
Date and time of registration: 2010-11-01 19:55:00
Number of learnt characters: 465
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Learnt characters 2022/8: list | without examples | detailed
Kanji test: kanji test | meaning test | Results
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning

Learnt characters 2022/8

han, hon, tan, ho,, so.rasu,,,, sori, ta
Main radical: 又 (29) Radicals:
Strokes: 4 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 18495
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
反省する hanseisuru zpytování svědomí, reflexemix
反映 han'ei (1)influence, (vs) (2)to apply, to implement, (n) (3)reflection suru
反発 hanpacu (1)to repel/to oppose/to revolt/to react sharply (against)/(n) (2)opposition/rebellion/resistance/backlash/ (3)rally/recovery (e.g. in stock prices)/rebound/(vs) (4)to rally/to recover/to rebound/( leda1, suru
反対語 hantaigo (ling) antonymbunpou
反感 hankan antipathy/revolt/animosity/(P)leda1
反撃 hangeki counterattack, counteroffensive, counterblowsuru
反問 hanmon cross-examination/retort/asking in returnleda1, suru
反抗的な hankoutekina defiantadj, emo
反対意見 hantaiiken dissenting opinion, opposition viewpoint, contra (view)mix
反響 hankjou echo, reverberation, repercussion, reaction, influencesuru
反則 hansoku foul play (sport), transgression, default, balk, irregularitysuru
反面 hanmen on the other hand/(P)leda1
反対側 hantaigawa opposite sideleda1
反対 hantai opposition, resistance, antagonism, hostility, contrast, objection, dissension, reverse, opposite, vice versajlpt3, jlpt4, leda1, suru
反抗 hankou opposition/resistance/insubordination/defiance/hostility/rebellion/(P)leda1, suru
反応 hannou reaction, response; reaction, responsesuru
反動 handou reaction/recoil/kick/backlash/(P)leda1
反省 hansei reflection/reconsideration/introspection/meditation/contemplation/(P)jlpt3, leda1, suru
反射な hanšana reflectiveadj
反復 hanpuku repetition/iteration/recursion/recurrence/recapitulation/(P)leda1, suru
反り身 sorimi strutting/sticking out the chestleda1
反らす sorasu to bend/to warp/to curvegodan, leda1, verb, vtrans
反る soru (1)to bend (backward)/(P) godan, leda1, verb, vintrans
違反 ihan violation (of law), transgression, infringement, breachsuru
プラスの反対はマイナスだ。 purasu no hantai ha mainasu da. Opak plusu je mínus.mix
彼の意見には反対だ。 kano iken ni ha hantai da. Jsem proti jeho názoru.mix
wherefore, a reason
ju, juu, jui, joši,
Main radical: 田 (102) Radicals:
Strokes: 5 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 19763
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
不自由な fudžijuuna nepohodlný, neschopný, handicapovanýjlpt3
不自由な生活 fudžijuu na seikacu život v chudobě (nepohodlí)mix
不自由 fudžijuu (1)discomfort, inconvenience, (2)poverty, want, destitution, (3)disability, impairment (physical, mental, etc.) jlpt3
自由な džijuu na freejlpt3
自由 džijuu freedomjlpt4, leda1
由来 jurai origin, source, history, derivation, reason, destinyall
理由 rijuu reasonjlpt4
自由席 džijuuseki unreserved seatryokou
少年は体不自由な人に席を譲った。 šounen ha karada fudžijuu na hito ni seki wo juzutta. Mladík uvolnil (přenechal) sedadlo handicapovanému člověku.mix
彼は体が不自由です。 kare ha karada ga fudžijuu desu. Je handicapován.mix
退学の理由を説明してください。 taigaku no rijuu wo secumei šite kudasai. Vysvětli mi, prosím, proč tě vyhodili ze školy.gakkou
have the honor to, sign of the monkey, 3-5PM, ninth sign of Chinese zodiac
šin,, mou.ši-, saru
Main radical: 田 (102) Radicals:
Strokes: 5 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 16189
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
