治と政府 seiji to seifu politics and governmentseiji
府知事 fuchiji prefectural governorseiji, shigoto
府庁 fuchou prefectural officejlpt3
有名な温泉は別府や洞爺湖や湯の川です。 yuumei na onsen ha beppu ya touyako ya yu no kawa desu. Známé onseny jsou třeba Beppu, Tójako, Junokawa.onsen
gan, kishi, keshi
Main radical: 山 (46) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 13407
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
右岸 ugan pravý břehleda1, shizen
kishi bank, coast, shoremix
海岸線 kaigansen coastlineshizen
左岸 sagan left bankleda1, shizen
川岸 kawagishi river bankleda1, shizen
海岸 kaigan sea shorejlpt4, leda1, shizen
波で気が海岸に打ち寄せられた。 nami de kiga kaigan ni uchiyoserareta. Dřevo bylo vlnami vyplaveno na pobřeží.mix
NARUTOの作者は岸本斉史です。 naruto no sakusha ha kishimoto masashi desu. Autorem Naruta je Kišimoto Masaši.mix
straightaway, honesty, frankness, fix, repair
choku, jiki, jika, tada.chini, nao.su, -nao.su, nao.ru, nao.ki, su.gu, sugu, nao, nou, noo
Main radical: 目 (109) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 2 JIS: 17470
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
安直(な) anchoku(na) levný, snadnýleda1
飲み直す nominaosu dál chlastatryouri
硬直する kouchokusuru zpevnit, ztuhnout, zkamenětmix
正直 shoujiki (1)honesty, integrity, frankness, (adv) (2)honestly, frankly mix
真っ直ぐ massugu (1)straight (ahead), direct, upright, erect, (2)straightforward, honest, frank mix
見直す minaosu (1)to look again, (2)to get a better opinion of godan, verb
直接目的語 chokusetsumokutekigo (ling) direct objectbunpou
直に jikani (uk) directly, in person, headlong; immediately, readily, directlymix
直ぐに suguni (uk) instantly, immediatelyjlpt3
もう直ぐ mousugu (uk) very soonjlpt3
直角 chokkaku 90°math
直ちに tadachini at once, immediately, directly, in person, automaticallymix
直る naoru be repairedgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
率直な sotsuchokuna directadj
直接的 chokusetsuteki directmix
直接 chokusetsu direct, immediate, personal, firsthandjlpt3
正直な shoujikina honestadj, emo, jlpt3
直後 chokugo immediately followingmix
剛直 gouchoku integrity, moral courage, rigiditymix
直訳 chokuyaku literal translation, direct translationsuru
率直な socchokuna obedientadj, emo
直火 jikabi open fire, direct heatmix
仲直り nakanaori reconciliation/make peace withleda1, suru
直ぐ sugu soonjlpt3, toki
真っ直ぐの massuguno straightadj
直線 chokusen straight linemix
考え直す kangaenaosu to reconsider, to rethink, to reassessgodan, verb, vtrans
直す naosu to repairgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
書き直す kakinaosu to write out/to make a fair copy/to rewrite/(P)godan, verb, vtrans
垂直 suichoku vertical, perpendicularmix
僕の部屋は東と南向きなので、直射日光が当たってとても暑いです。 boku no heya ha higashi to minami muki nanode,chokusha nikkou ga atatte totemo atsui desu. Můj pokoj je otočený směrem na jih a východ, takže tam svítí přímé slunce a je tam velké vedro.mix
車が壊れたから、直しに行った。 kuruma ga kowareta kara,naoshi ni itta. Jel jsem opravit auto, protože se rozbilo.mix
何度やり直しても計算が合わない。 nando yari naoshite mo keisan ga awanai. Ať to počítám znovu a znovu, výpočet mi nevychází.mix
正方形の全ての角度は直角である。 seihoukei no subete no kakudo ha chokkaku dearu. All angles in a square are 90 degrees.math
graduate, soldier, private, die
sotsu, shutsu, sot.suru, o.eru, o.waru, tsuini, niwaka
Main radical: 十 (24) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 16948
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
東大卒 toudai sotsu absolvovat Tokijsou univerzitumix
卒論 sotsuron (abbr) graduation thesis, bachelor's degree thesismix
卒中 socchuu cerebral stroke, apoplexymix
卒業証書 sotsugyoushousho diplomagakkou
卒倒 sottou fainting, swooningsuru
卒業生 sotsugyousei graduate, alumnusmix
卒業式 sotsugyoushiki graduationgakkou
卒業 sotsugyou graduationgakkou, jlpt4
卒業論文 sotsugyouronbun graduation thesismath
中卒 chuusotsu junior high school or middle school graduatemix
新卒 shinsotsu new (recent) graduatemix
脳卒中 nousocchuu stroke, cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhagebyouki
