Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
古来 こらい from time immemorial, ancient, time-honoured, time-honoredtoki
~台 ~だい counter for machines, stand, rest, rackcounter, jlpt5
地理 ちり geography, geographical featuresgakkou, jlpt4
hair or furdoubutsu, hito, jlpt4, leda1
金色 きんいろ zlatá barvairo, leda1
話題 わだい topic, subjectmix
朝顔 あさがお svlačecleda1
守り まもり (1)protection/defense/defence/ (2)providence/ (3)(abbr) amulet/charm/talisman/(P) leda1
定食 ていしょく set meal, special (of the day)mix
何時 いつ whenjlpt5
験する けんする to attempt, to test, to try outsuru
三分 さんぷん 3 minutestoki
小さい世界 ちいさいせかい small worldmix
よじ上る よじのぼる to climb, to clamber (over, up), to scramble (up), to scale, to claw one's way upgodan, verb, vintrans
打ち合わせ うちあわせ business meeting, previous arrangement, appointment, preparatory meetingshigoto, suru
不用品 ふようひん disused articlemix
正直な しょうじきな honestadj, emo, jlpt3
歩合 ぶあい rate, ratio, commission, percentage, poundagemix
校歌 こうか školní hymnagakkou, leda1
考え直す かんがえなおす to reconsider, to rethink, to reassessgodan, verb, vtrans
打ち消し うちけし (ling) negation, denial, negativebunpou
Právě teď jsem vstal.mix
王者 おうじゃ king/monarch/ruler/(P)leda1
向かい むかい facing/opposite/across the street/other side/(P)jlpt3
開ける あける to openichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
相当 そうとう (1)befitting, becoming, worthy of, proportionate, in keeping with, suitable, (2)considerable, substantial, (vs) (3)to be worthy of, to be proportionate to, (4)to correspond to (in meaning, functio suru
Co takhle vyrazit hned?ryokou
はやし woodleda1, shizen
父母 ふぼ rodiče, tatínek a maminkakazoku, leda1
思想 しそう thought, idea, ideologymix