Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
零細 れいさい insignificant, trifling, paltry, cottage (industry), tiny (company)mix
負け まけ defeat, loss, losing (a game)jlpt3
エー足す1エコールビー エーたす1エコールビー A+1=Bmath
記事 きじ article/news story/report/account/(P)jlpt3, leda1
絵本 えほん picture bookmix
figure (e.g. Fig 1)/drawing/picture/illustration/(P)leda1, math
後ろ髪 うしろがみ hair in backhito
白樺 しらかば Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica)shokubutsu
自動小銃 じどうしょうじゅう automatic rifle, weaponmix
文明 ぶんめい (1)civilization, civilisation, culture, (2)Bummei era (1469.4.28-1487.7.20) mix
葉身 ようしん lamina (blade)shokubutsu
回り道 まわりみち detour/diversionleda1, suru
下げる さげる to hang, to let downichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
目覚める めざめる to wake upichidan, verb
I don't want to hear another word out of you.mix
くち mouth, orifice, openinghito, jlpt5
二次会 にじかい first after partybaka
同様 どうよう identical, equal to, same (kind), like, similaritymix
道草 みちくさ tráva u cestyleda1
語学 ごがく language studybunpou, gakkou
申し上げる もうしあげる to say (polite)ichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
一匹狼 いっぴきおおかみ lone wolf, loner, self-reliant personmix
てん nebe, oblohaleda1, shizen
先(に) さき(に) předem, napředleda1
組み立て くみたて construction/framework/erection/assembly/organization/organisation/(P)adj, leda1
いつの間にか いつのまにか before one knows, before one becomes aware of, unnoticed, unawaresjlpt3
来年 らいねん next yearjlpt5, leda1, toki
喜ぶ よろこぶ be delightedgodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
飲む のむ to drinkgodan, jlpt5, leda1, ryouri, verb, vtrans
楽な らくな comfort/ease/(P)adj, jlpt3