申し訳 moušiwake apology/excuse/(P)mix
申し込み moušikomi applicationmix
申請 šinsei application, request, petitionjlpt3, suru
申し込む moušikomu apply forgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
税関申告書 zeikanšinkokušo customs declarationryokou
具申 gušin offering a full report to a superiorsuru
上申 džoušin report to a superiorsuru
申告 šinkoku report, statement, filing a return, notificationsuru
申し上げる moušiageru to say (polite)ichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
申す mousu to say (polite)godan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
申請書 šinseišo written applicationmix
申し訳ありません。 moušiwake arimasen. Je mi to moc líto. (Nemám omluv.)mix
私はその奨学金を申し込むつもりです。 wataši ha sono šougakukin wo moušikomu cumori desu. I'm going to apply for the scholarship.gakkou
even, flat, peace
hei, bjou, hjou, tai.ra, -daira, hira, hira-, taira, tara, hači, hi, hitoši, he, hen
Main radical: 干 (51) Radicals:
Strokes: 5 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 19007
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
hira rovinaleda1
平ら taira rovinaleda1
平ら(な) taira(na) rovný, plochýadj, leda1
平野 heija rovina, nížina, planinaleda1
水平 suihei horizontleda1
平泳ぎ hiraojogi prsa (plavecký styl)leda1, sport
平気 heiki klid, tichojlpt3, leda1
公平 kouhei nezaujatostleda1
平等 bjoudou rovnostleda1
平日 heidžicu pracovní denjlpt3, leda1, shigoto, toki
平年 heinen normální rok (nepřestupný)leda1, toki
平安 heian mír, pokoj, období Heianleda1, namae
平安京 heiankjou Heiankjó (starý název Kjóta)leda1, namae
平和な時代 heiwa na džidai období míru, mírové obdobímix
平静な heisei na klidný, pokojnýmix
平衡移動の法則 heikouidounohousoku (obsc) law of equilibrium (Le Chatelier's principle)mix
算術平均 sandžucuheikin arithmetic meanmath
平均 heikin averagejlpt3, math
平気な heikina coolness, calmness, composure, unconcernadj, emo, jlpt3
平安時代 heiandžidai Heian period (794-1185)mix
平仮名 hiragana hiragana, the cursive syllabarybunpou, jlpt5
地平線 čiheisen horizon (related to land)mix
水平線 suiheisen horizon (related to sea or lakes)mix
平均寿命 heikindžumjou life expectancymix
平常心 heidžoušin one's self-possession, one's presence of mindmix
太平洋 taiheijou Pacific Oceanmix
平和 heiwa peace/harmony/(P)jlpt3, leda1
平原 heigen plainshizen
平方 heihou squaremath
平方根 heihoukon square rootmath
最初に平仮名を、次に片仮名を勉強した。 saišo ni hiragana wo,cugi ni katakana wo benkjou šita. Nejdřív jsem se naučil hiraganu, potom katakanu.mix
other, another, the others
ta, hoka
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals:
Strokes: 5 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 16958
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
他界 takai (1)death/the next world/(vs) (2)to pass away/to die leda1
他方 tahou (1)one (esp. of two)/the other/one way/the other way/one direction/the other direction/one side/the other side/one party/the other party/(conj) (2)on the other hand/(P) adj, leda1
自他 džita (1)oneself and others/ (2)transitive and intransitive/(P) leda1
他称 tašou (ling) third personbunpou
他人 tanin another person/unrelated person/outsider/stranger/(P)leda1
他県 taken another prefecturemix
他国 takoku foreign country/another province/(P)leda1
hoka other (esp. places and things)/the restadj, leda1
他府県 tafuken other prefecturesmix
他言する tagonsuru telling others/revealing to others/letting out a secretleda1, suru, verb
他動詞 tadouši transitive verbbunpou
他のレストランで食べればよかった。 hoka no resutoran de tabereba jokatta. Měl jsem (radši) jíst v jiné restauraci.ryouri
