Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
歌声 utagoe singing voicemix
羽毛 umou feathers/plumage/down/(P)leda1
使い方 tsukaikata way to use something, treatment, management (of help)mix
mori forestleda1, shizen
実学 jitsugaku practical sciencemix
泳ぐ oyogu to swimgodan, jlpt5, sport, verb, vintrans
次第 shidai (1)dependent upon, (2)as soon as, immediately (upon), (n) (3)circumstances, (4)order, precedence, program, programme, agenda mix
行事 gyouji událost, obyčej, akceleda1
丁子 chouji clovemix
目上 meue superior/superiors/senior/(P)jlpt3, jlpt3
学科 gakka study subject, course of studygakkou
父母 chichihaha rodiče, tatínek a maminkakazoku, leda1
水分 suibun vláha, tekutina, vlhkost, šťávaleda1
電子音楽 denshiongaku electronic musicongaku
外局 gaikyoku forcemath
kimi youjlpt4
もらって来る morattekuru to bringirregular, verb
鼻がでる hana ga deru runny nosebyouki
留守 rusu (1)absence/being away from home/ (2)house-sitting/house-sitter/ (3)being left unattended to (of one's studies, etc.)/neglecting/(P) jlpt4, leda1, suru
明るむ akarumu vyjasnit se (o počasí)leda1
湯気 yuge párakagaku, leda1
hiru noon, daytimejlpt5, toki
野鳥 yachou wild birddoubutsu, leda1
出入口 deiriguchi exit and entranceryokou
sumi charcoalmix
肉屋 nikuya butcher/(P)leda1, mise
古来 korai from time immemorial, ancient, time-honoured, time-honoredtoki
取り消し torikeshi cancellation, withdrawal, abolition, revocation, cancel, CANmix
上り nobori (1)ascent, climbing, ascending (path), climb, (2)up-train (e.g. going to Tokyo), (n,adj-no) (3)northward (towards Tokyo) jlpt3
鉄山 tetsuzan iron minemix