fate, command, decree, destiny, life, appoint
mei, myou, inochi
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 19519
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生命 seimei život, existenceleda1
命令 meirei (1)order, command, decree, directive, (2)(comp) (software) instruction, statement suru
命令形 meireikei (ling) imperative form, commandbunpou
延命 enmei (n,vs,adj-no) keeping alive longer, prolonging life, life extension, life-support; keeping alive longer, prolonging life, life extension, life-supportsuru
天児屋根命 amenokoyane Ame no Koyane, aide to the first Emperor of Japankami
天児屋命 amenokoyane Ame no Koyane, aide to the first Emperor of Japankami
天宇受売命 amenouzume Ame no Uzume, goddess of dawn and revelrykami
天鈿女命 amenouzume Ame no Uzume, goddess of dawn and revelrykami
一生懸命 isshoukenmei as well as one can, as hard as one canjlpt4
懸命 kenmei eagerness, earnestness, risking one's lifemix
亡命 boumei emigration, exile, flight from one's country, defectionsuru
致命傷 chimeishou fatal woundmix
致命的 chimeiteki fatal, lethalmix
宿命論的な shukumeirontekina fatalisticadj
運命 unmei fatemix
天命 tenmei God's will, karma, destiny, Heaven's decree, one's lifemix
inochi lifejlpt3, mix
平均寿命 heikinjumyou life expectancymix
大山積命 oohoyamatsumi oohoyamatsumi, god who rules mountain, sea, and warkami
命題 meidai proposition, thesismath
拝命 haimei receiving an official appointmentsuru
短命 tanmei short life, short livedmix
須佐之男命 susanoo Susano-o, god of storms, seakami
命に関わる inochinikakawaru to be a matter of life or deathgodan, verb
月読の命 tsukuyominomikoto Tsukuyomi no Mikoto, god of the moonkami
倭比売命 yamatohimenomikoto Yamatohime no Mikoto, deity that established Ise Shrinekami
倭姫命 yamatohimenomikoto Yamatohime no Mikoto, deity that established Ise Shrinekami
男性は女性より短命です。 dansei ha josei yori tanmei desu. Muži mají oproti ženám kratší život.mix
新しい命の誕生を祝う。 atarashii inochi no tanjou wo iwau. Oslavit zrození nového života.mix
一生懸命、努力をします。 isshoukenmei,doryoku wo shimasu. Snažím se, jak to jen jde.mix
妹は運命と諦めて彼と結婚した imoutohaunmeitoakirametekaretokekkonshita anglickymix
命令に背く meireinisomuku anglicky
命を救う。 inochi wo sukuu. Save a life.mix