
Date and time of registration: 2014-07-24 22:55:07
Number of learnt characters: 454
Learnt characters: graph | list | without examples | detailed
Learnt characters 2017/9: list | without examples | detailed
Kanji test: kanji test | meaning test | Results
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning

Learnt characters 2017/9

once upon a time, antiquity, old times
seki, šaku, mukaši
Main radical: 日 (72) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 16462
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
昔話 mukašibanaši starý příběh, pověstleda1
大昔 oomukaši great antiquity, old-fashioned, long agomix
mukaši old time, before, agojlpt4, toki
昔の人は当時にカボチャを食べると長生きすると言う。 mukašinohitohatoudžinikabočawotaberutonagaikisurutoiu. Staří lidé říkají, že kdo jí dýni o zimním slunovratu, bude dlouho žít.baka
昔、女の人と男の人は一緒に入ったことが出来ましたが、今は別々です。 mukaši,onna no hito to otoko no hito ha itšoni haitta koto ga dekimašitaga,ima ha becubecu desu. Dříve se mohli ženy a muži koupat společně, ale teď zvlášť. onsen
昔々、ある所に、優しくて親切な女の子がいました。 mukašimukaši,aru tokoro ni,jasašikute šinsecu na onna no ko ga imašita. Bylo nebylo, kdesi daleko žila byla hodná a milá dívka.akazukinchan
昔々ある所に、兎と亀がいました。 mukašimukaši aru tokoro ni,usagi to kame ga imašita. Bylo nebylo, kdesi daleko, žili byli zajíc a želva.usagitokame
sheet of..., counter for flat thin objects or sheets
mai, bai, hira
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 6 JIS: 19303
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
大枚 taimai velký finanční obnosleda1
bai dřevěný roubíkmix
~枚 ~mai sheet, page, piece, counter for thin, flat objectscounter, jlpt5
mask, face, features, surface
men, ben, omo, omote, cura, o, zura, hoocuki, mo
Main radical: 面 (176) Radicals:
Traditional: 麵 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 9 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 19532
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
面目 menboku prestižleda1
正面 šoumen průčelíleda1
生真面目 kimadžime velice vážnýleda1
方面 houmen (1)direction, district, area, (2)field (e.g. of study) ryokou
満面 manmen (the) whole facemix
面積 menseki areamix
矢面 jaomote bearing the full brunt of somethingmix
面倒くさい mendoukusai bother(some) to do, tiresome; bother(some) to do, tiresomeadj
凸面 tocumen convex surface, convexmix
地面 džimen earthshizen
顔面 ganmen face (of person)mix
面影 omokage face, looks, vestiges, tracemix
初対面 šotaimen first meeting, first interview withmix
面白い omoširoi interestingadj, leda1
界面 kaimen interfacemix
面接 mensecu interviewjlpt3, jlpt3, shigoto
面接官 mensecukan interviewer (for job, school, etc. interviews)mix
面会 menkai meeting (face-to-face), interviewsuru
反面 hanmen on the other hand/(P)leda1
表面的 hjoumenteki on the surfacemix
真面目な madžime na one's true character, one's true self, oneself, seriousness, earnestness; one's true character, one's true self, oneself, seriousness, earnestness; (adj-na,n) diligent, serious, honest, sober, grave, mix
路面 romen road surfacemix
場面 bamen scene, setting (e.g. of novel)jlpt3
几帳面な kičoumenna scrupulousadj, emo
臆面 okumen shy facemix
側面 sokumen side, flank, sidelight, lateralmix
表面 hjoumen surfacejlpt3, math
表面積 hjoumenseki surface areamath
画面 gamen terminal screen, scene, picture, the field (in TV), photojlpt3
面倒 mendou trouble/difficulty/care/attention/(P)jlpt3
面倒な mendouna troublesomejlpt3
七面鳥 šičimenčou turkeydoubutsu
洗面所 senmendžo washroom, bathroommix
今日、会社の人との面接があります。 kjou,kaiša no hito to no mensecu ga arimasu. Dnes mám pohovor s lidmi z firmy.mix
