
Date and time of registration: 2016-08-21 12:01:23
Number of learnt characters: 90
Learnt characters: graph | list | without examples | detailed
Learnt characters 2017/11: list | without examples | detailed
Kanji test: kanji test | meaning test | Results
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning

Learnt characters 2017/11

traffic, pass through, avenue, commute, counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.
cuu, cu,, too.ri, -too.ri, -doo.ri,, too.ši, -doo.ši, kajo.u, ton, douši, doori, miči
Main radical: 辵 (162) Radicals:
Strokes: 10 Jouyou: 2 JIS: 17484
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
文通 buncuu korespondenceleda1
文通する buncuusuru dopisovat sileda1, suru, verb
元通り motodoori tak, jak to bylo původněleda1
通行止め cuukoudome uzavřená cesta, dopravní uzavírkaleda1, ryokou
疎通 socuu (1)(mutual) understanding, communication, (2)removal of blockage (esp. medical), drainage suru
共通 kjoucuu (1)commonness, community, (n-suf) (2)-wide jlpt3, suru
融通 juuzuu (1)lending (money), finance, (2)adaptability, versatility, flexibility, accommodation; (3)lending (money), finance, (4)adaptability, versatility, flexibility, accommodation suru
通話 cuuwa (1)telephone call, talking, calling, (ctr) (2)counter for telephone calls suru
国際通話 kokusaicuuwa (comp) international callmix
通路側の席 cuurogawa no seki (on the) aisle, aisle seatryokou
通年 cuunen all year, year roundtoki
貯金通帳 čokincuučou bank book, passbookmix
共通分母 kjoucuubunbo common denominatormath
共通語 kjoucuugo common term, common language, lingua franca, standard languagebunpou
通勤 cuukin commutingjlpt3, shigoto
通院 cuuin commuting to hospitalmix
交通の便 koucuunoben convenience for transportation, convenience of access (by road or rail)mix
通貨 cuuka currencymise
通関 cuukan customs clearancesuru
通訳 cuujaku interpretation (i.e. oral translation)jlpt3, suru
計画通り keikakudoori just as plannedmix
通信販売 cuušinhanbai mail ordermix
普通 fucuu normally, usuallyjlpt3, jlpt4
通知 cuuči notice, notification, report, postingsuru
開通 kaicuu opening, open, taking effect, becoming activesuru
通過 cuuka passage through, transit, passingsuru
通路 cuuro passage, pathway, roadway, avenue, aislemix
通学 cuugaku school commutinggakkou, ryokou
通り toori street, wayjlpt4, ryokou
通勤時間 cuukindžikan time spent in commutingryokou, shigoto
通う kajou to commutegodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, ryokou, verb, vintrans
通勤する cuukinsuru to commuteshigoto, suru, verb
通す toosu to let pass, to overlook, to continue, to keep, to make way for, to persist ingodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
通る tooru to pass, to go alongjlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
通じる cuudžiru to run to, to lead to, to communicate, to understand, to be well-informedichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
交通 koucuu trafficjlpt4
通過駅 cuukaeki train-doesn't-stop stationryokou
交通機関 koucuukikan transportation facilitiesmix
風通し kazetooši ventilationuchi
兎を食べることはチェコでは普通です。 usagi wo taberu koto ha čeko deha fucuu desu. Jíst králíka je v ČR běžné.ryouri
妹は毎日一時間かけて通勤しています。 imouto ha mainiči ičidžikan kakete cuukin šiteimasu. Sestře trvá dojíždění do práce každý den jednu hodinu.mix
彼が時間通りに来る可能性はあまりない。 kare ga džikan toori ni kuru kanousei ha amari nai. Není moc pravděpodobné, že by přišel včas.mix
大きい落石が交通を妨げている ookiirakusekigakoucuuwosamatageteiru anglickymix