Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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家臣 kashin vassal, retainermix
野菜 yasai vegetablejlpt5, ryouri
乗り物 norimono vehicle, vesseljlpt4, ryokou
静脈 joumyaku veinhito
風通し kazetooshi ventilationuchi
心室 shinshitsu ventriclemix
金星 kinsei Venus (planet)adj, leda1
験算 kenzan verification of accounts, checking figures, arithmetic checksuru
春分の日 shunbunnohi Vernal Equinox Holiday (Mar 20 or 21)toki
多々 tata very much, very many, more and more; (uk) in tufts, tuftymix
大分 daibu very, many, a lotjlpt3, jlpt4
副会長 fukukaichou vice president (of a club or organization, organisation)mix
教頭先生 kyoutousensei vice principalleda1, shigoto
勝負 shoubu victory or defeat, match, contest, game, boutsensou
勝利 shouri victory, triumph, conquest, success, winsuru
見方 mikata viewpointmix
血気 kekki vigor/ardor/ardour/vigourleda1
mura villagejlpt4, leda1
村里 murazato villageleda1
村長 sonchou village headman/(P)leda1
村役場 murayakuba village officeseiji
里宮 satomiya village shrinekami
集落 shuuraku village, community, settlement, town, colony (animals, etc.)mix
村民 sonmin villagerleda1
活力 katsuryoku vitalitymix
声楽 seigaku vocal musicmix
koe voicejlpt5
火山岩 kazangan volcanic rockleda1
火山 kazan volcanoleda1, shizen
投票 touhyou voting, pollseiji, suru
対戦 taisen waging war, competitionsuru
和歌 waka waka (classic Japanese poem, esp. a tanka, often 31 mora)mix
和歌山県 wakayamaken Wakayama prefecture (Kinki area)namae
目覚め mezame wakingmix
散歩 sanpo walk, strolljlpt5, leda1, sport
明太子 mentaiko walleye pollack roe (generally served salted and spiced with red pepper)ryouri
クルミの木 kuruminoki walnutshokubutsu
戦争 sensou warjlpt3, jlpt4, sensou
軍歌 gunka war songsensou
温海 atsumi warm seamix
熱湯 atsuyu; nettou warmer than usual bath; boiling waterryouri
温かい atatakai warmheartedadj, emo
軍用機 gun'youki warplanesensou
ゴミ箱 gomibako wastebasketuchi
海神 watatsumi Watatsumi, dragon, as well as god of the seakami
時計 tokei watch, clockdenki, jlpt5, leda1, uchi
番犬 banken watchdogdoubutsu, leda1
観戦 kansen watching a (sports) gamesuru
mizu waterjlpt5, kagaku, ryouri, shizen
水温 suion water temperaturemix
水車 suisha water wheelmix
水道 suidou water works, water supplyjlpt4, leda1
水辺 mizube waterside, waterfront; waterside, waterfrontmix
nami waveshizen
kata way of doingjlpt5
読み方 yomikata way of reading, how to readleda1
泳ぎ方 oyogikata way of swimmingjlpt4, sport
使い方 tsukaikata way to use something, treatment, management (of help)mix
弱い yowai weakadj, jlpt5
病弱 byoujaku weak constitutionmix
弱点 jakuten weak point, weaknessmix
頭が悪い atamagawarui weak-headedadj
苦手な nigate na weak, uncomfortable, unable to takejlpt3
天候 tenkou weathermix
天気図 tenkizu weather mapleda1
天気 tenki weather, the elementsjlpt5, leda1, tenki
水曜日 suiyoubi Wednesdayjlpt5, toki
shuu weektoki
~週間 ~shuukan week(s) (time interval)jlpt5, toki
週末 shuumatsu weekendtoki
土日 donichi weekend, Saturday and Sundaymix
象虫 zoumushi weevildoubutsu
重さ omosa weight/(P)mix
福利 fukuri welfaremix
元気な genkina welladj
西 nishi westjlpt5
西口 nishiguchi west exitryokou
西洋 seiyou West, Western countriesjlpt3, jlpt4
洋風 youfuu western stylemix
西洋式 seiyoushiki western style or fashionmix
洋品 youhin Western-style apparel and accessories/haberdasheryleda1
洋服 youfuku Western-style clothesjlpt5
洋食 youshoku Western-style mealmix
西洋化 seiyouka westernization, westernisationsuru
nani whatjlpt5
小麦 komugi wheatmix
小麦粉 komugiko wheat flourryouri
麦わら mugiwara wheat straw, barley strawmix
mugi wheat, barley, oat (oats)shokubutsu
何時 itsu whenjlpt5
口笛 kuchibue whistleongaku
白い shiroi whiteadj, iro, jlpt5
shiro whiteiro, jlpt5
白雲 shirakumo white clouds; white cloudstenki
後手 gote white player (shogi)Shogi
白ワイン shirowain white wineryouri
一日 ichinichi whole dayjlpt5, leda1, toki
周年 shuunen whole year, anniversarymix
全体 zentai whole/entirety/whatever (is the matter)/(P)leda1
問屋 toiya; ton'ya wholesale store; wholesale storemise
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