受験者の面接を行う。 džukenša no mensecu wo okonau. Konat pohovor se zkoušeným.mix
先生が学生を面接する。 sensei ga gakusei wo mensecu suru. Učitel zkouší (zpovídá) studenta.mix
面接では1分の遅刻も許されない。 mensecu deha 1ppun no čikoku mo jurusarenai. Ani minutové zpoždění nelze u pohovoru odpustit.mix
パソコンの仮面をずっと見ていると、目が疲れる。 pasokon no kamen wo zutto miteiru to,me ga cukareru. Když dlouho koukám na počítačovou obrazovku, unaví se mi oči.mix
映画の前半.は退屈だったが、後半.は面白かった。 eiga no zenhan .ha taikucu datta ga,kouhan.ha omoširokatta. První půlka filmu byla nudná, ale druhá byla zajímavá.mix
この映画は最高に面白い。 kono eiga ha saikou ni omoširoi. Tento film je velmi zajímavý.mix
鹿に餌をやるのは面白いです šikaniesawojarunohaomoširoidesu anglicky
円の表面積は2πrである。 en no hjoumenseki ha 2paia-ru dearu. Surface area of a circle is 2πr.math
current, a sink, flow, forfeit
rjuu, ru, naga.reru, naga.re, naga.su, -naga.su, na, nagare, meguru
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Z variant: 流 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 10 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 20014
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
交流 kourjuu (1)(cultural) exchange, interchange, interaction, (inter-) mingling, (social, etc.) networking, intercourse, (2)alternating current, AC suru
放流 hourjuu (1)discharge (e.g. of water from a dam), (2)liberation, stocking (e.g. a river with fish) suru
一流の ičirjuu no (1)first-class, top grade, foremost, top-notch, leading, (2)characteristic, peculiar, unique, (n) (3)school (e.g. of a performance art), (4)one flag, one banner, one streamer mix
一流 ičirjuu (1)first-class, top grade, foremost, top-notch, leading, (2)characteristic, peculiar, unique, (n) (3)school (e.g. of a performance art), (4)one flag, one banner, one streamer mix
流行る hajaru (1)to be popular, to come into fashion, (2)to be prevalent, to spread widely (e.g. disease), to be endemic, (3)to flourish, to thrive godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
流す nagasu (1)to drain, to pour, to spill, to shed (blood, tears), (2)to wash away, (3)to distribute (e.g. electricity over wires, music over a PA system, etc.), to circulate, to broadcast, to beam, (4)to cr godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
流石 sasuga (1)(uk) as one would expect, (2)still, all the same, (3)even... (e.g. "even a genius...") mix
流血 rjuukecu bloodshed/(P)adj, leda1
流行語 rjuukougo buzzword, vogue word, popular phrase, word (phrase) in fashion or on everybody's lipsmix
灯篭流し tourou nagaši Ceremony in which Paper Lanterns are floated down a River (August 15/16)mix
清流 seirjuu clear streammix
寒流 kanrjuu cold currentmix
流れ nagare currentshizen
流氷 rjuuhjou drift ice/ice floe/(P)leda1
電流 denrjuu electric currentdenki
風流(な) fuurjuu(na) elegance/taste/refinement/(P)adj, leda1
流刑 rukei exile, deportation; exile, deportationsuru
大流行 dairjuukou extremely popular/extremely common/widespread contagionmix
流行 rjuukou fashion/fad/vogue/crazeadj, jlpt3, suru
流体 rjuutai fluidmix
流体力学 rjuutairikigaku fluid mechanicsmix
流砂 rjuusa; rjuuša quicksand; quicksandshizen
我流 garjuu self-taught, one's own waymix
流れ星 nagareboši shooting star/meteor/(P)leda1
流れる nagareru to stream, to flow (liquid, time, etc.), to run (ink), to be washed awayichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
支流 širjuu tributary, branchmix
今ハローキッティーが流行っている。 ima haro-kitteィ- ga hajatteiru. Hello Kitty je teď v módě.baka
風邪が流行っています。 kaze ga hajatteimasu. Rýma je teď častá (běžná).mix
