Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
koto věc, záležitostleda1
安らぎ yasuragi peace, tranquility, tranquillitymix
見上げる miageru (1)to look up at, to raise one's eyes, (2)to look up to, to admire, to respect ichidan, verb, vtrans
電子レンジ denshirenji microwavedenki, uchi
古手 furute veteránleda1
分化 bunka specialization, specialisationsuru
手作り tedukuri ruční práce, ručně zhotovený výrobekleda1
親しい shitashii intimate, close (e.g. friend)jlpt3
うま味 umami (1)good flavor (flavour), good taste, deliciousness, (2)umami (fifth category of taste, corresponding to the flavour of glutamates), (3)skill, (4)profit mix
今日 kyou todayjlpt5, leda1, toki