various words (mix)

Number of vocabulary: 3764
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小テスト shoutesuto quiz, small testmix
レーダー re-da- radarmix
鉄道 tetsudou railroadmix
遮断機 shadanki railway crossing gatemix
降雨 kouu rainfall, rainmix
雨天 uten rainy weathermix
熊手 kumade rake, fork, bamboo rakemix
油菜 aburana rape (seed oil plant, Brassica campestris)mix
稀有 keu rare, uncommonmix
滅多に mettani rarely (with neg. verb), seldommix
軽率 keisotsu rash, thoughtless, careless, hastymix
殺鼠剤 sassozai rat poisonmix
歩合 buai rate, ratio, commission, percentage, poundagemix
寧ろ mushiro rather, better, insteadmix
合理的 gouriteki rational, reasonable, logicalmix
鼠落し nezumiotoshi rattrapmix
素材 sozai raw materials, subject mattermix
生肉 namaniku raw meat, fresh meatmix
生魚 namazakana raw or fresh fishmix
旭光 kyokkou rays of the rising sunmix
剃刀 kamisori razormix
sai re-/again/repeated/deutero-/deuto-/deuter-/(P)mix
再入国 sainyuukoku re-entry into a countrymix
再試験 saishiken re-examinationmix
不動産 fudousan real estatemix
不動産屋 fudousan'ya real estate agent, realtormix
本音 honne real intention, motivemix
本名 honmyou real name; real namemix
本名 honmei real name; real namemix
現実 genjitsu realitymix
近年 kinnen recent yearsmix
応接間 ousetsuma reception room, parlor, parlourmix
改修工事 kaishuukouji reconstructionmix
古事記 kojiki Records of Ancient Matters (Japan's oldest historical record); Records of Ancient Matters (Japan's oldest historical record)mix
赤み akami reddish tinge/tinge of red/slight redness/blushmix
参考 sankou reference, consultationmix
映像 eizou reflection, image, picture (e.g. on a television), shot, clipmix
難民 nanmin refugeesmix
地方 chihou regionjlpt3, mix
一帯 ittai region, zone, whole placemix
後悔 koukai regret, repentancejlpt3, mix
常連客 jourenkyaku regular customermix
霊気 reiki reikimix
靈氣 reiki Reiki (healing method)mix
に関して nikanshite related to, in relation tomix
密接 missetsu related, connected, close, intimatemix
親族 shinzoku relativesmix
老い先 oisaki remaining years (of one's life)mix
顕著 kencho remarkable, striking, obviousmix
残り nokori remnant, residue, remaining, left-overmix
報酬 houshuu remuneration, recompense, reward, tollmix
修理 shuuri repairing/mending/servicingjlpt3, mix
欠席届 kessekitodoke report of a school absencemix
名聞 meibun reputationmix
外聞 gaibun reputation, respectability, honour, honormix
憤り ikidoori resentment, indignationmix
屋敷 yashiki residence, estate, grounds, premises, mansionmix
敬老 keirou respect for the agedmix
敬意 keii respect, honour, honormix
謹んで tsutsushinde respectfully, humbly, reverentlymix
休憩所 kyuukeijo rest area, rest stop, service area, SA, parking area (e.g. off highways), PAmix
成果 seika results, fruitsmix
家来 kerai retainer, retinue, servantmix
残響 zankyou reverberation, echomix
kai revisionmix
ran revolt, rebellion, warmix
褒美 houbi reward, prizemix
煎餅 senbei rice cookie, Japanese cracker, wafermix
稲作 inasaku rice cropmix
ta rice fieldmix
肥えた土 koetatsuchi rich (fertile) soilmix
肩車 kataguruma riding piggyback, riding on someone's shouldersmix
migi right hand sidejlpt5, mix
緊密 kinmitsu rigour, rigor, closeness, compactness, tightly knitmix
薬指 kusuriyubi ring finger, third fingermix
試合場 shiaijou ring, playing field, stadiummix
冒険 bouken risk/venture/adventure/(P)mix
切腹 seppuku ritual suicide, disembowelment, seppuku, harakirimix
川柳 senryuu riverside willow (esp. rosegold pussy willow); riverside willow (esp. rosegold pussy willow); comic haikumix
路面 romen road surfacemix
焼き芋 yakiimo roasted sweet potato, baked sweet potatomix
屈強 kukkyou robust, brawny, muscular, strong, sturdymix
根底 kontei root, basis, foundationmix
nawa rope, hempmix
薔薇園 baraen rose gardenmix
arai roughmix
大雑把 oozappa rough (as in not precise), broad, sketchymix
下書き shitagaki rough copy, draft, draughtmix
壮行 soukou rousingmix
歯並び hanarabi row of teeth, set of teeth, dentitionmix
歯並み hanami row of teeth, set of teeth, dentitionmix
王室 oushitsu royal familymix
瓦礫 gareki rubblemix
海鳴り uminari rumbling of the seamix
wadachi rut, wheel track, furrowmix
糖類 tourui saccharides, sweetenersmix
悲運 hiun sad fate, tragic doom, ill fatemix
金庫 kinko safe/vault/treasury/provider of funds; safe/vault/treasury/provider of funds/(P)mix
無事 buji safety, peace, quietnessmix
ho sailmix
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