Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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付録 furoku appendix, supplement, annexmix
電機 denki appliancesdenki
希望者 kibousha applicant, candidate, person interested in doing something, person wanting to do something, interested partymix
申し込み moushikomi applicationmix
申し込む moushikomu apply forgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
適用 tekiyou applying (e.g. a technology), adoptionsuru
定刻 teikoku appointed time, timetable, schedulemix
容認 younin approvalsuru
賛成 sansei approval, agreement, support, favour, favorjlpt3, suru
賛同 sandou approval, endorsementsuru
近似値 kinjichi approximate, approximationmix
水族館 suizokukan aquariummix
勝手に katteni arbitrarily, of its own accord, involuntarily, wilfully, willfully, as one pleasesmix
考古学 koukogaku archaeology, archeologymix
考古学者 koukogakusha archeologist, archaeologistshigoto
列島 rettou archipelago, chain of islandsleda1, shizen
面積 menseki areamix
議論 giron argument, discussion, dispute, controversysuru
兵器 heiki arms, weapons, ordnancesensou
配置 haichi arrangement (of resources), deployment, stationing, posting, dispositionsuru
協定 kyoutei arrangement, pact, agreementsuru
到着 touchaku arrivalsuru
来日 rainichi arrival in Japan, coming to Japan, visit to Japanmix
ya arrowleda1, sensou
矢印 yajirushi arrow (mark or symbol)/directional marker or indicator/(P)leda1
放火 houka arson, set fire tosuru
芸文 geibun art and literaturemix
画商 gashou art dealershigoto
美術館 bijutsukan art galleryjlpt3, jlpt4
美術愛好家 bijutsuaikouka art lover, lover of artmix
美術 bijutsu art, fine artsjlpt3
jutsu art, means, technique; (uk) way, method, meansmix
動脈 doumyaku arteryhito
品物 shinamono article, goodsjlpt4, leda1
出土品 shutsudohin artifactsmix
人工 jinkou artificial, manmade, human work, human skill, artificialitymix
芸術家 geijutsuka artistshigoto
学芸 gakugei arts and sciences, liberal artsmix
実は jitsuha as a matter of fact, by the way, to tell you the truth, to be honest, franklyjlpt3
前のように mae nouni as beforemix
相変わらず aikawarazu as ever, as usual, the samejlpt3
新品同様 shinpindouyou as good as newmix
五分五分 gobugobu as likely as not, 50-50, even match, tiemix
好きなように sukinayouni as you want, as you willmix
抱負 houfu aspiration, ambition, pretensionmix
野心的な yashinteki na aspiration, ambition, pretensionmix
希求 kikyuu aspiring to, seek, demand, ask forsuru
加害者 kagaisha assailant, perpetrator, wrong-doer, aggressormix
暗殺者 ansatsusha assassinsensou
暗殺 ansatsu assassinationsensou
積極的 sekkyokuteki assertive, positive, active, proactivemix
助成 josei assisting, assistance, fostering, aidingsuru
連想 rensou association (of ideas), being reminded (of something), suggestionsuru
協会 kyoukai association, society, organization, organisationmix
組合 kumiai association/union/(P)leda1
驚天動地 kyoutendouchi astounding, startling, world-shaking, amazing, earth-shatteringmix
星占い hoshiuranai astrology/horoscope/(P)leda1
天文時計 tenbutokei astronomical clockmix
天文学 tenmongaku astronomymix
飛鳥時代 asukajidai Asuka period (550-710 CE)mix
今にも imanimo at any time/soon/(P)toki
少なくとも sukunakutomo at leastjlpt3
直ちに tadachini at once, immediately, directly, in person, automaticallymix
足元 ashimoto at one's feet, underfootmix
精々 seizei at the most, at best, to the utmost, as much (far) as possiblemix
意のままに inomamani at willmix
仕事中 shigotochuu at work, in the midst of work, workingmix
大西洋 taiseiyou Atlantic Oceanmix
大気 taiki atmospheretenki
気温 kion atmospheric temperaturetenki
原子 genshi atommix
原子力 genshiryoku atomic powermix
出席 shusseki attendjlpt3, jlpt4
登校 toukou attendance (at school), going to schoolsuru
お供 otomo attendant, companionsuru
聞こえる kikoeru audible, can hearichidan, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vintrans
観客 kankyaku audience, spectator, spectatorsmix
作者 sakusha author, authoressjlpt3, leda1, shigoto
自伝 jiden autobiographymix
自動的な jidouteki na automaticadj
自動車 jidousha automobilejlpt5, leda1, ryokou
秋分の日 shuubunnohi autumn equinox holiday (Sep 23 or 24), fall equinox holiday, autumnal equinoxtoki
aki autumn, falljlpt5, leda1, toki
例年 reinen average (normal, ordinary) year, every year, annuallymix
大変 taihen awful, dreadful, terrible, very, seriousadj, jlpt5
赤ちゃん akachan babyhito, jlpt4
背中 senaka backhito, jlpt4
背景 haikei background, scenery, setting, circumstancemix
背泳 haiei backstrokesport
気持ち悪い kimochiwarui bad feeling, feeling bad, disagreeable, unpleasant, revolting, gross, disgustingmix
悪者 warumono bad fellow, rascal, ruffian, scoundrelmix
残念 zannen bad luck, regret, disappointmentjlpt4
悪天 akuten bad weathertenki
悪い warui bad, inferioradj, jlpt5
不良 furyou badness, inferiority, delinquency, failure, defect, blemishmix
荷物 nimotsu baggage, luggagejlpt5
焼く yaku bake, grilljlpt3, jlpt4, ryouri
パン屋 panya bakerymise
黒字 kuroji balance (figure) in the black
tama ballleda1
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