Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
得意気 とくいげ proudemo
付き合う つきあう (1)to associate with, to keep company with, to go out with, to go steady with, to get on with, (2)to go along with, to follow someone's lead, to accompany someone, to compromise godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
有り得る ありえる possible/likely/probable; possible/likely/probablemix
必要な ひつよう な necessaryjlpt3
Objednané zboří dorazilo.mix
手弁当 てべんとう bringing one's own lunch, without paymix
近付く ちかずく; ちかづく (1)to approach, to draw near, to get close, (2)to get acquainted with, to get closer to, to get to know; (3)to approach, to draw near, to get close, (4)to get acquainted with, to get clos godan, verb, vintrans
不安な ふあん な worrisome, uneasyjlpt3
Happy New Yearkaiwa
一昨日 おととい the day before yesterdayjlpt5, toki