Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
必要な hicujou na necessaryjlpt3
juki snowjlpt5, tenki
神童 šindou prodigy, wonder childmix
記念 kinen commemoration, memorysuru
niwa gardenjlpt5, uchi
絵馬 ema ema, wooden plate for wishkami
スパイスの利いた supaisunokiita spicyadj
鼻血 hanadži nosebleed/(P)leda1
泳ぐ ojogu to swimgodan, jlpt5, sport, verb, vintrans
育てる sodateru to bring upichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
鉄橋 tekkjou railway bridgeryokou
tani valleyshizen
辞める jameru to resign, to retire, to quit, to leave (one's job, etc.)ichidan, verb, vtrans
告げる cugeru to informichidan, verb, vtrans
神様 kamisama God/(P)kami, leda1