
Date and time of registration: 2012-02-07 16:04:39
Number of learnt characters: 600
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Kanji test: kanji test | meaning test | Results
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning

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Strokes: 4

direction, person, alternative
Main radical: 方 (70) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: ホウ, かた, -かた, -がた, から, な, なた, ふさ, まさ, みち, も, わ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
Main radical: 八 (12) Radicals: Jouyou: 1
Readings: ロク, リク, む, む.つ, むっ.つ, むい, く, むつ, ろっ, ろつ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
fur, hair, feather, down
Main radical: 毛 (82) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: モウ, け, めん, も
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
tree, wood
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals: Jouyou: 1
Readings: ボク, モク, き, こ-, ぐ, も, もと
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
sentence, literature, style, art, decoration, figures, plan
Main radical: 文 (67) Radicals: Jouyou: 1
Readings: ブン, モン, ふみ, あや, かざり, ふ, も, ぶんにょう
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
Main radical: 又 (29) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: ユウ, とも, う, ど, ゆ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
part, minute of time, segment, share, degree, one's lot, duty, understand, know, rate, 1%, chances, shaku/100
Main radical: 刀 (18) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: ブン, フン, ブ, わ.ける, わ.け, わ.かれる, わ.かる, わ.かつ, いた, わけ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)

