Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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他県 taken another prefecturemix
別世界 bessekai another worldmix
反感 hankan antipathy/revolt/animosity/(P)leda1
古代 kodai antiquitytoki
不安 fuan anxietyjlpt3, mix
何度でも nandodemo any number of timesmix
少しも sukoshimo anything of, not one bit (with negative sentence)jlpt3
青森 aomori Aomori (city and prefecture)namae
青森県 aomoriken Aomori prefecture (Touhoku area)namae
申し訳 moushiwake apology/excuse/(P)mix
申し込み moushikomi applicationmix
応用 ouyou application, put to practical usesuru
申し込む moushikomu apply forgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
勝手に katteni arbitrarily, of its own accord, involuntarily, wilfully, willfully, as one pleasesmix
考古学 koukogaku archaeology, archeologymix
考古学者 koukogakusha archeologist, archaeologistshigoto
列島 rettou archipelago, chain of islandsleda1, shizen
yoroi armor, armourmix
兵器 heiki arms, weapons, ordnancesensou
軍隊 guntai army, troopsmix
香り kaori aroma, fragrance, scent, smellmix
香りのよい kaorinoyoi aromaticadj
来日 rainichi arrival in Japan, coming to Japan, visit to Japanmix
ya arrowleda1, sensou
矢印 yajirushi arrow (mark or symbol)/directional marker or indicator/(P)leda1
美術館 bijutsukan art galleryjlpt3, jlpt4
美術愛好家 bijutsuaikouka art lover, lover of artmix
美術 bijutsu art, fine artsjlpt3
jutsu art, means, technique; (uk) way, method, meansmix
品物 shinamono article, goodsjlpt4, leda1
記事 kiji article/news story/report/account/(P)jlpt3, leda1
出土品 shutsudohin artifactsmix
人工 jinkou artificial, manmade, human work, human skill, artificialitymix
実は jitsuha as a matter of fact, by the way, to tell you the truth, to be honest, franklyjlpt3
前のように mae nouni as beforemix
五分五分 gobugobu as likely as not, 50-50, even match, tiemix
好きなように sukinayouni as you want, as you willmix
hai ash, ashesjlpt3
灰皿 haizara ashtrayjlpt5, uchi
暗殺者 ansatsusha assassinsensou
暗殺 ansatsu assassinationsensou
助成 josei assisting, assistance, fostering, aidingsuru
組合 kumiai association/union/(P)leda1
天文学 tenmongaku astronomymix
今にも imanimo at any time/soon/(P)toki
少なくとも sukunakutomo at leastjlpt3
直ちに tadachini at once, immediately, directly, in person, automaticallymix
足元 ashimoto at one's feet, underfootmix
精々 seizei at the most, at best, to the utmost, as much (far) as possiblemix
仕事中 shigotochuu at work, in the midst of work, workingmix
大気 taiki atmospheretenki
気圧 kiatsu atmospheric pressuremix
攻撃 kougeki attack, strike, offensive, criticism, censuresensou
聞こえる kikoeru audible, can hearichidan, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vintrans
作者 sakusha author, authoressjlpt3, leda1, shigoto
自動的な jidouteki na automaticadj
自動小銃 jidoushoujuu automatic rifle, weaponmix
自動車 jidousha automobilejlpt5, leda1, ryokou
秋分の日 shuubunnohi autumn equinox holiday (Sep 23 or 24), fall equinox holiday, autumnal equinoxtoki
紅葉狩 momijigari autumn leaves viewingshizen
aki autumn, falljlpt5, leda1, toki
例年 reinen average (normal, ordinary) year, every year, annuallymix
大変 taihen awful, dreadful, terrible, very, seriousadj, jlpt5
赤ちゃん akachan babyhito, jlpt4
気持ち悪い kimochiwarui bad feeling, feeling bad, disagreeable, unpleasant, revolting, gross, disgustingmix
悪者 warumono bad fellow, rascal, ruffian, scoundrelmix
悪天 akuten bad weathertenki
悪い warui bad, inferioradj, jlpt5
穴熊 anaguma badgerdoubutsu
不良 furyou badness, inferiority, delinquency, failure, defect, blemishmix
焼く yaku bake, grilljlpt3, jlpt4, ryouri
パン屋 panya bakerymise
黒字 kuroji balance (figure) in the black
tama ballleda1
小唄 kouta balladmix
風船 fuusen balloon (esp. small, toy variety)/(P)leda1
take bambooleda1, shizen
竹やぶ takeyabu bamboo grovemix
竹林 chikurin bamboo thicketleda1, shizen
kin ban (e.g. on smoking), prohibitionmix
山賊 sanzoku bandit, brigandmix
銀行 ginkou Bankjlpt5
銀行家 ginkouka bankershigoto
大広間 oohiroma banquet or reception hallmix
居酒屋 izakaya bar, pub, tavernmise
大麦 oomugi barley (Hordeum vulgare)mix
麦茶 mugicha barley tearyouri
亀の手 kamenote barnacledoubutsu
内気(な) uchiki(na) bashfulness/shyness/reserve/timidity/(P)adj, leda1
打者 dasha batter (baseball)/(P)leda1
電池 denchi batterydenki, leda1
合戦 kassen battleleda1, sensou
戦い tatakai battle, fight, struggle, conflictsensou
銃剣 juuken bayonetmix
焼ける yakeru be burnedichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
込む komu be crowdedgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
決まる kimaru be decidedgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
見つかる mitsukaru be foundgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
間に合う maniau be in timegodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb
無くなる nakunaru be lostgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
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