Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
さ来週 saraišuu the week after nextjlpt4, toki
激怒 gekido rageemo
国立の kokuricuno státníleda1
すき焼き sukijaki sukiyakiryouri
新聞 šinbun newspaperjlpt5, leda1
日本全国に見つけられます。 nihon zenkoku ni micukeraremasu. Dají se najít po celém Japonsku.onsen
私の部屋はマンションの一階にあります。 wataši no heja ha manšon no ikkai ni arimasu. Můj pokoj je v prvním patře v bytovce.heya
omote the frontjlpt4
ライオンの子 raionno子 lion cubdoubutsu
朝食 čoušoku breakfastleda1, ryouri
可視化 kašika (1)visualization (data, results, etc.), visualisation, (2)making something visible (that was previously unseen) suru
進む susumu to make progressgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
抱く daku to embrace, to hold in the armsgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
廃れる sutareru to go out of use, to become obsolete, to die out, to go out of fashionichidan, verb, vintrans
世話になる sewaninaru to receive favor (favour), to be much obliged to someone, to be indebtedgodan, verb