Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
声高 こわだか with a loud voicemix
限り かぎり (1)limit, limits, bounds, (2)degree, extent, scope, (3)as far as possible, as much as possible, to the best of one's ability, (4)unless (after neg. verb), (5)the end, the last mix
濯ぐ すすぐ (1)to rinse, to wash out, (2)to have one's revenge, to wipe out a disgrace; (3)to rinse, to wash out, (4)to have one's revenge, to wipe out a disgrace; (5)to rinse, to wash out, (6)to have one's godan, verb, vtrans
退屈 たいくつ tedium/boredom/(P)mix
乱雲 らんうん nimbustenki
この様に このように (uk) in this manner, in this way, like thismix
老け役 ふけやく (theatrical) role of old personmix
Nedokážu myslet na nic jiného než na tebe.ai
みな all, everythingjlpt4
Mladík uvolnil (přenechal) sedadlo handicapovanému člověku.mix
祝日 しゅくじつ státní svátek, den volnamix
写真 しゃしん photographjlpt5, mix
左辺 さへん left side (of an equation)math
細部 さいぶ detailsmix