Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
上達 džoutacu (1)improvement, advance, progress, (2)communication of opinions of the general populace to those of high rank suru
重箱 džuubako multi-tiered food box, stacked boxesmix
都内 tonai metropolitan area/(P)leda1
場外 džougai vně, mimo (dané místo)leda1
調子 čouši (1)tune, tone, key, pitch, time, rhythm, (2)vein, mood, way, manner, style, knack, (3)condition, state of health, (4)impetus, spur of the moment, strain, (5)trend jlpt3
国際法 kokusaihou international lawsmix
同時に doudžini coincident with, while, simultaneouslyjlpt3
買う kau to buygodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
明日 asu zítraleda1, toki
脳卒中 nousoččuu stroke, cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhagebyouki
得意気 tokuige proudemo
婚礼 konrei marriage ceremony, weddingmix
飛行場 hikoudžou airfield, airportjlpt4, ryokou
道が分かれる。 miči ga wakareru. Cesta se rozděluje.mix
最新 saišin latest, newest, late-breaking (news)mix
国内 kokunai domestic, internalmix
sacu (1)token, label, (2)ticket, card, (3)charm, talisman mix
赤飯 sekihan sekihan (vařená rýže s červenými fazolemi)leda1
地価 čika the price of landmix
両手 rjoute (1)(with) both hands, (2)approvingly mix
届く todoku (1)to reach, to arrive, to get through, to get at, (2)to be attentive, to pay attention, (3)to be delivered, to carry (e.g. sound) godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
新田 nitta Nittaleda1, namae
恋人 koibito beloved personai
役に立てる jakunitateru být užitečnýichidan, jlpt3, verb
大和時代 jamatodžidai Yamato period (300-550 CE)mix
soto other place, the restjlpt5, leda1
以下 ika ~ or less than,not more thanjlpt4, leda1
まだ起きていません。 mada okiteimasen. Ještě jsem nevstal.mix
五つ icucu fivejlpt5
送別会 soubecukai farewell partymix