various words (mix)

Number of vocabulary: 3764
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning
kanji kana meaning randomReload
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静けさ shizukesa stillness/silence/hush/calm/serenity/(P)mix
覚醒剤 kakuseizai stimulantmix
石橋 ishibashi stone bridge; stone bridgemix
石器 sekki stone implementmix
石碑 sekihi stone monumentmix
sen stopper, cork, stopcockmix
少女小説 shoujoshousetsu story for young girlsmix
裏話 urabanashi story not generally known, inside story, the real story (behind something)mix
kama stove, furnace, kilnmix
直線 chokusen straight linemix
奇妙 kimyou strange, queer, curiousmix
術計 jukkei strategem, trickmix
戦略 senryaku strategy, tacticsmix
地層 chisou stratum, geological formation, layer, bed (coal, gravel, etc.)mix
野良犬 norainu stray dogmix
街灯 gaitou street lightmix
tsuji street, crossroadmix
厳密 genmitsu strict, closemix
重圧 juuatsu strong pressure, heavy pressuremix
構造 kouzou structure, constructionmix
書斎 shosai study, library, den, home office, reading roommix
豪気 gouki; gougi (1)great, grand, (2)obstinate, stubborn mix
様式 youshiki style, form, patternmix
主観的 shukanteki subjectivemix
潜水艦 sensuikan submarinemix
助成金 joseikin subsidy, grant-in-aidmix
地下道 chikadou subterranean tunnelmix
字幕 jimaku subtitle (movie)mix
減法 genpou subtractionmix
成功 seikou success, hitjlpt3, mix
合格者 goukakusha successful applicantmix
続々 zokuzoku successively, one after anothermix
逐次 chikuji successively, one after another, sequentiallymix
後任 kounin successormix
吸盤 kyuuban suction pad, suckermix
急な坂 kyuunasaka sudden drop, precipitous slopemix
不意 fui sudden, abrupt, unexpected, unforeseenmix
ぽっくり pokkuri suddenly (e.g. sudden death)mix
数独 suudoku sudokumix
自殺 jisatsu suicidemix
相応 souou suitability, fitnessmix
総額 sougaku sum total, total amountmix
隅田川 sumidagawa Sumida Rivermix
夏季 kaki summer season; summer seasonmix
山頂 sanchou summit (e.g. mountain)mix
日向 hinata sunny place, in the sunmix
スーパー su-pa- supermarketmix
超新星 choushinsei supernovamix
迷信 meishin superstitionmix
人波 hitonami surging crowd, wave of humanity, stampedemix
苗字 myouji surname, family namemix
余裕 yoyuu surplus, composure, margin, room, time, allowance, flexibility, scope, ropemix
嫌疑 kengi suspicionmix
甘美 kanbi sweet (e.g. fruit, melody, dream), lusciousmix
甘夢 kanmu sweet (pleasant) dreamsmix
甘味 amami sweetness, sugary tastemix
泳法 eihou swimming stylemix
刀刃 toujin sword blademix
刀剣 touken sword, dagger, knife, bayonetmix
剣士 kenshi swordsman, swordswoman, fencermix
刀工 toukou swordsmithmix
象徴的 shouchouteki symbolicmix
症候群 shoukougun syndromemix
合成洗剤 gouseisenzai synthetic detergentmix
総合的 sougouteki synthetic, comprehensivemix
制度 seido system, institution, organization, organisationmix
体系 taikei system, organization, organisation, architecturemix
足袋 tabi tabi, Japanese socks (with split toe)mix
禁句 kinku taboo wordmix
戦術 senjutsu tacticsmix
シャワーを浴びる shawa- wo abiru take a showermix
物語 monogatari tale, storymix
切線 sessen tangent (in trigonometry)mix
旨い料理 umairyouri tasty dishmix
免税所得 menzeishotoku tax-free incomemix
茶畑 chabatake tea plantationmix
教員免許 kyouinmenkyo teacher's license (licence) (required to teach in preschool, elementary or secondary schools)mix
術語 jutsugo technical term, terminology, nomenclaturemix
退屈 taikutsu tedium/boredom/(P)mix
テレビ放送 terebihousou telecastmix
電話回線 denwakaisen telephone linemix
望遠鏡 bouenkyou telescopemix
テレビ番組 terebibangumi television program, tv programmix
体温 taion temperature, body temperature (human, animal)mix
仮設 kasetsu temporary, provisionalmix
一旬 ichijun ten daysmix
庭球 teikyuu tennismix
棚田 tanada terraced rice-fieldsmix
自治区 jichiku territory, autonomous regionmix
試練 shiren test, trial, probation, ordeal, tribulationmix
論語 rongo the Analects of Confucius - one of the Four Booksmix
登場人物 toujoujinbutsu the characters (in a play or novel)mix
敗者 haisha the defeated, vanquished, losermix
果て hate the end, the extremity, the limit, the limits, the resultmix
翌週 yokushuu the following week, the next weekmix
末項 makkou the last paragraphmix
子午線 shigosen the meridianmix
五輪 gorin the Olympicsmix
地価 chika the price of landmix
今上陛下 kinjouheika the reigning emperor, His Majesty the Emperormix
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