Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
あだ名 adana nicknamesuru
水切り mizukiri (1)drainer, strainer, colander, (2)cutwater, forefoot, flashing, throating, (3)(playing) ducks and drakes, stone skipping, skipping rocks, (4)snipping the stem of a cut flower without raising it o suru
口語 kougo (1)spoken language, (2)literary style based on (modern) spoken language bunpou
言語 gengo languagebunpou, leda1
一日中、ゲームをしていた。 ichinichijuu,ge-mu wo shiteita. I was playing games the whole day.mix
建つ tatsu to be erected, to be builtgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
安定 antei stability, equilibriumsuru
同時に doujini coincident with, while, simultaneouslyjlpt3
語源学 gogengaku etymologymix
詰める tsumeru (1)to stuff into, to jam, to cram, to pack, to fill, to plug, to stop up, (v1,vt,vi) (2)to shorten, to move closer together, (v1,vt) (3)to reduce (spending), to conserve, (v1,vt,vi) (4)to focus in ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
世世 yoyo for generations, hereditary, generation after generationmix
betsu differentjlpt3, jlpt4
大黒天 daikokuten Daikokuten, god of wealth (harvest, kitchen)kami
sato (1)village/hamlet/ (2)countryside/country/ (3)home (of one's parents, etc.)/hometown/ (4)one's origins/one's upbringing/one's past leda1
月明かり tsukuakari měsíční svitleda1