token, sign, mark, tally, charm
Main radical: 竹 (118) Radicals:
Strokes: 11 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 18788
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
音符 onpu (1)musical note, note symbol, (2)phonetic symbol (inc. the kanji and kana-doubling symbols, vowel-lengthening symbol, etc.), (3)part of a kanji for which the role is primarily to represent the pron ongaku
疑問符 gimonfu (ling) question markbunpou
二分音符 nibuonpu half note, minimongaku
四分音符 šibuonpu quarter note, crotchet; quarter note, crotchetongaku
休符 kjuufu rest (in music)ongaku
切符 kippu ticket/(P)jlpt5, leda1, ryokou
全音符 zen'onpu whole noteongaku
location, place
džou, čou, ba
Main radical: 土 (32) Radicals:
Simplified: 场 non japanese kanji
Z variant:
Strokes: 12 Jouyou: 2 JIS: 15980
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
製糸工場 seišikoudžou továrna na hedvábné nitěleda1
立場 tačiba stanovisko, hledisko, situaceleda1
出場 šucudžou vystoupení, účinkování, účastjlpt3, leda1
来場 raidžou přítomnost (někde)leda1
魚市場 uoičiba rybí trhleda1
市場 šidžou trh (zahraniční), odbytištěleda1
市場 ičiba trh, tržiště, tržnice (místo)leda1
場外 džougai vně, mimo (dané místo)leda1
射撃練習場 šagekirenšuuba střelnicemix
登場 toudžou (1)entry (on stage)/appearance (on screen)/ (2)entrance/introduction (into a market)/(P) suru
牧場 bokudžou (1)farm (livestock), ranch (US), station (Aus, NZ), (2)pasture land, meadow, grazing land mix
入場 njuudžou admissionryokou
飛行場 hikoudžou airfield, airportjlpt4, ryokou
浴場 jokudžou bath (tub, bath-house)/(P)mix
風呂場 furoba bathroomjlpt3, uchi
場合 baai case, occasionjlpt4
工場 koudžou factoryjlpt4, leda1, shigoto
渡し場 watašiba ferry landing, point of departure or arrival for ferriesmix
墓場 hakaba graveyard, cemeterymix
上場 džoudžou listing a stocksuru
場所 bašo locationjlpt4
職場 šokuba one's post, place of work, workplacemix
場違い bačigai out-of-place, inappropriate, sticking out like a sore thumbmix
駐車場 čuušadžou parking lotjlpt4, leda1, ryokou
月極駐車場 cukigimečuušadžou parking lot rented on a monthly basismix
愁嘆場 šuutanba pathetic scenemix
置き場 okiba place for something, storehousemix
専用駐車場 sen'joučuušadžou private parking placemix
試合場 šiaidžou ring, playing field, stadiummix
岩場 iwaba rocky area/rockface/rock wallleda1
砂場 sunaba sand pitmix
場面 bamen scene, setting (e.g. of novel)jlpt3
運動場 undoudžou school playgroundgakkou
売り場 uriba selling areajlpt4
広場 hiroba squareleda1
登場人物 toudžoudžinbucu the characters (in a play or novel)mix
会場 kaidžou the place of meetingjlpt4
劇場 gekidžou theatre, theater, playhousemix
入場券 njuudžouken ticket of admission, platform ticketmix
有料駐車場 juurjoučuušadžou toll parking lot, toll car parkmix
役場 jakuba town hallmix
町役場 mačijakuba town hallseiji
村役場 murajakuba village officeseiji
洗い場 araiba washing placegodan, verb, vintrans
居場所 ibašo whereabouts, place, locationmix
お父さんの工場は24時間稼動ですか? otousan no koudžou ha 24 džikan kadou desuka? Továrna, kde pracuje tvůj táta, má 24 hodinový provoz?shigoto
広場で人間と動物が交ざっていました。 hiroba de ningen to doubucu ga mazatteimašita. Na náměstí se promíchali lidi se zvířatama.baka
工場は空気を汚しました。 koudžou ha kuuki wo jogošimašita. Továrna znečistila vzduch.mix
住所を変わった場合は、すぐに学校に届けてください。 džuušo wo kawa tta baai ha , suguni gakkou ni todoke tekudasai . V případě, že změníte adresu, okamžitě informujte školu.mix
市場が繁盛して町が栄えた ičibagahandžoušitemačigahaeta anglicky
私の家は墓場のように静かです。 wataši no ie ha hakaba nojouni šizuka desu. My house is as quiet as a graveyard.baka, uchi