Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
大学に入るつもりなので、お金をたくさん稼がなければなりません。 daigaku ni hairu cumori nanode,okane wo takusan kaseganakereba narimasen. Protože má v plánu studovat na vysoké škole, musí vydělat hodně peněz.byousha
挟み虫 hasamimuši earwigdoubutsu
角切り kakugiri cut into cubesmix
指輪の仲間 jubiwa no nakama The Fellowship of the Ringnamae
治す naosu (1)to cure, to heal, (2)to fix, to correct, to repair, (aux-v) (3)to do over again (after -masu base of verb), (4)to replace, to put back as it was, (5)to convert (into a different state), to tra godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
片道券 katamičiken one way ticketryokou
辞任 džinin (1)to resign, (n) (2)resignation suru
伝記 denki biography, life storymix
幸運 kouun good luck, fortunekaiwa
芋虫 imomuši caterpillar(without hair)doubutsu