
Date and time of registration: 2011-03-20 17:24:28
Number of learnt characters: 417
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Kanji test: kanji test | meaning test | Results
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning

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Strokes: 8

wish, sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, attention
Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: ネン
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
he, that, the
Main radical: 彳 (60) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: ヒ, かれ, かの, か.の, その
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
deliver, reach, arrive, report, notify, forward
Main radical: 尸 (44) Radicals: Jouyou: 6
Readings: カイ, とど.ける, -とど.け, とど.く
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
method, law, rule, principle, model, system
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: ホウ, ハッ, ホッ, フラン, のり, ほ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
flavor, taste
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: ミ, あじ, あじ.わう
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
fate, command, decree, destiny, life, appoint
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: メイ, ミョウ, いのち
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
bright, light
Main radical: 日 (72) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: メイ, ミョウ, ミン, あ.かり, あか.るい, あか.るむ, あか.らむ, あき.らか, あ.ける, -あ.け, あ.く, あ.くる, あ.かす, あきら, あけ, あす, きら, け, さや, さやか, とし, はる, み, め
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
gate, counter for cannons
Main radical: 門 (169) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: モン, かど, と, じょう, も
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Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals:
Readings: フツ, ハイ, ヒ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
grove, forest
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals: Jouyou: 1
Readings: リン, はやし, し
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: ワ, オ, カ, やわ.らぐ, やわ.らげる, なご.む, なご.やか, あい, いず, かず, かつ, かつり, かづ, たけ, ち, とも, な, にぎ, まさ, やす, よし, より, わだこ, わっ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)

Strokes: 9

spot, point, mark, speck, decimal point
Main radical: 火 (86) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: テン, つ.ける, つ.く, た.てる, さ.す, とぼ.す, とも.す, ぼち
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Main radical: 十 (24) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: ナン, ナ, みなみ, なみ, は, みな, みまみ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
escape, flee, shirk, evade, set free
Main radical: 辵 (162) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: トウ, に.げる, に.がす, のが.す, のが.れる
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
angry, be offended
Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: ド, ヌ, いか.る, おこ.る
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Main radical: 艸 (140) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: チャ, サ, ちや
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
sparkling water
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals: Jouyou: 9
Readings: コウ, ひろ, ひろし, たけし, ひかり
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stature, height, back, behind, disobey, defy, go back on, rebel
Main radical: 肉 (130) Radicals: Jouyou: 6
Readings: ハイ, せ, せい, そむ.く, そむ.ける
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
beauty, beautiful
Main radical: 羊 (123) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: ビ, ミ, うつく.しい, はる, よし, よしみ, り
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
goods, refinement, dignity, article, counter for meal courses
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: ヒン, ホン, しな
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
wind, air, style, manner
Main radical: 風 (182) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: フウ, フ, かぜ, かざ-, -かぜ, い, え
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
dark, foolish
Main radical: 日 (72) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: マイ, バイ, くら.い, むさぼ.る
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
mask, face, features, surface
Main radical: 面 (176) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: メン, ベン, おも, おもて, つら, お, ずら, ほおつき, も
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
ocean, western style
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: ヨウ, なだ, ひろ, ひろし, よ, よし
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
grass, weeds, herbs, pasture, write, draft
Main radical: 艸 (140) Radicals: Jouyou: 1
Readings: ソウ, くさ, くさ-, -ぐさ, そ, や
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
inter-, mutual, together, each other, minister of state, councillor, aspect, phase, physiognomy
Main radical: 目 (109) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: ソウ, ショウ, あい-, あ, い, おう, さ, さが, すけ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
torture, beat
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: ゴウ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
crimson, deep red
Main radical: 糸 (120) Radicals: Jouyou: 6
Readings: コウ, ク, べに, くれない, あか.い, くれ, もみ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
behind, back, later
Main radical: 彳 (60) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: ゴ, コウ, のち, うし.ろ, うしろ, あと, おく.れる, こし, し, しい, しり
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
plot, plan, scheme, measure
Main radical: 言 (149) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: ケイ, はか.る, はか.らう, え, かず, け
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
lively, resuscitation, being helped, living
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: カツ, い.きる, い.かす, い.ける
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Main radical: 田 (102) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: カイ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
sea, ocean
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: カイ, うみ, あ, あま, うな, うん, え, か, た, ひろ, ひろし, ぶ, まち, まま, み, め, わたる
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
sound, noise
Main radical: 音 (180) Radicals: Jouyou: 1
Readings: オン, イン, -ノン, おと, ね, お, と
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: シ, おも.う, おもえら.く, おぼ.す
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
neck, counter for songs and poems
Main radical: 首 (185) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: シュ, くび, おびと, こべ, す
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
Main radical: 禾 (115) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: シュウ, あき, とき, あい
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
in front, before
Main radical: 刀 (18) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: ゼン, まえ, -まえ, さき, さと, まい
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
spring, fountain
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals: Jouyou: 6
Readings: セン, いずみ, いず, ずい, ずみ, ぜい, ぜん, の
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
star, spot, dot, mark
Main radical: 日 (72) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: セイ, ショウ, ほし, -ぼし
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
gods, mind, soul
Main radical: 示 (113) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: シン, ジン, かみ, かん-, こう-, か, かぐ, かな, かも, くま, こ, こは, だま, み
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
faith, truth, fidelity, trust
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: シン, し, しが, しな, しの, しぶ, とき, のび, のぶ, まこと
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
eat, food
Main radical: 食 (184) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: ショク, ジキ, く.う, く.らう, た.べる, は.む, ぐい
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
springtime, spring (season)
Main radical: 日 (72) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: シュン, はる, あずま, かす, すの, ひ, わら
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
heavy, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold
Main radical: 里 (166) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: ジュウ, チョウ, え, おも.い, おも.り, おも.なう, かさ.ねる, かさ.なる, おも, さね, しげ, しげる
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
reflect, reflection, projection
Main radical: 日 (72) Radicals: Jouyou: 6
Readings: エイ, うつ.る, うつ.す, は.える, -ば.え, あきら, え, てる
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)

Strokes: 10

house, home
Main radical: 宀 (40) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: カ, ケ, いえ, や, うち, あり, え, く, つか, べ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
Main radical: 夊 (35) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: カ, ガ, ゲ, なつ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
grace, kindness, goodness, favor, mercy, blessing, benefit
Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals: Jouyou: 5
Readings: オン, めぐみ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
I, myself
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: エン, おれ, われ
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