
Date and time of registration: 2012-01-31 23:36:15
Number of learnt characters: 575
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Kanji test: kanji test | meaning test | Results
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning

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Strokes: 11

logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth
Main radical: 玉 (96) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: ri, kotowari, aya, osamu, sato, satoru, tada, tadashi, tooru, ni, nori, hi, makoto, masa, masashi, maro, michi, yoshi
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
plains, field, rustic, civilian life
Main radical: 里 (166) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: ya, sho, no, no-, zuke, tsuke, nu
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Strokes: 12

quantity, measure, weight, amount, consider, estimate, surmise
Main radical: 里 (166) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: ryou, haka.ru, kazu
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
solution, answer
Main radical: 竹 (118) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: tou, kota.eru, kota.e, dou
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
etc., and so forth, class (first), quality, equal, similar
Main radical: 竹 (118) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: tou, hito.shii, nado, -ra, to, hi
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pain, hurt, damage, bruise
Main radical: 疒 (104) Radicals: Jouyou: 6
Readings: tsuu, ita.i, ita.mu, ita.mashii, ita.meru
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morning, dynasty, regime, epoch, period, (North) Korea
Main radical: 月 (74) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: chou, asa, a, aso, sasa, chika, tomo
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don, arrive, wear, counter for suits of clothing
Main radical: 羊 (123) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: chaku, jaku, ki.ru, -gi, ki.seru, -ki.se, tsu.ku, tsu.keru
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slow, late, back, later
Main radical: 辵 (162) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: chi, oku.reru, oku.rasu, oso.i, ji
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short, brevity, fault, defect, weak point
Main radical: 矢 (111) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: tan, mijika.i
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accomplished, reach, arrive, attain
Main radical: 辵 (162) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: tatsu, da, -tachi, katsu, sato, te, tetsu, tooru, michi
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Main radical: 貝 (154) Radicals: Jouyou: 5
Readings: tai, ka.su, ka.shi-, kashi-
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journey, road-way, street, district, course, moral, teachings
Main radical: 辵 (162) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: dou, tou, michi, sa, ji, do, mitsu
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Main radical: 貝 (154) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: bai, ka.u
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meal, boiled rice
Main radical: 食 (184) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: han, meshi, i, ii, iri, e
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
fall, drop, come down
Main radical: 艸 (140) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: raku, o.chiru, o.chi, o.tosu, ochi
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Main radical: 辵 (162) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: yuu, yu, aso.bu, aso.basu, asu, u
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nothingness, none, ain't, nothing, nil, not
Main radical: 火 (86) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: mu, bu, na.i
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full, enough, pride, satisfy
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: man, ban, mi.chiru, mi.tsu, mi.tasu, ma, michi, mitsu, mitsuru
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writing brush, writing, painting brush, handwriting
Main radical: 竹 (118) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: hitsu, fude, kushi
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expense, cost, spend, consume, waste
Main radical: 貝 (154) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: hi, tsui.yasu, tsui.eru
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
jail cell, grieve, sad, deplore, regret
Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: hi, kana.shii, kana.shimu
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
turn, number in a series
Main radical: 田 (102) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: ban, tsuga.i, ha, ma
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
sort of thing, so, if so, in that case, well
Main radical: 火 (86) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: zen, nen, shika, shika.ri, shika.shi, sa
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clear up
Main radical: 日 (72) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: sei, ha.reru, ha.re, ha.re-, -ba.re, ha.rasu, haru, hare
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
interval, space
Main radical: 門 (169) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: kan, ken, aida, ma, ai
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
Main radical: 宀 (40) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: kan, samu.i, sa, san
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
memorize, learn, remember, awake, sober up
Main radical: 見 (147) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: kaku, obo.eru, sa.masu, sa.meru, sato.ru
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
storey, stair, counter for storeys of a building
Main radical: 阜 (170) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: kai, kizahashi, shina, to, hashi
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
open, unfold, unseal
Main radical: 門 (169) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: kai, hira.ku, hira.ki, -bira.ki, hira.keru, a.ku, a.keru, haru, ka
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: on, atata.ka, atata.kai, atata.maru, atata.meru, nuku, atsu, atsushi, nao, haru, yu, yutaka
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
heart, interior
Main radical: 大 (37) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: ou, oku, oku.maru, kuma, o, oo, on, tsu, noku
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Main radical: 雨 (173) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: un, kumo, -gumo, ki, zumo, nome
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drink, smoke, take
Main radical: 食 (184) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: in, on, no.mu, -no.mi
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
period, time, date, term
Main radical: 月 (74) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: ki, go
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lightly, trifling, unimportant
Main radical: 車 (159) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: kei, karu.i, karo.yaka, karo.njiru
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tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten
Main radical: 糸 (120) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: ketsu, kechi, musu.bu, yu.u, yu.waeru, yui, yuu
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
forest, woods
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals: Jouyou: 1
Readings: shin, mori, moto
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
location, place
Main radical: 土 (32) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: jou, chou, ba
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sparkle, clear, crystal
Main radical: 日 (72) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: shou, a, aki, akira, hikari, masa
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
sultry, hot, summer heat
Main radical: 日 (72) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: sho, atsu.i
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gather, meet, congregate, swarm, flock
Main radical: 隹 (172) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: shuu, atsu.maru, atsu.meru, tsudo.u, atsumari, zu
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tooth, cog
Main radical: 歯 (211) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: shi, yowai, ha, yowa.i, yowai.suru
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
scatter, disperse, spend, squander
Main radical: 支 (66) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: san, chi.ru, chi.rasu, -chi.rasu, chi.rakasu, chi.rakaru, bara, chiru
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
utmost, most, extreme
Main radical: 曰 (73) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: sai, shu, motto.mo, tsuma, mo
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Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: kou, minato
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Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: ko, mizuumi, umi, mi
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Strokes: 13

love, affection, favourite
Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: ai, ito.shii, a, ashi, e, kana, naru, mana, megu, megumi, yoshi
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