Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

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番する bansuru hlídat, mít hlídkuleda1
正に masani přesně, právěleda1
正面 šoumen průčelíleda1
シャボン玉 šabondama mýdlová bublinaleda1
全く mattaku úplně, zcelajlpt3, leda1
歩む ajumu jít, chodit, šlapatgodan, leda1, verb, vintrans
歩道 hodou chodníkleda1
~歩 ho numerativ pro krokycounter, leda1
レンタル料 rentaru rjou nájemné, poplatek za výpůjčkujlpt3
道草 mičikusa tráva u cestyleda1
無理な murina přehnaný, nerozumnýjlpt3
道路 douro silnicejlpt3, leda1, ryokou
茶道 sadou čajový obřadleda1
当たる ataru narazit, vrazitjlpt3, leda1
当てる ateru narazit (něčím)ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
た形 takei přípona "-ta"mix
bai dřevěný roubíkmix
席次 sekidži zasedací pořádekmix
お願い onegai (1)(hon) request, wish, (int) (2)(abbr) please suru
jaku (1)approximately/about/(n) (2)promise/ (3)shortening/reduction/simplification/ (4)(ling) contraction (in phonetics)/(P) mix
横断 oudan (1)crossing, (adj-f) (2)transverse suru
登場 toudžou (1)entry (on stage)/appearance (on screen)/ (2)entrance/introduction (into a market)/(P) suru
形式 keišiki (1)form (as opposed to substance), formality, (2)method, system, style, (3)format, mode, appearance, form (something takes), (4)math expression math
道しるべ mičiširube (1)guidepost, signpost, guide, (2)(col) tiger beetle (esp. the Japanese tiger beetle, Cicindela japonica) mix
横に jokoni (1)horizontally, flat, (2)across, crossways, crosswise, sideways, abreast mix
案内 annai (1)information/guidance/leading/(vs) (2)to guide/to show (around)/to conduct/(P) leda1
uči (1)inside/within/ (2)while/ (3)among/amongst/between/(pn,adj-no) (4)we (referring to one's in-group, i.e. company, etc.)/our/ (5)my spouse/(n) (6)(arch) imperial palace grounds/ (7)(arch) emperor/( adj, jlpt4, leda1
šu (1)kind, variety, (2)(biological) species, (3)(abbr) (logical) species mix
koku (1)measure of volume (approx. 180.39 liters, 6.37 cub. ft.)/ (2)measure of a Japanese-style boat's loading capacity (approx. 278.26 liters)/(P) leda1
次期 džiki (1)next term/next period/ (2)next version/next release/(P) adj, leda1
cugi (1)next/following/subsequent/ (2)stage/station/(P) adj, jlpt5, leda1
ban (1)number (in a series), (2)(one's) turn, (3)watch, guard, lookout, (4)bout, match (sumo) jlpt3
gou (1)number/edition/make/model/issue/part of that group/ (2)sobriquet/pen-name/(P) leda1, math
向こう mukou (1)opposite side/other side/opposite direction/ (2)over there/that way/far away/beyond/ (3)the other party/the other person/ (4)future (starting now)/(P) jlpt3, leda1
kumi (1)set (of items)/ (2)group (of people)/class (of students)/company (esp. construction)/family (i.e. mafia)/team/ (3)typesetting/composition/(P) leda1
満つ micu (1)to be full, (2)to wax (e.g. moon), (3)to rise (e.g. tide), (4)to mature, to expire godan, verb, vintrans
満ちる mičiru (1)to be full, (2)to wax (e.g. moon), (3)to rise (e.g. tide), (4)to mature, to expire ichidan, verb, vintrans
組む kumu (1)to cross (legs or arms)/to link (arms)/ (2)to put together/to construct/to assemble/to produce (e.g. TV program)/ (3)to braid/to plait/ (4)to grapple/to wrestle/ (5)to unite/to link up/to form an godan, leda1, verb
願う negau (1)to desire, to wish, to hope, (2)to beg, to request, to implore, to pray, (aux-v) (3)to have something done for oneself godan, verb, vtrans
