various words (mix)

Number of vocabulary: 3764
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緒言 shogen foreword, preface; foreword, prefacemix
儀礼的 gireiteki formal, courteousmix
毅然 kizen fortitude, firmness, resolutionmix
ki; shiro; jou fortress (surrounded by a wall, moat, etc.); castle; castle (in place names)mix
占い uranai fortune-telling, divinationmix
ishizue foundation stone, cornerstonemix
基礎 kiso foundation, basismix
破片 hahen fragment, splinter, broken piecemix
waku frame, slide, bordermix
端的 tanteki frank, direct, plain, straightforward, point-blank, concisemix
詐欺 sagi fraud, swindle, graftmix
無料配達 muryou haitatsu free deliverymix
無料 muryou free, no chargemix
貨車 kasha freight car, vanmix
運賃 unchin freight rates, shipping expenses, faremix
貨物列車 kamotsuressha freight trainmix
フランス語 furansugo French languagemix
頻繁 hinpan frequent, incessantmix
新鋭 shin'ei freshly picked, newly producedmix
知人 chijin friend, acquaintancemix
親善試合 shinzenjiai friendly match (game), friendlymix
親睦 shinboku friendship, amitymix
遠くから tookukara from a distancemix
表紙 hyoushi front cover, bindingmix
表玄関 omotegenkan front door, vestibulemix
前線 zensen front line, (weather) frontmix
襟元 erimoto front of neck, collarmix
前歯 maeba front tooth; front toothmix
桑苺 kuwaichigo fruit of the mulberrymix
果実 kajitsu fruit, nut, berrymix
燃料 nenryou fuelmix
満席 manseki full house, all seats occupied, fully occupiedmix
大幅 oohaba full width, large scale, drasticmix
資金 shikin funds, capitalmix
葬式 soushiki funeralmix
葬祭 sousai funerals and ceremonial occasionsmix
滑稽な言葉 kokkei na kotoba funny wordsmix
大風 ookaze gale, strong windsmix
博打 bakuchi gamblingmix
車庫 shako garage, car shed, carportmix
園遊会 en'yuukai garden partymix
植木 ueki garden shrubs, trees, potted plantmix
庭園 teien garden, parkmix
庭師 niwashi gardenermix
服装 fukusou garments, attiremix
芸者 geisha geisha, Japanese singing and dancing girlmix
宝石 houseki gem, jewelmix
大枠 oowaku general frameworkmix
概念 gainen general idea, concept, notionmix
総会 soukai general meetingmix
一般 ippan general, liberal, universal, ordinary, averagemix
温和 onwa gentle, mild, moderatemix
紳士 shinshi gentlemanmix
諸君 shokun Gentlemen!, Ladies!mix
怪談 kaidan ghost storymix
幽霊話 yuureibanashi ghost storymix
幽霊 yuurei ghost, specter, spectre, apparition, phantommix
幽鬼 yuuki ghost/revenant/spirit (of the dead)/departed soulmix
喜色 kishoku glad countenance, joyful lookmix
sen glandmix
地球温暖化 chikyuuondanka global warmingmix
世界的 sekaiteki global, international, world-famousmix
天命 tenmei God's will, karma, destiny, Heaven's decree, one's lifemix
金メダル kinmedaru gold medalmix
黄金 ougon gold; (n,adj-no) gold; (n,adj-no) gold; goldmix
fuku good fortunemix
kichi good fortune/good luckmix
名案 meian good ideamix
好機 kouki good opportunity, chancemix
令聞 reibun good reputation, famemix
官公庁 kankouchou government administration officemix
役所 yakusho government office, public officemix
恩恵 onkei grace, favor, favour, blessing, benefitmix
大学院生 daigakuinsei graduate studentmix
卒業生 sotsugyousei graduate, alumnusmix
肌理 kime grain, (skin) texturemix
大叔母 oooba grandaunt, great-auntmix
孫娘 magomusume granddaughtermix
孫息子 magomusuko grandsonmix
haka gravesite, tombmix
墓場 hakaba graveyard, cemeterymix
引力 inryoku gravitymix
大昔 oomukashi great antiquity, old-fashioned, long agomix
大差 taisa great differencemix
努力 doryoku great effort, exertion, endeavour, endeavor, effortjlpt3, mix
多幸 takou great happinessmix
大喜び ooyorokobi great joymix
大笑い oowarai great laughter, burst of laughtermix
最大 saidai greatest, largest, maximummix
青信号 aoshingou green lightmix
温室効果 onshitsukouka greenhouse effectmix
挨拶 aisatsu greetingmix
画期的 kakkiteki ground-breaking, epoch-makingmix
隊員 taiin group membersmix
集団 shuudan group, massmix
han group, party, section (mil)mix
怨念 onnen grudge, malice, hatredmix
来賓 raihin guest, visitor, visitor's arrivalmix
盲導犬 moudouken guide dog for the blind, seeing eye dogmix
案内書 annaisho guidebook, guidemix
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