Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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~台 ~dai counter for machines, stand, rest, rackcounter, jlpt5
~分 ~fun counter for minutesjlpt5, toki
~個 ~ko counter for small objects, piece(s), item(s)counter, jlpt5
~冊 ~satsu counter for volumes, copiescounter, jlpt5
反撃 hangeki counterattack, counteroffensive, counterblowsuru
kuni countryjlpt5, leda1
原産国名 gensankokumei country of originmix
運び屋 hakobiya courier, smuggler, carrier (e.g. of illegal drugs), traffickermix
お礼 orei courtesyjlpt3, jlpt4
ushi cowdoubutsu
意気地無し ikujinashi coward, timid creaturemix
弱虫 yowamushi coward/weakling/(P)adj, leda1
試験勉強 shikenbenkyou cramming for examsgakkou
ザリガニ下目 zariganikamoku crayfishdoubutsu
創造 souzou creation/(P)suru
独創的 dokusouteki creative, originalmix
農作物 nousakubutsu crops, agricultural producemix
渡る wataru cross over, go acrossjlpt5
反問 hanmon cross-examination/retort/asking in returnleda1, suru
泣く naku cryjlpt4
泣き声 nakigoe cry, crying voicemix
泣き虫 nakimushi crybaby/blubbererleda1
号泣 goukyuu crying aloud, lamentation, wailingsuru
三乗 sanjou cubemath
立方 rippou cubesuru
三乗根 sanjoukon cube rootmath
文化 bunka culturejlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
文化の日 bunkanohi Culture Day Holiday (Nov 3)namae
文化祭 bunkasai culture festival, arts festivalmix
修練 shuuren culture, training, drill, practice, practisesuru
通貨 tsuuka currencymise
流れ nagare currentshizen
曲率 kyokuritsu curvaturemath
曲線 kyokusen curvemath
曲る magaru curve, be bent, be crooked, turnjlpt5
風習 fuushuu custom/(P)leda1
通関 tsuukan customs clearancesuru
税関申告書 zeikanshinkokusho customs declarationryokou
税関 zeikan customs housemix
関税局 kanzeikyoku customs officemix
切り傷 kirikizu cutbyouki
可愛い kawaii cuteadj, ai
甘皮 amakawa cuticlehito
皮肉 hiniku cynicism, sarcasm, irony, satireemo
チェコ語 chekogo Czech languagemix
チェコ鉄道 cheko tetsudou Czech Railwaysnamae
大黒天 daikokuten Daikokuten, god of wealth (harvest, kitchen)kami
日課 nikka daily lesson/daily work/daily routine/(P)leda1
男子高校生の日常 danshikoukousei no nichijou Daily Lives of High School Boysmix
実用品 jitsuyouhin daily or domestic articlesleda1
大名 daimyou daimyo (Japanese feudal lord)/daimio/(P)mix
被害 higai damagejlpt3
段位 dan'i dan, grade (of black belt)mix
立方 tachikata; rippou dancing (geisha); cubesuru
危険 kiken dangerjlpt4
危ない abunai dangerous, critical, grave, uncertain, unreliable, limping, narrow, close, watch out!adj, jlpt5
濃い koi darkadj, iro, jlpt3
黒ビール kurobi-ru dark beerryouri
暗雲 an'un dark cloudstenki
暗い色 kuraiiro dark color, dark colouriro
暗室 anshitsu dark roommix
暗い kurai dark, gloomyadj, jlpt5
浅黒い asaguroi darkish, swarthyadj
暗黒 ankoku darknessmix
資料 shiryou data, materialsgakkou
日付 hiduke dateleda1, toki
年月日 nengappi datetoki
musume daughterjlpt3, jlpt4, kazoku
hi dayjlpt4, toki
~日 ~nichi day (of the month)jlpt5, toki
明後日 asatte day after tomorrowjlpt3, jlpt5, toki
明後日 myougonichi day after tomorrowjlpt3
白日夢 hakujitsumu daydreammix
昼間 hiruma daytime, during the daytimejlpt4, leda1, toki
夢中 muchuu daze, ecstasy, deliriummix
夢中な muchuuna daze/(in a) trance/ecstasy/delirium/engrossment/within a (deep) dream/(P)adj, jlpt3
亡い nai deadadj
死語 shigo dead language, obsolete wordmix
真夜中 mayonaka dead of night, midnightjlpt3, toki
真夜中に mayonakani dead of night/midnight/(P)leda1
同点 douten deadlock/tie/draw/(P)adj, leda1
死去 shikyo deathleda1, suru
焼死 shoushi death by firesuru
借金 shakkin debt/loan/liabilities/(P)suru
十進法 jisshinhou decimalmath
小数点数 shousuutensuu decimal numbersmath
小数点 shousuuten decimal pointmath
決定 kettei decision, determinationmix
ketsu decision/vote/(P)mix
決断力のある ketsudanryokunoaru decisiveadj, emo
辞退 jitai declining, refusal, nonacceptance, turning down, withdrawal (e.g. candidacy), pulling out (e.g. race), excusing oneselfsuru
脱色 dasshoku decolourization, decolorization, decolourisation, decolorisation, bleachingsuru
減少 genshou decrease, reduction, declinesuru
深い fukai deepjlpt4
深海 shinkai deep sea, depths of the sea, ocean depthsmix
負け make defeat, loss, losing (a game)jlpt3
死守 shishu defending to the last/defending desperatelyleda1, suru
死守する shishusuru defending to the last/defending desperatelyleda1, suru, verb
守備 shubi defense/defenceadj, leda1, suru
確か tashika definitejlpt3, jlpt4
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