Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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朝食 choushoku breakfastleda1, ryouri
気息 kisoku breathing, breathmix
そよ風 soyokaze breezeleda1, tenki
hashi bridgejlpt5
橋台 kyoudai bridge abutmentmix
橋渡し hashiwatashi bridge building, mediation, go-between, intermediary, (through the) good offices (of someone)suru
明るい akarui brightadj, leda1
明い akarui bright, light, cheerful, sunnyadj, emo, jlpt5
英国人 eikokujin Briton, Englishman, (the) Englishmix
放送 housou broadcastingjlpt4
放送局 housoukyoku broadcasting officemix
小川 ogawa brookleda1, shizen
兄弟姉妹 kyoudaishimai brothers and sisters, siblingsmix
島育ち shimasodachi brought up on an islandleda1
花祭り hanamatsuri Buddha's birthday festival (April 8th)namae, toki
水牛 suigyuu buffalodoubutsu
建物 tatemono buildingjlpt5, uchi
宅地 takuchi building lot, residential landmix
花束 hanataba bunch of flowers/bouquet/(P)leda1
全焼 zenshou burned down, entirely destroyedsuru
営業日 eigyoubi business dayshigoto
営業時間 eigyoujikan business hoursmise
打ち合わせ uchiawase business meeting, previous arrangement, appointment, preparatory meetingshigoto, suru
商談 shoudan business negotiationsshigoto
不景気 fukeiki business recession, hard times, depression, gloom, sullenness, cheerlessnessmix
you business, errandjlpt4
営業 eigyou business, trade, sales, operationsshigoto
使用中 shiyouchuu busy, in the middle (of)mix
忙しい isogashii busy, irritatedadj, jlpt5
肉屋 nikuya butcher/(P)leda1, mise
流行語 ryuukougo buzzword, vogue word, popular phrase, word (phrase) in fashion or on everybody's lipsmix
甘味所 kanmidokoro cafe featuring Japanese-style sweets; cafe featuring Japanese-style sweetsryouri
食堂 shokudou cafeteria, dining roomjlpt5, mise, uchi
子牛 koushi calfdoubutsu
訪問 houmon call/visitleda1, suru
招集 shoushuu calling or convening (a meeting, assembly, congress)suru
冷静 reisei calmadj, mix
取り消し torikeshi cancellation, withdrawal, abolition, revocation, cancel, CANmix
miyako capital citymix
首都 shuto capital city/metropolis/(P)adj, leda1
資本主義 shihonshugi capitalismmix
kuruma car, vehicle, wheeljlpt5, leda1, ryokou
カーボン紙 ka-bonshi carbon paper; carbon papermix
注意深い chuuibukai carefuladj
入念 nyuunen careful, elaborate, scrupulousmix
不注意 fuchuui carelessness, inattention, thoughtlessnessjlpt3
食肉動物 shokunikudoubutsu carnivoredoubutsu
大工 daiku carpenterleda1, shigoto
場合 baai case, occasionjlpt4
タメ語 tamego casual languagebunpou
側聞 sokubun casually hearing, hearing casuallysuru
死者 shisha casualty/deceased/(P)leda1
中心 chuushin center, corejlpt3, leda1
遠心力 enshinryoku centrifugal forcemix
卒中 socchuu cerebral stroke, apoplexymix
礼服 reifuku ceremonial dressall, kami
変説 hensetsu change of opinionsuru
転校 tenkou change schoolssuru
ji characterjlpt4, leda1
性格 seikaku character, personality, disposition, naturejlpt3
人物 jinbutsu character/personality/person/man/personage/talented man/(P)mix
~代 ~dai charge, feejlpt4
カレル橋 karerubashi Charles Bridge (Prague)namae
お守り omamori charmkami
安っぽい yasuppoi cheap (quality)adj
安い yasui cheap, peaceful, quiet, thoughtlessadj, jlpt5, leda1
化学 kagaku chemistrygakkou, kagaku, leda1
花見 hanami cherry blossom viewingjlpt4
千葉県 chibaken Chiba prefecture (Kantou area)namae
とり肉 toriniku chicken meatjlpt5, ryouri
主な omona chief, main, principal, importantmix
ko childhito, jlpt4
お子さん okosan child (polite)jlpt4
子供 kodomo child, childrenhito, jlpt5, kazoku, leda1
子供の日 kodomonohi Children's Day (national holiday; May 5th)namae, toki
寒気 samuke chillbyouki
中国 chuugoku chinanamae
漢字 kanji Chinese charactersbunpou, jlpt5, leda1
中国人 chuugokujin chinese personmix
音読み on'yomi chinese reading of the characterleda1
キリスト教 kirisutokyou Christianitykami
キリスト教徒 kirisutokyouto Christiansmix
教会 kyoukai churchjlpt4, kami
教会堂 kyoukaidou church, chapelsuru
en circlemath
maru circlemix
事情 jijou circumstances, consideration, conditions, situation, reasonsmix
市町村 shichouson cities, towns and villages, municipalitiesmix
市民 shimin citizenjlpt4, leda1
住民 juumin citizens/inhabitants/residents/population/(P)leda1
かんきつ類 kankitsurui citrusshokubutsu
shi cityjlpt4
都会 tokai city/(P)adj, leda1
私服 shifuku civilian clothes, plain clothesfuku
体術 taijutsu classical form of martial artmix
クラシック音楽 kurashikkuongaku classical musicongaku
分類 bunrui classification, categorization, sortingsuru
教室 kyoushitsu classroomgakkou, jlpt5
きれい好きな kireizukina clean (person)adj
クリーニング屋 kuri-ningu ya cleaning shopmise
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