Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
有界 yuukai boundedmath
shio tideshizen
眺める nagameru to view, to gaze atichidan, verb, vtrans
苛める ijimeru (uk) to tease, to torment, to persecute, to chastiseichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
状況 joukyou state of affairs (around you), situation, circumstancesmix
一兆 icchou 1,000,000,000,000, one trillion, one billion (obs. British)mix
大きい ookii big, large, greatadj, jlpt5
火口 higuchi hořákleda1
計測 keisoku measurement, measure, instrumentationsuru
太もも futomomo thighhito