ichidan verb (ichidan)

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恥じる はじる to feel ashamedichidan, verb, vintrans
感じる かんじる to feel, to sense, to experienceichidan, jlpt3, verb
仕上げる しあげる to finish up/to complete/(P)ichidan, leda1, verb, vtrans
済ませる すませる to finish, to make an end of, to get through with, to let endichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
強いる しいる to force, to compel, to coerceichidan, verb, vtrans
鍛える きたえる to forge, to drill, to temper, to train, to disciplineichidan, verb, vtrans
忘れる わすれる to forgetichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
集める あつめる to get (things) togetherichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
冷える ひえる to get coldichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
暮れる くれる to get darkichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
汚れる よごれる to get dirtyichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
降りる おりる to get off, to descend (e.g. a mountain)ichidan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
疲れる つかれる to get tired, to tireichidan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
破れる やぶれる to get torn/to wear out/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
起きる おきる to get up, to riseichidan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
慣れる なれる to get used toichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
濡れる ぬれる to get wetichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
諦める あきらめる to give up, to abandonichidan, verb, vtrans
廃れる すたれる to go out of use, to become obsolete, to die out, to go out of fashionichidan, verb, vintrans
迎える むかえる to go out to meetichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
消える きえる to go out, to vanish, to disappearichidan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
声をかける こえをかける to greet, to call out to someoneichidan, verb
掛ける かける to hang somethingichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
下げる さげる to hang, to let downichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
助ける たすける to help/to save/to rescue/to give relief to/to spare (life)/to reinforce/to promote/to abet/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
隠れる かくれる to hide, to be hidden, to conceal oneself, to disappearichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
抱き締める だきしめる to hugai, ichidan, verb, vtrans
含める ふくめる to include, to instruct, to make one understand, to put in one's mouthichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
込める こめる to include, to put intoichidan, verb, vtrans
増える ふえる to increase/to multiply/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
告げる つげる to informichidan, verb, vtrans
調べる しらべる to investigateichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
組み合わせる くみあわせる to join together/to combine/to join up/(P)ichidan, leda1, verb, vtrans
ばれる to leak out (a secret), to be exposed (a lie, improper behaviour, etc.) (behavior)ichidan, verb, vintrans
漏れる もれる to leak out, to escape, to come through, to shine through, to filter out, to be omittedichidan, verb, vintrans
懲りる こりる to learn by experience, to be disgusted withichidan, verb, vintrans
知らせる しらせる to let know, to inform, to tellichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
寝る ねる to lie down, to sleepichidan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
並べる ならべる to line up, to set upichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
生きる いきる to live, to existichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
似る にる to look likeichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
緩める ゆるめる to loosen, to slow downichidan, verb, vtrans
負ける まける to loseichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
試合に敗れる しあいにやぶれる to lose a gameichidan, verb
やせる to lose weightichidan, jlpt4, verb
習慣づける しゅうかんづける to make a habit of, to make it a practice toichidan, verb
間違える まちがえる to make a mistakeichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
雪を丸める ゆきをまるめる to make a snowballichidan, verb
丸める まるめる to make round, to round off, to roll up, to curl up, to seduce, to cajole, to explain awayichidan, verb, vtrans
溶ける とける to melt, to thaw, to fuse, to dissolveichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
混ぜる まぜる to mix, to stir, to blendichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
交ぜる まぜる to mix, to stir, to blendichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
手に入れる てにいれる to obtain, to procureichidan, verb, vtrans
供える そなえる to offer, to sacrifice, to dedicateichidan, verb, vtrans
開ける あける to openichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
経る へる to pass, to elapse, to experienceichidan, verb, vtrans
重ねる かさねる to pile up, to put something on another, to heap up, to add, to repeatichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
企てる くわだてる to plan, to plot, to propose, to design, to intend, to contemplate, to attempt, to undertakeichidan, verb, vtrans
植える うえる to plant,to growichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
褒める ほめる to praise, to admire, to speak wellichidan, verb, vtrans
祈り求める いのりもとめる to pray forichidan, verb
禁じる きんじる to prohibitichidan, verb, vtrans
栄える さかえる to prosper, to flourish; to shine, to look attractive, to look prettyichidan, verb, vintrans
載せる のせる to publishichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
引き分ける ひきわける to pull apart, to separateichidan, verb, vtrans
掻き分ける かきわける to push one's way throughichidan, verb, vtrans
入れる いれる to put in, to take in, to bring in, to let inichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
寝かせる ねかせる to put to bed, to lay down, to fermentichidan, verb, vtrans
役立てる やくだてる to put to use, to make use of, to turn to accountichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
立てる たてる to raise, to set upichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
勧める すすめる to recommend, to advise, to encourage, to offer (wine)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
薦める すすめる to recommend, to advise, to encourage, to offer (wine)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
覚える おぼえる to rememberichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
待ち合わせる まちあわせる to rendezvous, to meet at a prearranged place and time, to arrange to meetichidan, verb
退ける しりぞける to repel, to drive away, to repulse, to reject; to remove, to take away, to dislodge, to put something out of the way; to remove, to take away, to dislodge, to put something out of the wayichidan, verb, vtrans
辞める やめる to resign, to retire, to quit, to leave (one's job, etc.)ichidan, verb, vtrans
応じる おうじる to respond, to satisfy, to accept, to comply with, to apply forichidan, verb, vintrans
逃げる にげる to run awayichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
通じる つうじる to run to, to lead to, to communicate, to understand, to be well-informedichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
貯める ためる to save (i.e. in a bank)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
申し上げる もうしあげる to say (polite)ichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
見る みる to see, to watchichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
勤める つとめる to serve, to fill a post, to work (for), to exert oneself, to endeavor, be diligent, to play (the part of)ichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
仕える つかえる to serve, to work for, to attendichidan, verb, vintrans
揺れる ゆれる to shake, to quakeichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
映える はえる to shine, to look attractive, to look prettyichidan, verb, vintrans
縮める ちぢめる to shorten, to reduce, to boil down, to shrinkichidan, verb, vtrans
見せる みせる to showichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
漬ける つける to soak,to pickleichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
割れる われる to split, to crackichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
止める やめる to stopichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
止める とめる to stop somethingichidan, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vtrans
流れる ながれる to stream, to flow (liquid, time, etc.), to run (ink), to be washed awayichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
強める つよめる to strengthen, to emphasize, to emphasiseichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
優れる すぐれる to surpass, to outstrip, to excelichidan, verb, vintrans
腫れる はれる to swell (from inflammation)/to become swollen/(P)ichidan, verb, vintrans
受ける うける to take a lesson or testichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
提げる さげる to take along, to hold in the hand; (uk) (col) to carry in one's own hands, to carry in a manner that is obvious to othersichidan, verb, vtrans
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