向く muku (1)to face/ (2)to turn toward/ (3)to be suited to/to be fit for/(P) godan, jlpt3, leda1, verb
飛ばす tobasu (1)to fly, to fire, to hurl, to launch, (2)to skip over, to omit, to drop (e.g. stitch), (3)to run or drive fast, to gallop, (4)to spread a rumour (rumor), to tell a story, (5)to remove, to get r godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
整える totonoeru (1)to put in order, to arrange, to adjust, (2)to get ready, to prepare, (3)to raise money ichidan, verb, vtrans
断る kotowaru (1)to refuse, to reject, to dismiss, to turn down, to decline, (2)to inform, to give notice, to tell in advance, (3)to ask leave, to excuse oneself (from) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
返る kaeru (1)to return, to come back, to go back, (2)to turn over, (suf,v5r) (3)(after the -masu stem of a verb) (to become) extremely, (to become) completely godan, verb, vintrans
満たす mitasu (1)to satisfy, to fulfill, to appease, (2)to fill (e.g. a cup), to pack, (3)to reach (a certain number) godan, verb, vtrans
種類 šurui (1)variety, kind, type, category, (ctr) (2)counter for different sorts of things jlpt3, mix
歩み ajumi (1)walking, (2)progress, advance mix
存じる zondžiru (hum) to think, feel, consider, know, etc.ichidan, verb
tagui (1)kind, sort, type, (2)equal, match, peer; kind, sort, class, family, genus mix
満面 manmen (the) whole facemix
この様に konojouni (uk) in this manner, in this way, like thismix
認める mitomeru (1)to recognize, to recognise, to appreciate, (2)to observe, to notice, (3)to admit, to approve ichidan, verb, vtrans
正確な seikaku na accurate, punctual, exact, authentic, veraciousjlpt3
確認 kakunin affirmation, confirmation, validationjlpt3, suru
お酒 osake alcohol, rice winejlpt5, ryouri
酒類 šurui alcoholic drinks, liquorall, baka
tama ballleda1
無くなる nakunaru be lostgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
美しい ucukušii beautifuladj, jlpt4
美しさ ucukušisa beautymix
当番 touban being on duty/(P)adj, leda1
joko beside, sidejlpt3, jlpt5
紅茶 kouča black tearyouri
či bloodhito, jlpt4, leda1
血糖 kettou blood sugarbyouki
haši bridgejlpt5
島育ち šimasodači brought up on an islandleda1
バス停 basutei bus stopmix
kuruma car, vehicle, wheeljlpt5, leda1, ryokou
カレル橋 karerubaši Charles Bridge (Prague)namae
キリスト教 kirisutokjou Christianitykami
かんきつ類 kankicurui citrusshokubutsu
料理 rjouri cooking cuisinejlpt5, ryouri
コピー機 kopi-ki copier, copy machinedenki
~個 ~ko counter for small objects, piece(s), item(s)counter, jlpt5
~冊 ~sacu counter for volumes, copiescounter, jlpt5
確かな tašika na definitejlpt3
確か tašika definitejlpt3, jlpt4
sara dish, plateleda1, ryouri
点線 tensen dotted line/perforated lineleda1
正式 seišiki due form, official, formalitymix
教育 kjouiku educationjlpt4
絵馬 ema ema, wooden plate for wishkami
緑玉石 rjokugjokuseki emeraldkagaku
予期 joki expectation/assume will happen/forecast/(P)leda1, suru
向かい mukai facing/opposite/across the street/other side/(P)jlpt3
katači form, shapejlpt4, math
無料 murjou free, no chargemix
満席 manseki full house, all seats occupied, fully occupiedmix
車庫 šako garage, car shed, carportmix
要点 jouten gist/main point/(P)leda1
神様 kamisama God/(P)kami, leda1
kusa grassjlpt4, leda1, shokubutsu
midori greeniro, jlpt4
グリーン車 guri-nša green car (1st class)ryokou
kjaku  guestjlpt4
お客さん okjakusan guest, visitor, customershigoto
美酒 bišu high-grade sakeleda1
uma horsedoubutsu, leda1
馬車 baša horse carriageleda1, ryokou
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