Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
ou kingleda1
ちゅうして下さい。 chuu shite kudasai. Please, kiss me.ai
店とショッピング mise to shoppingu shops and shoppingmise
大の字 dainoji shape of the "dai" kanji (esp. person with arms and legs outstretched)suru
見る miru to see, to watchichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
中国へ行ったことがありません。 chuugoku he itta koto ga arimasen. V Číně jsem nikdy nebyl.mix
思いやりのある omoiyarinoaru considerateadj, emo
国土 kokudo státní územíleda1
立方 rippou cubesuru
入口 iriguchi entrance, gate, approach, mouthjlpt5
出し dashi (1)(uk) dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp), (2)pretext, excuse, pretense (pretence), dupe, front man ryouri
来る kuru to come, to call on, to grow, to getirregular, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
生地 kiji (1)cloth, material, texture, (2)one's true character, (3)unglazed pottery, (4)uncooked dough, batter; birthplace mix
本日 honjitsu todayjlpt3, leda1, toki
手足 teashi ruce a nohyhito, leda1