卒する sossuru to die, to pass awaysuru
大学卒 daigakusotsu university graduate, college graduatemix
僕は学校を卒業しましたから、テキストブックを妹に譲りました。 bokuha gakkou wo sotsugyou shimashita kara,tekisutobukku wo imouto ni yuzurimashita. Protože jsem dokončil školu, přenechal jsem učebnice mladší sestře.mix
suffering, trial, worry, hardship, feel bitter, scowl
ku, kuru.shii, -guru.shii, kuru.shimu, kuru.shimeru, niga.i, niga.ru
Main radical: 艸 (140) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 13932
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
目茶苦茶 mechakucha (1)(uk) absurd, unreasonable, nonsensical, preposterous, incoherent, (2)extreme, senseless, reckless, wanton, (3)disorder, confusion, mess, wreck mix
滅茶苦茶 mechakucha (1)(uk) absurd, unreasonable, nonsensical, preposterous, incoherent, (2)extreme, senseless, reckless, wanton, (3)disorder, confusion, mess, wreck mix
苦悩 kunou agony, anguishemo
苦い nigai bitterjlpt4, ryouri
苦汁 kujuu bitter liquid, bitter experience; bittern, concentrated solution of salts (esp. magnesium chloride) left over after the crystallization of seawater or brinemix
苦笑 kushou bitter smile, wry smile, strained laugh, sarcastic laughsuru
苦味 nigami bitterness, bitter tastemix
苦戦 kusen hard fight, close gamesuru
刻苦 kokku hard worksuru
苦しみ kurushimi pain, anguish, distress, suffering, hardshipmix
苦しい kurushii painful, difficultadj, jlpt3
苦労 kurou troubles, hardshipssuru
苦手な nigate na weak, uncomfortable, unable to takejlpt3
生活が苦しいです。 seikatsu ga kurushii desu. Život je těžký.mix
私は計算が苦手です。 watashi ha keisan ga nigate desu. Ve výpočtech jsem slabý.mix
苦しくても頑張ります kurushikutemoganbarimasu anglicky
co-, cooperation
Main radical: 十 (24) Radicals:
Simplified: 协 non japanese kanji
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 13864
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
協調 kyouchou (1)cooperation, conciliation, harmony, (2)firm (market) tone suru
農協 noukyou agricultural cooperativemix
協定 kyoutei arrangement, pact, agreementsuru
協会 kyoukai association, society, organization, organisationmix
協奏曲 kyousoukyoku concertoongaku
協力 kyouryoku cooperationjlpt3, leda1
協働 kyoudou cooperationsuru
日本放送協会 nipponhousoukyoukai Japan national broadcasting company, NHK; Japan national broadcasting company, NHKmix
cry, weep, moan
kyuu, na.ku
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 13667
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
泣く naku cryjlpt4
泣き声 nakigoe cry, crying voicemix
泣き虫 nakimushi crybaby/blubbererleda1
号泣 goukyuu crying aloud, lamentation, wailingsuru
泣き止む nakiyamu to stop crying, to cry oneself outgodan, verb
ki, sue, toshi
Main radical: 子 (39) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 13608
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
冬季 touki (season of) wintermix
四季 shiki four seasonstenki
秋季皇霊祭 shuukikoureisai imperial ceremony of ancestor worship formerly held on the autumnal equinoxmix
春季皇霊祭 shunkikoureisai imperial ceremony of ancestor worship formerly held on the vernal equinoxmix
季節 kisetsu seasonjlpt4
季節労働 kisetsuroudou seasonal labor, seasonal labourmix
夏季 kaki summer season; summer seasonmix
rock, boulder, cliff
gan, iwa
Main radical: 山 (46) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 2 JIS: 13412
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
天岩戸 amanoiwato Ama no Iwato, cave of the sun goddesskami
岩塩 iwashio; gan'en halite, rock salt; halite, rock saltmix
岩燕 iwatsubame house martindoubutsu
岩手県 iwateken Iwate prefecture (Touhoku area)namae
溶岩 yougan lava/(P)leda1
石灰岩 sekkaigan limestonekagaku, shizen
iwa rock (boulder)kagaku, leda1, shizen
岩石 ganseki rock (substance)kagaku, leda1, shizen
岩場 iwaba rocky area/rockface/rock wallleda1
岩山 iwayama rocky mountainleda1, shizen
岩陰 iwakage shade of a rockleda1
凝灰岩 gyoukaigan tuffmix
火山岩 kazangan volcanic rockleda1
bureaucrat, the government
