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企み たくらみ plan, design, artifice, trick, intriguemix
ただ (1)(uk) ordinary, common, usual, (2)free of charge, (3)unaffected, as is, safe, (adv) (4)only, merely, just, simply, (5)but, however, nevertheless mix
苗木 なえぎ seedling, sapling, young treemix
軌道 きどう (1)orbit, trajectory, (2)railroad track mix
哀れみ あわれみ škodamix
肌理 きめ textúramix
企む たくらむ plánovať, kuť, snovaťgodan, verb, vtrans
うた (1)song mix
苗字 みょうじ surname, family namemix
可哀相 かわいそう chudákmix
はだ; はだえ kožamix
企てる くわだてる plánovať, chystaťichidan, verb, vtrans
唄う うたう (1)to sing, (2)to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.), to compose a poem, to recite a poem godan, verb, vtrans
はか gravesite, tombmix
略語 りゃくご skratka (slovná)mix
刀刃 とうじん čepeľ mečamix
じょう (1)lock, padlock, (n,n-suf,ctr) (2)tablet, lozenge, pill mix
小唄 こうた balladmix
墓石 はかいし; ぼせき tombstone, gravestone; tombstone, gravestonemix
こう paragraf, odsekmix
超える こえる presiahnuť (medze)ichidan, verb, vintrans
てい cnosť, vernosťmix
狩人 かりうど; かりびと; かりゅうど hunter; hunter; huntermix
全頁 ぜんけつ page total, total number of pagesmix
帯びる おびる pripásať si, pripnúť si ichidan, verb, vtrans
前項 ぜんこう preceding paragraphmix
赴く おもむく vydať sa na miesto určenia, vyvíjať sa (smerom)godan, verb, vintrans
おおよそ; はん; ぼん priemernosť, bežnosťmix
玩具 おもちゃ; がんぐ hračkamix
壮行 そうこう rousingmix
学芸 がくげい arts and sciences, liberal artsmix
別項 べっこう special heading, separate paragraphmix
しゃく; せき naberačkamix
せん Zástrčkamix
壮大 そうだい magnificent, grand, majestic, splendidmix
芸人 げいにん player, performer, actormix
末項 まっこう the last paragraphmix
一旬 いちじゅん 10 dnímix
はち hrniecmix
壮大 そうだい veľkolepýmix
召す めす (1)(hon) to call, to invite, to send for, to summon, (2)to eat, to drink, (3)to put on, to wear, (4)to ride, (5)to catch (a cold), to take (a bath), to tickle (one's fancy), to put on (years), to godan, verb, vtrans
いしずえ foundation stone, cornerstonemix
つじ street, crossroadmix
壮大な そうだいな slávnostné
こう tributemix
哀れ あわれ patetickymix
らん vzbura, povstaniemix
巡る めぐる pohybovať sa (okolo), obchádzať (miesta)godan, verb, vintrans
山荘 さんそう mountain villa, mountain retreat, mountain cottagemix
亘る わたる prekonať, prejsťgodan, verb, vintrans
貢ぐ みつぐ to support, to financegodan, verb, vtrans
獄中 ごくちゅう during imprisonment, while in jail (gaol)mix
賄う まかなう zaplatiťgodan, verb, vtrans
討つ うつ zaútočiť, rozdrviť, sťaťgodan, verb
賄賂 わいろ úplatokmix
副本 ふくほん duplikátmix
音訓 おんくん kanji readingsmix
あな dieramix
特訓 とっくん special training, intensive training, crash coursesuru
貫く つらぬく (1)to go through, to pierce, to penetrate, (2)to persist, to stick to godan, verb, vtrans
妬む そねむ; そねむ; ねたむ (uk) to be jealous of, to envy, to begrudge; to be jealous, to be envious; (uk) to be jealous of, to envy, to begrudgegodan, verb, vtrans
せん žľazamix
おき open seamix
沖合 おきあい pobrežiemix
域外 いきがい outside the areamix
え; こう zálivmix
水域 すいいき waters, water areamix
さき small peninsula, capemix
全域 ぜんいき the whole areamix
ふう pečaťmix
山賊 さんぞく banditamix
りん (1)one-hundredth, 0.3 mm (one-hundredth of a sun), 0.1 percent (one-hundredth of a wari), 0.0375 grams (one-hundredth of a monme), (2)old monetary unit (0.001 yen) mix
茂る しげる bujne rásťgodan, verb, vintrans
うろ; ほら hollow, cavity, hole; cave, den, grottomix
載せる のせる naložiť, položiťichidan, verb, vtrans
なお (uk) furthermore, still, yet, more, still more, in addition, greater, furthermix
き; しろ; じょう hradmix
宣言 せんげん declaration, proclamation, announcementsuru
まこと (1)truth, reality, (2)sincerity, honesty, integrity, fidelity, (3)(arch) that's right (used when recalling forgotten information, suddenly changing the subject, etc.) mix
吾れ あれ; われ (1)I, me; (pn,adj-no) (2)I, me, (3)oneself, (4)(arch) you mix
かしわ dubmix
誠に まことに indeed, really, absolutely, truly, actually, very, quitemix
しょう; ます (1)measuring container, measure, (2)box (seating at a theatre, etc.), (3)square on a grid, cell of a grid mix
寛大 かんだい tolerance, liberality, leniencymix
威力 いりょく energia
升目 ますめ (1)measure, (2)square (e.g. of graph paper or Japanese manuscript paper), (3)box (e.g. on a form) mix
漠然 ばくぜん obscure, vague, equivocalmix
嘲る あざける (uk) to scoff, to laugh at, to make fun of, to ridicule, to jeer atgodan, verb, vtrans
なえ; びょう; ミャオ seedling; Miao (people), Hmong; Miao (people), Hmongmix
pole (rýžové)mix
~日 ~にち -tého (den v měsíci)jlpt5, toki
句点 くてん mix
おなじ; おなじく; くりかえし; どうのじてん; のま „opakovátko“
じゅう (číslo) 10, desetjlpt5
(číslo) dvějlpt5
(číslo) pětjlpt5
しち (číslo) sedmjlpt5
ろく (číslo) šestjlpt5
夕立 ゆうだち (náhlý) večerní déšť, přeháňkaleda1
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