Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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雨合羽 amegappa raincoatfuku
雨の一滴 amenoitteki raindroptenki
降雨 kouu rainfall, rainmix
雨天 uten rainy weathermix
挙手 kyoshu raising (holding up) one's hand, salutesuru
開幕 kaimaku raising the curtainsuru
比肩 hiken rank equal with, compare favourably with, compare favorably withsuru
菜の花 nanohana rape (flower)shokubutsu
油菜 aburana rape (seed oil plant, Brassica campestris)mix
軽率 keisotsu rash, thoughtless, careless, hastymix
割合に wariaini ratejlpt4
歩合 buai rate, ratio, commission, percentage, poundagemix
合格率 goukakuritsu ratio of successful applicants, (examination) pass rateshigoto
合理的 gouriteki rational, reasonable, logicalmix
nama rawadj, jlpt3, ryouri
刺身 sashimi raw fish dishryouri
素材 sozai raw materials, subject mattermix
原料 genryou raw materials/(P)leda1
生肉 namaniku raw meat, fresh meatmix
生魚 namazakana raw or fresh fishmix
生の namano raw, uncookedadj, ryouri
sai re-/again/repeated/deutero-/deuto-/deuter-/(P)mix
再入国 sainyuukoku re-entry into a countrymix
再試験 saishiken re-examinationmix
到達 toutatsu reaching, attaining, arrivalsuru
反応 hannou reaction, response; reaction, responsesuru
反動 handou reaction/recoil/kick/backlash/(P)leda1
読者 dokusha reader/(P)leda1
読書 dokusho readingjlpt3, leda1
音読 ondoku reading aloudleda1
不動産 fudousan real estatemix
不動産屋 fudousan'ya real estate agent, realtormix
本音 honne real intention, motivemix
本名 honmei real name; real namemix
本名 honmyou real name; real namemix
実数 jissuu real numbermath
現実 genjitsu realitymix
本当に hontouni really, trulyjlpt3
再現 saigen reappearance, reproduction, return, revivalsuru
wake reasonjlpt3, jlpt4
理由 riyuu reasonjlpt4
拝命 haimei receiving an official appointmentsuru
近年 kinnen recent yearsmix
最近 saikin recentlyjlpt4, leda1, toki
受付 uketsuke receptionjlpt4
応接間 ousetsuma reception room, parlor, parlourmix
料理方法 ryourihouhou reciperyouri
逆数 gyakusuu reciprocalmath
承認 shounin recognition, acknowledgement, acknowledgment, approval, consent, agreementsuru
認識 ninshiki recognition, cognizance, cognisancesuru
仲直り nakanaori reconciliation/make peace withleda1, suru
改修工事 kaishuukouji reconstructionmix
古事記 kojiki Records of Ancient Matters (Japan's oldest historical record); Records of Ancient Matters (Japan's oldest historical record)mix
長方形 chouhoukei rectangle, oblongmath
長方形の chouhoukeino rectangularadj, math
aka rediro, jlpt5
赤い akai redadj, iro, jlpt5
紅白 kouhaku red and white, colours for festive or auspicious occasions (colors)iro
赤土 akatsuchi red soilkagaku
赤ワイン akawain red wineryouri
赤み akami reddish tinge/tinge of red/slight redness/blushmix
半減 hangen reduction by half, halvesuru
言及 genkyuu reference, allusionsuru
参考 sankou reference, consultationmix
映像 eizou reflection, image, picture (e.g. on a television), shot, clipmix
回想 kaisou reflection, reminiscencesuru
反省 hansei reflection/reconsideration/introspection/meditation/contemplation/(P)jlpt3, leda1, suru
反射な hanshana reflectiveadj
改革 kaikaku reform, reformation, innovationsuru
冷蔵庫 reizouko refrigeratordenki, jlpt5, uchi
難民 nanmin refugeesmix
地方 chihou regionjlpt3, mix
一帯 ittai region, zone, whole placemix
登録 touroku registration/accession/register/entry/record/(P)suru
常連客 jourenkyaku regular customermix
規制 kisei regulation, (traffic) policing, control, restrictionsuru
調整 chousei regulation, coordination, adjustment, tuning, modification, alterationsuru
規定 kitei regulation, provisionssuru
規則 kisoku regulationsjlpt4
予行 yokou rehearsalleda1, suru
に関して nikanshite related to, in relation tomix
密接 missetsu related, connected, close, intimatemix
関連 kanren relation, connection, relevancesuru
naka relation/relationship/(P)jlpt3, leda1
関係 kankei relationshipjlpt3, jlpt4
親族 shinzoku relativesmix
信頼 shinrai reliance, trust, faith, confidencesuru
救済 kyuusai relief, aid, rescue, salvation, helpsuru
宗教 shuukyou religionjlpt3, kami
改宗 kaishuu religious conversionsuru
老い先 oisaki remaining years (of one's life)mix
注意 chuui remarkjlpt4, math
著しい ichijirushii remarkable, considerableadj
残り nokori remnant, residue, remaining, left-overmix
家賃 yachin rent/(P)jlpt3, uchi
再開 saikai reopening, resumption, restartingsuru
改組 kaiso reorganization, reorganisationsuru
修復 shuufuku repair, mendingsuru
修理 shuuri repairing/mending/servicingjlpt3, mix
返金 henkin repaymentsuru
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