Main radical: 宀 (40) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 13361
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
官僚 kanryou bureaucrat, bureaucracymix
外交官 gaikoukan diplomatseiji
官公庁 kankouchou government administration officemix
面接官 mensetsukan interviewer (for job, school, etc. interviews)mix
裁判官 saibankan judgeshigoto
器官 kikan organ (of body), instrumentmix
警官 keikan policemanjlpt4, shigoto
警察官 keisatsukan policemen, policeman, police officermix
指導教官 shidoukyoukan supervisormath
bud, sprout, spear, germ
ga, me, ji, megu
Main radical: 艸 (140) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 12906
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萌芽 houga germination, germ, sprout, bud, signsuru
fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed
ka, ha.tasu, hata.su, -ha.tasu, ha.teru, -ha.teru, ha.te, mi
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 12876
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果物の皮 kudamono no kawa slupka ovocemix
果たして hatashite (1)as was expected, just as one thought, sure enough, as a result, (2)really? (in questions), ever? mix
果報 kahou (1)good fortune, luck, happiness, (2)(Buddh) vipaka (retribution) mix
果たす hatasu (1)to accomplish, to achieve, to carry out, to fulfill, to fulfil, to realize, to execute, to perform, to do, (suf,v5s) (2)to do ... completely, to do ... entirely godan, verb, vtrans
因果 inga cause and effect, karma, fatemix
ドップラー効果 doppura-kouka Doppler effectmix
効果 kouka effect, effectiveness, efficacy, resultjlpt3
効果的 koukateki effective, successfulmix
果物 kudamono fruitjlpt5, ryouri
果物屋 kudamonoya fruit store, fruit dealer, fruit seller, fruiterer, fruiteressmise
果実 kajitsu fruit, nut, berrymix
温室効果 onshitsukouka greenhouse effectmix
トケイソウの果実 tokuisounokajitsu passion fruitshokubutsu
圧電効果 atsudenkouka piezoelectric effectmix
結果 kekka resultsjlpt3, math
成果 seika results, fruitsmix
果て hate the end, the extremity, the limit, the limits, the resultmix
バナナ以外果物が好きです。 banana igai kudamono ga suki desu. Mám rád ovoce kromě banánů.ryouri
ei, oyo.gu
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 12619
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平泳ぎ hiraoyogi prsa (plavecký styl)leda1, sport
遊泳 yuuei (1)swimming, bathing, (2)conduct of life suru
背泳 haiei backstrokesport
水泳 suiei swimmingjlpt4, leda1, sport
泳法 eihou swimming stylemix
泳ぐ oyogu to swimgodan, jlpt5, sport, verb, vintrans
泳ぎ方 oyogikata way of swimmingjlpt4, sport
川で泳がないほうがいいです。 kawa de oyoganai hougaii desu. Neměl bys plavat v řece.mix
bring up, grow up, raise, rear
iku, soda.tsu, soda.chi, soda.teru, haguku.mu, yasu
Main radical: 肉 (130) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 12393
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飼育 shiiku breeding, raising, rearingsuru
島育ち shimasodachi brought up on an islandleda1
育児 ikuji childcare, nursing, upbringingsuru
義務教育 gimukyouiku compulsory educationmix
教育 kyouiku educationjlpt4
教育体制 kyouikutaisei educational systemgakkou
教育者 kyouikusha educator, teacher, educationalistmix
体育館 taiikukan gymnasiumgakkou
保健体育 hokentaiiku health and physical educationbyouki, gakkou, jlpt3
保育士 hoikushi nannyjlpt3
保育園 hoikuen nursery school, day nurseryjlpt3
体育 taiiku physical educationgakkou, leda1, sport
育つ sodatsu to be raised (e.g. child), to be brought up, to grow (up)godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
育てる sodateru to bring upichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
育む hagukumu to raise, to rear, to bring upgodan, verb, vtrans
tool, utensil, means, possess, ingredients, counter for armor, suits, sets of furniture
gu, sona.eru, tsubusa.ni, tomo
Main radical: 八 (12) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 13937
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玩具 omocha; gangu (uk) toy; (uk) toymix
具体的 gutaiteki concrete, tangible, definite, specificmix
具合 guai conditionjlpt4
家具 kagu furnitureuchi
