Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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かい (1)(uk) Japanese babylon (species of shelled mollusk, Babylonia japonica), Japanese ivory shell, (2)(abbr) spinning top (traditionally made from a Japanese babylon shell)
半ズボン はんズボン short pantsfuku
手話 しゅわ sign languagekaiwa
六つ むっつ sixjlpt5
六日 むいか six days, sixth (day of month)jlpt5, toki
上手 じょうず skill, skillful, dexterityadj, jlpt5, leda1
小さな ちいさな smalladj, jlpt4
小ちゃい ちいちゃい small (babytalk form)adj
小さい ちいさい small, littleadj, jlpt5
お八つ おやつ snackryouri
先ほど さきほど some time ago, not long ago, just nowmix
時々 ときどき sometimesjlpt5
火花 ひばな spark/(P)leda1
大の字に だいのじに sprawled, spread-eagled, in the shape of the "dai" kanjimix
ワゴン車 ワゴンしゃ station wagonmix
いし stonejlpt4, kagaku, leda1, shizen
ちから strength, powerjlpt4, leda1
学生 がくせい studentgakkou, jlpt5, leda1, shigoto
目下 めした subordinate, subordinates, inferior, inferiors, junior; at present, nowshigoto
日曜日 にちようび Sundayjlpt5, leda1, toki
目上 めうえ superior/superiors/senior/(P)jlpt3, jlpt3
夜食 やしょく supper/night meal/late-night snack/"fourth meal"/midnight snackleda1
はなし talk, storyjlpt5, leda1
高い たかい tall, high, expensiveadj, jlpt5, leda1
田中 たなか Tanakanamae
ちゃ tearyouri
お茶 おちゃ tea (green)jlpt5, ryouri
先生 せんせい teacher, master, doctorgakkou, jlpt5, leda1, shigoto
教え おしえ teaching, instruction, teachings, precept, lesson, doctrinejlpt3
十日 とおか ten days, the tenth day of the monthjlpt5, toki
肉体 にくたい the body/the flesh/(P)adj, leda1
さき the future, forward, priority, precedence, former, previous, old, latejlpt5, toki
さ来月 さらいげつ the month after nextjlpt4, toki
分子 ぶんし the numeratormath
本人 ほんにん the person himselfjlpt3
さ来週 さらいしゅう the week after nextjlpt4, toki
本年 ほんねん this (current) yearjlpt3, toki
今月 こんげつ this monthjlpt5, leda1, toki
今朝 けさ this morningjlpt5, toki
今週 こんしゅう this weekjlpt5, leda1, toki
今年 ことし this yearjlpt5, toki
いと threadjlpt4
三つ みっつ threejlpt5
三日 みっか three days, the third day of the monthjlpt5, toki
一日中 いちにちじゅう throughout the daytoki
木曜日 もくようび Thursdayjlpt5
時間 じかん timejlpt5, leda1, toki
見かける みかける to (happen to) see, to notice, to catch sight ofichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
目ざす めざす to aim at, to have an eye ongodan, verb, vtrans
生まれる うまれる to be bornichidan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
行われる おこなわれる to be done, to be practiced, to be practised, to take place, to be held, to be prevalent, to be in fashion, to be in vogue, to be current, to come into useichidan, verb
高くつく たかくつく to be expensive, to be costlygodan, verb
見える みえる to be seen, to appearichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
教わる おそわる to be taughtgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
もらって来る もらってくる to bringirregular, verb
買う かう to buygodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
よじ上る よじのぼる to climb, to clamber (over, up), to scramble (up), to scale, to claw one's way upgodan, verb, vintrans
下りる おりる to come downichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
来る くる to come, to call on, to grow, to getirregular, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
分ける わける to divide/to separate/to make distinctions/to differentiate (between)/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
行う おこなう to dogodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, leda1, verb
食べる たべる to eatichidan, jlpt5, leda1, ryouri, verb, vtrans
生む うむ to give birth, to deliver, to producegodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
行く ゆく to gogodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
帰る かえる to go backgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
上がる あがる to go up, to risejlpt4
生やす はやす to grow, to cultivate, to wear a beardgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
下がる さがる to hang down/to abate/to retire/to fall/to step back/(P)godan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
下げる さげる to hang, to let downichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
耳にする みみにする to hear, to hear by chance, to hear by accident, to catch (the sound)suru
聞く きく to hear, to listen, to askgodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
生きる いきる to live, to existichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
作る つくる to make, create, manufacture, construct, draw up, write, compose, build, cultivate, organize, establish, make up (a face), trim (a tree), prepare (food), commit (sin)godan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
見下ろす みおろす to overlook; to command a view of; to look down on
読む よむ to readgodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
休む やすむ to rest, to be finished, to retiregodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
言う いう to saygodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb
見る みる to see, to watchichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
見せる みせる to showichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
話す はなす to speakgodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
教える おしえる to teach, to inform, to instructjlpt5, verb, vtrans
書く かく to writegodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
本日 ほんじつ todayjlpt3, leda1, toki
今日 きょう todayjlpt5, leda1, toki
明日 あした tomorrowjlpt5, leda1, toki
今夜 こんや tonightjlpt4, leda1, toki
tree, woodjlpt5, shokubutsu
火曜日 かようび Tuesdayjlpt5, toki
二十日 はつか twenty days, twentieth day of the monthjlpt5, toki
二つ ふたつ twojlpt5
二人 ふたり two persons, two people, pair, couplejlpt5
生水 なまみず unboiled watermix
した under, belowjlpt5
大学 だいがく universitygakkou, jlpt5, leda1
学長 がくちょう university presidentmix
大学生 だいがくせい university studentgakkou, jlpt4, shigoto
下手 へた unskillful, poor, awkwardadj, jlpt5, leda1
上体 じょうたい upper bodymix
多々 たた very much, very many, more and more; (uk) in tufts, tuftymix
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