他のグラスに水を移す。 hoka no gurasu ni mizu wo ucusu. Přelít vodu do jiné sklenice.mix
ガールフレンドが寝ている間に他のガールフレンドとデートします。 ga-rufurendo ga neteiru aida ni hoka no ga-rufurendo to de-to šimasu. I will date another girl while my girlfriend is, baka
yonder, facing, beyond, confront, defy, tend toward, approach
kou, mu.ku, mu.i,, mu.keru,, mu.kau, mu.kai, mu.kou, mu.kou-, muko, muka.i, koo, ta, na, muka, mukai, mukou
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals:
Traditional: 曏 non japanese kanji
Z variant:
Strokes: 6 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 14462
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
左向き hidarimuki obrácený (směřující) dolevaleda1
前向きの maemukino směřující dopředu, pozitivníleda1
指向する šikousuru ukazovat namix
方向 houkou (1)direction/orientation/bearing/way/ (2)course (e.g. of action)/(P) leda1, math
向こう mukou (1)opposite side/other side/opposite direction/ (2)over there/that way/far away/beyond/ (3)the other party/the other person/ (4)future (starting now)/(P) jlpt3, leda1
向く muku (1)to face/ (2)to turn toward/ (3)to be suited to/to be fit for/(P) godan, jlpt3, leda1, verb
方向性 houkousei (1)trend, course of action, direction, (2)(comp) directionality, directivity, orientation, (adj-no) (3)(comp) directional, vectorial mix
一向 ikkou (not) at all; (uk) nothing but, earnest, intent, determined, set on (something); (uk) nothing but, earnest, intent, determined, set on (something)mix
向上 koudžou elevation/rise/improvement/advancement/progress/(P)leda1, suru
向かい mukai facing/opposite/across the street/other side/(P)jlpt3
志向 šikou intention, aimsuru
意向 ikou intention/idea/inclination/(P)leda1
向学心 kougakušin love of learningleda1
向こう mukou over there, opposite direction, across the wayjlpt3, jlpt5
向こうずね mukouzune shinhito
向日葵 himawari sun flowershokubutsu
日向 hinata sunny place, in the sunmix
振り向く furimuku to turn one's face, to turn around, to look over one's shouldergodan, verb
向ける mukeru to turn towards/to point/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
動向 doukou trend/tendency/movement/attitude/(P)leda1
風向 fuukou,kazamuki wind directionmix
僕の部屋は東と南向きなので、直射日光が当たってとても暑いです。 boku no heja ha higaši to minami muki nanode,čokuša nikkou ga atatte totemo acui desu. Můj pokoj je otočený směrem na jih a východ, takže tam svítí přímé slunce a je tam velké vedro.mix
車窓から沢山の向日葵が見えました。 šasou kara takusan no himawari ga miemašita. Z okna vlaku jsem viděl spoustu slunečnic.mix
その船は韓国に向けています。 sono fune ha kankoku ni muketeimasu. Ta loď míří k Jižní Korei.ryokou
旗を南に向けて立てて下さい。 hata wo minami ni mukete tatete kudasai. Postav tu vlajku směrem na východ.mix
私は写真を左に向ける。 wataši ha šašin wo hidari ni mukeru. Fotku namířím směrem nalevo.mix
右を向いてください。 migi wo muite kudasai. Obraťte se napravo.mix
南を向いて、歩いてください。 minami wo muite,aruite kudasai. Obraťte se na jih a jděte.mix
大きい森の向こうに住んでいたおばあちゃんはその子に赤い帽子を作りました。 ookii mori no mukou ni sundeita obaačan ha sono ko ni akai bouši wo cukurimašita. Babička, která žila za velkým lesem, jí ušila červenou čepici.akazukinchan
向こうの小山の麓まで、どちらが先に着くか勝負しましょう。」 mukou no kojama no fumoto made,dočira ga saki ni cuku ka šoubu šimašou.」 Dáme si souboj, kdo bude první u úpatí támhletoho kopce.usagitokame
先にゴールした亀は、兎に向かってこう言いました。 saki ni go-ru šita kame ha,usagi ni mukatte kou iimašita. Želva, která dosáhla cíle první, se otočila k zajíci a řekla mu.usagitokame
「知らないの?森の向こう、湖のそばにある小さい家に一人で住んでいるのよ。」 「širanaino? mori no mukou,mizuumi no soba ni aru čiisai uči ni hitori de sundeiru no jo.」 To nevíš? Žije v malém domku u jezera za lesem.akazukinchan
