various words (mix)

Number of vocabulary: 3764
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乾鮭 karazake dried salted salmonmix
運転免許 untenmenkyo driver's license, driver's licencemix
時雨 shigure drizzle, shower in late autumn (fall) or early wintermix
ドラム缶 doramukan drummix
正式 seishiki due form, official, formalitymix
丸木舟 marukibune dugout canoemix
不振 fushin dullness, depression, slump, stagnationmix
副本 fukuhon duplicate, copymix
耐久性 taikyuusei durabilitymix
獄中 gokuchuu during imprisonment, while in jail (gaol)mix
夜中 yonaka during the night, at night; (arch) all night, the whole night; midnight, dead of nightmix
蘭学 rangaku Dutch studies, studies of Western knowledgemix
kaku each, every, either, respectively, severally; each, every, allmix
懸命 kenmei eagerness, earnestness, risking one's lifemix
耳掃除 mimisouji ear cleaning, cleaning one's earsmix
耳孔 jikou earholemix
連歌 renga early Japanese poetry form, poetic dialoguemix
五月雨 samidare early-summer rain; early-summer rainmix
東欧 touou Eastern Europemix
手軽 tegaru easy, simple, informal, offhand, cheapmix
変人 henjin eccentric, crank, oddballmix
偏屈 henkutsu eccentricity, bigotry, obstinacymix
響き hibiki echo, sound, reverberation, noisemix
エコ洗剤 ekosenzai eco detergentmix
財政的 zaiseiteki economic, financial, fiscalmix
経済学 keizaigaku economicsmix
kiwa edge, brink, verge, side; on the occasion of, circumstancesmix
蕗の薹 fukinotou edible flower bud of the fuki (Petasites japonicus) plant, an early spring delicacymix
教務課 kyoumuka educational affairs sectionmix
教育者 kyouikusha educator, teacher, educationalistmix
効力 kouryoku effect, efficacy, validity, potencymix
効能 kounou effect/efficacy/virtue/benefit/(P)mix
効果的 koukateki effective, successfulmix
弾力 danryoku elasticity, flexibilitymix
年配 nenpai elderly, age, yearsmix
電気機関車 denkikikansha electric locomotivemix
電気製品 denkiseihin electronic goodsmix
上品 jouhin; joubon elegant, refined, polished; Buddhism's highest paradisemix
初級 shokyuu elementary levelmix
標高 hyoukou elevation, height above sea levelmix
表われ araware embodiment, manifestation, materialization, materialisation, expression, indicationmix
皇帝 koutei emperormix
出勤日 shukkinbi employee's work daymix
雇用情勢 koyoujousei employment situationmix
空箱 karabako empty boxmix
空き箱 akibako empty boxmix
百科事典 hyakkajiten encyclopedia, encyclopaediamix
月末 getsumatsu end of the month; end of the monthmix
お歳暮 oseibo end of the year, year-end giftmix
今月末 kongetsumatsu end of this monthmix
年末 nenmatsu end-of-yearmix
終盤 shuuban endgame, final stagemix
耐久 taikyuu endurance, persistencemix
エネルギー enerugi- energy (ger: Energie)mix
工学 kougaku engineeringmix
イギリス人 igirisujin Englishman, Englishwomanmix
莫大 bakudai enormous, vastmix
企業 kigyou enterprise, undertaking, corporation, businessmix
皆目 kaimoku entirelymix
預ける azukeru entrust, depositjlpt3, mix
環境 kankyou environment, circumstancejlpt3, mix
遣唐使 kentoushi envoy (to T'ang China)mix
表皮 hyouhi epithelium, skin, rindmix
等辺 touhen equal sidesmix
皇霊祭 koureisai equinoctial ceremony held by the emperor at the shrine of imperial ancestorsmix
食道 shokudou esophagus, gullet, esophagealmix
随筆家 zuihitsuka essayistmix
随筆 zuihitsu essays, miscellaneous writings, literary jottingsmix
到着予定時刻 touchakuyoteijikoku estimated time of arrival, ETAmix
永遠 eien eternitymix
民族学 minzokugaku ethnologymix
儀礼 girei etiquette, courtesymix
語源学 gogengaku etymologymix
婉曲 enkyoku euphemistic, circumlocution, roundabout, indirectmix
語呂の良さ goronoyosa euphonymix
ユーロ yu-ro euromix
欧州 oushuu Europemix
欧米 oubei Europe and America, the Westmix
欧風 oufuu European style, Occidentalmix
欧州連合 oushuurengou European Union, EUmix
さえも saemo even, if only, if just, as long as, the only thing neededmix
夜分 yabun evening, night, nighttimemix
時事 jiji events of the day, current affairsmix
連日 renjitsu every day, prolongedmix
各駅 kakueki every stationmix
皆様 minasama everyonemix
証拠 shouko evidence, proofmix
歴然 rekizen evident, plain, distinct, clearmix
歴然と rekizen to evident, plain, distinct, clearmix
邪道 jadou evil course, heresymix
弊害 heigai evil practice, evil practise, barriermix
大仰 oogyou exaggerationmix
答案 touan examination paper, examination scriptmix
受験者 jukensha examineemix
審査員 shinsain examiner, judgemix
秀逸 shuuitsu excellencemix
名菓 meika excellent cake, cake of an established namemix
過度の kado no excess, immoderationmix
過多 kata excess, superabundancemix
興奮性 koufunsei excitementmix
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