Strokes: 5

crime, sin, offense
Main radical: 犬 (94) Radicals: Jouyou: 5
Readings: ハン, ボン, おか.す
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
half, middle, odd number, semi-, part-
Main radical: 十 (24) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: ハン, なか.ば, は
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
people, nation, subjects
Main radical: 氏 (83) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: ミン, たみ, ひと, み
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
Main radical: 白 (106) Radicals: Jouyou: 1
Readings: ハク, ビャク, しろ, しら-, しろ.い, あき, か, はっ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
Main radical: 冫 (15) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: トウ, ふゆ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
guy, slave, manservant, fellow
Main radical: 女 (38) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: ド, やつ, やっこ, ぬ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
rice field, rice paddy
Main radical: 田 (102) Radicals: Jouyou: 1
Readings: デン, た, いなか, おか, たん, で, とう, や
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
government office
Main radical: 广 (53) Radicals: 广 Jouyou: 6
Readings: チョウ, テイ, やくしょ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
invariably, certain, inevitable
Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: ヒツ, かなら.ず
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
adhere, attach, refer to, append
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: フ, つ.ける, -つ.ける, -づ.ける, つ.け, つ.け-, -つ.け, -づ.け, -づけ, つ.く, -づ.く, つ.き, -つ.き, -つき, -づ.き, -づき, つけ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
even, flat, peace
Main radical: 干 (51) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: ヘイ, ビョウ, ヒョウ, たい.ら, -だいら, ひら, ひら-, たいら, たら, はち, ひ, ひとし, へ, へん
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
environs, boundary, border, vicinity
Main radical: 辵 (162) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: ヘン, あた.り, ほと.り, -べ, なべ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
mother, mama
Main radical: 毋 (80) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: ボ, はは, も
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
book, main, true, counter for long cylindrical things, present, real
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals: Jouyou: 1
Readings: ホン, もと, まと
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
crowded, mixture, in bulk, included, (kokuji)
Main radical: 辵 (162) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: -こ.む, こ.む, こ.み, -こ.み, こ.める, こみ, ごめ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
eye, class, look, insight, experience, care, favor
Main radical: 目 (109) Radicals: Jouyou: 1
Readings: モク, ボク, め, -め, ま-, さかん, さがん, さっか, さつか
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
infancy, childhood
Main radical: 幺 (52) Radicals: Jouyou: 6
Readings: ヨウ, おさな.い, うぶ, わか
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
substitute, change, convert, replace, period, age, counter for decades of ages, eras, etc., generation, charge, rate, fee
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: ダイ, タイ, か.わる, かわ.る, かわ.り, -がわ.り, か.える, よ, しろ, す
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
strike, hit, knock, pound, dozen
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: ダ, ダアス, う.つ, う.ち-, ぶ.つ, うち
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
other, another, the others
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: タ, ほか
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
tome, counter for books, volume
Main radical: 冂 (13) Radicals: Jouyou: 6
Readings: サツ, サク, ふみ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
pressure, push, overwhelm, oppress, dominate
Main radical: 土 (32) Radicals: Jouyou: 5
Readings: アツ, エン, オウ, お.す, へ.す, おさ.える, お.さえる
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
wide, broad, spacious
Main radical: 广 (53) Radicals: 广 Jouyou: 2
Readings: コウ, ひろ.い, ひろ.まる, ひろ.める, ひろ.がる, ひろ.げる
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
achievement, merits, success, honor, credit
Main radical: 力 (19) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: コウ, ク, いさお, いさ, かつ, くぬ, ぐう, こと, つとむ, とし, のり, よし
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: コ, ふる.い, ふる-, -ふる.す, ふゆ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
gone, past, quit, leave, elapse, eliminate, divorce
Main radical: 厶 (28) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: キョ, コ, さ.る, -さ.る, い
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
can, possible, mustn't, should not, do not
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals: Jouyou: 5
Readings: カ, コク, -べ.き, -べ.し, よし
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
by means of, because, in view of, compared with
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: イ, もっ.て, もち
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
tag, paper money, counter for bonds, placard, bid
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: サツ, ふだ, さっ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
history, chronicle
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: シ, あきら, あや, お, こ, ちか, とし, なか, のぶ, ひさ, ひと, ふみ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
Main radical: 石 (112) Radicals: Jouyou: 1
Readings: セキ, シャク, コク, いし, いさ, いす, いわ, し, せっく, と
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
correct, justice, righteous, 10^40
Main radical: 止 (77) Radicals: Jouyou: 1
Readings: セイ, ショウ, ただ.しい, ただ.す, まさ, まさ.に, おお, くに, ま, まさし, ただし
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
generation, world, society, public
Main radical: 一 (1) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: セイ, セ, ソウ, よ, さんじゅう, とし, ゆ, ゆき
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
dispose, manage, deal with, sentence, condemn, act, behave, place
Main radical: 夂 (34) Radicals: Jouyou: 6
Readings: ショ, ところ, -こ, お.る
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
exit, leave
Main radical: 凵 (17) Radicals: Jouyou: 1
Readings: シュツ, スイ, で.る, -で, だ.す, -だ.す, い.でる, い.だす, いず, いづ, いで, じ, すっ, すつ, てん
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
captured, criminal, arrest, catch
Main radical: 囗 (31) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: シュウ, とら.われる
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
lord, chief, master, main thing, principal
Main radical: 丶 (3) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: シュ, ス, シュウ, ぬし, おも, あるじ, かず, ず, もん
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
life, genuine, birth
Main radical: 生 (100) Radicals: Jouyou: 1
Readings: セイ, ショウ, い.きる, い.かす, い.ける, う.まれる, う.まれ, うまれ, う.む, お.う, は.える, は.やす, き, なま, なま-, な.る, な.す, む.す, -う, あさ, いき, いく, いけ, うぶ, うまい, え, おい, ぎゅう, くるみ, ごせ, さ, じょう, すぎ, そ, そう, ちる, なば, にう, にゅう, ふ, み, もう, よい, りゅう
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)

Strokes: 6

relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful
Main radical: 宀 (40) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: アン, やす.い, やす.まる, やす, やす.らか, あ, あす, あず, あっ, や
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
cause, factor, be associated with, depend on, be limited to
Main radical: 囗 (31) Radicals: Jouyou: 5
Readings: イン, よ.る, ちな.む, て
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
meeting, meet, party, association, interview, join
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: カイ, エ, あ.う, あ.わせる, あつ.まる, あい, い
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
dangerous, fear, uneasy
Main radical: 卩 (26) Radicals: Jouyou: 6
Readings: キ, あぶ.ない, あや.うい, あや.ぶむ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
-times, round, game, revolve, counter for occurrences
Main radical: 囗 (31) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: カイ, エ, まわ.る, -まわ.る, -まわ.り, まわ.す, -まわ.す, まわ.し-, -まわ.し, もとお.る, か.える
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
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