Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
白鳥 hakučou labuťdoubutsu, leda1
兄弟子 anideši starší učedník, stoupenecleda1
白鳥の湖 hakučounomizuumi Swan Lake (ballet)namae, ongaku
全く mattaku úplně, zcelajlpt3, leda1
~年 ~nen makes preceding number a yearjlpt5, toki
眺める nagameru to view, to gaze atichidan, verb, vtrans
気圧 kiacu atmospheric pressuremix
多元的 tagenteki pluralism, pluralitymix
前回 zenkai previous time, last time, previous installment, previous instalment, previous sessionmix
明ける akeru skončit (období dešťů), začít (nový rok), svítatichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
ta rice fieldmix
お姉さん oneesan (honorable) older sisterjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
昭和 šouwa Showa era (1926.12.25-1989.1.7)seiji
円周 enšuu circumferencemix
完全 kanzen perfection, completenessjlpt3
美しさ ucukušisa beautymix
銀器 ginki silver utensilsmix
行方 jukue (1)(one's) whereabouts, (2)course, direction mix
半年 hantoši half yeartoki
izumi springshizen
州内 šuunai intrastatemix
楽天主義 rakutenšugi optimismmix
ucuwa (1)bowl, vessel, container, (2)ability, capacity, calibre, caliber godan, ichidan, verb, vtrans
~本 ~hon counter for long, cylindrical objectscounter, jlpt5
あっと言う間 attoiuma a blink of timejlpt3
州外 šuugai out-of-statemix
号外 gougai newspaper extra/(P)leda1
厚さ acusa thicknessadj
何時までも icumademo (uk) forever, for good, eternally, as long as one likes, indefinitely, no matter whatmix
地下道 čikadou subterranean tunnelmix