Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
鳴らす ならす to ring, to sound, to chime, to beat, to snort (nose)godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
てん point, mark, gradejlpt4, leda1, math
共に ともに sharing with, participate in, both, alike, together, along with, with, includingsuru
関節 かんせつ joints (knee joint, elbow joint, etc.)hito
結局 けっきょく after all, eventually, in the endmix
マイナス記号 まいなすきごう negative signmath
全焼 ぜんしょう burned down, entirely destroyedsuru
いき (1)breath/breathing/ (2)tone/mood/(P); (n) (3)breath/breathing/ (4)tone/mood; (n) (5)(hum) son hito
戦い たたかい battle, fight, struggle, conflictsensou
帯祭 おびまつり Obi sash festivalkami
いのち lifejlpt3, mix
望み のぞみ (1)wish, desire, hope, (2)prospect, expectation, (one's) hopes mix
Dodržet slib.mix
初級 しょきゅう elementary levelmix
実数 じっすう real numbermath