Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
神木 šinboku divine treekami
身分制度 mibunseido class systemmix
料理 rjouri cooking cuisinejlpt5, ryouri
高学歴 kougakureki high academic achievement, advanced academic training, higher educationmix
オレンジ色の orendžiirono orangeadj, iro
詩的 šiteki poeticmix
hima free time, leisure, leave, spare time, farewelljlpt5
上着を破ってしまった。 uwagi wo jabutte šimatta. Roztrhl jsem si kabát.mix
世間 seken svět, společenost, svět lidíleda1
日の丸 hinomaru (1)outline of the sun (esp. represented as a red circle)/ (2)(abbr) the Japanese flag/(P) leda1
足りない tarinai (1)insufficient/not enough/lacking/ (2)dim-witted/slow/one brick short of a full load adj
初めて hadžimete for the first timejlpt5, mix
退ける širizokeru to repel, to drive away, to repulse, to reject; to remove, to take away, to dislodge, to put something out of the way; to remove, to take away, to dislodge, to put something out of the wayichidan, verb, vtrans
死後 šigo after death/(P)leda1
神社神道 džindžašintou Shrine Shintokami