Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
向かい むかい facing/opposite/across the street/other side/(P)jlpt3
整える ととのえる (1)to put in order, to arrange, to adjust, (2)to get ready, to prepare, (3)to raise money ichidan, verb, vtrans
料理する りょうりする to cookryouri, suru, verb
お願い おねがい (1)(hon) request, wish, (int) (2)(abbr) please suru
側面 そくめん side, flank, sidelight, lateralmix
せん linejlpt4, ryokou
しゅ (1)kind, variety, (2)(biological) species, (3)(abbr) (logical) species mix
しま islandjlpt4, leda1, shizen
続く つづく to continue (to be the case), to keep upgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
鼻血 はなぢ nosebleed/(P)leda1
速やか すみやか speedy, prompt, smoothmix
数える かぞえる to count, to enumerateichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
保存 ほぞん preservation, conservation, storage, saving (e.g. to disk), maintenancejlpt3, suru
願う ねがう (1)to desire, to wish, to hope, (2)to beg, to request, to implore, to pray, (aux-v) (3)to have something done for oneself godan, verb, vtrans
役場 やくば town hallmix
うま horsedoubutsu, leda1
酒類 しゅるい alcoholic drinks, liquorall, baka
ばい dřevěný roubíkmix
鼻づら はなづら muzzledoubutsu
車内 しゃない inside a carriagemix
湯のみ ゆのみ teacupjlpt3, ryouri
断る ことわる (1)to refuse, to reject, to dismiss, to turn down, to decline, (2)to inform, to give notice, to tell in advance, (3)to ask leave, to excuse oneself (from) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
路線 ろせん route, line, alignmentryokou
確認 かくにん affirmation, confirmation, validationjlpt3, suru
みち road, way, methodjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
美しい うつくしい beautifuladj, jlpt4
向く むく (1)to face/ (2)to turn toward/ (3)to be suited to/to be fit for/(P) godan, jlpt3, leda1, verb
歩く あるく to walkgodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
こく (1)measure of volume (approx. 180.39 liters, 6.37 cub. ft.)/ (2)measure of a Japanese-style boat's loading capacity (approx. 278.26 liters)/(P) leda1