home (one's own), inside (uchi)

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広間 hiroma halaleda1, uchi
客間 kjakuma přijímací pokoj, salonleda1, uchi
台所線 daidokorosen kuchyňská linkauchi
電線 densen (1)electric line, electric cable, power cable, (2)telephone line, telegraph wire uchi
makura (1)pillow, bolster, (2)introduction (e.g. to a rakugo story), lead-in all, uchi
花瓶 kabin (flower) vasejlpt5, leda1, uchi
引越 hikkoši (n,vs) moving (dwelling, office, etc.), changing residencejlpt3, uchi
houki (uk) broomuchi
箪笥 tansu (uk) chest of drawers/bureau/cabinet/tansu/dresser/(P)uchi
冷房装置 ku-ra- air conditionerdenki, uchi
冷房 reibou air conditioningjlpt4, uchi
アパート apa-to apartment, apartment building, apartjlpt5, uchi
灰皿 haizara ashtrayjlpt5, uchi
屋根裏 janeura atticuchi
ベランダ beranda balcony, verandahjlpt3, uchi
お風呂 ofuro bathjlpt5, uchi
風呂 furo bathjlpt3, jlpt5, uchi
風呂場 furoba bathroomjlpt3, uchi
浴室 jokušicu bathroom, bathuchi
寝室 šinšicu bed roomuchi
本棚 hondana bookshelvesjlpt3, jlpt5, uchi
建物 tatemono buildingjlpt5, uchi
食堂 šokudou cafeteria, dining roomjlpt5, mise, uchi
天井 tendžou ceilinguchi
椅子 isu chairjlpt5, uchi
いす isu chairuchi
たんす tansu chest of drawersuchi
押し入れ ošiire closetjlpt4, uchi
押入れ ošiire closetuchi
sumi cornerjlpt4, uchi
廊下 rouka corridorjlpt3, leda1, uchi
長椅子 nagaisu couch, bench, ottomanuchi
食器棚 šokkidana cupboardryouri, uchi
戸棚 todana cupboarduchi
カーテン ka-ten curtainjlpt4, uchi
cukue deskgakkou, jlpt5, uchi
門戸 monko dooruchi
to door (Japanese style)jlpt5, uchi
引き出し hikidaši drawerjlpt4, uchi
乾燥機 kansouki dryeruchi
雑巾 zoukin dustclothuchi
電気 denki electricity, (electric) lightjlpt5, uchi
非常口 hidžouguči emergency exituchi
全館 zenkan entire buildinguchi
玄関 genkan entranceway, entry halljlpt5, uchi
扇風機 senpuuki fandenki, uchi
蛇口 džaguči faucet, tapuchi
暖炉 danro fireplace, hearth, stoveuchi
juka flooruchi
冷凍庫 reitouko freezeruchi
家具 kagu furnitureuchi
布団 futon futonjlpt4, uchi
niwa gardenjlpt5, uchi
ストーブ suto-bu heater, stovejlpt5, uchi
暖房 danbou heatingjlpt3, jlpt4, uchi
uči home (one's own), insidejlpt5, uchi
ie house, homejlpt5, uchi
和室 wašicu Japanese-style room/(P)uchi
kagi keyuchi
台所 daidokoro kitchenjlpt5, uchi
マンション manšon large apartment (from mansion)/apartment house/(P)uchi
居間 ima living roomleda1, uchi
下宿 gešuku lodgejlpt4, uchi
電子レンジ denširendži microwavedenki, uchi
kagami mirrorjlpt4, uchi
一畳 ičidžou one matuchi
オーブン o-bun ovenuchi
冷蔵庫 reizouko refrigeratordenki, jlpt5, uchi
家賃 jačin rent/(P)jlpt3, uchi
住宅 džuutaku residence, housing, residential buildingleda1, uchi
炊飯器 suihanki rice cookerdenki, uchi
屋根 jane roofuchi
屋上 okudžou rooftopjlpt4, leda1, uchi
部屋 heja roomjlpt5, uchi
部屋代 hejadai room rentjlpt3, uchi
二階 nikai second flooruchi
tana shelfjlpt4, uchi
下駄箱 getabako shoe cabinetuchi
シャワー šawa- showerjlpt5, uchi
ソーファ so-fuァ sofauchi
階段 kaidan stairsjlpt5, uchi
テーブル te-buru tablejlpt5, uchi
tatami tatami matjlpt4, uchi
電話 denwa telephonedenki, jlpt5, leda1, uchi
テレビ terebi televisiondenki, jlpt5, uchi
トイレ toire toiletjlpt5, uchi
歯ブラシ haburaši toothbrushuchi
軒下 nokišita under the overhang of a Japanese roofuchi
器具 kigu utensil, apparatus, implement, device, gadgetuchi
掃除機 soudžiki vacuum cleanerdenki, uchi
風通し kazetooši ventilationuchi
kabe walljlpt4, uchi
洗濯機 sentakuki washing machinedenki, uchi
ふきん fukin washraguchi
ゴミ箱 gomibako wastebasketuchi
時計 tokei watch, clockdenki, jlpt5, leda1, uchi
ドア doa Western style doorjlpt5, uchi
mado windowjlpt5, uchi
お宅 otaku your house (polite)jlpt4, uchi
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