家具屋 kaguya furniture store, furniture dealermise
具申 gushin offering a full report to a superiorsuru
文房具店 bunbouguten stationery shopmise
文房具屋 bunbouguya stationery shop, a stationermix
道具 dougu tooljlpt4, leda1
用具 yougu tools, implementsmix
玩具屋 omochaya toy shopmise
器具 kigu utensil, apparatus, implement, device, gadgetuchi
とても役に立つ道具です。 totemo yaku ni tatsu dougu desu. Je to velmi užitečný nástroj (pomůcka).mix
とても役立つ道具です。 totemo yakudatsu dougu desu. Je to velmi užitečný nástroj (pomůcka).mix
diameter, path, method
kei, michi, komichi, sashiwatashi, tadachini
Main radical: 彳 (60) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 14146
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半径 hankei radiusmath
once upon a time, antiquity, old times
seki, shaku, mukashi
Main radical: 日 (72) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 16462
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昔話 mukashibanashi starý příběh, pověstleda1
大昔 oomukashi great antiquity, old-fashioned, long agomix
mukashi old time, before, agojlpt4, toki
昔の人は当時にカボチャを食べると長生きすると言う。 mukashinohitohatoujinikabochawotaberutonagaikisurutoiu. Staří lidé říkají, že kdo jí dýni o zimním slunovratu, bude dlouho žít.baka
昔、女の人と男の人は一緒に入ったことが出来ましたが、今は別々です。 mukashi,onna no hito to otoko no hito ha isshoni haitta koto ga dekimashitaga,ima ha betsubetsu desu. Dříve se mohli ženy a muži koupat společně, ale teď zvlášť. onsen
昔々、ある所に、優しくて親切な女の子がいました。 mukashimukashi,aru tokoro ni,yasashikute shinsetsu na onna no ko ga imashita. Bylo nebylo, kdesi daleko žila byla hodná a milá dívka.akazukinchan
昔々ある所に、兎と亀がいました。 mukashimukashi aru tokoro ni,usagi to kame ga imashita. Bylo nebylo, kdesi daleko, žili byli zajíc a želva.usagitokame
pine tree
shou, matsu, oo, sho, ma, mat
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 15934
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matsu pineshokubutsu
松林 matsubayashi pine forestleda1, shizen
circumference, circuit, lap
shuu, mawa.ri, amane, shu, su, chika, nori, hiro, bibi, makoto
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 15486
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お寺周り oteramawari okolí chrámukami, leda1
周囲 shuui (1)surroundings, environs, (2)circumference mix
周章 shuushou agitation, frustrationsuru
円周 enshuu circumferencemix
周知 shuuchi common knowledge, (something) well-knownsuru
歯周病 shishuubyou periodontal diseasebyouki
周到 shuutou scrupulous, meticulous, carefulmix
周り mawari surroundingsjlpt3, jlpt4
周年 shuunen whole year, anniversarymix
accept, receive, undergo, answer (phone), take, get, catch
ju, u.keru, -u.ke, u.karu, jo
Main radical: 又 (29) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 15477
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受身 ukemi (1)the defensive, (2)passive attitude, passivity, passiveness, (3)(ling) the passive, passive voice, (4)(MA) ukemi (the art of falling safely) mix
受け取る uketoru (1)to receive, to get, to accept, (2)to take, to interpret, to understand godan, verb, vtrans
受動態 judoutai (ling) passive voicemix
受け手 ukete (referring to a person) receiver, receiving side, viewer, listenermix
天宇受売命 amenouzume Ame no Uzume, goddess of dawn and revelrykami
受験者 jukensha examineemix
受付 uketsuke receptionjlpt4
受験 juken taking an examinationsuru
受け継ぐ uketsugu to inherit, to succeed, to take overgodan, verb, vtrans
受かる ukaru to pass (examination)godan, verb, vintrans
受ける ukeru to take a lesson or testichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
受賞 jushou winning (a prize)suru
妊娠検査を受けました。 ninshin kensa wo ukemashita. Podstoupila jsem těhotenský test.ai
受験者の面接を行う。 jukensha no mensetsu wo okonau. Konat pohovor se zkoušeným.mix
レジでお金を払って、レシートを受け取る。 reji de okane wo haratte,reshi-to wo uketoru. U pokladny zaplatíte a dostanete účtenku.mix
take, fetch, take up
shu, to.ru, to.ri, to.ri-, tori, -do.ri, doru
Main radical: 又 (29) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 15464
