Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

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お祝い おいわい celebrationjlpt4
式典 しきてん ceremony, ritesmix
すみ charcoalmix
カレル橋 カレルばし Charles Bridge (Prague)namae
お守り おまもり charmkami
育児 いくじ childcare, nursing, upbringingsuru
伝票 でんぴょう chit, sales slip, vouchermix
まる circlemix
かんきつ類 かんきつるい citrusshokubutsu
愛想 あいそ civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, graces; civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, gracesmix
階級 かいきゅう class, rank, grademix
清流 せいりゅう clear streammix
晴れ はれ clear weathertenki
仲が良い なかがよい close, intimate, on good terms; close, intimate, on good termsmix
仲がいい なかがいい close/intimate/on good termsleda1
くも cloudjlpt4, tenki
部活 ぶかつ club activitiesmix
石炭 せきたん coalkagaku
お冷 おひや cold (drinking) water, cold boiled riceryouri
冷たい つめたい cold (to the touch), chilly, icy, freezing, coldheartedadj, emo, jlpt5
冷血な れいけつな cold heartedadj, emo
取材 しゅざい collecting data (e.g. for a newspaper article)/covering an event/(P)leda1, suru
司令 しれい command, control, commandersuru
記念 きねん commemoration, memorysuru
公約数 こうやくすう common factorsmath
競争 きょうそう competejlpt3, jlpt4, sport
組成 そせい composition, constitutionsuru
完結 かんけつ conclusion, completionsuru
定数 ていすう constantmath
相談 そうだん consultation, discussionsuru
消費 しょうひ consumption, expenditurejlpt3, suru
連続関数 れんぞくかんすう continuous functionmath
コピー機 コピーき copier, copy machinedenki
かど corner, hornjlpt5
~羽 ば、わ counter for birds and rabbitscounter, leda1
counter for birds and rabbitscounter, jlpt3
航路 こうろ course, (sea) route, runmix
お礼 おれい courtesyjlpt3, jlpt4
泣く なく cryjlpt4
泣き虫 なきむし crybaby/blubbererleda1
号泣 ごうきゅう crying aloud, lamentation, wailingsuru
流れ ながれ currentshizen
曲線 きょくせん curvemath
曲る まがる curve, be bent, be crooked, turnjlpt5
まな板 まないた cutting boardjlpt3, ryouri
決定 けってい decision, determinationmix
けつ decision/vote/(P)mix
深い ふかい deepjlpt4
敗戦 はいせん defeat, losing a warsuru
負け まけ defeat, loss, losing (a game)jlpt3
決して けっして definitely, by no means, not at alljlpt3, jlpt4
配達 はいたつ delivery, distributionsuru
歯石 しせき dental calculus (calcified deposits that accumulate on the teeth), tartar (of the teeth)mix
指定 してい designation, specification, assignment, appointment, pointing atsuru
願望 がんぼう desire, wish, aspiration; desire, wish, aspirationsuru
細部 さいぶ detailsmix
辞典 じてん dictionaryjlpt4
消失 しょうしつ die out, disappear, vanish; die out, disappear, vanishsuru
失望 しつぼう disappointmentedemo
さら dish, plateleda1, ryouri
消毒 しょうどく disinfection, sterilization, sterilisationsuru
配信 はいしん distribution, delivery, transmission, provisionsuru
door (Japanese style)jlpt5, uchi
点線 てんせん dotted line/perforated lineleda1
ばい double, two timesjlpt3, jlpt4
流氷 りゅうひょう drift ice/ice floe/(P)leda1
かく each, every, either, respectively, severally; each, every, allmix
節約 せつやく economising, savingjlpt3
選挙 せんきょ electionjlpt3, seiji
落選 らくせん election loss, rejectionsuru
初級 しょきゅう elementary levelmix
ぞう elephantdoubutsu
絵馬 えま ema, wooden plate for wishkami
表われ あらわれ embodiment, manifestation, materialization, materialisation, expression, indicationmix
緑玉石 りょくぎょくせき emeraldkagaku
表皮 ひょうひ epithelium, skin, rindmix
等辺 とうへん equal sidesmix
等しい ひとしい equal, similar, like, equivalentadj
消しゴム けしゴム erasergakkou, jlpt4
予算 よさん estimate/budgetadj, leda1, suru
歴然と れきぜん と evident, plain, distinct, clearmix
歴然 れきぜん evident, plain, distinct, clearmix
予想 よそう expectation/anticipation/prediction/forecast/conjecture/(P)adj, jlpt3, leda1, suru, verb
予期 よき expectation/assume will happen/forecast/(P)leda1, suru
指数関数 しすうかんすう exponentialmath
速達 そくたつ express, special deliverymix
血相 けっそう expression/looksleda1
向かい むかい facing/opposite/across the street/other side/(P)jlpt3
失敗 しっぱい failure, failjlpt3
落第 らくだい failure/dropping out of a class/(P)gakkou, leda1
失神 しっしん faint/trance/swoon/stupefactionleda1, suru
落ち葉 おちば fallen leaves, leaf litter, defoliation, shedding leavessuru
積雪 せきせつ fallen snowmix
欠点 けってん faults/defect/weakness/(P)leda1
愛器 あいき favourite musical instrument, utensil, etc.ongaku
羽根 はね featherdoubutsu
はね feather, wingdoubutsu, leda1
羽毛 うもう feathers/plumage/down/(P)leda1
感じ かんじ feeling, sense, impressionmix
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