Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

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行い okonai čin, chováníleda1
長男 čounan nejstarší synkazoku
月食 getšoku zatmění Měsíceleda1, shizen
大男 oootoko velký muž, obrhito, leda1
行く手 jukute vlastní cesta (volná, s překážkami)leda1
どの人 dono hito který člověkmix
王国 oukoku královstvíleda1
太古 taiko starověk, pravěkleda1, toki
一行目 ičigjoume první řada, první řádkaleda1
どんな人 donna hito jaký člověkmix
南国 nangoku jižní zeměleda1, ryokou
今後 kongo poté, následně, nadáleleda1
休校 kjuukou školní volnogakkou, leda1
十羽 džuuwa deset ptákůdoubutsu
外の hokano jiný, ostatníleda1
今日 konniči dnešní den, v dnešní doběleda1, toki
足音 ašioto kroky, zvuk krokůleda1
外す hazusu vyjmout, sundat, uvolnitgodan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
糸車 itoguruma kolovrátekleda1
音色 neiro barva tónuleda1, ongaku
外れる hazureru odchýlit se, rozepnout se, vysmeknout seichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
外見 gaiken vnější vzhledleda1
hou způsobleda1
早目に hajameni brzyleda1, toki
本気(の) honki(no) vážně míněnýleda1
外出する gaišucusuru vyjít si, jít venleda1, suru, verb
kata člověk, osoba (zdvořilý výraz)jlpt5, leda1
青い月 aoicuki bledý měsícleda1, shizen
moto původ, zdroj, počátekleda1
町外れ mačihazure předměstí, periferieleda1
北方 hoppou sever, severní směrleda1
青空 aozora modrá oblohaleda1, shizen
火の元 hinomoto ohnisko požáruleda1
夕日 juuhi noci a dnyleda1, toki
青虫 aomuši zelená housenkadoubutsu, leda1
ten nebe, oblohaleda1, shizen
夕べ juube večerleda1, toki
青白い aodžiroi modrobílý, zelenobílý, bledýiro, leda1
天国 tengoku rájkami, leda1
一回り小さい hitomawaričiisai o číslo menší, menčí velikostadj
下水 gesui kanál, kanalizaceleda1
電気のもの denki no mono elektrická věcdenki
多少 tašou víceméně, trochu, velikost, rozměrleda1
青年 seinen mladík, chlapechito, leda1
天ぷら tenpura tenpuraleda1, namae, ryouri
地下 čika podzemí, podzemní částjlpt3, leda1
多分 tabun nejspíš, zřejmě, snad, pravděpodobněleda1
正に masani přesně, právěleda1
空ける akeru vyprázdnit (láhev)ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
上下 džouge nahoře a doleleda1
taka výše (ceny apod.)leda1
一回 ikkai jednouleda1
大空 oozora nebesakami, leda1
川上 kawakami horní tok řekyleda1, shizen
上人 šounin buddhistický svatýkami, leda1
高まる takamaru zvyšovat se, růstgodan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
七色の nanairono sedmibarevnýadj, iro, leda1
空っぽ karappo prázdnýleda1
一体 ittai (1)...the heck (e.g. "what the heck?"), ...in the world (e.g. "why in the world?"), ...on earth (e.g. "who on earth?"), (n) (2)one object, one body, unity, (3)one form, one style, (4)one Buddhist jlpt3
行方 jukue (1)(one's) whereabouts, (2)course, direction mix
出し daši (1)(uk) dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp), (2)pretext, excuse, pretense (pretence), dupe, front man ryouri
何れ izure (1)(uk) where, which, who, (2)anyway, anyhow, at any rate, sooner or later, eventually, at some future date or time; (adv,pn,adj-no) (3)(uk) where, which, who, (4)anyway, anyhow, at any rate, soon mix
百万 hjakuman (1)1,000,000, one million, million, (2)many mix
引きこもり hikikomori (1)a shut-in, a stay-at-home, people who withdraw from society (e.g. retire to the country), (2)social withdrawal, shunning other people mix
上り nobori (1)ascent, climbing, ascending (path), climb, (2)up-train (e.g. going to Tokyo), (n,adj-no) (3)northward (towards Tokyo) jlpt3
行き iki (1)bound for ..., (n) (2)going (to) jlpt3
回り mawari (1)circumference, perimeter, edge, (2)surroundings, locality, neighborhood, (3)rotation, circulation jlpt3
手がかり tegakari (1)clue, key, trail, scent, track, contact, (2)handhold, on hand mix
前後 zengo (1)front and rear, front and back, before and behind, (2)before and after, (3)order, context, (4)consequences, (n,vs) (5)inversion, reversion, getting out of order, (6)co-occurring, (n-suf,n) (7 mix
子分 kobun (1)henchman, follower, (2)(arch) adopted child mix
uči (1)inside/within/ (2)while/ (3)among/amongst/between/(pn,adj-no) (4)we (referring to one's in-group, i.e. company, etc.)/our/ (5)my spouse/(n) (6)(arch) imperial palace grounds/ (7)(arch) emperor/( adj, jlpt4, leda1