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聞き取り kikitori náslech, poslechleda1
書き取り kakitori diktát (ve škole)gakkou, leda1
取組 torikumi (1)bout (in sports, etc.)/match/ (2)effort/initiative/dealing with/grappling with/wrestling with leda1
取れる toreru (1)to come off/to be removed/ (2)(of pain, a fever, etc.) to disappear/ (3)to be caught/to be harvested/ (4)to be interpreted (as)/to be taken as/ (5)(of balance, etc.) to be attained/ (6)to be obtai ichidan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
受け取る uketoru (1)to receive, to get, to accept, (2)to take, to interpret, to understand godan, verb, vtrans
取り上げる toriageru (1)to take up, to pick up, (2)to accept, to adopt, to listen to, (3)to disqualify, to confiscate, to deprive, (4)to adopt (child) ichidan, verb, vtrans
取る toru (1)to take/to pick up/to harvest/to earn/to choose/ (2)to steal/ (3)to eat/to have (a meal)/ (4)to remove (one's glasses, etc.)/ (5)to compete (in sumo, cards, etc.)/to play/(P) godan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
取り敢えず toriaezu (uk) at once, first of all, for the time being, for nowmix
取得 shutoku acquisition; (n) worth, redeeming feature, merit, gain, profitsuru
取り消し torikeshi cancellation, withdrawal, abolition, revocation, cancel, CANmix
取材 shuzai collecting data (e.g. for a newspaper article)/covering an event/(P)leda1, suru
やり取り yaritori giving and taking/exchange (of letters)/arguing back and forth/(conversational) exchange/(P)jlpt3, suru
取っ手 totte handle/grip/knob/(P)mix
取り込み中 torikomichuu in the middle of something, busymix
取調べ torishirabe investigation (e.g. by police or prosecutors), examination, inquiry, enquirymix
尻取 shiritori Japanese word-chain game, cap versesmix
間取り madori plan of a house, arrangement of roomsjlpt3
取捨選択 shushasentaku selection, making a choice, sifting, decision to adopt or rejectsuru
窃取 sesshu theft, stealing, larcenysuru
取り替える torikaeru to exchangeichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
年を取る toshi wo toru to grow old/to agegodan, hito, verb
取り組む torikumu to tackle/to wrestle with/to engage in a bout/to come to grips with/to make effort/to strive for/to deal with/(P)godan, leda1, verb, vintrans
取り戻す torimodosu to take back, to regain, to get back, to recovergodan, verb, vtrans
取り込む torikomu to take in, to capture (e.g. image), to introduce, to be busy, to adopt (e.g. behavior)godan, verb
拭き取る fukitoru to wipe off/to wipe upgodan, verb, vtrans
鳥取県 tottoriken Tottori prefecture (Chuugoku area)namae
取引 torihiki transactions, dealings, businesssuru
奪取 dasshu usurpation, taking back, dispossessionsuru
何時から何時まで漢字の連取をしていたと思いますか。 nanji kara nanji made kanji no renshuu wo shiteita to omoimasuka. Od kolika do kolika hodin si myslíš, že se učil kandži?mix
家を建てるため、私と建築家は沢山のやり取りをしました。 ie wo tateru tame,watashi to kenchikuka ha takusan no yaritori wo shimashita. Kvůli stavbě domu jsme s architektem hodně komunikovali.mix
休憩を取る。 kyuukei wo toru. Dát si pauzu.mix
レジでお金を払って、レシートを受け取る。 reji de okane wo haratte,reshi-to wo uketoru. U pokladny zaplatíte a dostanete účtenku.mix
免許を取る。 menkyo wo toru. Získat licenci.mix
クラスで最低の点を取ってしまった。 kurasu de saitei no ten wo totte shimatta. Dostal jsem nejméně bodů ve třídě.mix
reign, be at peace, calm down, subdue, quell, govt, cure, heal, rule, conserve
ji, chi, osa.meru, osa.maru, nao.ru, nao.su, shi, di, hari, haru, michi
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 15395
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治す naosu (1)to cure, to heal, (2)to fix, to correct, to repair, (aux-v) (3)to do over again (after -masu base of verb), (4)to replace, to put back as it was, (5)to convert (into a different state), to tra godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
治める osameru (1)to govern, to manage, (2)to subdue ichidan, verb, vtrans
不治の fuji no (sens) incurability; (sens) incurabilitybyouki
