
katači form, shapejlpt4, math
shape, form, style
Readings: kei, gjou, kata, -gata, kata...
Main radical: 彡 (59) Strokes: 7 picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)

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円形 enkei kruh, kololeda1, math
円形の enkeino kruhovýadj, leda1
弓形 jumigata obloukleda1
た形 takei přípona "-ta"mix
角形 kakukei (1)(N)-cornered polygon, incl. triangle, (2)Japanese rectangular envelope (opening on the short dimension; numbered 0-8, A3, A4, each with different sizes); mix
形式 keišiki (1)form (as opposed to substance), formality, (2)method, system, style, (3)format, mode, appearance, form (something takes), (4)math expression math
辞書形 džišokei (ling) dictionary formbunpou
未来形 miraikei (ling) future tensebunpou
命令形 meireikei (ling) imperative form, commandbunpou
形態論 keitairon (ling) morphologymix
過去形 kakokei (ling) past tensebunpou
可能形 kanoukei (ling) potential formbunpou
形容詞幹 keijoušikan (ling) stem (word)bunpou
正三角形 seisankakkei equilateral triangle, regular trianglemath
図形 zukei figure, shape, graphicmix
髪形 kamigata hair style, coiffure, hairdohito
六角形 rokkakkei hexagonmath
象形 šoukei hieroglyphics, type of character representing picturesmix
形容詞 keijouši i-adjectivebunpou
等辺三角形 touhensankakukei isosceles trianglemix
線形関数 senkeikansuu linear functionmath
形相 gjousou; keisou look (esp. an angry or upset look), expression; form (esp. in Aristotelian philosophy)mix
形見 katami memento, souvenirmix
否定形 hiteikei negative formmix
楕円形な daenkeina ovaladj
多辺形 tahenkei polygonmix
人形 ningjou puppet, dollleda1
長方形 čouhoukei rectangle, oblongmath
長方形の čouhoukeino rectangularadj, math
印形 ingjou seal, signetmix
固形 kokei solid (body)mix
正方形 seihoukei squareleda1, math
変形 henkei transformation, variation, metamorphosis, modification, deformation, variety, deformity, monstersuru
三角形 sankakkei trianglemath
三角形の sankakkeino triangularadj, math
蝋人形 rouningjou waxwork, wax modelmix
山形県 jamagataken Yamagata prefecture (Touhoku area)namae
形容詞には2種類ある。 keijouši ni ha 2šurui aru. Přídavných jmen jsou 2 druhy.mix
正方形の全ての角度は直角である。 seihoukei no subete no kakudo ha čokkaku dearu. All angles in a square are 90 degrees.math
三角形の内角のはπである。 sankakukei no naikaku noha π dearu. The sum of inner angles of a triangle is π.math