intransitive verb (vintrans)

Number of vocabulary: 352
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning
kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji ふる to precipitate, to fall (e.g. rain)
kanji あまえる (1)to behave like a spoiled child, to behave like a spoilt child, to fawn on, (2)to depend and presume upon another's benevolence
kanji おどろく to be surprised
kanji あらいば washing place
kanji はなれる to be separated from, to leave, to go away, to be a long way off
kanji てる to shine
kanji ほそる to get thin/to taper off/(P)
kanji ふとる to grow fat
kanji いたむ to be damaged, to go bad
kanji つよまる to get strong, to gain strength
kanji いく to go
kanji ちぬる to smear with blood, to kill
kanji もえる to burn/to get fired up/(P)
kanji たえる (1)to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with; (2)to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with; (3)to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with, (v1,vi) (4)to support, to withstand, to resist, t
kanji そる (1)to bend (backward)/(P)
kanji とどく (1)to reach, to arrive, to get through, to get at, (2)to be attentive, to pay attention, (3)to be delivered, to carry (e.g. sound)
kanji はたらく to work, to labor, to act
kanji なる (1)(uk) to become, to get, to grow, to be, to reach, to attain, (2)to result in, to prove to be, (3)to consist of, to be composed of, (4)to succeed, to be complete, (5)to change into, to be excha
kanji なりたつ (1)to consist of, (2)to be practical (logical, feasible, viable), to be concluded, to hold true
kanji しあがる to be finished/to be completed/to be done
kanji よっぱらう to get drunk
kanji したしむ to be intimate with, to befriend
kanji まつ to wait
kanji つまる (1)to be blocked, to be packed, (2)to hit the ball near the handle of the bat (baseball)
kanji いきる to live, to exist