jail cell, grieve, sad, deplore, regret
hi, kana.šii, kana.šimu
Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals:
Strokes: 12 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 18529
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
悲惨な hisanna disastrousadj
悲観的 hikanteki pessimisticmix
悲しい kanašii sademo, jlpt4
悲運 hiun sad fate, tragic doom, ill fatemix
悲しみ kanašimi sadness, sorrow, griefjlpt3
嬉しい悲鳴 urešiihimei shriek of delight, cry of joymix
悲鳴 himei shriek, screamsuru
悲しむ kanašimu to be sad, to mourn for, to regretgodan, verb, vtrans
悲劇 higeki tragedy, disastermix
悲壮 hisou tragicemo
ascend, climb up
tou, to, dou, šou, čou,, a.garu, taka, noboši, nobori, nori
Main radical: 癶 (105) Radicals:
Strokes: 12 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 17744
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
登場 toudžou (1)entry (on stage)/appearance (on screen)/ (2)entrance/introduction (into a market)/(P) suru
登校 toukou attendance (at school), going to schoolsuru
登頂 toučou climbing to the summitsuru
登山 tozan mountain climbingleda1, sport
山登り jamanobori mountain climbingleda1
登録 touroku registration/accession/register/entry/record/(P)suru
登場人物 toudžoudžinbucu the characters (in a play or novel)mix
登る noboru to climbgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
夏休みには富士山に登ろうと計画している。 nacujasumi ni ha fudžisan ni noborou to keikaku šiteiru. Plánuji, že o letních prázdninách vylezeme na horu Fudži.mix
concept, think, idea, thought
sou, so, omo.u
Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals:
Strokes: 13 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 16731
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
予想額 josou gaku předpokládaná cena, hodnotamix
読書感想文 dokušokansoubun čtenářský deníkmix
想像がつく souzougacuku (id) one can imaginemix
想像力 souzourjoku (power of) imaginationmix
連想 rensou association (of ideas), being reminded (of something), suggestionsuru
愛想 aiso civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, graces; civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, gracesmix
夢想家 musouka dreamermix
予想 josou expectation/anticipation/prediction/forecast/conjecture/(P)adj, jlpt3, leda1, suru, verb
理想 risou ideal, dreammix
想像 souzou imagination, guessjlpt3, suru
感想 kansou impressions, thoughtsjlpt3, suru
黙想 mokusou meditation, silent contemplationsuru
構想 kousou plan, plot, idea, conceptionsuru
回想 kaisou reflection, reminiscencesuru
思想 šisou thought, idea, ideologymix
想像して下さい。 souzou šite kudasai. Představte si, prosím.mix
理想の女性と結婚したい。 risou no džosei to kekkon šitai. Chci si vzít ideální ženu.mix
想像と現実は違う。 souzou to gendžicu ha čigau. Představa a skutečnost se liší.mix
100年後の未来を想像する。 100 nengo no mirai wo souzou suru. Přestavit si budoucnost za 100 let.mix
sideways, side, horizontal, width, woof
ou, joko
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals:
Traditional: 橫 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 15 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 12835
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
横着な oučaku na nestoudnýmix
横断 oudan (1)crossing, (adj-f) (2)transverse suru
横に jokoni (1)horizontally, flat, (2)across, crossways, crosswise, sideways, abreast mix
joko beside, sidejlpt3, jlpt5
横顔 jokogao face in profile, profile, face seen from the sidemix
横断歩道 oudanhodou pedestrian crossingmix
横転 outen turning sideways, barrel rollsuru
横書き jokogaki writing horizontallymix
横浜 jokohama Yokohama (city)mix