足りない tarinai (1)insufficient/not enough/lacking/ (2)dim-witted/slow/one brick short of a full load adj
koku (1)measure of volume (approx. 180.39 liters, 6.37 cub. ft.)/ (2)measure of a Japanese-style boat's loading capacity (approx. 278.26 liters)/(P) leda1
肉食 nikušoku (1)meat eating/eating of meat/meat diet/(adj-f) (2)carnivorous/(P) leda1, suru
一回り hitomawari (1)one turn, one round, (2)(a) size, (vs) (3)to go around, to make a circuit, to take a turn mix
さいの目 sainome (1)pip (spot on a die), (2)small cube (esp. of food), die, dice mix
校正 kousei (1)proofreading, correction of press, (2)calibration suru
手入れ teire (1)repairs, maintenance, tending, trimming, grooming, (2)crackdown, (police) raid suru
大小 daišou (1)sizes (various), large and small, (2)daisho (matched pair of long and short swords), (3)large and small drums, (4)long months and short months mix
上手く umaku (1)skilfully, skillfully, well, aptly, cleverly, (2)successfully, smoothly, (3)deliciously mix
上手い umai (1)skillful, clever, expert, wise, successful, (2)delicious, appetizing, appetising, (3)fortunate, splendid, promising adj
小虫 komuši (1)small insect, midge, (2)vermicule doubutsu
羽音 haoto (1)sound of flapping wings (of a bird)/ (2)buzz/hum (of an insect) leda1
足りる tariru (1)to be sufficient/to be enough/ (2)to be worth doing/to be worthy/ (3)to be sufficient/to answer/to do/(P) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
分かれる wakareru (1)to branch/to fork/to diverge/ (2)to separate/to split/to divide/ (3)to disperse/to scatter/(P) ichidan, jlpt3, vintrans
下る kudaru (1)to descend, to go down, to come down, (2)to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.), (3)to pass (of time), (4)to surrender, to capitulate, (5)(often in neg. form) to be less than, to be i godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
見つける micukeru (1)to discover, to find (e.g. an error in a book), to come across, to detect, to spot, (2)to locate, to find (e.g. something missing), to find fault, (3)to be used to seeing, to be familiar with ichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
手にする tenisuru (1)to hold (in one's hand), to take (into one's hand), (2)to own, to obtain suru
見上げる miageru (1)to look up at, to raise one's eyes, (2)to look up to, to admire, to respect ichidan, verb, vtrans
図る hakaru (1)to plot/to attempt/to plan/to devise/to design/ (2)to take in/to deceive/ (3)to aim for/to have something in mind/ (4)to refer A to B/(P) godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
上る noboru (1)to rise, to go up, to come up, to ascend, to be raised, (2)to enter (esp. from outdoors), to come in, to go in, (3)to enter (a school), to advance to the next grade, (4)to get out (of water), t godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
上がる agaru (1)to rise/to go up/to come up/to ascend/to be raised/ (2)to enter (esp. from outdoors)/to come in/to go in/ (3)to enter (a school)/to advance to the next grade/ (4)to get out (of water)/to come asho godan, verb, vintrans
下ろす orosu (1)to take down (e.g. flag), to launch (e.g. boat), to drop, to lower (e.g. ladder), to let (a person) off, to unload, to discharge, (2)to drop off (a passenger from a vehicle), to let (a person) of godan, verb, vtrans
回る mawaru (1)to turn/to revolve/ (2)to visit several places/ (3)to function well/ (4)to pass a certain time/(P) godan, verb, vintrans
回す mawasu (1)to turn/to rotate/to gyrate/ (2)to circulate/to send around/ (3)to surround/ (4)to put something to a new use (e.g. leftovers)/(suf,v5s) (5)(after the -masu stem of a verb) ... around (i.e. to ch godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
色々 iroiro (1)various, (2)(arch) various colors (colours) mix
書き方 kakikata (1)way of writing, manner of writing, (2)penmanship (esp. used in old textbooks), calligraphy, (3)format (e.g. of a report), (4)stroke order of a character mix
一気 ikki (abbr) drink! (said repeatedly as a party cheer)mix
電車 denša (electric) trainjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
~回 ~kai (first, second, etc.) time, roundjlpt5
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