Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
早引け hayabike leaving work (office, school) earlysuru
用具 yougu tools, implementsmix
日中 nicchuu den, během dneleda1, toki
自由 jiyuu freedomjlpt4, leda1
国内 kokunai domestic, internalmix
交わる majiwaru (1)to cross, to intersect, to join, to meet, (2)to associate with, to mingle with, to consort with, (3)to have a sexual relationship, to copulate godan, verb, vintrans
特訓 tokkun special training, intensive training, crash coursesuru
生地 seichi (1)cloth, material, texture, (2)one's true character, (3)unglazed pottery, (4)uncooked dough, batter; birthplace mix
雪だるま yukidaruma snowmanmix
血気 kekki vigor/ardor/ardour/vigourleda1
思いやる omoiyaru to be considerate, to sympathize with, to sympathise withgodan, jlpt3, verb
小皿 kozara small dish/(P)leda1
読み方 yomikata way of reading, how to readleda1
白鳥 hakuchou labuťdoubutsu, leda1
白米 hakumai bílá rýželeda1, ryouri, shokubutsu
苗字 myouji surname, family namemix
waku frame, slide, bordermix
このバスは50人の乗客を乗せられる。 kono basu ha 50 nin no joukyaku wo noserareru. Ten autobus uveze 50 lidí.ryokou
タバコの灰 tabako no hai cigaretový popelmix
出血 shukketsu bleeding/haemorrhage/hemorrhage/(P)byouki, leda1, suru
南国 nangoku jižní zeměleda1, ryokou
入門 nyuumon úvod (do studia)gakkou, leda1
公立 kouritsu public (institution)mix
灯台 toudai (1)lighthouse, (2)old-fashioned interior light fixture comprising a wooden pole with an oil-filled dish and a wick atop it mix
開く hiraku to open an eventgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
kita northjlpt5, leda1
金庫 kinko safe/vault/treasury/provider of funds; safe/vault/treasury/provider of funds/(P)mix
都市部 toshibu urban areasmix
焼きそば yakisoba fried sobaryouri
不完全 fukanzen imperfect, incomplete, faulty, defectivemix