治水 chisui flood controlsuru
明治 meiji Meiji era (1868.9.8-1912.7.30)
明治時代 meijijidai Meiji period (1868-1912)mix
政治 seiji politicjlpt4, seiji
政治家 seijika politicianshigoto
政治と政府 seiji to seifu politics and governmentseiji
自治区 jichiku territory, autonomous regionmix
治まる osamaru to be at peace, to clamp down, to lessen (storm, terror, anger)godan, verb, vintrans
治る naoru to get wellbyouki, godan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
治療 chiryou treatmentbyouki, jlpt3
薬を飲んだのに、風邪が治りません。 kusuri wo nonda noni, kaze ga naorimasen. Bral jsem léky, a přesto jsem se z nachlazení nevyléčil.byouki
頭の怪我が治った。 atama no kega ga naotta. Zranění hlavy se vyléčilo.mix
病院で足の怪我を治した。 byouin de ashi no kega wo naoshita. V nemocnici mi vyléčili zranění nohy.mix
nonplussed, three, going, coming, visiting, visit, be defeated, die, be madly in love
san, shin, mai.ru, mai-, majiwaru, mitsu, mi
Main radical: 厶 (28) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 15154
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参考書 sankousho příručkaleda1
不参加 fusanka abstention, nonparticipationmix
持参 jisan bringing, taking, carryingsuru
人参 ninjin carrotsryouri, shokubutsu
降参 kousan giving in to, giving up, surrendersuru
参議院 sangiin House of Councillorsseiji
授業参観日 jugyousankanbi parents school visiting daygakkou
白人参 shironinjin parsnipshokubutsu
参加者 sankasha participant, entrantmix
参加 sanka participationjlpt3, suru
参考 sankou reference, consultationmix
参る mairu to come (polite)godan, jlpt4, verb
参考文献 sankoubunken works cited, referencesmix
ボランティア活動に参加したくないです。 boranteィa katsudou ni sanka shitakunai desu. Nechci se účastnit dobrovolnických aktivit.mix
寺にお参りします。 tera ni omairi shimasu. Jít do chrámu.mix
printing, print
satsu, su.ru, -zu.ri, -zuri, ha.ku
Main radical: 刀 (18) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 14974
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刷る suru (1)to print, (2)to color or pattern fabric using a wooden mold godan, verb, vtrans
印刷 insatsu printingsuru
happiness, blessing, fortune
kou, saiwa.i, sachi, shiawa.se, ko, saki, sashi, sat, tomo, hiro, miyuki, yu, yuki, yoshi
Main radical: 干 (51) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 14636
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薄幸な hakkouna nešťastný, smolnýmix
sachi (1)good luck, fortune, happiness, (2)harvest, yield mix
幸運 kouun good luck, fortunekaiwa
多幸 takou great happinessmix
幸い saiwai happiness, blessednessmix
幸せ shiawase happiness, good fortune, luck, blessingmix
幸せな shiawase na happyadj, jlpt3
幸福 koufuku luckmix
幸先 saisaki omen, sign (usually good)mix
不幸 fukou unhappiness, sorrow, misfortune, disaster, accident, deathmix
彼は大きい家があって幸せそうですが、実は仕事が旨く行かなくて困っているそうです。 kare ha ookii ie ga atte shiawasesou desu ga,jitsu ha shigoto ga umaku ikanakute komatteiru soudesu. Má velký dům a vypadá šťastně, ale slyšel jsem, že ho ve skutečnosti trápí, že mu práce moc nejde.mix
harden, set, clot, curdle
ko, kata.meru, kata.maru, kata.mari, kata.i
Main radical: 囗 (31) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 14407
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固執 koshitsu adherence (negative nuance), persistence, insistence, stubbornness; adherence (negative nuance), persistence, insistence, stubbornnesssuru
固い katai firmadj, jlpt3
固定 kotei fixation, fixing (e.g. salary, capital)suru
固形 kokei solid (body)mix
固体 kotai solid (body), solid matter, solid-statekagaku
頑固な gankona stubbornadj, emo
committee, entrust to, leave to, devote, discard
i, yuda.neru, makase
Main radical: 女 (38) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 12369
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委員 iin committee membermix
委員会 iinkai committee, commission, board, panel, committee meetingmix
委ねる yudaneru to entrust to, to devote oneself to, to abandon oneself toichidan, verb, vtrans
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