Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
炊く たく to cook (esp. grain, pulses, etc., such as rice or beans), to boilgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
竹やぶ たけやぶ bamboo grovemix
格変化 かくへんか (ling) declension, change of casebunpou, suru
ほか other (esp. places and things)/the restadj, leda1
恥ずかしがっている はずかしがっている abashedadj, emo
書簡 しょかん letter, note, epistle, correspondencemix
Srovnal jsem čas na hodinkách podle televize.mix
寿司屋 すしや sushi shop, sushi restaurantmise
広まる ひろまる šířit se, rozšířit segodan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
The sum of inner angles of a triangle is π.math
未来形 みらいけい (ling) future tensebunpou
山羊 やぎ (uk) goatdoubutsu
Delikventi ho sejmuli pěstí a ukradli peněženku.mix
真夏 まなつ vrchol létaleda1
駅前 えきまえ in front of station/(P)leda1
発電所 はつでんしょ power plant, power stationmix
こおり (1)district, county, (2)district (of 2-20 50-home neighbourhoods or townships, in the ritsuryo period); (3)district (of 2-20 50-home neighbourhoods or townships, in the ritsuryo period) mix
運転免許 うんてんめんきょ driver's license, driver's licencemix
歯並み はなみ row of teeth, set of teeth, dentitionmix
算える かぞえる to count, to enumerateichidan, verb, vtrans
反面 はんめん on the other hand/(P)leda1
零れる こぼれる be spilled, shed tearsichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
布団 ふとん futonjlpt4, uchi
休符 きゅうふ rest (in music)ongaku
関係演算子 かんけいえんざんし (comp) relational operatormath
吸う すう to smoke, to breathe in, to suckgodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
逆説 ぎゃくせつ paradoxmix
絹積雲 けんせきうん cirrocumulustenki
押し出す おしだす (1)to crowd out, to push out, to squeeze out, (2)to start together, to set out en masse, (3)to highlight, to draw attention to godan, verb, vtrans