intransitive verb (vintrans)

Number of vocabulary: 352
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning
kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji しげる to grow thickly, to be in full leaf, to be rampant, to luxuriate, to be luxurious
kanji やぶれる to be defeated, to be unsuccessful
kanji はえる to shine, to look attractive, to look pretty
kanji ちる (1)to fall (e.g. blossoms, leaves), (2)to scatter, to be dispersed, (3)to disappear, to dissolve, to break up, (4)to spread, to run, to blur, (5)to die a noble death
kanji とまる to come to a halt
kanji おとる to fall behind, to be inferior to
kanji かわく to be thirsty
kanji はじける to burst open, to split open, to pop
kanji おりる to get off, to descend (e.g. a mountain)
kanji ちかづく (1)to approach, to draw near, to get close, (2)to get acquainted with, to get closer to, to get to know
kanji あそぶ to play, to make a visit
kanji さめる (1)to become cool (e.g. from a high temperature to room temperature), to come down (fever), (2)to cool down (interest), to abate, to subside, to dampen
kanji あまえる (1)to behave like a spoiled child, to behave like a spoilt child, to fawn on, (2)to depend and presume upon another's benevolence
kanji はじる to feel ashamed
kanji はしりまわる obíhat
kanji かかわる (1)to be the work of, to be the result of, to be done by, (2)to concern, to affect, to involve, to relate to; (3)to be affected, to be influenced, (4)to be concerned with, to have to do with, (5)
kanji ひかる to shine,to glitter
kanji やせる (1)(uk) to become thin, to lose weight, to reduce (one's) weight, to slim, (2)to be barren, to be infertile, to be sterile
kanji こえる (1)to cross over, to cross, to pass through, to pass over (out of), (2)to exceed
kanji しゃべる (uk) to talk, to chat, to chatter
kanji まじる to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with, to mingle with, to interest, to join
kanji おいる to age, to grow old
kanji ふくまれる to be included/to be comprised of
kanji なりたつ (1)to consist of, (2)to be practical (logical, feasible, viable), to be concluded, to hold true
kanji かかわる (1)to be affected, to be influenced, (2)to be concerned with, to have to do with, (3)to stick to (opinions)