Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
行き来 ikiki odchod a příchod, udržování kontaktůleda1
薄情な hakudžouna bezcitný, chladnýmix
興奮 koufun excitementemo, jlpt3
数値誤差 suučigosa numerical errormath
余る amaru to remain, to be left over, to be in excess, to be too manygodan, verb, vintrans
hoo cheekhito, jlpt3
決まり kimari (1)rule, regulation, (2)settlement, conclusion, end, agreement, arrangement, (3)habit, custom, habitual way, (4)countenance in front of another person, face, (5)(arch) love relationship between a jlpt3
昨日、怖い夢を見ました。 kinou,kowai jume wo mimašita. Včera se mi zdál strašidelný sen.mix
司書 šišo librarianmix
中括弧 čuukakko { }math